
Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round (Steam) Arcade Christie and Rachel 

Джокер Майерс
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28 сен 2024




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@CrimsonJak92 3 месяца назад
"0:00" Так что это будет команда с этими двумя красавицами из серий DOA и NG. Тем не менее, я уверен, что вы знаете, за кем я выберу больше всего, да. 😺 "0:12" Вы получили очень хороший результат для Касуми и Момидзи вместе на уровне сложности чемпиона. Хм, я видел его раньше, или вы использовали его для тренировок? "0:20" Это один из ее лучших нарядов. Я так влюблен в нее. 😻♥♥♥ "0:27" А, я вижу, какую из них вы выберете для Кристи, ее маскировку в концовке DOA4. Впрочем, я не лгу, этот костюм действительно заставляет мое сердце биться за нее еще больше, начиная с той финальной сцены... 🙀💋♥♥♥ (тем не менее, я все еще пытаюсь сделать его чистым, хотя... 😹 ) "0:35" Итак, команда красивых женщин в черном купальнике, да? (или боди для легкого) Что ж, удачи на всякий случай! 😺🖤🖤🖤 «0:44» Пустынный бандит Леон и Пай Чан. «0:45» Как в буквальном смысле «бизнес для вашего удовольствия», как вы упомянули, Кристи... 🖤🖤🖤 "2:02" О нет, Кристи сняли... 🙀 "2:20" Уууу И тем не менее, это был только первый матч, и Пай чуть не надрал тебе задницу... 🙀 «2:35» Красно-белая команда, с Санта Акирой и квотербеком Бассом. 😺 "2:55" Отлично, ты быстро обыграл его, не получив ни одного удара. 👏 "3:48" Раскрашенный пиджак Эйна и Драки Брайанта. 😺 "5:03" Хороший подключенный удар там, теперь вперед к добивающему удару! 🐱 «5:23» Малыш Икар Хаятэ и Чёрный Кролик Май. "6:20" Шиш, Хаятэ действительно такая боль иногда... Он тебя там устроил... "6:46" Frankenstein Bayman и спортивная одежда Kokoro. «7:57» О, это было тогда? Я думал, что будет 7 или 8 раундов, но я забыл, что это был командный матч, а не одиночный. Ну что ж, отличная работа по приобретению новых костюмов для Christie. 👏 "8:14" О, теперь ты попробуешь посложнее... Ну, вы все равно это получили! 😺 «8:27» Ницца смотрит на Кристи. 😺 «8:34» Рэйчел получила там огромную куртку. Тем не менее, у обоих были выставлены бюстгальтеры, так что я догадался, что команда открытых сундуков?? 😹 "8:43" Нётенгу в маске и скелет Зак. Я по-прежнему предпочитаю ее наряд без маски. 🖤 "9:40" Оооо "10:12" Ооо "10:24" Хм, Хонока и бикини с американским флагом Тина... Здесь нечего сказать о странной внешности Тины... 😏 "10:50" Отличная работа с этими комбо! Так держать! 👏 «11:16» Вот почему я не люблю Тину... "11:41" Хорошее парирование на ней! "12:01" Что, черт возьми, случилось?? Неужели он просто повторяет короткую секунду того же самого вступления?? 😹 "12:04" Тренировка Милы и клоуна Хитоми. "13:36" Красиво сделано! "13:48" Хм, Лиза в желтом купальнике и костюме для тхэквондо Риг. "15:08" О нет, это и Момидзи, и Кокоро... Два последних соперника... Я очень не хочу, чтобы они пострадали, но что мы должны были как-то сделать... "17:12" Отлично! «17:21» По крайней мере, у вас есть еще один для Кристи. "17:32" Ницца, 2 место! Отличная работа! "0:00" So it'll be an tag team with these two beauties of both DOA & NG series. Yet, I'm sure you know who I'll be going for the most, yea. 😺 "0:12" You've gotten quite a really good score for both Kasumi and Momiji together on champ difficulty. Hmm, did I seen that one before, or did you used it for practices? "0:20" This one is ones of her best outfit ever. I'm so in love with her like this. 😻♥♥♥ "0:27" Ah, I see which one you picks for Christie, her disguise in her DOA4 ending. I ain't lying though, this costume really makes my heart jumps for her more now since that ending scene... 🙀💋♥♥♥ (yet, I'm still trying it to makes it clean though... 😹) "0:35" So an tag team of an beautiful women in an black leotard, huh? (or bodysuit for easy) Well, best of lucks in case! 😺🖤🖤🖤 "0:44" Desert Bandit Leon & Pai Chan. "0:45" As in literally "business for your pleasure" as you mentioned, Christie... 🖤🖤🖤 "2:02" Oh no, Christie got taken down... 🙀 "2:20" Wew, at least you've made it through... And yet, that was just the first match too and Pai been nearly kicking your butt there... 🙀 "2:35" The red and white team, with Santa Akira and Quarterback Bass. 😺 "2:55" Nice, you beat him fast without taking a single hit there. 👏 "3:48" Painted jacket Ein and Dracky Bryant. 😺 "5:03" Nice connected hit there, now go for the finishing blow! 🐱 "5:23" Kid Icarus Hayate and Black Bunny Mai. "6:20" Sheesh, Hayate really such a pain sometimes... He got ya good there... "6:46" Frankenstein Bayman and Sportswear Kokoro. "7:57" Oh, that was it then? I was thinking there's like 7 or 8 rounds, yet Ido forget it was an tag team match than an solo one. Oh well, great job for getting new costumes for Christie. 👏 "8:14" Ooh, now you're going to try out the harder one now... Welp, you got this anyway! 😺 "8:27" Nice looks for Christie. 😺 "8:34" Rachel got an huge jacket there. Yet both having their bras shown, so I guessed the opened chests team?? 😹 "8:43" Masked Nyotengu and Skeleton Zack. I still prefers her outfit without the mask mostly. 🖤 "9:40" Ooh, could had got it right there, but yet she's mid-air so won't works... "10:12" Ooh, close call win there. "10:24" Hmm, Honoka and American flag bikini Tina... Nothing much to say here for Tina's oddly appearances... 😏 "10:50" Great job with those combos there! Keep it up! 👏 "11:16" This is why I don't likes Tina... "11:41" Nice parry on her! "12:01" What the heck happened?? Did it just repeats an quick second of that same intro?? 😹 "12:04" Training Mila and Clown Hitomi. "13:36" Nicely done there! "13:48" Hmm, Lisa in an yellow swimsuit and Taekwando outfit Rig. "15:08" Oh no, its both Momiji and Kokoro... Your last two opponents... I really don't wants them to get hurts, but what do we had to do somehow... "17:12" Nice! "17:21" At least you got another one for Christie too. "17:32" Nice, 2nd place! Great job!
@ДжокерМайерс 3 месяца назад
0:00 There was a time when a character who in DOA 4 was seen in a cutscene resembled Rachel, decided to give her as a partner, it would be the same red dress, if only, then it would even be like straight from there. Well, it seems that the black leather outfit on both of them also looks good. Well, yes, it won’t be that hard to guess😊 0:12 Yes, I was trying to hone my skill there, you could say that we will have to make an alliance between Kasumi and Momiji, we will just have to think about what skins to give them💙❤ 0:20 She even wore the same outfit in the final story when Kasumi went to save her brother😌 0:27 In DOA 4 you showed them well in survival mode, you even managed to get the same record as Kasumi👍 0:35 Today these two ladies will punish someone severely😁😇 0:44 Well, let's see how they hold up. 0:45 You're damn right😊 2:02 I tried to do everything in my power.. Sometimes opponents never give a blow or escape😔 2:20 Yes, Pai knows how to cause problems as an opponent here, it’s good that Rachel managed to win. 2:35 Their alliance red and white picked up the random quite well😌 2:55 Thank you😊, I decided to try to punish and not give the enemy a chance, so that it would not be so difficult to deal with one opponent. 3:48 It’s like they decided to practice on sexy mommies😁 5:03 I didn’t think that he would fall for my planned blow like that🙂 5:23 Mixed decided to throw two ninjas with the floor. 6:20 He’s also quite unpleasant as an opponent, but I hope that Christie will give him a good beating. 6:46 It’s like Bayman Frankenstein was hunting for Kokoro and ended up in a circus that was not yet ready for performance. 7:57 I even sometimes forget that if I participate in a total of 5 fights with a partner, and if I participate alone then 8 “sometimes I even forget that myself” Thank you, and if I’m not mistaken, she only has two types of rabbit left, the ones that even her sister has😌 8:14 I decided to try once on the Hard difficulty level, it worked, I decided to take a risk 😇 8:27 Sometimes she looks like she’s looking right into your soul “sometimes it seems so to me”😮 8:34 You just read my mind😁👍 8:43 It’s like she put a spell on Zach and they came to the roof as if they decided to celebrate Halloween🤭 And about the mask, I agree, otherwise for some reason Pinnochio immediately comes to mind with the long nose. 9:40 I decided to try to repeat a similar incident as it happened earlier for Rachel and managed to catch Ein. 10:12 How good it was to squeeze and catch him like that🙂 10:24 It’s like Tina decided to show Honoka a couple of techniques so that she could learn how to do it too =В 10:50 I didn’t even think that this would work, since I clicked on change character, usually they appeared without a hit in my case. Probably pure coincidence🤷‍♂ 11:16 Yes, I understand you perfectly, the same story with her, Naotora as an opponent, Hitomi, Brad Wong, and, it seems, Lisa. Sometimes I have problems with them, especially in Survival mode🙆‍♂ 11:41 Sometimes I try to catch, but I’m extremely bad at it, but I liked how Christie’s counterattack looked😌 12:01 No, I was just defeated there three times, and I didn’t know how much memory it took up on the local disk, and I was hesitant to cut it out, and had to make a separate recording so that it would fit into the video itself. "I didn't notice this fragment well in the editing program" 12:04 Here it looks like I’ll have to try hard to survive, my opponents aren’t weak either👀 13:36 It’s as if she’s showing it like this: “come on, do you want more?”😁 13:48 Looks like they look very seriously trained😳 15:08 How sorry I will be for Momiji 😢, by the way, I lost twice here too, and I had to sweat a lot, Kokoro was not weak, somehow she caught me with all the attacks, and I couldn’t do anything☹ 17:12 It was of course very hard to survive against them, phew, I thought that again they would be able to defeat just like Mila and Hitomi where they also had a hard time... 17:21 Looks like Christie managed to open the skins “it’s a pity that there’s no DLC for her skins, there are some very attractive outfits she’s wearing there” 17:32 To be honest, I didn’t think that I would rise so high for them, I suspected that it would be somewhere in the 6th place, considering that I suffered fire about 5 times. Thank you very much😊
@CrimsonJak92 3 месяца назад
Хм, я заметил, что вы решили сыграть Кристи здесь, вероятно, после того, как я только что сделал ее для DOA4 несколько дней назад. Аккуратно, с нетерпением жду его прямо сейчас. Это были жаркие выходные, поэтому в последнее время я не смог посмотреть ни одного из ваших недавних видео, поэтому я постараюсь время от времени наверстать упущенное в вашем игровом процессе NGS2 и NG3, даже в DOA5. Кроме того, примерно на этой неделе я получу новый контроллер для PS4, так что, надеюсь, он появится раньше. В любом случае, я постараюсь посмотреть как можно больше, иначе мне придется посмотреть его позже, так как мне нужно что-то сделать на утро... Hmm, I've noticed you decided to do Christie here, probably after I just did her for DOA4 few days ago. Neat, looking forward for it right now. It was a hot weekends so I couldn't get to watch any of your recent videos lately, so I'll tries to catch up on your NGS2 & NG3 gameplay once in a while, even also your DOA5 too. Also, I'm getting an new PS4 controller around this week, so hopefully it'll comes sooner. Anyway, I'll try to watch much as I can here as possible, otherwise, I'll might had to watch it later, since I do have to do something for the morning though...
@ДжокерМайерс 3 месяца назад
You're right😊, I decided to try to play as her with this skin that was in her ending. Everything is fine, I can understand your situation, I hope that this heat will not be so hot and you will feel better. So you can be congratulated on getting a new controller, my congratulations to you friend 🙂👏, you correctly decided to take a spare one, I also decided to take a spare controller for my PS 3 a long time ago. Yes, you can watch the video whenever it is convenient for you, everything is fine👍
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