
Dealing With Our Post Partum Depression 

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#FULOVE #馬來西亞 #生活 #夫妻
歡迎來到我們的 VLOG! 我們最喜歡到處旅行尋找美食,尤其是在馬來西亞和台灣。我們的頻道可以看到情侶生活的方式和挑戰。從陌生人,到遠距離情侶,到同居的愛情故事。我是傅冠傑,她是Jmie。
RU-vid英文頻道: / @curtisjmie
IG: @thecurtisfu , @jmiewong , @fulovebycurtisfu
Curtis傅冠傑Facebook: / thecurtisfu
J-mie: / piggyblog
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8 сен 2024




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@wonghuichuing Год назад
@tankae92 Год назад
@carmentai7562 Год назад
@FuLove Год назад
@tankae92 Год назад
@@FuLove 一起加油💪💪💪
@CP17CPST Год назад
辛苦你们了!从新手妈妈的角度来看,感觉J-Mie会很庆幸遇到uncle Curtis是愿意和她一起面对和克服产后抑郁的人,而不是逃避问题的丈夫。这样的男生真的很难遇到的呢!你们要加油啊!
@jenjen9408 Год назад
Jamie is so lucky to have Curtis's support in her difficult time. Continue to have open communication and it will strengthen your relationship more. It's not easy being a new parent so by having alone time is actually a good recharged time. Good support from your love ones is needed but be reminded it should goes two ways. Curtis need the support too. Thanks for sharing this.
@FuLove Год назад
Agreed, both partners need to recharge ❤
@user-hr4mv8vj4f Год назад
JーMie 幸虧你有一個好先生,能夠理解你,這是每個新媽媽都要歷經的過程,我也經歷過,甚至那個時候還想把兒子從樓上丟下去… 還好沒有!😂我嫁到國外,什麼都一個人,先生也幫不了,小孩睡了,要做家事,小孩醒來要一直抱,-放就哭,沒有人幫我,真的經神上,肉體上無比通苦,這段期間 12:01 熬過,等小孩大一點,你就會比較好了,這時回想,辛苦都忘了,不知道自己是怎麼熬過來,加油你可以的,周邊有那麼愛你的人們,你會挺過去的!不要想太多,日子一天天的過去,這樣會對自己比較好過,累了就請先生,父母幫,休息一下下!
@sylviatan8431 Год назад
你好棒!jmie很幸运遇到你这样包容,体谅,有担当的丈夫,祝福你们未来一切顺遂。 你们的故事,让我想起了某人,妻子刚刚生产后,希望得到丈夫更多陪伴与照顾,但是丈夫却说不要以为妳生孩子有什么了不起的,很多女人都是这样结婚生子的,这是很平常的事而已😢。。。 很高兴看到你那么体谅jmie的心情与感受。果然,好男人都是别人的丈夫啊😂 相信爱能克服一切困难,好好珍惜彼此哦
@piehunang3459 Год назад
庆幸的是J-Mie 找到自己放松的方法 也庆幸的是身边有个懂你体谅你的人 加油💪两位一定可以一起共度这些艰难的时刻☺️
@ruiruidaily Год назад
@zoeyzoey8150 Год назад
很庆幸 很羡慕jmie 有你这样的老公 真的不是每个男人都会陪老婆经历这段 真的真的非常辛苦 而且不由自主 自己会哭 希望jmie做一个快乐的妈妈 为母则强!坚持下去 妈妈快乐 孩子才会快乐 加油💪
@tangnie1653 Год назад
@1123Celine Год назад
非常能感同深受,我生第一胎時也是嚴重產後憂鬱。 我的公婆當初信誓旦旦說他們很會煮月子餐,所以我在家坐月子,沒去月中也沒訂月餐,誰知後來30天每天早餐一顆白饅頭、中餐一晚黃湯麵、晚餐便當,吃完還得馬上被催促去擠奶,奶量不足還被酸、現在想起都是噩夢… 老公的陪伴與支持真的很重要,祝福你們希望一切都好,加油。
@szuanlin843 Год назад
我也是個媽媽~說真的如果孩子不在預期內懷到~因為未知與恐懼以及突然沒有自己的時間~確實會有憂鬱症~縱使我們真的非常愛孩子也一樣 我第一胎和Jamie類似~我可能更嚴重~當孩子哭不停~甚至想丟掉小孩~ 第二胎就是在規畫內~完全沒問題~孩子如何哭都影響不到我的心情 Jamie加油~這段時間隨著孩子一天天長大~會過去的 如果可以~讓媽媽跟閨蜜去喝喝咖啡~甚至兩天一夜的度假~ 把奶都準備好~爸爸就辛苦一點 Jamie也要相信孩子會被照顧得很好~不要孩子的事都認為自己需要一肩扛起~ 你很幸福~比起單親媽媽~我們是有幫手的~而且這個幫手絕對全心全意照顧寶貝孩子 加油喔~
@omggjesus4423 Год назад
加油! 我也是今年孩子才出生 我也经历了短暂的 产后忧郁😢 和家人说的时候他们不解 和他们说当我有有独处的时间 例如 洗澡我会洗特别久 或者吃饭 我会吃特别久 因为这样我就不用面对宝宝 宝宝哭的时候我会很烦躁 每一天都觉得很生气 是真的控制不住的生气 家人都不理解 唯有老公 老公这时候会很耐心的陪我 一整个坐月都在家里陪着我 当你有一个理解你的人陪着你的一起度过 是真的很快会好起来的 加油J-Mie! ❤❤❤
@splee3569 Год назад
加油 jamie 💪💪 我觉得你很勇敢了, 生产,covid , denggue 等等的突发事情 , 你都可以走过来, 换成是我都不行了 。 多找时间来独自一人享受, 私人空间,会不一样的。 我相信你可以克服的, 加油哦 。。 太喜欢你们的video了 , 蛮有爱的, 笑容很好, 很温馨 。。祝福你们和家人,健康平安 , 最后 冬至快乐
@Fiendtype Год назад
I had severe depression and anxiety before. It took me to a psychologist & physiatrist. The way you guys did was correct. This is one of the ways to cure. Now I have come back better and stronger. I hope you guys too.
@oioi1018 Год назад
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 很高兴你们愿意一起克服这些种种困难~太开心了🎉 Jmie你很幸福,当妈妈真的很不容易~你值得被这样的疼爱❤❤ Curtis你也是很棒!新手爸爸同样不容易,因为也要照顾到妻子的情绪。很多男生不会注意到这样的细节,感谢神帮助你们克服了这些困境~🎉
@htsoh Год назад
恭喜你们成功跨过成为新手爸妈的第一道关卡!互相包容两人的身心灵的变化、良好的沟通、还有即时觉察和调整自己的状态,你们真的太棒了! 加油加油加油哦!你们一定会越来越好的! 如果有需要也可以寻求专业的辅导员或者上辅导课程。相信这些都会对你们有很大的帮助
@juncho2476 Год назад
It's great to hear that both of you have found a way to get things right and to get happy again while facing all the stressors and challenges. Just want to add something, postmortem depression doesn't only happen on first-hand mummies. But, the risks of having postmortem depression are even higher for mummies who give birth to their second child as they would need to take care of their first child at the same time. So do not overlook the mental health of all mummies by assuming they would have able to handle everything by themselves as they already have experience giving birth and taking care of their child.
@kinlingmah5819 Год назад
Should be postpartum, postmortem is scary
@ChilliCrabsSg Год назад
Hi Curtis and J-Mie, congrats on being the wonderful parents to CJ… it’s a blessing for 3 of you. Thank you for your courage to share so others may learn the strategies you used. Continue to Love each other and be together. One United Heart and Mind will help you through the tough times. May you be blessed always.
@Jennychew88 Год назад
@user-sv6px1rk3q Год назад
辛苦了你們,新手爸媽真的需要時間來適應身份的轉變,適當的請親友或是保姆幫忙帶小孩,讓你們有自己自由的時間,這點非常重要👍🏻 尤其是新生兒6個月內還無法睡過夜,爸媽身心都會很疲憊😢 也不用太強求一定要餵母奶,只要寶寶喝飽,其實嬰兒奶粉就夠了!現在的奶粉營養成份都很夠! 這樣可以讓媽媽壓力不會這麼大! 時常關懷媽媽有沒有什麼需求,會讓她心情愉悅,覺得她有被關心了,而不是只注重在寶寶身上❤
@neoyeepoh Год назад
@kwanggeokquek8250 Год назад
这是初为人父母必须也都会经历发过程,我是过来人,我现在已是为人奶奶,我只想要说jimmy 尽量要放松自己,你很lucky有一个这么棒这么理解你的老公,现在网络这么发达,可以找一些这方面的质料开解自己,我的年代没有网络,经济条件也无法负担心理医生,我的年代也没有所謂的心理医生,老公也不会体贴,家婆是更老一代的妇女,我一个人黙黙承受这一切压力,但我最终挺了过来,因为母爱的天性和动力,现在我儿子都比你们大了,所以要加油,日子会越来越顺畅,孩子一天天大,越来越可爱,祝福你们幸福加油💪
@liliwonglingpo5847 Год назад
@xianmunlau3177 Год назад
Jamie, you did a good job coping with everything you faced for the past few months. It must be hard for you to have to deal with all these, feeling demotivated and not loved. As what I conclude from this video, I believe that Curtis will always love you like how he used to, regardless the changes on your appearance/ mood swings. You both did a great job dealing with such a hard situation. it's never going to be easy to have a child, let alone a newborn baby. All the best to the both of you, and I hope you guys find joy in everything especially during bad times.
@amyno155 Год назад
Very common issue as new mom I also suffered from it. Thank you for talking about post-partum depression. Life is full of surprise good and bad but the overcome is always positive. Women are wonderful and we are super mom in our way don’t put pressure on ourself.
@JoeL-ld6qw Год назад
Jia you Jmie and Curtis! I am also having a newborn of 3mth old and can relate to the emotion Jmie is feeling. Thanks for opening up and spreading the awareness of post partum depression. We shall have faith that things are just getting better!
@CoupleJ Год назад
加油,J-mie and Curtis! Hope both of you be stronger and everything will be go smooth as what you wish. Cheers
@tehhueyhui5125 Год назад
辛苦的过程🥺❤️最近也因为认识到有抑郁症的朋友才开始吸收更多的抑郁知识。所以买了一本书,有写到一个同样有产后抑郁症故事(真人真事)🥺,很心疼不过从中得到的知识是,可以让自己做一些自己喜欢的事情,或者是能让自己感觉到轻松的事,转移自己的注意力❤️ 先生的关心和支持也很重要,加油🌼给个抱抱❤️
@venessa0307 Год назад
@Mrtingll Год назад
加油,加油。 我太太当初也是有这些忧虑。 我就尽力分担我能做的。 让她有自己的时间空间和解压。 GOD bless you and family 💕
@lihyangtang3439 Год назад
@eunice6454 Год назад
Curtis好貼心,會站在Jamie角度感受, 好sweet的couple ❤️
@user-nu1hk9bl9e Год назад
Curtis, actually a good husband, cherishes and loves each other, seeks more fun, goes to church is a good direction, prays more, and seeks God's grace, mercy and help. Bless you all, as the baby grows up, everything will get better, and I will pray for you.❤❤🙏
@kellylee4 Год назад
I had this as well, even till my baby is 7mo and I keep complaining to my husband on why the babysitter do this or do that. I wanted everything to go MY WAY. But then I came to this phrase saying “child is not ours, we are just the one who brings them to the world”. I start to put down a lot of these “SOP” or “principles” and feel more relax. And ya, mummy still need own me time. Being a mum doesn’t mean we have to put all our time to our children. It might make things worse like mummy lost her own self, and start to put lots of expectation on children. When the child doesn’t meet up to our expectations, we start to put more stress on them and ourselves too. And both of you are lucky that you can communicate well. That’s really the key to all the problems. And it brings the family together and stronger. Love you guys and enjoy your parenthood. It will be fun if you know the right way. 😁
@user-ul5ug8mg6f Год назад
你們很棒!所有人都是在寶寶出生後才開始學習如何做好父母的工作! 放鬆心情,好好照顧自己和家人,你們將會發現,隨著孩子成長,你們也彷彿又重新回到自己的童年回憶裡喔! 盡情享受這段家人親密相處時光❤
@johnmaster1171 Год назад
@bontakuboom5961 Год назад
It is great that you guys found the way to overcome together. Jamie, you are a gorgeous woman always! Be proud with yourself and be the wonderful you! ❤
@amychin328 Год назад
没事 过后就好了 给自己两年的时间 这都是过渡期。加油,最重要爸爸陪着 爸爸帮忙。爸爸是扮演着最重要的角色。我也是因为有很爱我很爱我的先生陪我度过这一切。现在孩子4岁了。我很感恩,我老公很棒。
@lavareblue Год назад
當媽媽兩年多了,,的確現在回想起剛剛開始的時候著真的好累好慘!!如果能自己踏出來休息一下,從媽媽這個身份偶爾請假一下。如果母乳太辛苦也休息一下,我當時混合著。。。。happy mommy,happy baby!!媽媽這個角色好難啊!不過也很幸福!!第一次當爸爸媽媽我們好好適應,也要好好照顧自己!!一起努力!
@LumpyLoveElla Год назад
Me time for mummies is very important. I really appreciate that my hubby for stepping up and doing all the feeding and taking care while I get my me time! 加油!
@moonyan285 Год назад
Curtis n Jmie. You guys are doing the best you can for your family. Thanks for sharing your latest status and feeling. 辛苦了。
@mayboloh5295 Год назад
It's kinda common to have post partum depression due to the drastic dropped of hormone which was super high during pregnancy. However, alot more external factors could worsen the condition. So it is normal. Dont be worry coz Curtis is a wonderful and supportive husband
@fayengoh9019 Год назад
I’m not a mom but was diagnosed with minor depression few years before. It will come back once a year before then slowly get better. What doctor said is healthy lifestyle-exercise do help a lot to get away from depression. Workout have been my routine. So do consider it, everyone need exercise for good health inside out.
@user-xy3hj9ii1b Год назад
@alisonchang1558 Год назад
My favourite couple! ❤ thank you for being such an inspiration always. @Jmie, sooo glad you’re doing well again 🫶🏼✨
@charlenetcy Год назад
Take it easy. Stay strong J-mie and try to enjoy every moment ~ It will only get better and easier :)
@ttc4968 Год назад
@Fcg1119 Год назад
@yeah038 Год назад
偉大的媽媽🥹之前的情緒過去了,沒事了,會越來越好的❤ 應該不是團隊,是家人吧😂😄
@Torny_Lister Год назад
@hannaliu2635 Год назад
Come on Jamie! You are so pretty, you have nice skin and a beautiful smile. Merry Christmas and hope you feel better soon! 🤗 hug~
@levinau57 Год назад
加油!Love the way you guys see these and communicate , plan and resolve
@Gladish Год назад
@FuLove Год назад
You too ❤️
@selenachaw1725 Год назад
Take it easy and dun stress , everything will be fine , friends and family support is very helpful,try to relax urself mrs fu ,💪 add oil
@FuLove Год назад
Yes, thank you
@ashleymak82 Год назад
thank you for sharing. Yes spending 'me' time is very important. Be encouraged and jia you!! Praying for u guys
@moltenvanilla5935 Год назад
Keeping u and Jamie in my prayers. May God give you the peace that guards your hearts and surpasses all understanding :)
@AnnoyingApple86 Год назад
大家都说jmie会很庆幸有这样体贴的老公。但我想说的是,我倒觉得,是因为Jmie发掘出来的。 所以,jmie,不要小看自己的能力。因为有你,才会有这样的体贴的老公。也因有他,才会有了解这世间的美好的机会。 大家都是互相扶持,一关过一关的。人生,就是这样。如果累了,就喝杯咖啡。当然,如果老公也想有me time,大家也是可以互相配合啦。 辛苦了两位爸爸妈妈。加油。 **我孩子可是从鬼门关爬回来的小孩。所以,你们已经很好了😝
@Grace-jb7js Год назад
@coolmsh83 Год назад
@liliwonglingpo5847 Год назад
保护好自己,在脆弱的时候,最痛的是在乎的人的“攻击”, 我那时也是,还没爬起来,另一波又来,只能等之后稳了,休息好了,还你一个能笑的老婆。她也是超级努力着了。
@casie8621 Год назад
I guess hearing from your story Jamie indeed isn't emotional ready for the baby but she has to now because that what's parents do. Having two helpers and a great husband around but still depress... imagine our parents time when they had no maid + husband busy working till late night and have no time for depression. Time has changed. Hope both of you will get better over time and the baby will bring smile in Jamie rather than tears
@clairlo7363 Год назад
J-Mie, stay strong 💪🏻 my dear❤️ Definitely women need times to recover after birth and the total change of being a new mom is not easy. I have gone through the depression after giving birth too, you are indeed very lucky to have very supportive hubby and your family members. Most importantly your are healthy and your family are healthy. Slowly but surely you will be very expert in handling all the new normal in your life. Love you J-Mie ❤
@cfreeman3730 Год назад
Look after each other. Everything will be fine. Cheers. ❤️
@user-vp5ub1br7u Год назад
I'm not a fan of yours,but every now and then I watch your videos, I hope you and your wife can get back on track soon and feel better. Send warming hugs and good thoughts to you.🙏🧡🙏🧡God blass.
@yuzhen6058 Год назад
加油哦 ⛽️!! 永远支持你们!😊😊
@annannlampard225 Год назад
It’s never easy to face life changing events, especially when everything happens at the same time 🙏🏻 Take care
@chandaphne884 Год назад
It is good that this thought/feeling is expressed through a husband. Because most men do not understand, not to mention to empathise, then get intolerable with wives' behavioural change. The understanding (not just mere love) is important. Understand the reason of the change and is able to empathise. Hormone change effect is no joke. Yes, both baby and mommy (wife) need the love/care/关怀。 不要把重心都驻在小孩上,而忽略了妈妈。 没有妈妈,何来小孩? But mommies, do not ignore daddies' postpartum depression too. We are a team. Up or down, we go tru together - powerful comfort.
@lynnooi9184 Год назад
Keep it up. Make our life full of happiness and trust.You are great.
@0515Tiao Год назад
@chuzinwithluna Год назад
辛苦了,可以嘗試medical medium安東尼書裡的建議,幾百萬人從spirit of compassion 的資訊好起來,產後憂鬱或是各種身體慢性症狀,希望對你們有幫助😊
@chenjena4493 Год назад
宝宝的前三个月就是很容易让妈妈崩溃 后面会越来越好的!加油!
@karlinglau6042 Год назад
I am considered lucky, I have overcome the postpartum depression within 2 months, I know I am depressed, I know my hb my family is care about me, I just try to recover be positive be active, I start to work after 2 months I delivered, I start to find something to do like going out of house, having a walk, eat something I have craving since pregnant, all this help
@MsPiggycat Год назад
Everyone need time off or day off, especially new couples, n arrange a good bonding time individual and more personal time to evaluate your health , your mindset .
@easybusy4643 Год назад
@aileen20875 Год назад
加油 媽媽真的辛苦也真的很棒❤
@carmenloo8612 Год назад
@justinlee4642 Год назад
@krisztinafoo27 Год назад
Thanks for sharing your situation. I wonder if part of it is the side effects of covid. ... Do live in the moment. Think and worry BUT dont over think and over worry. I find taking 5 mins. To say thanks super helpful. 💖💖
@98kittychew Год назад
加油 Curtis and Jmie❤
@imhgybfg8503 Год назад
@peterpeter7175 Год назад
Positive mind, jiayou Jamie 💪💪💪
@ccmiow35 Год назад
祝福你们 会一直支持 不管好的坏的 谢谢你们愿意分享 并真心祝福 2023更幸福
@waychinpoh2288 Год назад
Hallo totally understand what happening there. I been through the same situation twice. Love, accompany and support is very important for her now. If thing doesn't turn better, get some advice from doctor. Me n my wife go through these after getting advice from doctor and took some mediation. The medicine is mainly to stabilise the hormon and let her be able to rest better and really help alot. Cos doctor said the hormon already take control of her... So is not that she doesn't wanna sleep, is not that she doesn't wanna eat and cheer up... Is the hormon that make her like that. So I strongly advice if thing doesn't get better soon, just speak to doctor and I'm sure that help alot. Life after getting baby will definitely diff. That's what I told others life after marry is just normal, ntg much change until u get a baby. That's the true challenges for a couple. But don't worry I'm sure u will get through all this. Just be patient cos definitely need times to adjust and adapt. Just need more, love, communication and some sacrifice. Like I use to go mountain biking more often before the baby n now only max twice per week. We use to go cinema, go for a coffee time anytime we want. Go holiday, having our sweet time only us. After baby all this have to be adjusted. Once u adapted to it, u will never get bc to the old time again. That's what happen to me. Now like if u want me to go holiday without my kids, I will miss them so much. So used to see them around although my son gv me lots of problems😂 but is just weird,u feel strange without them hanging around u. So just be more patient, more communication, some sacrifice and lots n lots of love. I'm sure u so sweet couple will go through this for sure😁 Accept, Adapt and Change😁
@SherKhoo Год назад
Actually if you compare her for the past months and after birth ..she look great ..guess she is healing ...
@beyondby-m Год назад
@sohying2394 Год назад
如果不是看到这个视频,平时偶尔看Jmie和Curtis的Story真的不知道Jmie 正经历产后抑郁,还经历了蚊症,内心真的好强大才能度过这段时间吧,幸运的是两人还可以一起去解决和理解对方,共同努力。谢谢你们的分享,也蛮喜欢听Curtis用英语说的,正好可以学学英文。影片里提到当孩子出世时,大家都忽略了妈妈,只关注孩子,这是真的,之前读心理学,老师也说大家应该多给与妈妈一些关爱,其实除了妈妈和孩子,给与孩子爸爸关爱也是很重要的,因为爸爸也是一样有着照顾孩子和妈妈的压力,但很多人都会忽视,希望你们也都好好的,先把自己照顾好,才能照顾好别人。加油!
@FuLove Год назад
@sohying2394 Год назад
​@@FuLove 嘻嘻!再来一句,有个心理学家说,当我们生活中看不到光彩时不是因为生命中不会有光彩了,而是我们病了,需要去解铃,被聆听,被关爱,好好充电休息,当铃解了,你会看到生命中很多很多很美好的事。每个人一身中都会有大大小小的困难,不管我们觉得好的不好的,经历过后,它都会给我们带来一些收获,在未来它也会是我们一段小小的人生经历。回头一望,其实当时候很困难的事,已经不这么困难了。Fu love Family 会为你们加油的!
@limangelkiller8755 Год назад
@yiisungking5690 Год назад
Thank you Curtis for your sharing
@evonneoyw Год назад
Jamie, you are the "BEST" and you are still gorgeous :*
@jiaweilim2542 Год назад
@guanshirley1993 Год назад
It hurts me to see Jamie so sad. She used to be so happy and cheerful and always laughing. Now she’s like a different person 😢 Hope she gets well soon!
@emilyliang7012 Год назад
很多產後憂鬱的媽媽是必需獨自吞掉這種負面情緒的,不是所有的人都能理解妳,包括另一半。 真的是苦撐過來
@yikkyleong6005 Год назад
@ItsMeR_oxx Год назад
Now the place i staying also mouldy & kitchen with some rooms is almost all the time is in dark, don't have sunlight!!!! Felt so bad because can't move away again, force to stuck in this place till old.
@karenyap8586 Год назад
辛苦你们了 加油哦 :)
@MsPiggycat Год назад
Body stress, medical treatment also lead to many side effects n recovery problems. Yes, is the ‘Blue” will takes 2yrs to recover….生孩子就是大工程。 男人,你要忍哦。 arrange daily schedule, 妈妈需要attend class , set right expectations everyday….有做到最基本的就可以了。
@suansuan3377 Год назад
@tankeekeat7274 Год назад
@krisztinafoo27 Год назад
Omg really the power of cafe time ☕🍰🎂🥤
@KokoKoko-hu6xb Год назад
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