
Defining Deconstruction 

Dr. Jordan B Cooper
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This video is a discussion of the idea of deconstruction as this term has gotten quite popular among evangelicals and exvangelicals. I give a history of the movement in the thought of Jacques Derrida in response to the now common use of the phrase.



8 сен 2024




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@secundemscripturas992 2 года назад
The true deconstruction is having to deconstruct the endless layers of materialism, reductionism, and nominalism that were shoved down my throat for 12 years of primary school.
@newreformationapologetics4953 2 года назад
Same here. I was stuffed with many post-modern naturalistic ideologies. Liberal education is just meant to put a young mind into a mental and spiritual tailspin.
@czarquetzal8344 9 месяцев назад
The only way you can legitimately deconstruct any philosophical systems is to know them very well by being expert in terms of explaining their nuances and undertones. Did you really understand those beliefs fully well to the extent that you know them at the back of your hand? If not, then you don't have the right to claim that you can do that.
@voyager7 4 месяца назад
@@czarquetzal8344 Not so. If a system is internally inconsistent or the sum-total is logically self-invalidating, it can be jettisoned without exploring every aspect of its claims.
@czarquetzal8344 4 месяца назад
@@voyager7 Sometimes what you consider as inconsistency might not be inconsistency at all. It means that before you evaluate it as such, know all the details. Derrida called that initial requirement " doubling commentary", a concept he discussed in " Of Grammatology". You don't the right to claim that what you're attacking is wrong if you don't give it careful scrutiny.
@czarquetzal8344 4 месяца назад
Even Derrida himself failed to comply with that initial precondition for Deconstruction. Derrida was influenced by Kant whose philosophy is far deeper and profound to that of the French thinker. Kant's conclusion in the Critique of Pure Reason is simple and commonsensical: ' There are claims and beliefs that you can never know to the fullest extent.' Hence, it's better to shut up. If that case.
@gavinthompson1133 2 года назад
Literature grad here. I really appreciate how the pastor tackled all these issues and in so little time. It's a very solid presentation. It's ironic that Derrida says words make reality and therefore there is no reality, but Genesis says God used words to make reality.
@timothy6115 2 года назад
I deconstructed from bad charismatic theology and now I'm in a Lutheran seminary, and now through Lutheran doctrine I feel more whole. Instead of accepting all different types of theology dressed under the banner of "spirit." I can now see Christ more clear.
@Mygoalwogel 2 года назад
Welcome to the family.
@vojislavbelic896 2 года назад
What do you think of Craig Keener and his books on miracles?
@JW_______ 2 года назад
Deconstruct the deconstructionists. (Seriously though, their problem is that they don't go far enough and fail to doubt their own materialist, hyper-rationalist, logical positivist presuppositions)
@maxonmendel5757 2 года назад
im at a half hour in. at my girlfriends church on Sunday which is very charismatic, the preacher spoke on the word "teleos" in Eph 4, Where apostles and prophets are given to the church so that we might become perfect. by that we mean, we might completely fulfill our God given purpose. I take issue with the charismatic view of God given purpose because I dont believe everyone is designed to fulfill some grand narrative. I reject any pressure to be part of the "next great awakening" or "changing this entire city". those visions are visions created by a church leadership for the purpose of growing a church and for the purpose of making lots of money. Mike Winger spoke in his Bethel video from a few years ago about "these movements always being on the cusp, and a year later they're right on the cusp, and 5 years later and ten years later, but nothing changed." he calls it the "dangling carrot metaphor". I would certainly agree with him. and revival doesn't happen by will, but it happens by growing in faith in Christ through prayer, fasting, and study. but that isn't very exciting at all and it doesn't get butts in seats. so looking at what I just hear around 30 minutes in, Jordan, my question is, "is there room at all for a deconstructed Christian faith?" teleologically, am I allowed to sit and grow myself up by means of a liturgical life, and can I dismiss any grand Abrahamic metanarrative that is calling me out into the great unknown? I think we can. I think the work is already finished, by the grace of God. I dont think there is any work left to do. (caveat perhaps being the Great Commission, but that involves bringing others into the same sanctified life I am describing.)
@newreformationapologetics4953 2 года назад
I am thankful God sent me to your channel. Truth Unites talked about similar things about deconstruction. We as Christians are taught to test every idea and judge with righteous judgement after searching our own hearts on the matter. God bless u guys love u all!
@johnwilhelm385 2 года назад
This is such a great discussion. Thank God for Dr. Jordan Cooper!
@jamesmazzocco2112 2 года назад
This is fantastic, Dr. Cooper. You go way beyond the issue of "deconstruction" in contemporary Christianity and really offer one of the most thoughtful and elegant critiques/diagnoses of our current moment I have heard. As a suggestion for a future video, I'd love for you to tackle the divisions and vitriol *within* evangelical/"orthodox" Christianity (thinking of recent flame wars around Davod French, etc.). Thank you.
@arthurodell3281 2 года назад
When you were discussing Krauth’s use of the term traditionalism, it reminded me of the Jaroslav Pelikan quote: “tradition is the living faith of the dead; traditionalism is the dead faith of the living”. This was an excellent summation of important 20th century ideas that are still not as well known as they should be.
@NB-qo4ds 2 года назад
Conservative reformation is also consistent with the doctrine of progressive revelation. Thank you for this video. From a mental health perspective, I needed to hear this.
@FedoraMan316 2 года назад
I think this is good information for this time that we’ve found ourselves in. Thank you, pastor!
@johnwilhelm385 2 года назад
Scratching author intent and focusing entirely on the text is also New Criticism, which is now very old criticism.
@paulblase3955 Год назад
As an engineer, I have to deal with reality. If I say a "stainless-steel, hex-head, 1/4-20 bolt" I mean precisely one thing and one thing only. If I say "red", it ultimately refers to light wavelengths and the reflectivity of materials. The dictionary may define things in terms of other words, but ultimately the words refer to an underlying reality and I need to be sure that you mean the same things that I do for a given word.
@retorikos 2 года назад
Thank you for this! It was really helpful. Greetings from Brazil
@gregory_bloomfield 2 года назад
I would like to hear you speak on the occult. Many who have deconstructed have gone into the occult and witchcraft. Also, when I say occult I mean hidden or ancient secret knowledge.
@DrJordanBCooper 2 года назад
It is something I have thought about delving into more. Unfortunately it is becoming more common.
@gregory_bloomfield 2 года назад
Well…I appreciate any and all help with getting free from it. I was a Christian for over 20 years and because of getting hurt and family sickness I left church and fell away. I, the, found myself moving into atheism. I couldn’t accept that so I became a Gnostic Christian which led me into the occult and Magick.
@gregory_bloomfield 2 года назад
I’ve also being studying Lutheranism. I’ve order several of the books you have mentioned.
@johnwilhelm385 2 года назад
"Conservative Reformation!" T.S. Elliot had something like this in mind in " Tradition and the Individual Talent.". The serious poet he said needs to immerse himself in the classic poets of the past and make that interconnected herritage a part of himself in order to compete with it to create something new and authentic that nevertheless remains rooted in the tradition. I've always thought this is the right approach to culture.
@not_foster7025 2 года назад
The postmodernists havent gotten rid of metaphysics though. Deleuze's Difference and Repition is a postmodern treatise on metaphysics.
@workingclassapologetics8835 2 года назад
Great episode. Piecing together all the thorny threads of Post-Modernism is tough, almost as if those behind it want it that way. I really appreciate your overview and insights!
@ContemplativeSoul 2 года назад
Just seeing the name Derrida gives me a headache- but I'll listen anyway
@maxonmendel5757 2 года назад
left charismaticism behind 3 or 4 years ago after reading about deconstruction from Søren Kierkegaard. found Orthodoxy. found Lutheranism via this channel. still not committing to anything but I hope this video is enlightening.
@truthisbeautiful7492 2 года назад
Recommend you get the book of Concord and A Reformed Catholic by William Perkins for Reformed view.
@prayunceasingly2029 2 года назад
I have been interested in the orthodox and Lutheran church as well
@johnwilhelm385 2 года назад
No expert on Post Modernism here, but it seems like the initial French theorists were just engaging in intellectual speculation for its own sake and not necessarily advocating for specific social change. It might also be safe to say that the vast majority of the general public, and even many academics, are now simply engaging in post-modern cliches without having immersed themselves in the actual post-modern texts very deeply. There might be value in studying these theories just as a form intellectual gymnastics. On a daily basis I live as a pragmatist. I say the sky is blue and that has worked for countless generations and it works for me.
@maxonmendel5757 2 года назад
this video had so much potential to be an unbiased critique of the deconstruction movement and the emergent church movement that brought on the deconstruction movement. but somehow it devolved into a video about gender theory. Lets spend 20 or 30 minutes talking critically about why people are leaving the church? what philosophical or theological grounds do they have to do so? are those grounds valid? how can the church do better? this video isn't helping
@czarquetzal8344 9 месяцев назад
Deconstruction should be rigorous. Sadly, most people misunderstood Deconstruction to the extent that even some scholars misappropriate Deconstruction.
@Craig419 2 года назад
Two recommendations: The Fall of Interpretation by James K.A. Smith, & chapter 4 of Deep Comedy by Peter Leithart. You know, in your spare time :)
@calvinsaxon5822 2 года назад
Take as given that deconstruction is a concept whose traits are sufficiently recognizable as the set of those traits that allow an instance of deconstruction to be recognized as deconstruction (just as one could recognize an instance of a table as a table or a zebra as a zebra). For there to be anything that is in fact deconstruction, this is a necessary precondition. But does deconstruction pass this test of being an actual concept of which there are instances? Whether the answer is "yes" or "no", this is a big problem for deconstruction. If the answer is yes, then deconstruction can't deconstruct because it is itself embedded in phallogocentrism (it persists across a reiterated insistence on its own transcendental essence). If the answer is no, then the only way we could recognize instances of deconstruction as deconstruction would be merely through identification of something with the proper name "deconstruction" by means of deictic reference ("I will use deconstruction in this essay...", "The author of that essay is practicing deconstruction"). Deconstruction thus only "is" if it is "not" (to put this in less mystical terminology, it only succeeds as a practice by being a "fraud", a spurious practice of itself). Likewise, to define it is always to define something else.
@sauerkrautjr 2 года назад
I started thinking of the Reformation as a conservative movement after reading Russell Kirk's "The Conservative Mind"--in spite of Kirk's position that Roman Catholicism is the only truly conservative religion. First, I follow Christ first--not conservatism. Kirk ALSO made the argument that the American Revolution was a conservative revolution against the crown's political innovations. So you can totally say it was a conservative revolution--you'd be in good company. Kirk just couldn't apply that reasoning to the Reformation, as you (and I) have.
@maxonmendel5757 2 года назад
you and Jonathan Pageau need to talk about how this coming reformation within the western church is significant to the church as a whole. and maybe we can fantasize a little about restoring greater ecumenicism so that there is one church again
@DrJordanBCooper 2 года назад
I reached out to Pageau. Didn't get a response.
@maxonmendel5757 2 года назад
@@DrJordanBCooper i hear you. im gonna keep spamming him about it. ive seen that you have in fact had some video videos previously that I didn't know about explaining why you arent RCC or EO. (and even a show with Pints of Aquinas iirc) But, You are also still a medium channel, so there is a minor imbalance there. nothing personal, but pageau has spoken to Robert Barron and Peterson, so he's pretty much the Orthodox youtube heavyweight youre the only Protestant youtuber I know so far that isn't evangelical like Mike Winger and also isn't Calvinist (afaik) like most other Reformed youtubers. I wanna see that video because im seeing the most overlap between Lutheranism and EO than between EO and most other Protestant denominations. love your videos! God bless
@DrJordanBCooper 2 года назад
@@maxonmendel5757 I'm certainly nowhere near the size of Peterson, nor will I ever be. But if the qualification is well-reviewed and oft-cited scholarly works on theosis, I'd fit the bill.
@anorman728 2 года назад
My educational background is math. (I have a Bachelor's in Pure Mathematics and a Master's in Applied Mathematics.) It sounds to me like Derrida didn't understand the underlying philosophy of math, or maybe he took Poincaré's Conventionalism to a strange extreme. (I don't know which of those two came first. For that matter, maybe those two would be two peas in a pod. Poincaré was a strange guy.) If Derrida were consistent with his philosophy, then he would never have trusted any bridge enough to walk on it.
@ThomasMaltuin 2 года назад
In formal logic, a system containing a contradiction is unsatisfiable (clearly). But interestingly (and I mention this because it goes right along with the comments right prior to 31:00) if you have a system which introduces or assumes a contradiction with a derivation, you can derive literally any logical statement you can imagine. So when contradictions are accepted, the result is that everything is true and truth loses its meaning.
@czarquetzal8344 9 месяцев назад
Is your conclusion true if ever that such logical system exists? Hehehe
@ThomasMaltuin 9 месяцев назад
@@czarquetzal8344 mmh, not really. We wouldn't use such a system since we could introduce any statement p, it's negation, as well as p^~p. Nothing would have any meaning. A system containing any contradiction is not "satisfiable" anyway.
@czarquetzal8344 9 месяцев назад
@@ThomasMaltuin see. You still based your reasoning on certain foundation.
@Ogata123 2 года назад
Since becoming Lutheran, i feel like i say the word “balance” more than a Buddhist 😭 im not balanced on my view of philosophy however. I must not philosophize. Philosophy is the mind killer. Philosophy is the little death that brings total reprobation. I will face my intellection. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will repent in faith to see its path. Where the philosophy has gone there will be nothing. Only faith will remain.
@Mygoalwogel 2 года назад
Welcome to the family.
@primitivaroots 7 месяцев назад
Isn't what Derrida says basically an application of the radical scepticism of Hume?
@bartolo498 2 года назад
One core error of the whole structuralist school and their successors is that they try to make do with sign and signified when we need (as known since Plato although the best elaboration might be by the (Platonist) Frege, THREE levels, namely signs/names, meanings (intensions, "Sinn", the logos in the sense of definition for the Ancients) and referents (extensions, "Bedeutung"). One classic Fregean example is "The morning star is the evening star". The names differ obviously in languages, e.g. Hesperus or Abendstern for Evening star. The meanings of the two terms are different, roughly the first/brightest celestial body early in the evening and late in the morning, respectively. But the statement of identity is correct because the referent of both terms is actually the same celestial body, namels the planet Venus.
@St.Morose 2 года назад
This was so far over my head I need a ladder.
@markschmidt5253 2 года назад
One major complaint in this is your (mis)use of the word "metanarrative". The way lyotard uses it is not to mean merely a "grand narrative", but specifically the (anti-christian, humanistic) enlightenment, scientism, and other hyper-rational approaches which claim to eschew narrative (while implicitly relying on narratives and unprovable assumptions). Lyotard is actually critiquing modernism run amok, not narratives per se
@aclark903 2 года назад
Surely there is some middle ground between Derrida & Plato? I would argue both go too far. Take the word #unicorn. Surely we have a sense of what that is from the contexts in which it is used (faery tales mainly, though it does appear in the #KJV eg Job 39:9 "wild ox" in other translations) Platonic idealists would argue for real unicorns, which would be nice, but do we need to go that far? Surely the problem with Derrida is not root & branch but more an overemphasis on subjectivity? 3: Butler to me is the most problematic. But even there, she seems to derive her thought more from Lacan than Derrida per se?
@luftstanza 2 года назад
I think you provided a good distinction between Revolution and Reformation, but I missed how that related to the use of the word “deconstruction”. Do you mean that we shouldn’t use deconstruction when we really mean a conservative reformation? I think using the term deconstruction to describe a subjective, revolutionary approach to one’s faith is honest in the historical postmodern use of the term. As in, if it’s actually what someone is doing, isn’t using that term good?
@newreformationapologetics4953 2 года назад
Can you talk about the philosophy of simulacra and the hegalian impact of our post modern society?
@ThomasAnderson1111 2 года назад
This is a bit off-topic, but since you mentioned Star Wars...what I thought was interesting about The Last Jedi was that it seemed to support the idea of "conservative revolution:" Kylo Ren, the villain, explicitly has the radical "burn it down" mentality, Luke is shown to have been wrong to give up on the ways of the Jedi, and at the end we discover that Rey took the sacred Jedi texts from the sanctuary, giving new meaning to Yoda's "she has everything she needs with her" line. What's always perplexed me is that very few people seem to have understood this. Did the movie just not communicate clearly, or is "conservative revolution" so far removed from the categories modern people think in that few can readily understand it?
@doomerquiet1909 2 года назад
You alwaysdo a great job!
@christalenglish6105 2 года назад
Excellent topic.
@lc-mschristian5717 2 года назад
Thank you.
@nicolaalbury8290 2 года назад
This is one of your most helpful videos!
@scottcarter1689 2 года назад
You are an asset to The Lutheran perspective. There is certainly a risk to this kind of interplay and exposure to the perils of cynicism. Obviously with the subject matter of denominational distinctives (that I would call synoptic), contentions can easily arise out of arrogant ignorance -especially in this day of innovative laity-ruled spirituality. This would be one of the greatest concerns for you as a brother. James White (as an example) is a great guy (this is readily apparent during the eras when he had hair and was close to your age! *_[I'm even 50 years old]_ ), but half-learned clumsily opinionated people over the years have been brutal and deadly in a similar way as getting pecked to death by carnivorous chickens... and everybody wants to take a shot. Leighton's original appeal is starting to show the signs of wear (*which was the one of the disappointing aspects when he came after you on his campaign against election)... But his constituent subscribership has got enough hootin' and hollerin' going on which shows the ultimate collective arrogance of a lack of the fear of God. As a 7-point Reformed Baptist (lol!)... I have some dear Methodist friends-and what is readily apparent about this modern consumeristic Christianity... is that some people need to think they can lose their salvation-indeed- that's a form of eternal security... for it is the dynamic of the P in TULIP. As a Baptist, it's tragic and a bit misleading to underemphasize the value of baptism (as not necessary) because anyone who is yet to be baptized and calls themselves a Christian is in serious peril of the willfully disobedient delusion of reprobation. So All the fussing about baptism could be argued as satanic (how do they like that!?). However, the flamboyant liberals dressed in Halloween costumes in your denomination would be concerning though I must admit... I don't know how one can stomach it and think that it's pleasing to God. As I'm sure we can agree, you're either pleasing God -or you're not... and that's the ultimate binary. God bless & Soli Deo Gloria!
@Mygoalwogel 2 года назад
To reassure you, "the flamboyant liberals dressed in Halloween costumes" are not in Dr. Cooper's denomination. They're in the ELCA. The irreconcilable difference between us is well lampooned here: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-x3HuShaTNoY.html
@czarquetzal8344 9 месяцев назад
Jacques Derrida misread some philosophical systems. You cannot deconstruct something that you don't know its authoritative meaning.
@drsuessre14 2 года назад
Would you consider doing a dialogue video with thenewevangelicals? Or with some other figure in the deconstructing movement?
@DrJordanBCooper 2 года назад
I don't know who the newevangelicals are.
@drsuessre14 2 года назад
@@DrJordanBCooper it's a group, mainly led by one guy, on Instagram. No pressure. Just wondering. Thanks for all you do! I'm greatly benefited by it. 👍
@drsuessre14 2 года назад
@@DrJordanBCooper and just to be clear, I don't disagree with all they say. And with some issues, I'm just undecided. But with some theological issues, like theology of the Bible or the atonement, they say things that are not great, imo.
@czarquetzal8344 9 месяцев назад
Even this lecture is a misreading of Derrida's Deconstruction. Sorry, but it's true.
@mikeytaylor5423 2 года назад
There's already a word for deconstruction. It's called apostasy.
@jamesduncan3673 2 года назад
That was all very interesting. But at a practical level, here on the ground, it was pretty much meaningless. It's all clearly prescriptive, rather than descriptive, and doesn't apply to much of what I'm seeing today. Ultimately all of this comes across as a huge bowl of word salad that's just designed to explain us, and our issues, out of existence, simply on the basis of the historical meaning of the word "deconstruction." Especially when you cast the entire issue in terms of hurt and trauma, and unilaterally assign our motives to anger, bitterness and destruction. Because here's the reality: We all have different issues, and they are often NOT due to the kind of hurt and trauma you so carefully wrapped this up with. My issues, for example, revolve around the historicity and reliability of the Bible itself: How and when it came into existence, cultural contexts within specific historical milieus, genres and how that impacts both historicity and meaning, etc. Standard objections to my issues, such as "y'all just wanna sin," or "y'all were never a true Christian," or your "y'all have just need to get past your hurt," are totally meaningless to me. They literally don't apply to my issues, and are like water off of a duck's back. Yes, for some, deconstruction can lead to a reformation of beliefs. For others it can result in a total rejection of Christianity, leading to Judaism, Buddhism, paganism, or even atheism. That being the case, deconstruction is a perfectly valid word for the process, even given its historical context.
@maxonmendel5757 2 года назад
sadly a lot of evangelical churches don't even preach Jesus or the Bible
@maxonmendel5757 2 года назад
I think the paradox here is that Christianity doesn't require a metanarrative to function. we could have no metanarrative and Jesus would still be God. even the rocks cry out.
@CJFCarlsson 2 года назад
trust a gaylord to set the discussion off the wrong way, a quick flog would have set them straight.
@arthurbrugge2457 2 года назад
All this stuff is both crazy and sad.
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