
DEPRESSION: My Story - ShannaMarieBVLOGS 

ShannaMarieB VLOGS
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Hey Loves!
I felt so led by God to share my personal experience with depression after receiving so many comments, emails and DMs from you all asking for more information and/or sharing with me your own story.
I can relate to so many of you and in this video I share with you what I have struggled with my entire life and my intense experience with dark thoughts, what triggered those thoughts and how I have chosen to overcome!
Depression is a very serious issue that isn't talked about enough. So many are so embarrassed because of judgement, I hate to say it but, especially from other Christians, and it's time to stop caring about others opinions and seek the help we need to overcome depression!
I love you guys!!
Twitter: SMarie27
SnapChat: SMarie1127
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19 сен 2024




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@vdykes8598 7 лет назад
When you were talking about your journey, I saw myself. Like you, I've dealt with depression my entire life, but living in an Southern Baptist, African-American household it's taboo to talk to someone about depression. The response is always pray about it. So I lived my entire childhood into my late twenties with this heavy cloud over my head like you described. Even events that I should've been happy about I couldn't seem to enjoy them. When I finally decided that I was going to seek help, about a year ago now, I talked to my fiance first, and much like the guy you were dating he was completely unsupportive so much so he even joked about it. Needless to say that relationship ended, and although I haven't found an antidepressant that has worked for me (I've tried the one you mentioned)I feel better that I'm being proactive about it and going against the stigma of seeking therapy. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I watch almost all your videos but this one spoke to me because I felt like you were telling my story. God is using you in great ways and it's amazing to watch your journey.
@Yumyumhoneybun 7 лет назад
Veronica Dykes That's the problem with ppl are supposed to pray and seek deliverance cause depression is nothing but a demon.
@vdykes8598 7 лет назад
I agree. Depression is a demon. I did pray and I was led to seek therapy which I believe will be the path to deliver me from it.
@B.Christine_W222 7 лет назад
Veronica Dykes Sis I'm so proud of you!!! Depression is so real. I struggle with it. I have my days but I'm learning what my triggers are and try to be proactive when I recognize what is going on
@vdykes8598 7 лет назад
Thank You! It's great that you are being proactive.
@stephensdepot9672 7 лет назад
This video was made for me! You have no idea the breakthroughsame or lives you saved by sharing your story. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
@chinadoll2107 7 лет назад
Your TEST-I-MONY is exactly why you were meant to live in this life. You are reaching thousands with your journey. Thank you for your candor, honesty, and soul-baring. I am a therapist, but have struggled with functional depression at times. I applaud you using your platform to help others who are in emotional pain. God bless you brave lady.
@LaTonyaHarris 7 лет назад
I appreciate you for making this video. If you ever questioned your purpose, then you should know that you're doing it. We overcome by the blood and the word of our testimony. Thank you for sharing your testimony and thank you for being raw, real and honest. You don't know how many people you just helped and freed with this video. May God forever get the glory out of your life. Abundant blessings!
@Yukia76 7 лет назад
Godsladie Amen
@churchnazi1 7 лет назад
Amen! Amen!!!
@denisecoates4445 7 лет назад
Hi Shanna, I truly believe that it was met for you to deliver this message to so many people that are suffering, you are an angel.
@spielswithsam2735 7 лет назад
Your transparency and authenticity are a gift. Your RU-vid platform will and is inspiring so many people. You truly are a beacon of light💛
@KellieAlston 7 лет назад
Shanna, I am so thankful that you shared your testimony because there are soooo many people in the body of Christ who suffer as a result of twisted theology. This is particularly true in the African American community because we are supposed to be able to handle anything and just take it to the Lord in prayer. My cousin has his PH.D in counseling and one of my closest friends has his master's degree in counseling and they both talk about how black families often go to the altar and do not seek the human resources and medical healing that God has provided. God heals in many ways and it is time that all of us embrace that reality. He can't be boxed in to what we think he should do. So, again, thanks for your courage and Holy Ghost boldness. So many will be blessed. Shalom.
@tories1114 7 лет назад
This has been the most raw and unfiltered vlog ever
@Newtome03041 7 лет назад
anti depressants and going through a self help program... Attacking Anxiety and Depression changed my life . Thanks for sharing your truth.
@AMae016 7 лет назад
Emily Dolberry Thank you so much for posting this. I think many of us are sometimes too literal, in expecting to always hear 'the voice' of God answer our prayers, that we often miss His help. In the same vein of a lifeboat appearing near a drowning man, medical/technological advances are also gifts/tools from God. After generations of having to be stoic/strong it is difficult for us as Black people to acknowledge mental health issues but it takes a lot of strength/courage to admit we can't do it alone and to ask for help.
@maleekalove4499 7 лет назад
Shanna thank you soooooooooo much for sharing this! As a Christian, I agree with you, I wish mental health was dealt with in the Christian community and not judged. You don't even know how God is using you through your videos. This is huge! Very helpful. You are an absolute blessing. Love ya girl!
@susancapo 7 лет назад
Thank you for sharing, you are not alone in this battle, depression is real and medication has helped me, I am a Christian and I feel no shame to share what I go to every day, sometimes people need to know, but I give God the glory because he helps me overcome , my husband is very supportive. I also sing in church and try to be active as much as I can, but there are days I have stay in bed, and that's fine too. That is me and who I am. God bless you Shanna.
@bryvmode 7 лет назад
Wow Shanna. It's great that you were able to open up and talk about this. I pray you continue to heal and get stronger mentally, emotionally. Being in relationship with God will help for certain but it's good also that you understood you needed some additional help and reached out to get the help. Thank you for sharing your story. I've never suffered with depression on this level but I'm sure there are others out there who have/are. I hope this helped them greatly. Praying for you and everyone out there suffering in silence.
@Titus2Chic 7 лет назад
depression is real! thank you for your transparency, i know this video will help many. my heart breaks at the thought of people hurting, being embarrassed by that hurt and yet dealing with well meaning people (or not) who are often dismissive of that hurt. blessings to you, shanna!
@kayf9933 7 лет назад
Shanna, thank you for sharing your story. The Lord is the ultimate healer, however like Paul, I really do believe that each and every one of us has been given "a thorn in our flesh." It is that one thing that we struggle with so deeply that we cannot seem to shake off. One thing I do know is that the Lord uses the very thing we struggle with to propel us into our purpose and to bring glory to His name. Like so many great men and women of God who struggled with depression, I encourage you and everyone to stay the course and continue to press through your circumstance. We are more than conquerors through Christ! God bless you!
@candacewilliams1822 7 лет назад
The Holy Spirit has kept with a theme today. Praise God even in the midst of trouble because our victory is in our praise.I`m so happy you fought so you could help others in the same position. Keeping it real, we all have felt low or depressed at one time or another. No judgement here, your testimony just saved someone your don`t even know..... I`m sure of it. Thanks for allowing God to use you.
@churchnazi1 7 лет назад
you're not alone. My third attempt at trying to commit suicide was because I didn't feel love; twice as a teenager with pills. Jesus said to me at my last attempt "I love you." The devil can never again persuade me otherwise that I am not loved.
@AndreasinGodshands 7 лет назад
churchnazi1 It's amazing how similar our experiences all are....I used to feel so alone in my sadness. I feel empowered to hear how others are overcoming depression. Shanna's story with her reasoning and attempts at suicide are exactly what mine were. I currently have been in counseling for a couple years now and watch out for triggers as another commenter stated. Depression does feel like a cloud, but it leaves me with little to no energy and teary. Thank goodness for my belief in God! He makes me feel loved and valued so I don't have to rely on it from others.
@AndreasinGodshands 7 лет назад
Shanna, I am an emotional person like you. I'm very caring and considerate about others feeling more than even my own. Recently, I discovered Highly sensitive people (HSP) research and it gave me clarity about who I am and why I behave the way I do. Shanna please consider watching RU-vid vlogger Joanna who talks about HSP. Please let me know what you think. May God continue to bless your life with His love and grace!
@churchnazi1 7 лет назад
I've watched a few of the HSP by Joanna. I found if hilarious (you know you laugh hard when it's true). I've noticed that I am doing some of the positive things already. Also HSP make great prayer warriors too.
@AndreasinGodshands 7 лет назад
churchnazi1, they make great prayer warriors?! I didn't know. I definitely don't feel gifted in that area of spiritual gifts, more like spiritual discernment.
@churchnazi1 7 лет назад
Right that discernment makes you sensitive to others. Like for instance you want to cry for no reason (so you think) or you wake up in the middle of the night because "something" is troubling you. That's your call to pray. (Matt. 5 - blessed are they . . .) and when you still feel heavy in your heart pray or you don't know what to pray, pray in tongues (I Cor 14:2). This is what was told to me. (Phil 4:6-7)
@sparkle8609 7 лет назад
Shanna there are no words I can say to Thank you for speaking on the truth about depression.. I will pray for your journey and wanted to Thank God for giving you the strength to speak and share this information on such a public form. Much love for you as I know this was not easy for you but a step forward!
@sharoncurry2610 7 лет назад
Thank you my sister in Christ. I am taking that same med. I had one Christian tell me to stop taking it. Which I did.. I WENT BACK INTO THAT DARK PLACE. I was told that I didn't have faith... that I wasn't really saved!!!!! Fast forward several years I have gotten the help and meds needed for my chemical imbalance. I am no longer ashamed!!!! Thank you for sharing your story❤️ I watch and pray for you always.
@kennethamoore853 7 лет назад
If more Christians would be honest like you, I think it would really bless people. I too shared my battle with depression to the whole church and I was surprised at the people who told me that my testimony helped them see that they were not the only one dealing with depression. The enemy wants us to keep quiet. I took anti- depressant for a season and have been off for years. I was seeking the root cause of my depression and once I did, my life got better. I am challenged to back occasionally but I keep my focus on Gods Word and surround myself with good friends and being a blessing to others. Glad you shared your testimony. Keep being salt and light to the World❤
@swilson5346 7 лет назад
Thanks for being so open and sharing your story...Keep putting God first. My prayers are with you and I love you!😘😘😘😘
@veemarie86 7 лет назад
Thank you for sharing Shanna. I was prescribed an anti-depressant a couple of months ago after being diagnosed with PMDD. I have yet to begin taking the meds because of the "stigma"...but feel as though God continues to drop these video gems in my lap as encouragement and comfort. Thank you for your transparency. Be blessed!
@JSinuYasha 7 лет назад
This spoke to my soul!!! Thank you for sharing!!!
@Emjay89 7 лет назад
I thank you for sharing your story. You sharing this will help sooo many people. I appreciate you for being so real! You are loved ❤
@beljones6659 7 лет назад
Thank you for sharing your story and hopefully it will help others. I also experienced depression throughout my lifetime. I can remember feeling like I didn't belong from childhood and into adulthood. After my brother passed I had to seek help. I found a therapist who was also a christian and gave me the assistance I needed. My doctor put me on Zoloft and that made a great difference in my life. I no loner take medication and I thank God everyday for bringing me through some tough times. There is nothing wrong with seeking outside help, because I truly believe that the Lord is the Master Scientist and has made it possible for us to find healing in other resources.
@kathyjamerson1485 7 лет назад
It should not matter whether you are a man, woman, child Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, white, black, or multicultural, rich, middle class or poor Depression can affect anyone! No one should be alienated if they need help medically. Seeking an antidepressant is such a vital part of the healing process. I think of it like this. God gives wisdom to others so they can make others whole.
@lanel-2904 7 лет назад
I don't suffer from depression, but my husband battles with anxiety (brought on by his previous marriage) from time to time. It breaks my heart when he's in the thick of it, because I can't take it away. Thank you for sharing your truth. It gives me a different perspective I didn't have before.
@lisadukes6471 7 лет назад
lanel 2904 🙏 in JESUS HOLY NAME AMEN!
@fabulousfitzhughtv3013 7 лет назад
Shanna you are incredible! Thank you for this. I can assure you that it spoke directly to many. Love you!!!
@missgallo1541 7 лет назад
to God be all glory Shannen. BC God is your everything you were already ahead the game, concerning Greg & depression. and everything else...
@gimill3847 7 лет назад
Shanna: You have immense courage and grace sharing such raw; personal emotions of exactly how depression can plague individuals! I cried! My gosh, how I can relate!! ThankYou, Shanna for opening up! Thank You, Shanna for keeping it 💯‼️ Love You, Baby Girl......You're Amazing...Thank God for you‼️You will help SOoooo many people by sharing this vlog and keeping it real‼️💝💖🤗💝💖🤗
@marimayn716 7 лет назад
Thank you soo much for sharing this part of your journey, and thank you for your courage!!!! May God continually give you strength and courage to deal with hardships day by day.. I'm a Christian, in my 30s and I'm contemplating seeking a therapist because I'm in a rut at this present moment in my life. These past few years have been difficult for me, but God has been awesome throughout it all.... I feel insecure most of the time and I consider myself an introvert... but I believe that things won't be like this always for me, so I know a change is gonna come! Like you said "we're fighters!"
@FabsHipp 7 лет назад
Thank you for sharing! Your story has put all my emotions and feelings in perspective. I have a better understanding of my emotions and feelings. I really appreciate you.
@teachersimpactpodcast 7 лет назад
Seeing a good therapist has been the best thing that happened to me.
@adinamurrell5991 7 лет назад
Hey hon! You have made an honest statement here. I'm glad you are here on the YT! Someone needed to hear that today! Stay blessed. I feel like you should write a book.
@mj42910 7 лет назад
I was always shy as a child - extremely shy. When I started public school after being homeschooled for some time, I was excited to possibly overcome my shyness but bullying really made that challenging. Bullying often can from being "too smart" or "too proper" or not caving into peer pressure. Ironically, I enjoyed public speaking, sports, and anything creative...but I always felt most valued in solitude and in small trusted circles that allowed for connectedness. I've had two pituitary surgeries in my early 20s and since then my sleep and various other hormonal issues have been off balance depending on the day. While I've always been a fairly healthy eater, I become a little more educated about holistic practices each year and I heard about GABA last year from an account on RU-vid. I tried it and it has tremendously helped me with my anxiety and worrying/sense of perfectionism. Also, my sleep is not as interrupted during the night - note, this is what the supplement has done for ME! Everyone should research the supplement and its extensive benefits for themselves! Also, if there is anyone in grad school on here I am sending you lots of positive love and light, especially during this crazy season of the school year. Graduate school (and undergrad) mental health isn't always touched on but with all the pressures that come with producing research, teaching, etc. it's important that we stay in touch with a positive higher power/the Heavenly Father Yahweh (whatever your beliefs may be) and be intentional with your self-care as consistently as possible. Shanna, thank you for sharing your story. I've shared on my FB page. Each one, teach one, ya know? One Love to everyone reading this.
@charmainedherron 7 лет назад
When I say your video blesssssed my soul....You really encouraged me as a sister in Christ to seek help when you need it and it's not a indictment on your faith. Please keep sharing your truth.
@MrsAmayakobe 7 лет назад
This is your purpose to speak to people about depression...Anytime you're going through something bad if you trust and have faith in God a blessing always follows it!! May God continue to blessed you!!
@allisonalexander8973 7 лет назад
Thank you Shanna for sharing this awe inspiring and real account. You have really clarified alot and I truly understand depression. You are so accurate with respect to persons who are believers and are close minded as to fact that even Christians can suffer depression but it does not mean that God is not present, What they fail to understand is that circumstances in life causes us to battle various attacks of the enemy but it does not mean that we fail to trust God. It is our faith which is tested and it is only when you overcome then you can rejoice in your suffering. You are a strong woman of God ..continue on your journey.
@jenbradley4728 7 лет назад
Wow!!! What a powerful story. Thank you for sharing. I was so glad to hear you mention the stigma and judgement that Christians who struggle with series of mental health are faced with by other Christians. That is a real problem in the Church today. So many people suffer in silence or take other drastic measures due to fear of what their fellow Christians will say or think. By the Grace of God I do not suffer from depression, but my husband has been on many combat missions and he suffers from PTSD it wasn't until after he was home a few years ago that it got really heavy for him. We are very much into our Faith and the Word of God so he was thinking this is all I need God will make it better He will heal me, that went on for about a year until it got to a point where it was taking a huge toll on him which affected our marriage, and family. We finally talked it out and faced it as a united front and got the mental health support that was needed. It's been 4 years and it was a Blessing for him that he got the help he needed ,and for us as a family. Life happens to us all and your honest story is like a breath of fresh air that is so needed right now. Many people are hurting and feel alone like no one cares and they feel like they want to end it all. So I hope and pray your story will make those on the outside looking in more aware and compassionate. God Bless you Shanna.
@Avionne_Parris 7 лет назад
Thanks so much for this, Shanna. My whole life I've been told by my family and friends that what I experience is not depression but everything Shanna described in this video I have gone through including the suicide attempts and asking God about what my purpose is. I will be seeking counselling this week and start the journey of getting my life together. God bless Shanna!!!
@maxfactor2402 7 лет назад
Bless your heart Sio Savi.....Your post made me cry. Powerful Vlog on so many levels. Thanks Shanna.
@B.Christine_W222 7 лет назад
Sio Savi Yay sis!!!!! I'm so proud of you and excited for you!!!! I too sought counseling and it helped
@stacysymons4960 7 лет назад
Thanks for sharing your story. I wish more Christians help each other instead of being judgemental. I will keep praying for you Shanna !
@Trintneyw 7 лет назад
I can relate to your story SO much that I literally had tears watching this. I too was depressed as a young child even though I had nothing to be sad about. I would cry everyday getting ready and during school. I finally got on medicine after a long while. A couple years ago I had to have surgery and tried coming off my meds and I was a mess. I had nothing to be sad about but I would cry daily getting ready for school and during the day in high school and would look forward to going home and going to bed as soon as I got home. I went back on my med and I know exactly what you mean with the dark cloud we were living through being lifted. I also want to mention for those reading this that I went to many therapists and lots of counseling and I too had a chemical imbalance. Thank you so much for sharing your story, you are such an amazing person. I am always praying for you and sending you love!
@alethiaedwards7702 7 лет назад
Thanks for sharing your testimony. You are amazing. May God continue to bless you. You are in my prayers.
@carwash38 7 лет назад
I love you Shanna. Like you said, more people than not suffer from depression and are unhappy....even the ones who claim to be so happy.
@rfrancoi 7 лет назад
Thank you for enlightening me. I used to look at you and think, "Why would she depressed, she GORGEOUS." It goes to show, that you just never know. Very superficial of me, I know, but truthful. I will change my thinking. Also, thank for sharing. It was very personal, but I hope others have learned something as well.
@aroc82 7 лет назад
Thank you for speaking the truth that therapy doesn't mean you don't believe God and his Word. Your life is and will continue to be a testimony to many! God has so much greatness in store for you.
@Eleganceonabudget 7 лет назад
Your testimony will impact so many lives...continue to trust God, and keep God first... He has sooo many blessing in store for you :-)
@justvibinwithtaneshapeace 7 лет назад
I dont feel like this is my home either ...so I feel you
@justvibinwithtaneshapeace 7 лет назад
Emily Dolberry yeah I know, but I was empathizing with Shanna..I know there's a purpose just know this isn't my home
@kawaiisakura23 7 лет назад
Tanesha Hunter Agreed 100% I feel the same way every day
@classysassy1391 7 лет назад
I understand your journey all to well. I have battled depression/panic attacks for years. I take medicine as well and it changed my life. I am a believer and I did not want to under estimate God's healing power. I realize I did have a chemical imbalance and I needed help. I am glad I got the help I needed and it has made me stronger in my faith. Stay strong my sister!!!!
@ChitownSista79 7 лет назад
Omgoodness Shanna, I am so impressed by this video. I was going through the same things but was too embarrassed to let people know and pushed my feelings deep down inside and suffered for it. i too am a VERY empathetic person and put others before myself which left me feeling lonely and depressed. Thanks for the reminder that my feelings are valid.
@ET-to5pm 7 лет назад
Also agree with you that God is the ultimate healer, whether He does it instantly or gradually, whether through prayer, counseling, or medication or all of the above!
@jeanineorleans7900 7 лет назад
Wow wow Shanna! Thank you for being so open and honest about your struggles. I was crying along with you at some points. I have definitely had some low points in my life but your story has shed light on suicidal thoughts/depression. I appreciate your heart to let us in your life. This truly is your purpose! God bless you 😘🙌🏾👌🏾
@revabooker8665 7 лет назад
Thank you for sharing your testimony. May God continue to heal and use you for the of His Kingdom. Bless you Shanna
@bajan1373 7 лет назад
All I can say is thank you and may God bless you always.
@jh2987 7 лет назад
Thank you for sharing your story! I have heard similar things. To me, that is like saying if you love Jesus, you won't get a cold or take cold medicine, or get cancer and take chemotherapy. I would humbly submit that those who believe that a lack of relationship with God is responsible for depression need to read the psalms and the story of David; or read about Jeremiah (he was known for his "lamentations", i.e. crying all the time, a symptom of depression); or about Job (who wanted to die and cursed the day he was born, again behaviour related to depression and depressive episodes.) ALL had a stellar 'relationship' with God and are specifically mentioned in conjunction with their Godliness. AND their stories have brought encouragement through the ages. Your story is doing the same. I truly believe you are here and vlogging and sharing for such a time as this. Again, thank you very much for sharing your strength and your testimony.
@jennmarithompson8 7 лет назад
Girl this was the powerful videos I have ever watched on RU-vid. I know I can definitely relate just know what you have gone through is so common. You honesty will help many. Thank you for sharing.Hang in there and God Bless You!!!!
@mochavii9865 7 лет назад
Bless you Shawna. You are so beautiful, I to deal with the same issues and they have affected my life tremendously. I have been married twice before the age of 30 no kids, which caused another issue for me. I have felt worthless and wondered why I'm still here taking up space. I have taken an anti depressant, but it wasn't working for me. I try everyday to make it through. I truly understand what your dealing with. Be and stay Blessed. Sending hugs your way.
@TheLinda12 7 лет назад
This is an awesome vlog, Shanna! God is so good and has brought you to this point for a greater purpose. All the best to you!
@mrspecan172 7 лет назад
Thank you for sharing your "truth." You're a beautiful person inside and out. God bless you. 🙏🏾✨💖✨
@madonnabaker6866 7 лет назад
Shanna! I just simply love you. I hope God continues to blessed you.😘
@ET-to5pm 7 лет назад
So proud of you for sharing! I know it will help so many: those dealing with depression and those dealing with loved ones with depression!
@veronicarobinson914 7 лет назад
Thanks for sharing your story, God is so Good! If you don't have a test, you can't have a testimony, Be Blessed and stay encouraged!
@chelsywiley2315 7 лет назад
Thank you for this! I deal with depression as well so this was great to watch and connect with u...... keep going, we r all hee for u along the way ♡
@lesiahensley5674 7 лет назад
Shana this video was wonderful and honest and i loved it.God Is Always First In My Life and i am so glad u are on the road to keeping your beautiful smile.
@NATUREISLE11 7 лет назад
So proud of you Shanna, this video is very transparent and authentic. I truly believe that this was a God sent for many. Continue to be willing to be used by God and he will continue to see you through this very difficult time in your life. Stay blessed and know that you are loved.
@danieSC77 7 лет назад
Not only is mental health not fully looked at in the Christian community, there's also a HUGE stigma with it in the black community as well. A lot of times when black people go to get help, they are looked down on. Good video....Keep encouraging people Shanna.
@BoomShocaLoca 7 лет назад
I thank God for you Shanna. You are awesome!
@impressyourselfnow 7 лет назад
I'm so humbled by your confession. A sincere thank you,wishing you only the best in Christ! Thank You so Much!🙏
@cherylwilkes4689 7 лет назад
Thanks Shanna for sharing your story, it does help. love you & may God continue to Bless you
@tamikabutler3829 7 лет назад
I appreciate you sharing i truly understand what you have been going through it felt like you telling my journey also many prayers coming stay positive
@sweetsugar1014 7 лет назад
Girrrrl, your testimony!!!!! You have blessed sooo many people. I have a friend girl who is my sis in Christ and she reluctantly confessed to me that she had been going through depression but was sooo ashamed and FEARFUL that other Christians would 'judge and condemn' her as not being saved. Some Christians erroneously believe that if a person is suffering with depression that it's the devil and they must be out the will of God. But, I told my friend who by then had tears in her eyes, that I was sooo glad she trusted me enough to confide in me. That made me feel so special! I knew I needed to let her know that she had begun her healing journey and I referred her to Mental Health counseling (which is another huge barrier in our Black community) so we had to 'fight' through that stigma. But, she said she was going to get on an anti-depressant and get counseling. Next time, I saw her she was beaming and thanked me. She said the pills were REALLY helping her and now she deals with things differently and 'see' things differently. Shanna, I'm glad you shared your testimony, it helps those of us who do not suffer with depression but have maybe gone through feelings of loneliness, helplessness, discouragement, and other things and had been carrying that burden alone. You teach people that it's okay to reach out and get help!!! Thanks for Sharing and God bless you baby doll!!!
@deborahjefferson3690 7 лет назад
Thank you for sharing. Your talk on depression so needed.
@carolinasilva7993 7 лет назад
Depression is EXTREMELY horrible! I went through it myself and after years of fighting against the thought of taking antidepressants, I came to peace with it and it was the best decision I've ever made. It made SUCH a huge difference in my life. I too believe God can heal and prayed daily for healing, and God provided healing through the medication. Thank God for doctors and thank you for speaking up!
@SaJa-cw5dx 7 лет назад
You have helped so many people with your vlog! You are truly a blessing, Shanna! The stigma is real and makes it worse for people who are already having a very hard time! We as Christians should lift each other up! Thank you!
@Babiblu1211 7 лет назад
THANK GOD.....shouting at you! Praise The Lord you listened!!!!!! Like your vlogs and can't wait to watch more of the purpose God has for you!!!!!
@kimberlydehaney779 7 лет назад
Shanna, thank you so much for sharing your story...God bless you
@cbclay56 7 лет назад
Thank you so much for sharing this, very powerful ad inspirational!!!
@brittanynelson3718 7 лет назад
Thank you so much for being transparent and authentic. I have had some rough patches in my life but i can honestly say i haven't really dealt with depression. I appreciate you for giving me a new perspective and grace for those that deal with this. May God continue to be with you and all those that are affected by it.
@emilykarema3195 7 лет назад
You are so amazing God will continue to strength You.❤❤
@kyshar7532 7 лет назад
I've heard that so much being a combat veteran and having ptsd and depression I hear that from Christians a lot. God can heal you if you seek him. That doesn't mean I'm Not a Christian and don't have faith because I went to war twice and it changed me. Thanks for sharing
@beautymedown94 7 лет назад
Amen! Don't allow people like that to make you feel embarrassed for seeking the help that you not only need, but deserve.
@Cherice420 7 лет назад
Thanks for sharing...I have struggled with depression related to my menstrual cycle at first and used meds to help then was healed where I didn't need meds. But over the last 5 years the enemy has used depression to keep me from what God has for me. I've had two failed relationship the last 2 years and the last one was a failed engagement and really put into a bad place. I too felt like Lord just take me now ( not suicidal) just felt like I had no purpose. I just went numb versus the heaviness that I usually feel with depression. But thank God, He has kept me above water and I have not slipped into a deep depression but I just feel numb. It's only been 7 months since my fiancé and decided to call it quits but praise God I'm way better off he was not ready for marriage. I so appreciate you sharing this could help so many people...
@AngelaStyleOver50 7 лет назад
Thank you for sharing. As a Christian Counselor, I appreciate your honesty. You indeed are a lovely person inside and out. I am extending a virtual hug to you. God has truly revealed your purpose! By the way I am a new subscriber.
@olafl7 7 лет назад
I just want to thank the lord for saving you for such a time as this! Your honesty is so refreshing and so needed in the body of christ! Thank you and may the lord continue to use your ministry to set the captives free!!!
@thandiq 7 лет назад
Thanks Shanna for sharing your story. I too struggle with depression and anxiety and I know how difficult it is. Your story was very encouraging .
@Nickyloveslove 7 лет назад
depression is something else.... I'm so glad that you have gotten help early, lots of love and hugs~
@ms.sunshine5236 7 лет назад
Some of your statements mirror my life. May God continue to strengthen and watch over you. Thanks for sharing.
@jenjenb1209 7 лет назад
I am so proud of you for allowing yourself to be so vulnerable to share such an intimate part of your are and what you struggle with.
@jjmac5712 7 лет назад
Shanna what helps me in my times of depression is I always remember the scripture of 1 John 4:4, You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. Thank you for sharing your depression story Shanna.
@kelleys.seigler1521 7 лет назад
Just a "Beautiful spirit "🙏🏾😇🙏🏾😇. We all pray that those thoughts are gone, never to return, IN JESUS NAME, everyone say "AMEN "🙏🏾 !!!!
@pwalker9757 7 лет назад
Kelley S. Seigler Amen
@schonnahand7830 7 лет назад
Shanna, Thank you for this much needed statement/video on depression. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It's so important for people to understand it's not just them and their is hope and treatment available. Thank you❣️
@miawright365 7 лет назад
Ugh! Shanna I'm SOOOOO proud of you I could just hug you! God will use your testimony as your ministry and it's a blessing you realize that while you still have time on this Earth to perfect your ministry and serve others. To God Be The Glory for what He has done and will continue to do... I'm ecstatic about what He had planned for you.... love you sis' in Christ! 😘🙏🤗🙌
@donnawhite9785 7 лет назад
First, I like to thank God for putting the Professionals/Doctor's here on Earth & for giving them the Knowledge & Wisdom to Help Us. No matter what ills you (for instance) if you have high blood pressure and don't take your medication/change your diet as ordered by them you can have a stroke or a heart attack. Jesus is not here to touch & heal us today so his/our Heavenly Father has put the Professionals/Doctor's here on this Earth for this reason. I hope you continue you Share your Experience w/ your Mental Health issues as it can help those who need to seek & get the help that is needed for a Healthier Lifestyle. I'm happy that you were able to get the help you needed & agreed to taking the medication that has balanced out out which is making you feel better. Blessings!
@lindajohnson6539 7 лет назад
Thanks Shanna for doing this video.I'm sure your story and being so real about it,will help many people that suffer with depression.You are a beautiful,strong and amazing woman.Let God continue to use you for his glory.I'm so glad you have found the right medicine that works for you.You are loved❤️❤️
@Kathryn6586 7 лет назад
Shanna you have been dealt some crappy cards in life and haven't been the luckiest in love but you are such an inspiration. Your positivity and honesty is very refreshing and I love watching your Vlogs. Thank you for sharing this story!
@nikkisaintvictor3024 7 лет назад
Thank you for sharing your story! There are many who will benefit from this. I can relate to you, you wear your heart on your sleeves. Your struggles makes you a more compassionate, empathetic and loving person. God is using you, let Him continue to guide you.
@LibraLife47 7 лет назад
the dark places are so real..people have very little empathy..if they cud just a walk in some other shoes the world wud be a little be better..for me it was the kick of the life growing inside me that stopped me...so many people dont get the spirit to stop..we are not done just yet..thanku for sharing your truth..
@ChristinePeele 7 лет назад
You blessed some people today. Thank you for sharing your testimony.
@funsahw 7 лет назад
great timing.. if you didnt know, this is mental health month - In fact, on May 1st the Empire State Building will be lit up to shed light on mental health and breakdown the stigma attached to it. they are using the hashtag #HowAreYouREALLY
@eugeniehogan6351 7 лет назад
Thanks for sharing! One of my favorite radio personalities talks about his new lease on life after starting medication for depression. Be bold and continue to be open. I will be attending a luncheon Saturday where Mental Health is the topic. The truth will set you free.
@beatricerichardson9880 7 лет назад
@Mrs.DeesBakingTV 7 лет назад
Hey! You have NO IDEA the AMOUNT of people you are going to help!!! Wow! You are Sooo Brave! I'm proud of your growth since the big change. Your Faith, Hope and Love for God really shines through in this Vlog. Keep doing what your doing my Sista'! love you!
@maryhenderson4168 7 лет назад
Thank you Shanna for sharing your story with us. God bless you.
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