
Diablo 4 - New Best OP MASTERPIECE Sorcerer Build Found - FAST 1 Shot Teleport - Skills Gear Guide! 

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9 сен 2024




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@RageGamingVideos 3 месяца назад
Hope you guys enjoy this one I'm very happy with it! And for those wondering yes Storm Swell is fixed, I made this a while ago now as I'm away as I type this and had to prep it in advance before the hotfix so its even better now!
@Demonmuppets-ic5bi 3 месяца назад
So Frigid Fate is still not working correctly?
@TheMageAcademy 3 месяца назад
hey man, great job making this idea work. i was wondering if you tested out Raiment with this build or can we not spare the chest temper? also maybe Occulus for a crazy version of the build? cheers
@DanielTheDirty 3 месяца назад
1 point in devastion really? 3mana is it really worth? or just using spare points left`?i mean i saw a lot of build using it but i am not so happy with it - lets face the facts every core skill in sorc take around 30+mana to cast meaning you can cast max 3 cast and then out of mana without regen or resource generation. so even the 3 mana wil not help i tried to use the enchantment summoner board with some mana and a rare node but just not really worth it because you have to spent too many points to get it. - ever thought of trying a 2h weapon and then putting rapid on it that´s another 30% increase in atk speed althought the 2h weapon already suffer quite badly in atk/s harlequins crest is an ubur unique i guess you know how the drop chance of this item is - isnt there a bit lower ranged helm that would do the job almost as good as the helm you want? another thing to consider have you ever considered the juggernaut aspect?i mean yeah it raises your evade cooldown but it give so much armour i can´t really stress enough how good this aspect is in the lvl phase from 40+ to 100 - let me know what do you think about it lets say we would spare tal rashas loop but take 30% normal damage on the ring and temper with %damage(natural finesse)
@ElectroTone 3 месяца назад
@@DanielTheDirty Did you watch the video? He addresses all your complaints. The build doesn't use any core skills, the 3 mana is a filler to get to the next node in the skill point tree. Harlequin isn't required. He suggests a replacement. The build is armor capped, so Juggernaut does nothing. It is intended for level 100 end game, thus no need to consider how it performs while leveling. Because it won't.
@Voltairus30 3 месяца назад
@@ElectroTone Imagine thinking people actually watch the entire video before rushing to the comments to spew bullshit. Lol
@angelous8942 3 месяца назад
This is why the game needs a wardrobe function to swap paragon and skills. So many builds i want to try out but it is just so damn expensive and time consuming to switch builds
@recklessone 3 месяца назад
100% agree
@thomasramirez718 3 месяца назад
Real Talk.
@juggernautstark1 3 месяца назад
Been preaching loadout since launch. Everything is a huge investment of time and resources. Some things might be better for bosses some might be better for hell hides or pit pushing. It’d be nice to mix it up.
@hotness1338 3 месяца назад
like D3 ^_^
@HereForTheCupcakes 3 месяца назад
1000% agree. Everyone that’s disagreed with me on this just called me broke and that I need more gold. It’s not the gold that’s the issue at times, respeccing over 200 points on paragon on skill nodes is ridiculously tedious.
@DmaaaaaxC 3 месяца назад
One small suggestion... look for a chest piece that gives +2 or if your lucky +3 to defensive skills instead of +3 to teleport. This gives you +3 to teleport, ice armor, and flame shield! All 3 skills benefit.
@hazeion 3 месяца назад
Let me give you a little extra tip so that you can automate your arc lash! In your control settings, set your secondary keybind for wherever you put your arc lash to something on the number pad (hopefully you have a keypad) For example, arc lash is normally on the primary attack mouse 1 for me, so I'll set Numpad 1 as the secondary/alternative keybind for that . Now back in game. Press and HOLD numpad 1. While holding, turn OFF numlock. You can now let go of numpad 1 and it will continue to auto attack for you! :) test it out!
@faatman42 3 месяца назад
Easier way.... accessibility menu, controls, toggle all skills...
@MadMorgtigan 3 месяца назад
I literally just put this together. Your Burning instinct board has a misplaced node (blue elite dmg reduction instead of gold). Protip: You can remove gems and then put them back in to give your health a dip without having to find little bad guys. Anywhere but the pit and you can use town portal to like reset your health and get it back where you need for the aspect to function.
@caxcorp 3 месяца назад
What is this madness and why do i feel like i need to make it RIGHT now😅
@seraphimipx2611 3 месяца назад
this is truly amazing!! is it just me or did they finally fix d4?? the whole game seems like a ton of fun atm!!! hopefully they don't start to nerf everything...
@WobbleWeeble 3 месяца назад
Sir, bravo!!! Been trying to work on an arc/teleport build for the zoomies for fun. This is several steps better than what I have spent time creating. Flame shield is just nasty. Again. Well done.
@WobbleWeeble 3 месяца назад
Furthermore…the need to be injured would never have occurred to me. I wonder, could this have been even more silly last season with the vamp powers afforded to arc lash? Perhaps it wouldn’t work at all last season? No matter I appreciate this one immensely. Amazing to see this idea so well explained and more importantly executed. Slow clap
@NinjaVan1sh 3 месяца назад
Hello, I am a barb main and this build looked fun and I was very skeptical. But once I put on all the gear and started playing it. Wow this is crazy fun. Thanks for the awesome guide/build.
@SUPERmunkkii 3 месяца назад
When was this recorded? Storm swell, frigid fate and shredding blades fixed 2 days ago.
@JetCooper3D 3 месяца назад
Made it - Love it. Outside the box... thanks mate!
@revkallisto 2 месяца назад
Totally gonna play with this build after work today
@Karzus1 3 месяца назад
While the neck affix is a mastercrafted theory craft I was really hoping this might be the build to tie in Esadora's amulet! Also, tells you that the Occulus is just bad when you can't get it to work in decent content.. it's a 'fun' idea in principle I think, but dreadful in terms of usefulness and it also feels TERRIBLE TP'ing backwards..
@Yxalitis 3 месяца назад
The Oculius is a fantastic, fun piece of kit, if you teleport backwards, run forward with your speed boost. The additional Teleport rank reduce CD massively. Imagine a masterworked Oculus with bonus hits on Teleport charges!
@X1manwolfpackX 3 месяца назад
Awesome build as always. I tried to make this work during the PTR but ran out of time trying to gather the right gear to get it online. One thing I would suggest trying out, though, is swapping out Frosty Strides for Accursed Touch on the amulet. If the main reason for having that aspect is to apply vulnerable, Accursed Touch will do that anyway without the need for having to mess around with staying below 83% hp since teleport has a ridiculous lucky hit chance even without focusing on it. It will also add some damage in the form of the trapped souls being released and exploding every time you teleport.
@maxime669 3 месяца назад
I am currently testing a build inspire by this build. I use a core skill as filler. Right now with no masterwork, the aspect that reduce teleport cooldown and make crackling energy zap more on the amulet with 1,5 sec of cooldown reduction for teleport. A mixte of cooldown on many piece and the tempering of teleport cooldown reduction I'm at 4,6 secondes. I can get this down to 3 secondes teleport before masterworking. With the crackling energy I can teleport almost infinite as long as I hit ennemy and use the evade teleport as a feeler. Just sharing as your arc lash might not be needed at all with right aspect on amulet and masterwork. Both regular cooldown and teleport cooldown reduction got well together. The most I push on cooldown reduction the closer I become to get perma teleport with nothing else. Very interesting concept you got and made me want to push further on the possibility of just teleporting and nothing else
@yurisavun3776 3 месяца назад
Can u share results when finish this idea?
@zankheal 3 месяца назад
It’s hard not laugh on the intro of the videos. Love this build!
@braxton666fly 3 месяца назад
Fun build. But basically unplayable on console as we have very little control over evade. So you just evade past the target instead of on top of them. Same goes for the standard teleport as we can only control direction of the port. Really wish it was playable as what does get hit, gets death
@NapalmFr3d 3 месяца назад
Baby, we need more crackling energy and cow bell.
@moshmonster87 3 месяца назад
It looks like you have become the conduit shrine. I like it
@gav-5676 3 месяца назад
The enchantment effect of teleport doesn't give you Unstoppable. Won't this make Tibaults useless?
@kevinsims5791 3 месяца назад
That is correct. I think he rotates the enchantment with a normal cast though
@ib1wheelin_la197 3 месяца назад
You still got flame shield and normal tele to activate it for the damage increase just won’t get the 50 mana.
@user-th7pk5cv7n 3 месяца назад
No you still have your regular telephone use it in between
@user-th7pk5cv7n 3 месяца назад
So if your playing in controler this is not the build?
@michaelingle2019 3 месяца назад
For those on console, this build will not work as you can’t evade or teleport where you want to
@893khalid1 3 месяца назад
Yes you can you just can’t make your evade tele happen in one spot but in the direction of the enemy you can’t
@ultraladslair7001 3 месяца назад
​@@893khalid1so you say you can, please tell me how, I want this build to work so bad but after only one day with it i was thinking about dropping it, just isn't working as advertised. Even some control, anything, please, show me the way.
@maih600 3 месяца назад
I don't get why you're using hectic instead of bounding conduit, my build has it in neck for 3.6 seconds teleport cd reduction, but even in place of hectic it seems the better option
@Beastrmahln 2 месяца назад
dont need a point in mana on the core skills cluster when you're 5/5 in arc lash
@JetCooper3D 3 месяца назад
OK I am using Oculus with +10 - Boots with Bounding conduit with 2.5 TP cooldown reduction - I have TP cooldown down to 2 sec before Hectic on gloves kicks in. Oculus has a GA of 1.4 evade cool down. Will only get better as the MW ranks up. Crazy fun... Thanks again!
@ParkerP4218 3 месяца назад
Does the bounding aspect get rid of the random teleport effect of the oculus?
@nowedraken502 3 месяца назад
@RageGamingVideos Ok hear me out Josh, and if I missed it I apologies, but I took this build. I have everything affix wise the same and most all but 1 temper the same. My 1 temper difference is instead of cold damge on the focus i have shock crit damage a 2nd time. Most things are currently master worked to at least 4. I can easily do tier 61 on my own, and tier 64 with a friend so far, still getting the hang of it, but I did a test run throwing Rainment of the infinite on, and it honestly felt a lot better. Sacrifice a little duration for flame shield and some barrier generation, but I don't feel like I really lost anything. I'm still able to space my barriers out just fine to always have 1 of the two up, I always have a barrier unless something ridiculous hits me like one of the echos, and I'm getting a ton of extra damage from Raiments Close enemy and Stunned enemy damage affixes, and only losing 4k damage off the max damage of Teleport(before any buffs apply) but gaining 12% increased damage over all from 2 extra ranks of glass cannon. tl;dr I think this build is amazing, and I think rainment of the infinite if you use a bit more caution really knocks it up a bit more. You're more of an expert with it than me though, I really would love to hear your opinion.
@xXxXKusKusXxXx 3 месяца назад
I tried making a teleport build with oculus. It can clear up to tier 60-70 pit but this one is clearly better!
@KiffJRockka 2 месяца назад
Same build I came up with in Season 1 minus tempering but highprobably stronger than mine 😆
@l1CappYl1 3 месяца назад
Have you tried with Oculus? I got one with a GA on teleport, it gives tele enchant for free as well as evade ranks, attacks reduce evade cooldown and use metamorphosis to counter the randomness.
@kevofpv 2 месяца назад
is this still work?? I cant teleport that far and precice with evade like u do. I just step a lil forward but not like "normal" teleport. And I cant just evade direct in front of me I always jump a lil forward... hmmm -.-
@tompenn6706 3 месяца назад
What is the recommended cooldown reduction % to have ?
@ElectroTone 3 месяца назад
This is the build that will now get me to farm for gear, while using Incinerate. Looks super fun, though I will probably go there by way of Blizzard Ice Spikes V2. Thanks Josh. Next build suggestion?! Uh, I already have enough of your build guides to keep me busy for the rest of the season, I suspect. I was thinking of a classic Arc Lash build, though this one kind of fills that spot, I'd say.
@OnceKnownAsBadBob 3 месяца назад
How in the wide world of sports do you evade in place?
@faatman42 3 месяца назад
I've been trying to get this working, thank you
@Sayajiin2 3 месяца назад
Nice!! I was looking for a build like this for this season. I used to play a similar exploding build in D3 and wondered if it was doable in D4. I thought it wasn't possible, but you did it! 🤩
@LongNguyen-wd6ym 3 месяца назад
And people been telling me tele-nova is dead. Ty for this, been trying to work on it
@VatoRob 2 месяца назад
i am now planning my frosty strides project and i cant see an advantage from this build over the firebolt version. Why not firebold? then i can toggle firebolt , just teleport through and gg. this build requires button smash again. but maybe i miss something ?
@MayhemMontage 3 месяца назад
So I'm level 76, and the Incinerate build is fun, but the content is getting harder, and I've been dying a bit more. I didn't really die even once from level 50-75, but now I need a new build. This one is nice, but I don't have all of these unique. Can somebody point me in the right direction, please?
@CondensedComments 2 месяца назад
I think a fun, safe, and pretty strong build is frozen orb; it can get stacked to where you cast 3 orbs (temper chance + enchant slot skill). When they explode, they do so two additional times (aspect), and *when* they explode, they have a chance to cast random conjurations that also have a chance to cast frozen orbs themselves (unique item). You can really stack some orbs on the screen, and if I remember correctly your conjurations benefit from skill nodes in the tree (could be wrong here).
@rogerhalverson1953 3 месяца назад
Wow I love this! I dont have a +teleport chest, but my +4 Flame Shield one makes it a bit nicer for those extra points.
@Sylvr369 3 месяца назад
It occurs to me that this build is fairly close to perma Flame Shield. I know that you don't particularly care for that playstyle, but wouldn't it be a fairly small jump (teleport?) to incorporate that into this build? You could swap the +Teleport on chest to a Greater +Defensives on the Chest for 3 to TP and FS, then Masterwork Crit either that or Flame Shield duration. Since your HP wouldn't matter then, you could replace some Max HP rolls, and also move the Frosty Strides somewhere else and put the Ancient Flame back on the Necklace for that sweet 25%. That might even let you drop an Evade Cooldown roll for another Flame Shield Duration roll.
@Phosis84 3 месяца назад
Awesome build vid. Frosty Strides in itself is quite strong and really not difficult to set up or maintain. I noticed not fully upgrading my potions (though risky) made it easier to maintain not exceeding the 83% level if need be. I'm really curious if an Unstable Currents/Fractured Winterglass combo in a build is possible. The amount of conjurations from unstable Currents could unleash many frozen orbs.
@fortunado21 3 месяца назад
I thought that same thing about potions! But thought of it too late. Any luck with Fractured Winterglass?
@Phosis84 2 месяца назад
@@fortunado21 I have not tried it yet this season. I threw this together at the end of the PTR on a pit tier 125 before the amount of frozen orbs generated and the attack speed on main/off hand got nerfed. It seemed like it would be awesome. Packs were starting to vaporize and the crowd controI/stagger was working very well. want to take conjuration mastery as far as it can go while using Arc lash w/ infinite flame shield. Seems like you might be working on this build 👍 Seen one of your lastest vids and I totally agree with you and your thoughts on how to boost the sorcerer class.
@cristianciobanu341 3 месяца назад
i love your builds, thanks man! i started to play D4 now on S4 and i have a 48 sorcerer and i have to decide which build i will play, i have to use a dagger later, that is something new for me, thanks!
@Mullin4414-t8w 3 месяца назад
Okay so hear me out ... i made this build ... and its awesome, love it, thanks for bringing the video, lets talk about making it freaking amazing. get yourself an Oculus wand with a greater affix on attacks reduce cooldown and it IS SO MUCH FUN!!!! can you control it, no, is it amazing, YES!!!
@jullianpree6791 3 месяца назад
Im wondering what your thoughts are on the oculus on this build. With a 10 roll on tele and masterworking hitting that teleport giving it what 14 to 15 ranks, plus shakos 4, 5 in skill points and 3 on an armor giving it almost 30 ranks would be WILD!
@brockrobson4295 3 месяца назад
I personally tried playing around with that impatiently waiting for this video, but the random teleport while trying to evade teleport from the oculus just undoes your ability to to target enemies with teleport (and my TP CD just never got low enough to spam fast enough). Oculus MIGHT be feasible with perfect masterworking (which I don't have on the TP sorc), but I suspect the loss of the evade TP targeting will render this highly unlikely to be viable... I'd think your TP skill cooldown would need to be sub 1.5s to make this playable with the oculus?
@jullianpree6791 3 месяца назад
@brockrobson4295 now I'm curious. From what I understand, the oculus can get 27 ranks to TP alone. That with GA on TP and hitting every masterwork as well. With shako that's another 4, and 5 points from skill tree that 36 ranks. That should reduce the cooldown to near zero. My TP has 9 ranks and a 6sec CD. Add CDR I could see it being viable. The random tp is a pain in the ass tho, that's true.
@brockrobson4295 3 месяца назад
@@jullianpree6791 yeah, I'm about to fire up my PS5 and take my Shako off my Barb, and look at improving the TP Nova sorc some more, now that my Barb is able to clear pit 100 and do tormented bosses. Means my MW mats can be used by the sorc now (which I kept around as a gold farming option). Maybe improve it to the point where I can speed run lower pits to make it more efficient for Neathiron drops (Barb does pit 86 in 4-5 mins for 45 Neathiron. So I'd need to reliably do pit 71 in 2-3 mins for 30 a pop to increase my Neathiron income).
@daboysmurf 3 месяца назад
Still waiting on Meteor 😂
@saadatorama 3 месяца назад
Don’t worry there’s a new best build coming tomorrow
@Dulski382 3 месяца назад
@daboysmurf 3 месяца назад
@@saadatorama And it will hit for trillions of damage! 🤣🤣🤣 Seriously though, I just want something to compare my meteor build to. I’m currently in an optimizing stage now that I finally got some good CD rolls on my gear. It’s slow but decent in terms of mobs but it shreds bosses so far at my current level. I’m about to start pit pushing with it soon, I think Meteor has some potential and it’s incredibly fun once you have enough CD.
@CarloDimacali 3 месяца назад
Do you think this build can benefit from temerity/undying combo? It seems to be perfect for this build.
@fortunado21 3 месяца назад
I built this and I love this. It's so damn fun. There has GOT to be a way to integrate my +16TP oculus into this build without it being absolute madness. Tried the vampiric thing and it didn't quite work. Anyone else try with success?
@CondensedComments 3 месяца назад
19:18 It does seem to be faster, but I'm wondering if choosing the node that releases damage given to frozen enemies would produce more damage. You'd be freezing a pack, damaging the pack with the same aoe damage from all sources (essentially, since ferocity is only +fire damage), and then each individual mob would explode for that stacked damage. Even against a singular boss, it seems the base cooldown is still good enough to swap to the cold skill? Edit: I'm seeing the fire node actually deals with fire crit while the ancient flame brings global speed. I'm still thinking frozen might be better since the crit is only useful with certain percentages of life or fighting a boss specifically. The only benefit you're getting with the fire node really is attack speed situationally while the frozen node would benefit repeatedly. If you give up those in favor of the frozen node you could replace ancient flame with something else.
@12deathguard 3 месяца назад
So the current s tier build I saw for sorc had the "shatter" passive. Apparently it hits for hundreds of millions in the end game.
@marcospin1086 28 дней назад
If you get the passsive light skills points that do 150% your weapon damage to enemys when stun then will do more damage, is the passive righ next cracking energy gives mana
@MettWurstSchwinger 3 месяца назад
FINALLY! I've been waiting for a nice TP build since I tried the PTR :D
@Toe0351 3 месяца назад
I tried switching. Didnt have enough money to roll everything but i will be making this build soon
@xxGNORMxx 3 месяца назад
Not the 0 second tooldown teleport 😂😂😂 3:30
@user-xx3tl1pd2i 3 месяца назад
the intro is amazing 😂😂
@Deletal 2 месяца назад
NOTE: Single target is pretty bad on console as you cannot click where you’re teleporting. SEVERELY gimps boss damage. .. wish someone had said so before I bricked about a dozen GA gear I’d saved switching over to this build. Fairly fun nonetheless.
@Deletal 2 месяца назад
EDIT: Game-> Options -> Controls -> Lock Target Seems to help
@Lean_Dad 3 месяца назад
Who uses shift over spacebar?? Weird
@BMindfulofLove 3 месяца назад
why not use the teleport wand? i have one that has +10 teleport on it lol
@kevinfisher8100 3 месяца назад
I use it too. I guess he doesn't like the random aspect but I find it works perfectly fine and even gets you out of bad situations sometimes, and sometimes it teleports me into a slime pool for a one shot but hey 😂
@kevinfisher8100 3 месяца назад
And also it frees up an enchantment slot that teleport takes up
@lawlshawk 3 месяца назад
This build is amazing ... too bad we can't save gear/paragon/skill setups ... so many good builds
@brentcepticon 3 месяца назад
Make a Fire bolt/meteor enchant lucky hit build where firebolt Is ur main skill with raiment and teleport 100% lucky hit chance . And use the unique gloves that mark enemies with non basic skills
@mpetrie 3 месяца назад
Is this build online viable for mouse and keyboard players??? I’m trying this build right now on console and one thing I’m not liking particularly is when I teleport, I frequently wind up teleporting to an empty space and my nova hits nothing. Is this build mostly just viable on PC since you can just point and click where you want to teleport? I’m on console and I can’t really control the distance when I teleport so I frequently miss the enemies I’m wanting to attack with my teleport nova.
@GilgameshGDLK 3 месяца назад
Considered Esadora's amulet?
@coreygrant8949 3 месяца назад
i have a 3 ga one does it benefit this build?
@Saphire_Throated_Carpenter_Ant 3 месяца назад
Thats a good one maybe. In the words of macrobio; "there is a unvierse" maybe where there is a version of this build using esadora and oculus....
@dutchybrian8643 3 месяца назад
I'm gonna make a new sorceror just for this build, looks tons of fun.
@michaelwest3379 3 месяца назад
Here's a little tip, if your on PC, you can reconfigure the hold and attack key from Shift and reassign it to one of your side mouse buttons. I always found it annoying to try and use shift while also keeping your hand over your action keys.
@kawambo3795 3 месяца назад
YES - The EXPLO Build is reborn!
@SpaceDecio 3 месяца назад
u can easily get perma flameshield in this with hectic aspect and overflowing mastery
@shahrezaDE 3 месяца назад
Oke.. I do tier 95 with your Blizzard build that i fine tuned to my wishes. Is it Worth for me to change?
@aaronward7854 3 месяца назад
Don't follow these guides bro.
@OnceKnownAsBadBob 3 месяца назад
TP build is fun af, I'd do it if you want to try something different.
@CandleLight129 3 месяца назад
I've got an Oculus with +10 to teleport. Would that be a worthwhile addition to this build or do you think the random movement would be too detrimental?
@emilnguyen 3 месяца назад
If you have metamorphosis it gets rid of the random movement. Not sure how it works with frostystrides tho
@kevinsims5791 3 месяца назад
I dont think you need to use it as an enchantment when you have +10 to teleport to provide higher base damage and lower cooldown. If you have trouble with cooldown still then maybe use binding conduit to get another 2.5 seconds off cooldown.
@cordial001 3 месяца назад
It's a thing of beauty
@connornebesky205 3 месяца назад
Curious if you have a crackling energy damage build showcase coming? Would seem that with paragon, 2K int, Esadoras you could land at 600-800% Crackling energy at 8 temper before the 300%x modifier from the paragon.
@eerd2449 2 месяца назад
Maybe drop the boots and use flickerstep for reducing the cooldown of Unstable currents, this will proc more ice blades = more cooldown. Although i dont know if Ice blades cooldown reduce, also reduces the cooldown of Evade???? anyone?
@danielh750 3 месяца назад
All these builds you've made this season are very fun to use. However, all of them seem to struggle against Lilith. How about a Lilith destroying build? I'd be interested in seeing what you could put together for that work ask the new seasonal things we have to use.
@Square_One 3 месяца назад
I'm pretty sure Icy Veins doesn't actually increase the duration of ice armor and flame armor. I don't know if it's a tooltip bug or something but it's been like that for a while. Maybe try timing it.
@MrJeffreyrichards 3 месяца назад
Man that looks like so much fun do you not use occuls at all?
@MaiyrCordeth 3 месяца назад
Definitely going a different route that I am on my teleportation build. Though there is some ideas I may take from this.
@AeSkone 3 месяца назад
Hey Guys, just one question or note. You said you teleport so much that you dodge almost everything. Well, I already had the problem that I basically teleported into death. Was that a bug? Did you ever noticed something similar? It seemed like the teleport didnt protect from anything and even in the middle of the way I teleported into attacks even so the animation wasnt really finished. Or was it just a mislead perception on my behalf? Wish they had armory, dont want to respec again. But love the build and how it looks.
@drifterx1389 3 месяца назад
2 questions: Does teleport nova size increase the radius of the raiment pull effect? Does teleport damage mark enemies using paingorgers gloves?
@cloudz965 3 месяца назад
he made a noob build
@nemoz82 3 месяца назад
for uber boss what do you think, this build or the blizzard/ice shard one?
@lloydfromfar 2 месяца назад
I wonder too!!
@kissiekat1505 3 месяца назад
this looks fun as hell! ill start playing D4 again to play this sorc!!!
@bobicus 3 месяца назад
I love sorc and this def looks like fun to try to replicate
@big.guy77 3 месяца назад
Oooh! Going to try this one! Edit: also - if you're going to load 7 points into Arc Lash, I don't think you have to use those points in Potent Warding and Devastation to advance the tree, so that's 4 more points to place elsewhere.
@reedtower 3 месяца назад
I was trying this out on my chain lighting build I am works on. Teleporting on mobs and destroying them .
@BlakkoutFatale 3 месяца назад
Does the Ring of Starless Sky have some space in this build ? It sounds very interesting, can't wait to test it
@W0WShaneEV 3 месяца назад
Do you think this can be used as a 70-100 levelling build? As far as I can tell there is no caps you have to hit and the uniques are just for more damage
@Portal.. 3 месяца назад
You move so fast it looks like lag, I can’t wait to try this
@BigShotKev 3 месяца назад
I was looking to make a sorc build… def gunna do this
@johndymond4596 3 месяца назад
Ive got a plus 15 telport wand its lovely
@vadicus-tcp 3 месяца назад
What's the wand called?? Unique?
@vadicus-tcp 3 месяца назад
This cool, I wonder if there's a way to incorporate Gravitational Ball Lightning instead of the Fridgid Finesse explosions at lower health because i love Teleporting and the 500x damage is awesome. I use Vampiric Touch for the soul explosion damage which is cool.
@flowqi212 3 месяца назад
About DR vs close, has this really been confirmed that shadow clone damage will not get reduced even if you're standing close to the boss? My Barb can face-tank basically every shadow clone attack up to T80 and it sure feels 40 DR vs close is a big part of it 🤔
@cradleoffilth691 3 месяца назад
Who cares if this is not ranked as one of the top builds this just looks soo incredibly fun! This might work even better with my shako that i happened to get a greater affix on cooldown reduction. I said i was only running one character then i made a barb. Now im leveling a sorcerer this season has made leveling characters so much more fun for me
@amd3636 3 месяца назад
looks interesting... any chance we get an arc lash or pure electricity build? i miss last seasons lash lol
@MrMark28 3 месяца назад
Wow!! Very cool! That’s speed bro!!!!
@EpicGT 3 месяца назад
The most important question is what pit level can it handle?
@_Strats_ 3 месяца назад
Wasn't storm swell and frigid fate fixed in the last hotfix? Would love to see meteor next, and your thoughts on the meteor unique helm!
@nomad4594 Месяц назад
I'm trying this on hardcore so I'm going without the frosty strides, kinda scared to be even remotely low hp 😂
@exiom-xyz 3 месяца назад
Can you please make a video for people coming back after abandoning season 1? like leveling and such
@Animealex13 3 месяца назад
If at all possible I would love to see a meteor build unless frost orb is working properly if so I'd like to see an updated version
@2_SLEEPY 3 месяца назад
New sorc builds are exciting AF!!!!!
@laurentroy9788 3 месяца назад
hello why do you prefer damage close enemy rather than damage teleport?
@ClarkKent-tv2fk 3 месяца назад
i love it. nice fum build
@PJ-bk7qq 3 месяца назад
Made the same build last week got my tele up to rank 32 with 2.50 cd. Was fun but went back to conjuration FO lol
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