
Did Brazil Find the Solution to Poverty? 

The Gravel Institute
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@TheGravelInstitute 3 года назад
Thank you for watching! We launched this project to counter right-wing disinformation like PragerU. The problem is, they have millions of dollars in oil billionaire money and we have nothing but our supporters and our ideas. Consider becoming a patron of the Institute and making these videos possible: www.patreon.com/gravelinstitute. We will be forever in your debt.
@GryphonGamerBR 3 года назад
Fighting right wing propaganda with left wing propaganda, how convenient?! Talk about corruption in Lula's government!
@qwertykeyboard5901 3 года назад
China’s Poverty Elevation: Am i a joke to you?
@nanuser420 3 года назад
@@GryphonGamerBR ah yes, the false accusations done by the far right, where the judge, Sergio Moro, was proven to be biased against Lula, and now with an impartial judgement, Lula got his political rights back? Yeah I remember those.
@paulovictortimoteo7535 3 года назад
faltou dizer que ele não conseguiu terminar uma obra só superfaturou tudo, fez o maior esquema de corrupção da história que temos conhecimento, que o Bolsa família para dar certo tem q ser temporário pois as pessoas precisam trabalhar, que a educação, saúde e os militares ficaram sucateados, os policiais desvalorizados, as favelas ainda mais violentas, que ele deu sorte com o bum de commodities, inicio do plano real, crecimento Chines com empresas captalistas se instalando lá, valorização da petrobras/crescimento do Eike Batista,
@pirangueirodafeira 3 года назад
this video is fake news the dictatorship was a counterattack, the communists, want to implement the dictatorship di ploletario in the country, exploding bombs, terrorism, using guerrillas, lula da silva is a guerrilla columnist.
@dr3357 3 года назад
Meanwhile in sweden all families get about 170$/child and month. To me as a high income worker its "meh" amounts, but i gladly pay my taxes for those that need this money more than i do
@queenofastora 3 года назад
hoppas du inte är borgare bara
@autumn64fromdeltarunechapter3 3 года назад
Someone who is willing to pay taxes for the greater good of the poor? What a concept over here in america! We here shamelessly deported thousands of asylum seekers from hati becuase we dont want 5 more cents in taxes to pay for them all for about 5 months.
@beckyecklund5252 3 года назад
If only more people felt like you
@gking407 3 года назад
@@autumn64fromdeltarunechapter3 YES instead of helping working class citizens America happily funds the largest prison and military systems in the world!
@Mystemo 3 года назад
Sweden has a lot of great social support laws, sadly we have taken several wrong steps in the last couple of decades. We still have it very good here but we really need to stand up to keep it that way, especially with the extremist rightwing party SD gaining frighteningly huge support in the last couple of elections.
@ryanpetty8843 3 года назад
Rich Americans be like: “Have you tried not being poor about it?”
@Helltown66 3 года назад
Now be a good boy / girl and get back to work
@undeadblizzard 3 года назад
Also we had a black president so racism is over.
@senismarsenis9678 3 года назад
@@undeadblizzard Yep... xD
@CasperTheRamKnight 3 года назад
Americans* not rich ones lol
@harrywoodman2988 3 года назад
@@CasperTheRamKnight "Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires" - John Steinbeck
@leoribeiro1392 3 года назад
Pagliarini gives an excellent summary. However, the income transfer from Bolsa Família went from the medium class to the lower class. By not taxing the rich and promoting too little land reforms than what it was needed, the shrinking of poverty in Brazil was much lower than its potential. Lula isn't necessarily a socialist, meaning we preferred to conciliate the classes instead of abolishing their struggle and sure, Bolsa Família manage to do a lot to transform the reality of our poor, but it would have been a lot better if PT gave less to the conservatives in Congress at that time
@Rory20uk 3 года назад
If he had really done more don't you think the USA would have again invaded as is typically the case when business interests are threatened?
@andredock4478 3 года назад
@@Rory20uk Brazillians are not helpless hostages of the USA. With the astounding level of domestic support and international respect he had, the USA wouldn't risk an actual socialist uprising and war without international support. That would put their entire influence over Latin America at risk. They waited until massive oil reserves were discovered and a less charismatic successor, Dilma Rousseff, took office and was forced to implement neoliberal policies by the São Paulo bourgeoisie to eliminate their support, criminalize the PT administration and promote the 2016 coup. That only goes to show they'd have done it anyway. That was a lost chance at getting rid of the brutal agrarian role in our neocolonial economic dependency of the USA.
@joaodosanjos9060 3 года назад
@@Rory20uk he didnt need to do more, our foreign policy of friendship towards all nations, including China for example, was enough for the US to back a coup in 2016 that led to Bolsonaro in 2018, the land owning and industrialist bourgeousie in Brasil are extremely reactionary, dont need much instigation, theres a reason why Brasil was the last country to abolish slavery
@rp1455 3 года назад
correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't the original strategy to strike a conciliation with the ruling classes and oligarchy that dominate Brazilian politics to allow the PT to get a foot in the door (i.e., to get media coverage that wasn't constant demonisation, to appease business owners etc.)? Lula isn't an idiot - obviously it would have worked much better if the richest were taxed instead of the middle class. He was strategic about what could be done given the political terrain at the time, and that meant having to appease the rich. Since the middle class were never supporters of the PT anyway, it made sense to let them take the brunt for the scheme. I'm sure that now, since the PT has established a base and can go off Lula's reputation, they would rather tax the rich. Lula has said that he would be more radical this time (here's to 2022, inshallah)
@joaodosanjos9060 3 года назад
@@rp1455 yes, that was and by what Lula is saying in public, unfortunately he seems ready to go with the same strategy again, even more center leaning if necessary to muster enough political support to establish himself as the main opposition to Bolsonaro and not any other more right leaning candidate better liked by the ruling class
@Daryo8769 2 года назад
"Como Brasil resolveu a pobreza" Eu: Resolveu?
@Mikael3770 2 года назад
@rikelmymagno7423 2 года назад
Pensei a mesma coisa.
@talyssonkrigor 2 года назад
Kkkkkkkkjjjk pois é
@talyssonkrigor 2 года назад
Já era pobre e agora continua mais pobre por causa do governo e da pandemia
@Daryo8769 2 года назад
@@talyssonkrigor legal que ele disse que o Lula combateu a pobreza, quando na verdade Piourou. Eu não sei se esse é só um gringo inocente ou se ta passando pano...
@ThomasBarrios 3 года назад
As a Brazilan living this history in Brazil...I can say for sure: this is an exaggerated oversimplification. I sense an agenda in here 😕
@Ucedo95 3 года назад
That's because it aims at a Yankee audience, that's why they take a few of Lula's policies and contrast them with American policies from both Republicans and Democrats.
@oiopquatro4846 3 года назад
O vídeo omitiu mais coisa que os reais que o Lula roubou lkkkkkk
@giancarlobonvenuto2701 3 года назад
This video is basically the propaganda we were used to see in here, of course the propaganda hasn't stopped, but rather switched sides. But this video is really misleading
@darthhunter69 3 года назад
rt bro
@darthhunter69 3 года назад
@@giancarlobonvenuto2701 exactly
@guilhermemuratore5352 3 года назад
Lula's reforms did a lot of good for the brazillian workers, but unfortunately they showed the limitations of working within the framework of the bourgeois democracy For him to pass legislations such as bolsa familia he made deals with the center-right carrer politicians therefore expanding their reach and cementing even more the grasp of plantaion owners and mining companies on the brazillian government
@joshieecs 3 года назад
Workers need a true revolution, not just a successful election.
@guilhermemuratore5352 3 года назад
@@joshieecs Yup, Allende learned that the hard way
@cyberspacesupersoldier 3 года назад
@@guilhermemuratore5352 Exactly, thank you. We need multiple full political, economical, and social/societal revolutions and insurrections to really fight the Class Wars.
@PlatinumAltaria 3 года назад
If only we could just shoot everyone we disagree with, I'm sure that would be a much nicer society /s
@pax6833 3 года назад
@@cyberspacesupersoldier history has already shown that is a losing strategy
@andredias5061 2 года назад
Any Brazilian: "Hold on, we're still figuring it out"
@matheuscastelhano3442 3 года назад
he really ignored the 'plano real', the currency change that decreased the inflation by hundreds, maybe because it wasnt on lula government? lula did great things to brazil, but ignoring the thousands of scandal corruptions in billions of dollars and some economical strategies that made the inflation come back show us something about this video and the guy/channel who made it...
@DavidF479 3 года назад
Yes, this video definitely doesn't tell the whole history.
@glock4455 3 года назад
the plano real was important not only because of the currency change, but because it severely cut te state's power to print cash by extinguishing the logal state funded banks
@spinhozag.3972 2 года назад
It’s almost like the decision to change the currency in petrol deals that caused inflation wasn’t even his idea.
@ozluck721 2 года назад
u do know that the dollar price went up in Brazil after PT's time in charge, right?
@luceliorodrigues7504 2 года назад
@@ozluck721 *while
@jayberarchive6863 3 года назад
Capitalist policies don’t reduce poverty: Socialist Policy does
@kaminoshi713 3 года назад
Agreed, but we need to protect our ideals. I don’t want to see another Castro ride the tails of another Batista. It’s crazy how much damage the US has done to itself and the America’s as a whole.
@drewkrieky7529 3 года назад
This is incorrect, everyone knows that a system that is predicated on the exploitation of labour is great for the working class.
@danextrinsic0174 3 года назад
@@kaminoshi713 and what harm did Castro do to cuba exactly? You realize cubas predicament is mostly the U.S.A's own doing right? We sanctioned the living shit out of the island when they where prospering and then decided to KEEP said cruel sanctions for over 50 years. Imagine what would happen to the U.S.A if most countries where banned from trading with us? Lets say we where cut by 70%. How do you think we would fare? Lol. It would be horrendous. We would not survive such abuse. So one could argue that thanks to Cuba's specific form of SOCIALISM, that the cuban people are still well educated, fed, and homelessness levels are non-existent.
@mattheww9772 3 года назад
@@kaminoshi713 crazy what damage the US has done to itself, the Americas and the world. Simple reforms can have dramatic changes. Literary like Freire instituted, voting expansion like Muñeca, investing in Education Teachers and Doctors like Castro, supporting Co-ops like Spain and Italy, supporting unions and unionization like France Italy Norway Finland the Netherlands etc, Legalizing drugs and building out mental healthcare like Portugal, negotiating and seeing drug and healthcare prices like Canada France England and most countries.
@arcadiaberger9204 3 года назад
@@mattheww9772 The U.S. is not good at learning from others, alas.
@alastairhewitt380 3 года назад
Saying that Brazil has solved poverty is incredibly tone def for the many in the country who still struggle with it, but yes programs such as Bolsa Familia should be praised & supported.
@moemamadarasz4016 3 года назад
The original video title is "Did Brazil solve poverty?" but yeah I was also startled by the translated version, they should fix that
@FOLIPE 3 года назад
Yes, particularly considering how history has shown how fragile these programs are if they don't come alongside structural reforms. Most of the gains were already lost with Bolsonaro.
@mrq7848 3 года назад
agreed, as a Brazillian whom a big part of the family depends on that extra money i know it has a lot of good things (and bad too, but those we arent big enought for us to get preocupied)
@renatojgames 3 года назад
@@FOLIPEAnthem of the Brazilian Empire Now you can, children of the Fatherland, See your kind mother happy. freedom has already risen On the horizon of Brazil. freedom has already risen freedom has already risen On the horizon of Brazil. Chorus Brave Brazilian people! Far away, the fear of slavery! Or keep the homeland free, Or die for Brazil. Or keep the homeland free, Or die for Brazil The chains that forged for us Cunning cunning of treachery, There was a more powerful hand, Brazil mocked them. There was a more powerful hand, There was a more powerful hand, Brazil mocked them. (Chorus) The Royal Augustus Heir knowing the vile deception despite the tyrants I wanted to stay in your Brazil despite the tyrants despite the tyrants I wanted to stay in your Brazil (Chorus) sad shadows resounded of the cruel civil war But they ran away quickly Seeing the angel of Brazil But they ran away quickly But they ran away quickly Seeing the angel of Brazil (Chorus) So that in distant mountains sounded our manly cry Over broad shoulders coming soon Brazil's head must go up Over broad shoulders coming soon Over broad shoulders coming soon Brazil's head must go up (Chorus) Children of the cry, beloved children And after thousands of affronts To avenge the black offense Brazil comes to call you To avenge the black offense To avenge the black offense Brazil comes to call you (Chorus) Don't be afraid of profane battalions, Who shows his hostile face: your breasts, your arms These are the walls of Brazil. your breasts, your arms your breasts, your arms These are the walls of Brazil. (Chorus) Peter show us your face your bold and virile soul you have in him the worthy chief of this empire of Brazil you have in him the worthy chief you have in him the worthy chief of this empire of Brazil (Chorus) Congratulations, Brazilians, Already, with manly clothing From the Universe among Nations The one in Brazil shines a lot. From the Universe among Nations From the Universe among Nations The one in Brazil shines a lot. (Chorus) Congratulations; we are already free; Already shining and noble. Let's meet in our homes, The Assembly of Brazil. Let's meet in our homes, Let's meet in our homes, The Assembly of Brazil.
@renatojgames 3 года назад
@@mrq7848Anthem of the Brazilian Empire Now you can, children of the Fatherland, See your kind mother happy. freedom has already risen On the horizon of Brazil. freedom has already risen freedom has already risen On the horizon of Brazil. Chorus Brave Brazilian people! Far away, the fear of slavery! Or keep the homeland free, Or die for Brazil. Or keep the homeland free, Or die for Brazil The chains that forged for us Cunning cunning of treachery, There was a more powerful hand, Brazil mocked them. There was a more powerful hand, There was a more powerful hand, Brazil mocked them. (Chorus) The Royal Augustus Heir knowing the vile deception despite the tyrants I wanted to stay in your Brazil despite the tyrants despite the tyrants I wanted to stay in your Brazil (Chorus) sad shadows resounded of the cruel civil war But they ran away quickly Seeing the angel of Brazil But they ran away quickly But they ran away quickly Seeing the angel of Brazil (Chorus) So that in distant mountains sounded our manly cry Over broad shoulders coming soon Brazil's head must go up Over broad shoulders coming soon Over broad shoulders coming soon Brazil's head must go up (Chorus) Children of the cry, beloved children And after thousands of affronts To avenge the black offense Brazil comes to call you To avenge the black offense To avenge the black offense Brazil comes to call you (Chorus) Don't be afraid of profane battalions, Who shows his hostile face: your breasts, your arms These are the walls of Brazil. your breasts, your arms your breasts, your arms These are the walls of Brazil. (Chorus) Peter show us your face your bold and virile soul you have in him the worthy chief of this empire of Brazil you have in him the worthy chief you have in him the worthy chief of this empire of Brazil (Chorus) Congratulations, Brazilians, Already, with manly clothing From the Universe among Nations The one in Brazil shines a lot. From the Universe among Nations From the Universe among Nations The one in Brazil shines a lot. (Chorus) Congratulations; we are already free; Already shining and noble. Let's meet in our homes, The Assembly of Brazil. Let's meet in our homes, Let's meet in our homes, The Assembly of Brazil.
@johnjmartin1731 3 года назад
My one critique of this video is that you really shouldn't be citing the "international poverty line". That's a metric made up by international organizations like the World Bank and IMF to "prove" that capitalism has lifted billions out of poverty over the last few decades. They make the line extremely low so that it's easy to claim improvement.
@vacuumandgaspressurecoexisting 3 года назад
Not to mention that none of these feelgood socialists ever consider things like currency, money supply, inflation, job creation etc.. its only TAXES TAXES TAXES from that crowd.
@hewhomustnotbenamed5912 3 года назад
@@vacuumandgaspressurecoexisting socialism is about restructuring the economy so that the workplace is controlled by the workers instead of rich property owners. The idea that we just care about taxes is a conservative myth meant to make us look no different from social democrats. You should actually study socialism before criticising it. Also I find it ironic that you criticise us for not considering inflation or job creation when the lowest inflation rates are found in countries with price fixing and the highest employment rates were found in the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc. It's almost as if the majority of criticisms of socialism are actually just capitalists projecting the damning faults of capitalism so that the masses don't realise they have no reason to tolerate capitalism for even a day longer.
@tycko4 3 года назад
@@hewhomustnotbenamed5912 As far as I've seen, American conservativism is a death cult, there is reason it's extremely unpopular, whilst aso being considered extremely far right by the mass of the world.
@xavier4519 3 года назад
@@tycko4 as it stands right now, as a brazilian i believe brazilian conservatism is even worse, i'd not be surprised if the population demands military intervention like in 1964
@vacuumandgaspressurecoexisting 3 года назад
@@hewhomustnotbenamed5912 Critcism of socialism does not automatically mean that one is a conservative, a capitalist or whatever else you think of. Yeah, the eastern bloc.. what a GREAT example where your money got you nothing and work was enforced by the state so you could be delegated to your crappy appartment where you could sit around all day watching propaganda on the TV while being on a waiting list for several years to own a horrible car made out of the worst components available.
@DUDUBERSAMA 2 года назад
Se o PT num tivesse roubado tudo o que ele roubou eu concerteza o admiraria, eu reconheço o trabalho do Lula e o parabenizo por tudo que fez, mas concerteza não quero ele dinovo na presidência, mas Infeliz mente nunca tem um candidato que realmente vale a pena votar e pra piorar o voto é obrigatório.
@darkpanthertv7330 2 года назад
entendo seu ponto, mas "com certeza, de novo, infelizmente"
@kayoreis8438 2 года назад
Quem sabe não surge uma 3° via 😑
@johanmatsel5826 2 года назад
@@kayoreis8438 Moro?
@JosoezinduASMRpog 2 года назад
O PT não roubou porra nenhuma, prove que ele roubou algo.
@JosoezinduASMRpog 2 года назад
Sinceramente, se o Lula se candidatar de novo, não acho que teremos alguma opção melhor.
@frederic-montanha 3 года назад
Then the money ran out and that portion of people returned to poverty with inflation and debt generated. What a freaking joke. I am Brazilian.
@marcosbettishneider4372 3 года назад
2:51 Programas sociais relacionados ao Bolsa Família. Quando o Bolsa Família foi estabelecido, já existiam (ou havia existido) alguns programas de ajuda a famílias. Sendo assim, ele ficou como um mix de outras iniciativas sociais, incluindo o Programa Auxílio Gás, que foi criado no governo FHC, no ano de 2002.Fica claro que o Bolsa Família é a unificação do Bolsa Escola, criado em abril de 2001; do Bolsa Alimentação, criado em setembro de 2001, e do Auxílio Gás, criado em janeiro de 2002.O Lula não criou o Bolsa Família.
@kayoreis8438 2 года назад
Vivendo e aprendendo
@guilhermemagalhaes9530 2 года назад
Primeiro, nunca se foi negado que foi uma junção, mas a questão que o programa mudou a forma de distribuição, oque vc falou é mesmo que dizer que o Bozo n vai criar o Bolsa Brasil, sei la´ como é o nome, e sim que foi uma criação do PT que ele só modificou.
@gustavoabreu3097 3 года назад
In the early 2000's there was a commodity boom, Lula just rode the wave you can't attribute the economic growth during his term with his government. Came 2014 this boom ended guess what, Brazil has entered a recession that it still didn't recover. I'm not against Bolsa familia but there is always a bigger context behind these issues, instead of making Lula the patrion saint of the poor.
@fabriciolima2712 3 года назад
Olá jovem cirista tudo bem?
@gustavoabreu3097 3 года назад
@@fabriciolima2712 to fora kkkkkkk
@andred7684 3 года назад
Ele também não foi específico em dizer que quem criou o Bolsa Família foi o próprio FHC, além disso, nunca vi Lula, um so-called "socialist" manter o tripé macro-econômico do FHC, manter a inflação baixa. Além disso, o PT não tinha a finalidade de manter o bolsa família como um programa definitivo para outros governos, mas enfim. O video é verdadeiro, mas ele omite muita coisa e isso pode vir a dar uma imagem superficial demais dos fatos.
@felipec.2854 3 года назад
@@andred7684 outra que ele falou que o PT foi o primeiro partido popular kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk nós temos literalmente um período chamado república populista
@theobarretoteles4206 3 года назад
@@andred7684 Essa é basicamente a PragerU só que de esquerda. Dão informações interessantes, porém muito incompletas e, portanto, de certa forma, desinformadores. Basicamente, Gravel Institute é um canal de propaganda de esquerda, enquanto a PragerU é o canal de propaganda de direita
@AfonsoLDM 3 года назад
the gravel institute should make an entire video especifically about the brazilian universal healthcare system
@Bramble20322 3 года назад
​@Joāo Vitor Werneck Lmao yeah bud, go treat your shit paying out of pocket and come back here and tell us its expensive. You must be one of those guys that thinks will never need it.
@octocube3607 3 года назад
Brazilian Universal healthcare system, a horrible system as everything else in Brazil
@chara2038 3 года назад
Yeah, some people don't realize how amazing Brazil's health-care system is, that doesn't change how revolutionary it is
@Gui1The 3 года назад
@Joāo Vitor Werneck No, its mediocre and underfunded, better than nothing but it has a long way to go
@lucasfreitas4803 3 года назад
@@Gui1The if just throwing money at something makes something better then brazil should had the best public education in the world since it nearly doubled the funding in the last decade, but in reality it only got worse.
@_megori 3 года назад
Me, a Brazilian born in the late 90's, seeing the title: Wait, we did?
@arcadiaberger9204 3 года назад
Do you have something to add to the Gravel Institute's story?
@S3lvah 3 года назад
It's a clickbait title for sure. No country in the world has truly solved poverty. Brazil just significantly reduced extreme poverty. Still a lot of work left to be done!
@NankitaBR 3 года назад
Same. I mean, we still have huuuuuge favelas and a big part of the population living on the streets... We are still light years away from riding ourselves of poverty and our society still is one of the most unequal in the world, but I guess one could say we did have some progress
@arcadiaberger9204 3 года назад
@@S3lvah I liked the thumbnail graphic, contrasting a crumbling favela with a brightly painted one: still clearly a neighborhood for poor people, but a vastly healthier one.
@UrsulaDorada 3 года назад
Me, a Brazilian born in early 80's: YES we did! I remember the absolute chaos it was before PT took the government. It's not perfect, Bolsonaro is fucking up a lot of the progress, but do look into: shortage of food before PT, unemployment. People with degrees in engineer and law school applying to do janitor work. It was wild, it's all in the newspapers.
@youtubedomal4889 2 года назад
Acho engraçado gringo dando opinião sobre uma realidade totalmente diferente a deles....
@valentimmoldova 2 года назад
tu é muito burro ne ,deixa ele faze ,qual e o problema agora ,critica menos e faz mais...
@pepito217 2 года назад
Ele nem é gringo, é um brasileiro num canal gringo.
@youtubedomal4889 2 года назад
@@valentimmoldova tenho o direito de críticas!! Posso exercer, senhor? Sobre "Fazer Mais", o que você faz? Talvez possa começar a fazer o mesmo.
@valentimmoldova 2 года назад
@@youtubedomal4889 estudo ,agora vc comece a estudar
@youtubedomal4889 2 года назад
@@valentimmoldovaBacana, percebo pelo seu português que estou dialogando com um doutor. Desculpe-me, excelência.
@fernandinho6633 3 года назад
Why this channel simply ignored all the 6 years of Dilma's mandate? Is it because of connivance, fallaciousness or both?
@Tururu669 3 года назад
Because it followed the same path as Lula, and the video is talking about Lula's government
@fernandinho6633 3 года назад
@@Tururu669 Yes, she did, and it's really important to emphasize the economic recession in 2015 brought by the same Lula's and Dilma's unsustainable political agenda spoken on the video. But it seens more convenient to make an arbitrary and fallacious propaganda for the next elections...
@Tururu669 3 года назад
@@fernandinho6633 kkkkkkkkkkkkkk essa foi boa mano
@fernandinho6633 3 года назад
@@Tururu669 Se discordar, explique o porquê, não deboche...
@Tururu669 3 года назад
@@fernandinho6633 simples, quase nada que você falou é coerente com a realidade e o que é você descontextualizou pra caralho, simplesmente desinformação que não vale a pena nem discutir, só rir
@aoidos8515 3 года назад
Alternative title: how Brazil turned poverty into a chronic disease by medicating the symptoms of low education and semi-functional institutions
@emanueldesouza4482 2 года назад
@siberianbreaks979 2 года назад
@riograndedosulball248 2 года назад
We have metastasized. Lula held the last chance Brazil ever had to become something and threw it into the thrash to reinforce his own position. Our population will start declining in a decade and once this happens, it's the end. No more development. Brazil is done
@alexsch2514 2 года назад
How would you have handled it?
@alice-nv1qe 3 года назад
It's important to note that the workers party is far from perfect. It attempts to concliate the classes, instead of focusing on helping the working class. Lula is the most left wing candidate we have, but he's still center left
@ornos3133 3 года назад
I love the experiments with different formats of showing citations.
@lukecacatian3245 3 года назад
You forgot the part where Lula and Dilma were the reason why Bolsonaro was elected in the first place.
@tabom385 3 года назад
@+¹²³⁴²³¹⁴¹³⁶whaTsapp although Lula helped a fuck ton of people and had a pretty good government (as seen in the video) him and his party were responsible for a huge corruption scandal, which generated a strong hatred against the party and overall leftism in Brazil, this, along with the rise of a right-wing politician known for being sincere almost to a fault, generated sort of a fandom war in which everyone knew only PT or Bolsonaro would come out winning, so even people who dont support him ended up voting for him just so PT couldnt win
@abpaensses 2 года назад
Vocês não conseguem sossegar né
@ernestokrapf 3 года назад
PT IS NOT the first workers party founded in Brazil we had PCB, PCdoB (though it's a shitty party nowadays), PDT for decades before PT was even founded
@clarimp 3 года назад
Thank you for remembering that
@andrepag100 3 года назад
PCB and PCdoB were indeed very important leftist parties. I would dispute the argument that they were formed organically by working-class actors like the PT was (this is not a criticism of those earlier parties, just an observation). The PDT was founded 7 months before the PT. The PTB was the main labor-based party in the postwar period but that was not an organic working-class party, having been created by Getúlio Vargas.
@JucBox 2 года назад
Comecei o vídeo super animado de ver um brasileiro contando mais a fundo sobre a história do Brasil. A esmagadora maioria fora do Brasil realmente nos resume a praias, florestas e cristo redentor. Mas é muito triste ver a quantidade de informação omitida pra fazer o Lula parecer ser o herói da história, salvador do Brasil. O bolsa familia foi uma ideia incrível, eu concordo com isso, mas simplesmente ignorar todos os escândalos de corrupção, lavagem de dinheiro, o impacto devastador de varias decisões feitas pensando apenas no curto prazo e o que isso resulta até hoje na nossa economia acaba fazendo o vídeo parecer uma propaganda enganosa. O que é genuinamente triste! Isso acaba piorando e disseminando nossa mania brasileira de colocar o futuro do nosso pais completamente na mão do presidentes, como se eles fossem algum tipo de deus. Eu queria muito que fosse feito juz a proposta colocada no começo do vídeo, mas acho que eu to esperando demais de um vídeo com um título clickbait e falso desses...
@C410-r4k 2 года назад
Mas cara, o intuito do vídeo era só mostrar como o Brasil reduziu a pobreza. Vc queria oq? Q o cara explicasse a Lava Jato? Isso é um vídeo todo separado
@JucBox 2 года назад
@@C410-r4k ia ser bom só ter mais transparência. Esse é um cara q pode muito bem ser a única fonte de informação pra gringos sobre o Brasil e é chato ver essa mania brasileira de transformar seus líderes políticos em messias salvadores da pátria sendo projetada pra outras pessoas. Sla, acho q oq mais me incomodou foi o vídeo abordar um tópico importante e pouco discutido, mas ainda ser tão resumido e o quão rápido transformou em propaganda política.
@C410-r4k 2 года назад
@@JucBox Infelizmente esse é um problema da plataforma. Falar sobre Mensalão, petrolão e Lava Jato implica fazer um vídeo com, no mínimo, mais de 40 min de conteúdo, o que não vai bem com o algoritmo. Se os gringos quiserem mesmo entender tudo isso, eles podem ver os vídeos (também super resumidos) do canal Vox sobre o assunto. Mas no geral, eu entendi a sua reclamação.
@jojob123 3 года назад
Michael Brooks would be smiling at this
@cameronhealy7055 3 года назад
my first thought long live Lula! long live Michael Brooks!
@firecracker3911 3 года назад
I miss him!
@hydrolifetech7911 3 года назад
Michael Brooks had the biggest impact on me ideologically than all the other leftist YTers
@Moskeeto 3 года назад
He would have been the one to do this video had he still been around. RIP.
@renatojgames 3 года назад
@@cameronhealy7055Anthem of the Brazilian Empire Now you can, children of the Fatherland, See your kind mother happy. freedom has already risen On the horizon of Brazil. freedom has already risen freedom has already risen On the horizon of Brazil. Chorus Brave Brazilian people! Far away, the fear of slavery! Or keep the homeland free, Or die for Brazil. Or keep the homeland free, Or die for Brazil The chains that forged for us Cunning cunning of treachery, There was a more powerful hand, Brazil mocked them. There was a more powerful hand, There was a more powerful hand, Brazil mocked them. (Chorus) The Royal Augustus Heir knowing the vile deception despite the tyrants I wanted to stay in your Brazil despite the tyrants despite the tyrants I wanted to stay in your Brazil (Chorus) sad shadows resounded of the cruel civil war But they ran away quickly Seeing the angel of Brazil But they ran away quickly But they ran away quickly Seeing the angel of Brazil (Chorus) So that in distant mountains sounded our manly cry Over broad shoulders coming soon Brazil's head must go up Over broad shoulders coming soon Over broad shoulders coming soon Brazil's head must go up (Chorus) Children of the cry, beloved children And after thousands of affronts To avenge the black offense Brazil comes to call you To avenge the black offense To avenge the black offense Brazil comes to call you (Chorus) Don't be afraid of profane battalions, Who shows his hostile face: your breasts, your arms These are the walls of Brazil. your breasts, your arms your breasts, your arms These are the walls of Brazil. (Chorus) Peter show us your face your bold and virile soul you have in him the worthy chief of this empire of Brazil you have in him the worthy chief you have in him the worthy chief of this empire of Brazil (Chorus) Congratulations, Brazilians, Already, with manly clothing From the Universe among Nations The one in Brazil shines a lot. From the Universe among Nations From the Universe among Nations The one in Brazil shines a lot. (Chorus) Congratulations; we are already free; Already shining and noble. Let's meet in our homes, The Assembly of Brazil. Let's meet in our homes, Let's meet in our homes, The Assembly of Brazil.
@rudi-7998 2 года назад
Vídeo interessante, mas cadê a parte q o PT roubou bilhões? Kkkkkk Respeito a opinião e o vídeo foi muito bem feito mas foi meio forçado e sem mostrar os dois lados da moeda, mais forçado ainda foi falar q a pobreza no Brasil foi resolvida. Terrível kkkkk
@rudi-7998 2 года назад
PT é um partido político aqui do Brasil, não a sigla de Portugal nesse caso, peço desculpas se houve desentendimento kkkkkk
@viniciusborges8908 3 года назад
Well, as a brazillian, I didn't liked the video, for several reasons, but the 2 most important are: 1- The video title is misleading, Brazil didn't solve this issue, and actually is way worse now than ever, and bolsa-familia, was only really a cheap(specially if you compare with the minimum wage) way to buy the votes from the poorest people; 2- Lula nine fingers, was the most corrupt politician in the history of mankind. He bankrupt several state owned businesses. He made the corruption the base of his government. Everyone, every politician on every sphere of power, was receving dirt money, under his protection, and all of this isnt a opinion, is a fact, there was several investigations against him, and after everything he was considered guilty and went to prison. So for the people watching this video, don't fall for that bullshit, lula, is a thief, a liar, a manipulative person, that used everyone to get to power, and when he got there, he stole from the country, leading us to a path of almost a economic breakdown.
@IgorFGamerHD 3 года назад
Why was he acquitted then? Honest question.
@viniciusborges8908 3 года назад
@@IgorFGamerHD Because, he and the left wing party, was almost 2 decades in power, and they had the hability to choose two ministers of justice, in the federal court of justice (STF), even tho they aren't real judges, only lawyers(being left wing, when they shouldn't had a political alliance). This way almost every minister there, is working to returned the favor for them. Almost all brazilians are against the STF, that's also why millions went to protest in the 7 of September, our independence day. Showing their disapproval against this(Lula being absolved of his crimes) and other ditatorial attitudes against the population, and to support the present president Bolsonaro, which is the only one against that putrid and corrupt system, the only one who hasn't any investigation or crime in his behalf, only narratives created by the midia against him...
@jeeej 2 года назад
​@@viniciusborges8908 we can see here an ox that suffered from brainswashing and struggles to understand basic concepts. U can see that when he support the worst president of all time, and consider him a hero for absolutely nothing. I'm just glad he'll lose the next election, even though u won't believe even when it happens.
@MendigoLascado 2 года назад
@@jeeej Maluco, escreve português crl
@felipepoia 2 года назад
@@viniciusborges8908 maluco, tu mando bem
@adrake161 3 года назад
I love u gravel. five stars for impressive heartwarming inspiring etc etc
@oelkerstein3506 2 года назад
"brasil its the country with the most sucessful socialist moviments of our time." Rindo com pobreza e corrupção desde 2000
@luigimarquesmachado7311 2 года назад
Desde de 2000 o caralho, desde a colônia tem corrupção aqui
@alguem7147 3 года назад
answer: didn't solve I'm from Rio de Janeiro and around 70% of Cariocas live in some type of favela or in a risky area with a high degree of violence or extreme poverty. However... This is a part of Brazil, as far as I know the South of the country has lesser problems than this one and the Northeast and North are worse, but in general that's what it is.
@caualongshanks 2 года назад
from the south here, uh yeah there is no favelas and shit but its still hard, crime rates are STILL as high as like, a normal place close to favelas? and yes poverty is high and payments are still low while everything else is increasing in price, once there was a time that i struggled to bring food to the table!
@ig100magnaguard 3 года назад
"How Brazil solved poverty" Answer: They didn't. Also: Bro, your portuguese sounds really good in this video. Have you lived in Brazil when was younger?
@matheussoa5607 3 года назад
Ele é br
@khaos.doodles 2 года назад
Ele é brasileiro, mas é q ele fala inglês muito bem
@ig100magnaguard 2 года назад
@@matheussoa5607 Sério? Eu realmente não fazia ideia disso.
@ig100magnaguard 2 года назад
@@khaos.doodles obrigado por avisar.
@archival9850 2 года назад
I as portuguese was shocked when i don't see an commentary putting the blame in my people
@Joleyn-Joy 3 года назад
2:52 Lula didn't introduce it. The basic idea and project was around when he became president, he just finished it. This video lacks a lot of nuance about these kind of things but then again, it's only seven minutes. Besides the program was only that successful because Brazil was able to grow its economy due to the commodity boom. Commodities went down and without an industry to support it, the entire thing went crashing and Dilma was impeached as a result. Not only that, but PT's government not realizing that this effect would most probably happen, spent way too much money which was the reason for the recent liberal (economic) reforms. And watch out, this is probably going to happen again. If any of the great powers face a depression cuz of COVID, commodity prices will probably go up and you'll see another Lula around in Brazil. All of this is really random and there are basically no one to blame or no one to give applause to.
@emmetbrown6328 3 года назад
A previdência, tributação e leis trabalhistas que querem reformar não vem da constituinte?
@PapasGatito 2 года назад
I don’t even live in Brazil, I live in the borderland (Canindeyu-Paraguay) and that title is misleading AF but the video is very informative. 👍
@miguelinop 3 года назад
I love that part of the end of the video saying "now, Brazil is still marked by serious inequality" It's almost like government handouts doesn't attack the root cause of poverty
@flydrop8822 3 года назад
which is the government itself
@flydrop8822 2 года назад
@EnzoGamerUchihaProXD you are probably being ironic, but the idea that the government is unnecessary and actually damaging to society has a lot going for it: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-lzPbUUPutnk.html
@enzonalin8066 2 года назад
@EnzoGamerUchihaProXD it makes more sense than be a governenmet' slave for ever; in feudalism the poor class had better conditions that the majority of nowadays' poors
@flydrop8822 2 года назад
@EnzoGamerUchihaProXD The problem with "people are bad so freedom will lead to chaos" is that it assumes the ones in charge are better than everyone else and won't use the power for self-gain. And when asked about it, most state-believers come with some bureacractic "fix" on the fundamental issue (like democracy or the constitution). I suggest you dive deeper into it, because while it's probably impossible we will end the State in our lifetimes, we can still do a lot to spread freedom and reduce it's power over us, by using descentralized services and avoiding the State at all costs. At some point, if we get enough libertarians it might be possible for us to just stop paying taxes all at once, they wont be able to go on war with anything over 20% of the population (and if they do they will only make the other 80% more likely to join us).
@gabsnandes7818 2 года назад
A melhor analogia que eu faço ao bolsa família é, e tipo eu nem culpo o lula totalmente por isso kkkkk, é como se a pobreza fosse uma ferida, e o bolsa família uma bandagem, ajuda, vai segurar a ferida por um tempo, claro, mas pra cicatrizar direito, você tem que cuidar da ferida, limpando, botando e depois tirando ponto e trocando a bandagem volta e meia, o bolsa família foi uma bandagem que nunca trocaram, e nunca cuidaram propriamente do ferimento, uma hora a bandagem não segurou o problema, e o que me deixa puto é que era genuinamente uma boa ideia que podia ter solucionado o problema com um pouco mais de atenção e cuidado
@窃国大稻 Год назад
He is back!!
@doug9000 3 года назад
Also, more than a decade without any reforms or economy structuring and high corruption has caused a massive crash in the economy that made the far right win the elections and poverty and inequality to rise in the last ""Workers Party"" government.
@C410-r4k 2 года назад
One of the main problems here in Brazil was that Lula and the Partido dos Trabalhadores gave people what they needed at that moment (money) but failed to discuss some other important matters. Therefore, when the 2008 and 2014 economical crisis hit, people quickly started to look for other president who coul give their money (buyer power) back. Along with others factors, it was crucial to leave us at the horrible situation where are at now.
@ernestokrapf 3 года назад
"it was the first party created by workers for workers" *laughs in PCB being around since 1921*
@andred7684 3 года назад
He's just fan servicing the Workers' Party. Like beyond facts
@ffccardoso 3 года назад
@@andred7684 worst. This is just propaganda bullshit.
@animationguyfull 3 года назад
"It's one of the most unequal countries in the world. It's also a country with one of the most successful socialist movements of our time". Yeah...
@riccardo9383 3 года назад
That was a good moment for Brazil, but unfortunately Lula is now coming back to politics adopting neoliberal economics, with corrupt politicians and entrepreneurs at his side.
@Alexhandre13 3 года назад
We're at a point where if he doesn't, he ain't getting to 2022. The elites might be bothered by Bolsonaro being a psycho, but they quite like his economic agenda. Plus, I doubt the left is gaining too much ground in 2022, so he's gonna have to deal with a congress full of neolibs and reactionaries. We're fucked either way.
@riccardo9383 3 года назад
@@Alexhandre13 If Lula wants to adopt neoliberalism he can, but the population should support another leftist candidate that has a progressive program for the country.
@Alexhandre13 3 года назад
@@riccardo9383 I agree, the problem is the left doesn't really have a candidate with Lula's charisma and popularity, so they cling to him expecting at least some good out of it.
@karolminesay7534 3 года назад
@@Alexhandre13 Virtually every grinho video about br appears Brazilian in the comment but this time no lol
@jmlkinc 3 года назад
Still light years ahead of Bolosonaro. When the choice is between the neoliberal and the fascist, the only real choice is damage control.
@Exsleonar 2 года назад
The worker party tried to make something. But they made our inflation rise, they made the "Petrolão" and "Mensalão", their government broke the econony, to grow like your vidro shows, but later, naturally the market restore the natural way, and now, we are worst than before.
@shushunk00 3 года назад
I feel inspired and hopeful after watching and listening to the unlifting music played background
@outboardgull5285 3 года назад
Do you mean to say uplifting?
@vitocorleone3764 3 года назад
dude, love the citations at the end of the video! put them in the description as well so people are more willing search and read the
@Nycolas9929 2 года назад
“The most popular leader in the history of Brazil” Getúlio Vargas: am I joke to you?
@chrisschlis9440 3 года назад
I hope channels like this one become more popular and actual change takes place in the U.S.A. If I was a single person with no ties to my current life... I think I'd flee the US. It's seems it will get very much worse before it gets better.
@tuliosilvestre7891 3 года назад
I hope they didnt, becuse im brazilian an this video is full of extra creamy bullshit
@LightVelox 3 года назад
Good idea on how to make it even worse for your country, cause this video is full of bullshit and biased information, the "other side" in your country would very easily point it out and use it as an excuse to make it even worse than it currently is
@Marcelelias11 3 года назад
Brasileiro não perde oportunidade de passar vergonha internacionalmente, incrível
@Marcelelias11 3 года назад
@@luisnutsdazidea Não era disso que eu tava falando.
@axxessmundi 3 года назад
Fernando Henrique Cardoso: Am I a joke to you?
@Alexhandre13 3 года назад
He is, his second term was awful.
@Gabriel-fq8yo 3 года назад
@FinnPlay65 3 года назад
Era só o que faltava, propaganda petista gringa fantasiada de análise acadêmica kkkkkkkkkkkj
@fleivor5359 3 года назад
eh mole?
@LuisMedeiros2207 2 года назад
Na verdade, o Brasil não resolveu muito a questão da pobreza, muitos brasileiros quando vêem um oportunidade de sair do Brasil, eles saiem e não voltam mais. Como eu futuramente se o Brasil não mudar direito........
@adrianks47 3 года назад
Lula was the first one to rebrand FHC's (former president) old redistribution policies to "Bolsa Familia". Brazil came out of severe economic disarrangement and hyperinflation during the 80's, which was fixed in the 90's during FHC's term with the Plano Real, that reformed Brazil economic policies to a fiscally responsible one. Lula went along with FHC's so called "neoliberal" economic policies and put Henrique Meirelles as the head of Brazil's central Bank. Brazil's significant economic growth and reduction of inequality happened during Lula's first term, so attributing it to Lula's policies is really pushing it, since he basically did nothing at that time. From his second term on, specially when his successor Dilma took over, they reverted back to what is expect of socialists politicians, which is money printing, government regulated low interest rates, and all sorts of crazy economic policies that tried to keep the economy growing purely based on government stimulus. Is not surprising that it all crashed afterwards while Dilma was still president, which led to massive public discontent, and eventually to her getting impeached. Just looking at Brazil's GDP per capita graph you can see the clear economic bubble that was created by Lula and his friends. Talking about Lula's friends, he was part of the several corruption scams, that served as ways of getting political support from within the government highest officials, and supreme court. Such high members of government are among the richest people in the country, and Lula's workers party is, to this day, very strongly against ending this people's privileges. Lula also sided with big corporations that were involved in those corruption schemes. Considering that, again I'm not surprised to see that inequality reduction came to a halt after Lula's second term. We still didn't recover from Lula/Dilma's massive economic bubble, and we now have inherited massive fiscal deficits and debt. Current right wing president Bolsonaro isn't helping with that and we are again dealing with high inflation and unemployment. Bolsonaro promised liberal economic policies but didn't deliver (which is not surprising also). We still have one of the most anti free market, weakest currency, and slowest growing country in the planet. In conclusion, I can say with high confidence that Lula's "successful" socialist program Bolsa Familia was just a way of getting support from poor people, so he could get reelected again and again to deploy his truly significant, but very unsuccessful, leftist economic policies, and now right wing president Bolsonaro is trying to do the same thing. Brazil's future is not looking very good, so i wouldn't praise any of it's current or former presidents, like this video is doing.
@LightVelox 3 года назад
cara ele é um professor brasileiro, ele sabe de tudo isso, só ta mudando os fatos de propósito por pura canalhice, se fosse um pesquisador americano até daria pra tentar explicar isso
@adrianks47 3 года назад
@@LightVelox To ligado. Eu escrevi isso pro pessoal lendo os comentários, e não pro cara que fez o vídeo. Infelizmente esses caras são muito bons em manipular as pessoas. Escrevi principalmente pro americano que não sabe nada sobre o Brasil e tem uma tendencia maior a acreditar no vídeo.
@marcostargaryen4181 3 года назад
Poverty in brazil is growing again thanks to Bolsonaro government
@thefrenchareharlequins2743 3 года назад
Inspiring quote of the day "I wouldn't rape you because you don't deserve it."
@BritishRepublicsn 3 года назад
@@thefrenchareharlequins2743 and people still call him the best president in the world
@bluethingy120 3 года назад
How come? He is giving more money than Lula and Dilma combined!
@Gabriel-fq8yo 3 года назад
@@bluethingy120 please go back to "cercadinho"
@thefrenchareharlequins2743 3 года назад
@@BritishRepublicsn Best? More like *B A S E D*
@laurenacorreria1720 3 года назад
Because of the economic crisis and the rate of unemployment, now is the best time to invest and make money
@lorenmathura9903 3 года назад
You can say that again
@dollarjenny6397 3 года назад
Cry`pto is the new gold
@davegary3763 3 года назад
I wanted to trade crypto but got confused by the fluctuations in price
@stevebrown9853 3 года назад
Yeah sure,I heard Alot about investments with Mr Richard and how good he is, please how safe are the profits
@graceatonal4145 3 года назад
I have also been trading with him, profits are secured and over a 100 percent return on investment
@alexparker4244 3 года назад
It is Gravel Institute video day, my dudes.
@callmelucas 2 года назад
Essa foi a maior vergonha que eu ví até hoje, ter coragem de falar com tanta seriedade que um preso resolveu os problemas de pobreza. Nenhum problema foi resolvido e o país perdeu milhões e milhões de reais
@mikapoggerz 2 года назад
o que mais me deixa puta é que ele e o cara que recusou comprar vacina são os candidatos mais populares
@i8dacookies890 3 года назад
God I wish America had a workers party so bad.
@NobodyImportant69420 3 года назад
It does. Look up the Party of Communists USA.
@i8dacookies890 3 года назад
@@NobodyImportant69420 I don't need to look it up, there's no way it's still around.
@NobodyImportant69420 3 года назад
@@i8dacookies890 Yes, it is. I'm a member.
@melelconquistador 3 года назад
@@NobodyImportant69420 what did it cost? How is your reputation? Are you put on a watch list? Are they clingy about membership like say a cult? Are you open about it offline?
@NobodyImportant69420 3 года назад
@@melelconquistador Just look it up. I don't feel like answering any more questions.
@The_Zealot1 2 года назад
I live in Brazil and the most thing that we have is poor people, since the past 17 years, and today i still see that, also Brazil "dictatorship" didnt killed people because of politic, im a kid but i know about that, actually they executed people because the people wanted "land" and started making crimes while the govermneant was down, about bolsa familia i gotta say, PT actually help, but Lula did way worse things and let me explain, Lula, made money laundry, stealing the population and also the govermneant, and most important CORRUPTION
@vruxxxyzzy8340 2 года назад
Esperei o video todo ele dizer que tudo que ele tinha dito era sarcasmo
@The_Zealot1 2 года назад
@@vruxxxyzzy8340 kakakakakakak
@Gfish17 3 года назад
Social policy pacifying the population. Effective. As long as your material needs are met what inequality are you suffering?
@nandotemplo 3 года назад
To call Brazil, one of the most violent countries in the world, 'pacified' is dishonest, to say the least.
@joaolucasms 2 года назад
Yeah, the intention is great! But Lula and PT in general was the single worst thing that happened to this country and they're basically responsible for all the poverty we're currently experiencing ina snowball effect, bolsa Familia is not only still very limited but it also doesn't solve the socioeconomic inequality because it often isn't enought to truly improve livelihood of those who need it but also act as a "election bias" that made them stay in power for longer because of the sheer amount of people in need of it because the government didn't create enough jobs, fix any infrastructure or make any other significant improvements on the country's economy in the states that need it most - the "Nordeste", the poorest region of our contry and the main target of Bolsa Familia - which essentially means they are buying voters. Not only that, but the capital investment used in Bolsa Familia all rode onto the back of the previous presidents, like Fernando Hnerique Cardoso, which meant they only *spent* the money painfully built in the previous government, and didn't actually make it the economy more stable, leaving a whole lot of problems for the next years and presidents. And not to mention the fact he was arrested for being one of the more well known and documented leaders of corruption - a extreme problem in Brazil as a whole - and the majority of the other people arrested are also from PT (along all other parties basically, no one is truly innocent after all). So while the video was well made I don't know if you really were able to portray the full story and end up misleading the folks on your channel with incomplete and uncontextualized information. I don't think yo'ure gonna even see this through but just know that this isn't a personal attack or anything, it's just that Brazil isn't anywhere as close to being poverty free as the video implies and I'm sure you probably are aware but wasn't able to convey it through your analysis in this video. Keep at it though!
@arthurnakayama8233 3 года назад
@gavinyeomans 3 года назад
it's so inspiring to see these professors of major universities advocating for socialist policies. American politicians like to act like the socialist movement is long dead, but that's far from the truth
@vacuumandgaspressurecoexisting 3 года назад
Socialism is a disease only appetizing for already sick nations.
@garlkurzer 3 года назад
@@vacuumandgaspressurecoexisting Agreed
@gavinyeomans 3 года назад
@@vacuumandgaspressurecoexisting "tell me you don't know what socialism is without saying you don't know what socialism is"
@LightVelox 3 года назад
@@gavinyeomans the only thing you need to know about socialism is that it didn't work well in any country in the world and 100 million people died because of it, say what you want about capitalism, but you need another answer, not socialism
@mach2222 2 года назад
Vocês socialistas falam isso porque usufruem do bom e do melhor nos teus países liberais e capitalistas. Hipócritas.
@afonsohenriquebeserradossa8151 2 года назад
As a Brazilian myself, I can say that neither Partido dos Trabalhadores nor Lula were socialists, in fact, they defended the interests of banks and using the success of that government as an example of socialism working is unethical
@blaze3256 3 года назад
This is sooo refreshing to see after agnologing the existance of PragerU's video about Lula in 2016
@bhutochakrabarti4173 3 года назад
Yeah it was titled what socialism did to brazil.
@cortster12 3 года назад
This is just the left's version of PragerU. As a moderate, both are hilarious propaganda.
@matheussoa5607 3 года назад
At the half of the video I thought it was so well done and informative, it's a shame to see how much information was omitted, this is literally a propaganda disguised as education video :/
@eduardoalbornoz2718 2 года назад
spoiler alert:we didnt
@MR-yr8me 3 года назад
my dear, after the proclamation of the Republic our country went down drastically, with an emperor who spoke Portuguese, English, Latin for a president who couldn't even speak his own language (in which the politician you mentioned who looked like god was so good ) and the lula in your video fueled corruption and ridiculed the Christian God, I'm Brazilian, I know where I live, and I know the monarchy would be better, but I think it's a shame that the Brazilian media blinds the americans so much, it's regrettable.
@verserk8400 2 года назад
Brazilian people : Is communism and Socialism going to save us the Brazilians now : that's the neat part it doesn't
@playercomodo1466 3 года назад
I am Brazilian and I say with experience of living all my life in Brazil that this video could only be made by someone that does not know anything about Brazil. Lula was not, by FAR, good for us. His assistance policies did not do for us as much as someone from outside may think. It is not by mistake that we celebrated and had parties when we saw Lula being arrested. The reason why Bolsonaro was elected was due to the poor leadership and performance of Lula. We preferred to elected a crazy man rather than elected someone else from the worker's party. This video is a shame for the Brazilians that lived during the government of PT and misinformed anyone intending to learn more about my country
@mizjulio 3 года назад
You guys should do a history episode! About how the Incas solved hunger (problematic as all empires are), its still fun to mix in some history and flex our collective imaginations about what is possible.
@MichaelWilliams-cx2ho 3 года назад
Hello Juliet, how are you doing today
@s_m8479 3 года назад
You failed to mention the Corruption Scandal when Lulu was in office
@abpaensses 2 года назад
Como se nunca tivesse corrupção no governo Bolsonaro
@s_m8479 2 года назад
@@abpaensses there has but the video was praising Lulu for "solve the poverty". I don't hate lulu he did good things but also bad which they did not mention.
@azvdcrafts6147 2 года назад
"How Brazil solved poverty" Bruh... Speak for yourself. As far as I know, Brazil is a pretty crappy place to be in, it might not be in absolute crumbling poverty like Haiti or Afghanistan, but man, that doesn't mean that povery was "solved". Far from it. A quote that a law student friend of mine said: "as long as favelas exist and their people still wont have access to sewage systems or decent education, as long as this same favelas stay in absolute control of drug lords and militias, and as long as our murder rate continues to be one of the highest in South America, we will never be a rich country." It's been 10 years since he said it. Bastard was right...
@lontrex 7 месяцев назад
Mais Brasileiros deveriam assistir esse vídeo... parabéns!
@DarkHarpuia 3 года назад
Good fucking video. As a brazilian living in the US, it is baffling how incredibly anti-poor (and anti-foreigner) its welfare system is. Bolsa Familia is literally the reason why Brazil got to prosper when I was a teen. People who were completely excluded from the economy got to participate in it, and THAT is what drives the economy, not bullshit stocks in the hands of billionaires. I just hope that one day Brazil will also implement the universal basic income that has already been ratified in its law since 2004. It's horrible that such an important addition to our social safety net has been allowed to languish in obscurity for so long, even though it IS part of our law.
@aln456 3 года назад
A very biased view on that topic, you only showed a manipulated view of the minuscule good things of the socialist government that we had, giving money to the poor like that is what gave the country one of the biggest debts and inflation in its history, and about the line of poverty, they only reclassified it, creating a new social class called Classe C, a new way of seeing poor people that have the buying power to buy new cars, phones and clothes using installment payments but at the same time living in the favelas without basic sanitation, the exponential birth rate in favelas is a serious treat of depleting social securities and an excuse to use welfare and government social benefits, I know because I live in near it and I know a lot of people who does that...
@shaleel 3 года назад
RIP Michael Brooks, he introduced me to Lula along with countless other leftist leaders across the world.
@arthurnakayama8233 3 года назад
i hope he introduced you to the massive scandals that Lula along with countless other leftists leaders made here in Brazil. NEVER FORGET MENSALÃO
@fabricioantonio5327 2 года назад
Lula is a shit, MENSALAO, PETROLAO
@marcelocampos9197 2 года назад
As a Brazilian, I can just say, good job guy.
@Splendidjosh 3 года назад
someone disliked within 30 seconds lol
@bhutochakrabarti4173 3 года назад
Maybe a bolsonaro troll.
@SimonSenaviev 2 года назад
We didn't There, saved 7 minutes of your time
@foodparadise5792 3 года назад
Americans scream when they see a food stamp recipient buying a steak but totally OK when government giving billions of dollars tax cut to billionaires thinking when the over lord gets richer their live would be better.
@renatosouza2741 3 года назад
As a Brazilian I totally disagree with your phrase: "Brazil had one of the most succesful socialists movements of our time". But anyway, good video.
@ganger4202 3 года назад
No, indeed he's right the succesful socialist is failure
@Gabriel-fq8yo 3 года назад
@@ganger4202 foto de anime = opinião anulada
@leandro8897 2 года назад
It's great to see the outsider perspective of your country's situation, because on the inside the facts can get a little blurry.
@Xtasy99 2 года назад
O cara do vídeo é brasileiro
@leandro8897 2 года назад
@@Xtasy99 bem que eu desconfiei, fala português igual brasileiro mesmo
@Gabriel-fq8yo 3 года назад
the brazilian hordes have been summoned, thank you :)
@smixqse 3 года назад
i am brazil
@theidioticbgilson1466 3 года назад
@smixqse 3 года назад
come to... me?? 😳
@theidioticbgilson1466 3 года назад
@@smixqse 😏😏😏
@jonaspetty8767 2 года назад
As a brazillian, I would say that "How we temporary reduced poverty and then became poorest than before because of LULA" is a better title.
@panteradaleste4979 2 года назад
Because of temer.
@jonaspetty8767 2 года назад
@@panteradaleste4979 not at all, temer did a decent job tho
@panteradaleste4979 2 года назад
@@jonaspetty8767 good job increasing inflation
@jonaspetty8767 2 года назад
@@panteradaleste4979 What? I don't think we're talking about the same thing, Temer decreased inflation... in one year...
@Applemangh 2 года назад
There's a question I like to ask people that I feel cuts to the heart of the issue: Which is worse, someone getting something that they don't deserve or someone who does deserve something not getting it? Based on conversations with my parents, it seems many conservatives in the US live in perpetual fear that someone might get something they "don't deserve." They say things like "I had to work my butt off to afford healthcare, why should some lazy bum who doesn't even have a job get the same privilege?" In their mind, there's this massive underclass of parasites just asking for free stuff while refusing to contribute to society. They never seem to consider that the super wealthy might not actually deserve what they have.
@marverak 3 года назад
As a brazilian I used to look up to the US due to its incredible popularity, even wanted to live there. When I started to learn what goes on there tho, even if the economy is better, I don't really think moving is such a good idea anymore
@roridev 3 года назад
i moved there for 3 months and it was enough to get dad depressed and bring us back to here. the us is a very sad place to live cause most people are waaay too individualistic and cold, not only that but just the way taxation works there is a joke, we say our taxes are high but you don't want to even think how the us is for the common folk.
@GuilhermeCesarMedeiros 2 года назад
I'm Brazilian some things said are wrong. First, Lula created the "Bolsa Família" program, unifying the social programs of the previous government, in the same way as Bolsonaro. Secondly, they do not mention the government of Dilma Rousseff, which was also the PT, the worst government, second only to the current government of Bolsonaro. Third, the Brazilian military regime began so that Brazil was not a communist dictatorship, it was to return power to the population the following year, there was even a referendum in Congress at the time. The problem is that, once they came to power, they didn't want to leave Brazil had very fragile institutions at the time. Brazil is a land of opportunities, populist and corrupt people like Bolsonaro and Lula are the main reason why a large part of the population is starving and does not have the least. If you go to a favela, you will see cell phones, internet, television, the only things that don't exist are health, education, security, things that the state should give, funny isn't it?
@brunoaraujoespin 2 года назад
being a brazilian i thought slums existed all over the world. but from what the video showed I don't think so now. or the video says that there is elsewhere, is it just that I got it wrong?
@thesupremeduck 2 года назад
"you are going to brazil" "ok"
@ultramarine40k65 3 года назад
Literal commie propaganda
@Gui1The 3 года назад
You have literallly no idea of what is communism lol. You could probably say social-democrat propaganda, or lib-left propaganda lol, but Bolsa Familia didnt solve poverty it reduced it, and except the outrageous title and some political bootlicking the video is very accurate.
@Komatic5 3 года назад
new gravel banger just dropped
@willgpb_ 2 года назад
As a Brazilian, I can safely say that corruption in Brazil has ALWAYS existed. The biggest difference between PT's office and prior offices is that during theirs, corruption was actually being investigated instead of hidden.
@R.a.f.a.e.l. Год назад
Just one little detail: Bolsa Familia was designed by an orthodox economist, Ricardo Paes de Barros. It is inspired in Friedman's negative income tax idea. Lula himself complained about similar focalized programs that came before such as Bolsa Escola. It was not a "socialist" program. Socialista in Brazil were pro-universalist programs, while more orthodox economista favored focalized programs. Lula had many orthodox economists in his economic team in his first term, despite his leftist roots.
@hadoukenxd228 2 года назад
Meu Deus, quem que passou isso para esse cara. FHC criou todos esses programas.
@cacandoaventuras 2 года назад
The person who created the "Bolsa Família" was Fernando Henrique Cardoso. It was called the "Programa Nacional de Renda Mínima". Lula just changed the name and maybe improved something. And this is happening again like the Bolsonaro example. It just changed the name to "Auxílio Brasil". "Bolsa Família" has existed since the FHC's government, but there are people who think it was created by Lula... (Português) Quem criou o "Bolsa Família" Foi Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Se chamava "Programa Nacional de Renda Mínima". Lula apenas mudou o nome e talvez tenha aprimorado algo. E isso está acontecendo de novo como o exemplo do Bolsonaro. Apenas mudou o nome para "Auxílio Brasil". "Bolsa Família" existe desde o governo de FHC, mas tem gente que pensa que foi criado pelo Lula...
@raymundohernandez505 2 года назад
In Mexico AMLO established the pension for the elderly since 2001, when he was head of government of the country's capital. Now in the presidency of the republic since 2018, he has established a series of economic supports for the elderly, farmers, students, first jobs and small business entrepreneurs. But the owners of media channels spread the black legend that this is only to help the lazy, and win popular support for a coup, as in Cuba or Venezuela. They never mention that the countries of northern Europe also provide universal pensions for the most needy.
@otto_kau9951 2 года назад
As a brazilian, I have to say that this video really speaks the true about the story of my country. Is sad to see lots of people being so blind about this topics
@andreiz112dn5 2 года назад
This is pure socialistic propaganda. Go to prageru and listen to him , on how Brazil should be run, pure lazare fair capitalism.
@siberianbreaks979 2 года назад
não só não
@capitaopacoca8454 2 года назад
"Speaks the true" porra nenhuma, esse vídeo acumula tantas imprecisões que parecem bobinhas mas juntas transformam o vídeo em um crime (sentido figurado de crime)
@3451FSSR 3 года назад
Whole load of bullshit, but you sure made a beautiful fantasy.
@3451FSSR 3 года назад
@+¹²³⁴²³¹⁴¹³⁶whaTsapp No thanks, I don't need more lies
@ViceCoin 2 года назад
Favelas are still the most notorious slums in the world.
@jogabneymar4994 2 года назад
And the best map in Call Of Duty
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