
Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead? Dr. N.T. Wright 

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Bishop Tom (Dr. N.T.) Wright, Bishop of Durham in the Church of England
"Did Jesus Really Rise From the Dead?"
March 16, 2007 in Bast Center



16 мар 2013




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@barrygaynor1025 2 года назад
Those of us who have been saved and transformed by Christ bear witness to his resurrection from the dead.
@MultiCoachbob 6 лет назад
What a brilliant Godly man who speaks the truth!!
@michaelbabbitt3837 9 лет назад
Such a marvelous and profound talk. Thank you, again, NT Wright, and for Roanoke College for video-recording it. So wonderful to have such scholarship available.
@joshuacordasco1610 2 года назад
@matthewstokes1608 2 года назад
Yes, video-recording… Don’t you speak English, retard?
@brianvantubergen6553 8 лет назад
Seven new aspects that Chrisitanity added to Jewish Resurrection after Jesus: 1. Became one monolithic belief 2. Resurrection is the central tenet 3. The new body is clearly transformed and immortal 4. Resurrection as a Jewish event has been split into two events 5. Anticipate the final resurrecton by missionary work, collabarating with God in the new creation 6. Metaphorical use of death and resurrection through baptism, lifw 7. Associated with Messiah 36:45 - 46:45 - why do the Gospels have surface discrepancies about the resurrection Proof of Early Oral Tradition A. Strange silence with reference to prior scripture about the resurrection B. Prescense of the women as witnesses C. Portrait of Jesus Himself - a body transformed D. Never mention resurrection as a future hope 1. Jesus' tomb was empty 2. Disciples were really convinced that they saw Jesus Proof of the Resurrection 46:45 - 54:00 Arguments against the Resurrection 54:00 - 1:01:00 1. Jesus drugged, didn't really die 2. Women met someone else 3. Only appeared to believers 4. Accounts are biased by Christians 5. Rich spiritual experience Support for the Resurrection 1. Jewish tombs are venerated 2. Emphasis of the first day of the Week (change from Jewish Sabbath) 3. Disciples suffer and die for the belief 4. As evident as any other historical belief 5. Best explanation for the rise of the early Church - Jesus really was resurrected.
@thenopasslook 7 лет назад
Brian Van Tubergen Thanks for this comment.
@anthonyattanasio472 6 лет назад
Brian Van Tuberge
@myopenmind527 6 лет назад
Brian Van Tubergen I’m not sure what you mean by “proof”..... certainly not proof in the normal sense. There is no proof of the resurrection. None. This video is about enabling people to hold irrational beliefs. It has nothing to do with Truth or proof. These are theological discussions for those that want to believe Christianity is true. All very irrational unless you accept the desire to believe is an emotional one not a rational one.
@abj136 6 лет назад
By "proof" is meant "argument from the text". Basically, the claim is nobody would have written the resurrection stories apart from experiencing the resurrection. There's no other explanation of how people would come to believe it really happened.
@Nameless-pt6oj Год назад
I wish they’d pin your comment, thank you.
@megalopolis2015 5 лет назад
N.T. Wright is such an eloquent, calm and firm speaker. He doesn't stammer or pace, but stands and delivers in extreme inner confidence, but not arrogance. He puts all of the evidence he has acquired through decades of research out as though his findings were brand new, put into a simple, matter-of-fact frame that is very easy to comprehend, especially given his storytelling manner, in which he follows fallacious historical hypotheses to their logical conclusion. He flawlessly uses psychology, history and philosophy, among other disciplines, to bring the resurrection story alive, leaving very little room for doubt for all who are paying attention .Wright is magnificent.
@joelrodriguez1232 5 лет назад
Absolutely. Watch his debate with Dominic Crossan on the resurrection. He did very well.
@baritukabornwin2557 10 месяцев назад
Jesus shows His faithfulness to the work His heavenly Father assigned to Him on this earth, even until His death. He completed His mission on this earth for the glory of His heavenly Father, Amen.
@martinmayberry8587 8 лет назад
This is awesome! i love this kind of thinking and study about the Bible! Jesus is Lord!
@madsteren5000 7 лет назад
@DavidParker-cf2km 7 лет назад
Contra Bullshit Jesus was about his Father's business. He entered history to bear witness to the Truth, to perfectly obey God's law, to be a sacrifice worthy to redeem his sinful (disobedient) elect and endure infinite punishment in their place and being innocent of any cause of action, to be raised from the dead as proof that God the Father accepted Jesus' sacrifice of his own body and soul in the place of the elect. Tempted in every way a man can be tempted, yet at every moment and in every way maintaining the glory of God. It is you who plays with your ding-a-ling. Apparently you haven't figured out what it is for. If you ever grow up, you are supposed to marry and raise up godly offspring.
@geofromnj7377 7 лет назад
Does is strike you as odd that the god you worship is one who is so offended by the sins of his creation that a simple mea culpa is insufficient to appease him. Instead, he demands that someone pay a hefty price. But because his sinners are so low in stature, no sacrifice of theirs is sufficient. So he sends his son to earth to be tortured and murdered; and once this is done, the mighty god says, okay, earthlings, I guess now I can accept your apologies for offending me. It is near impossible to find a tenet of theology more bizarre than this.
@paulwright7551 7 лет назад
My guess is you are a forgiving person, who is often betrayed by the people you forgive time and time again. Maybe not, but it's probably you don't rule the universe, because you would have to come up with a system that determined who would betray you and your friends again. It seems like you don't have that system in mind, so, your universe would be always in chaos.
@keesvan52 7 лет назад
The Son of God is the Creator Himself. So the Creator paid the price for the sins. The theology has been described in Isaiah 53.
@rodmitchell8576 2 года назад
Christ is risen indeed.
@weeperman6659 5 лет назад
1 Cor. 15:19- "If for this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are of all men most to be pitied."
@tomrobbins6211 9 лет назад
Yes, he sure did.... it's a simple but amazing thing isn't it?
@valerieprice1745 5 месяцев назад
Brilliant and beautiful! Praise Jesus Christ. May God bless and keep Tom Wright, and all brothers and sisters in Christ.
@TheWayandWordofLife 9 лет назад
~ Powerful TRUTHS & Beautifully spoken!!
@Dmichaelholbrook 3 года назад
NT Begins at 8:33
@emf49 6 лет назад
You are right in saying that we have the 'evidence' of the resurrection within us. My encounter with the resurrected Jesus radically changed my life over 35 years ago. I know He is alive because He lives within me. However, the scriptures tell us that we should be prepared to give an answer for the hope we have, and today's society is so hardened in their hearts and minds, that to some, a simple explanation of a 'personal encounter' is not enough. They need to be persuaded intellectually. God came for ALL people - and he should be prepared to 'persuade' all people by the means God makes available to us. Paul talked to the Greeks on an intellectual level, yet the 'common' people 'heard Jesus gladly'. I thank God for men like these. I was converted through the book "Basic Christianity" written by John Stott so it is clear God uses these scholars to reach souls in different ways.
@aelred21000 7 лет назад
J'ai beaucoup apprécié, merci beaucoup. Thank you very much, very uplifting !
@zephyr-117sdropzone8 Год назад
My grandfather and uncle met Jesus face to face 3 separate times, and he predicted things that would happen in the future that came to pass. After he spoke, he would vanish. Truly crazy
@redmotherfive 9 лет назад
Skip to 8:45 for the beginning of his talk.
@peaveawwii1 7 лет назад
@DocScience2 7 лет назад
Thankyou ... good thing I read a couple comments first...
@qeyshawn7703 6 лет назад
I wish u watched every video before I watched it
@mysteryneophyte 4 года назад
@curiousgeorge555 11 месяцев назад
Strange how people need to be told this. I simply looked for when NT came on stage to talk.
@joelrodriguez1232 7 лет назад
This man is brilliant. He debated this topic with a top scholar john Dominic Crossan and he did marvelously well.
@lelandhardy2322 5 лет назад
I went to one of Crossan's debates at Kennesaw State. He was so out of left field that it took 10 minutes of self thought to debunk everything he said. He was debating Michael Licona about the nature of Christ.
@marvlarson2403 4 года назад
Leland Hardy what does so out of left field me?
@joeb2588 4 года назад
@@marvlarson2403 he's saying what we already know...crossan is out there in his thimking. He comes up with stuff that is really unlikely to most scholars.
@spudmcdougal369 2 года назад
@@joeb2588 I disagree.I think Crossan’s analysis is most likely correct.
@adagietto2523 6 лет назад
Wonderfully eloquent ending, about an hour in.
@clarekuehn4372 4 года назад
I love him! 😍😍😍
@michaelmakinney20 4 года назад
And I love Clare Kuehn ✨
@RodiAgnusDei 10 лет назад
smitty, Dr. N T Wright is very much a fine and eloquent speaker whom we all enjoy, so I hope you listen to more of his videos. I also enjoy someone I totally disagree with- Hitchens, and I like to listen to him speak and debate every so often.
@brotherwallace 9 лет назад
PRAYER. O Jesus, Son of God, I contemplate the great sufferings You endured for us on the Cross. It was not in jest that You loved us, but Your love is perfect and real. Arouse in us an ardent desire to avoid anything that might offend You, and to embrace the grief and contempt that You bore, and to keep continually in mind Your passion and death in which our salvation and our life are found.
@LetsTalk649 8 лет назад
His birth, life, death and resurrection. God Bless!
@chanreilashangh8265 5 лет назад
I go with your exposition. Thnk you Wright
@marialvarez384 3 года назад
I like a biblical scholar who makes me think. Excellent lecture.
@galvanizer8203 6 лет назад
How awesome!
@punkylilkid 7 лет назад
Our resurrection body is like Jesus' resurrection body... "But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead also comes through a man. ... But each in his own order: Christ, the firstfruits; afterward, at His coming, those who belong to Christ. ... But someone will say, "How are the dead raised? What kind of body will they have when they come? " ... There are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies, but the splendor of the heavenly bodies is different from that of the earthly ones. ... So it is with the resurrection of the dead: Sown in corruption, raised in incorruption; sown in dishonor, raised in glory; sown in weakness, raised in power; sown a natural body, raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. ... The first man was from the earth and made of dust; the second man is from heaven. Like the man made of dust, so are those who are made of dust; like the heavenly man, so are those who are heavenly. And just as we have borne the image of the man made of dust, we will also bear the image of the heavenly man. ... in a moment, in the blink of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we will be changed. For this corruptible must be clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal must be clothed with immortality. When this corruptible is clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal is clothed with immortality, then the saying that is written will take place: Death has been swallowed up in victory. [1Co 15:20-21, 23, 35, 40, 42-44, 47-49, 52-54] "Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don't be faithless any longer. Believe!" [Jhn 20:27] "And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit. And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts? Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and his feet. And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat? And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb. And he took it, and did eat before them. [Luk 24:36-43]
@punkylilkid 7 лет назад
'Today' to the thief on the cross was covenantal... Deu 29:12 "that you may enter into covenant with the LORD your God, and into His oath, which the LORD your God makes with you TODAY" Deu 29:12-15 "that you may enter into covenant with the LORD your God, and into His oath, which the LORD your God makes with you TODAY, that He may establish you TODAY as a people for Himself, and that He may be God to you, just as He has spoken to you, and just as He has sworn to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I make this covenant and this oath, not with you alone, but with him who stands here with us TODAY before the LORD our God, as well as with him who is not here with us TODAY."
@klausvonzeit8686 8 лет назад
The RU-vid atheists are even more confused and hateful in these comments than they usually are in the rest of Dr. Wright's videos. I wonder why that is?
@ericday4505 8 лет назад
Many of them are just very confused, and angry.
@dantekierkegaard9763 8 лет назад
I think this just has more views so there's more of them. theyre not more hateful, but there are more that are hateful
@klausvonzeit8686 8 лет назад
That may be it.
@ericday4505 7 лет назад
They clealy have computer time at the insane asylum and that craziest idiot contra stupid I think he calls himself spends his time there apparently, masturbating, because that is just about all he can think of, give that buffoon his tranquilizer and turn off the computer.
@klausvonzeit8686 7 лет назад
Goodbye to the obscene comments of Bitter Hateful Atheist #4278.
@loubob73 2 года назад
This is amazing! It is love that believes in the resurrection!
@jerrylanglois7892 Год назад
No, it's not love it's gullibility and credulity.
@robinq5511 2 года назад
Personally I prefer to think of heaven as a place like Narnia - here on earth but in another realm of existence. Edit: I am sceptical of NTW on other things, but this has to got to be his best talk ever!
@isaiahreno 2 года назад
New Heavens, New Earth - Isaiah 65
@redmotherfive 9 лет назад
Great lecture. I'm left wondering how Lazarus fits into the picture. Wish I could have been there to ask him.
@rockyseverino9230 7 лет назад
redmotherfive there's in religious terms a difference between resurrection and resuscitation. Someone resuscitated, even if dead, will die again. Resurrection is to eternal life etc. Lazarus died again. that's the difference
@lindabaker2693 6 лет назад
He speaks a lot without saying anything
@tomgnau Год назад
This is essentially a good chuck of his book *The Resurrection of the Son of God* summarized in some 90 minutes, and it's a bravura performance.
@ericday4505 8 лет назад
God has given us minds to think, Tom I could not have said that better, we are not asked to be gullible.
@ericday4505 7 лет назад
Contra Bullshit This is a person that should be under observation.
@creamone 7 лет назад
You are gullible to believe that Jesus rose from the dead, walked on water, turned water into wine, spit in a blind man's eye for him to regain his sight, and fed 5,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Do you believe in the Miracles of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad? He spit into Ali's sick eye, during the Battle of Khaybar, and it became healthy. On several occasions he provided food and water supernaturally. He caused it to rain during a drought in Medina. Prophecies made by him. All religions make claims of miracles what make you believe your religion is so special?
@ericday4505 7 лет назад
If God can bring all that we see from, nothing then what it is for Jesus to walk on water? Or turn water to wine, those are easy.
@ericday4505 7 лет назад
***** David why do you think Jesus inspired these writers to " come up with " these stories
@ericday4505 7 лет назад
***** You are a critic of the texts and I appreciate that. But what you should understand is if God is in control. And he clearly is, then he could and has given us his Word, who could corrupt it? Those other writings claim things yes, I am familiar with Homer. But the New Testament is God's continuation of his word he has protected his Word. Jesus performing miracles is reported in other places. Doesn't Josephus and Tacitus make mention of miracles.
@beckymcanally2224 5 лет назад
How do you know Wrights information is not Wrong? Where has faith gone? Do you take him at his word?Is that were your faith lies? This man sells books! Jesus is my Lord and Savior!
@paulharris4071 6 лет назад
Can anyone shed any light what Wright's views are on the raising of Lazaurus and the widow at Nain's son are alongside the physical raising of Jesus?
@luismelendez5725 Год назад
Thanks for your video. My limited understanding is poor indeed, however, faith or belief is something that even an uneducated man like me can slimly grasp. Yes, I believe that Yeshua did rise from the dead. The mysteries belong to GOD in him. Thank you.
@RodiAgnusDei 10 лет назад
read up on it from both sides.
@ericday4505 8 лет назад
I love NT he is great, interesting he does not take any shots at America here, anyway Tom is so very wordy, he is one of the best New Testament scholars with Habermas, and Witherington, great minds all.
@ericday4505 7 лет назад
Contra Bullshit​ No its not Robert Price is a guy who was trying to make money off of research that Wright did. This happens all the time nothing earth shattering about Prices book.
@ericday4505 7 лет назад
***** Wright researched his book that clown just piggy backed off of his work. Wright and his work on this topic is first rate.
@ericday4505 7 лет назад
*****​ What are you just saying stuff now, that the Hellinistic and ancient near eastern thought on resurection was one of the strengths of that book.
@ericday4505 7 лет назад
***** NT is not a dipstick David, that is not fair.
@ericday4505 7 лет назад
*****​ Dude its like trying to get through to crack heads. I would advise you to leave those clowns alone. The truth is right in front of them but they just will not believe.
@TheGreatTimSheridan 5 лет назад
We often think it is impossible. But science shows us that near death experience Are often companied by unexplained resurrection. The doctors give up and sometimes walk away, then the patient returns. But they return with a story, she says "go back" and they "resurect" you may wnjoy my colwction of about 100 NDAs.
@MikeJunior94 10 лет назад
How do you account for all the factors mentioned by Wright then? Please, provide a good theory.
@robertlight5227 4 года назад
What factors? Prove they existed with logic and evidence please.
@petedymond 4 года назад
@@robertlight5227 do some research, the majority of scholars in prominent universities concede that Jesus was real, he was killed and his followers believed they saw him resurrected. What you do with that is up to you.
@-linus1688 9 лет назад
John 3:16
@urasam2 5 лет назад
- Linus what’s your point?
@michaelmakinney20 4 года назад
At Huck Finn, the genetic problems associated w incest didn’t exustvwith early mankind, which even the blind, mythical fairytale of evolution allows. And He drowned all who thought constantly of evil in a narcissistic love of self above the interests of others as one’s actions impacted them. Murder, mayhem and deceit reigned, until a good and just God said Enough! And found one man and his family through whom He could give us all another chance, even as He gives you another chance, Day after day. Look at the basics of evidence as, for instance, conveyed in Josh McDowell’s “More Than a Carpenter.” I believe you know that Ge is Who He said He was. Why, then, do you reject what you know in favor and a facile, nauseating and tedious ridicule?
@barrygaynor1025 2 года назад
The Apostle Paul began life trying to destroy the Jesus Messiah movement, but after his conversion he became its greatest champion, and he spent the rest of his life preaching Christ's crucifixion and resurrection from the dead.
@barrygaynor1025 2 года назад
According to many good and honest witnesses, Jesus rose from the dead. And they were willing to suffer and die, to bear witness to this.
@neilhopy 9 лет назад
Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead? YES HE DID RISE AGAIN AND IS SEATED AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER Hebrews 4:14-16 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.. even with all that is happening in the world today, i promise u GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL OF IT ALL, Christ will come again to judge the living and the dead, repent and believe that he is the son of God that came down from heaven and gave up all his glory, and let him into your life, because he loves us ALL, he gave up his spirit on the cross, suffered death and in 3 days rose again, so we would not have to die or taste death. Do not put it off till the next day, there might not be a next for u. No matter how low you think you have gone with sin in your life, it can not go low enough to escape Gods loves for you.
@urasam2 5 лет назад
neil hopwood What utter bollocks
@boeingdriver29 5 лет назад
neil hopwood yeah right. LMAO
@TheTrinityDelusion 9 лет назад
No true believer needs to ask whether Jesus rose from the dead since they have his resurrection life in them. So few truly know him that they think this question is answered by exploring historical data. Why do you need to explore the history of a person who is alive today and whom you know and who lives in you? You would do such a thing because you don't know him.
@purami14 8 лет назад
+The Trinity Delusion "why do you need to explore the history of a person" is like saying" I don;t want to know the truth or the facts "just let me live with this thought (really delusion)in my head" Over 500 people drank poison and died, in Jonestown, because they believed Jones was a prophet from god.
@TheTrinityDelusion 8 лет назад
+William Mc Roberts Read my post again. In light of my comments, your response doesn't make any sense.
@purami14 8 лет назад
The Trinity Delusion Did read it again..........I hold the same position. Out of fear, or narrow mindedness, you refuse to open the possibility that you have been duped into believing this stuff. A devoute muslim can hold the same position as you, concerning the truth of his prophet, and you have no argument against his position based on your claim that truth is what you decide it is. Below is what learned scholars have found.
@purami14 8 лет назад
1) Jesus Seminar The Jesus Seminar was a collaborative effort of approximately 200 professionally-trained specialists in the field of religion tasked with the goal to cut through the myth and expose the historical Jesus. Membership was limited to scholars with advanced academic degrees (Ph.D. or equivalent) in religious studies or related disciplines from accredited universities worldwide and to published authors who were recognized authorities in the field of religion (by special invitation only). The task force convened on and off from 1985 to 2006. www.westarinstitute.org/projects/the-jesus-seminar/ The principal finding was that the quotes and deeds of Jesus as written in the Gospels are mostly mythical. In fact, only 18% of the sayings and 16% of the deeds attributed to Jesus were thought to be authentic. The scholars used cross-cultural anthropological studies to set the general background, narrowing in on the history and society of first-century Palestine, and used textural analysis along with anthropological, historical, and archaeological evidence. Other findings of the group included:
@trajan75 8 лет назад
+William Mc Roberts Nevertheless, the group had an agenda and a bias. Years in court have taught me that "experts" are often hired guns. There is no shortcut. You have to review the arguments and arrive at a conclusion. Mine was that the Jesus Seminar was unreliable for the reasons I stated above. You're entitled to your own view
@Liminalplace1 4 года назад
Good to see NT Wright at his best. I think he should have remained doing his strength.
@curiousgeorge555 11 месяцев назад
What did her vere into?
@mrshankerbillletmein491 3 года назад
Along time ago my wife wanted my son to be Christened the vicar came to our house to discuss the matter. The first thing I said was I dont care since it means nothing to me since I dont believe. He gave me a book called who moved the stone. I found myself challenged by the evidence of the empty tomb it was enough to make me consider the possibility that there was a God and began my journey to faith. I began to question my belief in darwinian evolution and all aspects of the secular view which I had been indoctrinated into.
@Nameless-pt6oj Год назад
You can still believe in evolution and be a Christian. Watch InspiringPhilosophy.
@captainkev10 6 лет назад
@AdorIslam 10 лет назад
Problem is if he didn't then Christianity is dead just like Jesus died on the cross.
@davidtaliaferro 10 лет назад
since the NT "Jesus" never existed he could not have died on the cross;
@AdorIslam 10 лет назад
D TEE since the NT "Jesus" never existed he could not have died on the cross; This is a typical weak comment because you should argue as Jesus was existed. You are trying to runaway from committing. Jesus existed like the sun but he is not God and he did not die and these are our arguments.
@noitnettaattention 10 лет назад
AdorIslam It is appreciated that you answer to atheist/s ! Now answer to me a Christian... IF He didn't die on a cross then WHO did die in His place? and what happen to Him (Jesus) ?
@alexandrefonseca5857 9 лет назад
noitnettaattention nothing happened to Him but I'll tell you what happened to him, Jesus was a person as normal as all of us, who died preaching christianity, he was a real person who died and stayed dead no matter what is written, there are historical documents that talk about jesus without the religious bullshit and shady event dating
@lambassiregar1057 6 лет назад
Islam has killed Jesus but failed absolutely in history
@vivabella68 4 года назад
This man is NOT an atheist but a true believer. When you go to the end of his (lecture,) speech, or whatever, and the following Q/A you will realise this. Note he is wearing a dog collar and a cross. Thank you Dr Wright.
@36742650885 Год назад
YES !!!
@rosewhite--- 4 года назад
Wright babbles like an empty vessel and takes an hour to say what should take two minutes.
@matthewstokes1608 2 года назад
Bullshit. He speaks almost perfectly, you imbecile
@matjebonklumen147 2 года назад
2000 yrs and yet they are still confuse and perplexcwith unanswered questions? Poor Christian lost still with no where to escape!
@fobos9289 Год назад
It is definitely a persistent lie if it hasn’t “died” in 2000 years…
@FishingtonBurpPuzzle 9 лет назад
The apostles going back to fishing after all that I find interesting. Were they even unconvinced by what they had seen and needed these further meetings with Jesus? Are we also going back to the fishing boats?
@haizhen99 10 лет назад
Begins at 8:50
@purami14 8 лет назад
The bible states 500 people climbed out of their graves (were resurrected) and were walking around Jewelsalem. What is so important about such accounts of resurrection?
@joelrodriguez1232 6 лет назад
William Mc Roberts actually the Bible doesn't say that.
@aradhanachurch8235 6 лет назад
That laptop though. It was dead and now resurrected into papers. Well played Tom.
@wow344wow 5 лет назад
@rknewell9547 5 лет назад
Assembly of God is far larger than the Episcopal/Anglican Communion. This is an example of the continued prejudices towards Pentecostalism
@gondolacrescent5 5 лет назад
RK Newell Are you aware that most Anglicans live in Africa?
@rickfilmmaker3934 5 месяцев назад
Dear N.T.Wright, James was the son of Joseph's brother. Family members called each other brother, etc, not cousins.
@kieranedlin5730 5 лет назад
10:36 is where the good good starts @mr campion
@audreywebb3943 8 лет назад
Lamp lighting time in the valley
@MrDevecka 8 лет назад
dudes, those of you asking why ghost needs to take upon itself a decaying corpse do not at all understand the Jewish (and further di / trochotomic -Platonic) consistence of human beings consisting of body and soul. Jews when speaking about bashar, meant the fleshly realm of human existence, but still in connection to its spiritual realm; and when speaking about nefesh, meant the spirit, but never apart from the body. Plato did something simmilar when arguing that humans consist of soul and body connected. But the fact is that an odl Jewish opinion knew nothing about fleshly ressurection at the end of times. This devepoled just together with the rise of prophetic apocalyptism. Platomism but, on the opposite, claimed that soul is engraved and enslaved in matter (corpse) which it needs to leave on its return journey to heavelny spheres, and thus to free itself from flesh. Well what Christianity believes nowadays about ressurection is a mix of Jewish apocalyptic views permeated with later platonic views, that were held in patristic era (3rd. century onward.)
@davebrookbank4831 2 месяца назад
@tedgrant2 8 лет назад
When Jesus died on the cross, we are told he gave up the ghost, leaving behind a bleeding corpse. The following Sunday morning, his ghost reoccupied the corpse, which by then would have started to stinketh. Then after chatting to his mates, his ghost went back to heaven again. Apart from all the odd toing and froing, what happened to the corpse ? We know it was lovingly preserved the first time he died, but we are not told what finally happened to it.
@bookender 8 лет назад
There is no need to suppose that the body and ghost were ever separated, or are even separate things.
@Gpacharlie 8 лет назад
Some fascinating insight on this comes from theories about the shroud of turin. Imagine gigawatts of energy occurring in 40 billionth of a second. This is now how scientists are attempting to comprehend the image on the shroud. It will stretch your mind.
@videos_iwonderwhy 7 лет назад
Christian doctrine holds that the whole Jesus (ghost AND body) ascended to Heaven. This is NOT a detail.
@videos_iwonderwhy 7 лет назад
Christian doctrine holds that the whole Jesus (ghost AND body) ascended to Heaven. This is NOT a detail.
@Thagomizer 7 лет назад
No, Jesus' body wasn't reanimated. He was given a new body. That's what resurrection means.
@sam.83 4 года назад
we'll bever know for sure... either you believe it or not... nobody KNOWS
@janardhanp4313 Год назад
Please add cc
@vavangio 2 года назад
So, we need dr. Wright to beleive that Jesus in fact did resurrected for us to beleive instead to go and read the NT?
@mikebarnes7734 2 года назад
What if Jesus did not die on the cross as an imagined sacrifice for our sins and we are held to account for our morality? After all Jesus said:"You reap what you have sown." as the law of natural justice. God made it quite clear that we must not kill, and Jesus reiterated that in stronger terms. So it is unconscionable that God would condone the murder of one of Sons so that you can live outside of his will. No, it seems that the mission of Jesus has been diverted by his enemies in the priesthood of organized religion.
@felixnyathi1707 6 лет назад
thanks for powerful teaachings why must people belittle Christ exalt moses Elijah etc and believe Elijah was taken up to heaven they believe in that easily and doubt events that happened to Christ his life death resurrection Christ is greater than these people he was divine God manifest in flesh
@nicksum29 9 лет назад
So, the disciples did not understand that Christ would rise from the dead? Why is it that the entire Jewish Sanhedrin seemed to know of it? After all, they asked Pilot to place guards at the tomb because they knew about Christ telling everyone that he would rise from the dead, and they were fearful that someone would steal Christ's body in order to fulfil the prophesy. If they expected the disciples to steal the body, they therefore also knew that the disciples knew about the resurrection prophesy. So why on earth does Wright say that they did not know? Makes no sense at all. Were these Jewish leaders somehow more privy to Christ's teachings than his own disciples?
@nicksum29 9 лет назад
***** No, because there seems to be a very serious contradiction here - an irreconcilable one. I think the only logical explanation is that either the Jewish leaders knew Christ better that the disciples did, or neither of them knew of the resurrection at all... and someone later embellished the story (after the resurrection) in order to make a theological point. The latter is more likely. The day fundamentalists declared scripture infallible was the day darkness entered the church.
@nicksum29 9 лет назад
***** Still not happy with that answer. The Jewish leaders CLEARLY knew of the prophesy. It is stated, with clarity, that they knew of it. If they knew of it, how much more must the disciples themselves have known? The contradiction is clear. But this is only irreconcilable if you regard scripture as infallible. I do not. A better explanation would be that the story of the Jewish leaders knowing of the resurrection was invented, in order to make the resurrection more believable to an incredulous audience. Not saying the resurrection did not occur. I am saying that scripture is not history, but inspired hagiography - with a theological agenda. And why not? If it is true, why not use poetry and tales to embellish?
@oddmetre 8 лет назад
+nicksum29 Most scholars (atheist and theist) dismiss that particular part of the story as unhistorical. It was likely a device used by the Gospel writers to argue against a common Jewish belief at the time that the disciples had stolen the body.
@kimberlygreenland3785 8 лет назад
+nicksum29 you need to get a better grasp on the subject. Where did you come up with this one?
@Thagomizer 7 лет назад
It appears to have been added to the gospel in an attempt to refute an rumor which was likely spreading at the time: That Jesus' followers merely stole the body and claimed he was resurrected from the dead. Interestingly, the fact that Matthew even addresses this at all could be seen as evidence for the historicity of the empty tomb.
@raymond8531 6 лет назад
Of course he did he is Jesus he can do all things
@fontybits 5 лет назад
I admire NT Wright very much, but it's disconcerting that a Biblical scholar such as himself freely uses the name "Easter" when referring to the time of the death & resurrection of Christ. Since the term "Easter" has nothing to do with the Bible OR Christ, I feel very uncomfortable when erudite theologians and clergy perpetuate the use of the name of a PAGAN goddess when describing and celebrating the PASCHA. Why deviate from the scriptures at all? "Bede states that during Ēosturmōnaþ (the equivalent of April), pagan Anglo-Saxons had held feasts in Ēostre's honour, but that this tradition had died out by his time, replaced by the Christian Paschal month, a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus." (Wikipedia)
@tmcalhoon9668 4 года назад
1:17:28 Seems to imply that the gospels are independently-written accounts for his lay audience. If you actually read his book, he very much does acknowledge the Synoptic Problem because he knows he can't get away with the whole "independent eyewitness attestation" line with actual New Testament scholars.
@strynevanzelk4944 4 года назад
Not sure what you are refering to, but with regard to the depiction of the resurrection he is very much arguing for "independent eyweitness attestation" and does at least modifiy the usual answers to the synoptic problem in The victory of God.
@tmcalhoon9668 4 года назад
@@strynevanzelk4944 I'm interested in what his view on the Synoptic Problem is. Could you briefly summarize it for me here? I might actually go and read The Victory of God. Thank you for the recommendation. You do admit, however, that the majority view of NT scholars is that there is significant literary or oral dependence in some form or another among the Synoptic gospels, right? www.hypotyposeis.org/synoptic-problem/
@tmcalhoon9668 4 года назад
@@strynevanzelk4944 Thank you for calling me on my error. After rereading my notes on his book The Resurrection of the Son of God, I realize he was indeed arguing that the *resurrection narratives* were independent and based on eyewitness sources. I will reread that part of his book again and see what merits it has. My sincere apologies if I came across as dogmatic. It just irks me quite a bit when scholars, even non-Christian scholars like Ehrman, call the gospels "independent." They can indeed truly be called "independent" or at least that some parts are independent but it needs to be clarified that their independence includes some serious qualifications (aka acknowledgment of the Synoptic Problem).
@doughambone6029 6 лет назад
I think when we become Born again, something is intrinsically changed. We believe its Jesus reserecting us as He was said to be. BUT, this experience is explained in Hinduism also, its simply the Heart Chakra lining up with the creature as a hole. But before this can happen, the soul has to have come to the realisation that there is something out there BIGGER than them!!! Very simple explaination for my money.....hope its the right one.....
@SharonBalloch 3 года назад
I do not think anyone even needs to think on this...human nature tells the tale without anything else needed.. If you see your friend who you admire and see is an amazing person but then they are killed..the miracles are over..run away before you are also killed.. If Christ could not save himself then what is the point now... so they all ran away..just like you would..but you would be eating my dust...because if not its death.. But then Christ returns from the dead.. Everything in your world changes.. now you see death is not the end..you see a dead man walking and talking and now they all pick up and begin to preach the gospel until they are all murdered.. because seeing is believing..
@ernestmonroe9796 Год назад
While it was yet dark, did a young Jewess woman run a gauntlet of Roman soldiers to get to Jesus’s tomb?
@dr.k.t.varughese3151 2 года назад
Can a biblical scholar claim to have obtained the anointment from Christ unless he practices all that Jesus taught?
@fobos9289 Год назад
Can anyone claim to ‘practice’ all Jesus claimed? Dont we all instead struggle to do that? If you can, please, tell me how you found yourself perfect in the eyes of God…
@ernestmonroe2240 4 года назад
Genesis 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.Numbers 23:19-23God is not a man, that he should lie.Zechariah 8:21-23 And the inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, Let us go speedily to pray before the Lord, and to seek the Lord of hosts: I will go also. Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the Lord of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the Lord.Thus saith the Lord of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.Remarks: The above verses serve to make Dr. Wright and those of his ilk heretics, totally heretics. The New Testament serves to undermine, undercut and pull a coup on God, totally. Jewish women would never run a gauntlet of sex deprived Roman soldiers in the dark to rummage thru the tomb of a convicted , dead, buried and stinking corpse. Give us a break!
@DIGITALSCREAMS 2 года назад
A beautiful talk about the resurrection. It reminded me of a similar conversation I had with a college friend who was high on crack.
@TheAntinomies 2 года назад
46:00 what does the historian say about all this? 54:30 other ideas people had
@joelfry4982 10 лет назад
Here is a likely scenario in many cases, and something that has probably occurred many times: A loving Christian mother and father have two sons that love them very much, sons who respect the law of the land, sons who help mom and dad whenever they can. It is a tremendously happy family. The youngest son in this Christian family decides to become agnostic at the age of 28. He has tried the Christian life for a long time. He has "tasted to see if God is good," and for whatever reasons, opted out of the religion and de-converted. He dies at the age of 32 as an apostate, having lived out the fullest life he knows how in this blind corridor of mazes. I wonder, when mom and dad get to heaven and find he is not there, and quickly determine he must be in hell, suffering eternal conscious torment, how will this knowledge effect their well-being? They did all they could to raise him in a Christian home. Then it occurs to them--for every moment we spend in bliss he will be in excruciating torment. How is that for a Biblical viewpoint? And what makes eternal conscious torment just in this son's case?
@CDinan13 9 лет назад
Refer to Matthew 22:23-33, when the Sadducees question Jesus about the possibility of Resurrection and marriage and Jesus' reply may answer your question. My personal opinion, basically, once we arrive in heaven, who we were and the affiliations we had on earth no long apply to our conscious being. We in heaven, would become unified in a universal bond with God in a way that anything that is not in the presence of God is made unknown to us. Our level of joy that we'll receive there will outshine any and all sadness or negativity, because Jesus promises that there will be no more tears, suffering or darkness in heaven. "23 That same day the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to him with a question. 24 “Teacher,” they said, “Moses told us that if a man dies without having children, his brother must marry the widow and raise up offspring for him. 25 Now there were seven brothers among us. The first one married and died, and since he had no children, he left his wife to his brother. 26 The same thing happened to the second and third brother, right on down to the seventh. 27 Finally, the woman died. 28 Now then, at the resurrection, whose wife will she be of the seven, since all of them were married to her?”29 Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. 30 At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. 31 But about the resurrection of the dead-have you not read what God said to you, 32 ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? He is not the God of the dead but of the living.” 33 When the crowds heard this, they were astonished at his teaching." I hope this helps. :)
@joelfry4982 9 лет назад
***** Jesus said, "Their worm shall never die." He also spoke of hell as "everlasting" punishment in which the goats and sheep are seperated and the goats are punished. The book of Revelation says, "They shall be tormented day and night without end..." The Bible clearly does teach eternal damnation, and this has always been the teaching the church has upheld. If there's one thing I can't stand more than conservative Christianity it is the attempt to make Chrisitianity palatable by simply ignoring what the Bible and the church have always taught.
@joelfry4982 9 лет назад
Christopher Dinan Clearly, your answer is ignorance and blindness to the sufferings of other humans.
@CDinan13 9 лет назад
How can you say such thing? God gives us the choice to embrace Him, and it is up to us to decide if we want to take him up on his salvation He gives us. Do you not feel God anguished when His only Son suffered on the cross? He did so to pay the ultimate price for OUR transgressions. That is the supreme act of love and self sacrifice for the greater cause of the masses. And if we reject that then our suffering in Hell will be our own choosing. God's will is to have all human souls in heaven, but we choose not to embrace God. god never send anybody to hell, only we do by our choices and by our lack of belief.
@joelfry4982 9 лет назад
Christopher Dinan But you have to ask yourself whether hell is justice. Furthermore, I'm not sure heaven is all that good. In heaven no one has the volition or agency to sin against God. How is that free will?
@debbiephillip5032 7 лет назад
is dat a better place is dat paradise mm
@YHVHminefirstlove 6 лет назад
In the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, they both state that Yashuah Died on the Cross and that He Rose from the Dead on the Third (3rd) Day. And that He, Yashuah had Transformed into a Spirit/Holy Angel. However, in the Gospel of Luke, he states that Yashuah Did Not Die; Whereas, Yashuah told Mary Not to Touch Him, for he, Yashuah, had Not Transformed into a Spirit yet and that He was in Pain; until His Ascension to Heaven that is. Yashuah Did tell Mary to tell the Apostles that He had turned into a Spirit, which is and was Not the case. Whereas, Yashuah told Thomas to see and to touch the Wounds within His Hands, and that the Spirit Does Not have Bones nor a Physical Form. Obviously, Yashuah was Still Flesh and Bones! Yashuah Did Transform into a Spirit and/or an Angel when He Ascended into Heaven and Towards the Father. In order for Mankind, Man And Woman, to Ascend into Heaven; the Body must be made a New and Glorious, for Nothing of Sin is Allowed in Heaven. We are Told to Use Discernment! When One Bible Verse Contradicts Another, it is Our Duty to Ask the Spirit to Guide Us towards the "Way, Truth and Life". For example, Yashuah states to Worship Only the Father and Not He, for it Is and Was "The MOST HIGH, [YAH]UAH that Not Only Spoke with[in] Him, Yashuah, but also had Everything to Do with the Miracles that the "Son of Man" had Performed. Wherefore, Paul tells Us to Worship The Only Begotten Son" and that He Is God! Why would Yashuah Contradict Himself; for the "Son of Man" like His FATHER, Are The Same Yesterday and the Same Today. For THEY DO NOT CHANGE! "The MOST HIGH, [YAH]UAH" also Stated that There Is No Other Savior and Redeemer than HE, HIMSELF. Which is why Yashuah Means "The MOST HIGH, YAHUAHS' Salvation. And yes, Yashuah Is The Only Way To The Father; Mankind's Mediator! Yashuah also Tells us that He Did Not Come To Destroy The Law, But To Fulfill It. The Pauline Doctrine Contradicts Everything that Yashuah References in the Holy Bible. Be Careful People! A lot of the Information here are Paraphrased and that These are and were "THEIR WORDS OF TRUTH" rather than mine! Shalom Brothers and Sisters!
@Frederer59 4 года назад
Did anyone hear the word metamorphosis spoken?
@damasovelez876 3 года назад
Did God really say do not eat of the .•••• ✝️
@skwbtm1 9 лет назад
What if you were a contemporary of Jesus? Soren Kierkegaard said in 1847, the sagacious and sensible person might say, “this business about his supposedly being God I can regard only as an exaggeration, of course, he does not invite me anyway, for he invites only those who labor and are burdened. To join him-no thanks! If one could only trick his wisdom out of him-without becoming his follower.” The philosopher might say, “He has no doctrine, no system; basically he knows nothing; there are a few aphorisms, some maxims, and a couple of parables, which he goes on repeating and revising, whereby he blinds the masses, for whom he also does signs and wonders so that instead of coming to know something or gaining some sound instruction, they come to believe in him, he who as calamitously as possible incessantly imposes his subjectivity upon me. Even if the madness that he considers himself to be God is disregarded, it is an incomprehensible mistake, which indeed only betrays little philosophic training, to think that God could reveal himself at all in the form of an individual human being. The human race, the universal, the totality, is God, but the God certainly is not any particular individual.” The sagacious statesman might say: “He lacks earnestness in his whole endeavor. With an enormous wingspan, he floats-no more than that; he fixes no end, charts no course-he floats.” The scoffer, who is admired for all his wit, might say: “Assuming that the distinctive mark of being God is (indeed, who in the whole world would have thought of this; how true that such a thing did not arise in any human heart!) to look exactly like everybody else, neither more nor less: then we are all gods.” Lord Jesus Christ, our foolish minds are weak; they are more than willing to be drawn-and there is so much that wants to draw us to itself. There is pleasure with its seductive power, the multiplicity with its bewildering distractions, the moment with its infatuating importance and the conceited laboriousness of busyness and the careless time-wasting of light-mindedness and the gloomy brooding of heavy-mindedness-all this will draw us away from ourselves to itself in order to deceive us. Practice in Christianity, Hong 1991 p. 40-53, 157
@michaelmakinney20 4 года назад
Craig, you are lost. A few maxims and aphorisms betrays your ignorance of what He says and the fact that He backed it all up by healing all who came to Him, and, raising the dead. That’s God in Person. Moreover, Christianity speaks of Him through all those who knew Him suffered for one thing, primarily: that they knew He rose from the dead ✨
@skwbtm1 4 года назад
@@michaelmakinney20 I just quoted Kierkegaard.
@michaelmakinney20 4 года назад
Craig Campbell You are right; forgive me, Craig; I guess Kierkegaard was simply compiling all the various possible skepticism about the one event that, more than any other, marked the history of humanity and changed it Forever, thank God ✨ Again, please forgive me 🙏
@skwbtm1 4 года назад
@@michaelmakinney20 He started his book Practice in Christianity with the greatest reasons to join Christianity and made it more and more difficult for the believer to stick to the course. Then he wrote to those who read on to the end.
@michaelmakinney20 4 года назад
Craig Campbell Mmm, well, if it is true that “the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is 🍃Eternal 🌹Life 🍃in Christ Jesus,” Romans 6:23, how hard is it, assuming the gift 🎁 is, in fact, free? There are boundaries of living that, indeed, tell us whether we do well to consider that we’ve received that gift, as indicated in the first epistle to the Church at Corinth: “9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God,” I Corinthians 6:9-11,but if we adhere to the life found by living within those reasonable boundaries, then all all of the skepticism surrounding faith is like smog that surrounds and hides a mountain peak, which is the clear evidence that, indeed, this Man, Jesus, did all the Gospels tell us, confirmed, not as much by His crucifixion but Resurrection from the dead 3 short days later. God be with you, Craig and thank you 😊 Here is my Scripture of the Day 😉 June 8 “20 But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who are asleep. 21 For since by a man came death, by a man also came the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive. I Corinthians 15:20-22 Have you ever felt truly alive, empowered not by anything in this world, but by the Life within you? “I’m livin’ the dream,” some people say, when asked how they’re doing, but are they? Usually it’s said by someone simply doing his or her job. If not totally sarcastic, it has that note of sardonic satire. Okay, understand that, but it doesn’t answer the question. The question, albeit in a limited sense, reduces to what, if anything, gives you joy. Joy? 🤗 Anyone? 🤗 Being thankful, alive and authentically true, without remorse, or guilt, because, one, you know that God Almighty has forgiven your sins and, as you stand on your own and speak truth with grace, is pleased with who you are, and that, two, just as water seeks its own level, you have a purpose, something to accomplish, and, with both the humility and steady determination of Christ, it shall be done, you are thankful for whomever you are, thankful, too, that who and what you are is being renewed and refined every day precisely because of your active faith in the One who overcame death and is, in truth, who He said He was, when He told Thomas, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me,” John 14:6. If you hear what Jesus said, knowing what He said was from God, and believe, then, in the Father Who sent Him, you have passed out of judgment into Everlasting life, 🍃🌹🍃, John 5:24. Look that up for yourself 😉 It follows that we would later read John 8:28: So Jesus said, “When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He, and I do nothing on My own initiative, but I speak these things as the Father taught Me.” You are unique. No one shall ever be made just like you. For one, no one has had the experiences which have made you you. Ni one has the unique combination of 🧬 DNA, formed from the seed of your dad when implanted into an egg provided by your mother. And, yes, no one was born at the time you were when you were, but that’s less important than this: you were born as a distinct image of God, Not a god who calls people to cry, “God is Great!” before killing the innocent around them in a suicide bombing, but a God of Love Who instructs us to ‘Turn the other cheek,’ cf, Matthew 5:38-40, because we trust that He is good, and that love and justice live, if over time, with each other, and that Scripture is a Whole. What do I mean by that? The Same One Who instructs us, but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also,’ is Ultimately the One who knows that Deuteronomy 32:35 ‘Vengeance is Mine, and retribution,”, reaffirmed in New Testament Scripture that reminds us, “for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord,” Romans 12:19. We can do this, and it can only make sense for one reason, and one reason alone: “23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord,” a positive, clear assertion, stated as an equally clear principle we discover in Romans 6:23. Yet, “in Christ all will be made alive,” I Corinthians 15:22. 🤗🍃🌹🍃🤗🍃🧬🍃🤗🍃🌹🍃 If you doubt the substance of these gems of truth we find in the New Testament, give a listen to a couple of scholars who talk both about the authority of Scripture and the only truly reasonable explanation for the rise of Christianity, namely, that the Man, Jesus Christ, really did rise from the dead. Faith works. But, lo, Enjoy the life you have today and click on these lectures, if possible, before you sleep tonight. Or whenever you have time 🕰 They’re both, I believe, worth it 😉 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-zZ5cgQUJnrI.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Mks4gYcjpXc.html Yet, “in Christ all will be made alive.” Is that you, my friend? 🤔 I hope so, because there’s no reason it shouldn’t be ✨ Amen 🙏
@godofthunder24 3 года назад
I don't agree with his view about the differing acounts of finding the empty tomb somehow being like several different acounts of the same traffic accident. We're not talking about accounts taken at the scene or shortly after and committed into a statement. We're talking about accounts verbally expressed, transmitted from person to person and then committed to writing between 40-60 years after.
@WoundedEgo 10 лет назад
Wright is certainly not my hero or anything but I think he ponders more thoughtfully than the average bear.
@barneyroberts668 4 года назад
Acts2:38 covenant this side of the cross.
@StefanTravis 5 лет назад
One day, Tom Wright might present a connected argument. But not today.
@cmk5724 6 лет назад
But Jesus did predict his own death and resurrection. Couldn't the disciples have had that as the origin of their belief concerning his resurrection?
@tomnorton4277 2 года назад
I don't think the disciples understood that. It's like if a person claimed "I'm gonna take a leap of faith" and literally threw themselves off a cliff. Of course, people would assume they were speaking metaphorically, not that they would literally leap off a cliff.
@WoundedEgo 10 лет назад
The scriptures never talk about "going to heaven" but instead hold forth the promise of inheriting the promised land. In the scriptures "heaven" just means "sky" and "heavens" just means "skies". The word is first associated with the solid canopy ("firmament") that is one tower-height above the dry land (earth) and upholds the depository of rain water. And why would anyone want to spend eternity in the sky when the dwelling place of God is to be a city in the middle east, where God will receive tribute from the demoralized nations outside of the city's gate? For there God alone will rule and God will rule alone. Jesus will just be returned to the faith community of men from which he arose.
@cynthiagarret8550 4 года назад
I believe when Jesus Christ died on the cross he took his last breath. The resurrection accured Jesus was Jewish he followed Jewish law. Jesus Christ died in the fresh as he walk in the fresh preaching upon the Earth Jesus Christ revealed he still living after death know as the resurrection of Christ There's a heaven and the lake of fire God clearly states who will and who will not enter into the kingdom of god
@shanizzlethompson7191 9 лет назад
Not good😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔
@lloydmonahan6529 5 лет назад
why would so many ppl give their life for a fake
@jacobs8598 7 лет назад
Paul does not allude to meeting the Lord as you describe. Those are word games that people like you that have been in business for long play. Paul talks about" being caught up in the air" In another place it is written "...two will be in the field, one will be TAKEN, the other will be left.."
@punkylilkid 7 лет назад
NT Wright is wrong about the Old Testament expectations of the resurrection and New testament hope of restoration based on the rain of the dead. Old testament...Isa 26:19 "Your dead shall live; together with my dead body they shall arise. Awake and sing, you who dwell in dust; For your dew [is like] the dew of herbs, And the earth shall cast out the dead." Hos 6:1-3, 11 "Come, and let us return to the LORD; For He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us; On the third day He will raise us up, That we may live in His sight. Let us know, Let us pursue the knowledge of the LORD. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, Like the latter and former rain to the earth... Also, O Judah, a harvest is appointed for you, When I return the captives of My people." [Eze 37:1, 3-14] The hand of the LORD came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones. ... And He said to me, "Son of man, can these bones live?" So I answered, "O Lord GOD, You know." 4 Again He said to me, "Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, 'O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! 'Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones: "Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the LORD." ' "So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone. Indeed, as I looked, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over; but there was no breath in them. Also He said to me, "Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: "Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live." ' "So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army. Then He said to me, "Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. They indeed say, 'Our bones are dry, our hope is lost, and we ourselves are cut off!' Therefore prophesy and say to them, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: "Behold, O My people, I will open your graves and cause you to come up from your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. Then you shall know that I am the LORD, when I have opened your graves, O My people, and brought you up from your graves. "I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I, the LORD, have spoken it and performed it," says the LORD.' " New testament resurrection and kingdom restoration expected by the disciples... (Mat 17:23) "and they will kill Him, and the third day He will be raised up." And they were exceedingly sorrowful." Luk 24:21 "But we were hoping that it was He who was going to redeem Israel. Indeed, besides all this, today is the third day since these things happened."
@patnathan7963 4 года назад
Definitely not. His physical body was given a secret burial by his close disciples. However, while in the spirit, he created a body identical to his previous physical body, complete with spear wound etc. His warning to his disciples not to get close to him because he had not yet risen, is easily understood by followers of Eastern religions because of their understanding of the science of the spirit - which Christians woefully lack. What Jesus meant was that the causal body ( one of the three bodies that make a human being ), had not yet separated from his dead physical body ( it normally takes about a week for this to happen ), and therefore he was not yet fully risen.
@Nameless-pt6oj Год назад
Do you have any evidence or are you just going to bore us with your speculation? We’ve got better things to do with our lives then listen to you spout nonsense.
@fobos9289 Год назад
This is interesting in my opinion… but, what weight does that have in Jesus teachings and what relationship does it have with jewish understanding of scriptures or cosmology?
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