
Did JESUS Study BUDDHISM in India? The Untold Story of His Missing Years 

Buddha's Wisdom
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Did Jesus spend his "lost years" studying Buddhism in India? It sounds crazy, but what if there's more to this story than meets the eye? 🤔
Join us as we dive into one of history's most intriguing mysteries. We'll explore:
The 18-year gap in Jesus' life that has puzzled scholars for centuries
Ancient texts that hint at Jesus' journey to the East
The striking similarities between Jesus' teachings and Buddhist philosophy
The controversial theory of Jesus surviving the crucifixion and retiring in Kashmir
What do modern scholars and skeptics say about this mind-bending idea?
This video will challenge everything you thought you knew about one of history's most influential figures.
🔍 Uncover the hidden connections between East and West
🧘‍♂️ Explore the possibility of Jesus as a secret yogi
🌏 Travel the ancient Silk Road in search of truth
Interested in diving deeper? Check out these fascinating books mentioned in the video:
"The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ" by Nicolas Notovitch: amzn.to/4eHgDee
"The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" by Levi H. Dowling: amzn.to/3XDW3FC
"Jesus Lived in India" by Holger Kersten: amzn.to/3XEVpYE
"The Lost Years of Jesus" by Elizabeth Clare Prophet: amzn.to/4cVoRy3
Warning: This video may seriously expand your mind! 🤯
Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more mind-bending explorations of history's greatest mysteries!
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#JesusInIndia #LostYearsOfJesus #SpiritualMysteries #HistoricalSecrets #BuddhistJesus
00:00 - Introduction
02:27 - Chapter 1: The Missing Years of Jesus
04:22 - Chapter 2: The Buddhist Connection Theory
05:54 - Chapter 3: The Legend of Saint Issa
09:14 - Chapter 4: Matt's Journey
09:47 - Chapter 5: The Kashmir Connection
11:29 - Chapter 6: From Scrolls to Screens
15:45 - Chapter 7: Teachings Across Borders
18:39 - Chapter 8: The Skeptic's Corner
20:32 - Conclusion




6 июл 2024




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@BuddhasWizdom 10 дней назад
"🕵‍♂ Welcome, spiritual detectives and history enthusiasts! 🕵‍♀ You've just stumbled upon the cosmic crossroads of East and West. Whether you're team "Jesus definitely went to India" or "No way, he stayed in Nazareth," we want to hear your thoughts! 🤔 What's your take on the "Jesus in India" theory? 🧘‍♂ If Jesus did study Buddhism, how do you think it might have influenced his teachings? 🌟 What other historical mysteries would you like us to explore next? Remember, the journey of discovery is just as important as the destination. Let's keep the discussion respectful, open-minded, and as enlightening as a conversation between Jesus and Buddha over a cup of chai! ☕🙏
@CheckmateSurvivor 9 дней назад
Buddhism is a fake religion. If Jesus ever went to India, He probably wanted to study the satanic lies, not to get "enlightened".
@PirateRadioPodcasts 5 дней назад
Aye. This is the one GREAT secret "THEY" tried to muddy. 18 "Missing" Years. Returning w/ certain strange "FOREIGN" teachings? lol Gospel of THOMAS really drives it home. VERY Taoist, in many ways. But, yes, JC one of the 1st Ju-Bus, & HIGH watermark in the whole 900 year epoch of Greco-Buddhism. Precisely when MAHAYANA Buddhism was ascending. Then came MANI, the great religious SYNCRETIST. A synthesis of religions which included BUDDHISM. For a time, even St. Augustine was a Manichean. Until he converted to Catholicism, & actively waged a bloody WAR against his former brethren. Crazy times.
@shdwdrgonknght10 10 дней назад
It too much a coincidence that the teaching of Buddhism and Jesus are very similar its really having a open mind and open heart... Thank Matt your the best
@nigelsheppard625 10 дней назад
They're not similar at all. Jesus taught about an individual soul, surrendering to the Laws of an External Eternal Diety. The Buddha taught about Suffering and the End to Suffering. He did not teach about God, unity with God or a fixed and permanent self.. Jesus was a Rabbi. He would have had to Marry and father children, study and be tested on his knowledge of the Torah in order to be considered such. He went to a Yesivah as described in the temple.
@sujeevadealwis5513 10 дней назад
It’s not similar at all, especially with regard to afterlife. Buddhists do not believe in a soul and nirvana is not a place where you dwell in happiness with Lord Buddha. Buddhists also don’t believe in a creator- god.
@MustAfaalik 10 дней назад
@@nigelsheppard625 Yes! The bible said Jesus led a traditional Jewish life in Nazareth ie married as soon as he reached puberty & father children. But there was no mention of Jesus being married or of having children. If he did, he would have mimicked the ancient Eastern practice of leaving the family life to seek spiritualism as Buddha did.
@gekiryudojo 9 дней назад
@@nigelsheppard625 but the Buddha actually lived and Jesus is made from aggregates of history his persona changed every hundred years of our history which also goes with the good buddhist concept of an impermanent stable history! remember the saying history is determined by the winners!
@Tua867 9 дней назад
Ada 3 ajaran yang sama Tao, Konfucian and Budhis. As a Christian Tao lebih dekat dengan ajaran Yesus dibanding Budha. Tao is the Way
@srinivasanrengarajan3911 10 дней назад
Why is it surprising? Buddhism travelled East and West. Even today many westerners seek spirituality in the Indian traditions. India is the holy land.
@jhhjyjkkkjgfjjk 9 дней назад
Why? Because there were no planes yet those days. Do you know how far Israel is from India and Tibet? It's more believable Xuan Zang's journey than that of Jesus (as Hindus claim). This conspiracy theory was from the book, "The Unknown Life of Jesus" written by a Russian war correspondent named Nicolas Notovitch, first published in France in 1894. Do more research. Don't be gullible. Hindus will even believe if given the chance that Joseph Smith also went to India.
@mikeytimes6897 9 дней назад
But if he travelled to India wouldn't it be Hinduism he learned??
@ZoroasterIII 8 дней назад
Seems a lot of wishful thinking and historical projection. 'Westerners seeking spirituality in Indian traditions'. Siddharta Gautama literally said that there is no god. Jesus called himself the son of god. Maybe he wandered to India, who knows. Sure there might be a philosophical overlap as many wisdoms and theories have been crossing and travelling continents. Maybe he also used Midjourney AI. Who knows.
@KrishnaPun 5 дней назад
@@mikeytimes6897 there was no evidence of hinduism in that phase of time
@Limitless792 4 дня назад
​@@mikeytimes6897he was a spiritual seeker man , he seek spirituality not Buddhism or Hinduism isn't that's the core of dharmic philosophies
@gekiryudojo 9 дней назад
I study Dzrogchen buddhism I don’t even believe my own story let alone anybody else’s. even the Buddha said don’t just have faith and believe anything question everything..
@SeahawkMoments 9 дней назад
The beauty of Buddhism is to “find out for yourself. Be curious. Don’t just follow what someone says or writes.”
@indianmilitary 9 дней назад
Yeah. It is because original Buddha (1900 BCE) was a Hindu. He followed Vedas (he did not deny Athma) , was a vegetarian and spoke Sanskrit. But Buddha (550 BCE) who spoke fake pali and ate beef was created by colonialists out of thin air. The whole Nirvana Buddhist cult right now is based on a fake Buddha created to pit Buddhism against hindu/vedic tradition. They also created King Ashoka out of thin air to show that he converted from "bad hinduism to good buddhism". Nice try.
@KrishnaPun 5 дней назад
@@indianmilitarydo you have written evidence or any inscripture about what you are saying??
@kenmorales9855 10 дней назад
I always felt when Jesus says [paraphrasing] "Only through me lies the Kingdom of God" he wasn’t trying to literally gatekeep the salvation of Christians, but trying to say "Be like me, listen to my teaching from me, and through me you will find the Kingdom of God for yourself." Also, the "Wages of sin is death" isn't a condemnation to Hell and Damnation, but more of a warning "Hey, if you keep doing bad stuff, its going to get you killed." Like if you look at what Jesus says through a practical lens rather than a mystical supernatural one, what he says kinda makes sense. But it's been distorted and misunderstood because of improper context.
@MustAfaalik 10 дней назад
And Jesus said to the rich young man "Follow me", perhaps to follow his conduct in life?
@kenmorales9855 9 дней назад
@@MustAfaalik that's the way I look at it.
@RoyAscetic 10 дней назад
I have always had the same feeling. Thank you for sharing.
@peprahricheson3464 7 дней назад
I always have the same perception ever since I started studying Buddhism, my conscience tells me from 12 to 30 or 33 that the Bible don’t have records that he was in India studying the Dharma
@lelandstronks319 10 дней назад
If I am a Buddhist, why would I even care if this mythical person ever found the Dharma? This is for Jesus believers to think about.🤓
@Nak_Muay_Farang11 10 дней назад
I guess you wouldn't. Jesus people might be interested, though. You're right.
@CheckmateSurvivor 9 дней назад
Jesus will judge the world, including Buddhists.
@Ope_itsadam 8 дней назад
@bugzykek 8 дней назад
​@@CheckmateSurvivorYour karma is the only judge you will find.
@rdm3805 7 дней назад
@@CheckmateSurvivor And God himself needs to be judged based on all the atrocities he committed. The ruling will be way more in favor for the Buddhists than for god himself.
@johnl-1297 8 дней назад
He studied in the Middle East ...being Buddhism was a well known philosophy at the time in the Middle East and levant ...Buddhism was a well known philosophy in Greece and Afghanistan as well...
@gouthamkrishnan6718 3 дня назад
Many greeko-romans followed buddhism at that time.At that time some parts of indian subcontinent was ruled by indo greeks
@RabanisLarry День назад
I pray every day for every day life, I pray no object in front me, because I'm experience God spirit talk to me in 2003&2014 I meet jesus Christ, she's watching for my prayers in front of me in short distance...
@ani1151 9 дней назад
I had the same thought for awhile now. The people I had expressed this idea to had basically shoot down the possibility. However, I feel believing in God gave me a sense of hope that I didn’t get from the teaching of the Buddha. The Buddha taught us to believe in no one else but ourselves…. And then not even ourselves because there’s no self. Very complex. I find believing in God is much more peaceful and hopeful at times.
@indianmilitary 9 дней назад
"there is no self" Sure there is. In fact, there are 2. 1. Omnipresent, immortal and conscious self 2. Ego self (mind and body). False identification with thoughts and body in the wake state is due to ahamkara (which provides a constant sense of "I") and wrong assumption that body is the experiencer of 5 senses not the immortal self or athma. So, meditation techniques help to transcend both 5 senses and ahamkara to "realize" the immortal and omnipresent self - the impassive experiencer and not the doer. By the way, original Buddha (1900 BCE) was a Hindu. He followed Vedas (he did not deny Athma or the immortal self) , was a vegetarian and spoke Sanskrit. But Buddha (550 BCE) who spoke fake pali and ate beef was created by colonialists out of thin air. The whole Nirvana Buddhist cult right now is based on a fake Buddha created to pit Buddhism against hindu/vedic tradition. They also created King Ashoka out of thin air to show that he converted from "bad hinduism to good buddhism". Nice try.
@noself7889 8 дней назад
I am a Buddhist, and Taoist practitioner but I believe in God. I also do orthodox prayers and use the prayer rope to do the Jesus prayer. Many Buddhists and Taoists believe in God. Buddha actually never denied that there was a God, he remained silent and stated that we needed to work out our own salvation on our own. I do understand why Christianity is so appealing and I myself love the tradition, I am just drawn more to the Buddhist path for some reason. Best of luck to you on your spiritual journey. ☸️☯️☦️
@tyamada21 5 дней назад
A segment from 'Saved by the Light of the Buddha Within'... My new understandings of what many call 'God -The Holy Spirit' - resulting from some of the extraordinary ongoing after-effects relating to my NDE... Myoho-Renge-Kyo represents the identity of what some scientists are now referring to as the unified field of consciousnesses. In other words, it’s the essence of all existence and non-existence - the ultimate creative force behind planets, stars, nebulae, people, animals, trees, fish, birds, and all phenomena, manifest or latent. All matter and intelligence are simply waves or ripples manifesting to and from this core source. Consciousness (enlightenment) is itself the actual creator of everything that exists now, ever existed in the past, or will exist in the future - right down to the minutest particles of dust - each being an individual ripple or wave. The big difference between chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and most other conventional prayers is that instead of depending on a ‘middleman’ to connect us to our state of inner enlightenment, we’re able to do it ourselves. That’s because chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo allows us to tap directly into our enlightened state by way of this self-produced sound vibration. ‘Who or What Is God?’ If we compare the concept of God being a separate entity that is forever watching down on us, to the teachings of Nichiren, it makes more sense to me that the true omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence of what most people perceive to be God, is the fantastic state of enlightenment that exists within each of us. Some say that God is an entity that’s beyond physical matter - I think that the vast amount of information continuously being conveyed via electromagnetic waves in today’s world gives us proof of how an invisible state of God could indeed exist. For example, it’s now widely known that specific data relayed by way of electromagnetic waves has the potential to help bring about extraordinary and powerful effects - including an instant global awareness of something or a mass emotional reaction. It’s also common knowledge that these invisible waves can easily be used to detonate a bomb or to enable NASA to control the movements of a robot as far away as the Moon or Mars - none of which is possible without a receiver to decode the information that’s being transmitted. Without the receiver, the data would remain impotent. In a very similar way, we need to have our own ‘receiver’ switched on so that we can activate a clear and precise understanding of our own life, all other life and what everything else in existence is. Chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo each day helps us to achieve this because it allows us to reach the core of our enlightenment and keep it switched on. That’s because Myoho-Renge-Kyo represents the identity of what scientists now refer to as the unified field of consciousnesses. To break it down - Myoho represents the Law of manifestation and latency (Nature) and consists of two alternating states. For example, the state of Myo is where everything in life that’s not obvious to us exists - including our stored memories when we’re not thinking about them - our hidden potential and inner emotions whenever they’re dormant - our desires, our fears, our wisdom, happiness, karma - and more importantly, our enlightenment. The other state, ho, is where everything in Life exists whenever it becomes evident to us, such as when a thought pops up from within our memory - whenever we experience or express our emotions - or whenever a good or bad cause manifests as an effect from our karma. When anything becomes apparent, it merely means that it’s come out of the state of Myo (dormancy/latency) and into a state of ho (manifestation). It’s the difference between consciousness and unconsciousness, being awake or asleep, or knowing and not knowing. The second law - Renge - Ren meaning cause and ge meaning effect, governs and controls the functions of Myoho - these two laws of Myoho and Renge, not only function together simultaneously but also underlies all spiritual and physical existence. The final and third part of the tri-combination - Kyo, is the Law that allows Myoho to integrate with Renge - or vice versa. It’s the great, invisible thread of energy that fuses and connects all Life and matter - as well as the past, present and future. It’s also sometimes termed the Universal Law of Communication - perhaps it could even be compared with the string theory that many scientists now suspect exists. Just as the cells in our body, our thoughts, feelings and everything else is continually fluctuating within us - all that exists in the world around us and beyond is also in a constant state of flux - constantly controlled by these three fundamental laws. In fact, more things are going back and forth between the two states of Myo and ho in a single moment than it would ever be possible to calculate or describe. And it doesn’t matter how big or small, famous or trivial anything or anyone may appear to be, everything that’s ever existed in the past, exists now or will exist in the future, exists only because of the workings of the Laws ‘Myoho-Renge-Kyo’ - the basis of the four fundamental forces, and if they didn’t function, neither we nor anything else could go on existing. That’s because all forms of existence, including the seasons, day, night, birth, death and so on, are moving forward in an ongoing flow of continuation - rhythmically reverting back and forth between the two fundamental states of Myo and ho in absolute accordance with Renge - and by way of Kyo. Even stars are dying and being reborn under the workings of what the combination ‘Myoho-Renge-Kyo’ represents. Nam, or Namu - which mean the same thing, are vibrational passwords or keys that allow us to reach deep into our life and fuse with or become one with ‘Myoho-Renge-Kyo’. On a more personal level, nothing ever happens by chance or coincidence, it’s the causes that we’ve made in our past, or are presently making, that determine how these laws function uniquely in each of our lives - as well as the environment from moment to moment. By facing east, in harmony with the direction that the Earth is spinning, and chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo for a minimum of, let’s say, ten minutes daily to start with, any of us can experience actual proof of its positive effects in our lives - even if it only makes us feel good on the inside, there will be a definite positive effect. That’s because we’re able to pierce through the thickest layers of our karma and activate our inherent Buddha Nature (our enlightened state). By so doing, we’re then able to bring forth the wisdom and good fortune that we need to challenge, overcome and change our adverse circumstances - turn them into positive ones - or manifest and gain even greater fulfilment in our daily lives from our accumulated good karma. This also allows us to bring forth the wisdom that can free us from the ignorance and stupidity that’s preventing us from accepting and being proud of the person that we indeed are - regardless of our race, colour, gender or sexuality. We’re also able to see and understand our circumstances and the environment far more clearly, as well as attract and connect with any needed external beneficial forces and situations. As I’ve already mentioned, everything is subject to the law of Cause and Effect - the ‘actual-proof-strength’ resulting from chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo always depends on our determination, sincerity and dedication. For example, the levels of difference could be compared to making a sound on a piano, creating a melody, producing a great song, and so on. Something else that’s very important to always respect and acknowledge is that the Law (or if you prefer God) is in everyone and everything. NB: There are frightening and disturbing sounds, and there are tranquil and relaxing sounds. It’s the emotional result of any noise or sound that can trigger off a mood or even instantly change one. When chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo each day, we are producing a sound vibration that’s the password to our true inner-self - this soon becomes apparent when you start reassessing your views on various things - such as your fears and desires etc. The best way to get the desired result when chanting is not to view things conventionally - rather than reaching out to an external source, we need to reach into our own lives and bring our needs and desires to fruition from within - including the good fortune and strength to achieve any help that we may need. Chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo also reaches out externally and draws us towards, or draws towards us, what we need to make us happy from our environment. For example, it helps us to be in the right place at the right time - to make better choices and decisions and so forth. We need to think of it as a seed within us that we’re watering and bringing sunshine to for it to grow, blossom and bring forth fruit or flowers. It’s also important to understand that everything we need in life, including the answer to every question and the potential to achieve every dream, already exists within us.
@Nak_Muay_Farang11 10 дней назад
I always kind of just figured he was working as a carpenter with Joseph the whole time.
@georgerobin4672 9 дней назад
The Buddha after his Enlightenment had many followers who also became enlightened from his teachings over the course of 2,000 years or more. Many were omniscient who were mainly from India, China, Tibet, Thailand, Japan and so on. As far as I know these beings mention of Jesus could have been recorded but I have yet to come across it. Accept for one enlightened teacher who said that Jesus did visit lands between his home and India (but never reached India). He visited many monasteries along the way and did learn some of the teachings. At that time the Mahayana teachings of Amitabha Buddha and Land of Ultimate Bliss (Pureland teachings) were popular in the region. Jesus, once back in his home most likely misunderstood these teachings, Amitabha was interpreted as God and the Land of Ultimate Bliss (Pureland) was interpreted as the Kingdom of God. The teachings though quite parallel but took different directions. So, the message took different meanings. Amitabha' s Pureland teachings were taught by the Buddha and to this day, it is the most important teachings in Mahayana Buddhism. The death of Jesus from crucifixion at age 30 was a complete tragedy but turned somehow to be the salvation of mankind or thereabouts....
@indianmilitary 9 дней назад
nah. Jesus did not exist. Jesus was a figment of imagination of Helena- the jewish mother of King constantine.. If you are still adamant that he existed, at least try to logically validate the nicene creed claims of Christianity like ``Virgin birth ``'' son of god". if you don't validate, then you are just blindly believing that he existed based on fantasy stories propagated as history.. Magdalene existed but so called Jesus did not. She was obviously the wife of a person called Damsa (a sidekick of APOLLONIUS OF TYANA). Apollonius of Tyana (an enlightened “pagan” sage) was suppressed but his sidekick Damsa was propagated as the enlightened one and he was re-named as so called 'Jesus". This is nothing but identity theft.
@HizirXIII 4 дня назад
Misunderstood or tried to adapt to his original culture - Which is the basis of compassion for a bodhisattva, adapting to the other. Even excluding the apocrypha, the parables largely allow us to surpass the idea of God as an entity, knowing furthermore that the currents of Jewish mysticism do not see Him as an entity at all (but rather akin to the sambhogakaya).
@heyjo3417 7 дней назад
Your Videos are the absolut banger. Top notch production.
@juliekiefer7675 9 дней назад
Jesus is the light of the world. Buddha is the one who guides you to that light. Hallelujah Amen. Namo Shakyamuni Buddha. 🙏. ❤❤❤❤❤❤.
@indianmilitary 9 дней назад
Except the fact that Jesus did not exist. Jesus was a figment of imagination of Helena- the jewish mother of King constantine.. If you are still adamant that he existed, at least try to logically validate the nicene creed claims of Christianity like ``Virgin birth ``'' son of god". if you don't validate, then you are just blindly believing that he existed based on fantasy stories propagated as history.. Magdalene existed but so called Jesus did not. She was obviously the wife of a person called Damsa (a sidekick of APOLLONIUS OF TYANA). Apollonius of Tyana (an enlightened “pagan” sage) was suppressed but his sidekick Damsa was propagated as the enlightened one and he was re-named as so called 'Jesus". This is nothing but identity theft.
@noself7889 8 дней назад
I kind of agree with that. ☸️☯️☦️
@shailendradas1661 2 дня назад
3:19 time skip 🗣️
@projectadrift7711 10 дней назад
Alexander conquered parts of India and connected early indian culture and arts with Greek culture and arts, jesus probably went somewhere in India with a merchant caravan or something, but I do sometimes think that maybe Buddhidhama was jesus reincarnated into Buddhist culture because their teachings share eerie alignment in their similarities.
@kyquocthangle4501 9 дней назад
Jesus is the messenger of god (god as in higher energy being in the higher plane) while Buddhist Gautama also said in many of his past life, he was also a higher energy being thus explain why there are so many magical story involve in Gautama birth (he can speak while he walking the earth just as soon as he was borned, him telling after 7 steps: “Heaven above Heaven below, I alone am the world honored one”. Only in his past life he was a god(s) that he can confidently saying something like that. Perhapse Gautama and Jesus did know each other, Gautama reject the idea of following gods because to him, gods (higher energy being) still suffer the same samsara as human being but they have much higher life span than human. This make me think that perhaps the only true god in the bible is just the first god (again higher energy being), he who came first before the seed of life take place, then he (the first god) take the seed and begun to spread it out cross the world (think of farmers plant the seeds to grow rice/vegetable, the farmers are not the one who created those seeds but they only plant it, created by natural world/ earth just as how life sprung itself from nothing). This in my opinion isn't conflict to what buddha Gautama or Jesus Christ teaching, although it isn't fact(s) because I haven't reincarnated as god(s) yet so cant confirm it.
@kyquocthangle4501 9 дней назад
Interesting enough, that Gautama denied that there is a creator god but him being as one of those higher energy being in his past life should have verified it. Maybe there is more to this than meets the eye though, well only a god reincarnated as a human can tell the truth to us
@projectadrift7711 9 дней назад
@kyquocthangle4501 well I wasn't talking about Gautama Buddha, gautama was sort of like the Abraham or Moses of Buddhism. There were beings that achieved buddhahood who enlightened gautama Buddha but the difference is gautama went out an preached Buddhism to people and founded a movement, I was talking about Boddhidhama, the later prince turned monk who moved to China and ushered the zen movement throughout all of northern Asia..his position within the Buddhist cannon and as well as his influence are like that of Jesus..he wanted people to prepare to fight by inventing shaolin kung-fu (i am here to bring a sword)but also hoped that they would use this preparation for peace.(those who live by the sword dies by the sword).also legend has it that boddhidhama died and grave robbers dug up his grave to find nothing inside of his coffin, suggesting that he came back to life after death like Jesus. Maybe Jesus and boddidhama are both the same cosmic entitie..preaching for the Same kind of alignment but through the language of different religions and concepts from the cultures he incarnated into.
@projectadrift7711 9 дней назад
@kyquocthangle4501 also Jesus reincarnated again in our time too, and this man could likely be him: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-tPC9VID6M9s.htmlsi=c3OVoqkB8yuxaGqn
@user-rr5mq4em5w 13 часов назад
Even Democracy might have been influenced by Buddism...
@anielyantra1 10 дней назад
One should ask; " How many spices from India made it to Nazareth?" How many thoughts and ideas came with them? How many people traveled the silk road without any evidence? What would be the likelihood of an inquisitive boy from Nazareth embarking on a journey? How much evidence is there you ate dinner in town 2 days ago or took a trip last year?
День назад
Even lord Buddha traveled around following 4 teachers one after another, including what's now called Jainism from its founder.
@hiucheefatt9323 7 дней назад
Buddha's concept of karma perfectly explained all the good and bad of creation whothout monothesis relious ppl struggling to justify why God allows evil in the world etc. His 4 Noble Truths encompasses the dilemma of Albrahamic God at one hand described as perfect and loving, while in another hand appears massacring beings, jealous and full of anger with demons. In summary, I see Buddha's teaching the most perfect without the loopholes of Albrahic religions.
@barefoot-adventures 10 дней назад
Jesus and Buddha teach about the same topics. What is it to be human, and how can we live in harmony. There is no surprise that they share the same wisdom. For me, Jesus travelling to India is anecdotal at best and a distraction about what is really important.
@rdm3805 8 дней назад
Some topics might be similar. But fundamentally, their stories have different agendas.
@LookDeepWithin 9 дней назад
I totally respect Buddha 🙏🙏🙏 And I want to sincerely practice His Paths and Skills, on Enlightenment and Nirvana.
@emandejnozka1369 6 дней назад
Thank you for this knowledge.
@Genos393 8 дней назад
So in which period are those scripts and texts,scroll written? Tibetan.
@giselalinzmaier85 10 дней назад
Great video
@kastenolsen9577 4 дня назад
As a Buddhist, I do believe Jesus was in India and studied from the teachers there.
@matthewhardy5944 4 дня назад
He studied in Egypt too!!!
@stephendulajr.8124 9 дней назад
When we awaken. We realize everthing is connected. As a life long Christian, this is not a problem for me. I love this idea because Buddhist and Daoist though have profoundly influenced how i live out Christianity.
@kookookatchoo8208 4 дня назад
I've been saying this for years. I got my SATORI out of the blue and I'm sure Jesus did too. But I now use mushrooms once or twice every couple of years just to experience it again. That's what people have been doing for thousands of years. The carvings and statues show thousands of them
@tdaravuth 10 дней назад
@D5Do 10 дней назад
We are talking about the guy who walked on water, so what is a bit of distance to a guy like that? In my opinion it's only natural that an enlightened person will seek to see the world through the eyes of others.
@ivanj.conway9919 9 дней назад
The only thing about all of this is that like any of the names of Ancient Judea, Yeshua too, was a pretty popular name, meaning that there could very well have been more than one Yeshua. All these Yeshuas may have existed and did all these things, and went to all of these places, but was it the same Yeshua that founded the Nazarene Sect. Our modern religion of Christianity was created by Paul and added to and finished off by Rome itself, and actually, has next to nothing to do with the historical, Jewish, Yeshua at all. Now was Yeshua from Nazareth, a little village that many believe did not even, exist in Yeshua's time, or a Nazarene, which seems to have been an offshoot of the Essene Community, or both? Right now, I am open to both possibilities. The Essene Community, embodied and kept alive many of the teachings and beliefs you present here. Yours in Love and Light. Out. 🖖🏼❤‍🔥😔
@fcmiller3 14 часов назад
Read the book; Why God Won’t Go Away “ by Andrew Newberg, MD. Neurologist “ and Eugene D’Aquili, PhD. Basically as I understand it, the human brain is wired with systems (sympathetic, parasympathetic, autonomous systems and more) which leads humans to seek “that which is larger than ourselves” God, Source, Universe etc. Humans all over the planet, because of our brains/minds, seek ! It’s not a mystery why Buddha and Jesus, though centuries and continents apart, found the same teachings!
@stephendulajr.8124 9 дней назад
Thank you.🙏☮️
@sharkeyhaddad2476 9 дней назад
Thank you
@Endicorp1 9 дней назад
Like many modern people seeking experiences or on spiritual journeys, traders travelled vast distances bringing spices, raw materials, such as tin, copper and other materials across established trade routes. Along with those products, would have been stories of far off places, customs and beliefs, enough to stimulate curious minds and knowledge seekers. Joseph of Aramathea was one such merchant traveller who sought raw materials, such as tin, found in few places, such as Britain. As a relative of Jesus and one who also features in the Bible, it is not beyond the realms of possibility that a young man seeking knowlege, enlightenment and seeking answers to his own curiosity about Judaism, and other phylosphies may have also journied to seek truth, satisfy his that curiosity and expand his own mind. There is a lot of information out there for crtical thinkers to examine and information and other views and not just accept mainstream views, like that of main stream media that bombard our minds with mainstream view points. Keep seeking the truth and form your own opinions and continue to ask questions. As we know, not everything we are taught in history is truth.
@pasang999. 8 дней назад
Every religion is same just the language and traditions are different, the goal of all religion is same, every religion says to do right things,❤
@YogiAnandAdwait 10 дней назад
@jamezllwyd7561 8 дней назад
Thank you. I was created I have an ability to create, I am not separate from my creator. I am the way.
@geoffsmith898 10 дней назад
Matt, are you a robot? Why do you pronounce Issa 2 different ways during the video. I hate to think AI is being used to create these videos!!!
@user-cb3zz4ec6w 10 дней назад
Consider others as yourself: this the most profound teaching in Buddhism, only the person see the Buddha nature would say so, as they see we are ultimately the same as one!
День назад
In Christianity the salvation comes only through faith alone, Christ alone. Their salvation is in an eternal existence. But in Buddhism the salvation is a completely different thing. It is akin to oblivion upon death - and should be realized within oneself and no outside entity can save you. Those are the biggest differences in the dogma. Means may be similar - but for completely different ends.
@sujeevadealwis5513 10 дней назад
The five precepts for lay people in Buddhism and the commandments in Christianity may be similar in worldly affairs. However, even here, in Buddhism it’s not a command from Buddha. The ideology behind Buddhas teaching is purification of the mind and hence thoughts. That’s why there are no ‘thou shall not’ in Buddhism. Instead we say ‘ I shall abstain from taking another’s life, I shall abstain from taking what is not given to me…’ etc. We are responsible for our actions and there’s no one to forgive our sins. We must atone for them ourselves in the form of karma. Christianity and Buddhism are fundamentally different especially in the metaphysical - we don’t believe in a creator- god; we don’t believe in a soul. Buddhism is not a religion, it’s reality, the truth about existence of all beings, including gods, brahmas, animals, the plant world and micro biome, hell bound beings, all in existence- even beings outside our solar system. However, Lord Buddha does not encourage us to go behind such things and urges us to seek nirvana because samsara - the endless cycle of birth and death ( because of the probability of being born in unwholesome realms) is stated as horrendous. Christianity doesn’t talk about that, now does it?
@jeapika8092 7 дней назад
I ever dreamt ofJesus brought me to Buddha after i converted to Christian...! Jesus brought me to c Buddha & told him tt i was converted to Christian...cos' previously i was born in Buddha's family & been prayed Buddha! Just wondered is Jesus known Buddha in d past…? 🤔🙏🙏🙏😅
@TheLcsvince 10 дней назад
19:02 Many biblical narratives were disseminated by word of mouth across the centuries, in the form of oral tales and poetry, before being written down.
@shunlaiei5981 8 дней назад
@queunlimited4779 10 дней назад
As a child when I learned of Buddhism being raised Catholic...I KNEW. YOU CAN NOT MISS IT! Yes he was.
@ZoroasterIII 8 дней назад
Equating catholicism and buddhism is omg. You guys pray to one central power and some guy pretending to represent god, buddhists look inside themselves. They have no god.
@jeapika8092 7 дней назад
I’m not dreamt of Jesus & Buddha one time only! It’s several times I saw them in my dreams…! Sometimes I wondered who m I so special…that they known me well than I know them…? Besides I born to be very special…?🤔🤔🤔😅😅😅🙏🙏🙏
@bymenz1388 8 дней назад
that is true
@rdm3805 8 дней назад
More and more I am starting to doubt the accuracy of the information presented on this channel. Different than my initial experience on this channel.
@user-cb3zz4ec6w 10 дней назад
As a Buddhist I strongly believe Jesus teachings are a way of Buddhism teaching.
@D5Do 10 дней назад
They are one and the same the way I see it. I was raised as a Christian but felt an immense fascination for Buddhism from the moment I learnt a bit about it. I've always thought that prayer is a form of meditation.
@user-cb3zz4ec6w 10 дней назад
@@D5Do if you looking for the truth, Buddhism is the way, ask yourself who you really are everyday to knock on the heavens door
@D5Do 10 дней назад
@@user-cb3zz4ec6w These days I've learned to see past religions and focus purely on the message being conveyed. And it turns out that most major religions have very similar core beliefs.
@user-cb3zz4ec6w 10 дней назад
@@D5Do deep dive in Mahayana, it’s not a religion but beyond
@D5Do 10 дней назад
@@user-cb3zz4ec6w It's just a term I now use for lack of a better word, referring to any organized set of beliefs since all religions also have that in common that they claim not to be a religion.
@Scott-qd6fs 10 дней назад
Buddism and 'The Buddha' did not acknowle 'God' Jesus (Yashua) did, it is possible that he took idea's from Buddist Monks and added them to his own ministry, we cannot prove he did but the we cannot prove he did not, its just a possibility.
@chrisinman7743 10 дней назад
It's all about the Message, not the Messenger.🙏👍
@MustAfaalik 9 дней назад
The message and a virtuous Messenger are equally important. In this case, both Jesus & his message are equally spiritual.
@pmj50 9 дней назад
It’s not speculation 🙏🏼
@rdm3805 8 дней назад
It's easy to make the big claims that sound so nice like, "they taught similar things", but if you really learn or even better- experience both Christianity and Buddhism yourself, you'll see that they are worlds apart, conflicting as a matter of fact.
@yeeernest8367 5 дней назад
@ThabangKaotsane-hm2wf 10 дней назад
Was this Jesus fluent in any eastern languages? How did he communicate with the gurus? Why are we only finding out about this now? You are tripping.
@malabuha 10 дней назад
Back at that time, if you were born in Palestine, the only way you could learn anything different outside the scope of your faith is to literally travel to east and expose yourself to budhism, taoism etc Then, upon your return, if you were driven enough and inspired to disseminate what you've learnt, you would be prosecuted for blasphemy. Jesus was not the only person who met that end. There were many others.. When i hear that someone was exiled or even worse, executed for blasphemy, i know they went far away and returned with a teaching that didn't fit a particular society 💯
@friendsnote.1013 10 дней назад
All these theories about Jesus being a Buddhist have no concrete proof and simply just speculations. The important thing is not whether Jesus is a Buddhist or not but his teachings….. 🙏🙏🙏
@MustAfaalik 10 дней назад
Likewise, there is no concrete proof/historical evidence that Jesus existed except for Christian scholars. It would be nice to have documents of his crucifixion!
@ewalos2375 8 дней назад
This is true. I put this comment because some one find out the truth. Do you know in india there is a technique call kandam readings. I know this story because of that. Hmm this is how i got the story. There was a thero a buddhist monk called ananda mithree who got bit of interest about jessu's past and he travveled to india and done the kandam. The kandam it self is this way. This kandam sasthra doing tamil people its very cheap bit you got to know tamil. You have to go front of this kandam doing people and this people guide you. Then they taking out old book and they telling you to think of the problem you having. Then they (tamil person) will look your righthand and looking for certain line and then he or she start to search about that line from the book. Then the person taking out the piece of paper from this old book and let the seeker to see that paper. And the question the seeker thought ans answer written on that paper. Ok this was done by monk anada thero with this same question and the answer was this. Jessus was a deciple of lord buddha and then he understood this good news of lord buddha and Jesus was the only first person who try send the good news to west. And much more story there i cant tell it from mere comment. How ever these stories kept hidden because this stories was distributed by language like sinhala tamil malayalam like languages plus people dont care about the origin of jesus. Jesus done a good job if thats good no need to know what is the origin is. If some body curiouse about theses kind of topic this will ive you some hint. Bye
@gekiryudojo 9 дней назад
The last thing to actually believe is the history channel I think they also do UFOs and aliens! 😂
@Josephbrownbear 10 дней назад
Hey ! The past is present the future is now !!
@babuayubu6215 День назад
If Jesus didn't travel to India, India traveled to Palestine..but wait a minute,if Jesus travel to India,how comes in his teaching he didn't quote gitas or Dhamaparda, only quoted Jewish sacred books.?? In concise,I conclude both Jesus and Buddha ,taught universal truth.
@Trendlines_mc День назад
As an Christian African, it's kinda weird to hear yall talk about these theories... Jesus Christ is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT/ respected and loved by us Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Holy trinity 🙏 But i have found it weird that skipped to age 30's, what was happening in those years...
@magdelyn 7 дней назад
@AungLay-wd3ck 4 дня назад
Noitisnot ယေရှုကဖန်ဆင်းရှင်ရရှိသောဝါဒ ဗုဒ္ဓကလောကကိုထိမ်းချုပ်ပိုင်ဆိုင်သူမရရှိ သို့သော်လောကဟာစွမ်းအင်လေးမျိုးရှိတယ် ပူခြင်းအေးခြင်း လှုပ်ရှားခြင်းထောက်ကန်ခြင်း ယိုစီးခြင်းဖွဲ့စည်းခြင်း ပျော့ခြင်းမာတင်းခြင်း သဘောတရားသက်သက်ဖြစ်သည် သူတို့တွေပေါင်စပ်ဖီု့့ခိုင်လုံတဲ့အကြောင်းတရားတွေပြည့်စုံလာတဲ့အခါပေါင်းစပ်ပြုပြင်ကြရင်းဖြစ်လာလိုက်ပျက်သွားလိုက်နဲ့မရေတွက်နိုင်သောကာလတခုမှာ သက်ရှိသက်မဲ့အရာဝတ္ထုတွေဖြစ်လာကြတာဟာဗုဒ္ဓရဲ့လက်တွေ့ကျတဲ့ဝါဒဖြစ်ပါတယ် ဒီသက်ရှိသက်မဲ့တွေကိုကိုဘဲစွမ်းအင်ကဘဲခဏခဏဖြစ်ခဏခပျက်အောင်မရပ်မနားပြုလုပ်နေပါတယ်
@utkarshbhardwaj1718 10 дней назад
Matt, this is what we called awaken one or buddha... Jesus was an awaken one like Siddharth Gautam!!
@sankettt 9 дней назад
there's a story in india about a place where jesus was buried. it is located in jammu and kashmir. it is a mosque like structure faced at north east but mosque of muslims are always faced at south west direction and muslims believe this is the place where jesus was burried. and also bible doesn't have record of 13 years of jesus life.
@indianmilitary 9 дней назад
One more fake story created by East India company agents.
@gootomy4807 9 дней назад
Why dont you talk abouth in the 3rdBC emperor ashoka's spread of buddism throughout all directions of the world and as a result of that is.,what existing buddism even now a day. Emperor ashoka 's one main direction was west directions through Afghanistan. So its well enough time to spread buddhist philosophy to the west at the time the Jesus was born.
@indianmilitary 9 дней назад
nah Original Buddha (1900 BCE) was a Hindu. He followed Vedas (he did not deny Athma) , was a vegetarian and spoke Sanskrit. But Buddha (550 BCE) who spoke fake pali and ate beef was created by colonialists out of thin air. The whole Nirvana Buddhist cult right now is based on a fake Buddha created to pit Buddhism against hindu/vedic tradition. They also created King Ashoka out of thin air to show that he converted from "bad hinduism to good buddhism". Nice try. 🤣🤣
@DougDeYoung-gt4id 7 дней назад
He sure didn't learn about the True Self in Mediterranean fairytales. You know the original Self or as he said the beginning and the end. Same as Moses with the sage that burned with the fire does not consume. "I am who I am" I am verb and not noun as in I am the experience behind the the material. Buddhists say I am no-thing. I (True I) am the Way. The Truth behind the impermanence. The Life that never dies. The I Am presence that is, was and always will be...
@gekiryudojo 9 дней назад
and finally, my theory The Buddha lived 500 years before Jesus in 500 years the teachings of Buddha could easily have reached Israel . Even if only in conversation. the Dharma is something else it is more than just conversation. You need a teacher. but there would be still many moving around and maybe went the other way. Someone from India found him.? what strikes me is the interdependence of all knowledge. I have never met Albert Einstein but I do know the theory of relativity and he was alive in my lifetime not 500 years before! If you ask everyday people about quantum physics, they will look at you as if you’ve gone mad even though this knowledge is quite easy to understand and there are many ways you can learn about it. Overall, how would I learn about enlightenment from Jesus stories? Well, it teaches me about the interdependence of all beings. And information.. But also that information is not knowledge knowledge comes from experience. And none of this on your video is experiential apart from the video.? Also, do we know if Jesus was even literate?
@indianmilitary 9 дней назад
nah Original Buddha (1900 BCE) was a Hindu. He followed Vedas (he did not deny Athma) , was a vegetarian and spoke Sanskrit. But Buddha (550 BCE) who spoke fake pali and ate beef was created by colonialists out of thin air. The whole Nirvana Buddhist cult right now is based on a fake Buddha created to pit Buddhism against hindu/vedic tradition. They also created King Ashoka out of thin air to show that he converted from "bad hinduism to good buddhism". Nice try.
@mimisailo-5757 День назад
Jesus is the only way , the truth and life, no one will enter the heaven except through him
@jhhjyjkkkjgfjjk 9 дней назад
It's easy to believe that Xuan Tsang reached India, studied in Nalanda for years, and went back to China. He brought artifacts and sutras proven by physical existence of them. By teaching, his teaching of Yogacara have sutras from India, and he taught it in China in the same stream of understanding and essence. But as for Jesus reaching India, hmmm... How did he reach India by foot and how long. Did he bring artifacts when he went back to Israel? Is his teaching "exactly" the same with what he taught his disciples Israel? Also, the Qur'an says Jesus's name is ISA. How did the Qur'an, an Arabic text, has the name of Jesus exactly the same as how the so-called Indians call him? Are Indians Arabic by language? Think, think, think ...
@MustAfaalik 9 дней назад
My theory is that the Roman trade route to India is both perilous & arduous, while the sea route to India from Roman Egypt would be more appropriate for a CARPENTER Jesus to travel. Check out Roman Trade Routes and you will see the same route taken by Thomas to India in 52 CE.
@MrJerrad79 3 дня назад
Why did Yeshua not write anything down himself? Why let his disciples do all the writing and twist his teachings? If he did write exactly what his teachings were then someone destroyed his true teachings, just like they dont want us to know he was in Buddhist monasteries studying meditation, Kundalini Yoga and Reiki healing tecniques. He was killed before he could teach the whole world that everyone can do healing "miracles" just like he did and even greater "miracles"!!!!
@roguescholar7528 7 дней назад
Buddhism did not exist at the times of Jesus. however, the spiritual principles are the same everywhere, although various teachings use different names for gods. What's in India is Shiva, Shakti and atman or jiva (soul, higher Self within), for Christians is Father, Holy Spirit and Son. Yogis teach that you have divine spark within you (the true Self) which you can experience thru meditation, and Jesus says "Seek the Kingdom of God" (which is the same for those who understand). "There is no way to Father but thru the Son". All religions had esoteric (secret) side to them. There was always a general teaching for the ignorant crowd not capable of understanding the spiritual principles, and another teaching that was designed for the students of the great Teacher, the founder of the religion. You may call these students disciples or apostles, does not matter. So for an ignorant peasant Jesus was God in human body, who died on the cross and resurrected. For better educated disciples Jesus was the Kingdom of God , the Divine Consciousness, which is within all of us, but hidden due to low level of our spiritual consciousness. The goal is to experience this divine Self first hand, rather than understand it intellectually or thru faith. Whether it is yoga style meditation to pierce the veil of ignorance or Christian prayer to meet the Son (Kingdom of God) within yourself and connect with Father, this is all the same. In conclusion, Jesus was no Buddhist. He was a Jew, educated in Tora, celebrated Jewish holidays (in fact he was arrested by Roman soldiers when was celebrating Jewish Passover). He used spiritual terminology that does not show any influence of India or Tibet. But the essence of his spiritual teaching is the same for those who understand.
@happyfreeky 9 дней назад
No. He left India and studied Buddhism in the area now known as Nepal
@indianmilitary 9 дней назад
"Nepal" is still a Hindu majority coumtry which used to be part of then HIndu civilization including India. Original Buddha (1900 BCE) was a Hindu. He followed Vedas (he did not deny Athma) , was a vegetarian and spoke Sanskrit. But Buddha (550 BCE) who spoke fake pali and ate beef was created by colonialists out of thin air. The whole Nirvana Buddhist cult right now is based on a fake Buddha created to pit Buddhism against hindu/vedic tradition. They also created King Ashoka out of thin air to show that he converted from "bad hinduism to good buddhism". Nice try.
@johnjones99124 5 дней назад
Hindu meaning thief in farsi 😂
@Sambho369 5 дней назад
@@indianmilitaryas a Nepali Hindu, how dare you? Gautam Buddha was an enlightened soul. Wish I could ignore your ignorance the way he would.
@Limitless792 4 дня назад
India was center of Buddhism and Hinduism both religion find the path to the truth..
@Limitless792 18 часов назад
​@@johnjones99124 the word 'hindu' is for the most time is used for geographical description ... So , u your self disrespecting and criticizing buddha and buddhism itself . And yes I searched meaning of hindu in farsi, u are just ignorant...
@satishHalemane 2 дня назад
Buddha is the 9th Avataar of the all pervading Vishnu - the 8th avatar of vishnu which is "Krishna" in Greek is "Christos" which further translates to English as "Christ" - and the church says its just a coincidence 😂 - Our ancestors were not dummies - we are all talking about the same thing, yet fighting because the true intent for certain humans is political control, not really to understand the nature of reality
@Caligari... 7 дней назад
Wha ?
@yeeernest8367 5 дней назад
Jesus never mention or talk about other religion in His teachings in the New Testament at all. How come He has travelled to India full of the religions and yet He keep quiet about His leanings in India.
@mindfulmoments4956 4 дня назад
Maybe the word ‘religion’ was not used at that time. It was just about “truth”.
@PirateRadioPodcasts 5 дней назад
Aye. This is the one GREAT secret "THEY" tried to muddy. 18 "Missing" Years. Returning w/ certain strange "FOREIGN" teachings? lol Gospel of THOMAS really drives it home. VERY Taoist, in many ways. But, yes, JC one of the 1st Ju-Bus, & HIGH watermark in the whole 900 year epoch of Greco-Buddhism. Precisely when MAHAYANA Buddhism was ascending. Then came MANI, the great religious SYNCRETIST. A synthesis of religions which included BUDDHISM. For a time, even St. Augustine was a Manichean. Until he converted to Catholicism, & actively waged a bloody WAR against his former brethren. Crazy times.
@peterq6598 9 дней назад
Dreams are Free...born of a Virgin not an elephant
@goheechoo 10 дней назад
I find Jesus more influence by Hinduism as they stress there is a divine creator , as Buddhism stress on no god.
@MustAfaalik 10 дней назад
Coming from a monotheistic religion Jesus came into conflict with Hinduism's multiple gods & the caste system & it was said he went to Northern India to study Buddhism which Jesus would have come into contact with from Greek Buddhist in Alexandria, Egypt. Check out Greek Buddhist.
@Limitless792 4 дня назад
Hinduism is both monotheistic and polytheism that shows your ignorance 🙄 Dharmic religions are not like semetic ones And concept of religion itself come from there
@MustAfaalik 4 дня назад
@@Limitless792 WTF! Do you even know what you are saying?🙄🙄🙄
@Limitless792 3 дня назад
@@MustAfaalik u didn't understand 😔 1) Hinduism is not about multiple gods or so called 'caste system' . If u don't konw it's better to think and research about it first 2) Buddhism doesn't believe in God's so u are contracting yourself ...
@wong.weekiong212 8 дней назад
When Buddha was to enter Nirvana, satan came down from heaven and warned Buddha that he will create new religions and thinking to block Buddhism. Hence, there came Christianity and islam which are satan religions. Jesus was not a Buddhist because his teaching differs from Buddhism. He might have learnt something on Buddhism.
@fredontime 3 дня назад
👁️👁️ or was he a Taoist?
@Andy-bl8gg 3 дня назад
Jesus was being taught by his parents in the missing years, its jewish tradition.
@gekiryudojo 9 дней назад
It is an interesting video and I’ve heard the story before but as we’ve all stories you either believes in I don’t believe them based on your own story and your own story determines what you believe is the truth and what isn’t so watch it with that in mind. The ultimate truth is everything is empty from its own side! my own belief is that Jesus never even existed and he is made from aggregates of speculation and verbal history from hundreds to thousands of years after this so-called Jesus died. in all the whole thing has very little evidence and lots of speculation and pre-suppositions. On top of that, how are you? to Reachenlightenment from this? I find Dune two more interesting. and believable. 😊
@yeeernest8367 5 дней назад
} Jesus's teachings in the New Testament does not contain any Buddhism concept of rebirth or any other concepts at all. Instead all concepts in Buddhism are contained in the Ten Commandments given by God to Mosses. Jesus doesn't require any meditations to be enlightened. Jesus is born with all wisdom from young as it is shown in the agreement exchanges with the high priests. Jesus is born with all the englitenments about God as He is the spirit of God himself. Has any teachings of Jesus in the New Testament mention about Buddhism. Nothing at all. He is and always will be full of wisdom abut God. Jesus says, "I come to confirm the laws handed down by God not to abolish them." Even Jesus has travelled to India is just like a tourist just to visit the lands of the 3 wise men from the East whio had come from the East to pay Him homage at His birth. "
@user-gg5to8by7p 9 дней назад
Jesus is originally son of lord krishna
@indianmilitary 9 дней назад
nah. Jesus did not exist. Jesus was a figment of imagination of Helena- the jewish mother of King constantine.. If you are still adamant that he existed, at least try to logically validate the nicene creed claims of Christianity like ``Virgin birth ``'' son of god". if you don't validate, then you are just blindly believing that he existed based on fantasy stories propagated as history.. Magdalene existed but so called Jesus did not. She was obviously the wife of a person called Damsa (a sidekick of APOLLONIUS OF TYANA). Apollonius of Tyana (an enlightened “pagan” sage) was suppressed but his sidekick Damsa was propagated as the enlightened one and he was re-named as so called 'Jesus". This is nothing but identity theft.
@rdm3805 8 дней назад
Jesus is not as loving and compassionate as the stone aged religious modifications made this figurative figure out to be. Where he instructed his followers to kill(to catch fish), where he killed so many pigs after sending evil spirits into them, where himself said he didn't bring peace to this world and even he(coz he identifies with his father) instructed and even slaughtered innocent masses...it's clear what he stood for. Buddha on the other hand includes ALL beings in his ideas and teachings about compassion, kindness and love. This is one of the reasons for me leaving this outdated religion and where i instead followed this tried and tested way of the Buddha.
@ChristiaanMeyer-w9q 5 дней назад
Jesus is the creator of the universe, what should he learn from the teachings which is pagan!
@rolinkaperera6182 9 дней назад
There was no need for Jesus to go learn from anyone. His purpose on earth was unique. You are just insulting Him by trying to compare Hm to a mere human who need the learn from different people to form their own opinion or thought. You maybe believers of these teachings as it is your choice but never insult what you don’t understand.
@Btourguide 8 дней назад
Buddha said his teaching will be stolen and take credit by others. Sorry for saying the truth. Jesus is darkness and Buddha is a light!
@tharangaratnayake1288 10 дней назад
Buddha and Jesus is teaching totally opposite things Jesus gave main two commandments “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Buddha never told this he's never talking about all mighty God, Jesus teaching about oneness with God Jesus teaching about God's will .Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Buddha never said those things. It's not the same if's Buddha is not believing God is crate the world 😢it's a total different story if you're not experienced the Holy Spirit you can't understand what's the meaning of the Jesus teaching you're wasting time . Human body is a huge vessel which God made for filling with divine love.there is no way to fill this vessel only God can fill it's that why Jesus is TimIn the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.Jesus might travel all over the world but he taught total different stories it's totally different. Buddha and Jesus taught some s same teaching but both off them are not giving the same cause and both off them talking the different paths Jesus talk about God's will In Matthew 7:21-23, Jesus is recorded as saying: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ ”Buddha taught nirvana escapes samsara this is totally different teaching
@MustAfaalik 9 дней назад
Please read Gospel of Mary & Thomas for clarification & not what was selected by the Roman church in 325 CE.
@tharangaratnayake1288 9 дней назад
18) The disciples said to Jesus: Tell us how our end will be. Jesus said: Since you have discovered the beginning, why do you seek the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed is he who shall stand at the beginning (in the beginning), and he shall know the end, and shall not taste death. This is the missing point. What happened in the beginning.if you missed this point you missed the hole truth. You missed who we are and what is our nature how God create us. And you can't deny the other gospels read every thing with Holy Spirit then you can find the truth. God bless you Jesus loves you and the whole world
@MustAfaalik 9 дней назад
@@tharangaratnayake1288 Whatever turns you on!
@mphobonolo4555 10 дней назад
I that Jesus went to India at the age of 12 years to study Hinduism until the age of 29.
@Sengyipgoh 10 дней назад
Study Buddhism dude. Watch indian documentary and BBC one.
@jhhjyjkkkjgfjjk 9 дней назад
To the owner of this channel: You call your channel "BuddhasWizdom"? How can you manage to present such topic based on Indian conspiracy theory or myth? Did you not know that the Buddha opposed Hindu teachings? Or you are blinded by the Hindus' false claims? Hinduism will claim even Joseph Smith studying in India, if possible. Hindus have been claiming that Buddha was an avatar of Hinduism, as well as Jesus, and even Yoda (if possible). Hindus have been like that for centuries, all in the name of their Hindu religion.😊
@fisherstrong6 10 дней назад
I definitely believe Jesus was in as far as India and as far as Britain and Ireland.
@karmadave 10 дней назад
I don’t know if Jesus ever traveled to India. What I do know is that the teachings of Jesus seem to have more in common with Buddhism than modern Christianity. Especially Evangelical Christianity 😉
@HuaHinTakiap 8 дней назад
Jesus came from India. He wasn't born in Bethlehem.
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