
Diet for Higher Consciousness 

Meditation Steps
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@mohammedanas9711 6 лет назад
Beautiful, I filled my heart with love by providing this information in such humble, graceful and authentic manner. It was peaceful to listen to you. :)
@laureng2820 4 года назад
As I became more spiritually awake, before knowing this information, I naturally started to get very uncomfortable around animal products and felt most drawn to a vegan diet. Have been eating this way for a year now and am constantly gaining enlightenment and happiness💖
@MeditationSteps 4 года назад
@Connectingthedots. 3 года назад
Same with me Lauren.
@mayankify 3 года назад
Lmao constantly gaining enlightenment 😂
@parthapratimdas8226 3 года назад
Not vegetarian be Niramis = Nira + mis... Food that doesn't harm affect our body
@joanet501 3 года назад
@@Connectingthedots. more like samadhi I suppose haha
@leesee8284 5 лет назад
I can believe this ... because when I was eating a plant based diet I was more calm and easy going .... I have to get back to that lifestyle
@danielokeeffe5848 4 года назад
You were, until a certain point where you needed heavy foods due to a lack of nutrition. Its the same story with all vegans/vegetarians. It's one of those things that sounds great in a video until you actually have to implement it for long periods of time, where it inevitably fails.
@luckyluke5614 4 года назад
@@danielokeeffe5848 how can you keep up with it then?
@danielokeeffe5848 4 года назад
@@luckyluke5614 I am not vegan, but I prefer to follow Ayurvedic principles. Right now I am on day 9 of a fasting protocol. With time, you can train the body to survive on lighter foods. This is done through intelligent fasting. After the fast I eat as I like. I don't eat meat, because my body no longer requires it. But it still needs cheese, milk, and honey. In a year or two, this may no longer be the case.
@luckyluke5614 4 года назад
@@danielokeeffe5848 that is cool and intresting. I am 16 myself and i tried fasting but my parents say its unhealthy so they force me to eat. I really would like to fast for a long time but i need to have patience. Can you tell me more about your experience with intelligent fasting?
@danielokeeffe5848 4 года назад
@@luckyluke5614 hmmm, well I could talk forever really, but it would be a waste of words🥰. Try a 7 day ayurvedic diet - no meat, eggs, cheese, caffeine, carbs, onion, or garlic. Skip breakfast or just have a piece of fruit and have a small meal around noon (porridge, steamed veg, an Indian Dahl, vegetable soup) and a small meal around 6 (same choice as above).The idea is to eat pure foods that digest easily. If you think it's too rough add a SMALL amount of brown rice. Every 3 months do this fast. It's reasonable with a load of benefits, and will prime you for further fasts. In 3/4 years when you start to combine yoga, meditation, and pranayana with your juice fasts, you"ll go super Saiyan. But right now is preparation stage.
@butn0tyet 4 года назад
Please eat quietness Please eat love Please make your body your best friend and avoid hurting it Every moment can be a feast of life Get to know your body and work to unplug from the forces of the day
@123benjah 5 лет назад
eat to live.. don't live to eat... when hungry .. eat... when thirsty...drink... when tired.. sleep... simple
@i_eidfff563 5 лет назад
Benja plenty of water is healthy
@tanveerahmad2900 4 года назад
My dear scholar just try to find out that the most humble mankind class prophets were vegetarian or meat eaters or mixed eaters?
@mayankify 3 года назад
@@tanveerahmad2900 Vegetarians
@cedzimagination 6 лет назад
Its true...the vegetarian diet increased my desire to meditate.
@Ingrossox 6 лет назад
That's good to hear Kaberer3
@vanillaicecream9026 5 лет назад
Me also
@5xing8gua 5 лет назад
Suppose you eat something that increases your desire to masturbate. So you will know for future - it is wrong food for you, right? Now you eat vegetarian diet that increases your desire to meditate And from now you became food-dependent chasing one desire and running away another desire. Is not the point to became free of desires? Is it matter what type of desire (desires of body of meat or desires of body of mind)?
@el_eye_jah 5 лет назад
@Dan M7 we respect your beliefs and understand your not ready to accept ours but we hope you see the truth soon brother. We become what we eat and absorb energy from food not just "nutirents". The animals that you kill to eat experience suffering and trauma, that maybe on different levels depending on whether they live in unnatural conditions or naturally ones. But when they finally have their life taken they do experience suffering. And so you are consuming death and suffering so you will become death and suffering. And as result of taking a life, life will be taken from you.
@el_eye_jah 5 лет назад
@Dan M7 Ok brother. If I see an animal I do not want or feel the need to chase it and stick my teeth into it like all other animals that eat meat. However if I come across a berry bush or apple tree I cannot resist myself. There are plenty of vegans,vegetarians, fruitarians in the world but your beliefs, desires and parasites in your gut have have you blind. Heck theres even people living off only air alone. The health industry, big pharma and food industry are the same industry. They tell you what your "nutritional" needs are and you buy the product which eventually makes you sick so you then pay for healthcare. It's not a conspiracy its business. Get your head out your arse and see what's going on. Your running and old program it's time to change, grow and stop living in a logical scientific box.
@bkpalos 6 лет назад
I enjoy this man’s speaking pace
@ghoulunathics 3 года назад
I just recently quitted coffee, candies, chips and ice cream from my diet. especially happy and proud of quitting coffee, cuz it has affected VERY positively on my energy levels. when i drank it it took me an hour just to wake up with the coffee, and I got painfully tired just in few hours again, needing to drink coffee throughout the day and still feeling constantly tired. Now without my morning starts with meditation and workout and for most of the days I feel energetic til the night. can warmly recommend this to everyone - coffee creates need for itself.
@MeditationSteps Год назад
@ghoulunathics thank you very much for sharing. I have seen several similar cases like yours.
@Mistanyycguy 6 лет назад
Vegan, plant based, whole foods diet is much better for consciousness in my experience :) No matter how the dairy is sourced it has more negatives than positives. Cows milk is designed for cow calves and is not optimal for human consumption. Besides, there is so many healthier, more ethical plant based milks out there!
@archaicmaelstrom 6 лет назад
From ancient times Yogis have found Whole Milk from a well treated cow to have sattvic properties, but if you don't like milk then by all means don't drink it! Namaste
@PenseEncore 6 лет назад
Abdullah Shameem: I totally agree with you. Cows are so abused and treated with such disrespect (so are chickens, pigs, goats, sheeps, etc.) it's unbelievable. What is so disgusting about dairy products is how the dairy industry tries to convince people that their milk, yogurt, cheese, etc., comes from "happy cows," and nothing could be further from the truth. That cow is treated like a modern-day slave, is artificially inseminated, is forced to go through hell to give birth to that calf, only to have a sociopath steal her baby and slaughter it for veal. As if that wasn't brutal enough--now that poor mother cow is forced to give her milk away for free so that humans can consume it. How many human mothers out there would want that to happen to them? And would they be "happy humans?" We live in such a sick world, and a 'lack of empathy' seems to be the driving force.
@PenseEncore 6 лет назад
Abdullah Shameem: I totally agree with you. Cows are so abused and treated with such disrespect (so are chickens, pigs, goats, sheeps, etc.) it's unbelievable. What is so disgusting about dairy products is how the dairy industry tries to convince people that their milk, yogurt, cheese, etc., comes from "happy cows," and nothing could be further from the truth. That cow is treated like a modern-day slave, is artificially inseminated, is forced to go through hell to give birth to that calf, only to have a sociopath steal her baby and slaughter it for veal. As if that wasn't brutal enough--now that poor mother cow is forced to give her milk away for free so that humans can consume it. How many human mothers out there would want that to happen to them? And would they be "happy humans?" We live in such a sick world, and a 'lack of empathy' seems to be the driving force.
@mailarrives 6 лет назад
In Sanatana Dharma, since every animal is treated with kindness, respect and love, borrowing milk from a domesticated animal has never been seen as violating any rules and regulation of nature. The proper way it was handled was to feed the calves first and you take the excess. Milk is milk, may it be from a dog, or from a cat or from a human. You could feed a dog, milk from a cow. And the good thing is, even though a dog drinks cow milk, it will not change that dog into a cow. We don't milk cats and dogs because of the volume of milk, plus the taste. Cows, buffaloes and goats give adequate milk even after they have fed their babies. Nothing is wrong in the process. But Veganism (a cult), has overdone this process of borrowing food from nature and have forced people into believing weird things. A bear in the wild eats honey, so if humans eat honey, what is wrong with that as long as you are not killing the bees.
@PenseEncore 6 лет назад
@@mailarrives - Wow, you've obviously never seen cows (and other farm animals) being abused on factory farms--you sound incredibly ignorant. And please tell me...just how does one "borrow" milk from a cow? And how do you return the milk....do you plan to pump your own milk, or steal a mother goat's milk to return to the cow? Then you'll be indebted to the goat. Gee, what a vicious cycle, when you could be drinking plant-based milk such as almond, soy, cashew, rice, oat, quinoa, etc., which is far healthier for you. And you won't need to harm another to satisfy your appetite. I can see wanting to steal another sentient being's milk if you were living in a remote area of the world and food was scarce--but that's not the case here, and you do have many other options. Do the research. And as far as veganism being a "cult," nice try...but you won't get very far with that argument, since we care about how animals are treated. In a cult, everyone is brainwashed into believing that what is bad for them is actually good--and everyone is gaslighted. In addition, people at the top "control" those at the bottom--and those at the bottom can't think for themselves. I think for myself--and I don't believe in harming another to satisfy my hunger, thirst, or ego.
@integralsun 6 лет назад
Ayurved principals and proper diet have been clearly elucidated by Vasant Lad, an Ayurvedic physician. I’ve been meditating 45 years! 😇🤓🙏😍
@vibrantvoid8568 5 лет назад
don't become vegetarian, vegan or raw foodist just because you've heard that these diets have a higher vibration. focus on increasing your vibration from the inside-out through practicing more awareness and a forgiving, loving attitude towards yourself. that in and of itself will help you be more and more nourished on a purely energetic level (without food). then the transition to lighter diets will happen automatically and intuitively. if you force yourself to these ways of eating before you're ready (most people still require meat because their energy/consciousness is in a denser place) in hopes to reach higher consciousness you'll sooner or later run into deficiencies. I've been on both ends of the spectrum (two years vegan, 2-3 months carnivore) and I can tell you; your diet is mostly a REFLECTION of your energy, not the cause of it. like I said before, if you're in the process of raising your consciousness and cleaning your emotional body, changing your diet comes naturally and will simply be of support for your shift in consciousness and not the leading cause of it.
@michellemellard3432 5 лет назад
SO well said. This illuminates the attempt to use masculine energy to force our way to feminine embodiment, trying to use external and concrete shifts to effect internal revolution rather than letting both dance together. It has actually taken me a while to come to terms with this and begin releasing the disjointed and unfullfilling attempt to coerce myself into a higher vibration. I no longer resonate with the "moral" argument for veganism anymore either - or morals of any kind really. I still experience and process remnants of judgment occasionally, but deep in my heart I don't resent anyone for their choices even if they are aware enough to make "better" ones, because that's the same thing as resenting their Essence itself. All anything is ever about is current state of alignment relative to the individual. Thanks for sharing your thoughts 🧡🙏
@Saundersstrong 5 лет назад
well said friend, find what works forget what the masses are doing . my cognitive function is at a higher level when cholesterol is taken in, most cannot thrive without it a vegan diet will not serve most optimally long term
@daniellerodgers6493 5 лет назад
Very wise words from all of you. I’ve tried “being good” and making myself from the outside in. It’s true that following your intuition will lead you to the peace within yourself. It’s hard going through the pain we have stored in our bodies but deep down we know it’s worth it. ❤️
@michellemellard3432 5 лет назад
@@daniellerodgers6493 amen girl! Thanks for doing this sacred work, and for sharing your thoughts, blessings 🤗
@harrietsand9715 5 лет назад
Vibrant Void to change your consciousness one can look at videos of factory farms and slaughter houses and understand the suffering they are bringing into their bodies, that is if all they care about are themselves. If they possess any empathy and compassion that will be enough incentive to get them on the right path. One of the founders of PETA, Alex was on a cross country trip and his friend who he was traveling with worked in a slaughter house and needed to stop in on the way cross country, Alex at the time a flesh eater went in with him and from that day on never ate meat again. Soon after he became one of the founders of PETA. That will change your vibrational level rather quickly.
@kobyann421 4 года назад
I became a vegetarian because I felt like it was the right thing to do, I couldn’t understand why but this video explains it. A meatless diet makes me feel more at peace with myself. For the last week I have been going through a transformation. I stopped eating meat a week ago (I’m on and off with this diet) but now I am meditating everyday, speaking gratitude, affirmations and exercising in the morning and at night. This video really opened up my eyes to how energy works. When I used to eat meat I would feel tired, no motivation and sleepy. I was on that static energy. But since I’ve stopped eating meat I feel more aware and awake. Thank you for this amazing video. ❤️
@MeditationSteps 4 года назад
Thank you for sharing your inspiring transformation. Good luck as you go forward.
@kylehamilton6560 5 лет назад
theres much love radiating from this man, much love to you thanks for the wisdom
@ushasingh6027 2 года назад
i love this Baba's quiet and gentle guidance for the lay person's journey of the mind. Mangal ho!!
@kc9337 3 года назад
The tree is beautiful behind you. 🙏 Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
@summerrain9240 6 лет назад
I am a vegetarian and practice meditation. I have tried fasting and vegan diet and it does make a big difference in my meditation.
@MeditationSteps 6 лет назад
Thank you, for your observation.
@premnalin4529 5 лет назад
www.osho.com/library search: fasting
@shravanm1996 4 года назад
Im 1000% sure a vegan diet calms your mind and pushes you towards mediation and spirituality. I can't really explain how much it's benefitted me.
@jg3094 3 года назад
Thank you for an insightful video. It really reinforces my vegetarian decision of many years.
@MeditationSteps 3 года назад
You're so welcome!
@RPOjha-cu6lm 5 лет назад
We are really less conscious of our quality of diets and indiscriminately eat whatever is palatable to our tastes. Vegetarianism is definitely very suitable for our holistic health and evolution. Swamiji is a great monk and health expert. We have learned many lessons from his teaching.
@dannymeske3821 3 года назад
There have been many studies on vegetarian diets. Mother nature designed us to eat plants.
@mzoesp 3 года назад
Wonderful and inspiring. I have been vegetarian/vegan for over 20 years and I highly recommend it to anyone. Peace and Namaste 🙏🏼
@unityyogamindbodyspirit7954 3 года назад
When I started yoga 9 years ago, I met a chicken shortly after and had a moment of realization, I no longer desired meat. We are so removed from our food in many cultures now days!! If you are struggling with desires for meat while also wanting to quit eating it, I recommend trying to go out and spend time with the animals you wish to eat. See them for the life they are. Or watch the industrialized process of how they live and die and let it seep in and feel it, helping you to change your desires and thoughts. If you are listening to the thoughts that don’t want you to stop eating meat, than you will not likely stop eating meat. Perhaps you even find yourself arguing with people who have quit, or perhaps you find yourself arguing with people who havent quit. Observe yourself! 🙏❤️
@MeditationSteps 3 года назад
Thank you for sharing your experience, appreciate it.
@carlosaganaiii8843 6 лет назад
I did not expect him to sound like that. :)) Thank you so much for the video.
@Embodied.bliss.somatics 5 лет назад
Carlos Agana III hahaha I was thinking the same thing
@yogamom1898 5 лет назад
Carlos Agana III lol omfg same!! 🙋🏻‍♀️😂😂
@NowWeRiseTarot13 3 года назад
My thought too...At first he sounds like he had an Indian accent....oh well..lol
@FruitarianEutopia 5 лет назад
Such a beautiful person. We have to understand where is sbd coming from, the background, the age, the society/environment he grew up and take all factors into account, before we judge. If we go back in time we will see some Greek philosophers who were consuming dairy too, which for their level of consciousness and mental state it was ok, but this doesn't mean that this is the optimum, the most right thing or the most efficient for the body. In my opinion, not harming/exploiting any form of life is the ideal, since it is not a matter of survival. Everybody is in a different stage, I think we have to be open to progress without rejecting.
@vaishaliverma6169 2 года назад
Grateful to find this video
@WolfeTone66 4 года назад
Forty three years..Now that’s devotion.👍
@bensmithy4279 3 года назад
I switched to a Vegan diet after watching videos of what they do to cows and chickens for milk and eggs in animal farms. I don't miss it at all. There is soya, almond and coconut milk etc for tea, yoghurt and ice creams etc..all plant based. Also we need to be less obsessed about food, eat what is simple and easily available from nature with least harm possible to other animals.
@TylerG7777 2 года назад
That was beautifully said, Ben.
@sash0047 5 лет назад
In hindu cultre The one who eats once a day - yogi Twice - bhogi Thrice - rogi
@noobblet1996 5 лет назад
translation ?
@AM-zk6ue 5 лет назад
You missed the last part Four times - Lift him away (to his/her grave)
@Saundersstrong 5 лет назад
once a day is enough- builds self controll
@sash0047 5 лет назад
@@Saundersstrong yes eating more than once a day poisons body and mind
@parampalsingh2227 4 года назад
And one who eats four times is dhongi 😂
@Pavan-rz9uo 2 года назад
Beautiful, peace must always come from within we mustn’t seek it without. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@Aum_shantishantishanti111 4 года назад
I ate mushrooms one time and realized I was all of it .its true that you can actually put your love into the food you create and notice the subtle undertones of the food you created . Love to love it .
@ht7461 6 лет назад
Pranama Guruji! Nicely explained, very informative! Sri Bhagavan said, "The splendor of the sun, which dissipates the darkness of this whole world, comes from Me. And the splendor of the moon and the splendor of fire are also from Me. I enter into each planet, and by My energy they stay in orbit. I become the moon and thereby supply the juice of life to all vegetables. I am the fire of digestion in the bodies of all living entities, and I join with the air of life, outgoing and incoming, to digest the different kinds of foodstuff..." BG 15.12.14
@jpg4774 6 лет назад
I tend to get into stable meditative state if I dont eat Garlic and Onions.. I dont eat meat, egg and fish anyways..
@TheUrantia001 4 года назад
Good luck with your shortlife
@jamesfielden4935 4 года назад
@@TheUrantia001 please explain
@Stewz66 4 года назад
I took note of the comment on onions, garlic and mushrooms. I cook with these 3 in nearly every dish. Thank you very much..
@VchaosTheoryV 4 года назад
I love garlic and onion. They're great for antifungal and antibacterial properties.
@amanraghuwanshi1960 2 года назад
Its great that I was born in vegan family, so i'am vegetarian from childhood ☺️
@shanti3152 5 лет назад
Thank you for this wonderful, gentle talk and encouragement to consume Sattvic diet. Likewise helpful to consume sattvic mental diet also. 😊
@bhaktinetwork1008 6 лет назад
Sadly the dairy industry in India is just as cruel as in the West. and buying dairy is NOT practicing Ahimsa.
@ramanranganathan9120 5 лет назад
@steticbrah5609 4 года назад
Kay Kleij I eat dairy such as eggs and butter, but I try to avoid dairy milk and replace it with oat milk or almond milk
@steticbrah5609 4 года назад
*organic eggs and butter
@Jameszhangdude 4 года назад
😔 I wish there was better access to better foods
@kobyann421 4 года назад
It’s weird that humans drink another animals milk... it’s not natural and when I speak my opinion about this others get offended. That milk was meant for the cows baby not for humans.
@EduardoRodriguez-ks4em 4 года назад
Namaskar! Baba Nam Kevalam! Best Regards from Mexico ☺. I am a member of Ananda Marga since 1982.
@bindu492 2 года назад
@ipa.4490 6 лет назад
Thank you for such wonderful explanation. Its amazing how i didn't hear a single of your breath when you were talking. I wanna learn how to do that.
@jt659 5 лет назад
This man is so pleasant to listen to
@carbontube7956 7 лет назад
Thank you very much, I am going to watch this one more time I hope this will help me and inspire me to finally stop binge eating.
@carbontube7956 7 лет назад
Link Makers thank you.:)
@Sarahizahhsum 2 года назад
Hey, if you're still having issues, an all fruit diet may be of use. Mix in a huge salad with Non-Starchy veggies if you're craving something not sweet. Maybe some nuts and seeds too.
@mridukapoor1744 3 года назад
Thank you very much.. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@barbsie7315 6 лет назад
Protien, calcium, can be found in many many foods that are not from animals
@jessewachira921 2 года назад
That humility is unique
@DanielFaith1000 3 месяца назад
Hope my parents and step-siblings flower spiritually and their aging process reverses. This is my hope for God to help. He is merciful and graceful.
@venumonga8454 6 лет назад
So true.My Guru used to teach us all satvic recipes.Now I do realize that how correct he was in his teachings.
@wouterdesmedt1736 7 лет назад
Thank you both for taking the time to make this video. I do find it strange dairy is considered a sattvic food, since it is so unhealthy and in many cases unethically produced.
@Cowboybiglift 7 лет назад
Bunny McBunnyBun India cows are treated different - check out A2 vs A1 cows milk
@robotsibyl 7 лет назад
It was that way once upon a time.. not anymore. The dairy industry out there is just as if not more crazy than the west.. for example they use "khalbaccha".. makeshift calf often enough the head or tail of a dead calf stuck on a stick next to the cows so they'll still produce milk. Not very sattvic :/
@dharmadevaji 7 лет назад
complete myth from fairy tales
@SitaWelsh 6 лет назад
complete bs
@karmajangchup 6 лет назад
Sadly the dairy industry in India is just as cruel as in the West. and buying dairy is NOT practicing Ahimsa.
@cococast8172 4 года назад
Thank you kindly, I am now returning to a vegetarian diet and this video was very important for me.
@MeditationSteps 4 года назад
Glad it was helpful!
@zain4019 4 года назад
Best of luck!
@reflexologie.plantaire.8460 2 года назад
Beautiful and "sentient" teaching !
@shatakshiism 5 лет назад
Out of 55000 something mammals, Indian tradition has texts saying 5-6 mammals are such whose milk is good for human consumption.. they include cow, camel, goat, donkey, buffalo etc. These are the animals which were allowed to be within the household boundaries (like family members) unlike dogs/cats which were fed outside the house. Out of cow and other mammals, it is cow whose milk can be given to goat or buffalo etc for treatment. Milking the cow is termed "dohan" which comes from "do" meaning "two". Thus only two udders are milked and rest two are left for calf.
@harrietsand9715 5 лет назад
Shatakshi Sharma If this is true tell me why aren't human infants suckling from cows. Why does the cow have 4 chambers in their digestive system and we don't. Why in countries that don't consume meat and dairy have no incidents of heart disease or cancer especially breast and ovarian?
@jigyasacabridotubehd633 4 года назад
Namaskar Dada Shiila, You're beautiful and wonderful Human Being. You're really a true Mystic. Seeker of Truth. You explanation of Sentient Diet is very clear and scientific. i begin to understand it clearly. Thank you very much for your knowledge that you imparted to me because almost all the things that here in this world I do not Know. I know nothing about everything. Hoping to see you again in Manila by Baba's grace. In Him Arun
@MeditationSteps 4 года назад
You're most welcome
@LamarDonVon 4 года назад
So this is why people say vegetarians /vegans are more childlike. It makes you more gentle and compassionate
@vegansaxon3962 6 лет назад
Peaceful setting there with the birds singing.
@Starknight00 4 года назад
Yes enviroment itself was so amazing..
@migosandteens 3 года назад
thank you
@DanielFaith1000 3 месяца назад
Hope many spiritual seekers have healthy food to eat.
@HippieHousewife 5 лет назад
This was a lovely video. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. 🕉✌
@el_eye_jah 5 лет назад
We respect your beliefs and understand your not ready to accept ours but we hope you see the truth soon. We become what we eat and absorb energy from food not just "nutirents". The animals that you kill to eat experience suffering and trauma, that maybe on different levels depending on whether they live in unnatural conditions or naturally ones. But when they finally have their life taken they do experience suffering. And so you are consuming death and suffering so you will become death and suffering. And as result of taking a life, life will be taken from you.
@salonisharma2210 5 лет назад
Thanks for ur precious word sir. Kindly pray for me
@Tempest_Stream 5 лет назад
chad kenney I agree, if you look at life like that you put yourself in a box. Life naturally consumes other life. Even tribal, native Americans who were very spiritual ate meat. Give respect to the food that you are eating and don’t consume meat that often. I think about where the energy came from, initially a lot of energy comes from the sun. I give respects to the lives lost to allow me to eat the food I eat and give respect to where it all comes from.
@Thistleseed101 5 лет назад
Elijah Sky I met you yesterday. See you later, maybe. Have a great show!
@Saundersstrong 5 лет назад
do you know this
@SarymaryQuiteContrary 5 лет назад
@@Tempest_Stream Sounds like indoctrination to me. Animals need to be chased in nature, then put down forcefully after which they bleed. Given that option, or the option of picking large amounts of fruit from a tree that practically seduces you with it's sent - which option do you think you'd choose? We evolved on consuming plants, we also evolved to practice empathy toward other "sentient beings" and when we recognize this missing link and reconnect, it becomes obvious that eating meat is wrong and, scientifically speaking, even unhealthy. Spiritually and ethically there is no justification for doing the wrong thing with a "clear" conscience, only the mind can play tricks like that. Peace
@28105wsking 5 лет назад
I didn't believe any of this when I first heard about it, but on second thought decided that Indian people are definitely not stupid and I should have more respect for thousands of years of experience! So I tried it. After two years of sitting zen in Japan, I could really tell the difference in my body and mind! Wow! For the better! If you want a smoother, happier mind and life avoid these black foods: all foods in the garlic and onion family, all foods in the nightshade family: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, red, green, and yellow peppers, chilis, all meats and fish- everything in the animal kingdom. And if you are practicing any type of tantra, avoid vegetables that grew below the ground. Try this out one by one, for yourself, and you will be surprised at how different the texture of your mind becomes. The kinds of thoughts and energy that flows thru you will really change a lot. We have economic and kindness reasons for avoiding meat, but from the meditators view, you are eating pure terror when you eat animal products. They died a violent death to feed you. Is that non-harming? Dairy is a question. Since in India it came from cows naturally, yogis did take it, but here in the west, so much violence is done to cows to get dairy products that you may want to avoid that. It's up to you. I was really most surprised by how adding onion and garlic to my diet, after years in India without them, immediately increased raging sexual desire. It's so useless, why feed it? My stomach and body just did not want them at all and made that known very quickly! Experiment for yourself, like I did. See what happens. Be very sensitive to your own energy flow and the type of thoughts that arise. PS: it takes a few days to get stuff out of your system.
@mayurvaghela185 3 года назад
Thank you very much for the video
@mailarrives 6 лет назад
seems like many people do not understand this video. let me make it clear. Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic food categories were designed over 10000 yrs ago by the inhabitants of Indus Valley civilization (right about during the time agriculture was discovered). They saw the benefits of having cow in agriculture where in a cow, being so gentle is capable of giving a lot and asking nothing in return. Therefore, cows were considered as Gods and were worshipped which is still observable in present day India. During that time, there were no industries that harmed animals to feed growing human population and the world was fairly working on justifiable measures where animals were treated perfectly because of the services they provided. So you have to remember here that when this concept came into life vs. your present day condition of the animals are not the same. So stop spreading your concern as "Ohh! Poor Cows". Go talk to your local butcher and try to convince him/her to stop slaying animals. Talk to your farmer to make milking more of a choice for animals rather than compulsion.
@maggomaens9673 3 года назад
A cow HAS to be pregnant to „give“ milk. And it WANTS to only give the milk to HIS new born...wich is no possible as the HUMAN steels the milk and has to kill the new born as else the new born would get all the milk
@mailarrives 3 года назад
@@maggomaens9673 what are talking about?
@SikhiArt 3 года назад
@@mailarrives A mother's milk is for her child, not for any third party. In order to obtain milk from other beings, we artificially keep the mother pregnant, kill her child and take the milk which belonged to her child. In a few years the mother is also killed as her milk quantity reduces.
@danielokeeffe5848 4 года назад
Such a wonderful and truthful commentary on the benefits of eating a sattvic diet. It is such a shame that the universal ego seems to have hijacked the comment section with its erroneous and judgmental view of dairy consumption. O well.
@MeditationSteps 4 года назад
Thank you Daniel for your balanced view. I expressed my views about the milk issue in my book, "Diet for Health and Higher Consciousness" as well as in my video on this channel "Milk-Good or Bad?". It is wise to take a universal view about the topic.
@danielokeeffe5848 4 года назад
@@MeditationSteps Thank you Dada - have watched the video. I'm very interested in food and ayurvedic nutrition - but there is so much there. Please keep up the good work :)
@gurinderbhuller7421 4 года назад
Ego is nourished by any food ... SANSKRIT WORDS for 3 kind of food groups ARE SATVIK, RAJAS & TAMAS ..... Same 3 KIND FOODS WHICH EXPLAINED HERE ! But to remove or reduce Ego so learning become stable one must go to or start with hail to ORIGNAL Roots of jai Jo Snatan Dharam Guru system , your Guru Teacher , all rest fit automatically! Om Guruve Namaha 🌺🙏 j Thank you 🙏
@aryanyadav3690 3 года назад
In India 40% people of Vegetarian 🕉️ I appreciate more people to follow 😘
@marcoschwarz95 3 года назад
Raw food has the most clean digestive process in the body. With fasting & raw food you can heal your body to the fullest. ❤️
@Sarahizahhsum 2 года назад
Fruit heavy, of course!! Gotta love them peaches... Mmm
@dipendarrgill3625 6 лет назад
thank you......dada shillabhadrananda ji, namaste.
@kimulm0619 Год назад
Excellent video So many confirming truths that I've come to know through fasting.Thank you very much,🔥💛🔥
@moonchou7469 7 лет назад
Видео замечательное: начиная от информативности заканчивая картинкой. Очень интересно слушать и приятно смотреть. Больше такого формата)
@yaholocracia 3 года назад
Woww Namaskar
@susilopez632 2 года назад
Namaskar 🙏🏻💐 Thank you so very much
@savinay999 Год назад
@katebennett9679 7 лет назад
Wonderful accent
@prsece3118 5 лет назад
I was thinking of the same
@rysheeer 3 года назад
Namaskar! Thanks a lot for this.
@archer7199 3 года назад
Thank you Dadaji.
@Magnate1992 5 лет назад
Thank you for your wisdom. Great video
@deeraven5645 6 лет назад
♡chirping bird♡
@zain4019 4 года назад
@alexgreen409 3 года назад
Thank you men 💚🙏🏼
@hardeepkaur5827 5 лет назад
Thankyou Thank you Thank you so much for your time and caring powerfully world heaven on earth blessed world caring world from Kenya love silence breathe beautiful beautiful beautiful
@doncorleone6182 6 лет назад
People listen to experienced practitioners to validate their experiences. When it does not match, they can't respond correctly. Milk may be wrong due to some ethical issues. So does harming plants at some level. The talk is about what works for the body and mind and what you can incorporate based on his experience. Perhaps our genes still respond to foods in a way that our conscious mind cannot justify. Peace!
@nandeetjihero6248 6 лет назад
Exactly! I wonder why people say that eating meat is bad but eating plants is acceptable. Aren't plants also living beings?
@WayraSacha 6 лет назад
Because it's totally different level of consciousness...
@fitterenslanker 5 лет назад
Did he just say milk is good? Majority of cows are handled not so positively when being milked. Not even considering that calves are being taken away from mother. That energy can surely not be positive.
@shatakshiism 5 лет назад
Cow and basil plant have been like a family member in Indian tradition.. before commercialization or white revolution, it was better than current situation
@yogi8047 5 лет назад
Milk is good, not the process milk you all buy from supermarket.
@parthpawar 5 лет назад
@@shatakshiism yes.even now a days Amul used to take milk from cooperative societies which are taken from villagers.
@ByeByeBelly 5 лет назад
Not sure where he lives... but commercial dairy industries in most of USA, Canada, UK, other Europe, Australia etc are very cruel. The mass production is the problem. They kill all the male calves, they take their calves away from the mothers very early and the cows will cry out for them and look for them, calves are sometimes put in basically cages where they can't turn around or move to be slaughtered for veal and given formula, they have a lot of sick and downer cows, they slaughter the dairy cows at certain stages too. Even seen vudeos of them throwing hundreds of live calves in a ditch, you have to realise really fucked up things happen to dairy cows and calves. Also eggs have same level of cruelty. Crowding, horrible living conditions, slaughter of chickens, mincing male chicks up in grinders because they have no use for egg laying etc.
@markkremer1186 4 года назад
Plus they are genetically modified so that they can give milk when they are pregnant. Also milk is linked to allot of cancers and other illnesses. Look at the game changers 16 oktober on Netflix
@sonuk1045 3 года назад
Wow, so beautiful and gently explained. Thankyou 🙏
@GhulamHussain-me1uj 5 лет назад
An excellent lecture. A great man. Stay blessed Sir.😊
@insannitea 6 лет назад
Dada your English is very wonderful! Understand each of word)
@farceadentus 5 лет назад
What you BELIEVE ABOUT the food you eat and it’s effect on the body is more important than the food itself.
@pursuehappiness8962 4 года назад
I just downloaded your book. I look forward to reading and applying the info.
@RSabitaAryal 6 лет назад
Thank you 🙏. Keep posting this kind of videos . Om
@Ingrossox 6 лет назад
Yes, this is a feel good video
@user-qg2yz4mo7e 2 года назад
Потрясающе!! Такой поток😀
@riyamohan968 6 лет назад
To everyone who disagrees with dairy being sattvic: All of our textbooks on vedas have sutras/shlokas which mention cow’s milk as sattvic. In fact, it’s the best form of nutrition, especially for a yogi. The drawback of using dairy these days is addition of hormones and other vaccinations, which are quite torturous for the holy cow. That being said, if you are lucky enough to find a local dairy, or families who’ve had cows for a living, they do provide pure cow’s milk after a calf is born and fed with milk. That isn’t torturous and provides great nutrition to the mind, body and soul.
@ASMRyouVEGANyet 6 лет назад
And what so they do with those cows when they don't produce milk anymore? What happens to the male calves? There's no such thing as humane animal agriculture.
@riyamohan968 6 лет назад
ASMRyouVEGANyet? I agree, which is why we need to promote humanity and oneness with nature. Even if we stop the consumption of milk & beef, it won’t stop them from slaughtering the cows as they’re habitual to being inhumane. Back to your question about cows that don’t produce milk anymore, coming from someone who has seen it first hand, those who keep cows in their homes also treat it as a family member. The association does not end when cows stop producing milk. Again, this kind of a thinking is only enhanced due to satva gunas. We millennials have reached a phase where in escaping from an actual problem seems like the only solution. Stringent rules, basic humanity is all we need to stop slaughtering of cows. As a student of Ayurved, veganism is definitely a part of our literature when it comes to certain food items, but yes a limited amount of dairy consumption is essential to strengthen and nourish our body.
@lorrainegatanianhits8331 4 года назад
@@ASMRyouVEGANyet sure there is
@999NRG 3 года назад
Namaste 🙏
@samanta13319 5 лет назад
Grateful! 🙏🏼
@ivand6253 6 лет назад
This is a great video and I like how it explains satva, rajas and tamas in food which i agree with. The only thing I disagree on is the dairy, I understand thousands of years ago the great rishis and sages understood how the body is effected by diet, however in this time and age things are a little different with how dairy is produced, everything from hormones to antibiotics to the simple fact that there is a lot of suffering involved in exploiting such a beautiful creature (this can't be karmicaly good, look at some of the disease's people are having because of it). I do believe one still can follow the knoble yogic path with great devotion and avoid eating products which exploit our sentient brother's and sister's such as milk and cheese. Please consider veganism with your vedic satva yogi diet. Peace love and vegetables ✌️ 💚 ✨
@tojumiladipo4698 2 года назад
dairy contains a lot lot of vitamins and nutrients. when the animal is cared for and is pleasant the milk is rich raw and creamy.
@ivand6253 2 года назад
@@tojumiladipo4698 An animal which is cared for is very rare, however, despite this, there is another scientific fact around dairy making it unhealthy which is that it raises tmao levels in humans which is the precursor to inflammation. Choline and carnitine (which are found in dairy) are the cause. Milk from a different species isn't made for humans, I guess that's why peopleget sick when they consume too much dairy, besides the nutrients in dairy can also be found in plants.
@avinashshahi108 4 года назад
Very beautifully explained dada. Thank you.. I think it's going to help us in many ways🙏😃
@andreisorokin1306 7 лет назад
Thank you for wonderful lecture
@granitabirg7950 2 года назад
Thank you so much! 🙏
@arzoo_singh 4 года назад
Respect and pranam to Guru .
@janavicraft4518 5 лет назад
Thanks you guruji 👍👌
@anthonymarconi761 6 лет назад
Nice video, thank you 🙏🏻 It always ruffles Western feathers when it is reminded that Yogis were never vegan and never shunned milk. Quite the contrary actually, many a renunciate in the mountains subsist on a very dairy-prone diet. What was Krishna's caste again also? Don't even get me started on the fact that Ayurveda even makes a place for meat. Anyway, I agree on the issue of modern milk production and its many atrocities. But the problem then is not the milk as a product, but our mode of production and procurement, which is different. As for people who claim that milk is not a food item fit for human consumption, go spend some time with the kushti wrestlers in Kasi/Varanasi/Benares and tell them...or just look at the fact that cheese was produced as far as 7500 years ago while tomatoes, avocados, potatoes and other "New World" foodstuff were not even present in Europe 600 years ago. Let that sink in...
@ByeByeBelly 5 лет назад
Good luck finding ethical milk in any westernized country
@harrietsand9715 5 лет назад
Anthony Marconi What you're describing is microbiotics, macrobiotics. Which is eating what is available in your region, geographically. Tibet,for instance is mostly mountainous where little vegetation occurs. They rely on the Yak for much of their food and clothing. Like the early American Indians that relied on the buffalo. The difference is those people understood and worked with nature.They worshipped their source of food, they only killed the old animals who lived their lives freely and healthily, unlike the hunters of today who kill for sport and have no idea how to rightly thin out the herd. In nature all is perfectly balanced. In man of today all is out of alignment, unbalanced and void of mercy. Now you bring up the wrestlers as an example of strength and size in relation to eating dairy. Let me bring to your attention that the largest and strongest animals are vegetarians. Elephants, Rhinos, Hippos and Guerrillas(the latter mostly eat fruit,nuts and vegetation) also the Brontosaurus the largest of dinosaurs were vegetarians. It's not fair to use ancient examples to condone eating animal products. It was a different time, a different mindset and before the notorious industrial revolution where respect for sentient creatures was replaced with respect for the dollar and the bottom line. At some point man has got to see his acceptable treatment of animals is so wrong. Until man extends his or her compassion to all living creatures, man himself shall find no peace. There are also many renowned studies of the effects of meat and dairy on the present population.The conclusion is many diseases such as heart, diabetes and all sorts of cancer are linked to the consumption of meat and dairy.
@btshash6532 4 года назад
Wonderfully explained!!
@jonnyardan8446 3 года назад
@@ByeByeBelly You can find raw 100% grass fed milk, ethical both cow and goats in England. In various farmer markets. There are endless green pastures here.
@gihanarambawela5637 4 года назад
Thank you so much
@preslyevbuomwan3005 3 года назад
Breatharian. The pranic lifestyle is the blissful lifestyle. Free and liberated from the rollercoaster of the 5 sense reality. LOVE.
@learningnochoice 3 года назад
03:50 Can we please appreciate the hard work of those Yogi's back in the days? ... /With folded hands\
@palakaran 5 лет назад
so beautifully said baba ji
@MrResearcher122 2 года назад
Very valuable video. India isn't on the Blue Zone for healthy eating, so it would be useful to know how well Indian vegans or vegetarians compare to those countries on the blue zone- Sardinia, parts of Japan, and Greek Islands...they tend to eat fish in moderation, and consume a lot of natural foods,and,apparently,have the highest longevity in the world (though the mainstream science has left out the English speaking Caribbean Island Dominica, with population who can live up until 114 on average,according to locals).
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