
Doctor Who Empire of Death Sucks! 

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@bobhale7302 2 месяца назад
So Ruby is a nobody. Anyone care to have a go at explaining why she spooked Maestro to the point where Maestro said there was something very wrong with her? Or what is the importance of the Carol of The Bells that keeps playing? Or why she couldn't see her mother in the "time window" or on the video tape? Or the whole of 73 Yards? Lots of contrived mysteries with no resolution, explanation or pay-off. Presumably we are supposed to go "oh, that's just stuff that happened - it doesn't mean anything".
@lesigh1749 2 месяца назад
RTD is a writer who just gives you set up then expects you to provide the meaning and pay off. its all the rage with progressive hacks these days.
@mariapapadopoulos3640 2 месяца назад
"Anyone care to have a go at explaining why she spooked Maestro to the point where Maestro said there was something very wrong with her?" A page torn from Jar Jar Abrams' playbook of a box of nothingness.
@saltywench 2 месяца назад
The doggie was hanging on to the Tardis in Donna's garden, not the one 15 flew off in with the juke box, so the plot never should have started in the first place.
@stazoola3616 2 месяца назад
This season was like smallpox - unbearably painful and something we should prevent from ever happening again. Obviously people have different tastes, but I can't respect anyone who likes this putrid idiocy. This whole season, the finale especially, is anathema to any standard of narrative.
@davidweier 2 месяца назад
Also what of the old woman that we see at the end? Nothing explained who she is and don’t care about. I’ve officially in protest cancelled my Disney+ subscription. Between Who and Star Wars I feel Disney destroyed this for me.
@BrianM-gu6rs 2 месяца назад
I'd cancel my Disney+ too, if I didn't receive it for free thru my mobile phone provider. RTD was just lazy writing this series.
@LordLOC 2 месяца назад
Disney didn't do anything to Doctor Who. Disney only has the rights to show Doctor Who outside the UK (and I think parts of Europe) and has no creative control over the show and cannot override anything the BBC wants to do with the show.
@BrianM-gu6rs 2 месяца назад
@@LordLOC I've only heard other people say the opposite. I have not verified it myself. Having only conflicting information now, I'll seek to find the answer myself that I can verify or substantiate. Thanks for the heads-up!
@DoctorHowTV 2 месяца назад
@@LordLOC Because of Disney's screening deal, the show is no longer free to air in Australia, and I and many other Aussies haven't seen it as a result. So yes, Disney did do something to Doctor Who, they took it off the air for a lot of people, trying to use it as bait to get people to sign up to D+. But the show would need positive buzz.
@LordLOC 2 месяца назад
@@DoctorHowTV That has nothing to do with Disney "ruining" the show though, that's a marketing and corporate decision between the BBC and Disney, like most media sharing these days.
@lRlMlGl 2 месяца назад
Could just be me slowly looking less and less at these reviews of the more recent Doctor Who episodes but I swear this episode must be the first that EVERYONE agrees they didn't like, like even Mr. Tardis said it "made him mad" Just cancel the show already man because it's overall just shit and only gets ratings because of people arguing over WHY it's shit depending on there political views
@JMan77 2 месяца назад
I see it too. People are slowly turning.
@lRlMlGl 2 месяца назад
And clearly they're doing it on purpose as well as you can see from that one speech from The Giggle, basically giving a middle finger to every fan watching equality because THEY KNOW no matter how much we bitch and moan the show will continue on
@HiDesert004 2 месяца назад
@@JMan77Wow if even that Mr Tardis shill doesn’t like it it’s really got to be scraping the underside of the barrel.
@LordLOC 2 месяца назад
Everyone agrees they didn't like it? I liked it. Or do you mean the Doctor Who review community specifically? Because everyone I know either loved the episode (and the season) or enjoyed it enough to keep watching into the next season.
@lRlMlGl 2 месяца назад
@@LordLOC Well everyone when I searched the episode on the Tube
@Pooter-it4yg 2 месяца назад
You're wasting far too much analytical effort on this. I've lost patience. This was the most appalling meaningless unengaging disjointed self-congratulatory puerile emotionally and intellectually incontinent hubristic flashy histrionic hour of tripe I've ever seen in Dr Who. And that's coming from someone whose earliest memories include the last strides of Troughton, so I've had all the thicks and thins ever since and still retained fondness. It was an utterly contemptible disgrace. If this is the best they can do, with the best people they can get and the best budget and technology the show's ever had, then it deserves to be the last episode ever broadcast. Unintentional irony follows those who are delusionally lacking self awareness like a dog's tail. Or a jackal's. And if the necessary spotlight on and contrast with one of the best stories in the show's history kills it, the irony will be multilayered, ripe and fitting. I agreed that the show should be cancelled back in the day because it really was just running on fumes but it's so much worse this time round - infected with the modern curse of intransigent narcissism. I'll thank Davies for two things though. Midnight and the deal to put the back catalogue up for streaming. But not bringing it back - that was on the cards and he just happened to be in the right place at the right time, and has smugly ridden it ever since. I completely concur with Ecclestone's recent breach of professional omerta - the revival happened in spite of Davies and co, not because of them. And now he's got the totally unfettered ability to do anything he wants, Davies has proven it.
@JMan77 2 месяца назад
Great comment. Well said man!
@bobhale7302 2 месяца назад
i'm getting the impression that you didn't like it. You are not alone.
@NathanCameron-gc3sm 2 месяца назад
I’m annoyed of the crying because it really should be when something extremely tragic happens like if the Doctor hadn’t cried at all this season I would have believed his cry at the end, but now I don’t. Best cry of Doctor Who is when Amy dies and the Doctor, River, and Amy are all crying heartbroken because of her death and Rory’s too. Anyways I think the pacing was ok just not when we had the dumb planet with a spoon, that dragged too much for me, and the hospital thing where Mel becomes a Harbinger. That dragged even though it was 5 minutes. I never thought they’d get out of there. Ruby had so much missed potential, and really we needed 13 episodes to bond with her. Anyways to finish on a high Murray Gold was stunning with his music. I think he might be the next John Williams if he gets into other popular franchises. Edit: Sorry to drag on so long this was just a few things that either I wanted to say that you didn’t or what I didn’t agree with, but the video was awesome man, thanks 😊
@BrianM-gu6rs 2 месяца назад
I completely agree with you and your reviews. Thank you for your videos. So much to dislike in this episode/series! You did ask to tell you what we may have liked... I liked the way Sutekh was grasping the Tardis, and caressing it at times. It reminded me of how Gollum from TLoTRs was obsessed with the Ring - "My Precious". This is the only take-away I have from the character of Sutekh worth remembering. And, the "Don't make the tea" comment near the end. I'm struggling to find anything else to share that I thought was clever.
@JMan77 2 месяца назад
there wasnt much! lol! thanks for the comment!
@squidsee 2 месяца назад
I hate the way that since Disney bought Dr Who they felt the need to "start it all over" like they sort of did in 2004. But this time he is dumping Dr Who info in large bunches whereas the last "restart" it was just little hints at definitions or explanations over time. I felt like it was dumbed down and kind of went from the typical pg-13 storyline to a G.
@brothertmack 2 месяца назад
This episode was the biggest waste of time right next to the episode with the birds impersonating people.
@DSS712 2 месяца назад
The more I think about it the more I realize that the whole "Ruby's mother" ending is related to poor and overly safe writing for her (and the Doctor's) character this season in general. Like, if they wanted her emotions around her birth mother to be SO strong that they literally trick the final boss into thinking she must be magic or something, then I really think they could pull it off - but they have to write the character in a way that warrants those emotions. Here's a version of Ruby's arc that I think could have justifiably brought about the ressurection and defeat of Sutekh: In this version, Ruby is very resistant to her adoptive mother's love and doesn't let her in because she is still obsessed with finding her birth mother. Perhaps she's been through countless foster parents and felt loved by none of them, and has kind of tied the idea of her birth mother to her only hope for ever having love in her life. Her first episode can be roughly the same minus the happy ending with her adoptive mom, but the twist is that when the Doctor goes back to save her as a baby and opts out of finding out the mother's identity, Ruby doesn't know anything about the Doctor's trip back in time (and thus isn't aware that he can't ever go back there) and so when she starts traveling with the Doctor she is secretly doing it with the hopes that she can eventually make him bring her back to that day to find out who her mother is. At some point during the second half of the season, she finds out that 1. going back to that day is an impossibility and 2. the Doctor turned down his only opportunity to chase after the mother despite knowing Ruby's desire to find her. Although Ruby and the Doctor have bonded by this point and have actually become the most like family Ruby has ever felt in her whole life, her heart is broken by the Doctor, who she feels has intentionally denied her the one thing she's always wanted on the grounds that he feels he knows what is best for her. I haven't fleshed this all out in detail obviously, but in this version her sense of betrayal and desire for love can play a major role in Sutekh getting involved, perhaps even manipulating her, and wrapping up the story with her accepting the love of both the Doctor and her adopted mother. Perhaps 73 yards is the penultimate story, and instead of going back in time or aging her up too much, we realize that the mysterious old woman was actually Sutekh fucking with her to push her over the edge or something. In this version of the story, not only do we get a version of Ruby whose story warrants a connection with an evil death lord popping back onto the scene, but we also get a version of Ruby with an actual arc AND a version of the Doctor who can justifiably say that Ruby has forced him to rethink his relation to parenthood/family. I feel like 2005 Davies could have given us that. Instead, he wrote a character who literally has no flaws, wants something unrealistic and gets that unrealistic thing by the end, apparently having learned nothing along the way I have a REAL hard time beliving that Disney had nothing to do with this awful character writing **EDIT: I just got to the point in your video about the "cultural appropriation" line and this kind of stuff just further increases my suspicions that Disney could have interfered with the writing process for this season. It's pretty much Disney's brand at this point to shit on older properties while simultaneously attempting to profit off of them. Like yeah, Ruby has a good point about the Egyptian thing, so how about, i don't know, actually come up with a fun extraterrestial reason for why Sutekh looks like he's from ancient Egypt? Like, YOU'RE the one who chose him as the villain for this episode, you either think his design is problematic or it isn't. Trying to have it both ways is lazy writing at its finest.
@jackdexter9439 2 месяца назад
Good video, J-man. It's great that fans feel enabled to give honest and accurate reviews nowadays.
@ShamrockParticle 2 месяца назад
How did Sutekh get out of the time tunnel he was stuck in to latch onto the tardis? Maybe the tardis managed to travel through the right point and Sutekh latched on, but that doesn't explain issues like during Frontios or chat with Jack in Utopia and other episodes with tardis troubles? It was cool to see Sutekh start to turn everyone into dust, before the reset button was tapped.
@anubusx 2 месяца назад
How they defeated him was lame.
@triplejazzmusicisall1883 2 месяца назад
An intelligent rope (which is just a bungee rope from Bunnings), magic gloves, tying a god with the said rope to his collar, and taking said god through the time vortex makes all of devastated life brought back. Seriously this was utter bile. RTD is not a good writer but more a soapie drama Mills and Boons author. Why didn't when the Tardis was personified in the Matt Smith episode wouldn't she have had something to say about this. When the writers try to escalate everything through including as many subplots as you can, eventually it all will come tumbling down. Why the snow? Why would a god play with grammar other than to prove most people do not know the difference between an anagram and a portmanteau. This is not going to go down in the legacy of DW. In fact, other than the Bad Wolf finale in 2005, all of RTD's finales are pretty much dire cop out endings. What is interesting that most DW fans tend to name, and recall standalone episodes such as Blink, Midnight, Vincent and the Doctor and Heaven Sent. Rarely are these finales (other than the Pandorica Opens) remembered with much enthusiasm. Big build ups, heightened expectations usually brought on through RTD's word games with the press, whole world/life at peril and then a very cheesy and pathetic button press trope to end it all with many questions never resolved. Time to give these finales a rest. More Blink please and less bangs and whistles. Some sci-fi over fantasy would also be welcomed. And WhoCulture gave this 14 + and 4 downs. I give your opinion video 8.5/10 - much better than I could ever do. Honest, articulate and intelligent.
@estherhiggs 2 месяца назад
This season was good, it had good moments but there wasn't enough interaction between Ruby and the doctor as well as not having enough episodes - it feels like half a season rather than a full one
@EthanPorter-oy2vk 2 месяца назад
It made no sense like what was the snow for. And then death and death make life. At this point what was the writer going for utter nonsense. I liked ep 7 more then the final ep.
@mariapapadopoulos3640 2 месяца назад
Jay - I finally got Disney+ (part of some promo package with netflix and prime for 20 bucks/month) and wouldn't even bother watching that crap. Glad your review reflects an honest opinion and not a "oh it's soooo good!" to a bunch of crap. Personally I never watched Criminal Minds and I am catching up on 17 seasons.
@JMan77 2 месяца назад
Thank you.
@triplejazzmusicisall1883 2 месяца назад
Except regarding point one, what about when the Tardis was personified and became a woman in Matt Smith's era? Wouldn't she have had something to say? Neil Gamain would. On the excessive crying... An intelligent rope (which is just a bungee rope from Bunnings), magic gloves, tying a god with the said rope to his collar, and taking said god through the time vortex makes all of devastated life brought back. Seriously this was utter bile. RTD is not a good writer but more a soapie drama Mills and Boons author. Why didn't when the Tardis was personified in the Matt Smith episode wouldn't she have had something to say about this. When the writers try to escalate everything through including as many subplots as you can, eventually it all will come tumbling down. Why the snow? Why would a god play with grammar other than to prove most people do not know the difference between an anagram and a portmanteau. This is not going to go down in the legacy of DW. In fact, other than the Bad Wolf finale in 2005, all of RTD's finales are pretty much dire cop out endings. What is interesting that most DW fans tend to name, and recall standalone episodes such as Blink, Midnight, Vincent and the Doctor and Heaven Sent. Rarely are these finales (other than the Pandorica Opens) remembered with much enthusiasm. Big build ups, heightened expectations usually brought on through RTD's word games with the press, whole world/life at peril and then a very cheesy and pathetic button press trope to end it all with many questions never resolved. Time to give these finales a rest. More Blink please and less bangs and whistles. Some sci-fi over fantasy would also be welcomed. And WhoCulture gave this 14 + and 4 downs. Sorry for multiple posts - so much spinning around in my head. I appreciate your channel very much.
@tonynelson2262 2 месяца назад
This season has had some of the worst writing in the entire run of the modern series. The Doctor's remark about "cultural appropriation" is so random, and actually makes no sense. In the context of the show, Sutekh and the Osirans were from an alien race who were worshiped as Gods by the ancient Egyptians, and it was the Osiran's culture and technology that influenced certain aspects of Egyptian culture. It's practically the same setup as the series 'Stargate'. The Doctor's claim of "cultural appropriation" by Sutekh is hilariously wrong. Also, did RTD forget that the TARDIS exploded and destroyed the universe, and Matt Smith's Doctor had to restart the Big Bang, and both The Doctor and the TARDIS were brought back into existence because Amy Pond remembered them? Did she also remember Sutekh hanging on to the outside of it as well??? But that still doesn't explain how Sutekh would be hanging onto a TARDIS that is a copy of the original TARDIS! Oh! And we're supposed to believe that Ruby's mother actually did name her even though no one was around to see her point at the sign, yet the people who found her just happened to name her the correct name???
@JMan77 2 месяца назад
Didnt the Doctor wear a kilt early this season - is he/him/they/them from Scotland?
@danw4490 2 месяца назад
This is hilarious. I know Doctor Who means a lot to you. I just can't believe how crappy the show has become. I watched Doctor Who as a kid whenever it was on. I didn't understand even 10% of it, but I loved it.
@lemonwho9895 2 месяца назад
As a person who liked this series THIS WAS FUCKING SHIT
@Ghostmanradiostaion 2 месяца назад
I sometimes wonder if you get Dr Who as I enjoyed this finale
@Xathos 2 месяца назад
Finale to the 15th Doctor's run? So, you're on crack...
@Universeknight10055 2 месяца назад
Dr.who rest in peace 1963-2024.
@TheZodiacz 2 месяца назад
So a woman points at a sign to nobody and her abandoned kid is named Road. Sign? Post? Ah, the kid is Post Malone.
@AVIARYCOURT 2 месяца назад
She might have been called "No Parking"!
@notforsale_music 2 месяца назад
Y'know, there already is a Sutekh return arc in Doctor Who. It's part of volumes 3-7 of the Tenth Doctor Titan Comics. And while the build-up is too long and the pay-off is too short, it is still LEAGUES better than this garbage.
@notforsale_music 2 месяца назад
He even looks as he did in Pyramids of Mars for a small part of it.
@peterd788 2 месяца назад
One thing i was mildly impressed with was the performance of the woman with the spoon. The scene seemed a bit lost in the mess of this shit but i was genuinely touched by the work of the actress.
@stevkyt2374 2 месяца назад
Surely you must be wrong. Who Culture loved it. 😂
@oldmuso586 2 месяца назад
Ncuri Gatwa in a kilt isn't cultural appropriation? Way too much fantasy this season. Won't be watching Doctor Disney next season.
@JMan77 2 месяца назад
Good point!
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