
Doctor Who | They Break My Heart 

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miss me?
i know it's an easy edit, but i don't feel like doing something with mega extra super effects sorrynotsorry i just feel like watching doctor who and crying about how beautiful, tragic and incredible this show is



21 май 2018




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@indygamertag829 5 лет назад
The doctor is so broken. He’s so hurt and tired. And yet he can simply never give up on humanity. No matter how many times they let him down. He’s the hero and the warrior and The Doctor.
@miss_anonymousx4975 5 лет назад
He has a message to people the series has a message for real life it’s so beautiful
@bubblegirl9854 5 лет назад
Just because he is hurt does not make him broken his pain is what keeps him woken
@toothlessthenightfury2088 4 года назад
Never a warrior. Never.
@PJOZeus 4 года назад
I feel so sorry for you if you know what he’s thinking. If you can think like he does. If you’ve felt pain. It is... crushing, and yet above all, you vow that no-one else shall feel your pain while the last drop of blood pumps in your veins, not until your last day, your last hour, minute and second. You vow never to rest while there is anything you can do in your power or beyond it. And if a little piece of you dies every moment of every day, you keep walking the path, never waver, never give up, because you can’t, you can’t stand by and know what people are going through, you bear the weight of the world so no one else has to.
@captnorange8434 4 года назад
This is the problem with those with sensitive hearts who just wanna let the world live in peace, but it can't its the tie of the universe that binds him down this path
@Nezumi99 5 лет назад
Peter Capaldi is such a good actor wow
@maeh6140 5 лет назад
An yee yes...
@cheriedavy7358 5 лет назад
An yee, yes he is brilliant
@turtleisland1940 5 лет назад
An yee they all are
@mikageokumura5605 5 лет назад
@joshbridgwater8563 5 лет назад
He's so underrated... the writing has let him down though even more so with Jodies doctor
@rayzermaniac5218 5 лет назад
The 10th Doctor had the saddest time with his companions. I remember watching the episode with Rose and Sarah Jane in the school and hearing about how Sarah Jane was sad about the Doctor having left her and Rose looking so happy at getting to be with the Doctor and she looked as though she wanted to Stay with him forever. Both she and the Doctor looked so happy. But the Doctor had pointed out how he has a long life and humans don't. He always ends up alone in the end. 10 episodes later Rose was gone. Martha Jones came and went in one season. Then even though Donna Noble said she would have stayed with the Doctor forever she had to leave and have all memory of the Doctor erased. Journeys end is my favourite Doctor Who episode of all time but it has such a sad ending. You get the scene with all the companions flying the TARDIS and everyone looking happy and it was so beautiful. Then one by one they all leave. The episode ends with The Doctor all alone. I hated that.
@jooie444 5 лет назад
Sorry, 12th had it worse.
@scapegoatanimations2191 5 лет назад
@@rainbow0027 Yeah that's true, but what's more upsetting, having somebody die and them forever being a memory for you and you for them, or having such a bond with somebody only to see that bond completely destroyed, every experience, every ounce of joy you gave them getting sucked out of their life? To have them be able to look you straight in the eye, having known you for ages, having been as close to you as a sister, then receive no response, not even a glimmer in return? To know that you are quite literally nothing to that person. They look you in the eye and don't even know who you are. Without trying to sound heartless or screwed up, If I had to choose between living life with all my friends, for them to die (or me to die) or for them (or me) to lose memory of everything, I'd choose death. If I had the choice between being able to die WITH the memory of all my friends, the good and the bad, or to live life without their memory or any recollection of all the good they've done for me, and all the times we spent together - I'd choose to die, every time. 12's companions might've died, but at least they died with the joy of having known him. At least they died loving him. 10's companions had to man up and move on with their lives, Rose was trapped, never able to see him again, to live a life without him (ignoring the doctors weird clone), Martha was the better off companion who left but was still heartbroken by him and Donna... Donna never even happened. As far as she's concerned there is no Doctor. Likely her closest friend, and she doesn't even know he exists. Now THAT is sad. When people die, we grieve and eventually we move on - the great thing about death irl is the memory of that person lives on. Donna doesn't die, which means that Tennant is practically tortured by the fact that Donna doesn't remember him, I should imagine that almost every time he thinks of Donna - the first thing he does is remember how upset she was, before she forgot everything. I bet he thought "I wish I could just talk to her, like I used to. I wish she was still here to be my mate." And that's the sad beauty of 10's story, his companions are just good, but they make up 99% of his character, it's almost like he lives FOR them. 10 works so perfectly with his companions that when they leave him, you feel like a chunk of Tennant goes with them. It's sad. But it's fantastically beautiful, and I wouldn't change it for the world. We go through all of the character development for 9, 10, 11 and 12 only to get stuck with a character so bland that even the perfect seasoning wouldn't save the show now. Jodie Whittaker (not a bad actor, just dealt some shitty scripting) and the shitty writing of Chris Chibnall & Co. Thanks BBC. I want to see DW make a comeback and I'm happy to wait the next 10, heck 20 years to see that happen.
@traciebadalato4179 5 лет назад
The last episode. With Sarah Jane. Was dedicated to her. She has had a battle with Cancer. She passed right afterwards of completing the show. At that time I loved her the best. She's been gone 4 or 5 years now.
@rumsotek5531 5 лет назад
@@scapegoatanimations2191 you wrote your comment 2 months ago, but wow... i read it all, and totally agree... i hope the show evolves back as it was with eccleston, tennant, smith or capaldi, i will wait 4.5 billion years if necessary
@MrGreaves 5 лет назад
ScapeGoat Animations okay...... well... I’m broke. Thanks aha xD that was beautiful to read. And yeah, I agree. DW needs to be what it once was
@AltiTheFallen 5 лет назад
The moment when the 12th doctor just says “you call this a war? This funny little thing? This is not a war! I flight in a bigger war than you Will ever know. I did worst things than you could ever imagine. And when i close my eyes- i hear more screams than anyone could ever be able to count“ Damn moment always gets me. Peter capaldi was a fantastic doctor. Honestly they all were. But his emotional moments got me the most
@DoctorXXIV 7 дней назад
I struggled to see Capaldi as the same doctor as Smith, tennant, and the others for a long while. It was that scene thst slapped me in the face and made me realize 12 is more the Doctor than any of them were capable of being. 12 is now probably my favorite, though it's hard to choose
@jill5681 5 лет назад
Remember, hate is always foolish and love is always wise.
@adammcfall5133 4 года назад
Love isn't always wise, Just like hate isn't always foolish. We live in shades, not black and white.
@finchcarvingadiamond 4 года назад
@@adammcfall5133 but what do you think is the wisest choice in the end?
@adammcfall5133 4 года назад
@@finchcarvingadiamond The wisest choice depends on the situation and the people. Love can be just as toxic as hate can be deserved.
@adammcfall5133 4 года назад
@At night we see hate also makes people take action, can be a survival mechanism, and can be a temporary respite from other emotions.
@meltaylor4636 4 года назад
AnD NeVeR eAt PeArS🍐
@SunnyVids 6 лет назад
I'm about to start this video and I know already that I won't survive.
@majormalarkey8342 5 лет назад
SunnyVids I know ryt
@_.mr_diceline._ 5 лет назад
I survived 3 times this is my 4th
@vitorgarcia1220 5 лет назад
Great video, it make me cry, and this is very difficult to happen.
@KeesKouwenberg 5 лет назад
I totally feel the same!
@christinak1053 5 лет назад
@myrin265 4 года назад
Doctor Who helps people move on. We get attached to the companions, and hate to see them go. But so does the Doctor. We learn how to let go because we watch them all let go and we see why it's important. Doctor Who is a wacky show, but it means a lot. It displays the vitality of family and friendship, and healthy ways to cope with loss.
@shadowgirlreiesu8949 2 года назад
Yup and I believe that's why above all else Doctor Who was able to remain such a strong story as it have since Classic Who.. It evolves and moves forwards while also occasionally bringing back some good old memories.. And isnt that what we as humans do?
@cori_music 4 года назад
"Because love it is not an emotion, love is a promise" Thanks for punching me in the gut with reality on that one. That one broke me.
@destructiveblue 4 года назад
Where can i watch the whole dr. Who?
@destructiveblue 4 года назад
Where can i watch the whole dr. Who?
@itachi-dg7jv 10 месяцев назад
BBC i player
@bimpsonlovesturg1819 5 лет назад
'Pain is a gift, without the capacity for pain, we cant feel the hurt we inflict' 'everybody's important to somebody, somewhere' edit: it's been a year and I didnt realise how much attention my comment got o. o
@josieshehadi3312 4 года назад
@BadgeurW0lf 4 года назад
No some are invisible and forgotten
@paulaclevenger3448 4 года назад
BadgeurM0B Someone will miss you IF you go away. You might think that you are invisible, but look around. Someone notices you and will miss you when you are gone.
@Labneh9102 4 года назад
@@BadgeurW0lf The absense of somebody, the omission of existence, is still as big as the reality and creation of that person. Both will have their disasters and both will feel terrible, but only with the presence of somebody can their be potential for a better tomorrow. There is no second chance or new day with the absense. Everything you were or are would have stopped short. You're going to die one day anyways, might as well fight for those days that are gleeming. The only reason one can even be so low is that one has experienced such highs. It's the contrast that kills us, but know that those terrible days are there for those really good moments. And sometimes, the stars will align, and things will feel okay and maybe even good.
@BadgeurW0lf 4 года назад
@@Labneh9102 it seems that even the sentient ones can hurt so perhaps they are as mortal in one form as we are, the truth of living is (as you have rightly said) is that we are dying from our first breath, we really have two choices to fight or to give up, I never give up as long as I have breath, I do not kneel or bow so I fight and so the measure of an existence is the memories you take with you, everything else stays so why not make them good ones :)
@NatalieGilbertfangirl 6 лет назад
Doctor who can teach so much and I don’t think others understand it. This show saved me from a depression I would never wish on another. The quotes, the Doctor, the love brought me purpose. Made me see that life is more if you just let yourself feel. To let go of the pain and just be kind. Love. Just love. This show will forever be the reason I stand and I’m grateful it’s still running.
@themasterofideas7683 5 лет назад
Natalie Gilbert 👏👏👏
@enzo7525 5 лет назад
"The universe generally fails to be a fairytale.......but that's where we come in!" I keep trying to convince friends that Doctor Who isn't just a geeky science show, it's more, it's the fundamentals of humanity, It gives us that magic we lose, cause life sometimes gets the best of us. But doctor who is there to remind us how beautiful life can be if you have the right perspective.
@RaulUNC 5 лет назад
Truly, I could write a big book on the therapy of Doctor Who, both from the perspective of a psychologist and from that of someone for whom it has been good medicine. I'm glad he was there when we needed him.
@NatalieGilbertfangirl 5 лет назад
The Master Of ideas Doctor who has so much beauty that goes far beyond science and time. It has wisdom beyond any years. Doctor touches the soul of those who love it & its not for the nerdy side of it. I think everyone who watches doctor who sees the pain and the beauty of the doctor! The idea of this man running around saving us and being alone and in pain is something beautiful and sad in one. We can relate to his pain. We love his courage and his words. There’s so much about doctor who and I could go on forever.
@sanjurayan4938 5 лет назад
Beautifully put my friend. I have an emotional connection with these characters that I've never managed to find with any other series. It's poetic beauty and heart wrenching storytelling is just unreal! I love this show to the moon and back
@hiddentiger73 5 лет назад
I truly believe Clara Oswald was the most important Companion the Doctor ever had. She pulled him out of his depression after the Ponds, gave him a mystery to focus on instead of being sad, became one of his dearest friends, was with him to save Gallifrey, split herself through his timeline to save him millions of times, and was with him through the beginning of his brand new regeneration cycle. They had their ups and downs, but they truly loved each other from the beginning of time to the end.
@orchidwave2574 5 лет назад
And such an interesting exchange at the end, Clara saying "thank you for making me feel special." And Capaldi's doctor, a more emotionally remote incarnation than most, offers "thank you for exactly the same". It's almost like he needed Clara to supply the words because he couldn't.
@era95v 5 лет назад
Clara and 12 has a wonderful relationship. It’s my favorite of the whole series. They just seemed so mismatched at first but the bond they had was beyond any other relationship he’s had in the series. I miss her so much.
@Lauren-the-Scouser 5 лет назад
I find it sad that she was one of the hated companies in the show she was so underrated
@laurenstanciel1247 5 лет назад
Not the most important, but one of. The most important companion was Sarah Jane Smith. She was with him when his greatest enemy was created, the daleks. She showed him that even after being left behind, even after having to move on with her life, he still mattered to her. That he was her family. The Doctor shows his companions that they matter, but Sarah Jane Smith showed the Doctor that he mattered. She was the bridge between who he was, Classic who, and who he is, new who. Sarah Jane Smith showed him that even when he can’t be there he makes an impact because he prepared his friends to change the world. She made him human. She was human and met him in all of his first five regenerations as well as his tenth and eleventh just by living her life.
@Lauren-the-Scouser 5 лет назад
Lauren Stanciel yea definitely even when I wasn’t as into doctor who as much I am now when I was younger I’d say about 10 I new who she was and I didn’t watch it then I only heard people talk about it and I liked the sound of it
@StephersBeyond 5 лет назад
"And above all it's kind!" "Be kind." "...Just kind." That got to me. I understand more and more why the Doctor is truly extraordinary. 💜
@ColaWeissify 2 года назад
and don't blink!
@ColorfulEscapades Год назад
You mean the delusional writers of the show
@SunnyVids 6 лет назад
I'm done and it turned out way more beautiful and heartbreaking than I could ever imagine. Thank you for this masterpiece.
@TheConk16 5 лет назад
The hard part for me is the Impossible Girl is supposed to be dead and she was there for every doctor before 12
@KeesKouwenberg 5 лет назад
I totally feel the same, again...
@abigailleicester7747 5 лет назад
I already miss twelve. He's like the bossy granddad
@fredastephens949 4 года назад
But he cares none the less.
@vidhaansharma1615 3 года назад
Abigail Leicester he was the best doctor there ever was
@danyalmalik3972 3 года назад
13s like your weird auntie
@dakuisha5978 3 года назад
@@danyalmalik3972 That one you never quite know how your related to but she keeps showing up at family gatherings anyway and you have to speak to pretend you recognise her. xD
@georgiad4939 3 года назад
He reminds me of the drunk uncle who never got married and moved to Vegas 🤣 love him!
@donovandelaney3171 5 лет назад
All three of these ladies were Time Ladies once. Rose became a goddess. Clara became a Time Lady and got a Tardis.
@RecklessGirl100 5 лет назад
Ohh! You're right, I've never thought about it that way, I like it! And Donna had Doctor's mind for a while Need to do something with this now
@janiceooi289 4 года назад
River Song was also the child of the TARDIS
@lowridavies1247 4 года назад
So true
@drumsrox 3 года назад
Wouldn’t really say Clara became a Time Lady or even got a Tardis in my opinion is lucky Clara got lucky, I don’t hate her character but just how I feel her run ended.
@xanmanskaggs216 3 года назад
@@drumsrox didn't she start traveling with riversong in a weird diner TARDIS
@LauraRose2000 4 года назад
The way Clara says, “my... my doctor” makes it one of my favourite lines of hers... the love in her voice is just incredible.
@hopegoodwin2728 5 лет назад
A bit of onion there, but no Chris Eccleston? That's definitely something to cry about.
@annashaw6538 4 года назад
I loved Christopher Eccleston!! He was "fantastic"
@MyLessonsTV 3 года назад
Never skip nine.
@yohef4537 3 года назад
“He’s not your little brother is he, Nancy?”🥺
@MrRobertacusYouTube 3 года назад
Christopher didn’t lose anyone it was David Tennant! Deal with it
@CarrotFlowers421 3 года назад
I absolutely loved him as the Doctor but it puts a bad taste in my mouth to think of how he disparaged the show.
@oddball9732 6 лет назад
The only thing this lovely video needed was the Ninth doctor
@Con5tantine 5 лет назад
Mrabaddon616 "You were fantastic. And you know what? So was I."
@toestealer 5 лет назад
@@Con5tantine Ahhhhh
@fillesolitairedusoleil.7234 5 лет назад
@annikarosamarie 5 лет назад
@trustmeimthedoctor5749 5 лет назад
@@geicolizard5577 "...and it's always sad"
@travisfs7526 4 года назад
Peter played the perfect end. He was aged with all regret, sadness and tiredness from Matt, David and even chris. That’s where they should of ended doctor who. He played it brilliantly.
@richbu8367 2 года назад
Naw 😵😵
@raweynad.4761 2 года назад
Yeah, it was brilliant... and i fear that if it goes on for longer it won't be good anymore, though i already don't like the way the story progressed with 13... stretching it more than it needs to, trying to find more stories, to keep it going...After Capaldi it would have been good to stop in my opinion. But i suppose as long as people continue to watch it...
@dreamfaller6372 Год назад
God no. That show is made to go on forever.
@Nanagos Год назад
The show could have ended with season 4 too. But the difference is, that season 5's continuation was actually good.
@technotrapper 10 месяцев назад
Or hired a better show runner for Jodies tenure because she was a great doctor she just suffered from bad writing or bad rewriting
@merwilliamson4918 5 лет назад
Capaldi's doctor is just so tortured and full to the brim of pain, I miss him so much. #12 will always be my the best (in my opinion)
@jess6982 5 лет назад
I feel like people don’t always realise how sad the doctors life is, he remembers all his companions and all the ups and downs, all the good moments, the sad moments and the happy moments. Having being around people and loosing them for so long companion after companion his life can sometimes be a Ferris wheel for him. He sees and remembers all his mistakes so he might not show it on the outside but he might be feeling extremely guilty of what the decisions caused and how they affected other people’s lives, not just he’s. People also forget about the time between Amy’s death and ‘The Snowmen’, he was alone, not talking to his friends and most likely feeling extremely guilty of Rory and Amy’s death and how he couldn’t save them, and didn’t see the angle coming. He has lost so many companions over such a long time, some of them have died, had to have him removed from their memories and other extremely heartbreaking situations. I feel as though he wants to not let one die for a change and that’s why he tries to save Clara in ‘Face the Raven,’ ‘Hell Sent’ and ‘Hell Bent’ even though he still lost her in the end.
@ballislife6034 4 года назад
*Heaven sent
@thisisthewronghat2706 4 года назад
just like when donna begged 10 to save just one person
@stevenrasche3159 3 года назад
The other thing I think people forget is that guilt, like all emotions, is compounding. The sadness of the Doctor isn't just found in the loss of his companions, but also in his willingness to commit a double genocide, even if he ultimately didn't follow through. It's also found in the enemies he's killed. All of that together and a bunch of other things I haven't thought of all come together to form the sadness of the Doctor.
@TheKairon999 2 года назад
Yet it's still there, 9 was stoic, holding it all in, but with 10 you could see it in his eyes, how tired he was especially with the line "Lived too long"
@andydrew2003 2 года назад
Didn't see the angles coming in my maths exams either, really threw my bearings off-course
@katesmith2502 5 лет назад
I was completely fine until Amy’s last words. “Goodbye raggedy man” it was like Spider-Man’s “last words” to tony stark all over again. Gosh I can’t watch that episode anymore because I lose it every time.
@Mental_Warlock 5 лет назад
His was I don't feel so good
@user-yo6bw2jd3n 5 лет назад
Dank plays ANDROID I think he mean the one that David Tennent also said
@jetdoggaming4694 4 года назад
Whenever I rewatch all of the old episodes again, I always skip "the angles take Manhattan" I refuse to cry for that monster of an episode ever again
@aperson842 4 года назад
@benphillips1454 3 года назад
Whenever I rewatch the series, I always skip that episode.
@dirtiestdan123 4 года назад
A man a hero a warrior a god an imaginary friend a crazy old man who lives in a box But above all else, a doctor
@Keiinnn 4 года назад
No, *The* Doctor.
@beveragebrit 3 года назад
I'll always remember when the doctor was him
@meteoriccord5342 3 года назад
The Doctor Raggedy man, goodnight
@aarongeoghegan2161 3 года назад
Not a doctor The doctor The original You might say
@ericdunn360 3 года назад
You forgot a beautiful woman.
@eggsbenedicted 4 года назад
All of his companions think they’ll be with him forever, saving the world, but the doctor knows they all eventually leave him. He tries so hard but he’s been through everything. He had to watch his friends be destroyed in front of himself. He remembers all, forever. “ You can spend the rest of your life with me, but I can’t spend the rest of mine with you.”
@douglasfreer 6 лет назад
This exemplifies why I, and others, love this show so much. The show is sad but is also all about having hope and seeing the beauty in the universe and not destroy it just because it's different from us. If The Doctor were real I'd travel with them just to see everything the universe has to offer.
@aurone5685 5 лет назад
For real... I would drop everything right now if I could travel with him/her.
@lowridavies1247 4 года назад
Same I love to travel with him and love to travel with 11th doctor
@rakdoss8455 5 лет назад
you say it's an easy edit but i strongly disagree. it's more complex than just cut and stitch and put a song in the background. You have to pick the right song, you have to learn the material and use it as a language to convey a feeling or story. This was beautifully done.
@rakdoss8455 5 лет назад
More to the point: I haven't cried in almost a year, and I have needed to for almost 3 months but haven't been able to feel the release. Thank You for breaking the barrier. You are a beautiful person
@rakdoss8455 5 лет назад
Also, this made me realise John Hurt (0th Doctor) = The warrior David Tennant (10th) = The Hero Matt Smith ((11th) = The Martyr
@luketierney2949 5 лет назад
How is Matt Smith a Martyr?
@connortomkins5033 5 лет назад
He was not killed because of his beliefs..
@katy_xoxo493 5 лет назад
Sam Maltby I always call John Hurt doctor 8.5 lmao
@LouieNeira 5 лет назад
You know what truly breaks my heart? I see none of this in the new Doctor. There's no pain, no suffering, no "oncoming storm" of anger. This time, it's the fan's turn to be broken.
@yosomith 5 лет назад
The Doctor died with Capaldi, they may be resurrected but not for awhile yet
@tvsturm 5 лет назад
Could still have worked, it worked with the pre Time War Doctors. If they only had SHOWN that Doctor Who is about love and hope, instead of making Jodie just SAY it over and over again. I still believe this Doctor with this Tardis team could work with better scripts.
@julietschanz1962 5 лет назад
Ok the scripts are not incredibles but it is a change, a necessary change. A doctor that face the future with hope, and not with ptsd and regrets, a brand new doctor, ready to open her arms to anyone and I think it is a good thing
@niku6610 5 лет назад
@@julietschanz1962 Of course it is and I think that's what they're trying to do with Jodie but she still isn't written in any way similar to the Doctor (I'm going to focus on the doctor's pain for now but they're writing her to miss a number of doctor-like traits). Pain doesn't disappear and for her to be written in such a way where it looks like she's just completely forgotten everything she went through makes me feel as though I'm watching 11, who hid behind a cheery and hopeful demeanor, again. She doesn't have to be broken like the past four doctors and she can be hopeful but pain like that forever changes someone and there's no echo of that change found within the Series 11 scripts.
@yviesmith3317 5 лет назад
They are wasting Jodie Whittaker and I am quite mad about that tbh
@ivyannlitton 4 года назад
"Love. It's not an emotion; it's a promise.' He's been broken so many times but he still believes in love, he still has hope. That's why we love this show and all of the different doctors....
@JJ-bp1yp 2 года назад
Except Jodie
@ivyannlitton 2 года назад
@@JJ-bp1yp imo Jodie is an incredible actor and even a good pick for the doctor - but the writing of the show went downhill after moffet left
@AzureLight 6 лет назад
Im crying omg. I clicked on this not realizing it was 11 minutes long. And I watched the whole damn thing. This broke my heart I can't even describe how perfect & beautiful this edit is.
@raimboy2001 6 лет назад
AzureLight same!
@onlycrazy7258 5 лет назад
@ranjodharora6592 5 лет назад
Omg, Amy's goodbye gets me in so many tears
@emilythezeldafan848 4 года назад
Don't worry, it did the same thing to the Doctor (kill me now-)
@thebugbear9198 4 года назад
10/11/12th Doctor:“Never be cowardly” 9th doctor: “coward any day”
@peterlewerin4213 3 года назад
In that context, being a coward was not cowardly. He wasn't trying to escape danger or condemnation. He just chose to back away from genocide, possibly starting the arc to undo the genocide he did commit.
@DoctorXXIV 7 дней назад
He knew and he chose not to be cruel over not being a coward.
@blitzy7742 5 лет назад
“Raggedy man, goodbye” *god, that was a pain in my heart, Amelia can’t replace any others.*
@pumpkingamebox 5 лет назад
"Some things are worth getting your heart broken for." "Only love can heal a heart that was hurt by love." - Bokura ga Ita "If what you lost was too big, and you can't replace it with something else, you don't have to replace it with just one thing, right? If you get ten small things or a hundred small things all together it will be enough of a reason for you to keep going!" - Ao Haru Ride
@coriamber 6 лет назад
Everything ends, and sadly this video will as well... Remember and run you clever Doctor
@cj_cloud7778 5 лет назад
coriamber correction run you clevver boy
@sankitty1235 5 лет назад
and remember ;)
@noobtooby 4 года назад
I hate endings...
@saidelgholayj1178 4 года назад
Clara was the best companion of the doctor I miss her 💔
@lowridavies1247 4 года назад
Said El gholayj same I miss her
@Katie-is8by 4 года назад
Me quietly crying in my hotel room 😭 My brother “wtf is wrong with you”
@Lauren-pq3qx 4 года назад
Kitty crying on the toilet rn-
@natem4850 4 года назад
Capaldi’s speeches always make me cry, it’s so embarrassing even alone!
@CallumW25 6 лет назад
I always pretend I'm a manly man with no emotion, but this, this destroyed me, absolutely amazing job on it, it's so well edited, makes me remember why I love doctor who, makes me wish he existed just so I could give him a hug
@nebody666 4 года назад
Nothing wrong with a manly man having a good cry once in a while...just not around other people. 😅
@aperson842 4 года назад
@@nebody666 Nope a true man shows his emotions without fear of others judgement.
@nebody666 4 года назад
@@aperson842 last part was a joke...hence the "😅".
@speed65752 6 лет назад
Whenever and wherever you want.... but not today. The most beautiful and the saddest quote in all Doctor Who, for me.
@Jim_The_Fish 5 лет назад
senegal 98 “Not all the time” One psychopath per TARDIS, don’t you think?
@rowo175 5 лет назад
@ajandrianjafymusic 5 лет назад
“Love, love is not a emotion. It’s a promise” this explains the doctor really well
@legendsneverdye8949 5 лет назад
Pulling all your hearstrings out at once. "Everybody knows that everybody dies and no one knows it like the Doctor."
@chelseyjoymusic 5 лет назад
I need to watch Capadili's seasons again.
@prof.evilpictures8696 6 лет назад
Don’t you mean, They break my hearts.....
@Nr1KaraokeFanDE 5 лет назад
Prof. Evil Pictures It's a great feeling to have to laugh through one's tears. Thanks ;)
@kayt3703 5 лет назад
@lucasbailey2709 5 лет назад
The phrase they break my heat is a human expression so he used it as they made it.
@emilythezeldafan848 4 года назад
@zen8233 4 года назад
"One made of gold, one made of stone. The more one breaks, the more the other one gets harder." This isn't my quote but I thought I should put this here :>
@jojtest2426 4 года назад
jodie doesn't feel like the same person as these guys. 9 to 12 all feel like the same time lord, jodie feels like a different character
@bliiild 3 года назад
It’s because they’re shoehorning politics into it. I mean Christ, a ‘forgotten’ dr that’s basically an inclusivity check list? Fuck off
@dkman19952009 3 года назад
My biggest complaint about Jodie is that these guys were filled with emotion that grips you and keeps you invested. She is not. No big decisions, no big sacrifices. Not like these three and their sacrifices
@bliiild 3 года назад
Dakota Messenger she’s a headpiece that’s why Just there to be a *waman* not to actually play a role, why do you think there’s 14 companions fuck sakes, none of them can even act so it just makes the whole thing worse Why did they ruin dr who, why
@vidhaansharma1615 3 года назад
I agree. No offence to her, but she’s a TERRIBLE DOCTOR
@dkman19952009 3 года назад
@@vidhaansharma1615 like I like Jodi as a person and actor. But I think the script stinks and overall she makes a bad doctor
@jms3spinoon 5 лет назад
Matt Smith has been and will always be my Doctor, with Clara as his companion. Watching this compilation of Dr. Who moments has truly ripped at my heartstrings. Thank you for posting this extraordinary video.
@canigetanamen1106 4 года назад
My doctor is always 12 but with Bill honestly so underrated
@nova278 4 года назад
Same for me
@Zarab923 Год назад
I love the ponds but Clara saved him and gave him new purpose.
@bojo_h 8 месяцев назад
They had such chemistry.
@miaskys1410 6 лет назад
This isn’t going to end well. :) edit: the tears began when I saw Donna. Truly beautiful💛
@Lovemypirates11211 5 лет назад
Oh I know, she always breaks my heart. My favorite companion and the one I want to appear again, even for a cameo.
@hjames_ 5 лет назад
@@geicolizard5577 Wilf was a fucking legend
@mikageokumura5605 5 лет назад
@@geicolizard5577 Really? I thought Donna was Iconic. It's Catherine Tate! She's awesome :)
@haidystyles5334 5 лет назад
"Thank you for exactly the same" 💙
@uber2uber 5 лет назад
I feel like that when clara is talking to the time lords through the crack shes talking to us, everyone wants to know what his name is, but all we need to know is that hes the doctor and thats all we need, he saves us and we should love him because he loves us
@rymeep 5 лет назад
The Doctor has saved so many people, including me, I started watching doctor who when I was 6, it was scary but I like it, when I was 10 I almost died, the doctors said I had little to no chance of survival but I survived and I came out fo that experience very different, but what got me through that was the doctor, he showed me, to always love never hate, never be cruel or cowardly, just be kind, I took that to heart, I truly am thankful for the doctor
@vandradrake1395 6 лет назад
What I find sad is that no mater how hard he tries to be the doctor there will be pain in his heart an echo in his mind telling him the stories of what he’d did that caused more pain more sorrow than any one man that’s any one army he lived so long trying to live life as the doctor but he can’t believe that that’s why he needs a partner some one who won’t let him drown in his own self hate some one who will let him know he is the doctor he has helped more than he has done wrong that he is needed
@flowrighttwins 5 лет назад
This may sound silly but I'm about to start my pre-student teaching and I've been absolutely terrified that I'll be completely lost. Thank you for reminding me why I'm going into this profession and for reminding me that I have the role model I need in the Doctor - never cruel, never cowardly, and always, always kind.
@axlrio 4 года назад
AnielaMS how did your first year go? I’m a teacher too and I try to abide by this advice. ❤️
@goodsoup7477 4 года назад
axlrio And you axlrio?
@maxskellington910 5 лет назад
I can really relate to the Doctor in this struggle tbh. Going through life starts to feel empty, and after so many people leave and your heart breaks so much you'd rather be alone and numb, than to have your heart broken again. So many important people have been leaving my life and at this point I'd rather be alone. So yeah this really strikes a cord.
@richardlitwin4046 4 года назад
you wait until you've been alone for a few decades. You'll regret those words then.
@theredstonebuilder1120 Год назад
How are you feeling now? Both of you. Inshallah you're okay.
@sicktwistedangel 3 года назад
this broke my heart. i feel like the twelfth doctor signed off the doctors, capaldi put so much effort and basically everything into what he did with this. each doctor dealt with something different, and they definitely picked the best actors and supporting actors for these roles. this casting has been perfect for the past fifteen years. doctor who is so teaching to the younger generations too. they break my heart.
@GreenPigProject 6 лет назад
This video is 11 minutes long and took me 12seconds to start tearing up like a kid.
@yeehaw2891 5 лет назад
“It was sad, and it was beautiful”-Me. Exactly this was insanely well done and almost made me cry wow
@nickcossey121 5 лет назад
It’s okay I totally wanted to cry for 11 minuets
@theamazinglfelvus9410 4 года назад
People make Doctor Who feel so sad... The Doctors life is a timeline of depression, loss, suffering, happiness, heroic, wonderful, but full of secrets that burn in the stars, that burn in the universe. A true whovian would know this
@ozanyigit8999 6 лет назад
Whoever did this video, ı think s(he) is a real whovian... With all my respects I salute you!!..
@ididitforthefanfic4038 5 лет назад
I gotta be honest, I was really hoping for seeing more of his other companions. I thought this was going to be about the Doctor and his companions, so I was a little let down when I realized it was primarily clara. But I still think this was absolutely beautiful, you did an excellent job.
@toestealer 5 лет назад
@cheriedavy7358 5 лет назад
Hope Gallifreya Song yes way too much of her but brilliant nonetheless
@ladyfoxwf1075 4 года назад
Yeah Clara is my favourite companion, and even I am not this biased.
@nezytarek9864 4 года назад
I wanted to see more of rose I’m so sad that she left I still watch the old episodes of her and the doctor she’ll always be my fav Ughh
@HellLordWolf 3 года назад
"Never be cruel or never be cowardly if you are always make amends, never give up Never give in Remember hate is always foolish and love is always WISE" Words to live by for each and everyone of us 💖
@Devlinator61116 3 года назад
One of my favorite quotes that tragically gets left out of compilations is 11 saying "What's wrong with silly?" At a time when he could barely crack a smile, this line showed that he still remembered the person that he used to be.
@evag6370 6 лет назад
Seems fitting it ends on Peter Capaldi.
@occultboi1891 5 лет назад
Doctor who is not just a story it’s hope. Hope that will change many lives if understood. “I do what I do because it’s kind,just kind” these word make us stand tall and look at the world though a different view. The story of the doctor makes us realise that being kind is important. even an introvert like me got inspired by it and now my ultimate goal is to travel and help people. And be kind, just kind
@britneyprincess23 5 лет назад
You don't just give up. You don't just let things happen. You make a stand. You say "no"! You have the guts to do what's right when everyone else just runs away! Love this quote 😭😭😭
@Kal-ir9ze 4 года назад
Peter was so so so so good. He delivered what was lines on a page on to pure emotion we can all feel.
@kayleyhodson7079 6 лет назад
This is gorgeous, i cried through the whole thing. It flows beautifully and I love the simplicity of it. It felt no where near 11 minutes long
@gerrylclark1517 6 лет назад
Wow! this why Dr. Who lives on,and is so loved by it's fans.The is simple message that the writers of the show wants to get across.
@Thornus_______ 3 года назад
Peter grew up a fan and he put his all into it you can tell in every scene
@seanrettig8153 5 лет назад
Why the 12th doctor is my favorite, he can literally pull your heart strings out of your chest with his words, and he says things with such ferocity that you just love him!
@ranjodharora6592 5 лет назад
Run, you clever boy! And remember!
@thomasshelby9958 4 года назад
Never be coward. Always be kind
@runa_highwood1411 4 года назад
Oh good lord... I'm literally crying It's so sad Oh fuck...
@arthurkurbedzis 4 года назад
Music videos like this make you understand how special this TV series is.
@juaerez69 2 года назад
…how special it was.
@ceinwencooke2603 4 года назад
"But I suppose in the end, they break my heart" In my opinion, David always was and always will be the best Doctor
@annashaw6538 4 года назад
I completely skipped all of Matt's episodes because I loved David as the doctor. Only went back to watch when Peter took over. Love them all but David was the best!!
@elly_hermione 3 года назад
@@annashaw6538 I LOVED David as the Doctor and he was the first Doctor I seen - because actually I wanted to watch only Tenth Doctor's episodes, I came to DW only because I really love Tennant - and I was sure that I wouldn't like other Doctors as much as him. But then this brilliant young man appeared... :D I mean, David is fantastic, but Matt is an amazing Doctor too, I can't even decide who's better for me. Don't ignore Eleventh, he is really cool!
@annashaw6538 3 года назад
@@elly_hermione completely agree. Love 9 and 12 but Smith and Tennant have something different!!
@juaerez69 2 года назад
Agreed. Tennant was brilliant.
@mman2052 11 месяцев назад
@@elly_hermione I mean his entrance was to get an alien jailer to get their prisoner back and then calls back the jailer to scold them
@BottledWitch 6 лет назад
It hurts in all the best ways. It breaks my heart and I feel so bad for the long and tragic life the doctor lives but it is beautiful. This may be a simple edit but sometimes simplicity is best and here it worked out so well. Wonderful job!
@Panda.Shogun 5 лет назад
Whenever hate takes over me, i feel fortunate enough that The Doctor's face is the 1st thing tht comes to my mind nd erases tht useless emotion... ❤👍😜
@lowridavies1247 4 года назад
Matt Smith will always be my doctor with Amy, Rory and Clara. I love the story and how Clara help get out of sadness he was in by make him solve the mystery of her. “Run you clever boy and remember me”- Clara , “goodbye raggedyman”- Amy ❤️
@missabb100 5 лет назад
Peter capaldi was freaking amazing. Everything about this video is amazing. Peter was one of my favorites though.
@Busra-fy7nj 5 лет назад
Thank you for this video but I'm curious why is nobody include Martha Jones to Doctor Who videos? I think she did a lot of thing for the doctor. She spend a whole year traveling the world alone and told people the doctor. She is really underrated character.
@jeremiahtablet 4 года назад
Thing about her is that she wasn't needed by the Doctor. She wasn't the Doctor's companion because the Doctor needed help, she was the Doctor's companion because she chose to be. All the other companions seem to show up and are there to help make the Doctor a better person or to help pull the Doctor out of a slump. Even Amy helped get the Doctor moving when he had just said goodbye to all his friends, as much as she was written poorly. Martha just somehow made her way onto the Tardis and then travelled with the Doctor and ended up saving him multiple times because she was good, too. In the end of her travels, she even has a speech describing what I'm talking about, she talks about how the Doctor was just using her as basically a rebound, and that he didn't really need her. She is an amazing companion because she is so good on her own, but the Doctor never really was attached to her.
@Lauren-pq3qx 4 года назад
Martha saw rose as a challenge. She saw her as a obstacle in her way of getting to the doctor. She didn’t realise that he loved someone else long before she came along. She doesn’t realise that a man with that lifespan has other people who he loved and lost, and who he could never let go.
@dreamfaller6372 Год назад
@@Lauren-pq3qx That's one way of looking at it, blaming it on her. In my opinion the doctor was at fault. He invited her to come, he specifically came back to Earth and sought her out. Only to then treat her like she's nothing for an entire season. When this brilliant woman did so much for him. No, he was too hung up on a human teenager (weird enough) to acknowledge her. Acted like a prick when she asked him about Gallifrey. But Martha was an amazing character and her leaving scene is one of the most powerful in all of DW. She knew what she was worth. She wasn't angry at him, she did understand. But she also wasn't going to sacrifice her own emotional well being for him any longer. Good on her. God, I love her.💙
@dreamfaller6372 Год назад
And now I'm reminded of Partners in crime and that scene where he's telling Donna about how Martha fancied him. One of those scenes where you wish River would turn up and slap him.
@anezkageislerova2179 5 лет назад
capaldi’s speach about fighting in a war always, ALWAYS tears me up.
@mrxsigma3683 4 года назад
I'm literally crying trying to type this, I really miss Clara.
@icc2010 4 года назад
This video should be titled "what's missing from current doctor who". I watch the first series with the new doctor and this is what it was missing
@MellanClear 6 лет назад
this video is absolutey unbelievable. A true masterpiece.
@MrKnight9708 2 года назад
‘Always try to be nice, never fail to be kind’ That’s a sentence to live by
@emidylizaelizabeth247 5 лет назад
This is why Doctor Who will never end. The Doctor will always live, never stop healing. It’s not cliche, or ordinary or a normal tv show. It’s a lifetime of promises to appreciate who you are. Doctor Who shows us that who you are is what you do. It’s who you love, and what you would do for them. The promised you make to never give up on them. Doctor Who is our promise to always be human.
@froggdoggs8551 4 года назад
I clicked on this knowing that I was going to be emotionally destroyed and yet I was not prepared
@phoebebennett8518 6 лет назад
I've watched this so many times now, it's so beautiful and sad.
@raia1921 5 лет назад
"This is sad...and beautiful at the same time"
@user-wq3oi5qf7n 5 лет назад
@joywilday4754 Год назад
Incredible video. Damn. I used to make these type of videos back in the day and they are HARD and time consuming and mine weren't close to this level. Take credit, you deserve it. I ended with Capaldi. I attempted a couple years into Jodi to try but I didn't get to episode two. From what i saw and have read i don't regret it. These men and all before captured the doctor correct. I'll be honest and say swapping genders just didn't make sense. The doctor never struggled with his gender they just threw it in. He cherished his roles as a once father and grandfather, a husband, a lover to many ladies, he was a man of many faces but definitely a man. There is absolutely nothing wrong with him being who he was and them continuing to build on that solid foundation. I believe strongly the new show hasn't succeeded, as in lost a huge majority of it's viewers, because she cannot play his role no matter how hard she tries. She cannot convince us she's the man who did all those things. Could she play a good quirky character similar in style to him, sure. But the way these men all worked off one another flawlessly could not be continued by her. I have nothing against her, I only tried because i like her, but it wasn't right and was only going to ruin everything that came before.
@jimmime 5 лет назад
You break my hearts..........Just be kind.... for without kindness there is nothing to feel, and if we don't feel, we are nothing.
@knoodles9282 5 лет назад
this is....amazingly heartbreaking
@TheCraftMansion 3 года назад
I think 10 and 12 are my favourites (in that order) because they often show the rage within them. Would have been really fun to see the war doctor reacting to 12’s rage
@hopeless.romantic23 5 лет назад
it's such a beautiful story... beautiful and tragic
@gogozeppeli9267 6 лет назад
Amy 😢😭😭
@Jakie20402 5 лет назад
GO! Go! Zeppeli! Amelia Pond!!
@karissam3244 4 года назад
This was absolutely stunning. When I saw the title and the thumbnail I clicked on it thinking it would be an edit focusing on all the companions that the doctor has lost. Instead I got to see this beautiful video about loss, anger and sadness. The Doctor has experienced so much loneliness and loss and yet he moves forward and fights with love and kindness. This video was so beautifully made and here are some of the most moving quotes I personally liked. - "Everyone gets stuck somewhere eventually, everything ends" "No, not everything. Not love." - "Never be cruel. Never be cowardly. If you ever are always make amends" - "Hate is always foolish. Love is always wise." - "Never give up. Never give in." "I do what I do because it's right! Because it's decent. and above all it's kind. just kind." "Pain is a gift. Without the capacity of pain we can't feel the hurt we inflict."
@beesbrownies 3 года назад
Chills, heartbreak. Beauty.
@jadec6452 5 лет назад
you know it's a good show when irl you seem like an emotionless robot but are a complete wreck when you watch sad things with characters you love.
@muskaiar3170 4 года назад
every single time. this video. breaks my heart.
@sibsrestaurant3145 5 лет назад
Its true I'll be fine not knowing his name, he should be known for his true name, not every question needs to be answered, we don't need his answer. We dont need the answer to Doctor Who. Even his flower will never forget that.
@casemason9273 4 года назад
the doctor is the most beautifully written character of all time
@craigraines1875 2 года назад
David, Matt, and Peter, were so damn good each in there own way so so so great. Which is why Jodi has been so heartbreaking with chibnal running the show it's just been awful. I suppose we've been spoiled with David, Matt, and Peter but I miss them so much.
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