
Doctors, What Case Took a Turn for the Worse Fast? 

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Doctors of reddit : What's something someone came to the hospital for that they thought wasn't a big deal but turned out to be much worse?
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18 сен 2024




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@iamthecrabman3846 2 года назад
25yrs ago I miscarried, on New Years Eve of all times. Went in to OB/GYN 4 mths later for pain during intercourse. Was immediately referred to H. L. Moffitt where I was diagnosed with gestational trophoblastic disease which had spread to my liver, lymph nodes, & lungs. The uterine tumor was size of large grapefruit (if you're from FL you know they can get quite large). So there's that. Because of some issues, after all was said & done, I wasn't ovulating. Was given 1% chance of getting pregnant so we started adoption paperwork. Wasn't feeling well so went to doctor & they ask the usual 'could you be pregnant?' & I said more than likely not because of above. Yeah, my flu will be 21y/o this year.
@CarlosPerez-qj6xm Год назад
"my flu will be 21yrs old this year" made me cackle
@marychoppins8140 2 года назад
As an organ/tissue recovery tech, you are more than likely going to be a tissue (skin, bone, tendon, costal cartilage) donor instead of an organ donor. A lot of people sign up for organ donation with the intention that when they pass they will be an organ donor, but organ recovery occurs under a particular set of circumstances. With tissue donation you’re actually able to save/improve more lives with your gift.
@mariannecontrino6297 2 года назад
I'm glad you shared this, so people know how important any sort of donation can be. My dad passed away unexpectedly a few months ago, and he was a donor. Unfortunately, he had been dead a few hours when I found him, so all that could be salvaged was skin, bone, and his corneas. We were given some wonderful letters from the different organizations connected to each donation, telling us a little bit about the people who received them. Was a really lovely thing to learn, and made our loss a little easier. Thank you for doing what you do, and treating our loved ones with respect, I know it's a thankless, hard job, but just know that many of us do understand that.
@lcoq19 2 года назад
I've told my family that "anything still usable" is to be donated. Burn the rest. I'm under no illusions that my organs will probably be trash; but the other stuff may be salvageable and it's not like I'm gonna need it once I'm gone so.... 🤷🏻‍♀️
@2lucid107 2 года назад
I had a cartilage donation in my knee.
@carljacobs1837 2 года назад
During my heart attack, after they made sure I'd signed all the donor papers (always), the surgeon was really happy with my huge veins. He figured that many of my normal veins can be used as an arteries on others. Remember that movie where the surgeon is killing patients and selling their organs on the black market? We were talking about that movie as I'm being stretched out on the operating table. Hilarious conversation.
@marychoppins8140 2 года назад
@@mariannecontrino6297 Please accept my condolences for your loss.❤️ Thank you to your father for his gift. It’s a true honor to be a part of someone’s last selfless act; as well as, help improve someone’s life.
@Absaalookemensch 2 года назад
Had a 90s year old patient brought in to the ER by ambulance that had passed out at the dinner table. She was unresponsive to family and paramedics. In the ER we manage to get her awake. She had fallen asleep. She said, "I'm 90 years old, if I want to fall asleep at the dining table I have a right to."
@zoesbabyalives5615 2 года назад
At least they brought her in, just to be safe. It’s better to go to the ER or call the local emergency number when it doesn’t turn out to be serious, than to not go or call when it is serious.
@Absaalookemensch 2 года назад
@@zoesbabyalives5615 Agree, but it was so darn funny after we were all afraid she was in distress, it was a catharsis.
@zoesbabyalives5615 2 года назад
@@Absaalookemensch just making sure. Hard to read tone when you’re not talking face-to-face. I always say, it’s better to do some things when it’s not needed, than to not do it when it is needed.
@squigl3z78 2 года назад
Surprisingly wholesome lol
@abigailphoenixthepaperaddi2501 2 года назад
August 2019. I was fostering a "bottle baby" kitten who, bless him, went through a couple health crises at the time. My hubs was working 2 jobs (am disabled, so spent my time trying to ensure these vulnerable orphans would survive & have awesome forever homes). One week, I went from "tired" to "cant keep my eyes open" exhausted. Slept through alarms that normally wake me immediately and hubs (the one who can sleep through anything) would struggle to wake me up to do the feeding/care of the fosters. I had a lower back ache that I brushed off as part of ongoing health issues, and it wasn't bad - just ached, as I have a pain pump that reduces most pain. I had a cold, or so I thought, and was a bit breathless. Put the exhaustion down to the cold & the amount of time & work required to handle little fuzzy jelly beans round-the-clock. That Friday, I had a headache that rivaled one of my migraines, but my migraine med didn't work. I also couldn't stop shivering. On SUNDAY, I finally decided to check my temp... 104. My "normal" temp hovers around 97.5 to 98. Even mild fevers rarely show up on a thermometer for me, due to autonomic function problems. So, I chalked it up to the cold in my chest deciding to settle in. Sunday night, I had this "knowing" ... its hard to explain... but that I needed medical help. Something was REALLY WRONG. I'm not a fan of ER visits in general, so it's rare I'll say, "we gotta go to the ER." Monday, I was able to get another foster to care for the fuzzy jelly beans, including Mr Sicky (not his name lol). Hubby was annoyed at first that his day off would be spent in the ER, but agreed to drive me. Even he was scared by the time we made it there (hour drive after dropping off the fuzzies), because I was struggling to stay awake, to walk, to do ANYTHING. Results of tests: Double pneumonia Severe double kidney infection And... the one that shook me... sepsis (as a result of ignoring that lower back aching issue.) Numerous day in-patient. Several days home just sleeping & continuing my meds. Got my fuzzy jelly beans back on day 7, and Mr. Sicky was SO HAPPY to see me! (And, his meds were finished during that week, and he got the "all clear" from the vet checkup that day. I sent my co-foster a goody basket in thanks, partly for watching over everyone, partly because she insisted I get at least some time to recover, AND because she took care of that check-up vet visit for me). Yeah... sepsis. The day I was discharged, I was told that according to my labs, if I had waited even 2 more hours to get to the ER, I would have been lucky to survive.
@teffy4345 2 года назад
My grandma wanted weight loss surgery. She was an extremely obese lady. She had to loose weight before she could be a candidate for the surgery. She loss almost 100 pounds but noticed she wasn’t loosing any weight around her lower waist. She went into the doctor who sent her to a weight loss specialist. She gave my grandma an X-ray and found that my grandma had a 20 pound cancerous tumor that had been growing inside her uterus. Because it was contained inside her uterus the cancer didn’t spread. The doctors were in shock and took lots of pictures. She’s still around today but it was pretty crazy.
@jeanniebosch3628 2 года назад
I went in for bronchitis walked out with pneumonia with Aspergillus bacteria growing in my lungs...said I was lucky I didn't die. Went back 1 month later because I was having horrible cold sweats and throwing up..(.lost 15 lbs in about 2 weeks) had stomach biopsy done. Came back from drs office with stage 4B Stomach cancer and h-pylori bacteria growing in my stomach, and given3 monthsto live. If I hadn't changed Drs I wouldn't be alive today. Been in remission for 17 yrs now.
@sethchapman3703 2 года назад
Congrats on your remission!!!
@FrisersLegend 2 года назад
Congrats on beating that beast! May you live a long, happy and peaceful life!
@cornholiofromtitica 2 года назад
Good news to read. Props to you man. Your immune system is a beast. Have you thought about contacting Marvel? You make Wolvering and Thor look like wussies. Thanks.
@mercuriogrimmalkyne2291 2 года назад
Congrats on remission! Cancer is scary af
@malaikamillions 2 года назад
Hi Jeannie, glad you survived. No worries if you don’t but, perchance you have insight if there may be a correlation of pneumonia and bacterial overgrowth of the stomach (aka disbiosis)? I’m sure the last time pneumonia visited (recurred), I was experiencing my belly blowing up like a basketball. I fear i’m there again. Last time I cross referenced antibiotics that can be used for both, & convinced the Doc to give 10 day RX since 7 day isn’t long enough to treat stomach bacterial imbalance. Had noticed previously that on a 7 day dose for pneumonia I’d temporarily have improved stomach symptoms, only for it to rebound bad. Finally I got relief from both in one hit with 10 day RX. I’m really wondering if there’s an obvious connection, especially now that the heavy seaweed flavored phlegm & balloon belly are coinciding.
@amanda-leemarie87 2 года назад
At 28 I went to the doctor for a routine check up and asked her to check what we all assumed to be clogged milk ducts, as I had breast fed and my youngest son was 10 months old. Doctors assumed same thing, but sent me for scans anyway....turns out I had two kinds of breast cancer on one side, and was already stage 3. Thank the Lord it's a little over 6 years later and I am cancer free. Months upon months of treatments and surgeries.
@Phantombucketmouse 2 года назад
How many kids end up with life-long damage or disability bc some medical professional dismissed their complaints as just trying to "get out of school", I wonder?
@jacquifreeman6212 2 года назад
Happened to me lol
@cornholiofromtitica 2 года назад
Or "they just want drugs". Infuriating.
@SparksArtandCosplay Год назад
I wonder the same thing! These stories make me mad at the doctors involved
@cl5470 11 месяцев назад
This especially happens to girls. Both male and female doctors have been proven to take women's pain less seriously. This is even more of a problem in women of color. Ladies, don't let a doctor gaslight you.
@chriscarpenter3370 4 месяца назад
too many to count
@marcush4741 2 года назад
A kid in my younger brother's class was diagnosed with ALS about 10 years ago. He died about 4 years ago. It was crazy how fast he went from one of the busiest people with the most potential (ie, he took every single AP class, while also doing 3 sports) to unable to do anything to dead. He did more in his senior year than ANYBODY I knew, got accepted to ivy league schools, and was dead before he was even required to pay back his student loans.
@LadyNikitaShark 2 года назад
My aunt was 48y/o and a very active person, she would cicle to work and stuff like that. One day she stated to fall from her bicycle, and then again. Her house had a lot of stairs and she would trip on them way more often then normal. She died a bit after her 50 birthday, and the only part of her body that she could move by the end was her eyes. It's a literally death sentence. No one needs to suffer so much to be able to die. Seeing my aunt die like that made me be in favor of euthanasia. We euthanize our pets to save them from unnecessary suffering, why not allow us to tho the same to ourselves?
@jonesnori 2 года назад
@@LadyNikitaShark Yes, but only by the will of the ill person. Severely disabled people get murdered by caretakers way too often, and the caretakers may even believe they're being kind. I'm not talking about people being kept alive by machines. I mean people who are conscious and able to communicate, but dependent on another for some of their care. They may wish to die, but far more often they want to live. Getting more backup for them and their caretakers is really important.
@LadyLeeBird 2 года назад
@@LadyNikitaShark I totally agree after my cousin shot himself last June while suffering from cancer and living in pain, daily with no relief. He was a veteran and in his 50s. Left his wife a note saying don't come looking for me, just call 911. He should have been able to take a less violent, dramatic and devastating way out of his suffering, with his family and loved ones at his side.
@skatergirl6764 2 года назад
I had excruciating pain when I would move my shoulder around for over a decade. Multiple doctors said I was just malingering or being dramatic. Finally went to see a good shoulder guy. Two minutes later he told me that my shoulder blade was deformed, it was scraping against my rib with each breath to the point that the synovial sac underneath was likely destroyed. Scheduled me for surgery immediately after. He had to remove an inch of my shoulder blade and said I was the worst case of 'snapping scapula syndrome' he'd ever seen. So not an emergency, but definitely a 'no, I'm not kidding about my pain' moment.
@athena8794 2 года назад
That last one is definitely believable. It took 7 different doctors and specialists before my mother got diagnosed with MS instead of "being a hysterical woman looking for attention". Considering I was in middle school watching my mother's brain melt, and watching her go through getting told that she doesn't know what she's talking about because she keeps her bits on the inside... Yeah, that bit really hurt and stayed with me. Especially considering that MS runs in families and my mother and maternal aunt both have it...
@impishrebel5969 2 года назад
"It took 7 different doctors and specialists before my mother got diagnosed with MS instead of "being a hysterical woman looking for attention"." You just hit the entire odyssey of getting diagnosed for Ehlers-Danlos on the head.
@laurensuty2760 2 года назад
@@impishrebel5969 oh god. I'm looking to get diagnosed with EDS rn after a doctor said to get looked at for connective tissue disorders. I'm afraid I'll just be brushed offi
@draw2death421 3 месяца назад
This is very relatable. I was also told i was lying to get attention when i conplained about stomach pains and feeling like my throat was on fire. Eventually was told i had acidic Reflux.
@impishrebel5969 2 года назад
"My mom thought I was just a really colicky baby." Yeah. So did mine. Note to future parents if the baby is always fussy with little to no gas, or at least not enough to warrant that kind of fussiness, do yourselves a favor; don't fob it off as this or that or the other, assume it's PAIN and get the kid checked out. I lived with 30 years, *30 years* of non stop agonizing pain trying to keep up with my peers. ALSO 9:08 "dislocating your hip isn't very common" /guffaws in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. /pops hip back into place still laughing.
@abigailphoenixthepaperaddi2501 2 года назад
So much THIS. Mother told me "everyone's hips pop out", just because HERS did. I was almost 40 before being diagnosed.
@AltoSims 9 месяцев назад
Felt. I don't have a severe case but feel joints and bones hurt or pop when they aren't supposed to is fun. Either of you occasionally have your jaw pop and it hurts to talk for like an hour?
@SaziSkylion 2 года назад
I'm a female and that one with the ball getting stuck in the hip socket made me have a visceral reaction of secondhand pain I have never before experienced...
@PanthereaLeonis 2 года назад
ikr?? How does that even work? How can I have such visceral pain in an organ I've never had? Just hearing about made me almost vomit myself.
@thebaddestogre-3698 2 года назад
If you want a bit of an example of what they feel like getting squished, take a finger and shove it between a couple ribs under your armpit. Now imagine it getting hit HARD. That's almost that level of sensitivity but on a private part... 😬. And the pain takes a LONG time to go away. 🤢
@pinkanimositygaming 2 года назад
This is more so from a psychiatric perspective. My whole life, I was extremely depressed, suicidal, and developmentally behind. But I was very ahead academically. Doctors kept disregarding me and putting me on, quite frankly, dangerous medications that further pushed me to the brink. I was becoming so mentally unhinged and unstable. Throughout high school, I kept trying to end my life bc my mind was falling apart. I was still getting good grades and behaving at school while harming myself at home. I had an attempt so severe that my parents noticed and took me to the hospital. And it still took another 2 years to figure out that I was autistic this whole time and that’s why nothing ever clicked for me socially or why I developed later than others. I was finally taken off the bad meds and put on a simple dose of antidepressants. And I feel much better. Not perfect but not as horrible as it was. I still feel the effects of those meds though. Since I took them when my body was still forming during childhood and adolescence, my liver is abnormally large and my skin was devastated by the giant lesions left from the Vyvanse.
@allycat824 2 года назад
It took until I was 28 for any doctor/psychologist to investigate whether it was autism AND a mental health condition making my life hell. Spent 6 weeks in hospital and walked out with bipolar and asd diagnosis. Life makes more sense
@skatergirl6764 2 года назад
my life was nearly destroyed by a doc who told me I was 'bipolar.' Turns out I have PTSD.
@pinkdoobie 2 года назад
There was a study that estimated that having untreated ADHD (usually due to being undiagnosed) shortens the lifespan by about a decade. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was similar or worse for autism. I also wonder how many people attempt because of undiagnosed autism; it’s not rare for late-diagnosed autistics to report a history of depression, PTSD, and suicidal ideation.
@ggoob3020 2 года назад
god i’m so sorry. sucks that i can say i relate tho. it took a solid 20 years to figure out i was autistic and even then it didn’t cross a single professionals mind. after being sick of tired of no one listening to me for the past 8ish years i finally figured out what was going on myself and brought it up to a brand new therapist, who eventually agreed with me. it pisses me off so much that doctors can just disregard people like that and ruin lives bc they think we’re drug or attention seekers. like christ yes those people exist, but it doesn’t give them the right to treat EVERYONE with suspicion and disdain
@azulineamphisbaena9997 2 года назад
@@ggoob3020 I am having a similar problem right now, how did you get an adult autism diagnosis? The only way I can find is a $2000+ test, and I don't have that money.
@michaelmiller2418 2 года назад
Quite the opposite, I've had some stuff go wrong that I could tell was serious but the doctors wouldn't listen. Worst instance: 7 days of being barely awake/conscious, trouble breathing, running a fever, unable to eat, no energy and severe weakness: "Oh, it's just pneumonia. We'll send you home with some antibiotics and just make sure you eat and take deep breaths." I insisted on going to the hospital instead (doctor was pissed, but relented). Second day in the hospital I stopped breathing and started seizing, had to be placed in a medically induced coma and on paralytics. Turns out that while pheumonia was indeed part of it, I also had three strains of flu (A, B, and H1N1), as well as mold in my lungs. I was in a coma for over a month, three times during which the doctors thought I was a goner, and when I finally came-to I was paralyzed from the neck down. I have nominally recovered in the years since, but it was still absolutely awful relearning how to do everything all over again. If I ever hear a doctor say the words, "Oh, it's just..." again, I'm gonna start throwing fists.
@cherylmcelveen2817 2 года назад
Stay away from Rockefeller Medicine "doctors." See Dr. Jennifer Daniels, The Corbett Report and Eustace Mullins re: Rockefeller Medicine.
@WayWardWonderer 2 года назад
The broken spine story... I thought she meant she broken her spine WHILE giving birth and I was horrified! It's amazing she was able to heal from such a strange injury from her own birth and have a healthy life!
@Raksha38 2 года назад
My grandma felt super tired for a few days, so she went to the doctor. Turned out she had cancer EVERYWHERE and she died two weeks later. Of course it's super sad, but we will all die some day and I'm glad she had enough time to say goodbye to her family and friends, but not so much time that she lingered in pain for years like my aunt who'd had cancer. Grandma wasn't even in pain until the last three days. I hope I can go like that.
@mmmmmmmmaria 2 года назад
i’m sorry for your loss but that does sound like a peaceful way to go
@cornholiofromtitica 2 года назад
My brother in law was in severe pain the last 2 years. Really changed him but he was still a great guy. He had been in some kind of pain for the last 5 years. His doctor tested and treated him for everything to no real avail. Told him he was diabetic. BIL said BS. Doc accused him of just wanting drugs. Sister took him to the hospital. Broke his leg getting into the car. Stage 4 esophageal cancer, widely spread, dead in a month. Kind of a done deal. Someday I am going to fix this.
@daydreamergirl03 2 года назад
Came home from work early and my sister told me that mom had a stomache so bad she had to crawl to the bathroom and had been like that all day. I told mom to get dressed or she was going to the ER in her underwear. She was arguing with me the whole drive saying it was the flu. Her appendix was rupturing. She went into emergency surgery within 5 minutes of arriving. She now takes illness more seriously and goes to the doctor when she's unwell
@reb1050 2 года назад
I'm not a a Dr., but this happened to me. I was in my 60's and basically feeling tired all the time. I finally went to my family Dr. and after running some tests, he said I had severe COPD. I was not familiar with that ailment, but the way he sounded, I could keep over at any minute. One week later, I was back at his office. He asked why I had returned so soon. My reply was "You remember the boots I wore last week that you liked so much? Well, I may as well give them to you because I can't put them on now." My feet and ankles had swollen up considerably and my wife, who is a nurse, recognized the symptom. He immediately sent me to the hospital. As it turned out, my heart had gone into afib (atrial fibrillation or erratic heartbeat) and was only pumping 25% of what it should be pumping. He was looking at my lungs when he should have been looking at my heart. And yes, a heart specialist told me that I could have died at any moment if we had not caught it in time. BTW, that was 10 yrs. ago and everything is fine now...at least with my heart AND lungs.
@livylu6287 2 года назад
A girl I worked with was sick with what they kept diagnosing as mono the 3 times she went to the ER and would get sent home. She came into work one day with yellow eyes and I begged her to go to the ER. I even got the manager to let her go. She never went and was dead the next morning from liver failure. She was only 21. 😢
@impishrebel5969 2 года назад
jfc didn't they give her a test for the myriad of "looks-like-mono-but-isn't" issues?? That's harsh. Feels like an epic failure of that ER. I'm sorry.
@livylu6287 2 года назад
@@impishrebel5969 I really wish I knew if the family followed up on it all. It really screwed me up for a long time. I had even called her several times that night to ask if she had gone yet and she said she was waiting for her boyfriend to get off of work first. I don’t know why they never went. The good news is, and you wouldn’t believe… But it happened again to me a few years later at another job. This time I stalked his family on Facebook and made sure they knew, so they forced him to go to the ER no matter what. It was liver failure again and it saved his life.
@impishrebel5969 2 года назад
@@livylu6287 It's possible she wasn't thinking well since liver failure can confusion and difficulting concentrating. The jaundice yellow in the eye is a major red alert and she should have gone immediately. I'm sorry for your loss and the trauma you went through. The best we can do is learn and help those who we recognize the signs and symptoms in.
@impishrebel5969 2 года назад
@A H I'd call that a quack. A first year med student would be able to recognize the signs of liver failure and jaundice. Which I'm not. I have a two year undergrad degree, I never got to pre-med. There's also a test to actually SEE if you have Epstein-Barr virus present in the system, which it seems like they did not administer. Kind of important if they rule you have mono since it's *infectious*.
@newfoundling9275 2 года назад
@A H I vomited blood for 3 years and my health slowly got worse and my gi said it was just PMS, same with 3 different Ers. Even though my vomit(and stool) was black, tar like and smelt like death. It took a nurse from a med clinic to get me to surgery.
@cat_spit 2 года назад
Heh, I went to the ER thinking I had a stomach bug of some sort, or maybe radiating pain from a UTI of some kind. Nope. My appendix was inflamed and full of gangrene.
@kimtinte84 2 года назад
Had a pet bunny. He was out of the burrow to early.(eyes not even open). Took him in and bottle raised him the rest of the way. A few months later he was acting like he was drunk. Took to vet..he had EC, head tilt. Antibiotics and ear drops for 2 weeks. Took him back in because he was now sneezing and weasing and just not himself. Still had EC...and Pasteurella. We lost him a few weeks later. I was sick by this time with what I thought was a severe cold. Nope. Because I had been nuzzling my bun, the Pasteurella got me sick. ER Dr first visit told me I didn't know what I was talking about.." Dr Google isn't always right" Went back day later. Same ER. 2nd Dr said pretty much the same thing. This time I faught with them. Explaining again that my bunny had just died from this. Call the vet, etc whoever is needed. He finally listened...they did the test. I had pneumonia from the Pasteurella. I was on very strong antibiotics for over a month.
@Rapscallion2009 2 года назад
I suspect quite a lot of lives are saved by doctors "humouring" patients with probably unnecessary tests to keep them quiet/reassure them etc. I can understand refusing operations and medications, obviously.
@kimtinte84 2 года назад
@@Rapscallion2009 True. We know our own bodies better than the Dr. They may have the systems information on how this connects to that and that makes this happen which causes this outcome physically. But that doesn't mean they know what is going on individually. An upset stomach can be the flu, food, poisoning or sign of acid reflux or something worse like cancer. Until they run the test to find out the cause. But they shouldn't just dismiss a patient because they never heard of that happening before. Bronchitis and pneumonia can happen with a variety of causes. I was just lucky enough to have a vet who understands what illness can/could be transferred to humans😃
@Rapscallion2009 2 года назад
@@kimtinte84 Doctors sometimes forget that they have a degree in medicine, but patients have lived in their bodies - often for multiple decades.
@kimtinte84 2 года назад
@@Rapscallion2009 That was exactly my point to the ER Dr. But didn't surprise me either. Having to make Drs listen to me is second nature. " She can't have hypothyroidism (low thyroid) she's to young." No reason for a 13 yo girl who plays softball,swims 6 days a week, bowls, walks or rides bike everywhere, rides and cares for 3 horses, 3 dogs and 2 cats and eats 1 a day( salad in summer) should be overweight. But dad took 3.5x the daily dose for that very reason. " We can't tell you why you are going months without a period or bleed like a stuck pig at other times!" Did you test for PCOS? No. Maybe you should. Maternal grandmother and 2 aunts have it. You don't know if you will get cancer at 35. Really? Mom, both of her full sisters, grandmother, great grandmother all have all had some form by or at 35. Everyone one of them had a hysterectomy. Mom at 26 from cancer. Oh, look I turn 35 and 4 months after b'day, what do I get diagnosed with? My daughter turned 33 in March. Already have had her Drs. Run these tests. At least they listened to me. She's receiving treatment for thyroid and PCOS. And keeping close eye for womens cancer by having her doing the annual exam every 6 months.
@gentlegiants04 2 года назад
So about three or four years ago I got sick, I thought I had some type of flu. My husband had been sick the week before, figured I got it from him. Fever, joint pain, headache. I expected to feel better in a day or two. But on day three, I was much worse. No matter how much ibuprofen I took the fever wouldn't go down and my joint pain just kept getting worse, I could barely even stand up. My husband had gone to work, not realizing how sick I was. My Mom came over to check on me, and I finally caved and asked her to take me to the walk in clinic. Got there and the nurse was taking my vitals and chatting with me, asking the normal questions. She took my blood pressure, looked down at the gauge and froze. I heard her mutter, "That can't be right..." and then she says "Let me try that again." Looks at the gauge and her eyes got wide, she says "hang on a minute", and goes out and gets another nurse, who also takes my BP. This nurse looks at the other one and says, "It's 88 over 44." They both walk out and come right back with the doctor, who tells me my pulse is elevated, BP very low (obviously) and I need to go to the ER immediately as they are not equipped to handle this. Get to the ER, and the clinic had called to let them know I was coming. They took me straight back, didn't even bother with the triage stuff. It turned out it wasn't a virus, I was septic. My hemoglobin level was 7. (Normal is between 12 and 16 for my age group.) They put me in the ICU, gave me a blood transfusion and had IV antibiotics with new bags every four hours. Even then it didn't really dawn on me how sick I was until I was getting checked out a few days later. The nurse doing the paperwork casually said, "Well, when you came in we weren't real sure you were going to make it." That was kinda like a punch in the gut to hear. I don't remember most of the time I was in the hospital, or the days after it really. Just glad I heard that little voice in the back of my head going, This isn't normal, need to go to the doctor. If I had tried to tough it out, I would probably have died.
@thebaddestogre-3698 2 года назад
The hip/testicle one... OH. MY. GOD. As someone who has been hit in the sack hard enough to vomit uncontrollably. Just unalive me now.
@Absaalookemensch 2 года назад
Had a patient come to the ER with nausea and diaphoresis (sweating), he was a diabetic. Symptoms had been going on for a few days and too proud to come in. He had had a huge heart attack. We quickly admitted him to ICU. He died 2 or 3 days later. Such a shame. He was loved and admired by the entire community. Truly a good person.
@sydneygeisen4385 2 года назад
When I was six I was sick for a couple weeks with what my mom (just out of nursing school) insisted was the flu, and no need to take me to the doctor bc they can't do anything for a virus. When I finally went to the Dr because I wasn't getting any better, at first they told her I had signs of leukemia, but it turned out to be some rare disease called hs perpera, where all the blood vessels under your skin and internally like on organs and stuff get really fragile and start breaking easily. If she'd waited another week i would've needed a kidney transplant.
@jonesnori 2 года назад
It's hard on parents. Most of the time it is something ordinary. You hope that parents will recognize when it's not, but they don't always. I'm glad they figured it out in time to save you.
@petuniasevan 2 года назад
Obligatory not-a-doctor. Instead am the wife. At the end of August 2019, hubby started being short of breath. He was winded climbing the stairs to the second floor of the house; this was not normal. He figured he was just "under the weather" and would just tough it out. (He's from a South Dakota family that considers going to a doctor to be only done if you're on your deathbed already) Anyway, he got up and went to work (was my day off) on Labor Day. Pretty soon he calls me and wants to know if I can look up "shortness of breath" and see what is wrong with him. Like, right. It's such a vague symptom, and I told him he should just go to the urgent care clinic. He hung up, but called back a few minutes later gasping for air and asking me to come get him to the clinic. I did so (he worked close by). It was 11AM and the clinic was due to close at noon. We went in and he sat down in the nearest chair, puffing, as they took details to check him in, then led him to an exam room. He apologized for wasting their time as they gave him an inhaler and took blood samples and tested his oxygen saturation. The doctor rolled back into the room with a chart in hand, and said, "Yes, some people waste time coming in here with a cold or something. You are NOT wasting our time; in fact, we need to get you to the ER right now." So we hauled him to the hospital ER and they met us at the door and ran him up to ICU. Well, he had bilateral pulmonary embolism. In non-medicalspeak, that's blood clots in both lungs. He was only a few hours or overnight away from death according to the doctor who treated him there. He's fine now but has to take medication to prevent clots from recurring. TL; DR Hubby thought he was being a wimp going to a doctor for shortness of breath; turned out to be blood clots in his lungs. Very bad if untreated.
@zoesbabyalives5615 2 года назад
I can attest to blood clots being bad. My grandma was hospitalized 2 Novembers ago because she was having really bad pain, I think in her back. Her heart went into A-fib, and she had a stroke the next day (while still at the hospital). Luckily her nurse realized what was going on, and rushed her to the CT scan/MRI so they could give her the medicine. If my uncle (who’s studying nursing), hadn’t brought her to the hospital 2 days earlier, she wouldn’t have gotten the medicine in time. Thank goodness for nurses who actually care for the patients, not just the money.
@judyayson 2 года назад
I am a lung transplant reciepiant so I know how important organ donation is believe me.Allthough I can't donate my organs now I'm still a donor for skin, catelidge, bone and cornea.All my family are donors too.i will celebrate my 12 yr lungaversary April 2nd.Thanks to you my beautiful donor❤️🙏
@pastelshadows6437 2 года назад
Not a hospital, but my mom went to see a doctor for prolonged fatigue and headache, and came out of it with a diagnosis for stage 4 leukemia and breast cancer. Against all odds, she survived, but chemo is a rough treatment that is now leaving her with a number of issues some 15 years later.
@QueenSunstar 2 года назад
I thought my burst appendix was just bad menstral pain. So did the ER doctor. Nurse pushed for a CT scan. Yep. Burst appendix. I was actually dying as I was rushed straight into surgery.
@thepinkestpigglet7529 2 года назад
Either you felt significantly less pain from your apendex than you should have, or you need to get tested for things like ovarian cysts and endometriosis.
@QueenSunstar 2 года назад
@@thepinkestpigglet7529 I have been tested for Endometriosis which I do have. There’s no need to test for ovarian cysts as I was born without ovaries.
@dukeofmeranien 2 года назад
My grandfather was diagnosed with Stage 1 lymphoma late last year. The next appointment that became Stage 2, and the one after that it became Stage 3, and then finally he was told that it was at Stage 4. So he went from being completely unaware of his cancer to having Stage 4 in the span of a few months.
@yas-per 2 года назад
Not a doctor, but my dad was having severe migraines and his vision was off, so he went to an eye doctor. Passed out in the waiting room, turns out he had brain cancer, dead within 3 years
@jacquifreeman6212 2 года назад
Took me till I was 20 to get diagnosed with 37 food allergies because adults always told me to "stop trying to get out of class" when I complained of daily stomach pain growing up
@18videowatcher41 2 года назад
When I was 15 I fell and hit my head. Had pain in my upper neck and back of my head. Went to the doctor and got a diagnosis of whiplash and a prescription For Robax Platinum. It seemed to help at first, but over the course of a week or two the pain started getting worse, and I eventually started throwing up. Went back to the doctor and got sent to the hospital for a CAT scan, where they found a tumor. It started in my sinus and grew up into my skull. I had surgery to remove it and then chemo and radiation. I asked how big it was and they told me it was roughly the size of a lime.
@jenniferlonnes7420 2 года назад
"Writhing in vicarious pain" is appropriate for most of these.
@impishrebel5969 2 года назад
Well that explains why my general pain levels went up just since watching.
@mechengr1731 7 месяцев назад
I don't even have a penis and I recoiled at that one 🤣🤣🤣
@rowensilvestre6557 2 года назад
My boyfriend thought he was just having symptoms of a covid shot, but the symptoms kept getting worse. Turns out he had an enlarged speen (that ruptured) due to asymptomatic mono. He was in the hospital for a few weeks and bedridden for like 2 more.
@scepticalhyenas5750 2 года назад
6:05 _"where is this bacteria commonly located?"_ Fun fact for you- Youve probably already encountered it a few times in your life! Just, not as a flesh eating infection. Its better known for causing some especially nasty (but not flesh eating) food poisoning. Diarrhea, stomach cramps, 6 - 24 hours after eating, usually lasts a little less than 24 hours. Outbreaks are pretty common in places serving a lot of people at a time, like hospitals, cafeterias, old folks homes & prisons, and at big fancy events with the big fancy catered food. Oh, and in November - December because everyone is hungry for those beloved holiday foods (turkey and roast beef!)
@impishrebel5969 2 года назад
Legit. I bet a lot of people would go "NOPE. Bye world. I'mma get off" if they really knew how many bacteria they're exposed to on a daily basis has the ability to become a flesh eating infection. It'd give anyone who has had strep as a kid the willies.
@thepinkestpigglet7529 2 года назад
The human body is so amazing out something that would absolutely kill us in some circumstances is only an annoyance in others
@KendraKingery 2 года назад
I only had two wisdom teeth, but one of them became impacted which resulted in an infection. I scheduled the earliest appointment with a dentist but it was 5 days before Christmas and it was hard to get one around that time. When they finally got me in, i could barely open my mouth. The dentist said that i was 2-3 days away from sepsis. They went ahead and took both of my wisdom teeth that day.
@Meowmeowfruit 2 года назад
I totally remember this day as if it was yesterday. I was getting headaches every time I ate food, this was happening for a couple months (I also lost like 40 pounds too, but didn’t think much of it), I told my mom and she finally decided to take me to the doctor and they made me do a blood test. Flash forwarded a few days later, I was in class (13 years old at the time) and I got a call to go home, very weird cause usually that never happens. I get in the car and my mom tells me the doctor called and told us that my blood sugar was super high in the 400’s and my A1C was 12.5, I had to immediately go to the hospital. I was completely shocked, the doctors diagnosed me with type 2 diabetes, this changed my life forever, I had to change my eating habits, count carbs and take insulin. Thankfully 6 years later, I’m only taking pills, but I have other health problems that never seem to end, but I try to stay positive!
@___LC___ 2 года назад
I was injured at work and forced to remain the rest of my shift. I went to the ER after having to do a debrief with the boss and incident report. The ER at my clinic sent me to the ER at the hospital for a CT scan. I had driven myself, as work couldn’t spare anyone…not even the boss who was doing office work. Seeing how shit my employer had been I didn’t want to take an ambulance less than half a mile to the hospital. I had a swelling brain injury from the blow to my head and due to delay in treatment, I was at risk of death and after the emergency treatment and hospital, I was still on massive anti inflammatory meds for a month. After the initial symptoms calmed down, I still had blurry vision. I had been struck so hard my retina tore and the following day I had to have a family member drive me for emergency eye surgery. My eye is still checked every year to be sure it isn’t detaching. My employer stopped paying my bills for treatment a decade ago, when I left the job. (I am now disabled, as I caught a virus at this workplace and forced to work despite a high fever. It was meningitis. I am now unable to work.)
@missharry5727 2 года назад
My mother for many years had a mild form of bladder cancer (lifelong heavy smoker) that was well controlled by local infusions. But this made her prone to kidney infections. She suddenly started to show signs of eccentric behaviour and delusions which are common in old people with kidney infections and went on antibiotics which didn't seem to help. She was sent to the hospital for a scan in case she had kidney stones which can act as a focus for infection. This showed a big tumour on one of her kidneys. It was successfully removed and identified as cancerous. But she died quite shortly afterwards without leaving hospital. Her history of recurrent kidney problems masked the signs of cancer.
@IAMdevilwomen 2 года назад
6:40 got me bawling, I had to stop watching the video, that's how my mom's ALS started out, I watched my best friend die January 21, 2016, my world ended that day, no support from family either, they all stopped talking to me when I got told I had adhd, bipolar, and a TBI...I am alone, I wouldn't wish ALS on my worse enemy, not that I'd feel sorry for them, but for their family, I had to watch my mom slowly go downhill, ALS has a average lifespan of 1-3 years...mom had it 3 years....there is different "branches" of ALS where it only goes so far then stops, but most people pass away from it, now I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep---I was telling myself please don't let it be ALS, but well :'-( I feel sorry for that man, his wife and their family
@2lucid107 2 года назад
If I was diagnosed with ALS I'd get a gun with a single bullet. I'm very sorry for your loss. I also have bipolar and a TBI.
@lunaleonhardt4703 2 года назад
This happened to me recently. I thought I just had a pimple on my cheek. It hurt pretty bad, but I just decided to leave it. A few hours later I go to bathroom and looked in the mirror. The bump got bigger and started to become red. I still decided to leave it. The next morning I went to the doctor just in case, because the swelling had gotten really bad at this point. I had a bacterial infection in my face. I was in the hospital for 3 days while on very strong antibiotics. I was told that if I didn’t go to hospital I could’ve died of septic shock.
@2lucid107 2 года назад
I've had 3 surgeries on each of my ears for colestotomas (sp?). My hearing was partially restored but I have hearing aids. If the Drs in my youth had treated my chronic ear infections, I probably wouldn't have had the problem.
@ettinakitten5047 2 года назад
My Dad had a respiratory illness that he thought might be a mild case of pneumonia, so he went to the Mediclinic. The respiratory illness was nothing more than a common cold, but during his physical, they realized his blood pressure was 220/190 (normal is 120/80). He was immediately admitted to hospital and spent three days getting medication to lower his blood pressure while they monitored him *very* closely. Luckily, he was fine and his blood pressure has been good on meds ever since, but he could've had a stroke or serious bleed at any moment.
@sarahl88 2 года назад
Thank goodness for the doctor who actually listened to and looked into his patient saying she was in pain instead of ignoring her like the previous ones who just dismissed her as drug seeking. She could have died!
@heatherhillman7280 2 года назад
Having worked in a doctor's office, I have seen nurses and medical assistants become a bit jaded about drug seekers, but none would have said what that ER nurse said. Good God. I also understand that pain meds have become a serious addiction issue, but my son was denied pain meds for a broken leg. The same hospital gave my other son pain meds for a broken arm. WTF???
@chalkwarrior5542 Год назад
I was the patient for this one. Late 2020, we had increased a dosage of one of my medications so it would work as an antidepressant, because I was having a really, really rough time that year. I started getting frequent nosebleeds and my blood pressure would drop a lot whenever I stood up. It was pretty suspicious so we went to the doctor. Turns out I was having an abnormal reaction to the medication and it could've killed me. We went off the medication immediately and I had to suffer withdrawals for a week while getting my blood pressure checked every day by my mom. I wasn't trusted to stand up and walk around alone out of fear of my blood pressure dropping so low I'd pass out. It was horrible. I felt so awful both physically and mentally. My heartrate is still a tiny bit goofed up by it, but I'm glad I'm alive.
@2lucid107 2 года назад
I was run over by a very Large horse (1800 lbs). That's like hitting a concrete barrier in a car at 20mph and having the air bags deployed on you. The ER doctor wouldn't give me pain meds to take home.
@allycat824 2 года назад
WTF?! They hand them out like candy when I go for pelvic pain
@jonesnori 2 года назад
Are you female-presenting, and/or a person of color? Both groups are more likely to be dismissed and not listened to, or assumed to be drug-seeking. Especially people of color are more likely to get that attitude. It's iniquitous.
@commanderzavala9328 2 года назад
@@jonesnori Take your victim complex back to Twitter.
@jonesnori 2 года назад
@@commanderzavala9328 Trolls will be trolls.
@commanderzavala9328 2 года назад
@@jonesnori How am I a troll for pointing out your BS? Stop pretending like POCs and "women presenting" (they're just women btw) get victimized. You're such an obvious leftist sheep lol.
@ninabriesch4184 2 года назад
10:19 The Nutcracker Story... Oh dang... I am a Woman and i flinshed reading this story.. Hope the guy was ok after the released his NUT.... No wonder he passed out ..
@thebaddestogre-3698 2 года назад
As someone who has been hit hard enough in the sack to vomit uncontrollably with extreme tunnel vision for 15 min.... just wow...💀
@melissawittman 2 года назад
This is all so scary. Yes, listen to your body and to your family! My late husband refused to seek medical attention for a small lump on his thigh. His entire leg was swollen before he went in. Sarcoma. He died 7 months later.
@ActionYakPolice 2 года назад
there should be some sort of required course that doctors have to take where they are shown case after case after case where a patient was dismissed as being dramatic or over reacting and then they fucking died so more of them might actually take them seriously
@jennisparx304 2 года назад
My buddy went to the doctor because he thought he had low iron values and needed a diagnosis to be sure and get supplements. He's now in hospital fighting leukemia.
@melissajarvis4829 2 года назад
@jennisparx304 2 года назад
@@melissajarvis4829 No? I'm confused why did you ask that? 😂
@melissajarvis4829 2 года назад
@@jennisparx304 Because I learned from comments on a different video that Canadians have to have a prescription to get iron supplements. In the US, you go to the doctor for diagnoses, but iron supplements are over the counter. Re-reading your comment, I think I slightly misread it. 🤷‍♀️
@jennisparx304 2 года назад
@@melissajarvis4829 oh no we're in Europe. They're over the counter here too but he wanted to get the diagnosis anyways because he didn't wanna just take stuff if he didn't actually need it.
@sheilaheinrich2656 2 года назад
@Melissa Jarvis, at least in the Canadian province I live in you just have to ask the pharmacist for the iron supplements. They are kept behind the counter these days.
@draconiusultamius 2 года назад
Cancer is terrifying. Ive seen a guy who came in for some stomach pain, who was dead within a month. I do regret not talking to the family though. Ooh, I can't believe I forgot this one. Young guy comes in after getting hit in the head with a soccer balls and falling over during a practice. He was apparently conscious during the transfer and in the ED, but he got worse over the course of the night. Went into a coma and had to be intubated and transferred to a specialist hospital. I have no idea what happened to him afterwards, but I really hope he made a recovery.
@katrinaquezada42 2 года назад
My Tio went to the doctor because he thought he had developed asthma. Turns out he had end stage lung cancer and died 2 weeks later. No symptoms but a mild backache and mild but persistent cough.
@michaelaallanson4971 2 года назад
"dislocating your hip isn't common" laughs in Ehlers-danlos Syndrome
@LoveShaysloco 2 года назад
not a doc but emt paramedic trained. i was getting bad vibs from this one person. just he looked wrong like he was walking normal but just not that normal bounce. i talked to him and convinced him to go to the doc and get an ekg. well a few months later he came to my work and he looked good. he told me when he hit the doctor they hooked him up like yeah your hearts healthy all the jazz. 5 minutes later while he was still hooked up it hit. complete normal 123/87 63 pulse to nothing. i forget what he was diagnosed with but hes the only know survivor for if he wasnt under a cardiologist care as soon as it happed its a one way trip to the morgue and once they got it back started and a pacemaker put in he lives. he said ok to have his ekg to be shown in medical school
@janedoex1398 2 года назад
Complete heartblock ?
@LoveShaysloco 2 года назад
@@janedoex1398 whats funny i just ran into him yesterday. it was his sinoatrial node that tells his heart muscles to contract. AKA your natural pacemaker. which your dead if not found and his warranty was expired as it were and was failing just didnt know it yet
@jingerjar1365 2 года назад
I a nurse went to the ER.had been coughing so deeply and difficulty breathing. They asked me if I had a DNR. WHAT!! I was admitted became so weak I could not take two steps. I did recover. They told me I had a lactate of 5 . A 4 your knocking on heaven's door. A 5 your in the other side.
@cherylmcelveen2817 2 года назад
Forcefully pushing DNR's is becoming ubiquitous. Depopulation and all. Agenda 21. Look into it.
@83gemm 2 года назад
Jesus Christ I made it six minutes in and I’m running away to watch kitten videos. How in the ever loving f*ck do you medical professionals do it?! You are incredible and I just don’t have words to thank you
@isabelsanders4698 2 года назад
I went into the doctor for a med check because I felt more depressed and wanted a higher dosage. She noticed my rapid weight loss and asked about how I’d been eating and I’d told her about the restriction. She ordered an EKG for me, found out heart rate was 55 and was admitted to the hospital the following week. When I got there, I was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa and bradycardia and my heart rate had gotten to 20 bpm, I would have died in the next month or even weeks if I had not gone in for my meds.
@cacklepop9953 2 года назад
I knew a guy who worked in construction with me. For one we called him Thumbs because he had a condition as a kid where his hands started growing abnormally big. Anyway one time he fell off the roof and broke his spine and had to be rushed in to the hospital, during xrays they found out he had Lung cancer, had to get the lung removed and he was in remission for 15 years but had no idea it had come back, he died this past spring do to cancer.
@AlejandroMartinez-ft7nh 2 года назад
The leg deflating and smelling reminded me of when my cyst burst!! I swear I had the smell stuck in my nose for a whole week!! I would ask everyone around me if i smelled
@markiusgalfordii9248 2 года назад
I can tell you from experience I rather pop my shoulder out of place then my hip again. Seriously I would rather have my shoulder pop out of socket every day for the rest of my life than the deal with my hip again
@msjrockqueen2011 2 года назад
My dad went to urgent care for what he thought were flu-like symptoms; as soon as she saw him, the receptionist told him to go straight to the ER, where he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure.
@elspethgraham9531 2 года назад
I woke up in the middle of the night with back pain. I tried lying on the floor with my feet elevated, hoping that the pain would go away that way. Tyelnol didn't even touch the pain. Found out I was having my one and only gall bladder attack. They kept me for a couple of days for observation. Spiked a fever and they sent me off to the OR to get it removed. The surgeon discovered I had a gangrenous gall bladder. Was on heavy IV antibiotics for 4 days and 3 weeks of oral antibiotics - to make sure that nothing from the gall bladder spilled into my abdomen and cause sepsis.
@oderstein9368 2 года назад
Mine was not that bad, but I had fallen down the stairs and came to the hospital thinking it was just a sprained ankle, maybe get a bandadge and go home. Get to the hospital, get an x-ray taken and next thing I know I am booked for surgery because my ankle was broken. Had to stay in the hospital for 5 days.
@stoneforest2639 2 года назад
In June/july of last year (2021) I had a small circle of red on my shoulder that looked kinda like a Lyme disease spot. Pretty serious but can be fixed easily if it’s caught early, which it was. I was diagnosed with cellulitis and got the antibiotics for it and just in case it was the kind that could kill Lyme. 2 weeks later I feel like I’m dying, and I want to die, go to the ER with C-Diff triggered by the antibiotics and also an Ecoli infection. But they didn’t catch the C-Diff at first so I got rehydrated and went home. Felt better but a week later I was dying again so then I finally got the diagnosis. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. I learned what a 10 on a pain scale felt like, honestly a 12 on the pain index. I got morphine and other pain meds I can’t remember the name of and still, 10 pain, they couldn’t give me any more medicine without killing me. I hope no one has to ever experience it… but it happens probably every day…
@billymasoner3735 5 месяцев назад
If a medical professional ever said “sorry you didn’t get the diagnosis you were looking for” to me, I wouldn’t leave until they were fired. How dare they!
@zoesbabyalives5615 2 года назад
I have a story that’s the opposite. One day about a week before winter break, I was sitting in my history class taking notes. As we were finishing up, my teacher all of a sudden passes out, falls out of his chair, and hits his head on his desk or a file cabinet. Since I sit right in front of his desk, I saw it happen and immediately ask if he’s okay, don’t get a response, and start yelling for someone to call the office so we can get a nurse to check and make sure he’s okay. He eventually regained consciousness, and they called 911 to make sure his heart was okay. Turned out, it was just a bought of vasovagosyncopy (spelling?), or a sudden lowering of his blood pressure. He was luckily okay, besides a nasty black eye. I told him he was lucky he taught upper classmen and not freshman. ( part of our health class curriculum was first-aid and cpr, (you could even get certified) so depending on where they were in their class, they may not have known what to do.)
@emilyjohnson6639 2 года назад
A couple months ago I went to an urgent care clinic after not feeling well for a few days. They said I had strep and gave me amoxicillin. Started taking it and just got worse. I was literally not eating or drinking, severely dehydrated and couldn't move, also throwing up. Went to the ER. Turns out I actually had Mono, a UTI, and Tonsillitis. They said I wasn't getting any better because amoxicillin has a very negative reaction with Mono and was essentially poisoning me. My liver and spleen were severely enlarged and working at 3x the normal level. Went home with a new antibiotic and a steroid. Turned out I was allergic to the new antibiotic too, a sulfa drug which is pretty common. It was a rough few weeks. Moral of the story, if they say you have strep but don't actually test you for it, ask for a test. It takes like 5 minutes for a rapid result test. And trust your gut. That's the only reason I went to the hospital anyway was because some part of me just knew something was very very wrong.
@CrochetIsLife54 2 года назад
Not as scary as some stories, but I was pregnant with my first child. One day, I was feeling really nauseous. So I called the Ob-Gyn to ask what was safe to take for nausea and diarrhea. They called back and told me to go immediately to the hospital. Apparently, this was an early sign of labor. I was skeptical, but had my husband take me. The next day I had my sweet baby. (My first labor took some 21 hours.)
@mmmmmmmmaria 2 года назад
congratulations on your baby :) nice to see a happy ending
@RCMN-2024 2 года назад
My mother was showing symptoms of diabetes, her blood sugar was so high that they sent her blood off for testing Her blood sugar was much higher than 19 in one of these stories. It was 42, immediately hospitalised, Drs were astounded that she wasnt dead and no organ damage
@jonesnori 2 года назад
iniquities. [Edit: I have no idea what that first word was supposed to be. Thank you, Autocorrect.] We're working on different scales? 19 and 42 are very low blood sugar numbers on the scales I'm familiar with.
@RCMN-2024 2 года назад
@@jonesnori Australian blood sugar level testing, 5 normal, 7 is normal after a meal, anything higher than that is concerning. 18 can mean death, so the fact she was 42 and levels so high that the hospital couldnt read and sent bloods off for testing. She was seeing things and craving sugar
@jonesnori 2 года назад
@@RCMN-2024 Thank you! I had a vague memory that different countries measured differently, but I wasn't sure. Imperial vs Metric, perhaps. Is your mother okay?
@RCMN-2024 2 года назад
@@jonesnori She survived that one and many years to come, she passed away at 80 from dementia and she wasnt a very nice person, she survived many things including going through a windshield in a car accident, we joke she would be like that guy from Roger Rabbit that gets steamrolled and pops up again
@jonesnori 2 года назад
@@RCMN-2024 That's very tough. I'm sorry.
@arcanesiren629 2 года назад
16:23 That's exactly what had happened to a middle school classmate of mine years ago! I can't recall if it was 7th grade or 8th grade. His eardrum ruptured and instead of healing, the skin wrapped around his ear bones, so he had to get artificial ones implanted; otherwise it would've spread to his brain, and therefore cause death. He was out of school for about a month.
@Aspen-The-Folf Год назад
"you had approximately 50 seizures in your sleep, you should be dead." after I went home, I played Uno with a few friends. I started seizing. got up 10 minutes later, and I felt fine.
@firechasersparkles2023 Год назад
Both my great-grandmother and one of my aunts had breast cancer. My great-grandmother had to have the entire breast removed, but she survived and is turning 95 near the end of January. My aunt survived as well because the doctors spotted it before it had a chance to spread to the rest of her body.
@raptorblue193 5 месяцев назад
the cancer ones scare me. i hate the idea that something can kill you from the inside silently without anyone knowing.
@thatonefangirl4395 7 месяцев назад
This happened to me back in 2016. While trying to go to sleep I had a random pain in my stomach, thought I had to use the bathroom. That didn’t work. Thought it was how I was sleeping, so I tried various positions to see if that worked, still pain. I asked my mom if she can bring me some medicine, she comes up and feels my stomach then told me to get up and get my coat on (this happened in February and tail snow on the ground) confused and didn’t want to question why I did so. Thought she was going to a pharmacy to look for medicine and wanted me to come with. Nope. Brought me to the ER, that point I was a bit scared… after a few tests, turns out my appendix was about to burst and need to have an appendectomy. Thankfully I only stayed at the hospital for 14 hours and recovered very quickly.
@AlienWithABox 2 года назад
I was born with a major cleft palate and, amongst many other things, it made my ear canals very narrow. As a kid, ear wax didn't vacate my ear very well and water would become trapped in my ears after swimming/bathing. I had frequent middle ear infections that required grommets and hearing problems associated with wax build-up, which I temporarily had hearing aids for. These problems subsided as a teen when my ear canals grew with the rest of my body. So, a couple of years ago, I noticed my hearing was a bit off again and I assumed it was due to wax build-up. It seemed to get a bit better whenever I cleared my ears with drops. I finally mentioned it to a doctor this year because I felt a stiff fullness and my hearing was still worsening. He looks in and I expect to hear that they're impacted. Nope, he can see my ear drums; large parts are cloudy and white, calcified by years of ear infections and grommets - if they'd completely calcified, I would be deaf. The only way to fix it is invasive surgery and if it doesn't work, I'll have heavy-duty hearing aids for the rest of my life. Went in to deal with pesky ear wax and came out with confirmed hearing loss and a referral to an ENT surgeon. I wouldn't mind the hearing loss so much if it wasn't for the fact my eyesight gets notably worse every year and I already have coke-bottle lenses. I need *some* of my senses. Guess my next stop is the eye specialist.
@horohorosrin 2 года назад
I'd make a point to inform the hospital in that last one that they almost killed me with their bullshit if that were me. Also, this shit makes me wanna see a dermatologist.
@cherylmcelveen2817 2 года назад
They do not care. They are just like courts. They DO NOT CARE.
@horohorosrin 2 года назад
@@cherylmcelveen2817 Hate to break it to you, but yeah, the hospitals care when a potential lawsuit is walking about.
@melissaharris3890 2 года назад
not life threatening serious, but an old farmer dealt with pain for 6ish weeks that would of put most in the hospital. my grandpa had a regular appt with his gp. complained that he fell in the barn a few weeks ago and his hip was bothering him since that. set for an x-ray, and he goes home. gets a call from his gp saying who he got chewed out by the xray tech for sending an 88 year old home with a broken hip. it was a hairline fracture that had already started to heal. but very similar MS diagnosis story. had double vision, went to eye doc who sent me to a specialist. specialist thought it was muscular bt wanted an MRI to be safe. 6 months later i was dxd with MS
@janedoex1398 2 года назад
Eye -problems or specifically an Irritation of the optic nerve is one of the first signs of MS ! Learned that and was even sent to look at it during my time at an opthomology outpatient clinic as a nurse in training. When the pupils are fully dilated via Atropin ( the same drug like in some poisonous berries and plants "Angel's trumpet" I think is what the flowers are called) someone trained one can see changes on the retina and where the optic nerve comes in. Then an MRI is ordered to rule out or confirm , along with other tests. Can't remember much more since it's been 2004 when I was there.
@lcoq19 2 года назад
Uploaded 6 mins ago? Don't mind if I do! 😜😂😊
@tterygoney6521 2 года назад
@chrismunoz5791 2 года назад
I have PTSAID from picking my diabetic mother off the morning a few days after Christmas in 2020. I thought she had a stroke, because it turned out that she was slipping into a diabetic coma! I saved her life.
@Kurogane_666 2 года назад
Oh my God about the guy who's testicle went up into his hip socket I am in bed at 2:00 a.m. screaming in pain because I could feel a slight twinge like that
@sarahjackson1862 2 года назад
The eardrum one got me. I hope that guy sues the doctor who didn't believe him.
@TheQueenRulesAll 2 года назад
My mother had pain in her thigh and dr thought it was shingles. A few days later took her to emergency and she passed away days later from flesh eating bacteria. They don't know really but seemed, at that time, to come from a couple areas and my mum went to one of them for a few days away. Horrible, horrible, horrible experience for the patient and their loved ones.
@madhonib 2 года назад
I have a really bad chronic pain disorder. For some reason even in my 60's the ER accuses folks of drug-seeking all the time. I have a pain management DR. I get the best pain meds. So when I have to go in, I wait until the end of the appointment when they ask if I want pain meds & I tell them, no, Thank you. that makes me feel better. It really is the little things in life that make it so rich. IMHO peace
@greninjastorm6734 2 года назад
Half my face swelled up when I was a kid, so I was taken to the doctor. Turned out I had an infected cavity in a tooth, and it had to be removed. I spent several days in the hospital because of it
@squigl3z78 2 года назад
The fact doctors think people are lying about stuff is insane . Especially in the US , where every visit costs an arm and a leg and I’m paying like 800 a month just for the healthcare plan and they don’t even fuckin cover everything
@sophiakennett8708 2 года назад
I hope the ear person sued those doctors
@honorladone8682 2 года назад
As an ancient cardiac RN.... thanks for the memories. Philadelphia USA
@Slugc_m 19 дней назад
20:18 I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at 12. Because I was so young the docs were in denial and diagnosed me with something else. It only until the relapses kept occurring was when they gave me the diagnosis. It’s scary and life changing.
@cornholiofromtitica 2 года назад
The one about the kid being born with a broken spine reminds me of my own problem. I was working with the strongest guy I ever knew. He taught me how to load 55 gallon drums of motor oil or anti-freeze into the bed of a 3/4 ton pick up truck on my own. No forklift or heister. Just muscle and leverage. Pretty easy, really. One day I was in a hurry. Pop, pop. Dummy me thought I had just pulled/ torn muscles. I crawled to the front window of the warehouse. Told my co-oworker I had hurt my back or something. He leaned over the counter and asked me if I was serious. After they poured me into my car I think they believed me. I missed 2 weeks but got better so never saw a doctor. For the next 5 years I would hurt for maybe a week or so every year but still no worries. One day I turned to answer somebody and just collapsed. It was excruciating but I could get to my feet if I turned at the waist just so but it still hurt badly so I went to my doctor. I was in his waiting room for 5 minutes when they said I needed to be in a hospital so off we go. Next morning he walks in with x-rays and told me I had broken my back and it grew back funny (not ha ha). Nothing to do at that point except wait for surgery to catch up. Still waiting. He would give me muscle relaxers but the pain meds did nothing. I complained one time but he told me to take it like a man. He gave me a stretching exercise. I hated that guy for years . It took a while but I did get better. I'd have episodes that hurt but I was still able to be active even in sports up into my late 40s...tackle football on the school yard anybody? LOL I hated that Doc but he did the best thing I could have asked for. Late 60s now and it may lock for a millisecond of excruciating pain once or twice a year but that's it. Nothing really. I have 2 other friends who have broken their backs. Both of them had operations. I am like 100x better off than either. One is bed ridden and one is in constant pain and pretty immobile. I broke a vertibra into 3 pieces and their injuries are probably worse. I do look like the poster child (poster old geezer?) for scoliosis though. On my right side it looks like I have love handles. My left side, not so bad. X-rays are brutal but now I REALLY thank my doctor for not operating on me. Lift with your legs people.
@chloedavis1013 Год назад
"sorry you didnt get the diagnosis you were hoping for" has been said to me before. i, in fact, DID get the diagnosis (hip dysplasia) multiple times from other doctors throughout my life and had only gone to that doctor (ortho/physical therapy doctor) looking for possible treatment.
@madskitz8985 2 года назад
had my first covid shot at 3pm one arvo. 8pm that same night came over nauseous and was in tears. 2 days later, still ill feeling, i got mum in the car to take me to hospital; thinking the covid shot was reacting badly with me. threw up as we pulled out the driveway, and felt better. decided to stay home. was fine for a day, went to work (10hr shift) and was still fine. less than 24hrs later i was writhing in pain, hysterical, almost screaming. got mum to take me to hospital at 2am. got 2mins around the corner and threw up, but got her to keep going. after 4hrs in the waiting room, and 2hrs in a bed on a drip, i was told i had a SEVERE UTI (one of the worst theyd seen for a while) and would have gotten much, much worse if i hadnt gone in. Apparently this mystery UTI had been going on for about 5 weeks🥲
@reasonsvoice8554 2 года назад
Been registered as a organ donor since i was 16 im a motorcyclist its the smart move i suppose if anyone needs any spare parts once im screwed their welcome
@cynthiaholland13 2 года назад
Well please be careful
@reasonsvoice8554 2 года назад
@@cynthiaholland13 thanks for caring 👍🏻
@Random_Snek 2 года назад
5:59 That bacteria is very common and is found in raw meats and the environment and is apparently a common cause for food poisoning, that must've been a extreme case I looked it up and I'm not a professional
@vovin8132 2 года назад
14:26 One thing most people don't realize is that cancer spreads quickly if you have it and get injured, like falling down some stairs.
@abandonedaccount123 2 года назад
my body feels sensitive and funny now i dont like reading about injuries why did i listen to this :(((
@karenhuffman4537 2 года назад
That's how I got my MS diagnosis... well Mine wasn't that quick. I was seeing double and after a string of doctors over a couple weeks.. Yep. Multiple Sclerosis.
@lauralfreeberg2179 2 года назад
I thought I had the stomach flu. It was a potassium/sodium deficiency so bad I was in ICU for three days, and in the general medical floor for another two
@jewelsbarbie 2 года назад
What caused such a massive sodium/potassium deficiency? I’m glad you’re ok.
@lauralfreeberg2179 2 года назад
@@jewelsbarbie Just over work and a bad eating habits
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