
Does Ezekiel 40 Teach that There Will Be a Rebuilt Jewish Temple in Jerusalem? 

Bible Answer Man
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@jamesmurphy6405 Год назад
This answer was great, it explained to us that Ezekiel , in Ezek.38-40, His vision of the Temple, was the 2nd Temple, NOT a Third Temple, in the Millenium, I Got it!!
@TVTechInc Год назад
Best explanation I have heard regarding this topic. Thanks Hank!
@jamesb6818 4 года назад
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 another great job explaining things Hank.
@Imperialbbuilding 4 года назад
As usual, hank is on the money!
@graylad 3 года назад
WE ARE EZEKIEL 'S TEMPLE ◄ 1 Peter 2:5 ► you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
@aquila813apologetics3 3 года назад
we're the current temple for sure, but the third physical temple will be built in the millennium
@mikezieg80 Год назад
No more keeping of Feasts. The law & prophets was fufilled. Law is written into our minds and ❤s.
@mustardseedlivepunjeyahara5292 4 месяца назад
During Ezekiel time It was also times of Daniel and Jeremiah King Cyrus And Hezekiah....... The temple of Ezekiel,is our bodies.... No 3rd temple built with human hands
@BibleAnswerMan 4 месяца назад
@mustardseedlivepunjeyahara5292 Point of view appreciated. Thoughts on Steve Gregg's article - www.equip.org/articles/making-sense-ezekiels-temple-vision/#christian-books-4
@larrybedouin2921 Год назад
Ezekiel's temple is old covenant language.
@rayrayner4426 4 года назад
Why is Ezekiel still in the bible, does it not shed doubt on the fulfilment of God's word? If it is built now and sacrifices resume, what does it say about jesus?
@BibleAnswerMan 4 года назад
Yes, there are lots of difficulties with seeing Ezekiel’s temple as something in the future. Check out our article on making sense of Ezekiel’s temple.. www.equip.org/articles/making-sense-ezekiels-temple-vision/#christian-books-4
@aquila813apologetics3 3 года назад
the temple will be built in the millennium. Animal sacrifices will be reinstituted as a memorial
@debbieward9732 3 года назад
@@aquila813apologetics3 - that makes no sense at all.
@aquila813apologetics3 3 года назад
@@debbieward9732 How do you mean? Ezekiel 40 to 48 blatantly tells us of a rebuilt temple in the millennium and mentions animal sacrifices. You're saying the Bible makes no sense there, not me. That is literally what it says.
@debbieward9732 3 года назад
@@aquila813apologetics3 - where is Jesus In the millennium?
@CVTR_ Год назад
Since your explanation doesn't explain anything. there are 9 chapters where we see God all the time saying, do, I command, fulfill, and all this to show Jesus? Negative, the death of Jesus buys the church with your blood and not the nations of the earth in the millennial kingdom
@Son_of_Yahuah 2 года назад
biased due to a beliefe in christian doctrine which blinds pure thinking . You can believe in Yeshua but doctrine is messing you up.
@gregmiell3037 4 месяца назад
An "idealized" temple with pages of exact measurements ? No. If that's the case, may as well rip out the last 8 chapters of Ezekiel and throw them away.
@BibleAnswerMan 4 месяца назад
@gregmiell3037 Why not? What of the highly symbolic prophetic imagery in Ezekiel?
@empese1127 20 дней назад
What an amazing way to allegorize Scripture. Nothing new, its been happening since Origen.
@BibleAnswerMan 19 дней назад
@empese1127 How is Hank's answer an example of allegorizing? Have you actually studied Origen's writings on the interpretation of the Scriptures?
@mikezieg80 Год назад
Ez40:1 25th year in captivity. 580bc next temple built 516bc
@mikezieg80 Год назад
The 25th year of captivity Ezekiel saw this!!!!😊 🤔
@rbublitz3322 11 месяцев назад
Really no idea
@mikezieg80 Год назад
6th year of King Darius. Built by Zerubbabel🤔
@TimeCrown 10 месяцев назад
You're the one who's drooling. Interpret the prophetic word by your own thoughts.
@mikezieg80 Год назад
516 bc temple!
He is wrong
@godisnotmocked1345 3 года назад
The temple Jesus is building is made up of living stones. John said he saw the new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven as a bride beautifully adorned for her husband. Jesus raptures the church a half hour passes by and then we return with Him as the new Jerusalem Bride and He cleans house with breath of His mouth. Then He sets up His kingdom.
@michelonyemerekwe4122 Год назад
For Certain the Ezekeil Temple must Be built. God can not say one thing and mean another. May Gof forgive our misuderstading of his Word Romans9vs15-16.
@mattburns617 2 года назад
Ezekiel does indeed describe the Millennial Temple, the one that will be built after Christ's returns. A literal temple, sacrifices and priesthood restored. Zechariah even confirms that Gentiles (who survive the Tribulation) will go to Jerusalem yearly to keep the Feasts of Tabernacles and take sacrificial offerings with. And Isaiah confirms Gentiles will keep the Sabbath and new moon calendar during the Millennial Reign of Christ. Hank is way off here, he completely misunderstands the purpose of the NT. The Torah was never abolished, Christ came to keep (fulfil) the Torah. The NT covenant provides the power to keep (to obey) the OT. Hank refers to communion but does not realise that communion is a Jewish tradition that was birthed during the Wilderness experience, all Christ did was expound on the meaning of it. He relates communion to Atonement but the tradition is referring to Passover. Even water baptism is a Torah command, called a mikvah, an immersion by water for the purpose of ritual cleansing. John the Baptist simply expounded on it after he realised what it was referring to in a spiritual sense. We do not do water baptism as a means to earn salvation but as a symbolic act, an act of obedience after the declaration of faith. The same mentality was what Paul was going on about in Romans and Galatians, Paul never said to stop following the commandments, but said one cannot earn salvation via legalistic obedience to the commandments. Put it this way: The Torah is like the Rules of the Road, if you break a traffic law you receive a fine in the post that has your name, the law you broke, evidence, the penalty for the violation, and details to contest it. What Christ did was pay the traffic fine on your behalf, then said to you, "go, your fine is paid for, but you must now obey the laws because the Rules of the Road are still valid." What Christians do is they believe the Rules of the Road have been abolished, whereas that is a lie, it was only the fine that was nailed to the cross, not the Torah itself. The Temple and all its rights were never abolished, they were always symbolic, a shadow but that never meant they would be obsolete because salvation was always a matter of faith even before the Torah was given. Look, it is not the pork itself that makes you unclean, but it is the decision (from the heart) to disobey a direct command ("do not eat pork") that puts one in an unfavourable position with God. It is not the physical act of adultery that concerns God but rather the heart of the person who decided to commit adultery that concerns Him. Hank, the Torah was never abolished, and when Christ returns Ezekiel's Temple will be built. Mankind will again see the daily animal sacrifices, literal blood. But here is the gist of it: the Jews will perform the Torah's requirements (literally) as a remembrance, a perpetual memorial, a symbolic act. They will finally understand that they cannot earn salvation via legalistic obedience, that salvation was always a matter of trust first then followed by obedience. The fact most of the laws are shadows does not mean they are done away with and no longer required, rather they must still be performed, but with understanding. The same mentality you have when you take communion is the same mentality the Jews will have concerning the Torah during the Millennial Reign of Yeshua. Shalom.
@gospelstudio1820 2 года назад
Christ was the last sacrifice. There are no more sacrifices needed. Hebrews 10:1-18
@mattburns617 2 года назад
@@gospelstudio1820 Try look at it differently, Hebrews 10 does not say the Law is done away with, rather it says it could never produce forgiveness, it says that if could have provided the end goal then the sacrifices would have ceased. Verse 4 clarifies that the sacrifices were only reminder of something greater, the same principle is applied to water baptism, a Torah-based ritual that was never a means to salvation, but is rather a symbolic act. The same mindset we apply to water baptism (read Leviticus 15 and see how many times it says to immerse oneself in water) is the same mindset we must apply to the whole of Torah. Salvation was always a matter of faith, for those before Christ and for those after Christ. How was David saved? The same way we are, by faith. The Psalms clearly show he was filled with God's Spirit. Also, and this is a big problem for Christianity, Paul went to Jerusalem to perform animal sacrifices towards the end of his journeys. It's there in the Book of Acts. In Acts 18:18 Paul does the Nazarite Vow (Numbers 6), so he cuts his hair short because the vow requires the person to not cut their hair for the duration of the vow, so it makes it easier to start the vow with short hair. Now Paul does some travels then makes his way back to Jerusalem at the Spirit's calling, then we come to Acts 21:17-21. Jacob says there is a rumour going around that Paul teaches against the Torah, but Jacob knows that that is a lie. Jacob speaks of how the new converts are all passionate/zealous for the Law of Moses, for literal obedience (a good thing!), he even says how they told the Gentiles to be literally obedient to the Law of Moses (such as not drink blood, not fornicate, not eat meat from strangled animals, all of which come from the Torah, namely Leviticus). He then says to Paul that other Jews have done the Nazarite Vow as well, so in order to squash the rumour Paul must take those Jews to the temple, along with himself, to perform the purification rites and offerings as required by Numbers 6 when the period of the vow was finished. The offerings were three animals sacrifices each together with grain and drink offerings. Here, in the NT, the Apostles were being literally obedient to the Torah and doing animal sacrifices when required. Paul would then be arrested on the accusation he taught against the Torah and preached the resurrection of the dead, the next few chapters are dedicated to him being a prisoner where he defends his claims. Notice what Paul said in Acts 24:17-18, "After an absence of several years, I came to Jerusalem to bring a charitable gift to my nation and to offer sacrifices. It was in connection with the latter that they found me in the Temple. I had been ceremonially purified, I was not with a crowd, and I was not causing a disturbance." Offer what? Sacrifices, and he had performed the ceremonially purification (as required by the Law of Moses) so that he could enter the Temple. Now why would Paul offer sacrifices after Christ's resurrection? Definitely not for salvation sake, he would not contradict himself, but rather as a symbolic reminder of what Christ has done for him. A symbolic act, the same way we do water baptism. Now reread my first comment. Shalom.
@mikezieg80 Год назад
The Jews had never gotten their relationship right by the law. They always failed. God does not. SO He writes the law spiritually on their hearts. Forever. No one could ever keep the law. None. Not one. Abraham believed. Phineas believed, Noah believed and it was accounted as Righteousness! How many chances sh the Jews get to keep the law AGAIN.?
@mikezieg80 Год назад
@mattburns617 Год назад
@@mikezieg80 You are right in a way but you need to quote all the verses (not just Jeremiah) that pertain to the New Covenant for example from Ezekiel 36, "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit inside you; I will take the stony heart out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put my Spirit inside you and cause you to live by my laws, respect my rulings and obey them." In other words, through the Spirit they would be empowered to keep the Torah as it should be kept and would not be quick to sin (which means to violate the Torah). Christians have not been set free from following the Torah, rather we have been set free from the condemnation that comes from a sinful life, and through God's Spirit we are now empowered to be obedient to God's Torah. God's purpose has always been the New Covenant, when Christ came it was ratified. But why the Old Covenant? First, because Someone had to earn salvation. The Torah promised eternal life to the person who could keep it perfectly, Leviticus 18:5, "You are to observe my laws and rulings; if a person does them, he will have life through them; I am YHWH." Confirmed in Ezekiel 20:11 "I gave them my laws and showed them my rulings; if a person obeys them, he will have life through them." Hence Christ was able to earn salvation and make atonement for us so that we could take part in eternal life. Second, to reveal what sin is. Paul confirms this in Romans 7, the commandment that was intended to bring him life actually brought him death because it revealed his sin. Nobody has ever kept the Law perfectly except One, and you rightly point out that salvation was always a matter of faith, that means it was the same for Adam as it is for you and I. How was David saved? Through the Law or because he believed God? How was David full of God's Spirit (1 Samuel 16:13) from that day onwards or how could Micah claim to have God's Spirit and with power (Micah 3:8)? Here Scripture confirms that God has always given His Spirit, and with power, even before Christ. So what happened at Pentecost, what was different? Firstly, the revelation that salvation was always by faith, not from legalistic obedience. This does not mean obedience is no longer required, but rather revealing that salvation is a gift, it is not something that one can earn. It was not a change in order, but rather a change in mindset. Second, the Spirit would be given with power and more frequently due to acceptance and belief in Messiah. Conundrum time: 1) The books of Acts records Paul doing a Nazarite Vow (Acts 18:18), and going to the temple (Acts 21:17-32) to perform animal sacrifices as required by Numbers 6, he even did the purification rights (immersion in water) that required a 7 day waiting period so that he and his fellow Jews would be ritually clean before performing the Nazarite Vow requirements. In Acts 24:17 he specifically says he came to offer animal sacrifices at the time of his arrest. Mainstream Christians will use the excuse that he would have ignored the animal sacrifice parts, but in Acts 21 Jacob (aka James) emphatically declared that Paul and all the new Jewish converts were zealous for literal obedience to the Torah, and that circumcision was still required by the Jews in the diaspora. Acts 21:17-24 "In Jerusalem the brothers received us warmly. The next day Paul and the rest of us went in to Jacob, and all the elders were present. After greeting them, Paul described in detail each of the things God had done among the Gentiles through his efforts. On hearing it, they praised God; but they also said to him, “You see, brother, how many tens of thousands of believers there are among the Jews, and they are all zealots for the Torah. Now what they have been told about you is that you are teaching all the Jews living among the Gentiles to apostatize from Moshe, telling them not to circumcise their sons and not to follow the traditions. What, then, is to be done? They will certainly hear that you have come. So do what we tell you. We have four men who are under a vow. Take them with you, be purified with them, and pay the expenses connected with having their heads shaved. Then everyone will know that there is nothing to these rumours which they have heard about you; but that, on the contrary, you yourself stay in line and keep the Torah. However, in regard to the Gentiles who have come to trust in Yeshua, we all joined in writing them a letter with our decision that they should abstain from what had been sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled and from fornication."" Did you catch that? There was a rumour going round that Paul was teaching the Jews to not circumcise their sons. And in order squash this rumour they told him to go to the temple and do the animal sacrifices to show them that he indeed still kept it literally. 2) Do you eat blood (Leviticus 17:14)? Would you eat food that has been sacrificed to idols (Exodus 34:10-16)? Why do you not eat blood but eat pork when God forbids both? Should not the blood be clean now if God declared all foods clean (btw: that phrase was an addition to Scripture)? But here Jacob affirms that the Gentiles should refrain from eating blood, so should pork not also be included? It is not the blood itself that puts a person in an unfavourable position with God, but the decision to disobey a command that does. The decision comes from the heart of a person, and God is looking at the heart to see if they fear Him or not. An act of sin is just a symptom of the condition of the heart. Conclusion of the matter: Genesis 17:10-13 records circumcision as an everlasting covenant...for the Jews and any foreigner they purchased. Circumcision is not an obligation for Gentiles, unless they go visit the temple (Ezekiel 44:9) during the Millennial Reign of Messiah. You will not find the command in the Torah that Gentiles need to be circumcised, unless they have been purchased by a Jew. Gentiles who do not live in Israel do not require circumcision. When Messiah returns Ezekiel's temple gets built. Ezekiel 47:1-12 describes how water will flow from underneath the temple to heal the world. Zechariah 14:4 describes how this split in the Mount of Olives occurs when Christ returns. So both are literal. Now in the Millennial Reign of Messiah the Jews will be performing the literal requirements of the Torah, us Gentiles will be observing them, watching them and will partake on occasion (i.e. Zechariah 14:16-21). They will be doing the animal sacrifices, not to earn salvation, but as a perpetual reminder, a symbolic act, of what Christ has does...and because it is God's law and they will desire to be obedient. The same mindset you apply to communion they will apply to all the other laws. Spiritually speaking, Christ (a Jew) purchased us, and He has had our hearts circumcised. It is not as heavy as you think. Shalom.
@haggismcbaggis9485 4 года назад
Ezekiel was not a very reliable prophet. He was wrong about Tyre being swallowed up by the sea and that Egypt would be completely desolate for forty years. He probably should have been stoned to death for that. He also ruined Yahweh's perfectly good recipe for making barley cakes by substituting out human excrement. That was probably the secret ingredient that would make them taste sublime, but Ezekiel was so stubborn and wouldn't listen.
@Imperialbbuilding 4 года назад
And the Lord wanted to kill moses.. We all make mistakes brother, yet the Lord still uses us for his glory
@osbujeff1 4 года назад
Wow, Haggis. Two things: first, Ezekiel’s duty was to be a “watchman” and to faithfully deliver God’s message to the nations-he did not fail to do that. He was not responsible for carrying out the judgments himself, only to communicate what God told him to say. Second, the prophecies that God sent against the nations were always conditional-continue in your sin and disobedience and you will be destroyed, repent and be spared: Jeremiah 18:5-10 (NIV): “Then the word of the Lord came to me. 6 He said, “Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?” declares the Lord. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel. 7 If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, 8 and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned. 9 And if at another time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be built up and planted, 10 and if it does evil in my sight and does not obey me, then I will reconsider the good I had intended to do for it.” I call this the “Jeremiah Principle”. Jeremiah was a contemporary of Ezekiel who was not carried away from Jerusalem by the Babylonians like Ezekiel was, but he also gave prophecies of judgment against the nations who opposed God and his people. One example of this is found in the book of Jonah where the prophet warns the Ninevites of their impending destruction. But they repented, and judgment was averted. In the case of Tyre we know that Nebuchadnezzar did besiege the mainland city for 13 years before the people fled to the island city. And it is acknowledged by God that Neb was not successful in completely destroying the people in Ezekiel. He would be given the plunder of Egypt as payment for his work on God’s behalf to destroy Tyre: Ezekiel 29:17-20 (NAS): Now in the twenty-seventh year, in the first month, on the first of the month, the word of the Lord came to me saying, 18 “Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon made his army labor hard against Tyre; every head was made bald and every shoulder was rubbed bare. But he and his army had no wages from Tyre for the labor that he had performed against it.” 19 Therefore thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I will give the land of Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. And he will carry off her wealth and capture her spoil and seize her plunder; and it will be wages for his army. 20 “I have given him the land of Egypt for his labor which he performed, because they acted for Me,” declares the Lord God.” Ezekiel’s prophecy was directed at the king of Tyre in a very detailed way. We don’t know who the king of Tyre was at this time, neither from archaeological history or the Bible. Neither do we know if he was killed during the years-long siege or escape harm; we simply don’t have all the information and should use caution when casting aspersions on an event that we cannot be 100% certain. We do know that God destroyed all the other nations-Israel included-just as it was prophesied. So Ezekiel was faithful to deliver the words to the nations as God instructed him, and the outcome is left to God. For myself, I choose to give the benefit of the doubt to God!
@osbujeff1 4 года назад
abcfitness Not a mistake at all. See my comment below...
@LittleSalt-wu1gu Год назад
hagis bagis a ' joke ' that you are🐒
@LittleSalt-wu1gu Год назад
​@@Imperialbbuilding 🤡🐒
@guygifford 4 года назад
Hank, Hank, Hank. The sacrifice of animals NEVER was efficacious (paid for sin); which means according to you, that it has ALWAYS BEEN AN ABOMINATION. Get it right, Hank. Whether pre- or post-Jesus' atonement, the Feast BBQ Symbols always pointed to Jesus 7 Feast Actions of Redemption. Moreover, God will select some Christians to be priests & Levites in the new temple (Isaiah 66:21), and the nations will send great wealth to rebuild the temple (in Bible), and only Foreigners & Hebrews who are circumcised in BOTH flesh & heart can enter the New Temple.
@Imperialbbuilding 4 года назад
That's will be no new temple, you are deluded
@Imperialbbuilding 4 года назад
You've been watching one too many star wars movies.. You are certainly no guru 🤦‍♂️
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