

Julies WIDM
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Hello hello :)
Time for a new hints and theories video! This time about episode 4.
Have you seen anything suspicious? And what do you think about the hints and theories I've mentioned?
Share your opinion in the comments below :)
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30 июл 2024




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@Captain_Subpar 5 месяцев назад
I really appreciated you going over the info about who the current players' favorite past Moles are. That's the type of information that, as an American viewer, there's no way I could have gotten without your channel, Julie. Fons suggesting destroying all of the pinatas was on my radar for the same reason that you said. It's not that his idea was bad. It's that he offered the idea way too late when it would only lose them money as opposed to actually helping them win the task.
@vogelmeister6809 5 месяцев назад
this episode felt like the most classic widm in a while. i dont know why or how , but the three opdrachten, the test and execution in the end, the different types of opdrachten (the one-on-one with rik, the porto opdracht, the oude mol return) maked a return to the classic formula i have missed sorely. however i do think these opdrachten are becoming too complex, i.e. the first opdracht i did find myself wondering how i was meant to figure out who was doing shit wrong when i didnt even know what they were meant to be doing. i did pick up on 2008 instantly though! i loved the fact that 38,000 (which i defs thought was too good to be true) was the amount he kept out of the pot in 2008 and how he returned to 'finish the deed.' I love it when seasons call back to older seasons. i'd love an opdracht that involves locals though as they are always cool, like the one in 2015 in the village or the bridge in 2018. as for suspects, fons and sor are up there for me. sor hardly cared when he minused 3000 from the pot (but then again this group alll went screw the pot) and fons has been sus since the molympics when he was just shouting things. kees is my backup but honestly? i think thats just what he's like. also i use portos all the time these days and honestly, hearing people trying to talk over each other, as well as unclear communication into the mic is super funny to me as it rings more relatable than it ever has before. like girl, i get it. they are flimsy.
@subculturebutterfly 5 месяцев назад
Wow, another helpful video! I love all the dedicated commenters on this channel. Thanks for validating my feelings, everyone! 😉
@thefuzzyoranges 5 месяцев назад
This episode was like a juicy roast beef sandwich made with moldy, stale bread. The first and last challenges were terrible, but I actually really loved the second! First challenge, ho boy where to start? Boring as all get out, and that's really the crux of it. Watching two grown men not be able to count past double digits was...something else. Then everyone else is just sitting and looking for the color signs and it's just like...I've played more intense long car ride games than this. They have walkie talkies for no discernible reason, their final guess is atrocious, and worst of all there's. No. Instructions. Like I know that was the point, but when you've had so many other challenges without clear instructions it just feels like a kick in the shins. Second challenge though? Oh, a thing of beauty. Chef's kiss. Felt like an oasis in a desert of bad challenges the last several episodes. Some of it was a bit janky, sure. Call it WIDM jank; comes with the territory. Like was it necessary for the piñatas to be as hard to break as they seemed to be? No. Should they have realized rather quickly there's no way on earth they'd ever succeed at earning the full amount this challenge? Absolutely. Did the wrong piñatas really have to have negative money in them? Probably not. But, but. I loved having an old mole come back. I loved that it was the mole from the last season in Mexico. I loved that they subtly hinted at his return in the last challenge with it being worth $2008. I loved that he brought his own phone and phone book. I loved the mole piñatas. I loved the little 'mol' puzzles. Heck, seeing paraceta-mol cracked me up for the nostalgia of it all. I loved that the mole got phone calls from the old mole during the challenge out in the open in front of everyone. I loved it when Jeroen was screaming for Rosario; the best moment of the season for me so far. I loved that they went well over time at the end, even when they were told they'd need 15 minutes to drive to the location. I loved them requiring the treasurer to be one of the people to go in the car. Like it was so unnecessary. He didn't even bring the pot with him! It wasn't a perfect challenge, sure. But it was good fun WIDM janky chaos and I loved it. Then...the last challenge. I can't even really call it fish sticks. It was just...boring. And stupid. And they don't give us all the information! Like before the challenge starts, there's 9 envelops. And SOME of them have money, but they don't tell us how many. And it's only $250. And then you can risk losing money at a...1/9 chance at jokers, or the absolute heinous odds of that topito. Like don't even get me started on the mathematical odds of that working out. I just feel like there should've been an option to counter-balance the -$3000. Like there should've been a +$1000 option to pick from rather than jokers or topito. And it's just...there've been SO MANY challenges this year to cost money. The pot's been so stagnant the last few weeks (other than this week, but we all saw it coming) and it's borderline not fun to watch anymore. Thankfully this cast is a bit more entertaining than last year, although Jeroen leaving is definitely a blow. Our saving grace this year at least is that the mole is not super obvious. Last year we were practically done with mole searching at this point. Every week I get closer and closer to the Anna tunnel but I don't want it to be her. I really want it to be Tooske. I don't suspect anyone else anymore. Rian has been absolutely out of the picture this season, Rosario and Fons have been made too obvious, Kees has just been oblivious, and Babs is actually impossible.
@lexter2000 5 месяцев назад
Totally agree. It’s crazy at how many negative value challenges they’ve had so far. The mole piñata task shouldn’t have had minus money (but probably it was to avoid the strategy of just hitting them all). And yeah challenge 1 and 3 were a mix of both boring and not enough info. Sometimes I think it’s a language barrier and I just missed something so I’m happy to know it’s not just that this time haha
@H0lyMoley 5 месяцев назад
I feel exactly about Anna as you do about Rosario. Is it REALLY going to be the person who every WIDM fan suspected in the very first episode? Seriously? I also can't believe anybody even considered going for the Topito. At this point I've given up trying to work out how the challenges work. In that last challenge, what were the odds of... anything, really?
@thefuzzyoranges 5 месяцев назад
@@H0lyMoley I mean I really hope it's not Anna. Mostly because a lot of people suspect her and I don't like it to be too obvious. But we had the MOST obvious mole last year. But maybe they don't want to repeat last year? I just want it to be Tooske at this point because I think she'd be a fun mole (and I'm in a pool for the first time and would love to immediately dominate. If you think the eliminations are intense already, try having pride on the line too!). It's impossible to determine the odds of the last challenge because we don't know how many envelops originally contained money, if that wasn't sarcasm. If it was I took a statistics class about 20-ish years ago and retained none of it, but even then I know the chance of earning an exemption that challenge was utter trash.
@fancynancy8216 5 месяцев назад
I noticed that the pinata moles are pink. Could that be a hint to Rosario or maybe Anna as she took the -500 envelope from the pink table. After all the Anna hints in episode 1 I cannot get past her being the mole even with Rosario looking very suspicious. I think production is throwing in a lot of red herrings this year to keep us guessing. Thank you Julie for posting every episode hints in English for your non Dutch speaking audience. I love this show and the Dutch version is by far the best there is.
@matildahillstrom3710 5 месяцев назад
I just hope the mole isn’t Rosario bc it seems way to obvious.
@windfallsofdreams 5 месяцев назад
Ok, thoughts about this episode: Others have already done a very good job describing this, but…they put one of the best assignments in recent years in the middle of one of the most forgettable, and one of the most aggravating. I knew as I was watching that a LOT of us (and two of my fellow commenters in particular) were not going to be happy about the 3rd assignment. I always watch the episode one time without subtitles, and then a second time with subtitles. So, the first time through I was confused about the envelopes. I was thinking, surely they can’t all be taking that huge risk just for a 1/9 chance of getting the item that they chose. Surely they get the jokers or the topito that they select, and then they also have to choose an envelope that may or may not contain minus money. But then, I rewatch it with subtitles, and, yep- they ARE all taking the risk for just a 1/9 chance of getting the advantage. How does that even make sense? Like, logically, how do they think that is worth it? Especially the topitos- they really think that 3 people are going to successfully pick a topito? 1/9 x 1/9 x 1/9? And why isn’t there an option to go for money rather than advantages? What if I don’t want 1/9 chance of jokers. Can I add a large sum of money to one of the envelopes instead? How much money is even in the chests to begin with? Ugh. But the second assignment. Was SO good. Dennis being back was so much fun, and I really liked how he was able to work with the current mole during the chaos, with everyone running back and forth, trying to solve riddles. I liked him singing to himself as he shredded the money. I liked how the camera slowly zoomed in on the cute little “dubbel-mol” piñata as part of the reveal (I wonder if any of the candidates noticed that…or maybe the mole broke that one? That would be cool). I liked all of the references to his season during this episode. Fons actually had the best strategy for the second assignment, although, as people have already mentioned, it was too late. I think it is interesting that, for the second week in a row, we have a challenge where the best way to earn money is to completely ignore the telephone calls (essentially, ignore the assignment/refuse to play the game) and to just use logic. Last week, if the cyclists had ignored the telephones and just gone straight to the market and selected the cheapest looking items, they could have earned more money. This week, if everyone had ignored the ringing phones, and just broken all of the piñatas, they could have won a SIGNIFICANT amount of money. At 250 each, the incorrectly broken piñatas would have barely put a dent in a 38000 euro pot. And the mole would have been prevented from contacting Dennis. How great would it have been if the candidates had taken a few minutes to think things through, and then just refused to do the assignment the way producers intended, broken all of the piñatas as quickly as possible, gone to the villa, and found Dennis standing there waiting for his instructions about where to find the front door key. I want to watch THAT season of WIDM, lol! But you would need 9 Daniel Verlaans to make it happen. As far as suspicions go, we are in episode 5. And it was around episode 5/6 last year that Jurre as mole became impossible to ignore. I feel like this episode has started rubbing Rosario in our faces in a similar fashion. EVERYTHING in this episode pointed to him. His behavior during the assignments. The way he started to smile at the end of all of his confessionals as he talked about how much money he lost, right before the camera cut away. My purple theory from last week even pointed to him, for goodness’ sake. Apparently purple is his color. Who knew? I like him, but I still want it to be Tooske, darn it! I really liked Jeroen, so I am sad that he had to go. At least the Soberano drawing made another appearance! That thing will never not make me laugh. I feel like Kees should have been eliminated automatically for choosing an answer on his test that only applied to Babs. Everyone’s test answers must be all over the place. Fons says his top 2 suspects are Anna and Rian, and I don’t really suspect either of them at all, so we’ll see how much longer he lasts. Also, since Jeroen is gone, there goes my final 4 theory based on the speed dating assignment. Maybe it will be Babs + the other 3 (Anna, Rian, Rosario)? I hope not, actually. Hopefully Rosario is another red herring mole. I don’t like it when everyone knows who it is mid-season. I really don’t think he was active enough in the first few episodes, so I still have hope that it could be someone else. But the Tooske dream has started to fade.
@H0lyMoley 5 месяцев назад
Well I'll answer this: "What if I don't want a 1/9 chance of jokers. Can I add a large sum of money to one of the envelopes instead?" No. No you can't. Because WIDM is not about the money. Never mind that increasing the amounts of money won is a surefire way to make the stakes higher and higher as the numbers of contestants get smaller and smaller. (Oh wait... these are celebrities. None of them care about money anyway. Sigh.) Never mind that making the "pot" an amount that never goes down means that the Mole can't just sit on their arse for two episodes because they know they'll be able to get rid of the money the players have won later on. Never mind the basic ideas of suspense and tension that only apply when there are real stakes involved in a battle between the Mole and the players. Never mind... ...Ah, screw it. To quote Olivia Rodrigo: "Fuck it, it's fine." I feel like I may just have been one of the two commentors who you thought might have been unhappy about the 3rd assignment. Just a feeling. Man, I AM grouchy about this one.
@H0lyMoley 5 месяцев назад
Well, that episode sucked. ☹ We all knew it was coming as well. I find it hilarious that Rik basically chastises the players for not caring about the pot, when it's been the case for the last eleven seasons that the Mole was guaranteed an option to empty the pot halfway through the series with little or no counterplay possible from the other players. * Who's the Mole? Honestly, I don't care, but even though Sor's been my top suspect these past two rounds, I'd question whether they'd actually be as blatant as to re-use a clue from just two seasons back (where the Mole's face was on the minus-money) if it was actually him. I kinda hope it's NOT him, given my thoughts on the E3,000 situation. If not? Eh, Anna seems to "fit" the best, being the only person bar Fons who didn't "beat the Mole" at the start; but I feel that that would be a really lame solution too, considering how many viewers saw it coming early on. Sor's probably still the top for me, but it's with caveats, which probably means I'm totally wrong. Oh well. * EDIT: Sorry to be negative, but this episode has really taken what little enthusiasm I had for this season out of me. Fuzzy has given a very good critique of the challenges this season and I don't see any need to add to that. And with returning players and a pot that can disappear at any point, it feels as though there's zero stakes either. As for the players, there's no Fresia or Kim-Lian to really push the boundaries of interesting gameplay... not that the challenges this season have lended themselves to much of this. Is there anything positive to say? Eh, I really like what they've done with the show's presentation this year. The eliminations are INTENSE. So there's that.
@windfallsofdreams 5 месяцев назад
If Rosario is the mole, then “Mol-Ik” is a throw-back to Dennis’s “Is Ego de Mol?” from 2008
@julieswidm 5 месяцев назад
Good point! 😮
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