
Does the Use of the Hebrew Word "Yom" in Genesis 1 Point to Young Earth Creationism? 

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2011JUN26 - Q&A-01



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@roland7306 4 года назад
You told: Genesis 31:18, and I looked and I found it was:Exodus 31:17!!! Thank you for your precious time you dedicate towards us to know all the things that we have to know if we want our SALVATION with our Lord God Jesus-Christ! You truly are a servant of God the Creator that we can take as a model!!!😍😀🤔🤗
@pkorns1892 3 года назад
I was very confused, thank you for writing this.
@andrewsandeen8109 4 года назад
There is not a rule in the Hebrew language demanding that all numbered days in a series refer to twenty-four-hour days. (Norman L. Geisler, Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics, page 271, Zondervan 1999). There were six major stages in this work of formation, and these stages are represented by successive days of a week. In this connection it is important to observe that none of the six creative days bears a definite article in the Hebrew text; the translations “the first day,” “ the second day,” etc., are in error. " (Gleason L. Archer, Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, pages 60-61, Baker 1982: )
@MrsMamaWoll 4 года назад
"And the evening and the morning were the first day." That's one day cycle and one night cycle, meaning a literal day. I believe God used those exact words so that there wouldn't be any confusion to believers when the theory of evolution came along. 1 Timothy 1:4 says, "Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do." "Fables and endless genealogies"....like when they say the earth is billions and billions of years old and that over that time, we evolved into what we are today.
@jacobjohnson5992 4 года назад
At 11:12 he makes a mistake. He says that it is written in Genesis 31-18 that God's words were written on stone by God's own finger. It doesn't say that. It says it in EXODUS 31-18. Love you pastor 😉
@rjbenincasa 6 лет назад
Great example of "The Bible defines the Bible" context...context...context! Also I agree with my fellow commentators, we should know for sure of what we speak regarding another brother or sister in Christ (or anyone for that matter) before speaking it, so as not to denigrate our own message! Be about our Father's business! May everyone find THE truth!!!!!
@kristiglinkaj5911 4 года назад
IAM Blessed indeed by the edification of truth brethren! Well done child well done good and faithful servant, may the JOY of our LORD rest upon thee forevermore! Blessings be upon thee forever and ever!
@psalm.40 5 лет назад
*Exodus 31:18 Not G 31:18 Any recommendations of other pastors like this on yt? Bless you all!
@jacobjohnson5992 4 года назад
Thats funny. I caught that too (only because I went to look it up right away and I figured he must've meant Exodus). There is no one quite like Dr. Barnett. However, I recently happened accross an awesome pastor who doesn't have many followers rn but I believe that will soon change because he seems to know and speak the truth so well. His name is Rich Tidwell. If you get this message right away then try not to miss his live Q&A on monday night (tonight). I believe it starts around 5 or 6 o'clock cst. Shalom
@mamaluvbug987 4 года назад
Jacob Johnson - will check him out, there's too many false teachers/churches. Sick n alone, sought to understand the transliteration issues, discovered Dr. Gene Kim n Dr. Barnett - praying like a warrior, thanking Him for every miracle He's delivered n is underway... He's revealing truth n understanding, healing n giving strength, thank you Heavenly Father❣💪💞
@tmyflyte 4 года назад
​@@jacobjohnson5992 Nice recommendation but I couldn't seek Mr. Tidwell's teachings any longer after discovering that he defends a post-trib rapture of the church. We as body of Christ must not divide ourselves over pointless subjects/discussions but this is substantial part of God's blessings for the church, being rescued *before* the abominations are let loose on this Earth. I believe the scripture to point to a pre-trib rapture of the church. So does Mr. Barnett. I'm sorry brother :(
@j.jhogan2163 4 года назад
Thank you.
@darrellblanchard2362 5 лет назад
I listen to people that don't disable comments. Thank you sir!
@gabaktech 6 лет назад
brilliant explanation
@PastorTWoodworks 5 лет назад
God inscribed the tablets with his finger in Exodus 31:18, not Genesis.
@bettymobley763 4 года назад
Boizenblue thank you, I was doing some serious searching.
@Lcash218 4 года назад
Hugh Ross is NOT an evolutionist! He states in his writings that Man was a special creation by God!
@grandeopera 5 лет назад
Hugh Ross is a Progressive Creationist who said Evolution is not possible much less credible, so I think it is incorrect to call him an Evolutionist. He is a very bright and setincere man but IMHO he is wrong about the Great Flood being local.
@Majorvideonut2 6 лет назад
I didn't know about Yom when I was kicked off a "Christian" site on the internet for conveying my understanding of a 6 day creation. I said much of what I heard here and it was rejected. Don't dare ask anyone how long it took Jesus to turn water into wine or you will be bombarded!
@greattunesking1 6 лет назад
Barry Wind. Some Christians have a deeper understanding? In other words if your a true believer in Christ like let's say me or these other people who have posted are, Then we should believe in the end all the same way right? If we disagree to much then one of us is not a believer? For any Christian out there, I am not claiming to be the mister know it all of Christ but, Should we not all agree on 99.9% of the time as far as the Holy Bible goes?
@Stardrivepaintings 3 года назад
Did you said the 22 books that Ezra Wrote at 14:24?
@mikewinch8862 4 года назад
1st Chronicles 16:30 8 1st Samuel 2:8 Isaiah 40:22 Job 37:18 Job 38:4 Psalms 93:1 Psalms 96:10 Psalms 104:5 Joshua 10 :12-13 I have 50 more
@kathymiller4017 Год назад
Hugh Ross does not suggest sub-human cavemen with dinosaurs. That misrepresents his position in a way that sounds preposterous.
@Terrylb285 10 месяцев назад
Hugh ross is constantly mis represented.
@8bitrich849 6 лет назад
Just a quick question, did you mean Exodus 31:18, not Genesis 31:18? Exodus makes more sense.
@fiveSolas879 6 лет назад
8-bit Rich Rios I agree
@room2growrose623 5 лет назад
He must have bc in the first part of the message he said that the passage about the finger came from exodus and then he misspoke and said genesis.
@terrypenfield7953 5 лет назад
It is EXODUS 31 18 Still great teacher
@silencenewberry 5 лет назад
That's what he meant, it's not like all of us have never done something like that.
@jamesmccourt9782 2 года назад
REV 8:1 There was silence in heaven for about 30 minutes, so there is a clock in heaven, and there was a clock started when God created the heavens, so for 6 days he put on a show for all the angels to see. And the clock will never stop for ever...
@newlightstudios6338 3 года назад
The verse is EXODUS 38:18 not GENESIS, where God says He wrote the 10 commandments with His finger. Great video, thank you so much
@johncarloflorentino 6 лет назад
I agree. hugh ross is not an evolutionist. he just believes in the old earth creationism.
@romulusfz 6 лет назад
john carlo Florentino true 👍
@psalm.40 5 лет назад
@tedbates1236 5 лет назад
In Genesis 1, the word for day Yom is used to mean 12 hour day and 12 hour day. And in Genesis 2 Yom is used a finiteperod of time. In the day God created the heavens and the earth. Moses wrote PSALM 90 where he compares a day to God is like a thousand years.
@jacobjohnson5992 4 года назад
Ok. Sorry I have to ask but what is your point exactly? Do you agree or disagree that God created the earth in 6 literal days or 6k years? It seems to me it is the latter since you are making reference to it.
@lightmatrix6867 Год назад
And if you do the math that still doesn't make the millions of years needed for evolution.
@ChristoMac 6 лет назад
I have a question. In Genesis 1 KJV it Reads "God said let US make man in OUR image after OUR likeness and let them have dominion over the fish" It does not say "in my image/likeness" meaning GOD and it does not say "in GOD'S image/likeness". My question is who is US and OUR? As it says "Let US make man in OUR likeness" Who is "US" ? and who is "OUR"? This is "in the beginning" so there shouldn't be anyone but GOD right? I would love to here anyone's thoughts. Plus is it a translation issue or does it mean what it says "US" and "OUR" and if so who is US and who is OUR?
@shxxck 6 лет назад
This can be explained by the doctrine of the Trinity. God the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit have been three in one since before Creation. Obviously, this doctrine has important implications for us humans since we are created in the image of God. We can clearly see a technical form of the Trinity in ourselves. Body (physical), Mind (mental), and our Soul (spiritual). All connected, three in one. Hope this helps!
@ChristoMac 6 лет назад
@@shxxck Yes it does help me understand better! Thank you for taking the time to help me with this question!!
@ChristoMac 5 лет назад
@tampicokid I don't understand your question? Why I'm trying to understand the creation process??
@ChristoMac 5 лет назад
@tampicokid I feel the NEED to EXPLAIN the creation process because I don't BELIEVE everything I hear and read. Just because others believe in God doesn't mean it's TRUE. There are so MANY beliefs and religions, I'm simply trying to think ACCURATELY and for myself. Just because someone says something does NOT make it TRUE. The Holy Bible is SUPPOSED to be the BLUEPRINT to our CREATION according to Christians. So, whenever I read a passage that 1. I don't believe and/or 2. Don't understand I do further investigation and collect the FACTS so I can come to my own personal unbiased CONCLUSION. Too many people believe everything they read and hear, I'm not one of them and I always will think for myself. I will not apologize to anyone for trying to clearly understand my LIFE and where I came from. I don't mean any disrespect to anyone's belief system and religion, you can BELIEVE anything you want and so can I.
@joshuahernandez956 4 года назад
982Rule the Hebrew word is plural in definition and context. Take what you want with that. Christians attribute it to the Trinity, but if you aren’t Christian, then it’s not relevant like that. Could be that in those times it was common to have a plethora of Gods.
@kennyhalperin5302 2 года назад
Yom is a Hebrew word for day😇👑🕊👍
@MrJohnny5555 5 лет назад
Thats Exodus 31:18, not Gen
@justsomeguy4589 5 лет назад
The idea of that ther Solar System and Earth with made perfectly for humans is not compelling argument. You can just as easily say if the Sun was closer or further away from Earth, if the Earth was tilted a little different, or rotating a little faster or slower we would have evolved differently. The same evidence can be used for both arguments that the earth was made perfectly for humans to live on and humans evolved perfectly to live on the Earth.
@roland7306 4 года назад
The 1st to the 7th day: There was a morning and a night= 24 hours,
@nurfacealways 5 лет назад
explain joshua 10 the day the sun stood still .
@MrsMamaWoll 4 года назад
The Bible says over and over again that the earth is fixed and immovable. 1 Chronicles 16:30: "He has fixed the earth firm, immovable." Psalm 93:1: "Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm ..." Psalm 96:10: "He has fixed the earth firm, immovable ..." ....just to state and few verses. The Bible also says that God placed the sun, moon and stars IN the firmament and that the sun is the greater light and the moon is the lesser light (reread Genesis 1). Telling us that they BOTH emit light. The sun gives off warm light and the moon gives off cool light. A simple experiment with a digital thermometer can prove that the moon in NOT reflecting the sun's light. The shade of the sun is cooler than its direct sunlight and the shade of the moon is warmer than its direct moonlight. Biblical cosmology was believed by the masses....not mocked and ridiculed.... throughout history all the way up until NASA "proved" the earth was a globe. NASA, who can never keep their lies straight and are constantly and consistently contradicting themselves and was created by Nazi scientists after WWII when the US government gave them immunity if they came and worked for us. Research the US military's Project Paperclip, Project Fishbowl, Project Mockingbird, etc....you'll see for yourself just how far our government will go to keep us from the Truth. If the world believes that we are just a spec in a vast, ever expanding universe, hurling through space with great uncertainty of a cosmic collision and that we all evolved from a comic accident (cause make no mistake, mainstream cosmology and evolution go hand in hand. You can't have one without the other) then, the world is more easily controlled. The god of this world, the enemy of mankind, has blinded the world to God's Truth about His creation. The enemy has attacked the first and last book of the Bible more than any other. The first tells of his fall and the last tells of his demise. Entire denominations have been created from the deceptions the enemy has propagated with those 2 books. The sun and moon stood still because it is the sun and moon that move not the earth. "May God be true and EVERY man a liar" ...even NASA and our government. Isaiah 40:21 "Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth? 22 It is he that sitteth upon the CIRCLE of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that STRETCHETH OUT THE HEAVENS AS A CURTAIN, and spreadeth them out as a TENT TO DWELL IN:"
@slimpickens6729 3 года назад
Pastor ,, i have a statement and i have a question or two ,,,,, #1 ,,, i am a Baptist and i do believe in 6 day creation and on the seventh day God rest an Blessed it and made it Holy !! Sunday is the first day of the week , meaning Saturday is the seventh day Gods SABBATH , #2 Why do we not REMEMBER Gods Sabbath and NOT GO TO CHURCH ON HIS ( GOD'S ) SABBATH ??? Myself as a Christian , i want to KEEP ALL OF GOD'S COMMANDMENTS ,,,, In my heart and in Gods word ( BIBLE) God want's us to KEEP ALL OF HIS COMMANDMENTS IF WE LOVE HIM !! #3 Where in the Bible did GOD give man the authority to Change his SABBATH FROM SATURDAY TO SUNDAY ?? Thank You For Preaching ,, Teaching and Spreading The Gospel Of JESUS CHRIST !! I PRAY THE LORD WILL BLESS YOU IN ALL YOU DO !!
@lightmatrix6867 Год назад
My understanding is the apostles observed on Sunday after the resurrection as part of recognizing the new covenant & resurrection Sunday. Can't say I'm super dedicated to a certain day personally. Whichever day observed I think the point is to rest & spend time with God once a week. Either way I believe Gods mercy & grace will cover whichever side may be wrong on such theological issues.
@slimpickens6729 Год назад
@@lightmatrix6867 My Friend, Please read in Your Holy Bible , Matthew 5 verses 17-19 ,,, All has not been fulfilled !!! The second coming of Our Lord And Savior , Has Not happened YET !!! So therefore, All laws and the Commandments Given unto Moses ARE STILL TO BE KEPT!!!!! Jesus Plainly states this in verse 19 !!!!! Have a very blessed day My Friend !!!! Your Brother in Christ TimO
@slimpickens6729 Год назад
@@lightmatrix6867 Yep ,,,, Matthew 5:17-19 Jesus plainly tell’s us that the Laws AND Commandments of the Old Testament are still to be kept !!! An sense the Second Coming Of Our Lord And Savior Hasn’t happened yet,, ALL HAS NOT BEEN FULFILLED !!!! YET !!!!!!!! Folks reading this who are not saved ,, I plead with you now ,, Repent of all sins an sinful ways !! Ask The Lord Jesus for forgiveness of all of those sins an to come into your Heart an to be your Lord And Savior !!! Then find you a Sabbath keeping Church and start attending it ,, Get Baptized!!! Read your Bible Daily !!! A Great place to Learn about Jesus , is the book of John !!!!! I AM PRAYING FOR EVERYONE,, AND I ASK FOR YOU TO PRAY FOR ME!!!!! Brother TimO
@lightmatrix6867 Год назад
@@slimpickens6729 So why can we eat unclean meat now & don't stone people? Im open to either way. Jesus said the Sabbath is for our sake, thus my point about rest. Paul & the 1st church seemed to observe on Sunday as part of the new covenant. Should we just observe both days to be safe?
@slimpickens6729 Год назад
@@lightmatrix6867 I DO NOT EAT UNCLEAN MEATS !! And why I do not, is , Because God says for us not to eat them !! Keep in mind what Jesus said in Matthew 5: 17-18 !!! I think that when God tells us not to do something,, the best thing for us to do is NOT DO IT !!!!! There is one thing about our Heavenly Father that a lot of very nice people keep forgetting!!!!,,, GOD DOESN’T CHANGE !! GODS WORD DOES NOT CHANGE !!!! AND HE MEANT EVERY WORD IN HIS HOLY BIBLE Î
@tedbates1236 5 лет назад
What one believes about age of 6 creation days is not going to cause loss of salvation. On the 6th day of creation God created Adam, then put Him in Eden to care for the garden, then he named (classified) all the animals, then put Him to sleep for surgery, then made Eve from his side, then brought the woman to the man, who then cried out, "At long last!" All in a literal day?
@DavidKnowles 2 года назад
He did a lot in a day. That was the point @Don-Stevens made earlier in the comments. How many animals were there? If we are just talking about families of animals, I suppose it could be done in a day (e.g. Cats, Dogs, horses, cows etc etc.), but if we are talking about every individual animal-including all the different insects- (e.g. Lion, Tiger, Leopard, etc. etc.), then that would take sometime.
@icesphere1205 4 года назад
hmm... Adam became a Living Soul (chapter 2) after Creation
@Tracy-Inches 5 лет назад
So what's the age of the sun?
@markwhite5926 5 лет назад
1 day younger that the earth. As it was made on day 4 but the dry lqnd was separated from the water on day 3. I believe it!
@donstevens8414 3 года назад
Each creation day, if equal length, we know that they all must have been longer than 24 hours each. We know that the sixth creation day contained the creation of animals and that near the end, man was created. During this end time, Adam named all the animals and became aware of the fact that he was alone and felt that he needed a female like himself. God then created Eve and introduced her to him. That ended the sixth day. It would be difficult to believe that this session with Adam took place in a microsecond. The animals, when created, were commanded, instinctively, I assume, to increase and multiply and fill the earth. I believe that this would bave been achieved by near the end of the sixth day, the earth now prepared for human habitation. Another reason I believe each creation day was longer than 24 hours is that we have entered God,s rest day and are still in it. About the time Eve was created Jesus was given all authority in heaven and on earth. It was his commission to see earth inhabited with righteous people under the rule of a heavenly government by the end of this seventh day. This is why Jesus is called "the lord of the sabbath". Jesus has been given command by his Father to achieve this. He is standing in for his Father during His rest day - obviously a 7000 year period. We now have 6000 years of humans, increasing and filling the earth, with 1000 years left for the reign of Christ. This being the case, each creation day would also be 7000 years long, which makes a lot of sense in explaining the geological record. This is why carbon 14 dating detects dates past 7000 years ago. Sea creatures would show dates of 2100 to 2800 years ago. The fact is, God always allows time for things to take place. Why would He direct the animals to increase and multiply and fill the earth if He had already done it for them. I have no problem believing that the earth's creation days began 47,000 years ago and the universe itself took an undetermined amount of time to complete, previous to this. This above explanation doesn,t make us look like fools in the presence of those experts who have sofisticated instramentation that can prove the 24 hour creation day wrong. As far as the Jewish word yom goes, the Jews use it the same way we do - "in the day that God created the heaven and the earth." - Gen. 2 : 4. Yom is the only Jewish word for day. If a day with God is a thousand years then the creation days have only taken a month and 17 days, so far. It looks as if Jesus will be here shortly, he hasn't even got a day left.
@mikeytobago 7 лет назад
hugh ross is not an evolutionist
@romulusfz 6 лет назад
keen observer true
@darrellblanchard2362 5 лет назад
Jesus quoted genesis more than any other book.
@cryptocorey8582 5 лет назад
Even if we are talking 6 literal days, Genesis was written by Moses. God showed Moses the creation account. Why was it just simply a detailed description of the 6 days Moses witnessed the Glory of God and the creation account? That would make it 6 literal days but in story form. If God showed Moses All of creation in millions of years he would have died from old age. I don't believe the Monkey evolution but I see much evidence from the fossil record of bare minimum millions of years of adaptation(micro-evolution). Macro isn't real but micro is clearly evidence based. Yom can be Literal to Moses an yet is referring to what Moses witnessed and not what actually happened seeing he wasn't even live when creation happened.
@youthfully1643 4 года назад
Wonder whose Cains wife was?
@b-manz 4 года назад
HUGH Ross is not an evolutionaliat. You lost me right there with your false claims.
@aaronleis7843 4 месяца назад
You already misrepresent Hugh Ross from the start. That discredits anything else you may say, true or not. Hugh Ross tells us he is not an evolutionist. Old earth creationism does not require a belief in evolution. You have lost credibility because you will not honestly engage another Christian that holds a different view from yours.
@greattunesking1 6 лет назад
Why is it so difficult for people to just take the bible for what it says? I mean watch out if you disagree with a evolutionist. You know, The type of evolutionist that believe we came from monkeys? The only evolution I know of is the type that starts after you accept Christ. After you accept Christ you evolve to know God in a deeper way until Christ returns. Look. I have proof in this scripture. "When he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is." (1 John 3:2). Plus. Aren't we that believe in Christ the bride also? The church is comprised of those who have trusted in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and have received eternal life. Christ, the Bridegroom, has sacrificially and lovingly chosen the church to be his bride." (Ephesians 5:25-27). Any other way is 100% non biblical.
@tedbates1236 5 лет назад
Yom is used in genesis 1 and 2 as A 12 hour period and a 24 hour period of time and a finite but long period of time. In Genesis 2. We have 2 books about God. 1. The Bible, special revelationn and 2. Creation a general revelation. The 2 revelations come from God and cannot disagree if interpreted correctly. General Revelation shows a longer period of time than 6,000 years for the age of first the universe and then the earth. The old earth creation does not disagree with the Bible. But those who push a 6,000 year earth are placing a stumbling block before people who reject the young earth as absurd and therefore reject Jesus. GOD can use the foolish things to shame preachers too.
@jeffmorin5867 2 года назад
Except for the fact that the Earth does not move...it is Fixed. Either the bible is ALL true, or none of it is... Stop mixing sweet with bitter.
@Terrylb285 10 месяцев назад
Both YEC and OEC believe in a literal 6 days of creation.
@tedbates1236 5 лет назад
Hugh Ross does not believe in evolution. I am a science apologist with Dr. Ross's Reasons To Believe. He is not a theistic evolution. You are in error. You are bad mouthing a man who you do not know what he teaches. We do not teach evolution. Frances Collins teaches theistic evolution. Not Dr. Ross. You are blaspheming a man. He is not a theistic evolutionist.
@root1657 5 лет назад
Total outsider here.... I don't even know who these guys are, so... I see you saying a lot what he doesn't do, so may I ask what he does teach, and why it is different that what was said?
@shibuav8082 4 года назад
Exodus 31:18 where it says,..."the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of God."
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