
HOW OLD IS THE EARTH & COSMOS? Is There A Gap In Genesis 1:1 & 1:2 Where an Ancient Earth Can Fit? 

John Barnett Online Teaching
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14 окт 2024




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@TheDeLoreanman 3 года назад
There are not enough minutes in the day. I would listen to these teachings all day if I could. I always learn something from them. Thank you for sharing with those of us that are geographically too far to attend in person, you are a blessing.
@kevindouglas6120 3 года назад
I know that I've left a lot of comments but I need to tell you again ; you are one of my favorite teachers in the world. God bless you
@kevinullrich1619 2 года назад
This is exactly the type of teaching that I have been looking for. Thank you Spirit for leading me to this content developer and thank you Mr. Presenter for truth. I am subscribing as a new member. Thank you very much!
@SaxonC 5 лет назад
God is Almighty. He is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient! In short, GOD is GOD and All things are possible with Him and there’s nothing, He can’t do! Period! No explanation necessary!
@ericlyprendi4325 5 лет назад
Could God make a burrito so hot he cannot eat it? If he can make such a dish then he cannot eat it. This means he is not omnipotent. If he cannnot make this dish then he is simply not omnipotent. Conclusion: gawd is no omnipotent. He is also an asshole and has been missing for quite a long time now (forever).
@gerardmoloney9979 3 года назад
@@ericlyprendi4325 you need help to understand how STUPID your comment is. It's a self defeating statement which indicates a lack of intelligents, knowledge and a GREAT need for an EDUCATION. May God bless and enlighten you before it's too late.
@terryfonz4603 3 года назад
Eric God can do all things that are logically possible dimwit! Your analogy is a logical Impossibility. But there is no gap because it is not needed. The belief that the world is ancient is a secular fantasy the evidence fights against it like Palomium halos in rock structures etc etc. the moons distance from earth etc etc!
@worldgonemad5866 3 года назад
@@gerardmoloney9979 , do you see the irony in you misspelling intelligence?
@alil6547 3 года назад
@@ericlyprendi4325 God surpasses logic you know.
@kevindouglas6120 3 года назад
I can't remember if I've seen this. Now that I've watched so much of your lessons , whatever your answer is going to be , I will surely listen more to you than some. I just appreciate your teaching.
@nmariejenkins2041 5 лет назад
This is a topic that has always been difficult for me to reconcile. I respect Pastor Barnett so much, but I also respect Larkin. It has always been my understanding that Larkin believed in the GAP insomuch that it was the world of Lucifer (sans humanoids!), NOT billions of years. Satan, being made lord of earth had rebelled and was cast out. God started over with Adam, (fueling Satan's hatred of man). I always thought that this was acceptable timeline-wise because the word "beginning" implies there was now "time". Weren't the sun and moon created for light but also for "signs and seasons (time)"? This implies to me that before what we know as the 6 days of creation, there simply was no time at all, and no people, but there could have been a chaotic "place" wherein dwelt the fallen. However, we also have the verse in Job discussing all the sons of God shouting for joy at creation. This verse says "the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy". Could this mean that angels already existed before the creation? Or maybe they were created early on day 4? But then they would not have seen God create the foundations of earth. Argh! The word "beginning" is the rub for me, as it implies "time". I always wondered why the young earth theory could not be meshed with SOME thoughts of the second area of thought from John's board: 6 literal days of creation of the earth that we know now, although geographically altered due to Noah's Flood. Larkin teaches a pre-earth of chaos, home to the fallen, that God altered with His 6 days. I'm gonna stop now as no one is probably going to read this, and I may be over thinking. ha!
@ChrisCross-nq9ed 5 лет назад
I read it, and actually gained a couple of perspectives that I hadn't thought of, thanks!
@darth3911 3 года назад
in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth most young and old earth believers consider this to mean heaven was made before the earth how long before the earth who knows we also know the earth was a void made mostly of water before the days of creation
@dwightropp3014 2 года назад
Yes, very thought-provoking. Check out Jeremiah 4:23-26, which is Scofield's source for his gap theory view. What do you make of that?
@catherinemclernon2550 2 года назад
@@dwightropp3014 I think that it is always important to keep the text within the context of the chapter and book. Chapter 4 of Jeremiah is a prophecy of judgement on Israel and verses 23 --26 are part of the description of the desolation God would bring on the land. " Jeremiah 4:20 Destruction upon destruction is cried; for the whole land is spoiled: suddenly are my tents spoiled, and my curtains in a moment. 21 How long shall I see the standard, and hear the sound of the trumpet? 22 For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge. 23 I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light. 24 I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly. 25 I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled. 26 I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the LORD, and by his fierce anger. 27 For thus hath the LORD said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end. 28 For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black: because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it."
@rednab2001 Год назад
Great post. I recently was introduced to old earth creationism, and for me, it is where all the pieces of the puzzle started to fit together. I have watched both sides of the teachings and I have to admit that both sides have to jump through some serious hoops for their side to be correct. For me, evolution does not even come into play in this conversation, as these positions were held long before Darwinism. I tend to fall on the old earth side, as I said earlier, it ties all the pieces together. Too much of the early earth side of the argument ask me to not believe what is in front of my eyes or what is in the historic record. During my many years of being a Christian, I am always and will always be a Bible-first Christian. If you can't defend something with scripture, then I know it comes from man and that makes me question it. What seals it for me is the stories of Lucifer's fall. I think that most Christians would say they believe that Lucifer was removed from Heaven before the creation of Adam. When the Biblical text states that Lucifer was cast down before Kings, well, if there are kings, there are kingdoms. It also states that Lucifer was dishonest with his trading. Who was Lucifer trading with on Earth? All this before the creation of Adam. The old earth theory also helps archeology fit into its proper place. Things like the List of Sumerian Kings, where they list kings that ruled for thousands and tens of thousands of years. The young earth theory does not allow room for some archeology. I find that the old earth theory allows me to believe ALL that the Bible says.
@SaxonC 5 лет назад
That woman who started Christian Science was married so many times, that they threw minute Rice at her last wedding ! lol
@cminor3016 3 года назад
@anneburdette6037 3 года назад
@nancygibson4380 3 года назад
How can a woman who couldn't keep her house in order form invent a religion?
@theeonlyway9582 5 лет назад
Kent Hovind is the best young earth defender of all young earth proponents. He was so successful in his defense that secular society put him in prison on bogus charges. I hope God blesses Kent Hovind.
@michellehamilton4075 6 лет назад
Let's stick with what the Bible says and not lean on our own understanding.
@billparker5457 6 лет назад
Yes, lets stick with what the Bible says, In 2 of the major prophets, God says He did not create the earth without form and void. In Genesis 1 Adam is told to re-plenish the earth. I believe re means do it again. In Genesis 1 Adam is male and female and brought into being from nothing, but in Genesis 2 ha Adam is fashioned out of the dust of the ground, and Isha is brought out of Ish. The teacher seems to have forgotten Jesus dealing with "demons", some kind of being of energy that has no body, what are they and where did they come from.
@michellehamilton4075 6 лет назад
But fallen angels entered man to procreated with women. And that is how the nephillim came into being.
@billparker5457 6 лет назад
demons are the spirits of nephilim, and they are not the breath of God, they are the seed of the fallen ones, and of female humans, and they are bound to this planet. They "entreated" J esus to enter the swine after He cast them out of the madman of Gadera. Entreated is a legal term, also, Jesus walked thru the territories that Joshua and the tribes of Israel never conquered, and took authority over those areas. the same areas currently occupied by the Palestinians (aka the Philistines)
@billparker5457 6 лет назад
No, Michelle is right, the Benoi Elohim in Genesis 6 are not Nephilim, they are fallen angels that left their first estate and took a different form. opposite of Believers in Christ, we will be changed from a corrupted form to an incorruptible form. Kind of like Nicholas Cage did in the movie City of Angels, where he cast himselfdown and took on flesh in order to be with Meg Ryan playing a doctor, who then proceeds to get killed, thwarting Nick's plan. Angels possessed Judas, Satan is a fallen angel, and he also possessed Annanias & Sophira. He had some kind of control over Peter because Jesus spoke to Peter and said get behind me Satan, he called Peter Satan, so something was a little odd.Angels do more than influence, they were wiping people out at times during the time of Elisha, 1 angel killed 185,000 Assyrians. That's a bad ass angel, one you want to be friends with.
@michellehamilton4075 6 лет назад
Blue is it Genisis 6 where the sons of God came down to procreate with women. How would they have done that without the parts?
@dlay6267 2 года назад
There is NO GREATER DECISION than accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior! I am so happy in knowing that the Son of God lives within my heart! Thank you Jesus, for being my Lord and Savior and for the forgiveness of all my sin, by your precious blood. I love you and serve you with all my heart.
@obcane3072 6 лет назад
God will tell us the truth in time. No reason for Christians to steak each other. Disagree in love. Your salvation isn't based on which camp you are part of. This is an intellectual exercise between mature Christians.
@Rory695 6 лет назад
That's a very mature statement, so many of us take the word of god and our origin extremely seriously and clash with eachother instead of working together
@nchan4679 6 лет назад
So you domt think it matters? Brother or sister it does. Do you know how many souls will never meet God because they beleve ths deception about a ball earth and evolution. Nothing else on history has turn more people away from our creator than this deception. And this pastor wont admit our Bible is clear about what we live on. Hes part of the problem
@samueldelgado1458 5 лет назад
@@nchan4679 buddy, All we need is to believe Jesus is the son of God and he paid the price of our inequity on the cross and he rose from the grave.... outside of that, God the Father does not care, so long as your sin debt is covered.
@TheJCFan 5 лет назад
@@nchan4679 Even when men thought for thousands of years that the world was flat, they still rejected Jesus. So how exactly this Flat Earth movement going to cause them to believe in Jesus now? Its as it always has been. People reject Jesus when they love their sin too much to part with it.
@DWHalse 5 лет назад
Very mature comments OB
@gmil1128 6 лет назад
Genesis creation account is much easier to comprehend when you remove Copernican, Darwinian evolutionary lenses. One of the reasons Christians have difficulty in explaining creation is that they are trying to accommodate atheist evolutionary theories. The text is pretty straight forward. He made light and darkness. He separated the waters below from the waters above with a solid firmament(raqiya). He formed the land out of the water(opposite of how scientism says it happened) and created all the vegetation. He made the sun, moon, and stars and placed them within the firmament. Then animals. Then man. I’m amazed and awestruck at it all, but it’s no struggle to understand it as it is written.
@dukeshoots5296 5 лет назад
@@worldgonemad5866 You mean the knowledge of man?
@worldgonemad5866 5 лет назад
@@dukeshoots5296 , that's exactly what I mean. Until someone demonstrates a God noone can genuinely claim to receive knowledge for such a being. All knowledge is man's knowledge.
@raicarroceralopez6430 5 лет назад
But création matches up with évolution if you look at it
@worldgonemad5866 5 лет назад
@@raicarroceralopez6430, no it doesnt, not even close. Creationists say that god magically created everything on a whim. Thst is not at all what evolution says. Stop equivocating the two mutually exclusive ideas.
@vernonherb 5 лет назад
G Mil amen and amen
@kevin12553 5 лет назад
One time in Bible study at the end of it we always had small prayer groups one of the guys that came in for the Bible study had bruised ribs and he was wanting prayer , so I was the one ended up praying for him I put one of my hands gently on his ribs pleaded the blood of Jesus first forgiveness of our sins and then started praying for him I felt a hand on the inside of him moving around as I was praying for him and God healed him he was so happy and lifting his arms in the air he could barely move when he first came into the Bible study , God is awesome , somehow that all scared me that had me shocked for 3 days afterwards and I've never prayed for someone like that again since then
@worldgonemad5866 5 лет назад
That sounds like a genuine miracle. To bad you god lets all those children die terrible deaths every single day. If only you werent so selfish that you would pray for those poor children. You are a monster.
@jamesedwin7497 6 лет назад
Adam was created fully grown! Why not the earth in six days? God rested on a seventh day because He was finished. Time was created with God knowing beginning to end everything that would happen in the time He designated for all things to happen, until Jesus could come, and die and rise again, to save humanity from the same judgment that God planned for those rebellious angels that He ousted out of heaven, (the Lake of Fire prepared for the devil and his angels) and destroy the works of the devil -- Everlasting life for those responding to the Gospel, dying to themselves and resting in the work of Christ, and living and working in the power of the indwelling Spirit of God = the end of EVIL! I am writing about this. God designed all these things in eternity past, before He ever brought it forth with the Word of His Power! Who knows how long God thought of these things He created first in His own mind. His capabilities are beyond our ability to comprehend Him and the way He thinks. As high as the heavens are above the earth, God says, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts! When God imagined a life form, He imagined it fully alive and moving and flying or crawling or swimming, and eating and enjoying what or who it is because God is Good! The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork; day unto day utters speech and night unto night shows knowledge! (I believe that is the whole earth with all its content as well as the entire universe, which will someday be populated with saved, everliving humanity with JESUS, for Whom and by Whom everything was created!
@keithlucas6260 6 лет назад
Well said, we were taught that back in Sunday school in the 50's and 60's.
@leerice687 6 лет назад
Most ministers will not teach the truth.
@jessetwo1 6 лет назад
James Edwin but how about Genesis 2:7 were it says that the Farther formed man from the dust of the earth and breath life into him? But he also created man back on day six, Genesis 1:27. So what is the difference between the two? Well the text reads that the first man was a hunter-gathers.With mastery of the animals he had created, the eighth day man was a husbandmen with mastery of the plants that he had created. And put him in the garden of edan. So maybe our Farther wasn't finished after the sixth day.
@keithlucas6260 6 лет назад
@@jessetwo1 ......you have to look at what's called a "recap" of events, or a re-telling of chapter one. Genesis 2:4 KJV These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,
@jessetwo1 6 лет назад
Keith Lucas I see how you can come to that conclusion with the limitations of the KJV, however if go back to the original Hebrew manuscripts you will find that there is a distinct difference between the two.The first being a hunter-gathers, Genesis 1:26. Genesis 1: 27 ......created He "him ; male and female created He them. In Genesis 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breath into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Then God put him in charge of taking care of the plant life, gave him the knowledge to cultivate plants. But did not create his help meet until Genesis 2: 21. Now if Our Heavenly Farther had already crated one single type of man and women that could do everything both hunting -gathering and the caretaker of plants; husbandmen then they're would be no reason to write about the two separately at two different times.
@71superbee39 6 лет назад
As a demonstration of pure creation, Jesus created as many fish AND even bread as needed to feed 5000. The abundance of His creative power left the disciples with more than they started with. Shalom and Maranatha!!
@ForeverBleedinGreen 3 года назад
Jesus didn't "create" anything that day - He just RE-ALIGNED atoms in order to feed so MANY with so LITTLE to begin with.
@scharf74 3 года назад
It was MORE than 5000. Reread that.
@71superbee39 3 года назад
@@scharf74 Well aware of that ..
@scharf74 3 года назад
@@71superbee39 But you said 5000. Typical. Ignoring all the women and children and the women COOKED the fish.
@71superbee39 3 года назад
LOL...the number 5000 is a general scriptural reference, try taking that chip off your shoulder...No offense was meant...
@ghostprtrg 6 лет назад
Do you even bothered to read Exodus 20:11 and Exodus 31:17? Why does God Himself said twice, in diferent places:- "For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth..." Why? Because there's some gap where some stuff happened and He couldn't do it in six days, therefore He needed more time, like thousands of years, to complete His perfect work? C'mon, just believe what it's writen and that's it! God could even create the whole universe in a nanosecond and with just a thought! That's how great, awesome and powerful He is, but no, He showed us in creation that He's a God of order and not chaos and all that He creates, He creates prefectly! Don't speculate, just believe what is writen! God bless you all in Jesus name.
@mrsoulfoot3927 6 лет назад
In both Exodus 20:11 and Exodus 31:17 the Hebrew word for make is asah a common word for make or fashion out of something. In Genesis 1:1 the word for create is Bara. I think a study of the difference between those two words will shed some light on the confusion here. Bara is usually used when God does something entirely new. Bara is used in Exodus 34:10 when God creates a covenant for instance or in Joshua when he tells a tribe to create a settlement where there wasn't one.
@ghostprtrg 6 лет назад
@@mrsoulfoot3927 I understand what you are saying, but that doesn't change the fact that we speculate to much on things that don't matter. Like i said, just believe what it says and don't speculate! It's writen 4 times at least that God made everything in 6 days and on the seventh day He rested, why can't we just accept that and finish trying to fit the evolution religion into the Bible?
@mrsoulfoot3927 6 лет назад
because our translations are, in some respects generally accepted speculations. unfortunately. and if what we speculate about scripture doesn't agree with other scripture then it is our speculations that much change as the scripture is unchanging.
@ghostprtrg 6 лет назад
@@mrsoulfoot3927 Ok... Whatever... God bless you.
Yes read the words in the Bible for what it says, for it says God made us, in his image on the sixth day,and finished earth on the seventh day,no one brings this up,as known one day is a thousand years in the Bible ,if people would look for truth and knowledge everywhere, instead of from one book,a more complete truth would arise, for we traveled the universe on that sixth day for a thousand years as God told us to go see what he has created and learn and come back to me and tell me your thoughts,and then we asked to come here on Earth,there is a whole lot more to us then any one book can hold, know who you are,a soul of Love and Light straight from Father, God, the Creator of all things,this body we're in,is not what we are,we are so much more, have to know that there's truth every where and deception with it,as any one religion has deception in it also, when Christ came to wake up and save us, the ultimate deceiver didn't just go away ,he made his way into everything after to deceive the world,as he has done so very well,as I hear, still "everything written in this book is the word of God" silly ,as I read Exodus an Moss's is sprinkling blood on the children, it sounds to me like that's the first teachings of satanism,the first satanic ritual, that would episode just sounds wrong to me, for in scripture it says to seek truth and knowledge and you will know, that doesn't mean look in one place and by the know,you are from the one that created everything,so you will know from inside yourself the truth, you can feel the truth,seek and it will be shown,ask and it will be told,for it you walk with God,our holy Father,then fear no evil, for if you think it evil, question it,for evil has no power over you, I've gotten my knowledge from being woken up, born again, and started seeking knowledge, because I knew nothing about religions, church, or God, four years in and I know who I am and where I come from, for Father tell's me people I should help,leads me on my path, amazing journey much Love to you all, keep seeking
@jamesarnett1767 5 лет назад
Appreciate this sermon. I Timothy 6:20. O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babeling and opposition's of science, falsley so called.
@wyc7769 5 лет назад
This shows that not every ONE preacher/theologian has every doctrine they teach correct. Let the Spirit of Truth lead you to all truth.
@worldgonemad5866 5 лет назад
What us the spirit of truth? Sounds like a a useless platitude.
@AlanAlan-pb9vl 4 года назад
Ok so we are not sure about Gen but Zeck 14 FEAST OF TABERNACLES 3x YESHUA HIGH ANNUAL SABBATHS 3x it is written but we would rather strain at knats ( go after the minite smallest detail) and ecnore the larger 3x is written but false teachers dont teach this And No more Caninite pagan xmas tree Jer 10:3 HE is RESIN not on pagan crucifix was buried beforee PASSOVER ( HIS HIGH ANNUAL SABBATH) full 3 days and full 3 nights in the grave ( as Jonah) reserced on wkly SABBATH evening no glory to pagan sun worship day kjv 1 403 830 4124
@coyotebones1131 3 года назад
@@worldgonemad5866 spirit of truth is a decent way of slipping in the importance of truth in growing spiritually. I mean how cool are you though?
@worldgonemad5866 3 года назад
@@coyotebones1131 , you didnt answer the question, son.
@yahushuajahweh1418 3 года назад
yes pleas ohh lord! im lost without you!
@christianchris1517 3 года назад
Thank you, Lord, for this study that glorifies your Holy Name andWord!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼
@johnjt298 2 года назад
When I was struggling in my 20's as an atheist, I bought my first online book. The only book I'd ever bought that no one was forcing me to read for school -- Gerald Schroeder's, The Science of God. I now realize the holy spirit was helping me out big time. If the only explanations I had been handed were the 4 mentioned here, I'd have likely stayed an atheist. For those with an intense passion for understanding the 6 days of creation, check out Gerald Schroeder, but be warned that he is Jewish, and you will be challenging some of the more modern American Church's teachings on the OT. Love your content, Mr. Barnett. Thank You
@twoods3480 Год назад
I watch all your videos. I LOVE your teaching style!!! thank you!!!
@UberBri 6 лет назад
I think what people are asking is the second part of Genesis 1:2. “And darkness was upon the face of the deep”. People interpreting the darkness and the deep as something more than the lack of light.
@MG-er6dm 3 года назад
Brother you've confirmed so very clearly something l have always believed. Actually for a while there l thought l was going crazy. Particularly in face of what most all my fellow brethren and Pastors believe and proclaim.
@scottcarter1689 6 лет назад
John, Thanks so much for your commitment to the Word : Logos & Scripture... for thus is where our immutability should lie.
@garymacdougall4465 5 лет назад
hebrew doesn't mean THE beginning. It's just 'Beginning created Elohim heaven and earth'. This is only a beginning related to mankind and time.Yahweh is outside that!
@forwardsdrawkcab 3 года назад
It does start with the first day though. Don't rape Scripture to fit naturalistic thinking.
@zellerized 3 года назад
You need some help with reading scripture.
@aaronwalcott513 3 года назад
LOL. God doesn't have a beginning. Thus, WHATEVER He began to do, was the beginning. If He had begun with black holes and white holes, it would still be called "the beginning." In this case, He began the universe from this focal point.
@calvinjcheairsRnBBluesMusic 6 лет назад
You are a very intelligent man. I read where God said my ways are not your ways. How would we think that one day would be a literal one day? Could it have not been 1,000 human days, but one day for God.
@oliverjuria993 4 года назад
Though it is quite difficult to accept a young earth view, my heart is inclined to believe that it is indeed true.
@dwightropp3014 2 года назад
The "young earth" view isn't the issue here, though. We all believe that is true, including Scofield and Larkin and Pember, etc. The issue is the "gap theory"--that long stretch of time they say is wedged in between verses 1 and 2. Scofield based his view on Jeremiah 4:23-26, which does provide a conundrum for us. Mr. Barnett didn't speak of this matter.
@ronaldgerritsen6789 2 года назад
@@dwightropp3014 Context ! Jer 4:23-26 taken out of context, that is why Barnett did not comment on that, and all are wrong, in ky humble opinion.
@dwightropp3014 2 года назад
@@ronaldgerritsen6789 - Yes, as I’ll explain, I have come to be satisfied that it doesn’t speak of a creation gap. And yes, I am well aware that the context of Jeremiah 4:1-22 is of the chastisement of rebellious Israel to the point of her being engulfed in war. But the only time we read that the earth was ever “void and without form” (v.23), is in Genesis 1:2, which has caused some confusion for some folks. But then reading in verse 26 that the “fruitful land was a wilderness, and all its cities were broken down,” we should then realize that it must speak of humankind and civilization having already existed, which then rules out Gen-1:2 being the intended time frame. Rather, as some commentators have viewed it, the phrase “void and without form” is being used in Jeremiah 4 to describe a reversal of creation of sorts due to Israel’s sin, resulting in its society being erased in the land as they were carried away into the Babylonian captivity or even later at the destruction of Jerusalem in AD-70, resulting in the fruitfulness of the land ceasing to exist…until 1948, of course.
@roseanneward657 2 года назад
@@dwightropp3014 It’s human conjecture (man made theory) about the long span of time aka ‘gap’ between Genesis 1-2. Pastor Barnett said there is nothing in the Bible that confirms that theory. Since we all know man is flawed and has limited brain/mind capacity along with a sinful nature of ego/pride, and the Bible is God’s infallible, inerrant Word from an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent being- we must always use His Word over man’s as the standard or barometer of truth and fact.
@sledge1960 3 года назад
As a Young Earth believer I note that when Darwinian Humanists/Evolutionist bring the subject up with me, they do so in a totally derisory manner. They don't want to know the alternative, they only ever mock and scoff, just as Jesus said they would.
@dooeege298 6 лет назад
Heaven Ps 104:2.-3 Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain: Ps 104:2.-3 Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain: Waters Above Gen 1:7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. Ps 104:3 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens. Ps 148:4 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above Firmament (Dome) Gen 1:6-8 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
@ronkebarber6238 2 года назад
Yes, absolutely! Genesis 1:1, Ezekiel 28; Isaiah 14; Revelation 12:7-9; Luke 10:18= Genesis 1:2.
@garymacdougall4465 5 лет назад
There is no Gap Theory-JUST gap REALITY!
@lauriesuzanne8848 2 года назад
Thank you, thank you, over and again, for guiding us through the Lord’s Word, and helping us to understand the TRUTH!
@josurizar 6 лет назад
At the end of the day the only one who knows what really happened in the beginning is God himself. You and me could only imagine or think that we know.
@leerice687 6 лет назад
They have found the huge remains and the huge heads. The larger ones were as big as the length of the Ark...Study and see
@jpaul1599 6 лет назад
There is no way for inserting a gap theory in Genesis 1.1 because the first verse is about the 2 bookends that reveal the beginning of the first earth and also the end of the first earth according to Revelation 21.1, and further to firmly witness that truth, Isaiah 46.10 declares that God has revealed the end from the beginning. Genesis 1:1-2 > In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. "And the earth was without form, and void;" and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Isaiah 46:10 > "Declaring the end from the beginning", and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: Revelation 21:1 > And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: "for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away;" and there was no more sea.
@TheMomanslm 6 лет назад
If only God had given us any sort of communication to understand, like verbal stories that could have been written down. If only.
@marydelaney840 5 лет назад
God did give us a lot of scripture that has not been expounded upon. It is there for those who truly study with a pure heart and do not try to force their own agenda/beliefs. He did promise us a remnant that would bring forth his truth and He has done that. I thank Him for that remnant, it has allowed my knowledge and understanding to grow.
@worldgonemad5866 5 лет назад
@@jpaul1599 , to bad genisis is completely wrong about the formation of the earth. Its not even close to how things actually unfolded.
@RoyClariana 2 года назад
Have you noticed that some portions of the Bible use a literary approach of starting each line with a letter of the alphabet from A-Z (in Hebrew, aleph - to - tav, in Greek, alpha to omega)? And have you noticed that the Bible we were given by G-d starts with the letter B (bet)? Makes you wonder about the possible other volumes we don’t have…
@sketchbook1 5 лет назад
No. No there's not a gap. (Alright, my work is done here... off to another video...)
@Marinanor 4 года назад
@@brianmcbrayer2528 I could be wrong but it sounded as if Sketchpad Warrior was joking.
@terryfonz4603 3 года назад
Not sure why we need a gap? There’s plenty evidence for there being no gap. It’s a secular belief people are trying to justify a gap. But it’s just not necessary!
@donnybrook8824 3 года назад
@@terryfonz4603 I disagree
@craigheartwell5142 4 года назад
Gen 1:1 TL;DR - In the beginning God created heaven and earth. Gen 1:2+ Here's the rest of the story. Gen 2 - If you're still reading, here are some juicy details. Pretty straight-forward narrative approach.
@josurizar 6 лет назад
Isaiah 45:18 tells us that God did not create the earth “without form and void.” But something happened between verses one and two of Genesis chapter one, to cause the earth to move into the area of chaos.
@bambigleason9804 6 лет назад
Isa 45:18...thus saith the Lord that created the heavens, God himself that formed the earth and Kade it, he hath established it, he created li not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited. I the Lord and none else..
@jpaul1599 6 лет назад
@@LOWIQ-1 Gap theory that "so called" theologians have pushed is nonsense. Genesis 1:1-2 actually contains the book-ends of history of this, the First Earth that we live on. - Beginning of 1st earth - Genesis 1:1 > In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. End of 1st earth - Genesis 1:2 > And the earth was without form, and void. (The end of 1st creation and 1st earth is exactly what God confirmed through Isaiah.) Isaiah 46:10 > "Declaring the end from the beginning", and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: (The finality of end of 1st earth ) Revelation 21:1 > And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: "for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away;"
@jpaul1599 5 лет назад
Josue Urizar - please read the KJV 1611 Bible - it states in Isaiah 45:18 > For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else. Modern day bibles have been deliberately chipping into the Word of God to make spurious theologies. If you believe the Bible to be the Word of God and Isauah 46:10 states Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: Now ask yourself the question - where has God revealed the end from the beginning but in Genesis 1:1-2 ??? The Gap theory is an invention by certain theologians to cause believers to doubt the authenticity of the 6 day creation account of Genesis. Why does it say "first earth" passed away if it is a recreated earth or a second earth ??? in Revelation 21:1 > And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: "for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away;" Trust the Word fully not doubt it. The Faith is being sabotaged from within just as Christ was betrayed by an insider Judas. Shalom.
@jimvick8397 5 лет назад
Once you know in your heart the Word of God is the Truth, you will gain some conception of the power of evil over our understanding.... Without God the lies to our perception are as endless as they are powerful. I don't know what terrifies me more, what I know now or what I thought I knew...
@matthewa575 6 лет назад
It says god put the stars IN the firmament. That’s why you can see the stars immediately.
@jvo3777 2 года назад
Romans 10:9-10 (KJV) 9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
@charlestorrence3283 4 года назад
Just because we dont get a tell all of the stories of heaven doesn't mean there is a gap. Never thought of or heard of a gap in my life. It's like asking what went on in the mind of a baby between birth and age one....who cares.... the baby made it to one yrs old beautifully and we will never know. That simple.
@jaredsprague5710 5 лет назад
There are a few points that present me with many questions. You have not spoken much about them. 1. The sun and moon did not exist until day 3. 2. Time as we know it couldn’t have existed prior to Mans fall; death was not a concern. 3. Days, weeks, and years are used throughout the Bible to describe different, larger periods of time. I have no problem believing that God could create the universe immediately. My question is: given the points above why do we insist on six 24 hour periods of time for creation. To do so implies that God created the earth for the fallen man and not His original righteous created man. Could you please elaborate?
@timricketts. 5 лет назад
The bible says let the dry land bring forth. That means they grew to maturity and I can imagine it happening instantly. Remember we're talking about God.
@kevin12553 5 лет назад
timothy ricketts if we are talking about God then it can't happen instantly the seed can be planted and it could grow right there , all things are possible with God you know
@worldgonemad5866 5 лет назад
Any evidence that plants can grow instantly? Or is it just a fancy story that helps make your favorite fairy tales make a little more sence?
@olegig5166 2 года назад
I find it a bit amusing how many times this speaker uses the term "re-interpretation of scripture" to prove his point while personally reading from a modern version.
@tedbates1236 5 лет назад
Dr. Hugh Ross shows how God's Word and God's World agree when interpreted correctly. I understand how Dr. Ross's attempt to show what mankind has learned about the universe and the Bible confirm each other.
@jimvick8397 3 года назад
Ya, he does a real great job of slap chopping Satan's lies with God's Truth... And I know I can't convince anyone of anything without God's help (which might be the very source of my own ingratitude)... Anyhow. it is not a mystery to me anymore why Dr. Ross avoids the Anthropic implications of a gravitational singularity, when he had so much to say about the anthropic implications of all other worldly knowledge... By the time the reader figures it out for themselves, they will have wasted a great deal of time and be on the verge of being lost. Better just stick to God's Word.
@davidgraham2673 3 года назад
Dr Hugh Ross believes the universe, and earth are billions of years old. He does not believe that creation was an act of six literal 24 hour days, but rather six days that covered a period of time lasting billions of years. He debates Dr Jason Lisle concerning this on RU-vid. I recently watched part of it.
@mrdr1ggy 2 года назад
the Universe and Heliocentric ball earth are Satanic LIES by Satan. over 200 Bible verses supports a Flat and Stationary world💯🧠
@williamjpellas0314 2 года назад
I am not a fan of Dr Ross or his ideas. There is a lot, and I mean A LOT, of bad teaching floating around in the American 'church'.
@kirkboswell2575 5 лет назад
Every time I hear "Why did you ask such a big (complicated, involved, interesting) question?" I have to smile. Truth be told, a full explanation of ANY Biblical question is going to take a long time to cover in detail. So, I just smile and keep listening.
@briananthony4044 6 лет назад
A long time ago I was talking to a young person with multiple personalities and I called it out as a demon. It was a arrogant and bragging entity . I decided to ask questions about ancient times. It mentioned that there was a great war in the Heavens and that it was 40,000 years ago and caused great destruction. True or not, no idea, but interesting.
@david84ss 6 лет назад
They lie most of the time, we are told not to conversate with them.
@richardk6025 5 лет назад
@@david84ss They don't lie some of the time , but all the time.Are you kidding me.
@JohnGodwin777 3 года назад
@@richardk6025 they mix truth with lies which can make them even more deceptive.
@ggoosse 5 лет назад
I wish he had addressed the other Scriptures shared by Larkin on the Gap Theory. Also, he didn't address it linguistically, at least not in any depth at all. And I don't think it is fair that he lumps the Gap Theory in with the Day-Age theory, because they are distinctly different. The Gap Theory keeps creation to six literal days. I thought his arguments for a young earth were weak, as they could have referred to the beginning of the re-creation. Chuck Missler held to the Gap Theory and it helps (most likely) explain where demons come from. I am actually a young earth creationist myself, but I am fascinated by the Gap Theory, not because it accommodates scientific explanation, but because of other Biblical references, which I haven't had a chance to look up again.
@BrentonKimberlylivelife 4 года назад
That's what I always believed the Earth was created aged Man was created aged it just seem like common Sense thanks for clarifying
@worldgonemad5866 3 года назад
, a song as your feeling are validated that's what's important.
@250miles2 2 года назад
At some point, I think we all need to ask ourselves - does God mean what He says? If He does, then it's our responsibility to respond to what He says to us through His Word. But, if He doesn't mean what He says, then you're going to always second guess what you're reading. "Maybe He meant this... Maybe He meant that...." You're going to constantly feel the need to have someone explain His Word to you. I agree with Pastor Barnett here - taken at face value, the Bible appears to support a literal "young Earth" stance. Because of this, we don't change the Word to fit the world, we change the world to fit the Word. And, he's right - when you don't believe that the Bible should be taken literally, you're constantly changing what It says, in order to fit what the world says.
@charliejohn1 5 лет назад
That was a great bible study. I was glued to my computer screen.
@TimmyChuck 2 года назад
I would also like to have seen addressed the timeline of Lucifer's falling. There seems to be a very limited timeline as to when he fell, was cast to earth, and the tempting of Eve. This is also great fuel for those various gap theories. The creation week seems to be rebellion week in heaven, or there was time before creation week, where earth did exist.
@aFreeman0409 6 лет назад
Yes, there is a Gap and it is answered by 2 Peter 3 I can go through this, line by line, and precept upon precept if you like. Just ask.
@strohdog242 5 лет назад
I looked and nope. No gap.
@strohdog242 4 года назад
@robert proctor Wow! Maybe you should do a self diagnosis. So, I disagree on the gap theory and you claim I am en-route to hell. But just because I am so humble, let me check one more time...nope, still no gap nonsense.
@marydelaney840 5 лет назад
And the earth was/became without form and void. 2 Peter 3-6. These teachings have been ignored for so long that it isn't any wonder that man has a hard time believing. It isn't hard to "see" what happened in the first earth age and why we are now in a second earth age, looking forward to the third and final earth and heaven age. My experience, since my "eyes" were opened, is that most people absolutely refuse to accept that what they have been taught their whole life is not complete. My own small small mind had many questions that simply could not be answered until I found a pastor who did teach the whole truth. He pointed out many, and I do mean many, scriptures that opened my eyes and has answered a lot of my questions.
@rhos2313 3 года назад
This is probably where all the “dark matter” is coming from...... sin / evil on His holy creation
@worldgonemad5866 3 года назад
So all this extra gravity measured in the universe is just the weight of sin/evil in his holy creation?
@SmoBoo 2 года назад
In the depths of me I know the earth is young, it rings true even in the face of all those who would scoff or laugh at my belief.
@libertynindependence 6 лет назад
Why do we try to fit God into our own perceptions, and not try to make our perceptions line up with God. "Man cannot comprehend the things that God can comprehend." Otherwise there would be no need for faith.
@vincentandrews301 5 лет назад
Is that quote from someone?
@DWHalse 5 лет назад
Thanks Pastor for an adroit commentary on this growing controversy. Jesus is certainly Lord of all including timelines.
@juliehanson6158 5 лет назад
Why are we concerned about these things? The just shall live by faith..that's all we need.
@troyroberts5450 5 лет назад
Agreed but it is fascinating :)
@chhmar99utube 5 лет назад
Of course it matters hugely. either we are descended from apes, or we are sinners descended from Adam and Eve, and in need of salvation.
@andreshipp6212 5 лет назад
@@chhmar99utube Yes it do matter. I'm afraid of people that will follow anything on blind faith.
@paddywright8496 Год назад
Thank you so much for all your teachings , I've learned so much. God has truly blessed you to share his word . God bless you and your wife , your both will hear Our Lord say good and faithful servants.
@AdvEug 3 года назад
I believe its been 6000 years since Genesis 1:2 till today. What happened before that is not a salvation issue. Believe in Jesus that He died for your sins.
@ThePinkishObject 2 месяца назад
Who was Joseph's father? Jacob or Heli? Mathew 1:16 vs Luke 3:23
@olegig5166 2 года назад
The speaker would like to discount the OT passages addressing the old earth and old world passages as dealing with the destruction of Jerusalem, curious how he handles the following: Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? Job 38:4-7 - KJV Please Mr Speaker, tell us when the sons of God shouted for joy over the destruction of Jerusalem.
@johnmorris1637 5 лет назад
Adam was not a caveman. He named all the animals. He could speak.
@idahoduckhunter 3 года назад
Cavemen is the invention of people wanting to believe in evolution and deep time. Humans were smart as modern people from the start of Adam and Eve
@mmbpar 2 года назад
It's interesting what you say at about 19:30, that God hurled the stars out from the Center of his work. The other day i watched a science Clip where they explained that the whole universe is moving away from is. To me it's logical if everything moves away from here, than that movement started right here
@tweedconstruction 5 лет назад
A day with the lord is a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.
@104littleal6 4 года назад
My take, as a bible believer, is that it is impossible for any gap, period. Exo. 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
@kalegallarde6369 Год назад
2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day
@joeysantiago5518 6 лет назад
He said in the firmament he put her sun moon and stars. How can they be millions of miles away?
@faithtruth8036 5 лет назад
The Hebrew word is expanse firmament was a Greek mistranslation.
@awatchmen3244 5 лет назад
It can't be. They are as close as it appears. Anywhere from 40 to 70 miles up, depending on where their Analemma has them. The sun is a laser light focal point and the moon is a concave reflection off of the illuminated, center ice nodule beneath the ice dome, tent firmament, like a solid beaten work. I see it as the sea of glass described in prophecy. There is NO ball account of the earth and sea in the bible. But all of the description are contrary to the Heliocentric module of the Roman Universal Church. They worship Helios as the sun god.
@krakoosh1 5 лет назад
A watchmen what kind of drugs are you on?
@worldgonemad5866 5 лет назад
@@krakoosh1 , strong ones.
@worldgonemad5866 5 лет назад
@@faithtruth8036 , faith truth, kind of an oxymoron dont you think?
@cornellhoward3757 3 года назад
Look in Exodus Chapter 21 v. 16, "He that stealthy and selleth a man shall surely be put to death." Besides that God and Jesus, tells us the proper way to treat one another.
@charlessirisky5335 6 лет назад
Luke 10:18 Jesus says He saw Satan fall like lightning. Isaiah 14:17 Lucifer's fall made the world " tebel- also means globe" as a wilderness " midbar-uninhabited land" Isaiah 45:18, God says He did not create the earth in vain "tohu" This is a good description of Genisis 1: 2 without form and void aka in Hebrew "tohu and bohu" and in His own words not how He created it. Romans 8:18-21 Shows us the bigger picture of His ( born from above) sons and daughters and the creation. Plan A or The division of light from darkness started in heaven and continues to this day in this temporal creation, and even though it is finished we can only obtain the benefits of His Kingdom that has come within us to fill the earth with His glory by faith. Consider Colossians 1: 26&27 this hidden mystery is big and God doesn't need a plan B because His word will not return to Him void. Study it out and let His word be the final authority. By the way, Hermanutics is named after Hermes an Olympian god in Greek religion and mythology, the son of Zeus. Just think about how that flies in the face of the Holy Spirit who guides us into all truth before our Lord Jesus, The one whose name is above all names. Grace and peace!
@MARANATHA-AMEN 6 лет назад
Wow. You read my mind. I don't think I've ever met anyone who thinks like this. Thank you. We'll have to hook up in eternity for more discussion. I truly believe we will be studying scripture, forever. Layers upon layers of lines upon lines and precepts upon precepts. Won't that be fun.
@jpaul1599 5 лет назад
Charles Sirisky - Gap theory that "so called" theologians have pushed is nonsense. Genesis 1:1-2 actually contains the book-ends of history of this, the First Earth that we live on. - Beginning of 1st earth - Genesis 1:1 > In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. End of 1st earth - Genesis 1:2 > And the earth was without form, and void. (The end of 1st creation and 1st earth is exactly what God confirmed through Isaiah.) Isaiah 46:10 > "Declaring the end from the beginning", and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: (The finality of end of 1st earth ) Revelation 21:1 > And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: "for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away;"
@taylorbaker978 2 года назад
What was the fiction book he recommended? Sounded Interesting.
@krwhite02 6 лет назад
This blows evolution away, no doubt, but it doesn't properly address a possible gap. We know Lucifer fell along with other Angel's, and we know he with his sinful mentality influenced man to sin as well. Does that prove he was on the Earth before man? No and I dont think it truly matters. I think we in the body need to stop straining at gnats and focus on what truly important. God puts what we need in The Bible not the entire step by step parts of history. He has no need to prove Himself. We have to go on what He left us. That takes some of us in different directions but as long as the focus is still a sinless Jesus dying for all mankind and rising again then that should be our focus
@krwhite02 6 лет назад
@@LOWIQ-1 very appreciated sir
@joeysantiago5518 6 лет назад
Death came with Adam. So how could there have been feather before him?
@jpaul1599 5 лет назад
krwhite02 - it's quite clear that Lucifer was made before the Earth was created - read Job 38 opening verses and specifically Job 38:7 > When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? In original creation only Adam and the angels are called "sons of God".
@akeeperofoddknowledge4956 5 лет назад
@PhinAI 5 лет назад
The important things are reflected in what Jesus focused on. He gave glimpses at His power over Creation in things like walking on water, cursing the fig tree, calming the storm, healing, and bring back life to the dead, but those things were not the important things or else He would have expounded on them. Salvation is our key issue and need, as reflected in the Gospels and the rest of the New Testament as pointed to in the Old.
@michaelmorris6575 3 года назад
Great video! Thank you for sharing.
@gumbyspoke5891 6 лет назад
The gap is between your ears.The bible clearly states not too add or take anything away!!!
@henryv4222 6 лет назад
You didn't watch this, did you? Blessings :-)
@gumbyspoke5891 6 лет назад
@@henryv4222 I hardly watch anything with a misleading title such as yours. Trying to fit your opinion hardly works.nice to have that spirit in me.
@TheChurchIsLikenUntoTheMoon 5 лет назад
@@gumbyspoke5891 ad hominems are not from the Spirit.
@TheJCFan 5 лет назад
And yet the KJV Old Testament was based on the Masoretic Texts which clearly took away from the Septuagint, the writings that were around at the time of Christ and quoted from by the disciples. Find a quote in the KJV NT and compare it to the KJV OT, then compare it to the Septuagint. Not even the heralded KJV is free from man's despicable hands.
@TheChurchIsLikenUntoTheMoon 5 лет назад
that's a appeal of emotion
@johnallardyce5159 6 лет назад
since we are "laying " everything on the table, have you listened to Dr. W.A. Criswell [a linguistic scholar, and pastor at First Baptist, Dallas, TX]. Go to Dr. W.A.Criswell/ sermon library/ "Chaotic Earth". He preached this in 1956 to his congregation. He uses the Hebrew language to show you the understanding of vs. 1:1 and 1:2
@l.g.7169 6 лет назад
There are many different gap theories. This teacher doesn't seem to understand this, and misrepresents what they believe. I do NOT believe in prehuman humans, no macro evolution whatsoever in my beliefs (one kind evolves into another kind). I'm smart enough to admit that I don't exactly what happened. The bible doesn't tell us everything that has ever happened. That is not what bible is for. The bible is a love story; about God's deep love for His creation, and His plan of redemption for us.. And yes I do take the bible literally, except where it is clearly symbolism. For example the 7 headed beast rising out of the sea, is representative the anti-christ's empire. The gap theory I'm leaning toward in simple terms. 1. In the beginning God created the heaven and the Earth. Stop . 1b. Indeterminate amount of time passes where as Lucifer and his angels rebel. And God deals with them. This I believe took place in Heaven and on the Earth. 2. The Earth became void and without form. 3. God restores the Earth and creates all life in 6 literal 24 hour days. That was about 6000 years ago.
@jpaul1599 5 лет назад
L.G. - Gap theory that "so called" theologians have pushed is nonsense. Genesis 1:1-2 actually contains the book-ends of history of this, the First Earth that we live on. - Beginning of 1st earth - Genesis 1:1 > In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. End of 1st earth - Genesis 1:2 > And the earth was without form, and void. (The end of 1st creation and 1st earth is exactly what God confirmed through Isaiah.) Isaiah 46:10 > "Declaring the end from the beginning", and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: (The finality of end of 1st earth ) Revelation 21:1 > And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: "for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away;"
@l.g.7169 5 лет назад
@@jpaul1599 Yes we still live on the 1st Earth. But just as God "destroyed" the world with Noah's flood, He may have done it between Gen 1:1 - 1:2. The word "was" in in Gen 1:2 in the Hebrew could mean became in English. I really don't know, I wasn't there 6000 yrs ago. But the cosmos and the geology scream old Earth, old universe. Could God have made them appear old? Of course, but since He doesn't clearly state that He created the universe 6000 yrs ago (imho), I'm a little less dogmatic on this issue.
@jpaul1599 5 лет назад
@@l.g.7169 - So was the Holy Spirit inspired Isaiah 46:10 lying when he wrote that "Declaring the end from the beginning", and from ancient times the things that are not yet done ...
@l.g.7169 5 лет назад
@@jpaul1599 Where did I say that? God cannot lie! In my view, "Declaring the end from the beginning" means just what it says, God knew everything that will ever happen, ie every thought word or action from everyone, be they angel, human or demon; before He created anything. That's what prophesy is.
@larrytruelove7112 5 лет назад
L.G. The speakers says, early in the video, that there are several versions of the gap theory.
@franciosmith7581 3 года назад
You have to explain to me , when was satan walking in the garden amongst the fiery stones. Was Adam on one side and he on the next???
@j.l9854 3 года назад
The garden was in the sky to create angels, and after the garden was in earth to be a house for Adam.
@GHOSTRIDER-mx2et 5 лет назад
Next to kent hovind this gentlenens teaching about creation makes so much sense
@udanbug 6 лет назад
(Deuteronomy 4:2) "Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you." (Proverbs 30:6) "Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar." (Revelation 22:18-19) "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: {19} And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."
@udanbug 6 лет назад
The formless and void reference does not mean the Earth was created wrong. It just means that God had not completely formed it yet. In fact from the description of the third day activities, it seems that the Earth was originally a water planet (covered in water), which is somewhat formless, no? Anyway, I wouldn't want to be the one who has to answer to God about re-translating His word. I think the King James crew did a wonderful job.
@udanbug 6 лет назад
What a wishy washy world we have created. Firstly, there is no original Hebrew text in existence. The Hebrew text you refer to is from around 1000 AD, called the Massoretic text, found in Alexandria. I do not consider the NIV a valid translation, and certainly not its footnotes. I will continually be adamant about the Lord's Word. And I would like you to tell me what defects there are in the KJV.
@udanbug 6 лет назад
jan zizka What does the creation of Angels have to do with this? God doesn't mention the creation of Mars either. So what? I'd say He pretty much covered everything in the fourth commandment: (Exodus 20:11) "For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."
@johnhunter8965 6 лет назад
The speed of light is slowing down...verified! See Chuck Missler's expositions on Genesis. Enormous implications for time and space.
@briananthony4044 6 лет назад
There's an Australian Christian scientist that has been saying that for some time. Time travelled faster at the beginning of Creation and has been slowing down since. It is winding down.
@jpaul1599 5 лет назад
John Hunter - watch RU-vid video "Kings Dethroned (Audio)" - the whole modern day "speed of light from the celestial bodies and the distances to them are rigged.
@jenniferbilbrey3793 4 года назад
You also have to consider error with the GAP Theory - Death came before sin. Which is against what the Bible teaches.
@LoveClassicMusic0205 4 года назад
Death came before Adam's sin. The origin of death was the fall of Lucifer which happened before Genesis 1:2.
@darth3911 3 года назад
depends which death you refer to the first death is the death all man go though the second death is spiritual death that is when those whom rebelled against god in sin is sant to hades/hell
@davealley2761 4 года назад
Chuck Missler, using Hebrew and verifying the meaning of the same words later in the OT, gives evidence for a gap. Find it on You Tube...
@richardryan4269 4 года назад
Hey pastor, what were the angels up to prior to the 6 days?
@georgesoney3594 5 лет назад
The confusion you have is because YOU PRESUMED THAT DAY MENTIONED IN GENESIS IS EARTH DAY. *THE Sun was created on day 4 ,therefore the day mentioned is where the Creator resides !*
@worldgonemad5866 5 лет назад
That a perfect example of special pleading. Its not like the primative peoples that wrote the bible made any mistakes in their creation myths. That would just be crazy.
@PopleBackyardFarm 3 года назад
Ty for this teaching I have been looking at Scofield reference and the original languages and cross references on this in my studies and the main thing is prayer just something I run into my normal Bible Study
@danielswaggerty4930 6 лет назад
Good job; apppreciate the appropriate exegetical and encompassing approach! Thanks
@tw4987 Год назад
great, honestly researched presentation of this matter,…thank U…
@yeshuasfootsoldier9407 6 лет назад
You can't be on a win-win situation for all. Old earth and young earth can't have a middle part. God is a God of divide. You don't compromise your faith. I did my studies on this, evidence points to a young earth. So yes, Adam was made fully grown, just like water turned to wine instantly. Point is, there is no waiting time for God. He didn't even sweat making this universe, If you believe in old earth and old universe, you are saying God isn't powerful enough to create instantly.
@jbrwnl55 3 года назад
How is that the scriptures state "not one word should be added or removed from God's word". That theologians keep changing God's word!???
@lenraf635 6 лет назад
God says He created everything in six days. Period end of story. That's SIX 24 Hour Days. I don't care how smart these geniuses think they are, but when they face Him, and He asks them why they taught people His word was a lie, I don't want to stand too close to them. Oh yeah, after each day He called it Good! That's GOOD, not GAP.
@scottfrommichigan7402 6 лет назад
len raf Wrong.
@scottfrommichigan7402 6 лет назад
len raf HERE...I’LL USE ALL CAPS...WRONG. There. Settled.
@lenraf635 6 лет назад
Are you Scott or Henny Youngman? What's with the one word replies?
@TheRgordon16 6 лет назад
A building which was built 50 years ago and was damaged by a fire, can be restored. It is the SAME building which was built 50 years ago. The Earth which was created in Genesis 1:1, is the same Earth which was restored in Genesis 1:3, 31. It's the same "first Earth" with a different world on it.
@TheRgordon16 6 лет назад
Sure it does. You just refuse to accept it. Genesis 1:1. God created the Heaven and the Earth. Genesis 1:2. And the Earth was (became) without form and void. Genesis 1:3. God begins the restoration process. See It's all there. And the scriptures says "These are the GENERATIONS (plural) not "history" as this guy claims....of the Heavens and the Earth. You just can't see it because you have been taught to look at it the wrong way
@joecesarano4301 4 года назад
Please help with an understanding of Gen. 1-28 in the KJV, what is meant by the command to replenish the Earth? And where can we find Satan's fall in the Bible. Much gratitude, Blessings and warmest regards.
@larriveeman 6 лет назад
The Bible is right
@worldgonemad5866 5 лет назад
The bible is wrong.
@RedM4a 6 лет назад
I really wish I could sit down and just bounce questions off this guy for hours I think that would help me strengthen my views a lot. I personally do lean more toward the possibility that their is a gap. For the record the only reason I think this is because it seems to possibly imply the idea of a universal flood in verse two, and it’s the only place I can coherently place Lucifer’s fall. I don’t know how old the earth or universe are if we add this gap it could be 6001 years old or it could be “big arbitrary number” years old. I do claim that all of Genesis is literal and I’m curious what everyone else’s thoughts are on this subject let me know thanks
@johnhunter8965 6 лет назад
Did you even bother to check the Hebrew? It clearly says, "however/ but.....the earth had become without form and void. Verse one says " In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth......THE EARTH was at the beginning of all creation. What happened that made the earth "without form and void" In the sentence , "the earth" is the object of the sentence. If it didn't exist at the time of the sentence indicated, why was it referred to?
@jpaul1599 6 лет назад
Gap theory that "so called" theologians have pushed is nonsense. Genesis 1:1-2 actually contains the book-ends of history of this, the First Earth that we live on. - Beginning of 1st earth - Genesis 1:1 > In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. End of 1st earth - Genesis 1:2 > And the earth was without form, and void. (The end of 1st creation and 1st earth is exactly what God confirmed through Isaiah.) Isaiah 46:10 > "Declaring the end from the beginning", and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: (The finality of end of 1st earth ) Revelation 21:1 > And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: "for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away;"
@annemac8175 6 лет назад
What we have to look at is the word darkness and void and how it was used in the scriptures elsewhere. Also God created the world to be fit to live in!
@annemac8175 6 лет назад
I think you need to look a bit deeper.
@elriengelbrecht6357 6 лет назад
Where in Hebrews does it states that?
@billmarshall3082 2 года назад
'Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay'.Don't play with God's words.The greatest minds fall light years short of God's wisdom.
@billmarshall3082 2 года назад
Time Time is a dream where everyone partakes, Like a bubble on the circle of eternity, Where God can reach out as He makes Each one ready to find infinity. Time is made with a start and a finish, Where eternity had never known such, So He could measure without anguish Every deed we do and each heart we touch. Time is a miracle that hides our lives Where darkness is a future yet unknown, For this darkness has treasure that gives Light unto the many who's truth He's shown. Time is a gift that will show The Master, That we freely choose to love fellow man, Or we fall in selfish disaster, Where some choose to reject His holy plan. Time will end at Heaven's gates where His love Will welcome His holy Lamb and His sheep, With new work in His Kingdom above To find the reward that each one shall reap. G W (Bill) Marshall / 06 July, 2013
@mattusezhe9055 5 лет назад
Who was Pythagoras and Copernicus??? And what was their spiritual beliefs??? Please don't use NASA info to prove God's creation.
@worldgonemad5866 5 лет назад
Gods creation? You must first demonstrate that a god exists before you can call anything a creation.
@mattusezhe9055 5 лет назад
@@worldgonemad5866 God exists and so do gods. I hope you do not think everything came from nothing. 0+0 always equals 0
@mattusezhe9055 5 лет назад
@@worldgonemad5866 ok , take God out of it and base it on physics . Even science has given up singing the evolution song. Look into quantum physics and see where that goes.
@worldgonemad5866 5 лет назад
@@mattusezhe9055 , biologists have not given up on the theory of evolution. I dont know which creationists told you that, but i wouldnt repeat it if i were you. You may as well tell me about your pet unicorn.
@worldgonemad5866 5 лет назад
@@mattusezhe9055, im not sure what caused the universe to come into existence. That is the only honest position.
@sheryl146 3 года назад
Can someone PLEASE tell me the best study bible to buy. I’m really sick about this but I just bought a Scofield study bible, NKJV and then I hear this. I’m at a loss to know the best accurate Bible to buy
@resjon7981 3 года назад
Life Application Study Bible, NKJV
@lansefoster9052 3 года назад
Scofield is an EXCELLENT study Bible. You don’t need to buy another one. Master what is in the SSB and you will be a master of eschatology. Dive in!!
@PMA65537 3 года назад
@@lansefoster9052 But remember to believe all the inspired writing and be less attached to the suggested interpretation.
@jessewittman2823 5 лет назад
The Bible is without error, not even one word!
@tomcogar851 5 лет назад
Jesse Wittman the original was....but some translation errors do exist unfortunately
@alexdahn5329 6 лет назад
Some people think when the Word was doubted it had to be spelled out so that the emerging re-Adam could understand the hard way. But he never lost his identity as truth and eventually would defeat the Liar through Jesus.
@paullavoie5542 6 лет назад
God chose the foolish things of this world to confound the wise.
@Jahson70 6 лет назад
Isaiah said that God did not create the earth a waste and a desolation - Isa 45v18. And why did God tell Adam and Eve to re-plenish the earth if nothing came before them?
@jpaul1599 5 лет назад
Jahson70 - the word replenish originally meant to fill - in modern day dictionaries the secondary meaning has been moved up and the original relegated to lower position.
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