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Double Fine Adventure! // Kickstarter Update #4 

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Просмотров 194 тыс.
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To back this campaign before Tuesday, March 13th, please visit:
Tim Schafer shares details on Kickstarter Backer rewards, both old and new!



5 сен 2024




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Комментарии : 124   
@GidionX 12 лет назад
i'm proud to say that i donated to the cause. glad to see you getting back to your roots Tim.
@spikedskull 12 лет назад
Love the "IRON BRIGADE" post-it note over the Trenched promo in the background.
@SpartanDeluxe 12 лет назад
How can someone downvote a video from this amazing guy?
@guisoneka 12 лет назад
oh god, I didn't even remember that games used to came on those big boxes!
@ZerosionFerodatz 12 лет назад
@RomanVideoGamer2 Most definitely. It also ensures the games we actually want to see made, are made.
@Null_Experis 12 лет назад
well, that does it. Changed my $30 to $100. Godspeed, Tim!
@dropkickpikachu 12 лет назад
I'm laughing far too hard at the big TRENCHED logo covered up by the post-it note that says "Iron Brigade"
@gijsvanhalteren 12 лет назад
Nice! The only "old-school" boxes I kept are Grim Fandango and the first GTA. Together with this one I will drag em with me till my death.
@Dirkpittism 12 лет назад
I like the True Norwegian Black Metal book in the background, it makes for an interesting time ;P
@thr3ddy 12 лет назад
I really look forward to when the development of this game starts, maybe even more so than to the game itself!
@Descalabro 10 лет назад
It's a good thing some of these video game campaigns on Kickstarter are reintroducing old school boxes, but I don't remember ever having to pay 100$ for them. This game made $3,336,371 of a $400,000 goal, so what's the problem on having a big box starting from the regular retail price of $60?
@MikeGervasi 11 лет назад
You can play the original GF using "Residual" on Windows OR Mac. That's how I finally finished playing it and it's great. Now playing Psychonauts and it's amazing.
@frilansspion 12 лет назад
@grimeshx well theres also the box package and poster. but yeah I guess youre right. (I thought when I wrote that comment that the art book was in that tier as well but that was a mistake of course. mustve misremembered.)
@The_RedVIII 12 лет назад
Grim Fandango on the right!! loooove
@RyanSzrama 12 лет назад
Tim, you're hilarious. Love it! : )
@stormtruper629 12 лет назад
@kaimar2 get a prepaid... you can get em at like any walmart
@zebular 12 лет назад
Greatest thing to happen in gaming history!
@ChrisLT 12 лет назад
The back says backer. I'm so glad I backed.
@LordDragox412 12 лет назад
Yay, I hope the new game will become one of the classics and show big companies how awesome game funding is ;]
@SirGooga 12 лет назад
I'm very excited!
@michatube23 12 лет назад
well the first game i bought for myself was monkey island 1. so now that i have sort of established a bit of street cred: one of the happiest gaming days of my life was when they got rid of the huge boxes! i hated them. /hides in bunker
@jo10704 12 лет назад
you are my hero tim
@estebaranz88in 12 лет назад
@nulian 12 лет назад
@Greatdictator Physical box when you pay $100 or more. For everyone the digital version while being developed documentary/beta end game
@MarcioSegan 12 лет назад
Oh my god, you made me spend 110$ !!! Take me money! :) Backer from Brazil!
@SamKimpton 12 лет назад
This Kickstarter project is the "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" of games.
@UGOTNUKED 12 лет назад
GOGOGO! We can reach the 3 million!
@Blackerer 12 лет назад
this is gonna look great on my shelf next to my oldschool Space Quest cardboard boxes. \troll mode off \sincere mode on this is gonna look great on my shelf!!!
@ShaggyShan 12 лет назад
I GET A T-SHIRT TOO?! Aw, Tim, u the best :D
@MoluskToeCheese 12 лет назад
@pbollgruen I think everyone gets one; on the kickstarter page it mentions that you have to add $10 for shipping though.
@bleunt 12 лет назад
@chapel976 And only $300k of the $400k they asked for was actually for the game. The rest was for the Player2 production.
@zueinder89 12 лет назад
Ok, I sorta regretted not throwing a good chunk of my month's budget to get the physical copy.
@lotsofotherstuff 12 лет назад
OMG.. Big box case... :D
@redneckdipper1337 12 лет назад
Brutal Legend 2. NAO!!
@SF2K01 12 лет назад
@iceveiled "O Captain! My Captain!"
@MajDroid 12 лет назад
cant wait for the box
@Arianwubbe 12 лет назад
@IH8URVIDS The box is part of the $100 tier.
@googolplexbyte 12 лет назад
Yeah let's hurry up and get this game started!
@AFairs1990 12 лет назад
God I love double fine right now. If I didn't expect a two headed baby, I would be a surrogate for the company right now.
@gawiur 12 лет назад
man, you are awesome!
@slayor2000 12 лет назад
Psychonauts 2. You left the last game on a cliffhanger.
@kooamon 12 лет назад
He has a V-Cube!
@Galf506 12 лет назад
@IsomacFI 12 лет назад
FEB 20121 I hope the game comes out sooner than that :P
@Vardraq 12 лет назад
Tomorrow I will be about 110 € poorer, but surprisingly happy about it. ;)
@kavkazip 11 лет назад
How come there haven't been any updates about this game for a while??? Is it still being made?
@Joel5656 12 лет назад
wait, the boxed one is for the backers of how much money?
@IH8URVIDS 12 лет назад
I gave $15 at the beginning of this whole adventure/venture. Is this awesome, old-school boxed version being given now to all contributors, as you've exceeded your wildest dreams on Kickstarter? Or is this something we need to pay extra for? I'm not being a smart-ass, I seriously didn't understand -- at least from the video -- if that box goes out to everyone, or, if not, how we get that boxed version of the game.
@thisprojecthasended 12 лет назад
Will any of the stuff go on sale in the store after it's over? My parents don't want to give more than 15 bucks because "it's just supporting the same cause."
@MoreThanLuck 12 лет назад
You need to make Nolan North a voice actor in the game!!
@batatapotatoes 12 лет назад
@oO_ox_O 12 лет назад
@chris71388 $100 was also what Valve wanted for the HL2 gold pack which also had a t-shirt but I would argue was of less value (Ricochet, seriously?)
@TheSilentHawx 12 лет назад
@Greatdictator Im afraid that is if you pledge 100$ or more. :/
@ossiandbg 12 лет назад
Hello! Hello!
@pooky911 12 лет назад
Support the game ! Let's make it to $3'000'000 before end of the campaign !
@IIIIIbarcodeIIIII 12 лет назад
this guy knows how to milk nerds. kudos.
@ParrotMan01276 12 лет назад
@weasleflea 12 лет назад
"True Norwegian Black Metal" in the background
@IamAlwaysRight 12 лет назад
Wait so how much do you need to pay to get the physical copy?
@dougthemoleman 11 лет назад
Not sure whether to like or dislike... I want to be a backer so much!!! See, I've even used three exclamation points to prove it (and spelled out the number three). Maybe if I write Tim a passionate creepy letter about how I love all his games tenderly, he might notice my worthiness of backer status... That's... that's usually how it works, right? Maybe also enclose a single crisp dollar bill with the letter and put it in a manila envelope. Wait, wrong game, I meant in a purple tentacle, honest!
@Staravora 12 лет назад
I'm thinking of backing this, but I've never played an adventure game before so I don't know if I'd like it. Anyone got a prime example of an adventure game they would care to recommend I try out to see what they're like?
@frilansspion 12 лет назад
I pledged a 100 and it seems more and more that all of that money will go into presents that Ill get back again?? I should be happy about that I guess! but I hope some will go into the game and to the people making it.
@sigoog 12 лет назад
the only thing i don't get is how they are still begging for more money. first they needed 300k, then with 2 mio, they said they would add bonus stuff (like translations.. yeah, the game itself is 300k, and the bonus is 1,7 mio?)... now they need even more. for an adventure game.. wow.. i mean, im a backer myself (mostly because i love to get "behind the scenes", not because the game itself - there are enough good adventures out there), but yeah. most of it probably is for private fortune.
@TalkernateHistory 12 лет назад
The Beast? Isn't that about a giant squid?
@pbollgruen 12 лет назад
I am a german backer. Will I get a box, too? Or will it be US-Only?
@VoidXz 12 лет назад
@Bleachlover01 he can't, sadly he doesn't have the rights to do that.
@rainerbe 12 лет назад
@Bleachlover01 He would if he could. Lucas Arts own the rights and they said no. :(
@Blurillaz 12 лет назад
I was going to donate $1000 but only got enough today and hadn't checked earlier for how long the donation was live :/
@ZerosionFerodatz 12 лет назад
@RomanVideoGamer2 Im certainly willing to put some money towards a game if they do :) this was a great idea.
@iceveiled 12 лет назад
I am a backer of adventure!
@Primelaw24 12 лет назад
@DarthSaigon Try out the free episode 104 for Sam and Max
@DrBlort 12 лет назад
@rck890 Your own Tim clone? Let's ask for Ron's too!
@oO_ox_O 12 лет назад
@StarBroWars get a prepaid one?
@RMJ1984 12 лет назад
@rck890 Yeah i must say normally i dont care SQUAT for boxes any more, but im also ALSO very very close to goign to 100$ to get a badass old school BOX ! :D
@stichfull 12 лет назад
@mechworrier 12 лет назад
@luthifer01 12 лет назад
Take that haters of adventure!!
@IamAlwaysRight 12 лет назад
GOD DAMIT, for 100$ I was hoping to get that sexy ART book, that's like what I wanted the most.... :*( but 250$ is just too much!
@SimonDufour 12 лет назад
@IH8URVIDS Only to $100 backers. You can change you pledge until tuesday. That's what I did.
@dallebull 12 лет назад
@jasondesante Yeah, but that would not be fair to the ppl allready backing? If you missed out, suit yourself. The backers should get more exclusive stuff than others. Im backing this cuz i love adventure games and belive in the idéa. I did not buy the game for 15$, i funded a part of the project and therefor i should get more exclusive stuff than those who aren't backing this or someone who "preorder" = Buy the game.
@PrinceSnivy24 10 лет назад
Neat! :-D
@backslashio 12 лет назад
Must...get...poster & t-shirt to let everyone know I backed it :P
@sifsorry 12 лет назад
Was there a #3 update?
@elamriti 8 лет назад
yeah 100 dollars for a physical copy is a bit much < question can i stil help fund the game ifso how many big boxes are you going to make for pc
@Thecawesomeone 8 лет назад
+scroeffie Uhhhh, the game's already been released sorry?
@eurydice54 12 лет назад
Can we get a nod to Monopoly in this game? I'm just wondering but since I'm officially almost past middle-aged woman (aka "Ma'am"status) even putting this query out there makes me feel, well, kind of nervous... Anyway, I always loved to buy a house on Marvin Gardens.
@HeliosCore 12 лет назад
@chris71388 It's our money to do whatever we want with. Some people have supported this even without asking any rewards at all. Double Fine proposed an idea and we support it. Personally i'd rather pay 60$ for this and get nothing than paying the same amount to EA and Bioware for the corporate abomination called Mass Effect 3, but maybe that's just me.
@Whitecroc 12 лет назад
Backer? On the back? I see what you did there.
@TheCosmicPineapple 12 лет назад
oh god, I must be fucking crazy. I just upped my backing from 15 to 100
@oO_ox_O 12 лет назад
@StarBroWars search for "karta przedpłacona"
@GameVyse 12 лет назад
I take the ink, hold the love
@YouOpaOpa 12 лет назад
I'm gonna use Tim's DNA to clone a lot of little Tim Schafer's so they can make me a Full Throttle 2 game. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!
@Gniggy 12 лет назад
can u solve the v-cube 7? :D
@megaspartan9000 11 лет назад
@Blurillaz 12 лет назад
@Baxxow 12 лет назад
@santiagovare 12 лет назад
The audio is a bit too low
@Kamranicus 12 лет назад
@RMJ1984 12 лет назад
Very funny guy lol, Geniuen AMERICAN CARDBOARD rofl
@ApertureGeneticist 12 лет назад
Love and ink. lol
@user-bu1kr5ku6o 7 лет назад
Братишка, вы подняли на кикстартере на много больше чем планировали, еслиб вы немного помогли мне я бы тоже смог ожить!
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