
Dutch culture 

University of Groningen
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Agendas and punctuality, the Dutch climate, style of communication, Queens Day, Dutch food.



8 сен 2024




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@DEKIKK 13 лет назад
and groningen is a really nice and beautiful city with a lot of students and young people.
@KindOfRocka1 12 лет назад
Here in the Netherlands we don't describe it as cold and mean, but more as honesty. When we don't like something we don't want to lie, out of hospitality.
@timjanssen9783 11 лет назад
The UK, US and especially Soviet union did almost all of the work and sacrificed the most saving Europe. 1600-1700 were different times, but you can still recognize the Dutch power from back then in our welfare these days, one of the best qualities of life, one of the most developed countries in the world, the best in the world at some sports, world famous brands, 16th largest economy in the world, 3rd happiest country in the world, extreme low crime rate (despite our drugs based laws).
@TranceAddict1989 14 лет назад
nice video! wish there was more..
@timjanssen9783 11 лет назад
Ok, thank you. I respect that, and i apologize for some ignorant Dutch people commenting on video´s about Canada. And with Dj´s i actually mean music producers, (trance, house, hardstyle etc)
@xzaz2 15 лет назад
It is, its a structure that we made city's evolved as traders and rulers of the sea.
@Herb615 14 лет назад
Dutch culture is the most adorable and hularious culture on earth. Best soccer fans, Windmills, Wooden shoes, Cheese, and ect.
@anitaossewaarde5333 11 лет назад
ik vindt leuk om dat te horen van deze mensen.
@fauzanhelmi 2 года назад
good.... indonesia here
@999laney 10 лет назад
Born and raised love The Netherlands
@KirstenRemkes 11 лет назад
We don't have queens day anymore, now its kings day :)
@Batulao83 15 лет назад
It is a very nice country esp. in spring. Very liberal compared to USA. I was a scholar at Rotterdam in 1984 and lived with a Dutch widow. The people are taxed so much to maintain their flood control systems. They are really frugal people.
@kalleberendijk1827 11 лет назад
he is right about the wheater its so hot now but yesterday it was raining realy hard
@kajsmit1735 9 лет назад
I am dutch and yes dis is ho we are
@rubenhoed 13 лет назад
Sometimes I watch a program in The Netherlands which is called'' Ik vertrek'' were Dutch people imegrant to other countries. This is were they make appointments with companies and the companies don't even show up for weeks or days. So hating on the orginazation from the Dutch people is dumb, it keeps us Accurate and disciplined.
@Woeboez 11 лет назад
I understand that, I never said we explored anything. We just built cities all over the globe, and had the most powerful fleet in the world. One of those cities happened to be what New York is now. Either way, to say the dutch have had no impact on the world is insane. As I said, they were the most powerful country in existence at one point.
@IvonaFlakus 4 года назад
No wonder Netherlands usually ends up in the top 5 (or on top) of the indexes (like happiness report etc.)
@ratelslangen 12 лет назад
We dutch peaple can feel the rain coming
@Serenoj69 11 лет назад
That is simply the truth to some extend. Once you get into the semi's, the WC is more difficult. Untill the semi's the euro championship is more difficult I think.
@BlackMetalSwan 14 лет назад
I'm trying to learn to speak Dutch, moving to Belgium soon. Can someone recommend to me Dutch music or musicians who sing in Dutch?
@tpmm1 15 лет назад
Fantastic to see how other people experience The Netherlands.
@timjanssen9783 11 лет назад
We're the best ice skating country in the world, one of the best field hockey countries in the world, we were the best/one of the best soccer countries in the past, and a couple of years ago one of the best. We won world championship baseball in 2011, but I'm not going to claim that one because that was just once, in the past we were one of the best cycling countries, we have the best female cycler that ever lived, best horse dressage rider ever.
@timjanssen9783 11 лет назад
Please watch that video, watch is from 2:28 if you don't want to watch all of it.
@timjanssen9783 11 лет назад
Yes it is... All the major soccer countries are European countries, there are only two other major soccer countries which are Brazil and Argentina, it's even harder at the European championship to get further into the tournament. Because the chances are higher your opponent is strong.
@aaronbannink 13 лет назад
Haha, yea my Oma (grandmother) came to our house and she asked for mayonase for her fries :P it was funny but we tried it and it's actually pretty good!
@kontekijke 11 лет назад
Your living in a dream world, neo.
@reefdag 14 лет назад
@Cannibalzz blof is realy good understandible music.
@CCDevlin 13 лет назад
@cammicty I did not say Americans are timide. They are the complete oposite. But you said we are too blunt and nosy. I said that this has brought achievements just like it has done for the US. Its better than being timide like some countries (not the US and not Holland).
@cammicty 13 лет назад
@CCDevlin Actually since you opened up this topic, this is not what I was talking about when I said ''Borrowed Culture'' ! Not all of the references you listed above, originated in Holland! It would take an Essay to complete all of things that are disappointing about Holland! Holland I'm sure, is all you know, other than what you've read in books about the US, taking a brief trip does not count! I've actually delved deep into the Dutch Culture to find out what makes them tick cont'
@EmAViking 11 лет назад
I find it so funny with the Indonesian and Mexican guy going "It's so cold!". I'm from Sweden but living in the Netherlands, for me it's "So warm!". Love it here though :)
@D4NG3R03S 15 лет назад
almost 1/3rd of the people living here in Holland came from different country's or has parents that came from a different country (thus having THEIR habits). so YES we are multicultural!
@MVSparkle 13 лет назад
@rikgales123 1 Minute a big deal? I don't really think so, unless the one that is waiting is on a bad mood or has a tight schedule. But Dutch can also be a couple of minutes late.
@Speuler911 12 лет назад
sorry i have to do it this way but i am doing a small research on what tourists love about the netherlands and what they dont. So can you please give me top 3 of good and a top 3 of bad things it would really help me out. Groeten uut Twente
@Woeboez 11 лет назад
We discovered all kinds of trading routes and became rich as fuck. And yeah, our military isn't big, but we don't need one. We have a strong economy and are on of the (relatively) richest countries in the world.
@timjanssen9783 11 лет назад
And all of that even though we're such a small country, we're probably relatively the most successful/best performing country in the world. Even at sports, 13th on the Olympics. A little little country, 13th and the best in the world at several sports.
@4vrceltic 11 лет назад
I think Holland/the Netherlands is a beautiful place with beautiful people and infrastructure for biking that the world over can really take a lesson from! They are down to earth non materialistic people that I would love it if any of my 4 sons were to marry into! And that's coming from a Canadian! The world will only become a better place when we look at each others differences as compliments and not antagonistically. Really people make the world a better place! It starts with each of us!
@fluppewhupper 11 лет назад
just a question where are you from?
@cammicty 13 лет назад
@CCDevlin I was referring to other things about the Dutch Culture, why they don't smile, are so rigid, why they stare, narrow thinking, and sometimes the logic, OMG. I've been living here for 8 years, and I've traveled and lived in other parts of Europe, however, I've never met anyone who thinks and acts like the Dutch. I had to do research to help me to endure living here, etc,. They've borrowed from every other Culture in Society, from Asia, (how they became rich at one time) cont,
@galaxia4709 12 лет назад
You're right, ned consists out of Belgians, Hollanders and Frisian, of which the Belgians are the oldest. Hollanders only came into the picture a couple of 100 years ago. In same way, "the Netherl" are existentially dependent of Belgium, since HOL annexated & suppressed Belgium (from the Rhine southwards, incl Bourgogne + other now-France regions), so this "republic" was called by people Bourgondian Netherlands, but officially was called Leo Belgicus, since Belgium was the real deal....cont...
@timjanssen9783 11 лет назад
Not even in the top 50? So many people from other countries love our laws and would love to live here. By the way, The Netherlands is the number 3 country in the world with best human developments/ living conditions.
@timjanssen9783 11 лет назад
And as I already said, some Dutch soccer players belong to the best soccer players ever lived. There were times that the the Netherlands had to best/ one of the best group of players in the world. On paper, they were the best. All players played excellent at their clubs.
@Woeboez 11 лет назад
No, there was no city there. We founded it and named it New Amsterdam, we didn't just conquer something that already existed. During that Era we owned colonies all over the world and had the very largest fleet on the entire planet.
@EraNyan 13 лет назад
haha we do like to plan everything :))
@ratelslangen 12 лет назад
The day after queens day, national hangover day. :P Fun fact: rug means back (like the back of your body, where you put a backpack)
@snuffie2Z 12 лет назад
Proud to be a Dutch man :D
@TheRealpl0x 12 лет назад
lol @ 0:35. that dude.. we use more often bikes than other countries. but we dont replace bikes for cars. we have a lot of cars out here. just saying. cuz this comment of that Indonesia student is not so clearly.
@riek1326 11 лет назад
they didn't rule the world but they were once the richest country during the 17th century and people consider that sometimes as ruling the world
@hoihallo9685 14 лет назад
@petterhny yes, the western culuture
@jugler07 13 лет назад
I'm stuck believing I'm the only leanback, tolerant Dutchman left! :( Too many people believe immigrants came here for the economical benefits so there's a lot of resentment towards foreigners (tho not tourists, it's a world of difference, oddly we love tourists) though it's not much different from the whole 'New Nationalistic Phase' Europe (nationalistic/rightwing parties are popular) seems to be going through.
@hurtemo 11 лет назад
Okey, to put a sentence to it all, back in the days of colonies, Europe was the known world. In European perspective, Christofer Colombus discovered America, even though Native Americans where there long before the Europeans. Also the Dutch is after the UK known as the last colonial Empires, and has a big impact on history as our dutch friend says. Take South Africa, a great example. Continues..
@jordijwc 12 лет назад
@xhansxxx wrong, its an old name from the days that holland was a republik
@cammicty 13 лет назад
@CCDevlin cont, took from Africa, lol there is so much, and this was many European Cultures actually, who stole to add to their Culture, however, when I was referring to what I do not care for about the Dutch Culture there are so many things. If one is just visiting, they can deal, but when you live here, it's overwhelming. The Dutch are so quick to tell you what you should do and how you should do it, but when I give it back to them they can't take it. I could go on, but it's a waste. cont,
@hurtemo 11 лет назад
Continuation: If i understand right, you're Canadian, and Empire also, like it or not, had an impact, just think of the Native Americans and your part of Social Darwinism. The Netherlands had a lot of colonies and influence in the world, but as I see it, the Brits conquered most of the land, and left the Netherlands in the shadow, and that's probably why you've never heard so much about the Netherlands in history. Also the part about WWII, it wasn't all Canadas effort that freed Europe from Axis
@CCDevlin 13 лет назад
@cammicty Girl you are so lucky I just logged on before bedtime, so that I could educate you once again. My country has been mixed so many times its hard to keep track. We have brown hair, brown eyes, blond hair blue eyes and everything in the middle, for a reason. And we are a success. Other races have assimulated and consequently changed the total dutch genetics bit by bit. In America there is segregation to the max. The whites on the left, the asians in this corner (cont...)
@cammicty 13 лет назад
@CCDevlin cont, the pressure to perform in the US is the best, you have no pressure to perform here, you do what your Goverenment dictates, what's learned through the constant brainwashing in your schools, about your ways, as if they are the best ways in the world to do a certain thing, etc, '' what Netherlanders do, etc'' who cares! I had to go to the school to tell the teacher to keep her views to the education of my child, and do not instill the doctrines of the Dutch thinking in his head!
@Serenoj69 11 лет назад
Actually, when I was in Portugal the Portugese on the tele on a football program in 2002 specifically mentioned that NL not being in Japan and Korea was a big big downside. I am Portugese livning in NL and the Dutch, who always lose from us, are much respected as a great soccer nation. I do not like nationalism a whole lot btw. But this is true. And they have made it to three WC finals. They did not win, but only black and white thinkers discards such a thing as worthless....
@gladykiller 11 лет назад
@cammicty 13 лет назад
@CCDevlin I've the greatest outlook on life, unlike the average Dutchie! I'm a world traveler, and I see the world & people as they are, I speak truth & facts. Nothing comes from my mouth unless it has been calculated. I've done the research, walked the walk, lived the life, etc. I don't make empty statements! Do you know about ''my'' life? I 'm sure you could never handle a women like me with the greatest ambitions, I'm not a Dutch woman! Most Dutch don't get me, Typical they're Dutch! lol
@mastik36 12 лет назад
i think u're jealous about the Netherlands :-) such a small country but so avant gard in everything and for ages we are like this :-) always a step further from the rest of the world... i 'am so proud of the Netherlands .-)
@Speuler911 12 лет назад
Also St. Nicolaas was a turkeys priest who didnt own everything so the actual Sinterklaas couldnt have any slaves. If you have some kind of information that i dont know about and what could change my whole opinion on this subject please forward it in a private message or give me a link or something and i will study it
@cammicty 13 лет назад
@CCDevlin Ignorance is definitely Bliss, as they say! When have you had the opportunity to even hear me speak in the first place? We are simply chatting over the Internet and You Tube is our vehicle. I am sure Eddie Vedder's use of Dutch is simply Diplomatic, because he is in your country receiving your support as any other Musician. This is no different than Maurice White's learning Japan because he wanted to give back to Japan for so many years of Supporting EW&F's music. I am sure he's not ,
@galaxia4709 12 лет назад
Like the rest of the world I'm using the term holland as in contemporary holland.
@xzaz2 13 лет назад
@myppie Wij waren zeevaders, mensen die buiten hun borders gingen kijken mensen die niet bang waren voor het onbekende. We zijn het in zekere zin eigenlijk nog steeds, heel veel mensen van Nederland werken in het buitenland omdat we ons snel kunnen aanpassen. Dat is toch degelijk cultuur.
@budel007player 15 лет назад
English isn't really a common language, its just that we see it as a duty to the rest of the world to learn that language. Just as we learn german and French, while the french don't learn german, and the greman don't don't learn french.
@leeltz 12 лет назад
Well, I know that if I ever go to the Netherlands, I won't mention the fact that I'm a big fan of the German football team. I might get beat up. ^_^;
@CCDevlin 13 лет назад
@cammicty oh and Cali IS the entire US? or better than Seattle? San Diego? And Eddie V has travelled the entire world and entire US. And he spoke of this in 2006, saying americans need to stop thinking they are all that. He and his band members have been here alot and said the oposite: that we're openminded. So i guess its all about opinion. I would advise you to start looking for the positive, since you chose to live here. Not sure what trauma makes you persist but were not as bad as you think.
@cammicty 13 лет назад
@CCDevlin This was far from my point, which still holds true. However, thanks for a repeat of the knowledge I already have, as I well know, regarding the DOP, who signed what, copied what and where, and what it was formed after, etc,. Regarding " American Culture" what was it then and what is it now; as it's greatly changed over the last 300 years. "Our founding fathers'' as they say.) The Dutch, Irish, French, Brits, etc, had a part in stealing and forming what's called the USA, cont,
@zdclan 14 лет назад
you should try the band "Doe Maar"
@IvonaFlakus 4 года назад
Dutch Bob Marley? :D Thanks for the reference! I understood a few words in "Nederwiet" ;)
@galaxia4709 12 лет назад
..., officially being a region (to say the least) unlike holland and being way bigger, wealthier and more advanced. Belgium already had known its golden multiple ages long before hol, inspired & helped by Belgium, had its only one. After Belgium's independence + holland stealing land from Belgium, the only name holland could adopt was the netherlands. The bourgondian part fell away + Belgian home land for a small 2000 years, was stolen, so the netherlands (180 yo) couldn't call itself holland.
@Woeboez 11 лет назад
Yeah.. there was no city. That was my point. Where do the AI factor into this equation?
@cammicty 13 лет назад
@CCDevlin You did say we were timid, maybe you didn't mean to say that but you did! I never said you were noisy, you could do with some raising your voice a bit! lol I said you have your opinion about how everyone should do everything in your country! Fine have your opinion, that's your choice, but leave it at the door, when folks decide to do their own thing!
@okan931 15 лет назад
warom schijfen julie het info in het engels?
@timjanssen9783 11 лет назад
And I didn't say it was harder to win European championship, I SAID IT WAS HARDER TO GET FURTHER INTO THE TOURNAMENT, and it is, you know why? Because in the European championship chances are higher your opponent is stronger. Because besides a couple of countries most countries outside of Europe suck at soccer compared to European countries.
@Arcaneraven 14 лет назад
Jah, wij nederlanders hebben lekkere fietsbanden!
@cammicty 13 лет назад
@CCDevlin lol if you don't understand what I mean, then read some of the many comments and posts from foreigners who come from out of Holland and live here now. Why was Van Gogh so screwed up? His strict religious Reformed/Calvinists background. The way of thinking from this religious group of people has not changed even today, and many of Hollands rules are formed by folks with this background. I've done the research, had to to understand your Culture, just to live here and not go insane, lol.
@Gsniperify 11 лет назад
we dont honor them with parades ofcourse we are gratefull but we honor all of the soldiers who died in the war and not with parades but with minutes of silence out of respect
@lokaal18 11 лет назад
No, that's attended to you ;) And if you think i'm immature, why do you keep on arguing with me?
@SamuelHabekotte 12 лет назад
The Dutch aren't mean by default. We are direct and that displeases people. The reason we come off as mean and cold is because we live with about 16M people on a piece of land thats about 200 by 300 km; it's too crowded and that makes people.. well.. not so nice (just look at the behaviour of people in a big city like NY) I'm not someone that particularly likes this country, especially thanks to its shitty politics, but I don't agree with someone saying that we are mean or cold.
@CCDevlin 13 лет назад
@cammicty You commented on today's culture? Ehm read back your comment. You said Dutch borrowed their culture in the 1600's. Thats why I went from the 1600's to the future to the DOI and told you it was borrowed. What is off topic about that? Also, I don't think Dutch culture has stayed the same as in the 1600's. The red line across it (being tolerance) has remaind. But alot of things have dissappeared. And to name a few original dutch inventions which the world uses today: stock market, cont.
@eeyk1993 13 лет назад
regent het altijd? volgens mij is het nu 30 graden.
@mastik36 12 лет назад
I like the mexican guy ;-) u're welcome to Holland darling -)
@ZwarteKonijn 12 лет назад
uhm, no , absolutly not true. were did you got your sources from?
@CCDevlin 13 лет назад
@cammicty speaking of borrowed culture: Did you know that America's Declaration of Independence is designed after the Dutch Declaration of Independence which was made centuries prior? Nevermind borrowing a tulip and some weed, ... actually copying the blueprint of a countries declaration, now thats a whopper! I guess that whole Declaration is supposed to be the founding aspect of American Culture and it's ..... borrowed???? O MY GOD. Goodnight :)
@myppie 13 лет назад
wat heeft het 'creëren' van new york te maken met de nederlandse cultuur?
@CCDevlin 13 лет назад
@cammicty (cont..) preferably seperating them from japanese and chinese. Hispanics over here, maybe some blacks over there. And then some buffer zones where everyone mixes. You cannot call that integration. That is just "living together and staying out of each others business". The latter being something you consider a good (non-dutch) treat. Well that seems fine but someday it will blow up in your lazy face. Meanwhile we're busting our head figuring out how to make this thing work. And we will.
@CCDevlin 13 лет назад
8 months=8 years
@Speuler911 12 лет назад
ah it aint that bad as it was like 50 years ago but still they have beaten us at Euro 2012
@Aapje150 11 лет назад
Holland is just a little part of The Netherlands! By the Netherlands you mean the whole country, by Holland just 1/6.
@cammicty 13 лет назад
@CCDevlin You made the original reference, I don't ''keep'' doing anything! Only replying to your posts and putting the facts straight! lol However, I'm done with this conversation. What I've said is the truth, you keep convincing yourself that it's not! I know to many Dutch folks who've left here, moved and lived in the US and they agree, they say they've had to reprogram themselves when they returned, lol the thinking is that different. We have our problems too many! But living in Holland OMG!
@TheRealpl0x 12 лет назад
I was just commenting you on the facts.
@hoihallo9685 14 лет назад
@MultiRumblefighter dat is eigenlijk geen woord :P
@hoihallo9685 14 лет назад
@MultiRumblefighter :P
@JuliaaMovies 11 лет назад
NETHERLANDSSS ! my country ♥
@cammicty 13 лет назад
@CCDevlin Btw, I have a friend who's just moved here last year from S. Africa she's white, got a job within 3 weeks. My education is better than hers. We've discussed it, as she is different that the average person here. Who would have thought little ole me, '' who does not integrate'' would have a S. African friend for over a year now. She lived through Apartheid and as she's mentioned herself, she knows prejudice when she sees it. I should have my pick of jobs with my experience she says. ROLF
@plantsman01 12 лет назад
Did I say Holland?? (READ PLEASE!) I do not mean the Netherlands of today but the Netherlands in the time of the slave trade. The Netherlands of today have just as much to do with this as the Netherlands of the future. Who knows how the boundaries will be then. Parts of that Netherlands used to be Belgica. Don't "overwhise" me with stupid crap please. But hey! You are so smart about one little thing. Please also comment on the French and Spanish.
@NickAlmelo 14 лет назад
Haha, volgens mij bedoelt die Mexicaan op het eind drop. :P
@plantsman01 12 лет назад
Oh surprise me. What IS the foundation then?
@cammicty 13 лет назад
@CCDevlin At least when these Cultures come to the US, they can make it with out someone telling them what they cannot do! I do not lie BTW, I speak the truth as I see it, what I don't like in the US as well! I live here and I know Holland! I speak with many of the older generation here and they tell me how things were in their time and now, and not so much has changed! BTW Eddie Vedder was from a small town in the US, those don't form the whole US, I'm from Cali, a different way of thinking!
@Woeboez 11 лет назад
No, they are not. The dutch even founded New york, you know. It was called 'New Amsterdam' before we sold it off.
@Speuler911 12 лет назад
thats got to be check your channel
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