
Echo Furry Horror Game 

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Echo is a Psychological Horror Furry Visual Novel released on August 15th, 2015.
This was also a fun video to make as I only gave my self 2 Weeks to work on the project. The game is fun but not well put together, thank you too all giving in your helpful insight on the game and hope you like the video grawroo!
ARTIST: @TillionMaia
REVISING: @OfficiallyJolly
@PureKoor /Darius
RU-vid Libary
Echo Libary
Animal Crossing
Echo Build 0.45
/ echogame



2 окт 2024




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@fenrirswolh3 3 года назад
Not my comment but I went into this game and saw Leo, thinking "Cute puppy" and ended his route with Visual Novel Trauma.
@sydney5342 3 года назад
@lionlord5874 3 года назад
@luckythelucklesswolf1419 2 года назад
same but with TJ
@RustSolMoon Год назад
Achievement Unlocked : 1 Year Depression :')
@vixentthefloofywolfo9416 5 месяцев назад
The thing about Echo is that you can't just play one route and expect to know everything, you must play every route in order to get the full story. Take Leo's route for example, Leo's route focuses mostly on his and Chase's relationship. It's not just a one-and-done kind of VN, the story has depth to it, and if your note willing to play through all of the routes, then you won't get the full story.
@cyrusstevenson880 4 года назад
This is so accurate though. I love how the game is normal...ish for most of the game and then the last day the game like self-destructs or something because we just can’t have happy endings and chase isn’t chase and Flynn’s dead like twice and Jenna and Carl are possessed and Leo’s a freaking psychotic manipulative sexy asshole and TJs been traumatized to insanity and what happened to my school project again?
@makkopafruit9931 4 года назад
The supernatural mystery was the only thing that kept me in the game really. Had a lot of fun putting together bits and pieces in every route and having a mental orgasm whenever I figured something out. Cared little for the group tbh given how unstable they are since Sydney's incident which at that point started to change all of them because of the forces within echo. TJ's route was the first route I played because wanting to comfort him was my first instinct. We all know how that turned out 😒. Still, it told me who killed sydney and some clues as to why. Second was Carl's since during TJ's route he was acting all weird and I wanted to know why. As you all may know it had something to do with his and Jenna's ancestor's past dispute. I had a lot of fun figuring out what happened between John Begay and James Hendricks whilst also picking up some info about the forces that dwell within echo. I also like this route since they all live and at least Jenna, Carl and Chase got closer because of their experience in the spirit dimension together. Chase, despite having a permanent limping leg, finished his detailed report on Echo after 1 1/2 years. He's also determined to reveal the secrets of Echo and find it's truth (at least he's useful here in this ending 😒) After Carl was Flynn since I wanted to see if I could resolve this dispute and I also wanted to leave Leo's route for last. It was going quite well til, we all know how that ended 😒. This route revealed quite a lot about the mystery behind Echo and how the forces within Echo operate. Tho there weren't much clues given for the origin behind the forces in Echo that may have started in 1877, there were much given about the mine incident in 1915. The route also mentioned something like "First, 'it' came from the gate. Then, 'they' came from the stars" which I only have theories of. Flynn was the only one that "died" in this route. Even though Chase managed to become a professional journalist, he still lead a shitty life because he couldn't dish out reports on par with his college report on Echo. The route ends on an open note with Cameron and Devon. "to be continued" Lastly was Leo's which I actually quite liked. After having played all other routes, Leo's route gave me some semblance of normalcy til well, the hysteria happened which at this point I've already figured out about. I actually had a bit of an emotional attachment towards Leo and hoooo boy that train scene BROKE me. A battering ram straight to the chest. Just imagining him fading in the distance with a broken heart and Chase(Samuel: this scene confirmed that Samuel is the voice which was hinted in Flynn's route) pouring out all their hate and spite for Echo which had ruined their lives was enough to shatter my heart and open the flood gates I tried so hard to supress. I cried like a damn faucet 😭😭 Even though Chase in all these routes really is a useless coward, and a sniveling little piece of shit 😒 as Samuel would say. Who could blame him tho. Echo changed them and brought out their worst qualities after Sydney's death. Like how Sydney turned more violent after witnessing his Father's death and forming that secret with Flynn. Sydney's father was also driven to suicide because of his own secret he tried so hard to escape from. In the end they all come back eventually. They're only moving in circles (something Samuel came to realize) (Jenna's route isn't finished yet and I plan on playing when it is. Judging from the comments on itch, Chase is as shitty as ever. Blame Echo for that 😒) (He would've been more assertive and badass if Sydney's death didn't happen) All in all I think the story is mostly about Echo itself and not much about the group since they are just one of it's many victims. The story didn't really self-destruct towards the end. Most of it are just in bits and pieces in every route left for the "Player" to figure out which is the thing I like about it the most and how every route manages to intertwine in some way. If anything, Echo left me in anticipation as to what really happened during the 1915 mine incident which ruined the life of Samuel and hurt those close to him; William, Clifford, Nikolai, Synthia and possibly Murdoch but he didn't mention him. That mine incident could quite possibly be what opened the "Gate" and Sam's group were it's first victim. The 1877 hysteria could be the day 'it' came and was probably summoned by the natives of Echo hinted by Carl's route as camp fire and drums suggesting a tribal ritual of sort. The general idea about Echo is that it is chaos held together by lies and secrets. Tides of chaos/hysteria are held back with every lies and secrets that happen in echo. Those involved will have their mind corrupted in some way and will bring out their worst qualities along with some other nasty things like visions and voices. At a certain point, when too much guilt have built up and there is no new secret to tie it down, chaos will eventually run free and the truth being the only thing that can subside it. During a period of Chaos the town is locked down in a bubble isolating them from the outside and warped creatures (like Flynn in his route and momentarily seen in the mines in Leo's route) roam about to push them in revealing the "secret" that seeks truth (secrets like "Who killed Sydney?" which you all may know is Chase or "Who is the true criminal?" which is James Hendricks in Carl's route, giving justice to John Begay's death from being framed)(this is also why it pushed them into the lake to try and reveal "Who killed Sydney?") whilst killing those who are persistent in leaving and would rather leave their secret buried and unanswered. Time and space is warped during a period of chaos as shown by the looped streets in Flynn and Leo's route, and Duke who's dead beside Chase's car, seen in Flynn's route for a moment, which actually happened in Leo's route. When Flynn turned into a warped creature, he is described jumping through different times. Namely when he was seen by TJ near the lake and by Jenna when she was a child. These suggests that every route overlaps in some way in their multiverse made possible by the chaos within Echo. Honestly, this all just gives me more hype for The Smoke Room to see where Samuel's story leads to.
@makkopafruit9931 4 года назад
Oof This turned out to be quite a wall of texts. I'd be surprised if someone actually reads through all of it.
@boulevardooo 4 года назад
@@makkopafruit9931 I just read through all of it. I don't know what to think anymore.
@sechmet987 3 года назад
Yay, I wasn't the only one emotionally destroyed by imagining Leo just standing there and being left alone. And that talk after 2 years was also kinda oof
@blacklustersoldierenvoyoft9103 3 года назад
Feel like this was an unfair review. Im still trying to understand the whole game myself so I am looking for good reviews... Take the movie SAW. That is a psychological horror movie too. Jigsaw, the villain, is terminally ill with cancer and he is afraid of dying alone and regrets deeply of not living his life to the fullest. So he finds bad people to play his game. On the surface the moral he is trying to teach is to live your life to the fullest, while the WRONG moral would be to sympathize with Jigsaw and understand him for hurting others because he is scared. The viewer is supposed to mature from the psychological pressure the movie afflicted them with. The true moral of the movie is dont be a guy like Jigsaw; Dont hurt other people because you feel scared and alone and like the only person suffering. What you were supposed to learn was keep your suffering to yourself no matter how awful the hand you were dealt and how unfair life is to you. Thats what the movie hoped to teach its viewers. That's what I like about ECHO. Im more a fan of Leo's route, but I will talk about Flynn since that seems to be your favorite route and Ive gone off a tangent long enough. Flynns main issue with that group and Echo is how it lead to his best friend's death (Sydney). As he admits in the VN no one gave a shit about Sydney. He was an "asshole" to everyone when actually he was misunderstood and died undeservingly. This is why Flynn really hates everyone and he is still obsessed over Sydney instead of moving on. That is his issue/the bad moral we are not supposed the sympathize with just as we know we werent supposed to sympathize with Jigsaw... When Flynn entered the Smoke Room that was because he REALLY wanted to know and to see what happened that fateful day Sydney died instead of moving on, so he fell for the trap because he had weak morals. His punishment was to burn to death and live forever as one of the spirits unable to a move on and trapped in the circle that the town seems to be haunted with. The last thing he saw when he was alive was Carl who looks back after running away. It was a true friend like Sydney was to him. And because Flynn chose to stay in the past instead of look to what he has now, like his friends Carl and Daxton, he got punished by being blown into the past and sadly he unintentionally haunted his friends. Jenna in her closet and TJ at the shore of the lake before Sydney drowned which is why TJ doesnt want to remember that day. The reader in this route is supposed to learn to let go of the past and old friends, even best friends/family and FOCUS on who is in front of you right now. This is something like Leo's rote and why he was so obsessed with staying in Echo. The reader is supposed to learn how to cut "anchor" and never look back/regret/fantasize about the life you left behind. You left it behind because it was a bad town/environment. If someone wants to bring you back there you will be punished for it. Your legs are supposed to help you keep moving forward. If you go back to that life that haunted you and that you hate then it as if you arent moving ahead in life. Metaphorically it would be like you had no legs at all. Which is why I find it poetic that Chase's legs get dismembered yet is comforted instead of enraged by Leo, especially as he slipped away by remembering him and Leo in the good times. It's definitely bloody and grotesque but that is necessary too. If they just wrote "and he lived like a wife that regrets her marriage" troupe the reader woldnt be psychologically shocked enough to change their own ways. They need the anxiety and horror of that moment to motivate them to not be held back even if it's something that brings you great comfort like "unconditional love" (leo had for chase); You need to keep moving on and put one leg in front of the other even if the feeling feels like it is splitting yourself in two with all your friends and a future moving forward at the speed of a train while your first love is keeping you still. You will be split in half metaphorically (literally for chase) if you do for old comforts instead of finding new pastures. ((I thought it over and over again and I am such a glutton for staying in my comfort zone. I relate to Chase and Leo's bad ending so much. Even though its freaking awful I still feel like I could so easily make the same mistake and that it takes so much willpower to move on. But it did help me finally get over my first BF. Long distance so it was kinda expected but I still felt so sad and still somewhat attached. He kinda had the same body type as Leo too which helped extra in getting over him and I can finally move on in peace)). Overall I like the writing of ECHO. Its pretty poetic. It hits the reader very hard on the psychological scale and I found it pretty horrifying too. Thankfully not enough to scar me though XD But I am now a lot more concerned about potential huntings lol. There is a lot of symbolism and layers upon layers of hidden meaning that I just LOVE. It's worth reading because it has substance, unlike modern mass-produced horror films that have no morals to leave the viewer. While ECHO wasnt super original with the morals they leave the viewer, for the target audience since most furries are 18-35 things like ex-s or moving on from a bad environment or friends metaphorically dying to you by becoming homophobic/anti furry...etc The morals are actually useful to the people who might end up reading this VN. It definitely was for me. Both my parents are US citizens making me one by default, but I was born, raised, and still live in Dubai UAE which is a homophobic country and its fair to compare its traumas it left me with Chase's in Echo. Im a nostalgic person so I felt like I would miss this country when I leave it, but now no more. I will never regret my life and I will never think twice about moving back here. The VN really helped me in that department make up my mind and mature and focus on what REALLY matters for my life. Sorry for the long ramble. I just wanted to find videos/discussions of layers of meanings I missed. As you can tell I am such a fan of this VN even though I just recently enjoyed it for what it is despite knowing it for??? 1.5 years? How a second read-through really opens your eyes huh? I really wish more stories/movies were written like this that puts hard psychological pressure on the viewer to teach them better morals. Like I really needed that fright of losing my legs to motivate me enough to remember not to get attached/obsessed with past comforts and find new pastures. Its a lesson I wont forget for the rest of my life.
@gumbo34 3 года назад
@solecolasudinoi3550 2 года назад
Honestly this was quite the comprehensive and exhaustive comment. Helped me understand more about the actual message and narrative of the game, so thanks! Worth the read
@aborin7707 2 года назад
Nice response, however I'm not a big fan of the supposed moral of Flynn's story. I understand that you have to let go of some traumatic events like the death of someone close to move in life, but for Flynn's case that's a different story. SPOILER ALERT: Flynn lost his best friend, Sydney, when he was a child. Sydney was misunderstood and suffered abuse from his father. Flynn knew that, and he even helped him when Sydney's dad killed himself in front of them. Nobody gived a shit about Sydney's life (because he was a bully) except Flynn. Sydney's death was really strange (an otter drowning? The police never investigated this accident or barely?) but everyone seemed fine with it except Flynn. No wonder he was pissed and it was eating him for many years. Like jeez man, maybe it's me who is just dumb or too emotional, but can you really say Flynn was morally wrong for basically wanting the truth? A closure? He wasn't even obsessed with revenge for a supposed killer like many other stories. Can you just tell him "Bro, just let go bro." yeah sure, he have friends like Carl and Daxton, and he should be happy with what he have but this event will devour him for the rest of his life with no conclusion, no end like a wound that will never heal. I do think that learning the truth would have actually helped him and allowed him to heal and really go on. Maybe that's why he's my favorite character of the game, he's sort of a tragic hero in a way.
@blacklustersoldierenvoyoft9103 2 года назад
@@aborin7707 In a sense yes, we could say Flynn was wrong to obsess over the past. It is a tragedy and sad, but if you don't let go of the dead they will grab hold of you and drag you down with them. IRL you do have to get over it and try not to let it devour you. It's not easy, but then again not even trying to get over it will just poison your other relationships. IDK why but I didn't like Flynn as a character. The story justifies his existance and gives an excuse to the friction he brings, and he serves as a very important and often neglected moral story, but I just dont like those 'trench coat goths/emos who think theyre so cool because they suffer' Everyone suffers but they dramatize their own suffering so they have an excuse to act like an asshole to other people. I tried doing this myself but quickly turned away cuz of how fake I felt. I just cant imagine anyone doing this to themselves, which is probably why I am so quick to lose respect for characters like that.
@aborin7707 2 года назад
@@blacklustersoldierenvoyoft9103 I guess it's a matter of point of view. I'm speculating, but I'm pretty sure he wished to let it go but he just can't since he knows there is more under the surface. That's the thing, you can't lie to yourself or try to forget it, in all cases it won't work. Your unconscious can't be fooled, there will always be that voice in the back of your head: "Nah nah nah, that ain't it chief and you know it." The only way I could see him let it go is if he find a true soulmate who also has a similar traumatic event in his life and both share their pain and confort each other, and even then, they could wish to go on a self fulfilling prophecy to find the truth. But the story doesn't give Flynn that option, no one is that close to him among the caracters ( but to be fair he makes it very hard to haha). So he goes on a quest for the truth, wich isn't morraly wrong in itself, only his actions to find said truth will decide that. And yeah I agree Flynn can be really REALLY hard to like as a caracter. He tends to be an edge lord with not enough reasons in the story for him to act like one (or I didn't find them). Nothing wrong with edgy caracters but they need to have a good or many reasons for acting like one and for people to care about it. Plus the whole "Hey let's just f*** right now for no particular reason" during the first half of his route.
@themaniacalmonotropa 4 года назад
Dude, you have gotten ALOT wrong with going over this game. 1)Like, half of the plot details you criticize the game for are incorrect. You said "IDK they just passed out and were in the lake", when really the monster threw them in there like a wet paper towel. You criticized the cast for not being able to use cellphones but still being able to use gps, but they didnt use the GPS when they were escaping Echo. If your going to throw shade, AT LEAST throw shade using actual details from the game, not fabrications or false memories. 2)Bane isn't really involved anymore. The creator of this IP is a guy by the name of Howly and is composed of several different writers. 3) I believe you are missing the overall point of Echo. The point is that Echo is an amalgamate of different supernatural forces going on while the main cast tries to maintain some semembalance of their old friendgroup. Each force seems to have some bleedthrough between routes. The monster is present in almost all of the routes, the seeing force controlling chase is hinted at frequently, etc etc. 4) Why do you keep saying Gawroo? It's not exactly charming, if anything it's rather cringey and annoying? Honestly, I don't think this was a fair critique.
@ren2ito 4 года назад
My opinion; I really liked the video, even tho i agree with all of your points here. It had me laughting much even though it kinda misses the point, i guess entertainment is more importsnt here lol I didnt notice the growwls till like half of the video then i somehow couldnt unhear after i heard it once and now its annoying me too xD Guess its just his style but i get the cringe thingy... ^^" Just here cause i wanted to hear someone talking about echo again for the nostalgic vibes~
@Trexlis 4 года назад
How dare you like my horrible Cringe Video. And don't you dare say to play Echo Route 65. XP
@ren2ito 4 года назад
@@Trexlis I really like the style, especially in the first half of the Video it was really funny and the editing is legendary xD Im too lazy to go back now but i dont know if you did the grawroos were less in the beginning half because i onlyi started noticeing them at like half of the video, but from then on i noticed every single one hahah
@Yurothehotot 4 года назад
@@Trexlis Play Echo Route 65 it's only like 2 hours long.
@FoxxyFoxx739 4 месяца назад
People tend to enjoy the game when they actually play through the whole thing and not give up and assume halfway through.
@nyzcait8201 4 года назад
Gotta say I like this video a lot, had me laughing pretty loud. Nice job!
@InugamiTheHound 3 года назад
the smoke, route 65, echo and new sequel all connected to one and another. I love this game but I do agree the writing needs help because I think different writers did each route.
@EvixtheScrub 4 года назад
I thought this was a nice slice of life game when I downloaded it. The I started with TJ's route and thought the ending was too dark and tried for another. I tried Flynn's next. Oh the mistake Ive made... Overall though, Ive played through all the routes, well current possible. I definitely enjoy Leo's the best as it keeps you on the edge of your seat and had a happy ending. Carl's was great too, really wrapping up his character arc well. I'm just a but sad half the cast is missing for it. TJ was nice up until the end when I thought it was... a bit unfitting? I want the non swearing, super nice, angel lynx to have a good ending! Flynn's just really was quite the mindfrik in the end and was just terrifying and depressing overall since they reveal who the monster is. But it just doesn't sit well with me.
@makkopafruit9931 4 года назад
Flynn isn't really the monster, he just got turned into one. The mines is the source of the chaos that is Echo. I also liked Leo's route, as heart breaking as it was... (that damn train scene) Though Chase had to live with severe ptsd (coupled with Samuel who can't cope with it), at least Kudzu's by his side. T'was a bittersweet ending leaving Leo behind and the group not having closure. Yeah, Carl's was great too, also had the best possible ending. Even though half the cast didn't get back together with them (it'd be too good of an ending for Echo now would it?), at least 3 of them got closer (Raven as an extra). Chase completed a detailed report on Echo and is even determined to reveal its secrets and find its truth (which is the only thing that can end it's madness and free those trapped within) The worst Chase got out of it is a permanent limp, better than ending up a miserable man, having a shitty life, or becoming a murderer.
@sweatpants7072 Год назад
Carl was my first route and I enjoyed it a ton, definitely didn’t feel like a waste of time. Also, the conversation between chase and leo is realistic, i went through a similar breakup, and had a near identical conversation.
@vixentthefloofywolfo9416 5 месяцев назад
I first played through Leo's route, then carle, TJ, Jenna, then Flynn and it gave me a full picture of the whole game. Such as Leo, you get to know why they broke up, then with TJ, you get to know what happened to Sydney, and then with Flynn, you finally understand the cause behind it all. The Socket Man, which originates from Flynn.
@DamienStarry0w0 3 года назад
Man Flynn's/Tj's route really messed me up they better make the sequel ambiguous as to what ending is canon cause I really cannot take it if it ends up making Flynn's route canon he did not deserve all that shit happening to him at the end
@yeenshep9856 3 года назад
none of the routes are canon to arches, it's standalone
@KingCobra582 3 года назад
@Jackson Shepherd - Well, Tbh, since SPOILER Chase is still in Echo in "Arches", which means neither of Leo's endings are canon. Which is a bit sad as I ship Chase/Kudzu lol.
@greenherb3229 9 месяцев назад
​@@KingCobra582Spoilers . . . . . . . . . . There is no canon route as Brian and Duke are still alive, Chase is not in Echo and the hysteria happened in 2015. Much like how no route in The Smoke Room is planned to be the "canon" route for the Sam in Echo.
@colinbrown3170 4 года назад
Flyyn is a hot lizard . Plus adorkable
@Deergon 2 года назад
I just thought about this but imagine the amount of money Chase can get if he sues his school for sending him to a place that puts him in danger to the point where he gets caught in a mass hysteria and nearly gets sacrificed
@Shuichisaihara5499 2 года назад
Flynn: Leo is this necessary Leo: Put the otter mask on Flynn.
@Blaze_The_Fire_Wolf 4 года назад
Echo sounds like romantic/horror/small yiff lol Damn just going all over the place about this game XD 👍👍
@stjerenestrella 4 года назад
THIS IS so well made NGL im glad I saw this I was also entertained from start to finish(the video)
@floofjinxy7020 4 года назад
I already love the game ❤️ I love every video you make Grawoo
@Trexlis 4 года назад
Grawroo, was really hoping for a good ending for Leo, that ending really got to me. X3
@Yurothehotot 4 года назад
@@Trexlis I thought Leo's good ending was pretty optimistic. Same with Carl's.
@Trexlis 4 года назад
Each side is good. I was just expecting once Chase rejected Leo and hopped on the train, it would have ended there and leave you thinking about what happened to Leo and Chase. I just hated both endings because I couldn't bring my self to accepts even though I understood the game lol.
@floofjinxy7020 4 года назад
Nuu no spoilers I'm still in the middle of the game >~
@striker2508 4 года назад
Awesome Grawroo and I would've said yes watch Beastars,nice video cant wait to see more of your vids and streams Grawroo!!.
@Trexlis 4 года назад
I am not sure if I am even ready to watch it grawroo! X3
@sechmet987 3 года назад
"Because it's a Bane game, it's about as realistic as me finding a wife" love that quote.
@fluffthesergal7640 4 года назад
love the game! Last played it 2018. Will have to do it again.
@Trexlis 4 года назад
Just be prepared grawroo x3
@fluffthesergal7640 4 года назад
@@Trexlis Only prepared for Texlis lovings owo
@multilad816 4 года назад
It's an interesting perspective since I watched another review who he praised the whole story so far
@Trexlis 4 года назад
Your gonna have to play the game for yourself. The game does a great job giving everyone different perspectives, depending on how you perceive the story to be since you play as the voice inside Chase's head. So the suspense is always building and it does a great job with that. Please don't make me play Smokehouse, I don't want to play another horror game.
@multilad816 4 года назад
@@Trexlis Don't worry, i won't. Can you play Yo-Kai Watch 2, Kemo Coliseum, Thirst Chasm, and/or Digimon Dawn and Dusk?
@mew-vu4gw 3 года назад
Why is Leo so fine
@samuellamoureux977 3 года назад
Ok I'm glad to hear I missed not much I stopped playing because I was well too scared, the stalking boyfriend, the Chase creepy figure in the window and the car thing in a flashback? Just made me be like: "Ok no, I'm out, this is too much for me, I'm too scared"
@SorosYEN 4 года назад
check you description, it says 🍕Extracurricular Activities Build 0.45🍕 :D
@Trexlis 4 года назад
Pfftt lol, there we go fixed that XP
@SorosYEN 4 года назад
@@Trexlis also yeah, thanks for the review, haven't touched this game since like 20th update but still had it on my phone, looks like i can finally delete it now... I prefer happier games. Not gonna bother checking the writing in this game, will drop Password VN at some point as well, probably
@Trexlis 4 года назад
Same for me, when you come home from work and play this stuff, it doesn't make you feel to good. XP
@KumaRaccoon 4 года назад
"While some kind of evil spirit lives in his mom's basement." *Immediately shows Big the Cat* EVIL DEMON CAT!! Also Jenna is hot. No one else will say it so I must be the one who does. :3
@Trexlis 4 года назад
Eeewwww! Mehhhh! XP
@KingCobra582 3 года назад
................................... Froggy...? :p
@yvesandreilibranda9334 4 года назад
Huh, That's weird... Wasn't it Sydney and not Syndey?
@Trexlis 4 года назад
Its Sydney, still needs a better name lol.
@yvesandreilibranda9334 4 года назад
@@Trexlis well thats good to hear ^^
@GuardianTiger 4 года назад
Your problems echoes back to you
@gregorythestallion2984 4 года назад
Our musky drox is a top grawroo? Such a shame, I liked his foxy dragon ass
@Trexlis 4 года назад
Grawroo! 6FT Grawroo!
@reikercallisto3444 4 года назад
just discovered your channel and my god this is entertaining, subscribed. I tried Echo and Blackgate recently after being absent for a year, glad to see that it's still a huge mess
@SillyExorcist 2 года назад
"how do you even tell if a lizard is smiling"😭😭😭😂
@jnuy764 4 года назад
Seems really cool 💯😎 UwU
@sirskittle8919 4 года назад
I'm deffo not late to this video
@iceworld6104 2 года назад
fucking love your style of video editing
@AngelBreel 3 года назад
I liked the game, I like the smokeroom better though.
@not-a-gerbil9557 3 года назад
Why are his random.. "grawoo's" so quickly starting to grow on me xP
@teetee2799 Год назад
5:37 wait is that in Switzerland because that looks like a Swiss train going up in the mountains.
@SauGus05 4 года назад
@codacoyote3473 4 года назад
wow, and i thought i was gonna try to play this game
@Trexlis 4 года назад
If you like Horror games you should totally go for it grawroo. But only if you like horror x3.
@M1FrankGaming 3 года назад
hmm looks interesting.
@Em_kat 2 года назад
This game was a MESS But like I am too so it works out I had a whole lot of fun dancing around this dumpsterfire of a story probably way more fun than I should have fubsiubduibs
@joshjohnson6163 Год назад
I think this game would have flowed a bit better if it was just one route, featuring all characters at once, I like the idea of alternate routes and various endings but it dragged on a little too long for me. I enjoy Adastra a lot more.
@remmychevalier2552 4 года назад
@Trexlis 4 года назад
I need to fire google XP
@gosha5870 2 года назад
I regret watching peoples play echo while having attachments to the characters now i feel strange and sad
@morelstrike 3 года назад
I dont like "everyting is cannon" logic. It settles precedent that you should play entire game as a whole "experience" while sacrificing main characters as if they are disposable. Also it I am tired of hearing this: A: You did not like Flynn's route? How about another one? B: Can I have a different ending instead? A: Lol no, but you still have 4 more routes to choose from, you would be missing so much if you don't play, just pick TJ next, you are going to have fun... So in the end it's not game with 5 different routes, it's a game with 5 different chapters.
@nilo5512 4 года назад
I don’t know why I’m so sensitive towards this type of visual novel games. What the hell did I just plAYED FREAKING TJ I MISS YOU
@Pyrope_Facet_8_Cut_luv 2 года назад
Whos the wolf with the long fangs
@linkcablegamer1974 3 года назад
Hey just asking could you tell me where you found the Conversation where people were talking about MC's, I want to see the rest of the thread.
@carrytheawesome 3 года назад
i like your videos theyre really good
@zephiask1758 Год назад
i dont understand the "grow" thing?
@Thelastmanalive565 Месяц назад
Just a furry thing I guess
@stopsign960 3 года назад
whats your twitter?
@RottenCowboy 3 года назад
🐺🦵🔪 mhmm chumla
@AStark-yo2hp 3 года назад
Man i played TJ route and who tf is Devon and cameraman and omg they just killed the lizard thogeter and stfp forever i'm like WOWW
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