
Eddie Chumney | Returning To Jerusalem, Part 2 | Shavuot 2024 

Lion and Lamb Ministries
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Eddie Chumney continues his three-part teaching here, connecting the Elijah ministry of John the Baptist to the coming of the Messiah, and how that links to the calling of the bride in Messiah. Will you be found to be part of the "dwelling bride?" Find out today!



25 июн 2024




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Комментарии : 25   
@KatrinaTahar 14 дней назад
@user-ws3nb1vv1g 9 дней назад
Great series!!! Of messages
@ConnieSolutions 16 дней назад
Excellent job, Eddie!
@user-ie5ih7iq1v 17 дней назад
Thank YOU Eddie
@user-ie5ih7iq1v 17 дней назад
the brides clothing is her righteousness.
@KatrinaTahar 14 дней назад
I just want to add that a day starting at EVENING is from Babylon, too. Passover and Day of Atonement start at evening. Not a day. Proof? Day of Atonement starts on the evening of the 9th and goes to the evening of the 10th. That would be one whole day by the evening reckoning NOT 2 DATES AS WRITTEN♡ also for passover , it STARTS on the evening of the 14th the day before unleavened bread on the 15th. Come fully out BROTHERS AND SISTERS♡ GREAT JOB EDDIE!!!!
@TheLightofJesus-js4nr 17 дней назад
I agree, no mixing anything
@scottbenzing1361 16 дней назад
It's an assumption that Ex 16:23 is the 23rd day of the 2nd month. The text reads that it would have been days earlier, seems like only a couple days after the 15th. The text doesn't give us liberty to add the 15th plus the 7 day Sabbath (assuming a whole week later) to come up with the 23rd of the month.
@mettemiriam148 14 дней назад
The findings and translations of "Songs of the Sabbathsacrifices" (by king David!) amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls supports a calendar with sabbath on the 23rd of the second month...According to 11QPsa 27:5-9 David composed 52 songs for the Sabbath offerings and the seventh sabbath in a year was on the 16th -- the next should then be on the 23rd...
@Di771000 15 дней назад
What about the prophesy in Daniel 9:25 which predicted to the day Yeshua's triumphal entry into Jerusalem based upon the 360-day calendar?
@justanothermarcos 14 дней назад
Monte, for God's sake, how do I follow the Qumran callendar ? I thought he would explain that !
@kenwalters7921 17 дней назад
Baruch HaShem & Shalom Shalom Israel!!! Glory to Sar Shalom!!! 🙏🇮🇱🇺🇸🙏
@MikeWarner-x5z 8 дней назад
If the esene sect was following a zadok priestly calendar and the Pharisees were keeping a Babylonian calendar (assuming they are different) how is it that Yeshua fulfilled prophecy and died on Passover? Everyone in Jerusalem that day was preparing for the feast including the Pharisee? I don’t get it
@lynnfarley7859 2 дня назад
Good question.
@saulreed5286 17 дней назад
Hello. I have a question regarding conflicting authority. What do we as believers do when man’s law and God’s law conflict with each other? In Romans 13:1-2 and Titus 3:1 , Paul teaches that we should obey man’s authority. But Peter, in Acts 5:29, seems to disagree with Paul and says we should obey God rather than man. So, for example, if the government makes a law saying being lgbtq is good, should we as believers obey that law like Paul says and stop teaching that it’s sinful? Or should we do what Peter says and obey God and continue teaching that it’s sinful? My pastor always taught that we should follow both Paul and Peter. We follow man’s law like Paul says as long as it doesn’t conflict with God’s. But if there is conflict, then we obey God alone like Peter says. Is this teaching correct? If I’m a Christian with militant atheist or pagan parents and they want me to stop going to church or synagogue or want me to take part in a pagan celebration, should I do what they want or do I resist them? How do I resist the sinful ideas of my pagan or atheist parents and follow “thou shalt honor your mother and father” at the same time? Please help.
@vrab. 16 дней назад
Paul and John wrote letters to people explaining the Tenakh (old testament). Therefore its commentary. Everything we do should follow The Word The Word is Yeshua and The Torah. The foundation is Torah and The gospels. So what did Yeshua (Jesus) say: Matthew 12:48 But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? Matthew 12:49 And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! Matthew 12:50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother. What does torah say? Deuteronomy 13:6 If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; Deuteronomy 13:7 Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth; Deuteronomy 13:8 Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him:
@hurryslow1 15 дней назад
The two problems that arise with your questions are that; 1. You seem to have difficulty to understand the position of the Creator in the Universe. 2. You don’t seem to have a grasp of context. So let us deal with number 1. In order to walk in continue unconditional obedience to the covenant commands, you have to accept that the Creator is the highest authority in the universe. His Being, Name, Power and Authority is above ALL others. Forever. That means that ANYTHING and EVERYTHING He ever uttered remains above anything and everything else. Period. In other words, if it is too hard for you to understand that you obey Him in everything before everything and anything else, you will be unable to stay in covenant with Him. 2. As the ONLY source of ALL authority in the universe, Shaul reminds his audience of exiled Hebrews, living in exile outside their land Yisrael, in pagan Rome, under the authority of pagan Romans, that they need to understand that the Creator allows and appoints over us, authorities. Hence they need to keep that in mind and respect those authorities and obey their rules, for rebellion is NOT a hallmark of the covenant. In no way, shape or form does that imply that it is now OK to violate Torah. He is actually reminding them that they are in exile, being punished for the disobedience of their fathers, exactly as the Creator had warned. He did warn us that when we disobey Him and refuse to repent from our disobedience, He shall place over us those that oppress us and persecute us; Lev 26:17 ‘And I shall set My face against you, and you shall be smitten before your enemies. And those who hate you shall rule over you, and you shall flee when no one pursues you. Lev 26:33 ‘And I shall scatter you among the nations and draw out a sword after you. Lev 26:38 ‘And you shall perish among the nations, and the land of your enemies shall eat you up, He gave His people a land so they could dwell there in peace and Safety while obeying and serving Him, but they decided to run after other gods and worship other gods. Hence He gave them over their evil desires. They wanted to run after other gods hence they are now scattered all over the world so they can have all the foreign gods their hearts could lust for. It would then be easy to serve those gods but very hard to follow Torah in a country owned and ruled by Torah-less people. It is therefore part of their punishment to obey those who oppress them. The second part of this question where you essentially question the authority of the Creator, is about HONORING your parents - not obeying them above all else. Your “question” was already addressed in the previous reply. If your parents are godless Torah-hating people, you need to respect their authority as far as it does not place you in conflict with Torah. It is perfectly in order to say to them for example that the Almighty One with Whom you are in covenant, requires you to rest on the Sabbath and not trade, travel, cook, light a fire or do any work, hence you cannot go out for lunch with on Sabbath. In showing them their due respect, you will not jump this on them when they getting into the car on their way to lunch, but well beforehand, and tell them that you would indeed love to share a meal with them so how about after sunset on Shabbat or on Sunday. 2. Christianity and those opposed to unconditional obedience to the Creator have perfected the art of doing violence to the Scriptures by quoting it out of context. If the “quote / question” that you are posing is contradicting ANYTHING in Scripture, you are in the wrong. Period. Because the Creator NEVER contradicts Himself. The context of all the Messianic writings is firstly, that it was NEVER written to us. It was written to believers in exile, as well as new converts in foreign countries who had converted from various pagan belief systems. Secondly, Shaul was a devout Torah obedient covenant keeper throughout his life and never taught anything contrary to Torah. Thirdly, to just quote an isolated verse, is the exact same ancient “fake news” principle that satan used in the Garden, and which is used throughout the world today by all Mainstream News agencies. There are many scriptures that can easily be twisted out of context by quoting it on its own and ignoring the context of the rest of the chapter, and in some cases, several chapters before or after, or even the entire book. How you “present” Shaul’s writings is very similar to the following example that I always use to demonstrate how evil it is to quote ANYTHING out of context; Here is an obviously false statement supported by quoting Scripture out of context; The false statement is that Messiah condoned and encouraged senseless murder; Gen 4:8 ….And it came to be when they were in the field, that Qayin rose up against Heḇel his brother and killed him. Luk 10:37 ….Then יהושע said to him, “Go and do likewise.” If one cannot hear the voice of the Set Apart Spirit speaking in your heart when Scripture is twisted out of context, there is something seriously wrong….
@jasonostler1298 15 дней назад
Unbelievable the arrogance. Claiming Brad believes all Eddie's word s. Brad isn't alive or I works drive over to his house and ask him. There are so many gasping holes and assumptions in this presentation it is unbelievable...... opinion doesn't make fact just cause you think it must be the easy you think it is...
@mettemiriam148 14 дней назад
....your comment shocks and saddens me.! What- arrogance?! When does he say that Brad Scott of blessed memory, believed every word he said? And if you doubt his history here you can ask his wife or some who attended in the many meetings/conferences they held . I will recommend to listen to the 2 other teachings in this serie, where Eddie explains this message very very well.
@TheCandel34 12 дней назад
I’m here for the accuse-athon. 🍿
@lynnfarley7859 4 дня назад
I heard where Eddie mentions Brad & how Brad's theology changed. What is the big deal - everyone of us here had our theology changed.
@jasonostler1298 4 дня назад
@lynnfarley7859 here's the problem. When I said I could drive over and ask Brad, that wasn't hypothetical. I live near his house. I don't have problems with anyone having their own beliefs. I have agreed almost 100% with Eddie in the past, however, to come up with a new belief after Brad passes away and then say Brad agrees with him? Seriously, how can you validate that? I know quite a few leaders in the Hebrew roots movement who are at direct odds with Eddie about this. I don't care what Eddie believes. But when someone uses the good name of someone else to back them up which can't be proven, that is not cool at all. Let those who agree confess and leave the names of the rest out of it.
@TheCandel34 4 дня назад
@@jasonostler1298 can you time stamp where Eddie has said the things your alleging here?
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