Lion and Lamb Ministries
Lion and Lamb Ministries
Lion and Lamb Ministries
Since 1995 Lion and Lamb Ministries has been the leader in the independent Messianic movement. Promoting sound Biblical teaching from our staff of Pastors. Promoting Yeshua as the Messiah and the Torah as the constitution for all believers. Submitting ourselves to the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit we broadcast weekly and host national and international gatherings.
Erev Shabbat | Korach: Korah
2 часа назад
Letters of Paul | Episode 8
7 часов назад
@biruitori1507 2 часа назад
God Bless You
@kingofthemultiverse4148 4 часа назад
The New Covenant is actually timeless, it preexisted not only the Mosaic Law, but Time itself, "This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time" 2 Timothy 1:9, Titus 1:2: "In the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time.", Eph 1:3-5 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. *For he chose us in him before the creation of the world* to be holy and blameless in his sight *In love he predestined us* to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.
@claudiaschneider5744 4 часа назад
Supernatural bs - nothing else.
@fetohephzibah-bondservanto4862 5 часов назад
You will give account to every careless word that you speak against the Words of GOD thru His four witnesses (in these last last days) at the Day of Judgment. The Words that I am testifying to you are written in the Books which will be opened at the White Throne of Judgment, and you will be judged according to how you react on these Holy Words from GOD. These Words have life because these are spoken by the Spirit of GOD thru His witnesses, but you killed it by rejecting, ignoring, mocking and speaking evil against it. You killed the WORD which could have given you life. The door of the Ark is almost closed, but the world continues to eating and drinking, marrying and giving in to marriage, which means that they will continue to give in to what the voice of their flesh (beast) wants, whose throne is in their bellies. Trumpets are continously blowing until the long blast of the last Trumpet! The time is at hand! Maranatha! To the One True GOD alone be all the glory! Amen and Amen! Matthew 12‬:‭36‬-‭37‬ ‭Complete Jewish Bible 36 “Moreover, I tell you this: on the Day of Judgment people will have to give account for every careless word they have spoken; for by your own words you will be acquitted, and by your own words you will be condemned.” Revelation‬ ‭20‬:‭12‬-‭13‬ ‭NKJV 12 And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. 13 The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works. Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭37‬-‭39‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ 37 “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.”
@fetohephzibah-bondservanto4862 7 часов назад
The most significant sign that this age will be finished is when the testimony of the four witnesses (two olive trees and two lampstands) of GOD will be completely shattered. My testimony as one of GOD’s witnesses (GOD is my Witness) is already destroyed by this world. The synagogues of Satan, the groups who are speaking lies because they are workers of lawlessness, are already hindering my testimony to be heared. They break the power that GOD gave me to prophesy the TRUTH, to testify the TRUTH about Jesus. They are already fulfilling what has been written about me. Their hearts are hardened by GOD because they don’t have the love of the TRUTH. The Trumpets or warnings are blown but this world will continue to do their evil ways. They are guilty of killing the Lamb, the Words which I testified to them. Woe, woe, woe to you inhabitants of the earth who killed the Lamb, for your judgement is unimaginable. Each and every word, even only in your thought, that you do against the Lamb, will be measured back to you. No evil deed, either big or small, can escape at the time of Judgment. We are so close to the end! Maranatha! To the One and True Living GOD alone, who is a Spirit, who is the FATHER and GOD of the Lord Jesus and his brethren, belongs all the glory, all the honor and all the praises forever and ever! Amen and Amen! Daniel‬ ‭12‬:‭7‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ 7 Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever, that it shall be for a time, times, and half a time; and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished.” ‭‭ Revelation‬ ‭11‬:‭3‬, 11‬ NKJV‬‬ 3 And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.” 11 Now after the three-and-a-half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them. Revelation‬ ‭19‬:‭10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ 10 “And I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “See that you do not do that! I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” ‭‭
@yafois988 8 часов назад
Eddie Lang with Monte, Steve Bergen, Isaac Heckmen in Washington, are some great teachers I fully am edified with their wisdom. Cant get enough of them, thank all you Very much.
@pamelacarnes9652 9 часов назад
Why does the swamp want Iran to have nuclear weapons? Obama gave them billions as well as Biden. Now this?!?
@torahtimes5380 10 часов назад
Monte's explanation of how age is counted is totally refuted by the chronology from Methuselah to the Flood resulting in him dying after the flood occurs. @44:19 or so.
@jewelssylva3738 10 часов назад
Father God, please don't curse America for Joe Biden's foolish decision against Israel. Please Leave the curse on his head & on his family. "I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Genesis 12:3
@nicsmada 11 часов назад
@DonnaYates-df2jl 11 часов назад
Thanks Monte this is brent alan yates ❤
@johnshue8082 11 часов назад
@27:42 I hesitated to write this message because I have deep respect for you, a Watchman, and your ministry. You are a great blessing to me and many others around the world, but the LORD is no respecter of persons. I asked the LORD for a second sign to be sure as words cannot be taken back. And He revealed it. A minor sign but relevant. Please, please I say this with meekness and respect. We should not pray for the US or Israel or any of the daughters of Babylon. We do not need to call for destruction either, but simply allow God's Will to play out. A Remnant will be saved from every nation. And Israel's glory will be with the King; not the current secular/apostate government/peoples. Please, please consider these words. If we truly believe that this is the end of days, then it is no longer time to pray for daughters/Babylon and plant trees (Jer 29:4-7) but it is now time to make preparations to "Come out of her" (Rev 18:4). As you rightfully teach, we await the sign to PHYSICALLY exit, BUT we should already be prepared ahead of time to EXIT MENTALLY, EMOTIONALLY, PSYCHOLOGICALLY, and SPIRITUALLY. REMEMBER LOT'S WIFE! The second sign was that your flag scripture quote is misannotated. Isaiah 62:1 would be the correct verse reference. There are no coincidences with the LORD God.
@richardrutherford7319 12 часов назад
Praise your name yahova forever you are a sovereign GOD the one true Elohym, and your son yahshua Is our king high priest bless your name yahshua 💯❤
@bettebruce2277 12 часов назад
I did not know that Biden pressured Israel to keep them from retaliating against Iran. It all makes sense now, Biden’s debate performance and his own party turning their backs on him. Biden must not read the Bible. There is clear warning about the consequences of not blessing Israel.
@haveaniceday5693 13 часов назад
Shabbat Shalom Brethren.07-06-24.
@tonycaba4665 14 часов назад
Monte is so accurate
@safaa2009 14 часов назад
Hallelujah!!!! Your channel has been a big part of my transformation, God is good.l had a $47,000 loan from the bank for my son's(Oscar) brain surgery.i am now debt free after l invested $8,000 and got my payment of $470,500 each month.God bless ms Christian Evelyn Mackie
@tetel54 14 часов назад
Hello how do you make such monthly?? I'm a born Christian and sometimes I feel so down 🤦of myself because of low finance but I still believe in God 🙏.
@safaa2009 14 часов назад
Thanks to my co-worker (Alex) who suggested MS CHRISTINE EVELYN MACKIE ​@@tetel54
@safaa2009 14 часов назад
She's a licensed broker here in the states 🇺🇸 and finance advisor.
@safaa2009 14 часов назад
After I raised up to 525k trading with her I bought a new House and a car here in the states 🇺🇸🇺🇸 also paid for my son's surgery (Oscar). Glory to God.shalom.
@tetel54 14 часов назад
​@@safaa2009Please can I reach out to her in anyway?
@teacherlynn671 15 часов назад
Bible says uprising and war and evil and debauchery, then a treaty with Israel and false peace, then the time of Jacob’s trouble, then Messiah comes. At the beginning of these times the Madhi appears. Steve Forbes is predicting a soon coming war between Israel and Iran. Hold on to your hats children the ride is getting bumpy. Trump can make treaties, can’t he?
@MikeWarner-x5z 16 часов назад
If the esene sect was following a zadok priestly calendar and the Pharisees were keeping a Babylonian calendar (assuming they are different) how is it that Yeshua fulfilled prophecy and died on Passover? Everyone in Jerusalem that day was preparing for the feast including the Pharisee? I don’t get it
@teacherlynn671 16 часов назад
I really strongly dislike Mr Biden for how he has treated Israel and lied to the American public for years. But he is so totally destroyed that it is hard to feel anything but compassion towards him. I only hope that the people behind Mr Biden who have used him get the same treatment. I have been praying against Mr Biden for years. Next, Obama, please God.
@ecm1097 16 часов назад
Using weapons of war for agricultural tools… what you meant for evil, God will use for good. Love it!
@gs-rz9zs 16 часов назад
The Parent asking about their Kid going away to college, has MANY Family implications. Bible FAMILY teachings are Essential to Kingdom.... 18yo means nothing in Kingdom- Spiritual ties for Family,Kids,Parents,GParents,Generations,means Everything(Rev 7,Lev 25). Bible Family vs. Secular Families,was a missed opportunity.
@GaryWold 17 часов назад
Respectfully The MSM talking heads follow the same script. They all ‘turned’ on Biden b/c its script of the Cabal. I don’t know who will run against Trump but the Global Cabal families have their satanic agenda. Whatever happens in U.S. politics is part of that script. However, no matter what they do, Yahushuah / YaHuWaH wins in the end!
@kenmoore473 17 часов назад
Please 🙏 give me a pattern to pray for the trafficked & abused children?
@Tyler-xd9rb 18 часов назад
The answer is none of the above. The correct view is the Pre-wrath view. And don't let someone misrepresent it to you. This happens a lot due to not being able to counter it with scripture. The best vid I've seen on it in the last 30 years since I came to it is "7 Pre-trib Problems and the Pre-wrath Rapture" on this site.
@TheLightofJesus-js4nr 18 часов назад
Shabbat Shalom everyone
@LivForYahuah 18 часов назад
Regarding the calendar, Genesis 1 did not account for the sun and moon begin present in order for Day 1 to be called Day 1. Day 1 was established before the sun/moon, so how and why would/should we be changing that in the calendar now? Also taking into consideration that a day begins a night how can we base a new day or even the first day on sunlight alone. Also where in Scripture does it say the priest determines the calendar?
@haveaniceday5693 19 часов назад
@edwelch1591 19 часов назад
Ezk 38
@haveaniceday5693 19 часов назад
Thank you Monte....along with Lion and Lamb ministries .
@mizfrog4776 20 часов назад
Still selling on the Sabbath. When will you start obeying the command not to buy and sell on the Sabbath.... hopefully before it's too late. If..... then.....
@wordpresslife7551 19 часов назад
I agree but at the same time we aren’t allowed to judge HOW people keep Shabbat. We don’t know his heart or his relationship with God more than God himself.
@anitavandervyver 18 часов назад
I understand your feelings but this is Q&A & not the Erev Shabbat Service. Maby if you watch it on another day or may I suggest that Monte upload the Q&A on another day then. Shalom
@mizfrog4776 17 часов назад
@@anitavandervyver Yes, I know, but the Bible doesn't say not to buy or sell during a service. It says on the Sabbath. This is uploaded for broadcast on the Sabbath and so it appears that they are trying to sell on the Sabbath. Perhaps Sunday would be a better day, but no matter what day it's uploaded, the website is open and they are taking orders, taking money, and selling on the Sabbath. The solution for that is to make the website unavailable during the Sabbath hours where they are, so that they are not selling on the Sabbath. As for buying, Monte could say that these are previously recorded and suggest that those watching on the Sabbath (where they are) to wait until their Sabbath hours are over to place orders.
@anitavandervyver 17 часов назад
@mizfrog4776 17 часов назад
@@wordpresslife7551 Please don't try to twist my words or my intent. It's not a matter of judging at all, it's just a matter of pointing out what the Scriptures tell us to do and not do to, that's all. If someone buys and sells on Shabbat, God will be their judge. Not me.
@shannonclabaugh7508 20 часов назад
First of all I would like to say I am very appreciative of this ministry. It's one of the first Messianic Ministries that we were led to when we came out of the Christian church. With that said I realize not everyone is going to agree with everything that Monty says but as far as the parenting advice I just felt I needed to express something that has weighed heavy on my heart for a while. The person asking for advice about parenting specifically asked for Biblical advice. Biblically they did not send their young men and especially their daughters out into the world to fend for themselves. Biblically they would not have sent their daughters into Sodom or Babylon or Egypt alone and unprotected. They did not go off to go to school or anywhere else they remained underneath the protection of their father until they were joined with their husband and then he protected her. You don't throw your young daughters to the wolves and expect them to be able to make right decisions when they're being influenced by Evil all around them continually. Our young men likewise are being influenced by the world continually then they fail to become good husbands and fathers because of it. Bottom line is keep your children with you as long as you can! Families often lived in the same household continually as a unit or at the very most in a tent next door. So no, your children do not need to be thrown out into the world and expected to make good decisions on their own. Keep them close and protect them. They shall live and not die.
@wordpresslife7551 20 часов назад
Thanks rabbi for this amazing teachings. I’ve spent this entire year unlearning what I’ve learned.
@MrCowboyMerrill 21 час назад
Thank You brother Monte and sister Kimberly Shabbat Shalom
@boblam03 21 час назад
Amen...Shabbat Shalom HalleluYAH ❤
@wordpresslife7551 21 час назад
Shabbat shalom! If I could I would make a bio show of the life of Moses just like the show about the messiah yeshua “The chosen” Also don’t mean to be mean. But the ending prayer doesn’t connect to my spirit the same way. Besides that I love today’s teaching rabbi!!
@sandralang4360 21 час назад
God's Blessings always for Israel.
@anitavandervyver 21 час назад
Don't understand why people always need to complain. A type of rebellion...? The Aaronic blessing at the end is beautiful❤
@HerbertPrince 21 час назад
I also enjoyed the 'new' Aaronic Blessing as well. To me, it sounds more personal, and goes right along with the parsha for this week, for those who grumble about it.
@linak7155 26 минут назад
@anitavandervyver, more of an observation. The timing of it is also interesting. Rico disagrees with Monte's switch to a new calendar and made a video. Now Monte decides to ditch the Aaronic prayer, which has been part of this ministry for years
@Mel81818 21 час назад
God bless Bro. Monte with wisdom and strength ❤
@janneberkowitz8399 22 часа назад
Great message! Thank you, and God Almighty bless ! Shalom!
@michaelkelly5229 22 часа назад
Shabbat Shalom my brother amen
@go2yourself 22 часа назад
Yes Sir...may WE learn the lesson in this generation ❤
@HerbertPrince 21 час назад
@MrCowboyMerrill 22 часа назад
Thank You brother Monte for another fine portion of Torah learning. Shabbat Shalom
@jflangerii 22 часа назад
Faith alone in Jesus Christ alone for the free gift of everlasting life.
@JacindaChamplin-dk4ey 22 часа назад
Jacinda All my life I’ve definitely always no matter which church I was in a voice been taught to keep the 10 Commandments, and I believe there are many more Commandments in the old and new to testament some of which we don’t even realize hardly
@laurajeanpatterson36 22 часа назад
I am so ashamed of our leaders here in America. Evil has seem to over taken us just as our Messiah told us would happen. 🙏
@JacindaChamplin-dk4ey 22 часа назад
I barely got to know any of the old testament until like my junior senior year of high school unless it was taught at church because I don’t read in the first time I got an auditorium Bible, King James that has the old testament and I gotta hear the word C law, which means meditating, remember and reflect, and I love that and I love seeing that in the synagogues in hearing that they read the old testament scriptures that are red, I don’t have a ride, which was necessarily are, and I haven’t been to the mall either so it’s interesting for me to actually hear that those songs songs the way they really were song
@janneberkowitz8399 23 часа назад
Shabbat Shalom from Acworth GA USA 🇺🇸!
@HerbertPrince 21 час назад
Shabbat Shalom to Janne in Acworth Georgia !
@haveaniceday5693 23 часа назад
Shabbat Shalom Brethren.
@HerbertPrince 21 час назад
Shabbat Shalom !
@JacindaChamplin-dk4ey 23 часа назад
No matter what Paul books of Paul has always been my favorite, some of my favorites in the New Testament so many things I’ve learned, and then when I learn to play and learn that he was actually having Waze throwing up on him, or human waste and trash while I was writing the Blessed letters, and made me of him even more. I have a great lover, the specs, and I have never thought against anything of the teachings or I always thought it was a great writer and I learned a lot from Paul never knew what you’re saying actually. Baptist to be in charismatic so now I actually like him to go to my white girls measured the synagogues on Saturdays. I am really enjoying synagogue but I’ve already said that I think but I really enjoyed tubby else shabby else probably not even say that right at all