
Elijah Muhammad Speaks on Master Fard Muhammad 

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Master Fard Muhammad is the teacher of Elijah Muhammad. He taught Elijah Muhammad for a little over three years prior to his departure to a planet-sized space ship known as the mothership or planet nibiru.
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@alishabazz7431 Год назад
This man’s teachings literally saved me from being low down so called “criminal”.
@petergreen5337 Год назад
Ameen. All praise is due to Allah.
@m1a1-own4elnm 8 месяцев назад
May Allah guide you to the right path. The true Islam and not this garbage.
@alishabazz7431 8 месяцев назад
@@m1a1-own4elnm And May Allah guide to a path of life without trolling RU-vid pages you don’t like.
@m1a1-own4elnm 8 месяцев назад
@@alishabazz7431 I really want you to save yourself brother.
@alishabazz7431 8 месяцев назад
@@m1a1-own4elnm Miss me with the little “seeds” of descension you’re attempting to drop. Go somewhere else with your nonsense. Now if you think you can find us in error. Then we can go that route. Your odd Profile suggests strongly, you’re a troll.
@MegaBruce247 4 года назад
Elijah Muhammed ... "Time Magazine" In the 60's, once declared he was the most dangerous man in America ... because of his influence. He built a Nation. An amazing man.
@evonbishop9997 4 года назад
What a great human being 🌅💫
@Mhats 4 года назад
he also killed Malcolm X
@talos910 3 года назад
I don’t know why lol
@truthseekingtillweascend387 2 года назад
He also help murder Malcom X also Farrakhan , so New Jeru please explain to me how brother do you completely trust these men? I’m reading your book “Being Black” ofc there is wisdom and knowledge in this book to be gained but the way you worship and ride those two men is conflicting for me. I don’t see you as evil or anything bad but I’m just trying to understand how you look up to people that aren’t perfect , no one is and the men that help plan the murder of Malcom X???
@MegaBruce247 2 года назад
@@truthseekingtillweascend387 ... My brother ... More than one person has stated EM told the FOI to not touch Malcolm. It was also said, "The other ministers were envious of X." Now, I wasn't in the nation when that all went down. Were you? Since you seem so sure EM gave that order. Regardless of that situation the legacy that he built still stands and American Muslims are here to stay. You can't take that away from him.
@ericborders7074 5 лет назад
This man only went to the 4th grade. Whom ever came to this man and taught him was of Great importance. He shaped MalcolmX, Muhammad Ali, Minister Farrakhan. These men are known all over the world as scholars and the Greatest men we ever had. So u must admit that he's not as crazy and delusional as white folks said he was.
@shanemonteiro4145 5 лет назад
Its shows .😂😂😂
@sonnygallo5662 5 лет назад
A 🌲 is judged by the fruit it bears. The MESSENGER is in the presence of the SON of MAN and the Light of the Universe Mahdi.🐯💓😇🙏🙏🏾💪🏾😇💥
@kasimshaikh3750 4 года назад
The man that came to him was a member of the Moorish Church.
@terrencereed9682 4 года назад
He also was the father of 6teenage girls🤫
@seanoleary1979 4 года назад
MalcolmX, Muhammad Ali, Minister Farrakhan? Malcolm came to see him as the charlatan he is. The other two are complete babbling idiots!
@bmdounds8977 3 года назад
if our people would listening to this brother we as a people would be in a better position today
@Masterfard019 2 года назад
@petergreen5337 Год назад
Well said and well OBSERVED.
@truthtella7278 4 года назад
It’s so sad our ppl can’t even imagine god coming in person to free them!! It’s crazy you are worthy my ppl wake up
@triggerhapp0990 4 года назад
GOD has NO Partner!! Charlatan!
@walidshabazz5193 3 года назад
The divine light will break through in time to deliver our people. You must remember Satan has transformed himself into in angle of light and even as a minister and has blinded the minds of those who worshipped the glorious creator. I feel your love for our people. Much Love
@BBoysLibya 3 года назад
Its crazy enough that a person pretended to be a prophet just to gather ppl around him whatever was his benefit from that he convinced the black ppl that they were special and god only sees black ppl and black ppl followed
@khensuahabuhetepre1372 3 года назад
Anyone not in our image is suspect but I learn Arabs had a agenda to over turn America using black ppl but Elijah was wise in helping his ppl
@truthtella7278 3 года назад
@@khensuahabuhetepre1372 yup u are right and we are taking our land back
@keithturner7102 5 лет назад
A new world that will last forever. I like the sound of that man!
@carlossimmons9493 5 лет назад
Tha fuck is wrong wit u puppets
@JahleelX-xx9wd 4 года назад
@@carlossimmons9493 😂😂😂😂
@JahleelX-xx9wd 4 года назад
@@carlossimmons9493 people have the right to believe what they want. U don't have to believe this is the truth. But u came to the video for a reason.
@iluvrachellef 4 года назад
@@JahleelX-xx9wd 👊🏿👊🏿👊🏿👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾
@da_suntoucha7219 3 года назад
This nigga worste than R.Kelly
@jeromekell8569 5 лет назад
This Man through his Teacher Changed the World 4 ever & his kingdom 4 ever stands!!!
@llGzUsll 5 лет назад
Kingdom...wtf you talkn bout. NOI not even recognized by real Muslims. Malcolm figured him out quick!
@asadaljayashi4386 5 лет назад
This man with FBI had Malcolm X killed because Malcolm knew the truth and exposed his lies. I hope you’ve heard of the Allien Mother Ship that this man has taught about. The same one that Farrakhan claimed that he got into in Mexico. If you have not, I advise you to look it up. If this man believes in the Quran, the Quran clearly states that the Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah who was born in Mecca is the last prophet of God. So why is he claiming to be a prophet?? Do you know that this man believes that Mr Farrad was god himself???? This got to be a joke.
@jeromekell8569 5 лет назад
@@asadaljayashi4386 Malcolm begged that Man 2 take him back,even said hes gonna stop blame n Him & The N.O.I. for attacks on him, Mx got n too deep ,he realized he was a pond in the feds game that was the counter intell & dividing black folks ..look all this up. He never taught the Motherplane was alien,....look it up...he said hes The Messenger of Allah 2 the blackman & woman of America then the World ,not a prophet... don't we deserve one after the fact that this is mordern day babylon & the so called arabs(muslims🤣) was involved n the enslavement of the blackman ,...Allah came in the person of Master Fard Muhamnad ,thats the language he used, therefore hes Allah in person.🤔 Study his teachings before u come with surface knowledge on This Great Man.
@jeromekell8569 5 лет назад
@@llGzUsll what the hell is a real muslim🤣,...Muhammad peace and blessing of Allah be upon, said 3 generations after me will not be of me,🤔🤔🤔...R u talk n bout the same so called muslims who was involved n the trans atlantic slave trade, n still 2day denegrates africans, r u talk n bout the so called muslims who r n bed with modern day Babylon(usa),right in Saudi Arabia, Malcolm X got too emotional & and lost it ,he got tricked ,stepped out of his lane & realized he's dealing with a world power that he wasn't crafty enough to play chess with....he forgot who made him a man & thought it was about him,...wheres his institutions now???....Hes a lesson to be studied🤔
@EruRoraitoX 5 лет назад
@@jeromekell8569 you mean, a lesson to be learned which whomever goes against the degenerates like Elijjah and whomever think is above all, goes dead ? is that the lesson ?
@lilyparker7615 4 года назад
The Black Majestic Majesty 🖤👑🖤 MAY YOUR SOUL REST IN JANNAH.
@iluvrachellef 4 года назад
He's alive. He is RISEN,not the brother from 2000 years ago.
@ronniemorant3999 5 месяцев назад
He’s on the mothership alive and well..
@jesussfarmer 2 года назад
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. 9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. 10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. 11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. 12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. 13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. 15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) 16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: 17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: 18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. 19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! 20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: 21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. 23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25 Behold, I have told you before. 26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. 27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. 29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. 32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: 33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. 34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. 35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. 36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
@LorenGibson1229 Год назад
Excuse me. With all due respect around the 11 minute mark, he speaks about God learning about man and education, about him speaking different languages, and knowing how to write ten of them. Mmmmmm, isn't God all knowing?? This is some strange stuff. God learning about what he created🤔🤔🤔
@markward3981 3 месяца назад
They miss this and dress it up with strange symbolic theology. A 'god' that eats, sleeps , uses the restroom 🤦🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️
@hakimgillard-nc3lm 2 месяца назад
Does all knowing mean you can’t learn new things?
@ralphking1583 2 дня назад
I appreciate you saying with all due respect. Because you don’t even know enough of the history of those two men (Honorable Elijah Muhammad) & (Master Fard Muhammad) to really even speak on. IJS
@LorenGibson1229 8 часов назад
@ralphking1583 excuse me, sir. I wasn't speaking in terms of knowledge of those great men. I said what he said was confusing. Once again, with all due respect . God learning about what he created is a little confusing is it not??
@FARD-lf3po 3 года назад
I’m forever studying what was revealed to this Man.
@klopaklope987 2 года назад
Good luck to that how stupid is this man a racist cult which a Turkish fraud claiming to be God lol about those young girls he pregnanted how about the murder of cult members including malcom bloody fraud
@YusiArtistry 2 года назад
@@klopaklope987 If you want to wallow in ignorance that's entirely up to you. But no need to drag others down with you.
@tonikramer5178 2 года назад
Do you want power?
@Masterfard019 2 года назад
Wise decision
@petergreen5337 Год назад
May Allah reward you ameen. Great decision
@deanmuhammad 5 лет назад
The Crusher of the wicked!
@pauliegamez1296 5 лет назад
Truth . Turning on his voice stops everything that isn't good
@julmuhammad4913 5 лет назад
Dean L. Muhammad the MIGHTY-gOD / EL- JEBAR(=ALGEBRA math that takes U N2 Quantum Physics) As Became Master Mathematician ACHIEVING THE STATUS OF "EL"= A Person Holy with knowledge & Wisdom to MAN- I- FEST THE POWER OF ELLAH/ ALLAAH FROM WITHIN( NOT uP in the sky😎
@onlyjoetee 5 лет назад
He is the wicked
@hassanabdur-rahman1559 5 лет назад
@@julmuhammad4913 What language does El have that meaning?
@carlossimmons9493 5 лет назад
@sirpoppinchuck 4 года назад
Bible is for believers in Christ, holy spirit, God the father. No other religions that believe in other Gods. "One faith, one Lord, One Baptism." The name of God had already been manifested and confirmed by his only begotten son born of the virgin.Yahweh by Yeshuah . I bet Farad had a mother n father. See he can't be Jesus the Christ when did it say he would be born a second time never.
@rachealsilburn901 4 года назад
Fard leaned in and whispered to Elijah so nobody else would hear that lie! I know I’m no better living in sin...I’d receive the same judgement however I’d be sooo afraid to stand before God having to answer for deceiving thousands of people.
@iluvrachellef 4 года назад
@Mr. Perfect You mean bullshit lol.
@iluvrachellef 4 года назад
Racheal you demoness,yet you say nothing about the goddamned pink race who have deceived the entire earth,go figure.
@timothymsupreme Год назад
Matthew 7:3-5 KJV Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
@petergreen5337 Год назад
May Allah reward Elijah Muhammad and Master Fard Muhammad ameen.May ALLAH forgive and accept us ameen.
@m1a1-own4elnm 8 месяцев назад
Both are going straight to hell
@jasonboyd4747 5 лет назад
All praise is due to Allah for this great man!!
@petergreen5337 Год назад
Aameen ya Allah.
@godsboxingcorner889 4 года назад
Fard brought the truth of the Black Man being God, he didnt make it up... he just reminded us in America who we TRULY are. No need for the ORIGINAL MAN to worship outside of himself... we just need to understand who we are.
@triggerhapp0990 4 года назад
There is NO GOD but GOD. He has no partner, Fard Muhammad is a charlatan!
@adonaiblack1330 3 года назад
Lol so you GOD? do I send my prayers to you and that all “Good” stuff
@johnjordan4310 4 года назад
all Fard did was copy from original Islam and from the Bible added lies to make look like it came from him. Mr. Elijah said it. Fard's father sent him to help the black man not God. Wake up. and ask ?
@trumpstump5486 3 года назад
@thomashakim8877 3 года назад
As-Salaam Alaikum! I wish that this was in book form!!
@Masterfard019 2 года назад
It is - Message to the Blackman in America, The Fall of America, Our Saviour has arrived, The Theology of Time, The Supreme Wisdom
@illuminativictor 5 месяцев назад
This is a blessing. I love every minute of this clip.
@morefreedomplease 5 лет назад
Why would a god need to go to a university?!? Why would a God only know 16 languages & only write in 10 of them instead of knowing all languages even the ones we have never heard of?
@19Ear59Lene 5 лет назад
morefreedomplease Repent!
@TheAcrosstheFader 5 лет назад
I don't believe in any of this, but Jesus did study under the scholars of his time before he began his ministry
@morefreedomplease 5 лет назад
@@TheAcrosstheFader LOL!
@TheAcrosstheFader 5 лет назад
@greenmean1 he is the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God
@Domo3times 5 лет назад
God is a title and why do you assume God would be able to do this.
@questhoughts7635 4 года назад
When Messenger Elijah Muhammad mentioned his wife, he is talking about his ONLY wife Sister Clara Muhammad ❤
@thejazzmusician 3 года назад
He had wives. He was fine with it and so was Sister Clara.
@ERICGRIMEY1 2 года назад
Dude took advantage of young girls.....
@brodocbetty4856 Год назад
@@thejazzmusician Doesn't seem like they were fine with it, It was never made public to there followers or the Country until Malcolm X exposed it.
@milemix5749 4 года назад
We thank Almighty God Allah for this Man. Was resurrected from amongst the Dead.... And now seated at the Right hand of God Almighty.
@iluvrachellef 4 года назад
Yessir! He Lives!
@huwaeipro7814 4 года назад
If you follow the teaching of the real profhet 1400 years ago the last en the best among humen beings he died an he will never come back on earth only isa (jesus) and no one came after him this man elaja muhammad is a slick liar what satan does is mix thruth with lias so you feel some truth in his message this so called tactic is called deception he used it even in relegion allmost all the big relegions where muslim messages but satan used corupted people or people who where fooled by satan to change the core of the message or athor it because of some paranormal satanic experience thats why al the relegion books are corupted except the quran allah promised the quran the last message will never be changed or athored tat's why satan devided the muslim youre shia he is sunni the other is suffi but the quran he just could not change it. they al belief in the same quran there is only one quran but what happens people start following groups sects and leave the quran sorry for my english an search on youtube mathematical wonder in the quran its just makes it unpossible that it was changed i hoop all you guys see the truth one day like malcom did 60 years ago i respect everybodys belief am not here to atack people wish jannah for everyone❤️💯
@judith7026 4 года назад
Bastardz Alley Do your research . Think a little harder . The NOI is a way to keep black people sleep. Think think think !!
@huwaeipro7814 4 года назад
@Bastardz Alley am muslim the reason why i commented i see the coruption this elijah mohemmad had i dont want to provoke you guys but elijah mohemmad provoked our profhet by claimen he is him and jesus peace be upon him and all the other profhets hope you will accept one day the truth. on that day brother when its judgement day there will be no shut up or come to the noi when the almighty the one how never begots or has begotten the one you never can imagine how hi looks like that day brother you will be judged the almighty gave you a brain use it eyes ears use them before its to late believe me even youre body will testify against you on that day. he gave you a mouth ask him to show you the truth not what you want to hear believe me the reason why i talk with you in a soft manner thats how our profhet talked with The non believer he saw always a chance for them to go to paradise even when he had the power over a city our a country you guys are a minorty to the 2 billion muslims on earth some people see kindness as weakness but the real muslims with heart ain scared for no one only for the creator wish everbody the right path
@judith7026 4 года назад
Bastardz Alley No need to name call . I used to be in the NOI until I woke up . It’s a false religion given to black people at a vulnerable time . How do you know what I do and don’t give my time to ? Anyhow , you seem very ignorant and your grammar is very bad so I won’t be responding any further .
@craigkillmonger7283 3 года назад
This is the Christ (Crusher of the wicked)... he will be at the right hand of The Great Mahdi. Both will kill the swine, break the cross, sit every tyrant down and set justice back on the earth.
@craigkillmonger7283 3 года назад
@D M all the prophecies are manifesting. The signs of His coming are there... Civil unrest, mad men, natural disasters, pestilence spreading, etc. The Great Mahdi is present.
@19Ear59Lene 5 лет назад
@huwaeipro7814 4 года назад
If you follow the teaching of the real profhet 1400 years ago the last en the best among humen beings he died an he will never come back on earth and no one wil come after him or came after him this man elaja muhammad is a slick liar what satan does is mix thruth with lias so you feel some truth in his message this so called tactic is called deception he used it even in relegion all the relegions where muslim messages but satan used corupted people or people who where fooled by satan to change the core of the message or athor some paranormal satanic experience thats why al the relegion books are corupted except the quran allah promised the quran the last message will never be changed or athored tat's why he devided the muslim youre shia he is sunni the other is suffi but the quran he just could not change it. they al belief in the same quran there is only one quran but what happens people start following groups sects and leave the quran sorry for my english an search on youtube mathematical wonder in the quran its just makes it unpossible that it was changed i hoop all you guys see the truth one day like malcom did 60 years ago i respect everybodys belief am not here to atack people wish jannah for everyone❤️💯
@brownywaves8990 3 года назад
Asa, we thank Allah(God) in the person of Master Fard Muhammad for the Supreme Divine Teachings and for giving us the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, & giving us Minister Farrakhan Muhammad. We, as black people, has been enslaved, then raised-up, living under, and educated by this whiteman's world for 465 years.(fr.1555 to 2020). So, we can not expect to have a clear true understanding or correct perception of ourselves or The True and Living God, in perosn,{Master Fard Muhammad} who taught that we have to "Accept Our Own and Be Ourselves." So we must know the "True History" of Ourselves in order to be Our "True Self." We are taught by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, that there's only{One God} & though He is refer to by many names, His Proper Name is Allah, & the (Knowledge of Allah(God) & Self-Knowledge is the same Knowledge).Psalm-82:6{Ye are gods; and all of you are the children of the most High.} No ghost killed & enslaved us, that was/is done by a human being; so it will Be a human being to take us Out of a slave mentality & raise us back Into our Original Selves. Please watch Minister Farrakhan July 4th, 2020 Lecture: "The Criterion"
@yedigyaeve2662 5 лет назад
Since it is written that a Messiah, like unto Moses, was to bring a Message of redemption to "his people", wouldn't it stand to reason, that in " every respect" he would be made like into his brethren (Heb.2:17)? Wasn't Moses mistaken as an black Egyptian (Exo. 2:19)? Why would the Creator send a messenger w/ the exact hue of those that were oppressive w/ a religious message that centers around a fallen meteor housed in Mecca (see: Lev. 26:1)?
@a14rmdaview40 5 лет назад
You’re pointing out 1 contradictions amongst a lot more none of it makes any sense
@sonnygallo5662 5 лет назад
MFWM is Mahdi NOT ALLAH ! He's the physical manifestation of GODS will. Anointed appointed and given the resources and 59,999 other books to destroy the Synagogue of Satan and the Luciferians. He was born of a man and woman like us and is the CRUSHER and the son of MAN. HALLELUJAH and APADTA ! Yeah I said BOTH ! What of it ? 💥🐯💪🏾🙏🏾🙏😇
@shafiqshabazz5999 4 года назад
Very well said
@thewatcher6302 4 года назад
Who is Allah then?
@thewatcher6302 4 года назад
@@shafiqshabazz5999 no its not. It is slick tongue talking.
@triggerhapp0990 4 года назад
This is totally false and un Islamic. Firstly the Mahdi has to be the direct blood line of Prophet Muhammad MPBUH! Elijah was not!!
@jaxonryker9463 3 года назад
In Message to The Black Man The Messenger Says on P142 That It Shall Be Binding upon us to serve And Obey One God Master Fard Muhammad .
@gwattsrealestate 5 лет назад
Amazing The Mystery Man Shows up in all the religious stories. ~The mystery is within your Consciousness... ~When you look for something outside of yourself you will always serve someone else~GEW¿
@trumpstump5486 3 года назад
With all the information he gave you about the MAN you still call him a mystery. He gave you a picture and a bio but the antagonist in you wont listen. Are your relatives that you just have pictures and spoken bios about mysteries? ALLAH CAME IN THE PERSON OF MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD. ELIJAH PRODUCED FARRAKHAN MUHAMMAD ALI AND MALCOM X. Three of the most cherished in our community. No group religious or otherwise are as successful as the Nation. None. Especially at raising us out of the slave mentality. Show some respect
@gospelofyashua Год назад
A TRUE Mystery Gawd!
@rosewelton2904 5 лет назад
Amen 🙏
@19Ear59Lene 5 лет назад
@iluvrachellef 4 года назад
@maart3218 3 года назад
MFM is a Liar. The man assumed that he is Jesus, the Mahdi, and God at the same time? Wow! It's a mess of confusion and deception. He's not in accordance with the Quran and the hadiths. Allah the Giver of all Life has no equal, He, Allah the Immortal is free from deficiency, nothing is like unto Him. Beware of false prophets! May Allah guide you my brothers and sisters.
@Tremelle_ 3 года назад
@aurorasteeltv Год назад
Allahu Akbar ❤
@petergreen5337 Год назад
Allahu akbar.
@kuntakentatube3102 5 лет назад
Allah u Akbar.
@WembyShesty 4 года назад
kunta kenta Tube Fuck Fard. Fuck Elijah Poole. Fuck Louis Walcott. And fuck you too. Brainwashed clown.
@michaelwilks6268 4 года назад
@@WembyShesty Amen, brother Mike, Amen, LMAOOOOO. You can't debate with these clowns they are deluded with a capital D, LMAOOO.
@iluvrachellef 4 года назад
@@WembyShesty Get thee behind us SATAN 🖕🏾👹
@charleswilliams6471 5 лет назад
Jesus said " Let no man deceive U, many will come in my name, saying I am the Christ and will deceive many. Real talk!
@jonesameal1798 5 лет назад
White Jesus is your god.
@timelessvickdamone 4 года назад
Jones Ameal shut the fuck up
@iluvrachellef 4 года назад
@@jonesameal1798 👌🏾👌🏾👊🏿👊🏿🤣🤣
@huwaeipro7814 4 года назад
If you follow the teaching of the real profhet 1400 years ago the last en the best among humen beings he died an he will never come back on earth and no one wil come after him or came after him this man elaja muhammad is a slick liar what satan does is mix thruth with lias so you feel some truth in his message this so called tactic is called deception he used it even in relegion all the relegions where muslim messages but satan used corupted people or people who where fooled by satan to change the core of the message or athor some paranormal satanic experience thats why al the relegion books are corupted except the quran allah promised the quran the last message will never be changed or athored tat's why he devided the muslim youre shia he is sunni the other is suffi but the quran he just could not change it. they al belief in the same quran there is only one quran but what happens people start following groups sects and leave the quran sorry for my english an search on youtube mathematical wonder in the quran its just makes it unpossible that it was changed i hoop all you guys see the truth one day like malcom did 60 years ago i respect everybodys belief am not here to atack people wish jannah for everyone❤️💯
@michaelwilks6268 4 года назад
@@timelessvickdamone Why does the man have to shut the fuck up. Because he doesn't agree with what you agree with. That's one of the major problems with the people of the world today( and has always been). Is that as Martin Luther King said we can never disagree without becoming violently disagreeable. The majority doesn't always have to win. And the minority doesn't always have to lose. That's where compromise comes in and check and balances should apply. So that the dominant can't trample upon the weaker with impunity. I notice that members of the NOI always become viciously aggressive when anyone speaks out about Elijah Poole. If Poole was the truth it wouldn't be necessary to deflect the naysayers retorhic in this way. His truth would stand on it own "two feet" without the need of a violent "stick" to hold it up.
@adamjackson9441 4 года назад
Wake up my black people from captivity you will never be free. Moses told pharaoh let my people go. Africa is welcome us home it's time to go. Go!!!!!!
@vincentboldenjr.7593 2 года назад
“I AM the way the truth and the life! NO ONE can come to the father EXCEPT THROUGH ME”. I don’t recall John 14:6 saying we get to the father through fart Muhammad. So how is he the Son of Man the scriptures describe as the messiah?
@jeffmarlatt6538 3 года назад
For those that believe this, why do you do so ? What convinces you that this story is true ?
@graciemae4824 3 года назад
Blackroots Science is why I know this is true.
@jeffmarlatt6538 3 года назад
@Geniuschance I don't know what happened to it.
@jeffmarlatt6538 3 года назад
@Geniuschance I agree that Facebook shouldn't censor controversial opinions. If you want to discuss this further in another format, look me up on Facebook and we can discuss it there. I enjoy hearing your views on these topics that we have touched upon.
@jeffmarlatt6538 3 года назад
@Geniuschance Is this a fictional or non-fictional narrative ? What does the evidence show ? Because there are institutions of higher learning throughout the world that study such things as human orgins, civilizations and history. And not all of them are run by people classified as White. What are these experts saying ? Do they confirm your version of events ?
@jeffmarlatt6538 3 года назад
@Geniuschance Take your time to answer those few questions that U asked. There is no need for you to hurry your response.
@stevenmuhammad9933 5 лет назад
@noisecoretapes2198 4 года назад
If mankind could have reached God any other way, then Jesus would not have had to die. His death illustrates the fact that there is no other way. Therefore, no other religion or religious leader can bring someone to the knowledge of the one true God. But the story doesn’t end at the cross and with Jesus’ death. Jesus came back from the dead, demonstrating that He was and is the one whom He claimed to be (Romans 1:4), the unique Son of God and the only way by which a person can have a personal relationship with the true and living God.
@martinmold1051 4 года назад
You are right..only Jesus the Christ.NOBODY else..No other Prophet or famous person, or charismatic persuader, no tradition, no religious leader, should persuade us otherwise. JESUS warned his own disciples about the many false Prophets that would be successful in persuading many to turn away from His teaching..He said that they could be recognised by their Fruits..A good Tree brings forth Good Fruit...Good Fruit..!! Evil Trees bring forth Evil Fruit. What He was trying to explain to Them and us what that all that came after Him and Preached and Prophesied..LIES,MURDER,STEALING,DECEPTION..and said that they are doing in God's name are EVIL...Run away from them..it doesn't matter what colour they are..Get away from the false Prophets,Churches, Cults..people who preach Jesus and Muhamid, Jesus and Mary.Jesus and the Pope...Only Jesus can save us..Mary can't,The Pope can't neither can Muhamid or any other God..Read what Jesus did, what he said..Pray to the Father in Heaven..He sees the sincere and will come to them..
@jesussfarmer 2 года назад
Jesus said I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one come to the Father except by Me. Praise the Lord! Jesus is our God!
@rogershaw421 5 лет назад
All praises due to Allah for his coming and raising up for the black man& woman in the hells of North America the Messenger of Allah,The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad,a most beautiful,humble man.
@dfoot1443 3 года назад
No doubt, the first begotten from among those that slept. Farrakhan must be the second. If not when have their been these manner of men in America.
@moneymayhem1954 4 года назад
You have to listen to the Mahdi tapes on youtube it's mind blowing what's going on !
@treeoflife4544 3 года назад
Any videos you recommend
@khensuahabuhetepre1372 3 года назад
Farad doesn't look Afrikan more like mix Arab and his parents origin interesting ,I learnt there are two
@graciemae4824 3 года назад
Master Farad had a white mother and a Black father. Because the Black gene is dominant, a child with even just one Black parent is genetically Black. -Blackroots Science.
@graciemae4824 3 года назад
@Geniuschance Exactly, Farad had a mission he could only acheive if he could pass for white.
@alishabazz5905 5 лет назад
If he enrolled in USC there should be a record of it🤷🏿‍♂️
@shafiqshabazz5999 4 года назад
UCLA, he used different names while on his mission for 3 1/2 years
@JahleelX-xx9wd 4 года назад
That's all u people have to say. Can u disprove what he taught though?
@iluvrachellef 4 года назад
@@JahleelX-xx9wd ASA NOPE LOL.
@michaelwilks6268 4 года назад
@@JahleelX-xx9wd There are numerous things you can disprove regarding his teaching. But Fard wasn't the problem he saw a need and he tried to find a solution. It wasn't him that was the problem, Elijah Poole and his inner circle was the problem. They subverted and sullied what could have been recognized as the greatest organization that the blackman in America ever produced.
@cream7448 4 года назад
How you figured he enrolled?
@rickrock1245 5 лет назад
The mighty one!
@user-eg2nr2yt3j 5 месяцев назад
I believe I was in his mind when he was in California 49 years before I was born and saw me as a salesman he became me as a salesman so that I can become him as a God
@normanvelez5488 5 лет назад
Genesis 22. When the Lord asks Abraham to sacrifice his son. This scripture baffled me a bit because I couldn't understand why God would ask something of someone that contradict s every comandment He made. Until I found that fulfilled by His Own Son on a cross. That makes sense so I thought I'd share it.
@dariusmelasecca2715 4 года назад
Yeah but it was a test, a messenger from God stopped him and Abraham killed a ram instead
@blackygunzz 3 года назад
But that's not true. Jesus did not die on a cross. he died in the form of a cross. The cross came in a dream to Constantine and in the dream he would rule under it. Christianity is a made-up religion. You can't look anywhere in history and fine 1 Prophet or Messenger sent by God that was a Christian nor that preached Christianity. you need to study more and stop just going with tradition.
@jesussfarmer 2 года назад
"Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call Him Immanuel" (Isaiah 7:14). God read the Scriptures some more, all of Scripture points to Jesus coming to save the world of our sims
@PorscheAbraham 5 лет назад
Got finessed
@mrmonagamous 4 года назад
Porsche Abraham yup
@hew062005 4 года назад
No wonder the NOI had find a spokesperson.
@shafiqshabazz5999 4 года назад
@hew062005 4 года назад
@@shafiqshabazz5999 He cannot articulate himself very well.
@abidemiagboola 3 года назад
@@hew062005 Moses always had Aaron to speak for him. Elijah is Moses and Farrakhan is Aaron.
@RMAli23 3 месяца назад
@emoniant780 2 года назад
@SILKY215 5 лет назад
Why does he sound like he has an accent from another country. Sounds almost phillipino.
@SaturnStarOfDavid 5 лет назад
He born in Sandersville GA in the year 1897. The black people in the south in those days didn't go beyond 6th grade grade education because they were either share croppers or their parents were share croppers and the children were often required to do some kind of work labor to provide ends meet for the family. In the early 1900s is when blacks wanted to escape the south and came up North looking to work in the auto mobile plants or some kind of plant still having little or no education. Muhammad ibn Abdullah 1400 years ago said he himself was a savage, pagan worshipper and totally illiterate that he couldn't even read the Quran when it was revealed to him by the man Gabriel.
@khabirmujahid8132 5 лет назад
@@SaturnStarOfDavid The Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) never said he was a savage or a pagan worshipper.
@SaturnStarOfDavid 5 лет назад
@@khabirmujahid8132 well he sure didn't say to pray 5 times a day, didnt say there were 5 pillars and didn't authorize the Hadith 200 yrs after his death. Non of which are mentioned in the Quran. But you believe them right?
@khabirmujahid8132 5 лет назад
@@SaturnStarOfDavid Actually all 5 pillars are mentioned in the Qur'an in numerous verses. And hadiths were written during his lifetime, just mostly compiled after his death (SAWS).1st pillar... Ch. 4:136 "O you who believe, believe in Allah, His Messenger, and The Book....) 2nd pillar... Ch.2 Who believe in the Ghaib (Unseen) and perform salah and spend out of what We provided for them.(Zakat) 3rd pillar Ch. 2:185 The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion. So whoever of you sights the month, he must observe Saum (Fasts)... 4th pillar Ch.2:43 And perform as-salat (prayers) and give Zakat,(charity) and bow down along with Ar- Rakiun ( Those who bow) 5th pillar Ch. 2:196 - 203 And perform properly the Hajj and 'Umrah for Allah... (Pilgrimage & Lesser Pilgrimage) ... We believe in using proofs and evidences for our belief and there are plenty of practicing Muslims who would to teach or debate about certain things in a peaceful manner. Thank you for relying
@SaturnStarOfDavid 5 лет назад
@@khabirmujahid8132 incorrect and still manifest error. Those are 5 of many beliefs or principles in the quran selected not by Allah or his prophet as pillars. The Quran does not single them out as such either. There are 100 principles in Quran that could be pillars. Restriction from eating swine could be one or fornication. This is why you Sunnis have your own set of pillars and the Shi-Ites have their own version. Which one of you are right is my question to you?
@19Ear59Lene 5 лет назад
@19Ear59Lene 5 лет назад
@terryseldon7446 Год назад
Now thats a picture of the MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE in beginning. The REAL PICTURE,. 😊
@powermathsoundtracks3269 2 года назад
@noisecoretapes2198 4 года назад
THERE is no other way to get to God than through JESUS CHRIST! END OF STORY!
@iluvrachellef 4 года назад
You just watched Jesus Christ simpleton.
@Highabove01 4 года назад
I believe Mr. Elijah Muhammad’s thinking was extremely influenced & disillusioned by the savage racist degrading environment he grew up in. He found in the broad selective Islamic concepts his teacher was teaching a way out of the misery himself and black people in America were enduring. He wanted to believe in a savior to save his people to the point that he convinced his teacher to believe that he was the savior.
@prestonpfeiffer 7 месяцев назад
That truly explains Black people’s obsession with organized religion altogether. The HOPE that someone is coming to save us from thousands if years of abuse.
@147_savage9 2 месяца назад
Habakkuk 3❤❤
@supremecephas2134 5 лет назад
Peace to the Godz
@shallahunique2468 4 года назад
Peace God
@iluvrachellef 4 года назад
Peace god.
@isavakoya 3 года назад
Praise be to Allah
@petergreen5337 Год назад
@147_savage9 2 месяца назад
Malachi 4❤❤
@derekbey9153 2 года назад
Elijah is a crook
@huntersquad682 5 лет назад
#ReligiousHustler #BreakTheSpell 🇺🇸🔥
@iluvrachellef 4 года назад
Yeah Amurderkkka gonna burn 🔥🔥🔥
@kingrob5879 3 года назад
The messenger has my full / complete support but his answer about what happend to Master Fard Muhammad is a litttle shaky
@jameswatts6878 5 лет назад
Almighty God Allah is the best knower and the best planner and the greatest and the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad is his messenger
@mobbstylezflyest8314 5 лет назад
Its funny bceouse he cannot even pray how muslims pray
@jameswatts6878 5 лет назад
@@mobbstylezflyest8314 It is sad and funny how some of brother's once they learn how to speak Arabic they start dressing up and acting like these Arab's not knowing that the real Arab's are black...Bilal was a blackman in Mecca he had a hard time because the color of his skin
@mobbstylezflyest8314 5 лет назад
@@jameswatts6878 nobody cares what colour arabs are, Islam is made for all human .
@julmuhammad4913 5 лет назад
@julmuhammad4913 5 лет назад
James Watts in other words : A truly INTELLIGENT PERSON would Choose ISLAAM over CHRISTianity. BASED ON MATHEMATICAL CORRECTNESS WHICH DETERMINES TRUTH😮 BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN ALL WHO PROFESS A RELIGION WILL ACTUALLY SINCERELY KNOW & INNERSTAND THE MEANING OF WHAT THEY PROFESS AS THEY R ONLY ACCEPTING WHAT THEY'RE PARENTS TAUGHT ( or should WE say passed on to)THEM😮As much of the Arabian Peninsula& Noth Africa had been infected with complexion( brown paper bag skin test) classicism from tbe REIGN OF THE PTOLEMYs😇
@Ken-iu2zp 5 лет назад
Doesn't have a Georgia accent....Has a accent and speech pattern like someone who's not from America m.
@MrDollainc 5 лет назад
Like he from Pakistan or something
@khalifahmuhammad1574 5 лет назад
The Hon Elijah Muhammad loved Master Fard Muhammad so much that he tried to imitate his Arabian accent. This is part of the reason why his personal accent sounded so unusual.
@JahleelX-xx9wd 5 лет назад
@@khalifahmuhammad1574 where'd u get that info from? Quite interesting.
@khalifahmuhammad1574 5 лет назад
@@JahleelX-xx9wd From a taped lecture that is no longer available titled, the History of the NOI, by (Student) Min Abdul Akbar Muhammad who is the International Representative of the NOI and the Hon Min Louis Farrakhan.
@supermike2164 5 лет назад
He has a Southern Accent and he and his family are from Georgia. Nobody has to lie to you.
@19Ear59Lene 5 лет назад
@amirhelmy3652 5 лет назад
And Muhammad is his last messanger (not elijah)
@asadaljayashi4386 5 лет назад
Muhammad ibn Abdullah is his last messenger not Elijah nor Fard. There’s no mention of them in th Quran or the hadeeth. Make sure your worship is due to Allah who doesn’t incarnate in any of his creation. If god incarnate himself into any type of materialistic body, then god is limiting himself to a space and making it mandatory for that body to need a space. God can’t be limited nor in need of anything.
@graciemae4824 3 года назад
Elijah also said "I am Allah. You are Allah. We are all Allah" when talking to Black people. Black people are Allah is the truth he conveyed. And the book, Blackroots Science explains how exactly Black people are God. It's a truth that was hidden for the past 6000 years.
@beecher127 5 лет назад
@3:30 “Jesus comming to resurrect the dead”
@jayizzett 4 года назад
That was weird
@rosewelton2904 3 года назад
We’d be caught up in the rapture
@blackygunzz 3 года назад
You sound like a fool. so what jesus gonna do about all The people in the world who's been cremated...give'um skin...LMMFAO!!
@beecher127 3 года назад
Dog! My point was I didn’t think he believed that bull shit
@blackygunzz 3 года назад
​@@beecher127: my fault fam. but yeah, T.H.E.M's Wisdom won't allow him to spiritually won't except that BS.
@chrismiller310 3 года назад
He said that the Aboriginal people would produce another one after 6,000 years who would replace the man that yakub made and be equal to the Creator but according to the scripture and according to the Quran Allah or God has no equal
@chiefyisrael3265 5 лет назад
Hmmmmmmm!!! My people 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@RollinRollinineBallAnyloCmyloC 4 года назад
NeCklaCeReligion Nation of Islam for life
@darrylwalker7116 2 года назад
Beautiful man 💯❤️🙂
@power-aide9431 5 лет назад
Im confused he was a muslim but believed what the bible said about Fard? The Koran never said anything about Fard?
@mikesimmons6572 5 лет назад
The bible isjust anotha holy book...its not just for Christians
@asadaljayashi4386 5 лет назад
The Quran even states clearly that the prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah who was born in Mecca 1400 years ago is the last prophet of god. This a clear proof that this guy is a liar.
@sonnygallo5662 5 лет назад
The Quran says that Jesus is the Christ. I'm old school NOI and I know that a man from 2000 years ago ain't coming back to do anything and WD Fard is Mahdi and THEM is the Elijah spoken of in Malachi and the New testament prophesied to come before the day of destruction but that's just me and my belief. 🐯
@kath7162 4 года назад
What the origin of Elijah Muhammad he have an accent... ?
@iluvrachellef 4 года назад
He's a foundational black American from Georgia. All of us don't speak or act the same.
@theoneeyedmanwasking4255 4 года назад
@SuperFromatoz his mom's was Philippino or Korean I believe his father was a Black man
@arthurpete3363 5 лет назад
I want everyone to listen to this again any think.!!!!! This is God he is talking about. So God had to enroll into college. Think people all of these regions are man made
@iluvrachellef 4 года назад
He didn't have to enroll,he chose to do it to see how they educate folks.
@spartengamingcode 2 года назад
@@iluvrachellef why would God have to find out if he All knowing you have to be on drugs to believe wallace d fard is God.
@brodocbetty4856 Год назад
@@iluvrachellef Isn't God all knowing ?? Man can't teach God anything..
@labarbarasmancave 5 месяцев назад
He was Arab he was not black and white he don’t look mixed he look white and Arab
@envAmerica 18 дней назад
He was half black and half white, as stated. He was actually born in Portland, Oregon. Look at his Wikipedia page. There, you will see his San Quentin mugshot, his head shaven. It shows his real birthplace. He looks just like Derek Jeter, who is also mixed, black, and white. They look nearly identical! Do your research!!
@pierremilburn5257 4 года назад
16 languages write 10 🤥 if you’re god why not all 4000 languages hell why not at least write in 16
@tommybrown187 4 года назад
Because God is a man
@NewJeru Год назад
@WembyShesty 4 года назад
He is clearly making shit up as he goes along.
@michaellangan4450 3 года назад
@siheem7772 5 лет назад
@natebennett9509 3 года назад
@newblackworldorder9030 5 лет назад
W.D. 23rd and 4th Alphabets of The English language Lessons given by M.F.M or M.W.F
@newblackworldorder9030 5 лет назад
234 = A.C.G.T 2 Hydrogen Bonds and 3 Hydrogen Bonds in The pairings of 4 DNA Letter Codes
@newblackworldorder9030 5 лет назад
2nd 3rd and 4th Prime Numbers are 3 5 and 7
@donmor5397 4 года назад
I do not understand him at all. You meet a man named Fard and you don't know him for long. Confusion .
@useremir00 4 месяца назад
@timculpepper116 3 года назад
How in the HELL could someone believe that shit!!!
@craigkillmonger7283 3 года назад
It's interesting when you know true history and not indoctrinated by biased narratives. In America, during Jim Crow slavery where anyone caught teaching a Black man to read could get 39 lashes to their backs, a fine of a hundred dollars, possible jail time or even killed for teaching Blacks to read is the nucleus of this. During the 1930s it goes totally against the status quo and it was very dangerous to teach these things to Blacks. The wyte man didn't even know about Pluto until the 1930s. Who else is bringing such knowledge to the Black man? Not a whyte man who wishes to exploit Black men without the knowledge of self. Wyte men do not want an educated slave. Educated, wise slaves who know their origins are not so easily controlled. But a man who does not know the knowledge of self, where he comes from and has the same knowledge in mathematics to build his own heaven can easily be controlled. If you do not know true history, none of this will make sense.
@craigkillmonger7283 3 года назад
You simply are too indoctrinated to understand... the Bible has indeed been tampered with but if you pay attention to the stories within the Bible... most of the stories have the same basis. God gets pissed of at people, He raised up a warner before He decides to kill iniquitous people, the iniquitous people think the warner is crazy and God eventually destroys those too arrogant to reason with truth... after reading such stories in the Bible one with good discernment would ask himself... "Who was America's warner?" Who did God raise up to warn us what's going to happen to all these people who refuse to reason with truth, who is being mocked, lied about, ridiculed, attempts being made on his life just for simply speaking truth?... I am a man of great discernment and I am completely unbiased in my judgment... all fingers point to this man and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. And I have looked for holes in this story and every lie or proxy has been proven untrue and debunked. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is 100% true. It just takes work to comb through all the BS and patience to really understand this.
@kendrickjones3115 2 года назад
ALL HAIL ...THE HONORABLE!!!!!!🙋🏿‍♂️🙋🏿‍♂️🙋🏿‍♂️🙋🏿‍♂️🙋🏿‍♂️🙋🏿‍♂️🙋🏿‍♂️#SALUTE #SALAAM!
@Yabio362 4 года назад
You killed your best enforcer over jealousy. I cant respect that
@Yabio362 4 года назад
@Brandon SIMMONS FBI has the proof FOI Members from newark nj shot Malcom X, After Malcom was seperated from the Nation they've planted a bomb on his car, they bombed his house and said it was a publicity stunt, Malcom was ruining the Nations rackets and memeber of the Nation were jealous that Malcom was becoming even greater than Elijah Muhammad. Even Elijah was going to let Malcom take the mantle but his diety complex and ego made him jealous and his business was being ruined because of what malcom was preaching. Malcom never preached Violence he never preached supremecy and after death Elijah made the same comment that Malcom made for JFK. "Malcom spoke of violence and it came back and bit him" "Chickens coming home to roost" The proof is right it front of us but nobody wants to acknowledge it the FBI and the Nation of islam were responsible of Malcom's death. This is a problem we are so divided we sell out our own people for the white man. Elijah was doing deals in the south with white surpremecist to have venues open because the whites supported seperation. Malcom was the force of the african american people Malcom was the TRUE messiah.
@Yabio362 4 года назад
@Brandon SIMMONS Elijah was not honorable HES A MAN and has many flaws, BUT i respect his teachings and his message. In the end of the day he killed off his best enforcer and recruiter for the nation and it breaks my heart.
@Yabio362 4 года назад
@Brandon SIMMONS I can agree with that, Hoover wanted to get rid of Malcom and the FBI were playing the part into destroying the NOI by sending spys and bugging phones. Ever time a black man is displaying intelligence and power they label him as a threat just like marcus garvey. There is a possibility these accusations are made because the white man brought them up into past. I thank you for bringing this up Respect brother ✊🏾
@blackygunzz 3 года назад
@@Yabio362: If that's the case, Jesus Christ wasn't honorable either...he had flaws. he ran with mothafukaz that couldn't be trusted, thieves, was lettin a whore hang out with him and the disciples and had love for the same ppl that killed'um...just like the black man of today.
@Yabio362 3 года назад
@@blackygunzz Well theres 2 reason why we are against one another these days. Self hatred (not fully knowing the true history of the black man and the whiteman) and white supremecy. We have some brothers who dont want to claim their own and some brothers who sellout and kill thier own. It all stems from white supremecy. and Jesus still had a code and stuck by it no matter how many times he was tempted by the devil. Guess he started to figure things out and made moves to make a difference but they had to kill em... remind me of someone...
@ChaceWayne 5 лет назад
God went to USC!!! (the California school that T.H.E.M. is referring to here)
@NewJeru 5 лет назад
Hey brother thanks for your comment. How do you know it is that specific one? I want to know more on this.
@ChaceWayne 5 лет назад
Its in Karl Evanzz's work on T.H.E.M., and in the newest biography of Fard called CHAMELEON documents his So Cal experiences.
@NewJeru 5 лет назад
Thank you, brother, for your reply, I will look deeper into the book. Let me say this, just an initial internal reaction after looking at the pictures presented in the book. In the time of Master Fard Muhammad there was also a white man, a false messiah, by the name of Ford, whose mission was to destroy everything that Master Farad Muhammad was building. Ford, was a convicted criminal and is sometimes presented as the real Mahdi. The true picture of Farad is the one shown in this video of him holding the Koran. The other pictures and depictions are his opponent although they resemble each other. The reason for the resemblance is because Master Fard Muhammad was the son of a white woman, fulfilling the scripture, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh. The racism at the time of Master Farad Muhammad was overt and this would have made his mission difficult if he did not come in this way. Master Farad Muhammad was half black as Elijah Muhammad states. The Ford presented, the criminal, is not black at all, no black person's first/higher self would ever take on this role, he is the seventh antichrist. The example before this was when Musaylimat was used to pass as the real Muhammad pbuh.
@NewJeru 5 лет назад
@@loveallah4191 How do you know? I just ran into some information on this.
@NewJeru 5 лет назад
@Saint Germain Not sure who your question is directed toward, but we all agree that he attended a university in California and other universities around the world. The people are just seeking information on which university it was that he attended in California.
@19Ear59Lene 5 лет назад
@chaspruitt171 5 лет назад
Earlene Hatchett: Cult sheep are as gullible as can possibly be. And you are the most gullible I've ever run across.
@BlackWomen917 5 лет назад
@siriusblacdadreamer9573 5 лет назад
I.m Sirius🌠 it is written.
@jazmenj7496 4 года назад
All falsehood. Fard highjacked the original stories of Islam and used it to his benefit. He and Elijah achieved much but deceived many. But Malcom took off the rose colored sunglasses and seen the truth. Then exposed it.
@19Ear59Lene 5 лет назад
@peterjanjanin9883 6 месяцев назад
Wallace Fart was a Flimflam man
@rebelanderson2458 Месяц назад
@chef197 5 лет назад
This man has fooled many of black men..
@bornwu7809 5 лет назад
Fooled them into the knowledge of self
@chef197 5 лет назад
@@bornwu7809 the supreme black man who has no control of daily life fundamentals. Any dog can learn a new trick. Tricknology in reverse. Black is the 1st man, 1st Atom, but a follower of foolishness ..
@forbesfoofighters 5 лет назад
Born Wu the Nation of Islam is a cult
@asadaljayashi4386 5 лет назад
@bornwu7809 5 лет назад
@@forbesfoofighters well why you here?
@RollinRollinineBallAnyloCmyloC 4 года назад
Master fard Muhammad my roll model islamiCCrip God in the making NeCklaCeReligion the new subset of the nation of Islam .
@matjebonklumen147 3 года назад
Imaginary figure revered by some, real Islam required chained of scholarship. Otherwise the teaching is not valid and false. Mixing up islam and christian teaching is not accepptable. Purely, cultist at best.
@Tremelle_ 3 года назад
@m1a1-own4elnm 8 месяцев назад
@wolvesprowl1 5 лет назад
nice hat
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