
Empire at War: Fall of the Republic - 01 - This is where the fun begins(?) 

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Welcome to the Empire At War mega-campaign, where with the help of a load of mods, we're going to play through the whole Star Wars saga, from the Clone Wars to the New Republic.
We begin with Fall of the Republic, available from the steam workshop:
#StarWars #EmpireAtWar #FallOfTheRepublic
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31 янв 2021




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@daorklord521 3 года назад
"I don't mean to roleplay Palapatine" Deliberately influences a battle in order to keep Dooku alive for future purposes.
@SorcererDave 3 года назад
Made me laugh IRL, well done
@daorklord521 3 года назад
@@SorcererDave No problem mate, just keep these up.
@grimreaper8300 2 года назад
You should have let dooku die.
@cianrowan8169 3 года назад
“Please Commander Cody! We’ve fought alongside one another for years! Why have you betrayed the Jedi?” “Sorry general, it’s for continuities sake”
@Shenaldrac 3 года назад
The more they add to the universe, the more they create problems like this. I really like The Clone Wars animated series, I think it's a lot of fun and manages to be far better than I'd expect for what's clearly meant as a kids show. But by showing Obi Wan and Cody having so much time together and having a real bond, it makes the betrayal feel wrong, out of character.
@UnevenRanger 3 года назад
@@Shape430 I still don't like the chip idea. Half of the ... 'holy shit' factor of the original betrayal (at least for me) was the idea that the clones, despite having fought alongside the jedi for years, were such well trained and loyal soldiers that they didn't have a second thought about following their order. That the jedi couldn't predict it because the clones were such loyal soldiers that they (with opportunity for exceptions to make good stories, like the ARCs) felt absolutely nothing when executing their new order. No feelings for the force to pick up on, just a blindly loyal soldier following orders. You know, humanise them so the viewer forgets that they are purpose built creations who while looking human, were born, brainwashed and raised for a single purpose. To kill without question.
@trollpikken6907 3 года назад
@@UnevenRanger I mean the thing is they are clones. So the chips make sense either way. What is your 1 way of making sure these clones follow you. Yes you brainwash them in schools growing up but they are clones of humans and are made to be individual thinkers, hence clones being made captains and commanders. So the chip is a way of keeping the clones loyalty guaranteed.
@UnevenRanger 3 года назад
@@trollpikken6907 I mean, they may have been templated from a human but they were genetically modified to be extra obedient and less independent. So while I understand having a chip as a "no matter what, they will do as I say" backup ... it takes away the agency of the clones. Look at in the show, they forget what they did under the chips influence, like you said its like they were brainwashed as sleeper agents. Someone who is controlled to shoot you in the back like a sectoid mind controlling your soldier in XCOM is much less of a painful backstab than someone who willingly followed the order to shoot you in the back while disregarding any feelings or comradary you two had built is much more emotionally painful. Nothing against people who like the chips, it has some thematic coolness of how the clones are literally just organic droids to the Republic but its not my cup of tea.
@syphonfillter 3 года назад
I hated the chip,. I agree that it was a lot more impactful when the clones betrayal was effective because they just didn't question the order they got rather than needing to become a robot, it helps show how deep and strong their brainwashing and conditioning was. It also helps explain the Rise of the Empire better, imo. The clones were never good guys, they just had good leaders. They obeyed unquestioningly, and then when the leaders became bad, they did evil unquestioning. It explains how they became a brutal hammer for the empire better than "Well there's a chip that made them kill jedi". Like cool, but why were they all just fine after? Oh they forgot what they did? That's cool but the universe didn't, surely they'd all be freaking out at how they'd killed their friends and couldn't even remember it. They'd be useless for the Empire! Without the chip, instead we get the impression that they did genuinely just follow theborders, and when those orders became to repress people and do evil shit, they did it because those were their orders. That's all they cared about, their entire life and moral compass was built around following orders, so to them there was nothing to question. Hell, there's another angle you can come at it too considering the moral complexity of the situation which I think the chip explanation kinda destroys and makes less interesting; The Clones were child soldiers, pretty much, they were slaves for the Republic and the Jedi, then the Empire. So if we're looking for motive for the Clones to turn, the chip feels like it's trying to explain away a problem which isn't there. The clones aren't free men fighting for the Republic and its ideals, they're slaves fighting for their master in exchange for not dying. So I actually like the potential implication that many of them just never liked the Jedi on a personal level, there was simply no conflict between their order to kill the jedi and their own beliefs, and so they just followed the Jedi because those were their orders. Why must they like the Jedi, when you think about it? The Jedi are just more masters in charge of them, at the end of the day. For all the Jedis talk of good and the light side, they ultimately took up the mantle of slave army General over the Clones... so why should the clone troopers actually view them as anything more than that? Maybe it's the jedi who deluded themselves about what their relation to the clones was and what the clones really thought. So I feel there's no contradiction here, the chip doesn't need to be there. The clones made sense already, and it would have been a way more interesting story if instead we got more hints of how, actually, the clones really weren't all in on this shit. Stuff like in the 501st journal in Battlefront where the guy says "We wondered why so many good clones had to die for a bunch of walking carpets."
@mirrorsandstuff 3 года назад
Dave, we salute your opening title crawl sacrifice to the Content ID gods.
@starcraft8555 Год назад
May he rest in peace (that he may get demonetized) edit: added (that he may get demonetized)
@tomcarter1075 3 года назад
Dooku getting killed by a bunch of clone troopers would be kind of like Vader getting captured by a bunch of mercenaries. It would be a shame if something like that were to happen...
@SorcererDave 3 года назад
@Flight_of_Icarus 3 года назад
@@SorcererDave Hey now, Dooku did get captured by pirates once.
@panavgaming1050 8 месяцев назад
@@Flight_of_Icaruspirates and clones are different
@bu5589 3 года назад
I'll try subbing. That's a good trick.
@macrodesatire1108 3 года назад
"I was inspired by the 501st logs in the starters battlefront II game" THATS THE VIBE MAN! I LOVE IT!
@Audiojack_ 3 года назад
That feel when you have to micromanage to keep the enemy alive...
@ChrisVillagomez Год назад
In reference to the intro: "I thought you said Captain Rigel would blend in, disappear?" "Are you kidding, he got lost in his own warship"
@caelvanir8557 3 года назад
I just binged the Clone Wars and like a fourth of Rebels right after, this is perfectly timed. Holy shit you’re doing a version of the 501st journal from the old Battlefront 2.
@DragonSageSequi 3 года назад
Same for me dude lol. Just finished it.
@mscapeh4451 2 года назад
Rebels was a bad show with worse cgi then clonewars plus disney starwars sucks sjwwars its more like
@CABRALFAN27 Год назад
@@mscapeh4451 Lol, it was fine. At its worst, it wasn't much worse than TCW's worst, and at its best, it was a worthy sequel to the show. Disney Canon is a mixed bag, with a lot of bullshit that doesn't make sense, but a lot of awesome expansion to the universe, too. Same as Legends Canon.
@MrHamof 3 года назад
18:50 Order 55 is legends canon by the way. It's one of a bunch of "We'll never need these, but we should have them anyway." emergency orders. 54 and 55 are different ways of getting rid of Palpatine.
@greywolf6443 3 года назад
Yes, finally it is here. And with a great opening no less. I don't want even imagine how long it took to get some footage for the ship movement in the intro with that erratic cinematic camera. Can't wait to see, how the story of our fresh captain continues. Also, you owe me some lifetime! Saw your stream-vod of EaW a while ago and immediately hat to dig up that game and play another round. Fall of the Republic, incidently, but as the CIS. Well, was time very well spend sooo, thank you!
@SorcererDave 3 года назад
You have no idea how long I was sat there repeatedly pressing the space bar with a bored expression on my face
@Lord_Jamesinatre 3 года назад
@@SorcererDave Not sure if you're already aware, but if you select a unit and press C, you get a camera view specific to that unit
@bigch33se11 3 года назад
Kudos to Murphy for sneaking into the comment section before Dave sorcerered the playlist away into the realm of shadows
@tommurphy4770 3 года назад
Haha was just catching up on your daggerfall stream where you talk about doing this and boom... here it is
@SorcererDave 3 года назад
This video is currently set as Unlisted. Do you mind telling me where you got access to it?
@tommurphy4770 3 года назад
@@SorcererDave I just clicked on your playlists and it was there I didn't realise it was unlisted I thought it'd just been uploaded
@SorcererDave 3 года назад
@@tommurphy4770 Yeah it's not due to be released yet, that's why it doesn't have a thumbnail. No worries, I've made the playlist private as well now. My mistake!
@tommurphy4770 3 года назад
@@SorcererDave Ahh okay well my bad. It was a good one though I'm looking forward to the others... when they're actually due to be released that is
@SorcererDave 3 года назад
@@tommurphy4770 Haha, glad you liked it. Should be officially out within the week.
@VelociraptorsOfSkyrim 3 года назад
*"Something, Something, Something, Something, Dark Side."*
@DIEGhostfish 3 года назад
18:40 Support the senate and boot out THE SENATE? How does that work? (In Legends there actually was an Order 65 to remove the chancellor, the thing is, it required the Jedi AND the Senate to vote him out A near impossible task. While Order 66 Palpatine could do alone. It was basically to lull people into thinking Order 66 was just a list of generic contingencies.
@Shenaldrac 3 года назад
That was a very impressive introduction, really drew me in. One (very) minor criticism I'd level at it is the bit where the character ominously mentions the dull, lifeless corridors of the Acclamator. It seems to be there to hint at how they will eventually lead to the Empire, and the oppression of that. But we see even in A New Hope that the rebel's ships are stark white and black on the inside as well. Corellian Corvettes aren't exactly colorful and homey, and when we see Akbar on the bridge in later films it's likewise pretty clean and utilitarian. So while I think I get what you're going for, it rings a bit hollow upon thinking about it. I do quite enjoy Empire at War, but man do I wish you could give units orders and move units around on the strategic map while paused. It makes it difficult to deal with things, because while you're moving units around to form the fleet you want and making sure there's no ground heroes in your space fleet, the game's still going and someone can end up invading you while you're still prepping.
@Caddieboy360 3 года назад
Man, the clone wars is my favorite era of Star Wars. The movies may not do it justice, but damn the look of it is just Star Wars to me. Helps to grow up with the prequels and Clone Wars TV show, but the phase 2 clone trooper uniforms just look awesome.
@SidewinderNor 3 года назад
Star Wars Episode 1: The (Almost) Fall of Dooku
@RoinDanton 3 года назад
->Makes a Let's play for Empire at war -> Leaves in the title screen & the music What a mad lad!
@valernos6075 3 года назад
As a huge fan, of Dave, Star Wars, and Empire at War this might as well be second christmas, Thanks so much for starting on such an ambitious project dave :).
@walnzell9328 3 года назад
0:04 UMG: Welcome to Copyright City. Population, everyone who's played a single musical note.
@KaiserMattTygore927 3 года назад
this is giving me captain shack vibes... and I'm all for it!
@drew7308 3 года назад
Dave, your introductions are always fantastic and we appreciate the effort you put into them
@dirtybrokkoli 3 года назад
Dave, i can't tell you enough how awesome your openings are, really impressed with the content
@cianrowan8169 3 года назад
Yes! I’m in deep with Captain Shacks awakening of the rebellion and when I heard you were watching it too on a hobby vlog a while back, I was hoping this might happen.
@dunmermage 3 года назад
That intro was amazing! Really looking forward for the next episodes.
@andyearlobes2196 3 года назад
Honestly if people can make something as lovely as this game, it shows us we could do with a fully fledged new 40k Grand strategy RTS.
@angmordagnithil7127 3 года назад
You say 'jokingly,' but Order 65 was actually a thing in the old EU canon. Before Disney decided that Order 66 was just the flipping of a physical mind-control switch in the clones' heads, it was just one of 150 Contingency Orders that every clone had to have memorized by heart. These were not kept secret. Anyone with connection to the Grand Army could access and read them. But almost nobody ever did, because it was mostly just a lot of boring administrative minutia typical of any army. But Order 65 was indeed the removal and detention of the Supreme Chancellor, should a majority in the senate declare him unfit to issue orders.
@KitchenSinkSoup 3 года назад
To be fair, the idea that Order 66 was mind control came about before the Disney buyout. Series six of The Clone Wars was made before Disney took over so that's all on Filoni and Lucas.
@angmordagnithil7127 3 года назад
@@KitchenSinkSoup Oh, I have no doubt that it came from Lucas. I mean, the idea that the clones all had names and individual personalities really came from him. And I don't necessarily think it was a bad choice, especially given how The Clone Wars cartoon was depicting them being all warm and buddy-buddy with the Jedi (despite the 'guardians of peace and justice' apparently being totes okay with leading an army of slaves). But I still prefer the Legends canon, since I think it's a more nuanced and interesting take. A sinister and secret agenda, hidden not by shadowy cabals and backroom dealings, but by bureaucracy.
@KitchenSinkSoup 3 года назад
@@angmordagnithil7127 Have to overall agree, though I do like how the cartoon fleshed out the clones personalities more.
@SirTristram_ 3 года назад
Excellent work on the intro Dave, for all I knew that title crawl was part of the mod. And wonderful writing in the opening narration as always, been following since the Idris days and I've always enjoyed that aspect of your work.
@telvanni87 3 года назад
That opening text scroll was very well done!
@Imm0rta1us Год назад
Dude I love the intro and how it has lore behind this character and how he witnessed the start of the clone wars
@howlingwolflord7408 3 года назад
I gotta say, I love your intros, Idris and Claudius’ were great to watch, and this one does not disappoint!
@Warbus-bu3qr 3 года назад
A great beginning and kudos for sparing poor Count Dooku. Looking forward to the next video. :-)
@jamesmair4085 3 года назад
This is so cool, looking forward to more.
@PaxtonShepard 3 года назад
I immediately got Battlefront 2 vibes from the intro. Well done!
@PrettyPinkPersephone 2 года назад
The opening narration is chillingly good. Holy SHIT I’m so hyped to watch this series.
@faym.1245 3 года назад
That intro was some top quality! Loved it!
@sirsmokealot4533 3 года назад
That was one of the best intro's i have seen so far so well done sir
@thekillingduck 3 года назад
Really liked that intro. Currently at the main menu part but liking it alot so far. Just subscribed and liked the video. Keep it up. Gonna do a marathon of this series.
@moirakadhan745 3 года назад
That introooooooo my god
@heirtotheempire2278 3 года назад
So psyched for this. Love this game and a big fan of Corey and the mod team for EAW Expanded. Great choice of series Dave!
@walnzell9328 3 года назад
41:58 That's the Galactic Republic roundel. The Empire's roundel is inverted, with the center and the spokes being uncolored.
@trivipesnipe Год назад
Nah. Its' an Imperial roundel. Its a leftover asset from TR
@araulius2132 3 года назад
I'm glad you're getting into the game with all its mods and such. the Eaw:X team are one of the most active out there.
@seantolson6223 3 года назад
Been watching your channel since the Idris series man, keep up the great content! Always wanted to see this game LP’d properly.
@Blues_1989 3 года назад
Intro was awesome. I am hyped.
@tonyhawk94 4 месяца назад
This game was released 18 years ago, I still can't get enough of it haha.
@athing7697 3 года назад
10:40 I did indeed like it quite a lot. Definitely worth the effort, got me right into the Clone Wars mood.
@kappakiev9672 4 месяца назад
That intro was really cool
@hecto1942 2 года назад
What an amazing opening 💯🙌🏼
@tommurphy4770 3 года назад
Oh you did that text yourself yeah it was really good thought they put that in the mod
@mattiascacchi4281 3 года назад
That was a really really good intro!!
@sgtNACHO 3 года назад
Excellent intro!! Nice acting
@kir_perikl 3 года назад
Nice to see EaW on this channel once more! Those intros of yours are truly great!
@kir_perikl 3 года назад
Heroes deaths are permanent in this mod (both your's and AI's).
@bcpound78 3 года назад
Nice man I like the role play and the scenes
@Word46 2 года назад
the algorithm has been spitting your videos out at me for a bit and I ignored them for a while, finally gave one a chance, saw that opening and instantly subbed, awesome work my dude
@iggsolo 3 года назад
Fuck yes! The content I never knew I wanted so much. As a rising politician in the Senate with no nefarious intentions at all once said: A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.
@DragonSageSequi 3 года назад
I'm glad you decided to keep the opening title crawl and star wars music inside, and I LOVE the intro. Keep up the good work Dave. I promise to re-support you on patreon once my income gets fixed.
@The_good_guy_rabbit Год назад
Never heard of a mega campaign outside of a paradox one so, this going to be interesting.
@quicke5486 2 года назад
Ironically the first Space Battle exemplifies how playing the Republic early on is like, although Count Dooku got himself killed during the ground battle on Alderran.
@alexbauer502 Год назад
That Palpatine voice was perfection.
@zanderallan4373 3 года назад
Dude you have a really good palpatine impression lol
@buchan448 6 месяцев назад
i know this is old playlist but love the game so going to watch it all. subbed n pressed the bell hello from Scotland Edit: love yer humor lol
@dacotahunter1698 3 года назад
I can tell this is going to be good
@Kurigo 3 года назад
28:00 Oh man i love Xwing ! Such good memories with my first crappy joystick.
@hannesh1860 3 года назад
Hey man, thanks for showing of our mod in your great video. Really enjoyed it. Looking forward to more episodes! And let me know if you have any questions :p I'm the sound and animation guy so I might not have all the answers haha.
@wolfieee71 2 года назад
Got to admit, I fucking loved the intro.
@SomethingVeryFunOrFunny 3 года назад
Thank you for the video!
@SonGokutheGod 3 года назад
You mentioning Battlefront 2 made me realize how much I'd love to see you play that on the channel sometime.
@blakebridges8989 3 года назад
I can’t wait to see more
@griprang 3 года назад
This is some good stuff
@joaocolisse6097 3 года назад
Now the fun begins!
@jedimaceace8819 Год назад
Imagine you all troops on the ground had an ability to knock out enemy hero's and capture them, And you could build jail ships and bases on planets to drop them off at.
@foppishdandy8068 3 года назад
Solohammer and now an Empire at War campaign? Truly, it is the year of the Sorceror!
@landonmackey1091 3 года назад
The Emperor voice is impeccable
@maremaarten 3 года назад
Nice writing!
@Mange_the_great 3 года назад
Amazing intro!
@adamcollim2630 3 года назад
*screams in excited battle droid*
@walnzell9328 3 года назад
18:35 Order 65 isn't a joke. It's a canonical order.
@briangriffin9793 3 года назад
I swear Dave.... you top yourself year after year.
@BananaMonkeyization 3 года назад
i am 100% here for this
@madhavmenon9352 3 года назад
Dave, brilliant LP. Looking forward to this. I'm hoping that music does not create any issues.
@guzzoscorner 3 года назад
Oh boy! Haven't been this excited since the tale of Claudius began, all those years ago. My guess is that this will be Fall of The Republic & later Awakening of The Rebellion further down the line?
@darkregin2 3 года назад
I just wanted to check out this game as I wanted to see what kind of game this was in my Petroglyph research I hadn't expected a star wars themed Stellaris made in 2006
@MinscFromBaldursGate92 Год назад
@trekker105 3 года назад
5:28 "...Hands clasped behind my back..." *shows picture with captain's hands clasped in front*
@MartinPhilps-gy1wh Месяц назад
Intro was amazing you should make a fan movie
@DIEGhostfish 3 года назад
This first ground map is GREAT when playing Phoenix Rising for defense/ Tons of turrets and such all under the shield.
@cameron260 3 года назад
As Count Dooku would say: I've been looking forward to this I was reading through the readme of this mod when I was thinking of trying it out and I think that the enemy heroes respawn? I think? But someone more familiar with the mod should probably confirm that rather than just taking my work for it. Also have been looking forward to this series! I'm excited to see it play out! Good luck on Admiral difficulty, I'm not brave enough to do high difficulty in strategy games haha.
@Speedster___ 3 года назад
The FotR is phenomenal
@gratuitouslurking8610 3 года назад
Another let's player I'm fond of doing Empire at War? Roger roger!
@magnos_decimus 3 года назад
For a moment as the video started and the title crawl started I forgot what I was watching and thought I was watching A Fan With Too Much Time's Warhammer 40k VS Star Wars series. But that's Okay I'll watch this too
@toshitajoshi3851 3 года назад
Ah yes, *Kamino outer rim area*
@MrMarinus18 2 года назад
8:55 With Star Wars going strong right now maybe they will do a full on remaster. Like trying to keep it similar but have a new game engine that can leverage multi-core CPU's and have support for GPU's features. Also give it 4K 144fps support.
@russshipman2727 6 месяцев назад
Order 65 is one of the 150 contingency orders, jussayin'
@Fatherofheroesandheroines 2 года назад
Alderaan is basically space hippies.. that end up becoming space DUST
@jonbutterballs 3 года назад
I've binged many of your other series and I am looking forward to watching this as well. I'll always enjoy your star wars content, it is a dream of mine to watch you play Kotor 1 and 2 to completion.
@kristiannygard9141 3 года назад
True. Buyed em both after begining too watch him playin it.
@pacollonchtarruella2976 Месяц назад
Sería una pasada tener dos mapas de campaña tanto espacial como planetario y juntar SW Armada y Legion juntos dentro del ordenador. Pero pensando en frío, y siendo práctico, me imagino que tiren por un mapa de campaña tan solo espacial y que los planetas sean "asentamientos" estilo TW con su única industria/edificios. Y entonces, batallas navales para todo lo que sea interceptar un ejército a campo abierto, y batallas terrestres para asedios a asentamientos. Me sorprendería gratamente tener más profundidad en espacios diversos y ver mapas de campaña en biosferas totalmente diferentes (aunque sea en los planetas más conocidos). Otro tema a tener en cuenta es el punto cronológico en el que se va a basar. Pillan solo guerras clon o juntan tantas facciones como puedan sin tener en cuenta su era como tenemos en Legion donde puedes luchar con clones contra el imperio o CIS contra rebeldes?? O en lugar de las 4 facciones va por razas en una guerra civil brutal? Eso para un cambio de aires no estaría mal, tampoco
@savvamon 3 года назад
I'd love a remaster of this game
@Notorious_C.J.P 12 дней назад
Completely forgets about the fleet at Kuat and ends up loosing alderaan.
@SOTURICAT 3 года назад
Yeah the vanilla game was a bit try with the mods it's much much better , kill all the jedi in spacebattle then there is no much use order 66XD Good game play!!!
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