
Engineers say it's crucial HS2 goes to Euston 

Tom Edwards, BBC London
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Funding not yet in place for HS2 tunnel from Old Oak Common to Euston



6 сен 2024




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@hungbearlover 7 месяцев назад
We definitely need it to Euston
@tallbillbassman 7 месяцев назад
You think the government is going to listen to engineers?
@timmurphy5541 7 месяцев назад
Of course they will!!!! How else will they be sure to do the exact opposite if they don't listen?
@RHTeebs 7 месяцев назад
They didn't even listen to doctors.
@DavoInMelbourne 7 месяцев назад
Perhaps the engineers could disguise themselves as Russian oligarchs?
@eldrago19 7 месяцев назад
"Engineers? That sounds suspiciously close to 'Experts'! And we've had quite enough of those."
@chrisbaker5268 7 месяцев назад
Crucially to Euston yes, but unfortunately it was supposed to be ‘crucial’ for Northern England. I used to manage a company making railway bridges and the ‘intent’ and ‘promises’ were for increased capacity for trains travelling to and from The North.
@daveseville7394 7 месяцев назад
Agreed it ought to really go to Waterloo or Scotland. Or link up with HS1 if the freight wasn't used for the HS1 HS2 link
@moonshapedabsolution 7 месяцев назад
It was going to do that, the Tories cancelled all that too
@peterwilliamallen1063 7 месяцев назад
@@daveseville7394 Why link up with Warterloo or Scotland very stupid idea concidering the HS2 line is a domestic Hi Speed line linking Birmingham and Manchester to London Euston and there is no practical or financial reason to join HS2 to HS1 so any freight trains comming from the EU to the UK Midlands and the North via the Channel tunnel get to their destination easily by other routes, no freight trains will use the HS2 route as they will continue to use the existing WCML route
@derektaylor2941 7 месяцев назад
@@peterwilliamallen1063 I am against HS2 and firmly believe that a replacedment Great Central would have served far more people- but that's not what the corrupt PM of the day wanted. However, I am puzzled by your reluctance to link it to HS1. Europe has connected all of its high speed routes and you can- in theory- go from London to just about anywhere by high speed trains, except in UK.
@peterwilliamallen1063 7 месяцев назад
@@derektaylor2941 First you are another person living in a dream world, the Great Central Railway was closed and ripped up in 1966, Nottingham Victoria is now a shopping Center, Tunnel have been blocked up, viaducts destroyed including the bridge over the WCML at Rugby and a large section in the Loughborough area is now owned by a private Steam Railway most of the rest of the Railways trackbed has been rubbed out and the main thing is the Great Central Railway went no where near the main City involved in the HS2 line " Birmingham" and would not of served far more people considering just running from Birmingham it is serving upto 1.5 million people and upto 3 million people if you look at the West Midland Combined area and it is basically a high speed domestic line as a replacement upgrade for the west coast main line alowing more capacity on the WCML. The reason I find every one going on about joining HS2 to HS1 rediculouse as first it is inpractical and there is no call for such a service which was going to be tried when the Channel tunnel opened but cancelled due to no call for such a service and people can fly from Birmingham and Manchester easier to Europe, you mention European Railways run inter country trains across Europe for one country to anouther, the problem is the Channel Tunnel, the trains running from one country to another in the EU is because first all the countries are joined together and are in the shengen area where passports ae not required and their trains are built to the UIC ( Berne Gauge) which allows wider Coach Bodies which would not fit the UK loading gauge through domestic platforms in the UK, No EU Domestic Train runs through the Channel tunnel due to the fact passenger trains running through the channel tunnel have to be to a certain length so if they fail in the tunnel the coach doors will line up with escape tunnels which domestic trains wont do and then causes problems of these trains being too long for UK stations to accomodate, hence only Eurostar being the only operate through the Channel tunnel plus as we are not in the EU, any trains between the EU and the UK are termed as International train service involving passport control and luggage checks and all the HS2 is is a domestic hispeed main line that will be operated by one company, Avanti West Coast/ Trenitalia.
@nicolasblume1046 7 месяцев назад
Without the Euston extension the Elisabeth line would become extremely overcrowded
@GaryJohnWalker1 7 месяцев назад
The high cost has a lot to do with the demands to gold plate HS2 - like tunnels through Chiltern tory constituencies to keep voters sweet. But it must be done properly. And that means to Euston, to Manchester, and even to Leeds. And beyond.
@Luftkuhlt964 7 месяцев назад
Its in a cutting not a tunnel
@MrDavidht 7 месяцев назад
​@@Luftkuhlt964Of the 140km of Phase 1 60km are in tunnel.
@RoboJules 7 месяцев назад
HS2 is completely useless without a Euston connection. People want to travel to London, not the suburbs of London, and they want to transfer from HS2 to HS1, not HS2 to the Elizabeth Line to HS1. That could add half an hour on a crowded commuter train to what should be as seamless a travel experience as possible.
@JohnSmall314 7 месяцев назад
Correct Not linking HS2 to HS1 is plain bonkers. The best way that could have been done is to route HS2 down the Lea Valley to join HS1 at Stratford.
@peterwilliamallen1063 6 месяцев назад
@@JohnSmall314 WHY does a purely domestic Hi speed line, HS2 got to connect to a purly international line HS1, no Domestic Services from Europe travel to the UK only the Internationl trains of Eurostar onnect the UK to the EU so why would our domestic train service travel to the EU when there is no call for such a connection.
@davidsmith8728 7 месяцев назад
Of course it has got to go to Euston - otherwise the observation by the Economic Forum will come true .... namely that, after having sepnt tens of billions of pounds, people will take longer to travel between London and Birmingham than they do at the moment.
@CRIMSONANT1 7 месяцев назад
HS2 will only go to Euston if private investment is found & to date, there have been NO takers, which is understandable given that HS2 is an environmental disaster of epic proportions & Britain's biggest infrastructure mistake in half a century.
@eddaines237 7 месяцев назад
Which means they’ll continue to use the existing, full route, so no capacity will be freed up on that line, which was the whole reason for the project in the first place! Capacity not speed.
@peterwilliamallen1063 6 месяцев назад
@@eddaines237 The problem is that no one will be ble to use the existing full WCML route when HS2 is open as all Hi Speed Avanti West Coast Trains that currently use the existing WCML will be transfered to use the HS2 route and hardly any trains from the Midlands nd the North West will use the WCML all will use the HS2 route
@nicholassunshine 7 месяцев назад
The drone footage is strikingly similar to my footage that I had to do a double take! It's not my footage, but it is lovely!
@rogerwilco2 7 месяцев назад
I thought Sunak cancelled HS2 to cause trouble for the next Labour government?
@MikeWillSee 7 месяцев назад
He cancelled the section north of Birmingham which is the section which makes it actually useful
@silverfox2358 7 месяцев назад
It's class warfare because when it's built and england and the rest of the world use this as a properly built network then it makes these idle rich snotty snobby shit heads irrelevant as it did when the first industrial revolution started boosting wages across the country.
@DavidKnowles0 7 месяцев назад
@@MikeWillSee Event that wouldn't neccessary cause problems, it the fact he downgrading the infrastructure around Birmingham and selling off the land that will make it financially very difficult to reinstate those sections in the future. Plus only building 6 platforms at Euston to permanently limit capacity of the High Speed rail network.
@josef596 7 месяцев назад
Shame the northern part was scrapped. As usual.
@GarethPW 7 месяцев назад
The apathy of Starmer is so depressing. He could learn a thing or two from his predecessor.
@8492946able 7 месяцев назад
HS2 must be fully built Both eastern and western legs
@CRIMSONANT1 7 месяцев назад
Haha, there's not a cat in hell's chance of that happening .. get real 🤣
@8492946able 7 месяцев назад
@@CRIMSONANT1 it has to happen as it will free up more capacity on both the ECML and the WCML for the next 50 years That’s what the whole HS2 is designed to deliver
@8492946able 7 месяцев назад
@@CRIMSONANT1 so your happy they have spent around 300 billion each month for the 3 months on attempting to send people to Rwanda
@CRIMSONANT1 7 месяцев назад
@@8492946able .. nonsense, the corruption & lies are only now beginning to surface. HS2 Ltd have hoodwinked the government & the public from day one of this disastrous vanity project. Arguments that the WCML is "full to capacity" rely on a discredited, out of date forecasting model which overestimates long distance passenger growth & isn't used for anything anymore except to justify this monstrous White elephant. Network Rail's "New Lines Programme Capacity Analysis" shows that WCML capacity is kept artificially low by private operators wanting to maximise profits. A DfT analysis shows that in peak hours leaving Euston, WCML trains were loaded at just 52.2 %. What's left of this horrendous vanity project is nothing more than another commuter line between London & Birmingham & within a decade of opening (in about 50 years time given the current rate of progress), will be nothing more than a glorified cycle track. It's been a total shambles from day one & will continue to be so until someone has the courage to say enough is enough & put it out of its misery.
@CRIMSONANT1 7 месяцев назад
​@@8492946able.. I suggest you do some research .. £300 BILLION per month for 3 months? Where on earth did you get that figure from - that's 3 times the cost of HS2 😂
@GarethPW 7 месяцев назад
NIMBYs and economically illiterate Tories killed this project. This country is so disappointing
@StephenHamblet 7 месяцев назад
Of course it will go to Euston. There'll be a replacement bus service like there is for the rest of the UK rail network.
@Luftkuhlt964 7 месяцев назад
I actually think 200bn is a bargain. It should go to Manchester and beyond.
@86wellacre 7 месяцев назад
In reality it should be going to Manchester and even to Scotland to get the most benefit from the project. Hopefully when the line is running they see sense and stop short-term thinking.
@tintin_999 7 месяцев назад
Give the money to Leeds, they need a train across their city more than London. They'd do it at lower cost too.
@Deepthought-42 7 месяцев назад
This title is a misleading. 😡 It should be called HS1.5 to highlight the inadequacy of Backwater Britain It neither starts nor finishes in the places it was intended. The EU is linking all its major cities with High Speed Rail. There should be high speed rail through routes from European cities major cities in UK to promote growth and development.
@Bl0ckHe1d 7 месяцев назад
What about the link to Scotland…?
@erikr286 7 месяцев назад
The government can't even get it to Manchester. If there's an HS3 to Scotland, it'll probably be done in 2100 or get the axe anyway
@njp9554 7 месяцев назад
And north east of England anorl
@peterwilliamallen1063 7 месяцев назад
The SNP can pay for that !!
@Bl0ckHe1d 7 месяцев назад
@@peterwilliamallen1063 what has the SNP got to do with it?
@peterwilliamallen1063 7 месяцев назад
@@Bl0ckHe1d Rather a lot actually because for years they have been wasting tax payers money trying to get Independance from the UK which they wont ever get, and as Scotland has it's own cash cow off the UK Government in millions of pounds in the Barnet Formula payment from the UK Government if they want a link to HS2 they can pay for it
@JohnSmith-xl8cb 7 месяцев назад
The Public Accounts Committee report also said it was "sceptical" government would attract enough private investment to build a key new station at Euston.
@peterwilliamallen1063 6 месяцев назад
The Public Accounts Commitee are a pain in the arse and the downfall of HS2
@normhanson981 7 месяцев назад
Useless government
@bidaddy56asda77 7 месяцев назад
What a waste of money if it only goes from Birmingham to London
@peterwilliamallen1063 5 месяцев назад
No HS2 trains will go to Manchester, Liverpool and Scotland
@Guy-Zero 7 месяцев назад
Im not from the UK but I know a bit about HS2 and honestly with all the cuts already if they dont even link it to Euston station than whats the whole point of this project anyway? With all the cuts/cancelled plans it already lost a lot of its usefulness already. Not even linking it to central London would make this a laughing stock of a project
@goodwood-rc4nx Месяц назад
should not only go to Euston also dig the tunnel to Euston Square
@DM-it2ch 7 месяцев назад
HS2...... £120 BILLION to get from just outside London to not too far away from Birmingham, 20 minutes quicker than it takes to get from London to Birmingham. Never, in the field of civil engineering, has so much money been wasted, by so many people, on something so stupid.
@leedza 6 месяцев назад
It would be a missed opportunity. Really. Joining HS1 to HS2 could be a reasonable business case considering they crapped the northen part.
@AndrewLumsden 7 месяцев назад
Where was Geoff!?
@ipwood 7 месяцев назад
Give it a rethink and connect to HS1 instead
@peterwilliamallen1063 7 месяцев назад
For what reason should HS2 connect to HS1, there is no reason for this idea.
@ipwood 7 месяцев назад
@@peterwilliamallen1063If you live north of London there’s every reason to have direct services to Paris.
@peterwilliamallen1063 7 месяцев назад
@@ipwood Yes we have those direct services to France and Paris, they are called cheap flights from Birmingham Airport and Manchester Airport by Airlines such as Air France, Ryan Air and Easy Jet, so if we have these why do we need to drive into Central Birmingham when you can park your car at Birmingham Airport or Drive to to Central Manchester to travel 90 miles down to London, trundle across London then travel from Stratford International to Paris, and do not mention that the train goes to Central Paris which it does because this does not mean that you are visiting Central Paris so either way you would need to get a Taxi from the Stationin Central Paris or Charles De Gaul Airport to where you neded to go in Paris. This ha been tried years ago and never worked out so was cancelled
@Hiro_Trevelyan 7 месяцев назад
Among the richest country on the planet and still can't build proper HSR. Sorry, but that's pretty pathetic. Waiting for private funding is the best way to end up with an ugly mall-station instead of a proper train station designed for passengers and not for profit. That's what they tried to do with Gare du Nord in Paris but thankfully, the project was cancelled.
@trinity1181 7 месяцев назад
pointless unless it goes to Euston
@JohnSmall314 7 месяцев назад
Unless the line goes to Euston it's effectively a line to nowhere. It would be faster to get the existing train from Birmingham to Euston than to get the HS2 and have to change on the way. But I see an even bigger problem. HS2 doesn't link up with HS1 all the way to the continent. Who's idea was that? It should have been possible to route HS2 down the Lea Valley to join HS1 at Stratford and have a clear run all the way from Birmingham to Paris and beyond. Also going down the Lea Valley would avoid all the problems they now have tunnelling under NW London.
@lawrencebishton9071 7 месяцев назад
has it made it past starbucks counter yet ???
@davidwebb4904 7 месяцев назад
Why are we paying 5x the standard industry rate for this work?
@JohnSmall314 7 месяцев назад
"Why are we paying 5x the standard industry rate for this work?" Corruption. But it's the legalised form of corruption, not plain simple cash in suitcases type. It's a chain of contractors, sub-contractors, sub-sub-contractors, management consultants and various parasites. All perfectly legal because the law is arranged to allow that kind of corruption to be legal. The net result is the same as the illegal forms of corruption. Public money gets poured into a project,. not much actual infrastructure is built and a lot of rich people miraculously become even richer as if by magic. You can tell that there's a lot of barely legal corruption going on in the UK because the existing networks that channel public money into private pockets went into overdrive during the pandemic. The fact that the only thing that worked efficiently during the pandemic was the sudden appearance of a fast track to millions conveyor belt for friends of Tory ministers. Which implies that had always been there but not quite so blatant. We're seeing more and more of that kind of thing as the Tories strip the country bare before they're kicked out. We have the case of prime development land being sold off to mates of a Tory mayor for £1 per acre. And now the government having bankrupted local councils is going to force them to sell off public property to mates of Tory ministers and other Tory party donors. We're paying 5x the industry standard for a railway line because the Tories are corrupt. It's that simple.
@TrevorWilliams-fq8mg 6 месяцев назад
With construction projects of this nature, there is no such thing as a standard cost as there are too many variables such as thousands of planning conditions to comply with that bear no comparable resemblance to each other and hundreds of road diversions all with different solutions because they all differ to each other and varying ground conditions.requiribg different foundation solutions.
@paulasser1589 7 месяцев назад
Of course they want it to go to Euston, it keeps them in work. If it doesn’t it will be the biggest waste of money ever spent by any government
@fatwalletboy2 7 месяцев назад
We dont need to be engineers to know this......
@johnburns4017 7 месяцев назад
No need to go to Euston. Continue the tunnel from Old Oak Coomon going the extra mile to HS1. The Liverpool, Glasgow, Birmingham and Manchester will have continental access. Job done.
@peterwilliamallen1063 6 месяцев назад
Liverpool, Glasgow, Manchester and Birmingham already have access to tthe EU, they are called Airports and planes. All these airports have fast cheap flights to Europe and who wants to sit 9 hours on a train from Glasgow/ Edinburgh to Paris when it can be done in 3 hours by flying.
@johnburns4017 6 месяцев назад
@@peterwilliamallen1063 Amazing. Truly amazing.
@peterwilliamallen1063 6 месяцев назад
@@johnburns4017 Yes it is isn't John Burns, are you a relsation of Jmes Monks who also comes up with daft ideas about HS2, why when it is easier to get to Birmingham Airport parking wise and Cheaper and Qucicker and take just as long to get through imigration and Customs would I want to spend 4 to 5 hours on a train to Paris from Birmingham when it is quicker to Fly and not only that you are not always going to the Centre of Paris to do business so taking a Taxi from the Airport or Central of Paris Station to companies in the out skirts of Paris makes no odds. Just believe there is no call from Birmingham or the North West for a train service through the Channel tunnel to the EU, it has been tried and failed and no one is going to build special trains to go through the Channel Tunnel when no one wants to use them
@johnburns4017 6 месяцев назад
@@peterwilliamallen1063 Amazingly, he goes on.
@peterwilliamallen1063 6 месяцев назад
@@johnburns4017 Well John Burns amazingly you seem to as well by keep going on about stupid rubbish on HS2 mate, I have read your comments like James Monks and why you have the infatuation of the fairy story of a link between HS2 aand HS1 beggers belief, if I had the choice of goung by train from Birmingham Curzon Street which won't have any Car Parks and Flying to Europe From Birmingham Airport which will be served by trains from Birmingham New Street,Birmingham Curzon Street and all over the Country, Taxies, fantastic local bus and Coach connections and loads of Car Parks for quickness, cost and convienence I like most people would Fly
@jacksugden8190 7 месяцев назад
Or the lines of no real importance
@misfit2022 7 месяцев назад
What about the millions Londoners have been conned out of under the guise of Ulez? If not bus replacement service from Acton
@dep7229 7 месяцев назад
What’s the point in HS2 now that the north is cut off 😡
@peterwilliamallen1063 5 месяцев назад
It is not cut off as the HS2 line will connect onto the WCML at Handsacre in Staffordshire
@peterwilliamallen1063 7 месяцев назад
It is funny that BBC London Newsreaders don't seem confident of HS2 a high speed rail link to the rest of the Country termiinating at Euston, but when it comes down to a new tube line they postively salavate at the thought of it yet these cost millions but do nothing to any one but London
@Ben-yp9nh 6 месяцев назад
Lmao what a joke this country is. All the money it’s already costing and it isn’t even going to Euston?! What is the point!.?!
@Rorschach. 7 месяцев назад
Completely and utterly irrelevant now. Yours, The North.
@user-eg4dv1bm2e 7 месяцев назад
I really hope that it doesn't go to Euston just to make the Tories look as stupid as possible.
@tigertiger1699 7 месяцев назад
Just build it UK
@gordonjohnson8432 7 месяцев назад
What about the North West????...Dont matter ITS NORTH OF BIRMINGHAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@alsp2 7 месяцев назад
How the fuck did they get 10 years into digging a trench through Euston but have no idea what they are building? This project is run by clowns.
@samplechannel2fiyd5idjfufjfud 7 месяцев назад
in 2050
@davidwebb4904 7 месяцев назад
This project is blatant theft. The london to Birmingham section is £15 Billion-£20 Billion max.
@TrevorWilliams-fq8mg 4 месяца назад
Have you priced the scheme to know that then ?.
@davidwebb4904 4 месяца назад
@@TrevorWilliams-fq8mg Yeah I have. I've got a whole bunch of FOI results also. This is blatant money laundering/theft. There's no other explanation for paying 5x the market rate.
@ram64man 7 месяцев назад
It should not only go to Euston but also link east with hs1 with a outer london station or essex station I still feel the low used hs1 Stratford international to be a good choice, we have to get out of the habit of everything to london central ulez proves the east is woefully inadequate to get around if you haven’t got a car , or rely on public transit it rake 2 hours to go from north to east there has to be a loop built that takes that in
@peterwilliamallen1063 7 месяцев назад
Yep and connect with Cardif, Swnseaa, Douglas, Oban and the isle wight, god what silly ideas people have of HS2
@ram64man 7 месяцев назад
@@peterwilliamallen1063 i honestly feel that that is needed as part of hs3/4
@peterwilliamallen1063 7 месяцев назад
@@ram64man There is no HS 3/4 only HS2
@ram64man 7 месяцев назад
@@peterwilliamallen1063 like the government north of Leeds we can plan for it
@peterwilliamallen1063 7 месяцев назад
@@ram64man Problem HS2 isn't going North of Leeds, That is thterrotory of LNER and the ECML.HS2 is WCML project that is run by Avanti West Coast Trains
@Domdeone1 7 месяцев назад
No coffers to be extracted by the taxpayer & no private investor surprise surprise
@srpacific 7 месяцев назад
Hang on, what? Isn't this the point? Will we now have to pay the consultants and analysts and scores of engineers another few billion to get it done? The government is being robbed, in broad daylight, over this debacle.
@chrisgreenwood9835 7 месяцев назад
Euston is a cr*p terminus. Best to change at OOC onto Liz Line and end up anywhere in Central London
@Peter-mj6lz 7 месяцев назад
The Liz Line would be overcrowded then and the interchange would cost time
@gazmothedamaja 7 месяцев назад
HS2 should never have been given the go-ahead.
@8492946able 7 месяцев назад
HS2 is designed to minimise journey times between London, Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds and it will also free up more capacity on both the ECML and the WCML for the next 50 years That’s what the whole HS2 is designed to deliver
@gdwnet 7 месяцев назад
@@8492946able and how is that going so far?
@Mgameing123 7 месяцев назад
HS2 is unavoidable. The West Coast Mainline & East Coast Mainline are pretty much at capacity and these are some the UK's most busiest lines.
@gdwnet 7 месяцев назад
@@8492946able and how is that going so far?
@gdwnet 7 месяцев назад
@@Mgameing123 _The West Coast Mainline & East Coast Mainline are pretty much at capacity_ Because?
@dougaltolan3017 7 месяцев назад
Well of course they do, they get £ for every mile.
@derektaylor2941 7 месяцев назад
Can so few people see that HS2 was only ever about setting up the infrastructure in order to build new Cities over the Chilterns? The business case for it originally is pointless, but now that areas of outstanding natural beauty have been desecrated by this monstrosity, people's resistance to concreting it over will be lowered. It's a little like town bypasses... No one wants to see their town expand but they're happy to have a bypass. Once that bypass is built then they are less resistant to the town being expanded as far as the bypass. The same principle is being used here. Does anyone really think that this was ever about anything other than that? The main argument of relieving pressure on the Southern WCML is laughable and anyone with half a brain knows why HS2 will make no difference there.
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