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Episodju 33 - “Il-Politiku” Dibattitu - Mistednin Mario camilleri vs Fr David Muscat. 

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Episodju 33 - “Il-Politiku” Dibattitu - Mistednin Mario camilleri vs Fr David Muscat.
Il-programm “Il-Politiku” ppreżentat minn Malcolm Seychell, kull nhar ta’ Tnejn fit- 8:35pm.



6 сен 2024




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@burt3907 8 месяцев назад
I must say, I enjoyed listening to this debate, and as an observer from Australia, I wish to add my comment. I regard my vote as a privilege, which under no circumstance must it be waisted, even if I am disgusted and dissatisfied with my party and or parties. Unfortunately, here in Australia and many other western countries including Malta, the main parties, have become nothing more than two arse cheeks on the same backside, blowing hot air. Therefore, if I am to show my displeasure, I would STILL vote for someone other ( as Fr. David said) because that is in my view, the best way to drive home the message that the main parties are on the nose. At some point in time, this will eighter drive home the message, or may even give the opportunity for someone to break away, and give rise to a populist alternative.
@peterfloyd564 8 месяцев назад
imlew ghajnkhom li Norman Lowell m'hu ser jghamel xejn. hemm ir-rightwings jistennewh. flimkien ser jinghaqdu u inaddfu din l-ewropa ta' Khain..
@victorzammit7612 8 месяцев назад
What does Mr Camilleri propose as an alternative?
@peterfloyd564 8 месяцев назад
bniedem bla vot, m'ghandu l-ebda proposta..
@mikhailvella2648 8 месяцев назад
Wiehed li ma jafx x'qed jghid
@sergiogaucistonepecker5066 3 месяца назад
Jien aktarx l-aktar Malti li m`ivvutajtx
@gustavtonna7407 7 месяцев назад
@sergiogaucistonepecker5066 3 месяца назад
isss prosit kemm temmen fil-liberta tal kelma ...jekk int poodle tal-partiti ...INT indaħħalx lil ħaddieħor ! Bil-maqlub anzi ,
@sergiogaucistonepecker5066 3 месяца назад
Prosit Melcolm ...smajta talbi ....prosit tal programm
@peterfloyd564 8 месяцев назад
tridu tibghatu messagg li tridu partit iehor imma ma' tivvutawx lill-partit iehor. hawwadni ha' nifmhek..
@peterfloyd564 8 месяцев назад
nies li ma' jivvotawx, huma bhall kannol bla krema. bla sugu ta' xejn, bla principju..
@sergiogaucistonepecker5066 3 месяца назад
U nies li jivvutaw , jitnejku bijhom darba tnejn tlieta , erbgħa , ħamsa sitta ...elf darba ....... huma bħal kannol mimli ħara *and worse of all * kuntenti li mimlijin bil-ħara .
@Hellraiser6665 6 месяцев назад
Madonna madonna vera prezentatur injorant u mhux jifhem il punt! Umbad semma l Raymond ambrogio u aktar ghaxxaqa! Siehbi, qabel tidolizza persuna fittex naqa l istorja u s stat mentali tieghu… taf xinhu?? Li b’da l madonna podcasts u social media li hawn, hanqa ta hmar irnexxiela titla fl ajru u tarrxet il kliem ta persuna validu. U biex inejdlek jien ukoll kontra l 2 partiti principali u sew qed jejdlek il father jekk tipprova tifhmu. Kif se tamel int se sservi ta tapit siehbi!
@sergiogaucistonepecker5066 3 месяца назад
ma għandekx dritt tindaħal lil ĦADD kif imexxi programm , Waħda ..mur ara in nett u l- one ..., Tnejn ....jekk jivvota jew le , mhux affarik u tista `daħħal il-vot tiegħek > wara ...u Tlieta ...jekk int bil-bajd u trida ta xi gran alla ....uri wiċċek u mur xandar int ...pero mur ħu kors kif tikteb -edprimus - għax probja dubbiena qeda tinħexxa fuq keyboard -tikteb .
@peterfloyd564 8 месяцев назад
hemm partiti zghar u hemm kandidati indipendenti.. iggibx skuzi..
@sergiogaucistonepecker5066 3 месяца назад
in the patenti ? you mean
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