
EU5's Combat is turned up to 11! 

Lord Lambert
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7 сен 2024




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@umbris2210 Месяц назад
Assuming 8:00 and 19:00 are valid time stamps, it’s 12 ticks.
@Lord_Lambert Месяц назад
yyyyyyyyeah I just realised...
@kierano8390 Месяц назад
@@Lord_Lambert lol, i was shouting at my screen its clearly 12 ticks ahah
@benismann Месяц назад
I was about to comment that
@RibPullRick Месяц назад
I was actually thinking there are day and night ticks. So during the day armies move and in the night they rest, maybe it includes battles where in the night units don't fight.
@Zyhmet Месяц назад
yep, one off just as every programmer fears :P
@joshuasims5421 Месяц назад
Since EUV only simulates daylight hours, that means it's daytime simultaneously worldwide. Paradox Tinto has overcome the scourge of timezones!
@matteorossi1172 Месяц назад
@Vengir Месяц назад
To be fair, it makes sense as an abstraction. It's 15 degrees per hour. In the time period represented in the game, you probably are not going to be able to cover 15 degrees in the span of a single day, not even by ship.
@theorixlux Месяц назад
Damn, no teleporting generals ? :(
@THESLANEDOG Месяц назад
Paradox's plan to stop vampires
@mesuper455 Месяц назад
@@THESLANEDOG How will Transylvania's tourist industry ever recover?
@m.s.2191 Месяц назад
Hey Lambert, I am pretty sure that the cavalry depicted in the artwork are Stratioti, a type of light horse originating in the Balkans. "Top hats" were not invented by the English, sorry to break it to you :P
@vincenicholson6969 Месяц назад
I think the comment about battle duration is much more important than given credit even abstracted. They specifically said 20% less TICKS than eu4 and we just learn the difference in the amount of ticks in the game as a whole. Even if the battle lasts the same amount of ticks in eu5 vs eu4 eu5 ticks SIGNIFICANTLY faster
@notapuma Месяц назад
Good. No more weeks or months spent in a single battle. EU5 might be a few days max.
@diegoidepersia Месяц назад
@@notapuma maybe a week for a particularly long battle but its way better than eu4 or imperator, where you get weeks long battles often
@ethanb8525 Месяц назад
Probably 12 ticks a day when you count both 8:00 and 19:00 as hours (tick 1).(8:00), 2.9, 3.10, 4.11, 5.12, 6.13, 7.14, 8.15, 9.16, 10.17, 11.18, (tick 12).(19:00)
@Spacemarine658 Месяц назад
It does kinda suck we don't get nighttime raids but I know they weren't super common until recently
@ResandOuies Месяц назад
18:30: From what's stated about wanting units to engage quickly, I assume imitative is going to be somewhat inversely related to combat power. So your light cav is god at actually getting into the fight, and tie the opponent down until your heave cav can get their thumbs out of their asses to actually kill them, sort of thing
@BIGluisluis Месяц назад
Not CK2 flanks, but March of the Eagles flank and reserve, yes March of the Eagles has 4 parts in the army
@Lord_Lambert Месяц назад
i really gotta play that at some point
@tomuhawk96 Месяц назад
Imperator Rome has that system as well
@LeCort-yc8pr Месяц назад
The art at the beginning is obviously the famous painting portraying the grand battle the country of Listenbourg fought for its independence
@alexandrub8786 Месяц назад
Who's independence?
@squidopedia_ Месяц назад
We’re getting March of the Eagles 2 holy shit chat
@MegaVictor1129 Месяц назад
20:00 having a doomstack doesn't give you more chances to reinforce... ''only enough regiments to fill the gap rolls for it''
@maxsilva11 Месяц назад
Yes, exactly. So if there's only 4 gaps in the total frontage, then only 4 reserve units will even get to roll for a chance to join the section per tick, whether you have 4 units in reserve or 400.
@terrencestafford3660 Месяц назад
From the look of the picture, this could be a rendition of the Argentine cavalry during their war of independence. The leader of the regiment came across a shipment of top hats and issued them to his men.
@mll123451 Месяц назад
I am Argentine and I have never seen anything like this but what do I know?😂
@dmytromulin6877 Месяц назад
That 3, 4, 4 dudes are just numbers of regiments in each section. The shields in the green circles look the same as pops satisfaction icon, so probably unit morale here. The stars in the black circles look like unit experience (Johan confimed units to have experience). Crossed swords - maybe the sign of infantry? Three 'letters' - no idea, maybe if they have food and supplies? The signs in the left - probably to which section a unit belongs - left, right, centre, reserves.
@dboe1239 Месяц назад
Combat this week and the Germany Maps. What a week! I also go on holiday on friday 😁
@Lord_Lambert Месяц назад
Have fun!
@alligator94gaming2 Месяц назад
13:39 the flanks and reserve while also being in ck2 are where there march of the eagle element comes from especially with the reserve part of the army
@robert-janthuis9927 Месяц назад
So around 20:00 the way I imagine that works based on how they word it would probably be as follows. Let's say you have a frontage of 20 regiments in a certain flank. 4 regiments broke last round and now have to be replaced. For this replacement you have say, 10 more regiments in the reserves. However, only 4 of these actually roll the dice to see if they reinforce since that is the available frontage. As such, there is no reason to have massive doom stacks because well, regardless of whether you have 10 or 40 regiments in the reserves, only 4 of them actually have the ability to reinforce in that round.
@SinjidKhan Месяц назад
01 April 1337 is the start date. If the end date is 02 January 1821, then that's 176,681 days (including 02 January as a full day). At 12 ticks per day, that comes out to 2,120,172 ticks. That's amazing.
@SnowyMan95 Месяц назад
This is basically Dota Autochess inside EU5.
@burntbybrighteyes Месяц назад
In terms of Zone of Control not existing anymore in the late, I think I’d like a compromise solution where the zone each fort controls simply becomes smaller in the napoleonic wars. That way you could still guarantee forts blocking enemy movement but only if you build them closer to each other.
@Nifalh Месяц назад
Maybe the artillery borbardment is per round. So if we assume 1 day as 1 round you have 1 tick of bombardment and 10 for the rest. Then the army would retreat into encampment for night rest then engage again next day (moving to round 2) with another bombardment phase.
@Vulcanus3231 Месяц назад
If it’s 12 ticks per day then that’s about 2.11 million total ticks from game start to 1821. Eu4 has almost 144k total for comparison
@SireBab Месяц назад
I think to properly understand that, I highly suspect that a lot of tick functions will only go to one or two per day, like changing income.
@Dsingis Месяц назад
8-19 is only for army movement. Johan confirmed this. Base tick for construction etc. is still days, and the base tick for income and stuff is the month.
@swedichboy1000 Месяц назад
I can only hope for a more dynamic warfare system in a similar vain to Meiou & Taxes´s but taken even further. Instead of being held back by artificial warscore, now imagine that you could always push further, one more city or one more fort, but that it would increase the likelyhood of outside forces getting involved. Like Sweden in the wars against the poles, they took large swathes of land in the Estonia region to act as a bargaining chip. A system that let the players actions have tangible consequences if they chose to push their luck too far. I mean, Alexander the Great never stopped once he crossed into Asia Minor.
@MartocticvsCG Месяц назад
Johan has confirmed the 11 ticks per day apply only to combat an I think unit movement. Most other things continue to run on 1 tick per day. But if that's right that it covers unit movement on the map too (that wasn't so clear from what he said), then that's still the full 2million per game.
@Licarous Месяц назад
I am just theory crafting, but those crossed boxes are NATO infantry counters and the swords maybe indicate that the unit is melee based. This was probably taken in the early game so it would make scene that the units depicted as largely infantry with pike/sword, and little in the ways of guns. If there were cavalry units we might see a horse or box with a single slash in it. If this was later in the game when guns are more prevent then we might see a sword crossed with a gun, or 2 crossed guns.
@burntbybrighteyes Месяц назад
That artwork looks kinda like Gangs of New York.. whatever the actual DD is good and combat is good, that's all I need.
@tiredidealist Месяц назад
Yeah, the UI is still my biggest complaint so far. Which is a really good sign, tbh. The combat system looks solid, I'm eager to try it. Maybe a little too eager. After supporting EU4 for ten years I'm really looking forward to its successor.
@shogunego1187 Месяц назад
Those dudes are most likely just the number of regiments and the "pips" are most likely the emplacement of the unit (front, left, right or reserve). (whoopse)
@Philemon5 Месяц назад
wait imagine the mind games in combat with 11 ticks a day, holy
@mordinsolis6133 Месяц назад
Important Dev comment that got posted afterwards is that while on lower speeds, there are 12 hourly ticks for combat per day, while eco and others are on the more normal day/month ticks, if you go to max speed(so in eu4 terms, speed 5) the combat ticks get consolidated into a daily one. Meaning speed 5 gaming will actually change how combat works compared to slow speeds, even if only by making it so you cant give an order to retreat in the middle of the they because the morning engagements went badly.
@keizervanenerc5180 Месяц назад
So with the adition of 11 hour tics per day, as wel as a timespan that is about 1.25 times the timespan of EU4, that will mean that in practice EU5 would be 1.25×11= 13.75 times as long to complete a full EU5 game!!!! (*Not keeping in mind actual game speed)
@Vengir Месяц назад
It's 12 ticks per day, though, so that would be 15 times more ticks (assuming it is indeed 1.25 times longer in terms of years). Did they confirm the end date, by the way? Because 1836 would make sense, I think.
@RasakBlood Месяц назад
The tics are just for combat are they not? I dont think your income and goods will work at that speed. So it wont be that slow.
@viktormora3428 Месяц назад
@@RasakBlood It's for unit movement as well. It doesn't matter what mechanics they tie to hourly ticks because at the end of the day you will have to wait for those ticks to happen while they are happening at a speed you can react to. Even if the game does not lag it will be much slower than current EU4
@DaDunge Месяц назад
25:45 Napoleon is the start of war on the scale we see in Victoria3, with fronts and theatre commanders. That's not how war was fought in 90%+ of this era.
@manaintolerantmage Месяц назад
I am commenting for the algorithm for our AI overlords.
@herkles5416 Месяц назад
I think the art is supposed to be deliberately anarchnostic.
@m.s.2191 Месяц назад
It isn't. It's honestly kinda sad that when we have art of a battle in the 100 Year's War, people are debating if it's Crecy or or Sluys based on inspecting the background image of a castle, but when something Eastern European is depicted, people automatically assume it's made up. Why make that assumption if you don't know what something is? Already commented elsewhere, but these are light Balkan horse, most likely Stratioti.
@RomanumChristum Месяц назад
@@m.s.2191look like dapper Cossacks and I’m all for it
@alexandrub8786 Месяц назад
​​@@m.s.2191 >why make that assymption >you don't know what something is You responded to your own question right there. Also i would assume because the characters look white in which case many in the western parts of Europe(+their colonies) would think Occidental Europe(i.e. from Portugal to Germany, Hungary and Slovenia), Eastern Europe being (edit: seen) more as "lesser Europe"(i.e. Western Europe from a decade or two ago) or Russia (Edit) also another guy said that it looked like the argentinian cavalry from their independence war
@m.s.2191 Месяц назад
@@alexandrub8786 so 2 things: 1) you are defending the dissemination of misinformed opinions online. I mean, all the power to you, I guess, but I would prefer if we were a little more self-reflective about the fact that maybe wild uninformed speculation is not the best thing. 2) "Eastern Europe" is not "lesser Europe", it's definitely not "Western Europe from 20 years ago" (???? this is actually ironic because this artwork is demonstrative of trends originating in Eastern Europe that were centuries ahead of when they were adopted in Western Europe, and in fact, Eastern Europe has often influenced Western Europe in terms of fashion, culture, customs, etc. far more than it is generally recognized) and your comment is kind of filled with the same time of prejudicial and ignorant perspective on "Eastern Europe" that I was criticizing originally.
@alexandrub8786 Месяц назад
@@m.s.2191 oh sorry i wrote "being more" instead of "being seen more as",my mistake. My point was not that eastern europe is less but rather that is usually seen/has a perception of "less than" (including by some natives).
@nejcgregoric7849 Месяц назад
Just guessing Shield=morale Star=experiance Sword=shock 3squares=fortification
@MrgalaxyGamer101 Месяц назад
I think what Johan was saying about doom stacks not being an advantage was that if you have frontage for like 3000 available and 10000 reserves, only 3000 of that 10000 are rolling the reinforcement dice. So that this means the chance of reinforcement is the same as if you only had 3000 reserves. Of course I could totally be wrong though
@ArcaniIgnis Месяц назад
I don't like how hyped I'm getting for this, I think I'm gonna be like a week one or month one purchase at this point. Not pre-ordering of course, never do that, and nor will I get the "Epic Gamer Legendary Battle Pass Grand Edition" because that's just pre-ordering DLC, but an early purchase is looking to be the thing.
@Karpify Месяц назад
I assume on the timescale of the hourly ticks, troop movement will be the only relevant change, and this is simply to keep pace with the change the location scaling. It's not like you will have 11x more actions with your diplomats because of splitting up the day like this. I do wonder if all of those actions will trigger at the same time each morning.
@Old_Sealand Месяц назад
Seeing Lambert ask why I want more than 1 leaders per army to be moddable. Answer: My goals are beyond your understanding.
@DaDunge Месяц назад
13:30 thta's why regiments sizes are different. Becuase In ck2 you often have a problem in the early game where you don't have troops for all flanks. If the minimum was 1000 men you would need at least 3000 men to cover all three flanks.
@-.blake.- Месяц назад
@TheRockhound119 Месяц назад
Might be a good idea to see if the bombard phase happens every day?
@DanCristinzio Месяц назад
The symbols on the left side probably represent the sections that each unit belongs to. So left flank would be the top symbol, middle would be center, bottom would be right. All 3 would be an even split. I guess you'd want a few units to be split evenly so that at least one of them could have initiative to prevent morale damage for an undefended flank
@DanCristinzio Месяц назад
Also, the initiative system and character system make me feel like it's d&d inspired.
@Shayrin2 Месяц назад
Even split ? I dunno, that doesn’t look like the system fits it. To me this would have been reserve, allowing them to move up wherever required.
@jake_p2382 Месяц назад
OMG 11 ticks per day it’s 12 ticks not even 11 driving me mental lambert
@PetrifiedNightmares Месяц назад
I don’t quite understand their argument about why dynamic regiment sizes are better. For one, the example they provided shows why having a regiment size that’s too small (such as 100) would be problematic, and yet the range of values they provided for regiment size (100-1500) is mostly smaller than eu4’s size of 1000. If, as the example shows, tiny regiments is bad, why not just keep the much larger 1000 limit from eu4? Is the lower limit to give early game countries with very small armies more granularity in controlling their armies? Also the example seems to overstate how big of a deal having too many regiments is. In eu4 you can arbitrarily merge stacks into any size you want, so why does it matter to have thousands of regiments if you can just group them into 10 armies or something?
@DaDunge Месяц назад
24:00 11 seems like a choice. They could easily have gone for 12 but chose to go for 11. I think it's because 11 is a prime which means you the lowest common denominator for number of ticks is a full day. It may be important for some underlying systems.
@Lord_Lambert Месяц назад
it is 12, I just mathflubbed
@DaDunge Месяц назад
@@Lord_Lambert 11 hours but 12 ticks between them.
@ResandOuies Месяц назад
32:50: Well, ticks are much shorter time interval, so slightly fewer ticks on average and 12 ticks per EU4 ticks should mean no months long battle at least.
@prnghats Месяц назад
I wonder if different systems in the game will go by the 12 ticks a day or will only trigger every day (every 12 ticks) or week (every 84 ticks).
@tnk4me4 Месяц назад
Obviously they're the topped hussars, the elite guard of Tiffany the fourth, who fought off the aztecs for one hundred and fifty days during the sunset invasion. Legend says they started the battle with 299 men and when it was over they had 301
@DaDunge Месяц назад
6:45 That's good for this period. How Vic3 handles it is much more appropriate for that era.
@goosegod6 Месяц назад
Oh boy. It is interesting stuff but I am still worried that there will be whack a mole situations. I was hoping we would get something a bit different from the EU4 system. A front system like in Hoi would be cool, but not sure if they would want that as it might not be accurate for the time period of the game. I hope they will address some of these issues of whack a mole, deathstacks somehow.
@ChazzenHD Месяц назад
Interesting, seems like a middle ground between HoI and EU. HoI uses hourly ticks, and I believe March of the Eagles does too? This is going to be a very long game lol.
@McHobotheBobo Месяц назад
27:35 In Vic3 an army = a formation (so including hussars in any army gives a speed boost)
@deratatouille4924 Месяц назад
We are still using the babylonian system… they should have made it 12 per day
@ArcaniIgnis Месяц назад
Don't know about those uniforms and stuff but the horses are pretty
@Cool_Night_King Месяц назад
For the 11 ticks per day , I think battles are gonna be few and far between , at the same time they'll be far more consequential and impactful , maybe 2-3 battles per war , with wars made so you can grab far more land than in EU4 , otherwise the game would be extremely long if war stays as it is along the lines of EU4 or CK2&3.
@williamdowsett3350 Месяц назад
the wooden shields without armor reminds me of the scots with their targes and claymores though those guys are definitely not scots lol
@benismann Месяц назад
Holy ck2 flanks! Never played ck2, but it always sounded like such a cool concept for warfare. Probably more suited to... any other game, but still. also combat ui is awful. i hope it's some sort of mockup, there's no way it gets in the game
@Dekoded Месяц назад
100% looks like dev art
@DaDunge Месяц назад
24:30 ten is 2x5 12 is 2x2x3. They clearly wanted a prime.
@samuelfarias8710 Месяц назад
What takes 11 days in eu4 now takes 11 hours brilliant
@Kaasga Месяц назад
So if a battle starts at 18 will it just resume the next day without any consequences?
@genew3452 Месяц назад
11 Ticks per day, no wonder Johan said that the MINIMUM req for Project Caesar will be 16GB RAM, and I'll be surprised if things late game run very well with only 16 Gig RAM.
@AJames-mh2dp Месяц назад
Nice! After the huge nothing burger that is Victoria 3's combat system, I would've settled for any combat system in EU 5 that contained a few crudely drawn pixels that I could directly control in anger. I know it's still early, but if pdx delivers on what they're promising here, this will exceed any expectations I had (Which admittedly were sorta low) .
@mateuszzonowski7514 Месяц назад
The biggest disappointment is the UI of combat. Specific regiments fighting is not represented, just a total number for each section.
@Lord_Lambert Месяц назад
Johan responded to a comment confirming that that will be coming
@mateuszzonowski7514 Месяц назад
@@Lord_Lambert Good news, thanks!
@McHobotheBobo Месяц назад
25:45 So, one big issue with Napoleon as an example (and don't get me wrong I think bombardment should be at least daily) is that Napoleon kind of revolutionized artillery warfare, practically invented mobile artillery (I think only Gustavus Adolphus implemented it earlier) and before the Napoleonic era most guns are relatively fixed batteries, certainly before 1500 you'd find almost nothing but fixed emplacements for guns that would be very hard to maneuver and just as hard to aim
@McHobotheBobo Месяц назад
Artillery should also become increasingly effective over the course of the game, I'd expect late-game Napoleonic mobile artillery to strike on every tick for instance
@inspector_beyond Месяц назад
I think the artwork is like VIctia 3's artwork, which isn't supposed to show specific moment in history, but like historical reference, like Women Protesting for their right to vote isn't suppose to portray exact protest that happened in history, or a revolution happening on streets isn't suppose to portray French Revolution (one of) or Rusian revolution (one of). Same here. Cavalry isn't supposed to be portrayed as someone from history, but it kinda shows the timeframe the game will take place. Wooden shields? Medieval period. Coats? Renaissance Era. Cavalry sabers? Napoleonic wars for sure. Top hats? Industrial era. Though I'm not sure what bandanas with hair tails are suppose to be, unless this is a reference to Jack Sparrow and it's a hint towards Colonial Era Pirates.
@DaDunge Месяц назад
1800x1000 is 1.8 million. though it doesn't say it's about the start of the game.
@kornelg8584 Месяц назад
13:30 Imerator Rome also have flanks
@Don_Juan89 Месяц назад
finally the stupid concept of the 1000 Man strong Artillery regiments will be gone. FINALLY!
@DaDunge Месяц назад
14:30 Once every two ticks
@commiec0n721 Месяц назад
Everything else is very impressive, but the UI is way too uniform imo. The symbols don't seem big enough to make up for the lack of color variation in the different elements.
@engrammi Месяц назад
I mean, this was specifically about combat, right? Possible that other calculations are not run as often.
@GG-fc4nx Месяц назад
I’m wondering if the 11 ticks per day thing might only apply to armies. Johan mentions how some hours don’t have ticks because armies need to rest and stuff, but that doesn’t really apply for other stuff in the game What I’m saying is… that we are getting 24 ticks per day I’m calling it
@Lord_Lambert Месяц назад
it was confirmed that hour ticks only happen for combat
@LindaMaricas Месяц назад
@Cool_Night_King Месяц назад
Time stamps
@voltigod1285 Месяц назад
Yeah 11 ticks is only for combat I presume, everything else is a daily tick (building things etc) and monthly tick (income, reinforcement etc.?)
@gabbel4103 Месяц назад
Holy shit this looks good
@bradyphillips1995 Месяц назад
omg i was right they are taking some hoi4 mechanics
@Gurbuyten1146 Месяц назад
Great vid dude! :)
@jalenbirkett9568 Месяц назад
11 ticks per day 🤔
@McHobotheBobo Месяц назад
2:30 I think those lads may be from the English Civil War, not sure kn that tho
@McHobotheBobo Месяц назад
Polish maybe?
@Belkak021 Месяц назад
Hmmm I don't know about this chief, people were already not playing 150/200 years in and you are telling me that EU5 will have 100 extra years compared to EU4 and each day will have 11 ticks more? 16:00 will cav finally be able to actually flank? Lol Besides my hangup on the ticks, the system seems... great? We'll have to play it to really know but, it's definitely not a Victoria 3 dev 22 lol It looks fun and it has depth... sounds good? Edit: Bruh, the first question Johan answered was this ""This chance increases for every hour of combat" Confirmation that PC ticks in units of time smaller than days? " Is it so hard to read? LOL Edit2: You actually read it at the end haha
@svingvejv3593 Месяц назад
11 aoe2 tunt
@alexisdespland4939 Месяц назад
nice horsies. probably just wooden things in training.
@rborecki222 Месяц назад
Shut up about the 11 ticks per day.
@Lord_Lambert Месяц назад
It's quite funny that I saw this comment when it said "11 minutes ago"
@rborecki222 Месяц назад
@@Lord_Lambert hahha
@FroggyCinema Месяц назад
Personally I do not like the war system. I wish it was like Victoria 3, I hate how much hate this game gets tbh. It’s a beautiful and artistic style to war, it feels like a documentary you control. It’s just so immersive. Good video though.
@Lord_Lambert Месяц назад
Thank you for the superthanks, person who I disagree with immensely :P
@manaintolerantmage Месяц назад
@@FroggyCinema this is some top tier trolling.
@Strix2031 Месяц назад
I belive the art if from the english civil war, a stereotipical representation of the parlamentarians who who where mocked by the loyalists for wearing tophats
@micayahritchie7158 Месяц назад
I don't get people noping out of vicky 3 beccause the war was different. Don't you want variety in your games?
@Lord_Lambert Месяц назад
Variety is fine. But when the variety is between fish and chips on one hand and a lump of shit on the other... I'm going for fish and chips every single time.
@micayahritchie7158 Месяц назад
@@Lord_Lambert ok I agree but I think that's a disingenuous comparison no? In Vicky you're playing as a state whereas in the games chronologically before Vicky you're not. And HOI4 is explicitly a war game which Vicky isn't. I agree the war is bad but I don't think it's because of it not being micro
@Lord_Lambert Месяц назад
You're playing as the spirit of the nation in both EU4 and Vic3.
@hiruharii Месяц назад
victoria 3 has far too much macro to be engaging
@emmanueliriso1664 Месяц назад
@SnowyMan95 Месяц назад
The period is 1400-1450 AID (AI-DOMINI). It is what happens when you make artwork with AI. But, Johan is adding war so I don't even care. GO! GO! GO!
@Lord_Lambert Месяц назад
This isnt AI art.
@hiruharii Месяц назад
its not AI art
@SnowyMan95 Месяц назад
It’s not? I thought they said they used generated art then passed it to human artists to fix it up.
@Shayrin2 Месяц назад
@@SnowyMan95 No. they said they never use AI and no legal department would let a big studio do it, for obvious reasons.
@hiruharii Месяц назад
@@SnowyMan95 theyre hand drawn, they said if they might use it for reference or inspiration but it is not in the art
@RealPeoplePerson Месяц назад
Wish Johan would use examples to illustrate how the system is able to produce the expected result given various real-world battle scenarios; the answer to the horse archer question was helpful.
@PetrifiedNightmares Месяц назад
I don’t quite understand their argument about why dynamic regiment sizes are better. For one, the example they provided shows why having a regiment size that’s too small (such as 100) would be problematic, and yet the range of values they provided for regiment size (100-1500) is mostly smaller than eu4’s size of 1000. If, as the example shows, tiny regiments is bad, why not just keep the much larger 1000 limit from eu4? Is the lower limit to give early game countries with very small armies more granularity in controlling their armies? Also the example seems to overstate how big of a deal having too many regiments is. In eu4 you can arbitrarily merge stacks into any size you want, so why does it matter to have thousands of regiments if you can just group them into 10 armies or something?
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