
Eve Online The Industry of Ganking 

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A little addendum on the Gatecampers video. Sort of answering csome comments and explaining the advantages.
Piracy isint me, though i do like pvp. But its still good to know how these things work.
/ aloneinfinland952
If you havent dont it already you can get 1 mill SP by going through the ever link below. To be clear (as people dont always tell you) if you do this it also gived me a kick back of half a months plex if you sub or resub to the game. Ill Put up 2 links for my 2 mains but you can only do it once.
If you have far to much isk or plex and want to throw it at a dumbass youtuber like me, Madame Broker in eve deals with all my income, she also may be featured in upcoming videos once i get my arse in gear and edit them.
/ aloneinfinland
Fly safe if thats what you choose to do!




8 июл 2024




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@aloneinfinland 4 месяца назад
Theres a good point below, i forgot to mention , the reason i was giving exampls by ammounts destroied, is that the gankers im talking about loot and salvage, meaning their take home is about a quarter of the value of the kill minimum before salvage. thats why its a decent metric for income because they are in a situation where they can loot all, unlike other forms of PVP where you might get chased off or deaded before looting.
@guigolum 4 месяца назад
it's not minimum, it's average. It's not of the kill, it's of non-rig modules and cargohold
@martinsvilands7334 4 месяца назад
Exactly, so, if they destroyed 69 bil recently and lost 13 bil, they "made" 12.75 bil and lost 13 bil. Hence the argument that they make no money. Because they don't. Sure, there's probably racketeering profits they get from newbies they sell "insurance" to and some small amount of isk they get from salvage but it's clearly neither profit nor skill, leaving only the motivation of griefing.
@nullx8 4 месяца назад
well the losses of others are NOT the profits of the gankers, BUT what you are saying is correct, "PROPER" Gankers make loads of money, just the idiot Griefers don't .. i have respect from most gankers or Lowsec PvP players, as they enjoy the game and just do what they do, also this most of the time leads to a learning experience, if you not cry about a loss every time, while Griefers are just compensating for IRL shortcommings make themselfs feel better killing a venture with a Loki .. (lowest of the low) edit: if i multibox an attack, i just assign all drones to the fleet commander, this will result in all ships attacking you at the same time, and then alt-tab trough the toons to enable the torpedos. so fast fire not always mean it's a bot.
@aloneinfinland 4 месяца назад
i wasent meaning drones i was meaning weapons. like the tornado gank of a freighter a few while back. instant activation for 20+ chars, all same names, all gone from the game next time i logged on. I agree witht he over compensating, but looking at the comments of 'i earn so much' i think thats not just greifers. And as you may have seen in my shuttle vid, even i look at an easy target and the little voices whispers 'go on, kill em, itll be funny' but its easier to control that voice in eve as opposed to sunday morning when the jehovas come knocking....
@nullx8 4 месяца назад
@@aloneinfinland no questions here! well i do go out for easy targets some times, but at least i have the decency to replace the ship if the player was just a newbie or it wasn't a "equal fight"... thats my overall experience with the "actual" gankers in lowsec, they mostly quite decent. griefers on the other hand are not worth any comment in local, okay sometimes i write somethings like "now go get your participation trophy" or somethings like that with no followup haha
@revanakado639 4 месяца назад
About the corvette losses: the corvettes are used by Pilots with -10.0 to spawn Concord and direct the concord ships away from the place where the ganking happens because it takes Concord forces longer to warp in from within the system than spawning directly onto the grid.
@aloneinfinland 4 месяца назад
oh ho, thats interesting because thats actually a banned exploit. i need to have a look at that!
@foozychamp 2 месяца назад
@@aloneinfinland it's not, you're ignorant
@CruentusV 4 месяца назад
thanks for another great video, (figured you were looking into this). it's a multifaceted topic with lots of layers to it...
@aloneinfinland 4 месяца назад
no worries, it took a while because i wasent happy with a few versions i did. And i didnt want to be too negitive on players oppinions of it pro or con. then add a week to find out why vegas was making my render look like an acid trip......
@alice20001 3 месяца назад
Great video. I don't mind multiboxing because of the effort people put into it, and yeah. If it looks weird, I'll report it. But mostly it was very clear they were switching through boxes.
@alice20001 3 месяца назад
The countdown -> engage is so goodddd
@paul-br2fs 3 месяца назад
ok il wade in on the bomber ganking and i will confirm they lost the bombers a pilot engaging in a red activity against another pilot in highsec at that instance you are blocked from jumping but i will explain the use of bombers t2 max dps is not a great deal more in cost than a t2 catalyst but you use a bumper and the bombers have a greater range and you dont loose the ship that scrams and webs timing and range comes into effect as the scram ship means you generally loose time & dps as some gank cats will either land to far to apply full dps or out of range the concord timer to land starts on the first illegal red action sometimes in a gank all ships are not used in a red action but are there to aply more dps or shoot those stopping the theft ship from warping off they either use a ship to cycle loot into a DST or use another ship to directly take but a pilot at -10 can warp off and drop the ship into a bowhead or orca as they cant doc they hot swap hulls . im not a ganker but do a lot of hauling i consider not getting ganked as a cat and mouse game
@goldeneagle256 4 месяца назад
so you dont really seems to grasp what going on here. the half a trill isk is not profitt, its simply the value of the stuff they have killed. ship hulls get blown up, rest have a rough 50% of dropping. furthermore. prices on zkill are usually bit overestimated on what it worth. not only that but gankers rarely take the time to get the best price for their stuff, and they usually drop it to buy orders, witch is on average 15-20% lower then the buy prices listed. just checked bunch of kills and they have like alot of 14-15 bill navy dreads killed that on average dropp 2-3 bill each, and on top its like 200-300 people on each of them, means profitt for each involved are practicly nothing. even the best kills you have to show for are the freighter dropping 4 bill worth. in reality they aint gonna sell that for more then 3.3-3.5 bill if they lucky. 3.5 bill split between 22 pilots are only 160 mill each, and those kinds of kills arent happening often. basicly if they had to wait 90 min to get that kind of kill, its far from great profitt, but ok, and the longer they had to wait the worse it gets. so for a fairly new beginner in the game getting a praxis can make 70-80 mill an hour on average ratting normal combat sites out in null sec. that means if you have a fleet of 20 pilots sitting out in low sec ganking people trying to actually make isk of it, should make min 1.2 bill an hour in actual profitt from loot. thats still terrible profit, and anything less and it def wouldn't be worth it. if they make rougly 1.6-1.8 bill an hour, thats what you can be considered to be somewhat ok profit, and not a waste of time. when im running 3 toons mining merxocit witch is good profitt for me i make around 400 mill an hour, meaning 135 mill an hour on average for each toon. for this guys to do the same, means they have to make 2.7 bill an hour on average, and in order to make that kind of profit, they would have to get equiliant to one of those mention freighter kills every 75 min witch they ofc dont. most of the gankers are ofc isk positive, because you gotta be a real idiot not to manage that, but the matter of fact are even the most profitable gankers are making less isk on average compared to any other pve activity in the game, and they just gamblers hoping for the big score. but even in that regard their odds are highly ageinst them, and if gambling what you after, you much better off hunting officer spawns in null sec. they extreamly rare, but when you get them you can easily get modules worth up towards 40-50 billions and thats then profit you dont have to share with anyone.
@aloneinfinland 4 месяца назад
Thanks for the comment, theres a chunk to unpack in this comment, and a lot of things about the game you seem to miss or you didnt watch the whole video, but let me give it a try. First they are making profit, thats the main point, people had commented and said it was impossible to make any, and that wasent true. Next I'm aware kill isint the same as drop, but you have also missed the fact that they loot 100% and salvage too. you mention here navy dreds, but as i said ganking, not fleet fights, a navy dread isint going from jita to hek, never mind udema, thats not a gank your talking about. Now, you seem to be hung up on the profit in a weird way and your numbers are way off. "1.2 bill an hour in actual profitt from loot. thats still terrible profit" i mean wtf man, i did a whole video showing that most people have less than 10 bil across their accounts and you saying 1.2 bil in an hour isint a good profit..... different people have different ideas of what profit is, but yours is so off that in 8 hours you would have more isk that 55% of players in eve, and you think thats bad..... thats a disconnect from reality. I dont know what you are looking at here, but if you bring up thos 2 low sec groups, and look at their actual kills in mirotem, you a gate camp of 2 to 8 people, (not the 200 fleet you seem to think is a gate camp) you are getting almost zero losses because they are setup for it, but 18 billion in kills a week, about 9 to 13 billion between loot and salvage. In something thats fun and easier to do than mining. Mining might be for some people and i do it myself, but some people want pvp. its not about the profit, its about playing a game they way people want to. "but the matter of fact are even the most profitable gankers are making less isk on average compared to any other pve activity in the game" I showed safety. their drop rate is about 1/4th, so in a week they make over 110 billion. Of several is making about 25 billion a week, over his toons that comes out to about a little over 2.5 bil per toon in a week, or 1 week to plex all the accounts, and 7.5 billion profit the rest of the month. Average player active players is 7 years old in eve, and the average amount a players has over all their accounts 9.8 billion. 7.5 billion profit in a month is a hell of a profit. And they odds arent against them at all, please see the anatomy of a gatecamp video that was linked at the beginning, this is the safest pvp in eve, you know whats coming, you can warp away. if its to hairy, you only ever attack with advantage. Let me ask one question, when your talking about your mining, are you including the time to actually ship and sell the stuff or the time mining to the amount of ore value? Just curious, i mine 100 mil per hour ish when i do it, but its veld in highsec, 2 macs and an orca. i dont have the regular ability to run with a nullsec allience atm.
@goldeneagle256 4 месяца назад
​@@aloneinfinland i think you didn't read my comment properly. when im talking about 1.2 billion profit an hour in actual profit, i ment for the full 20 man group combined, not every single member of the group, so 1.2 bill an hour for the group, would be 60 mill an hour on average for each of the member of the group. and i know the dread kills i was refering to arent part of the ganking, but they highly inflate the numbers you was refering to for the group, and it shows that the profit you think they make are also way higher than what it actually are. regarding miroitem you claim that group kills 18 bill worth of ships every week, and from that get 8-13 bill worth of loot? mate, you so far of the mark, you trowing in the wrong direction. i just checked the killboard quick, and 99.5% of the kills in that system are rockie ships, empty shuttles and cheap allmost wortless frigates alla exploration ships. a typical battlecruiser killed worth 250 mill or so, dropp maby 20-30 mill worth of loot, so maby 15-20% of total value, not 40-60%. so if they kill 18 bill worth, its more likely the profitt gonna be in the ballpark of maby 3-4 billions. but its not really interesting to know what they make a week, without also know how many hours they spend doing this every week witch is hard to tell, tho from experience i think gankers usually put inn a lot of hours. your claim is that all players in eve have only 9.8 billions worth of asets on average. that might be true, but that would also be included thousands of thousands of inactive accounts not being played in years, so assets of active players today that been playing for a wile are many fold higher. heck, even my friend that only do pvp and couldn't care less about isk making, and have never undocked a mining ship, or barely ever undocked a ratting ships have easily 15-20 bill worth of pvp ships in his collection, from frigates to more expencive marauders and so on fitted for pvp. he rarely looses any ships and make more then he looses. out in NS just being on top of your PI on your 3 toons on an account should make you 2-3 bill profit a month, not to mention the corp im part of are full of members that have carriers for ratting, JFs for moving stuff, and easily rorqs and orcas for mining, and they arent exactly cheap. just a good fitted marauder with some allright implants for ratting set you back 4-5 bill easily, and then on top most of my corp mates have dread or 2 aswell. im running 3 accounts and not to brag, but ive made rougly 500 bill profitt last 2 years, and thats after giving away atleast 70-80 of them to friends and helping corp out, and thats not me beeing efficient in my isk making either, because last year my main focus have been pvp, not ratting/industry. i have a hard time belive its true this guy make 2.5 bill a week on average for each of his toon he uses for ganking people. but if it so was, he for sure must be one of the best gankers in the game, and it would take years for a beginner to get this good. but agein how good it is, depends on how many hours he play every day. 2.5 bill a week are 350 mill a day for each toon. if we take into account the extra escalation i get and sell for 100 mill each, + faction loot, id say i need to be out in my ratting ships for 2.5-3 hours a day to make that kind of money, if you exclude the isk i make passivly from the production im doing. something as easi as getting into fighter production can earn you alot of money. after all fees, they are easily 5-6 mill profitt each, and have 2h production time for the t2s. so an account can easily produce 450 of them a week and just there you have 2.5 bill profitt a week, and just by clicking some buttons and make courier contracts. regarding the mining i do, me and my production partner do so big production we use everything i mine for our own production, so theres no need to get that to any marked, and basicly just means less we have to import. not sure what you mean by regular ability to run with a ns alliance, because its barely any requirements to joine corp im part of, and we litterly accept brand new toons. out here you gonna find more rocks then we can ever mine full of bistot witch is worth 30% more then veldspar, and alot of arkonor worth 2.7X more then veldspar, with rocks size of 300-400k m3 +. i allso have access to like 7 different ice belt i can for most part have more or less by myself if i want. i allso have access to a system full of merxocit, witch i have pulled out over a mill m3 in a single day, so quite high, yet still somewhat limited supply. my production partner have 5 JFs and i have 1 we use to move stuff to local marked, witch takes rougly 7-8 min for a roundtrip, and from between that marked and jita we use pro JF services and cost of that are rougly 1.2% of the cargos value we want moved, and its usually delivered withinn a day, so logistic are cheap, fast and easi
@MassMultiplayer 4 месяца назад
i play eve since start, subed liked commented. i like your voice tone variation hehe im a trader so im curious what people use, killer and killed
@arwo1143 4 месяца назад
9:09 It has cost that corp every single one of those bombers. They are just not tracked on ZKill because the players don’t ESI those characters, and no other tracked character got on a kill You can’t run away from Concord and any method to do is an exploit that gets you ban ed immediately
@aloneinfinland 4 месяца назад
While it's true that zkillboard only gets kills you have supplied or the other party, you are incorrect that avoiding concord is impossible. You can't break their responce, that's true, but their responce is a timed thing and it is possible to get away from them if you are fast enough. Fast align time and multiple way points to jump to while the timer runs out can get you out and safe if your prepped for it.
@Milo-id9qd 4 месяца назад
@@aloneinfinland It is a bannable offense.
@user-zk8wb6bu4g 4 месяца назад
I really enjoy your videos More when you speak your mind 😂
@aloneinfinland 4 месяца назад
10 attempts it took to make this video with less swearing....
@masserphi2534 4 месяца назад
Not a Ganker but lets say I know them ........ I see what they post in Chat......... I know what ships they lost to kill it , if MORE people knew how insanely profitable it is , there would be gankers on every gate.
@aloneinfinland 4 месяца назад
There used to be, but its more that the eve population is dropping thats slowed their roll
@draxss90 3 месяца назад
That’s not how much isk they made it’s how mush the ships where worth + cargo
@aloneinfinland 3 месяца назад
Yup, it's in the pinned comment, I missed that part of the statement in this recording.
@NeonBeats_Waifu 3 месяца назад
163 people making 60 something bill a week or 240b a month isnt even 2b a month, i wouldnt even undock for these scraps
@aloneinfinland 3 месяца назад
The entire corp isint doing that. From set safety it's closer to 20 ppl that do this. With alot of industry and reactions. Also remember the missing figure from those numbers is salvage. 4 jumps from jita with a lowsec station for research and building thats a good setup for t2 rigs and components, for a semi afk setup that's decent income, but also its fun. Something far to many eve players seem to leave out of their thought process
@S.O.A.R. 3 месяца назад
Imagine thinking one is good at the game because they can only attack those who can't fight back.
@aloneinfinland 3 месяца назад
It's like the russians here that hack in csgo at low ranks and brag about their skills, im sat here going "ur bragging about needing hacks to compete at the lowest level, wtf." For eve I can see the fun, but still, the few that brag about it are just laughable
@Karl-em6op 2 месяца назад
CCP has given you all the tools you need to 'fight back'. If you're any good at the game yourself, you'll be aware of them. If players are too damn lazy/entitled to take even the most basic precautions, especially when hauling, then yes, the ganker will almost certainly win. Highsec ganking is a supported playstyle in EVE, with its own mechanics, skill requirements and operational considerations. You don't have to like it, but for goodness' sake don't let your prejudices get in the way of informed discussion.
@miklis203 4 месяца назад
First! So I win the Internet, possibly.
@oal2928 4 месяца назад
Quite clear hsec ganking is to easy for profit, worst part is, these guys make a living doing this, they sell the loot in Plex to third party buyers. Even worse part is, they use alts to pick the loot and sell it to reduce all traces. Been with them for a while and it’s not gaming it’s a full time job with good income.
@oal2928 4 месяца назад
Let me also add, we run 9 accounts and we have never ever purchased plex or omega for the past 4 years.
@aloneinfinland 4 месяца назад
@@oal2928 do you know what's the rough player to account amount?
@chrisparisi7291 4 месяца назад
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