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@backwardslongjump Год назад
** PLEASE READ ** drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZDLmAgDoZt5Bur6GfpmyYcyFTNBg6pS3?usp=sharing 1.) Thank you all so much for the kind words and comments. Its really heartwarming reading all of these responses. 2.) Boy! I sure did forget a lot of monsters. Linked above are all of the files (individual monster .pngs, complete slides, and original photoshop files) for everything in this video. I have made a separate folder in which I will be continuously adding monsters I've missed when I get the time. - - - *FAQ:* *Question 1:* A lot of games are missing. Why? *Answer 1:* I decided pretty early on only to use western releases (with the exception of Frontier, Online, and Explore). This was more so a 'form over function' decision. I think the slides would have looked far too crowded had I also included the initial JP releases. Funny enough, I had originally decided to only feature the main series + frontier + online and got maybe 33% of the way through the project using those games. I then decided to go back through and include Stories, Explore, and Orage after later learning just how many monsters were exclusive to those games. It added a lot to the project time, but was definitely worth it in the end. *Question 2:* What's the deal with the threat levels? *Answer 2:* Two people are incredibly inconsistent here with the threat levels. Me *and* Capcom. The threat levels are pretty all over the place, especially when you hit Rise/Sunbreak. For some reason, the Apex Azuros is just as dangerous as an Alatreon. Since its been so long since I started this project, I can't quite remember my plan when doing the threat levels. I think initially I used the 'first appearances' in my slides, then transitioned to used 'whatever makes most sense' the deeper I got in. *Question 3:* How did you forget so many monsters? *Answer 3:* I built my original list off of the Monster Hunter Wiki's 'Large Monster' page. This is absolutely to no fault of the Wiki, because jesus, is it impressive and insanely detailed. But I had not realized that a lot of monsters were missing off the list. When looking at such a large list of monsters, I didn't really think to go back and check if something as common as the Gypceros was missing -- because there was no way the Gypercos would be missing off the Wiki page! But that's enough excuses from me. I just think it's funny, more than anything, that I managed to include 'G-rank Velocidrome' but totally forgot Somnacanth. I'm goofy like that. Some details here and there are wrong, like others have pointed out. Again, not to make excuses, but iterating through almost 500 50+ layer photoshop files and scouring websites for details - knowing myself - I’m surprised there’s not more errors. I’m just happy people are looking at my slides close enough to pick up on these errors. They will be fixed and uploaded to the Google Drive link. *Question 4:* What programs did you use? *Answer 4:* Photopea and Davinci Resolved. No one actually asked this. I just thought it was really cool how I could put together such a project using free software.
@Zhee_Greatest Год назад
This should one of those books that go over every monster in the monster hunter franchise. Like those Pokémon handbooks.
@thechugg4372 11 месяцев назад
Yeah the wiki has a TON of missing stuff, that's why I made my own list of monsters from every mainline game.
@YamiDovah Год назад
I hope this video blows up in some way, bc the amount of work in this video needs to be recognized
@gillianwallace3980 5 месяцев назад
@ZomGear Год назад
So you like Monster Hunter? Alright name every Mon-
@apgdanielricardo8196 4 месяца назад
I can do that with World and Rise, a little bit more time and GU can be included (all of them just by looking at the icons as well) But dayum, idk Capcom put on the 20th anniversary that they have 229 monsters when there's 481
@X-3181 4 месяца назад
Tal vez monstruos de spin offs o de evento no cuenten, así como subespecies o variaciones​@@apgdanielricardo8196
@joychowdhury9270 Год назад
I can only dream that Monster Hunter 6 is an open world with all 481 monsters + 19 new ones to get us to 500 total. Would be amazing
@GogetaVegeth98 8 месяцев назад
Half of those 481 would just be Rathalos/Rathian reskins 😂
@arifjamaludin6224 Месяц назад
Your head will explode to learn all moveset bro
@grangrill9714 Год назад
Even with some missing monsters (and i like how you are willing to put in the description according to people remembering them), this is high quality work, bro, glad that yt recommended to me Really hope this blows up, you deserve
@KamoSabishi Год назад
I have found one more mistake: Cephadrome actually skipped base MH4 because there was no ordinary desert locale. Overall, it's a really good video! Thanks for your work!
@oofcall9115 Год назад
also crimson qurupeco was never in sb/rise. This project is absolutely insane though, props to you for putting in all the effort.
@Atemnûra_KrünZorûk4.5 Год назад
Great izuchi also It's in the wrong games Mhw and mhib srsly
@personguy2262 Год назад
The editing for this is INSANE, great job! I didn’t expect to see the Fishman Oni, the custom G rank Velocidrome render, even the formatting for manga and Hardcore monsters And the final monster on the list for the outro… a very fitting ending
@woodenspoon9639 Год назад
Easily one of, if not the best Monster Hunter video ive seen on RU-vid. The amount of work on each slide is obvious , as each one looks so clean and polished. You really outdone yourself with this one.
@Dave_Chrome Год назад
2:25 the threat levels included are pretty funny, you can see Alatreon (it's Generations threat level of 8 stars listed) and Almudron (it's Rise threat level of 7 stars listed) only being 1 star of difference apart. And if they used Alatreon's MH3U threat level of 6 stars, it'd look like Almudron is MORE dangerous lol. Some musings: Rise system being a 1-10 system with regular Narwa being a 10, they kind of shot themselves in the foot capping it out like that. Something like Fatalis would be like a 12 or 13 on that scale, though at a point just calling them too dangerous to classify (10+) works too In older main series games, accessible from the Hunter's Notes, the threat system went kind of like this: - 1 star, "small monsters" (monsters that are never singular quest objective subjects, you never "hunt" just one of them) that were considered herbivores or just mostly harmless. Kelbi, Popo, Gargwa, Konchu, etc. tier - 2 stars, small monsters again, but of the more aggressive variety. Bullfango, Remobra, Jaggi, Zamite, etc. tier - 3 stars, introductory large monsters. The type that you probably have access to right off the bat in a rank, and seem markedly less dangerous than all the other well known monsters; they have less presence. Velocidrome, Daimyo Hermitaur, Arzuros, Kecha Wacha, etc. tier (it's worth noting at this point that there is variance at this point within each subsequent threat level, saying for example that Great Jaggi -> Qurupeco -> Royal Ludroth are on equal footing wouldn't be quite accurate, as there obviously is a bit of a strength progression there despite them all being 3 star threats. Same with say, Seltas -> Kecha Wacha -> Tetsucabra. You can see how the developers think of these monsters by looking at how much zenny their hunts are worth as a quest reward, or how much base defense their armor has, and use those as a point of comparison. Exceptions exist of course, for instance Nargacuga armor has less defense than it normally should most of the time because it specializes in evasion skills and "should be light and make you feel nimble like Nargacuga" or something) - 4 stars, progression large monsters. The start of monsters commanding a genuinely threatening presence, though ultimately serving as intermediate stepping stools to the most iconic, series defining monsters. Above 3 stars, but below 5. They are never the subjects of MH's endgame. Rathian*, Congalala, Barroth, Nerscylla, etc. tier (Rathian is an odd case because in the first 2 generations of games she was basically considered at the same level as Rathalos, but starting in MH3 she got demoted to being the face of 4 star threats. Look at Rathian in any game from MHTri to GU, you can get a sense of that game's 4 star threats are just by seeing who is around Rathian. This does persist into World and Rise, but the old threat level system doesn't really exist anymore there) - 5 stars, the flagship tier. Unless the flagship is an Elder Dragon (or Bloodbath Diablos lmao), they are here. This is where the typical monster threat scale ends in a way, as most "normal" monsters fall here or somewhere in 3 or 4 stars. Monsters of strength comparable to a flagship go here as well, in general this is iirc the most filled threat level in any given MH game (as in, most monsters in the game will be 5 star threats). Like Rathian for 4 star, you can use Rathalos as a guide for who the 5 star threats are. Two example lists for 5 stars: Rathalos, Tigrex, Lagiacrus, Gore Magala, etc. Diablos, Yian Garuga (I had to cheat a little, MHFreedom monster here), Uragaan, Seltas Queen, etc. (Note that some decidedly less dangerous elder dragons have been 5 star threats sometimes, like Kirin and regular Ceadeus) - 6 stars, extreme threat/Elder Dragon tier, and the FINAL threat level listing before Generations came out (Generations added 7 and 8 star). The vast majority of monsters in this tier are Elder Dragons, Elder Dragon flagships included (Kushala Daora, Valstrax... and probably the 5th gen Elder flagships as well if this old system existed). You can use Kushala Daora as a guide like Rathian and Rathalos. As for the non-elders here, they'd be extremely strong monsters like Rajang and Deviljho, that are clearly treated as above flagship monsters. Or, certain Sub Species/Rare Species/Deviants of otherwise lower threat monsters make it in (think Lucent Nargacuga, Goldbeard Ceadeus, Molten Tigrex, Thunderlord Zinogre, etc.). Example list: Fatalis (looks weird but yes in 4/4U, Fatalis was listed as 6 star since that's as high as it went lol), Akantor, Jhen Mohran, Gogmazios. But also Kushala Daora, Teostra, Chameleos, Rajang, White Fatalis, Ukanlos, Deviljho, Abyssal Lagiacrus, Dire Miralis, Shagaru Magala, Dalamadur and so on... 6 star really was just "anything above 5". All over thr place lol, lots of variance. 6 star threat level was 6+ basically - 7 stars, Generations/GU major Elder Dragon threat tier. I'll keep it brief, Gen put the "Elder Dragon trio" (Kushala/Teostra/Chameleos) here because, I think with Deviants in the game 6 star would get way too crowded. Lao Shan Lung also ended up here. Funnily enough, Shagaru Magala stayed in 6 stars! - 8 stars, ultimate Elder Dragon tier. I wouldn't call it Black Dragon tier since while Alatreon and all 3 Fatalis' fall here, Amatsu, Nakarkos, and Ahtal-Ka are 8 star threats as well (FINAL NOTE: Subspecies and Rare Species, have the potential to boost a monster above it's original threat level placing, but it doesn't always happen. For example, Zinogre and Stygian Zinogre are both 5 star threats in 3U and 4/4U, but Gypceros and Purple Gypceros are a 3 star threat and 4 star threat respectively in MH4U. Rathian is a 4 star threat in 3U and 4U, Gold Rathian is a 5 star threat in 3U and 4U. Pink Rathian, is a 4 star threat in 3U, but a 5 star threat in 4U. So... yes there have been odd decisions in the past that they ultimately shift around lol)
@terencesdurag2823 7 месяцев назад
Awesome explanation!
@evanseryck8713 Год назад
The amount of work that went into this is staggering. Awesome video!!
@cheesyboyandts4205 Год назад
1:01:51 this is just straight from evongelion 🗿
@Guapotoni Год назад
thank you, i’ve been waiting for someone to make this
@nescafeine3063 Год назад
Awesome video!! You noted Crimson Qurupeco as present in MHR and Sunbreak however.
@lucscarabaeus Год назад
Other monsters nobody else pointed to be missing because I'm a special kid: -G-Rank White Fatalis (Commonly dubbed as Ultimate White Fatalis) -Great Poogie -Goruru -Metaru -Thanksalot Bnahabra -Every Dragon Quest collab monster in MHRiders (ironic stretch) -Primordial Malzeno But now on to real stuff. This looks like an incredibly giant unit of a project, or hell even more. All my kudos go to the dedication and effort, this video is a big commemoration of the series as a whole.
@TransConservativewaifu Год назад
So many monsters
@backwardslongjump Год назад
i fully expect Capcom to expand the roster by another 481 by Monster Hunter 6.
40:20 For anybody who doesn't want to sleep tonight, here's a timestamp :D
@arroz3delicias807 19 дней назад
I was looking for this comment. Thanks!
@thatguywiththemorpher88 Год назад
HOLY CRAP!!! 481 MONSTERS!?!?!?! Great work making this video.
@bigguygabe Год назад
You did phenomenal. Thank you for this video.
@HameleoshaDeHoga Год назад
This is exactly what i needed! I wanted to know every monster and that thought was bothering me for quite a while, but now i finally get to know eveyr monster! Youre a legend!
@Magnakilro19 Год назад
Here's 3 obscure ones! Dunno if they were planned for the vid or not but: Gajalaka Chief from the same Witcher crossover quest in World where you hunt Leshen. Like the gogomoa reskin based on a dev you included in this vid, there was a Congalala in a similar vein in Frontier. The Gear Rex. In Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, there was a mission or something that was a MonHun crossover where Snake could fight Rathalos or Tigrex. If you get certain items from each, it unlocked a hunt against Gear Rex...a MonHun recreation of the Metal Gear Rex
@backwardslongjump Год назад
Hell yea! I’ll add those to my list whenever I get around to working on it again. Thank you!!
@FatBoySlim-tm4te Год назад
I think you missed Silver Rathalos, he wasn’t listed after Silver Hypnocatrice. This was a great video either way, great work!
@Aji_The_Hunter Год назад
great work. I watched this video from the start until the end!
@SchradeAcademy Год назад
Congratulations for this amazing job! I can't imagine how much work and patience that take to make all this! It is really well-done (no pun intended XD)! I just to add some clarifications about the Orage monsters names, that were a bit off. And of course it's not your fault, since you worked on what the wikia and fan translations provided! The actual official names of the monsters, written in the localized manga here in Brazil used the names: 1- Dermios 2- Nako Agul 3- Girkuza 4- Miorgana Of course, it can have changed in the official localizations in English, Italian, French and Spanish versions, but all of these follows the same pattern. The wikia version probably doesn't followed any of the officials, because they translated the Dermios as Delma-Ioprey. That must happened because the person who wrote it there must have remembered that the Iopreys in Japan were called "Ios/Iosu". And then, must thought that the romanization "Derumaiosu" would indicate "Delma - Ioprey" which is very wrong... In any case, just a piece of trivia that hopefully someone of the wikia will correct in the future! Again, amazing job! I'm looking foward to see more of your content!
@backwardslongjump Год назад
This is incredibly fascinating and I really appreciate this comment. Even looking at the Delma-Ioprey slide, I felt something was off since the speech bubble (Derumaiosu) and the listed monster name (Delma-Ioprey) were totally different. Thanks a ton for the insight and the kind words!
@SchradeAcademy Год назад
​@@backwardslongjump I'm really happy that i was able to contribute in any way! Thank you so much for doing this detailed and beatiful content, and i hope that your work keeps improving a lot more in the future!
@boigotbooped Год назад
Absolutely awesome video but but it seems like Risen Shagaru Magala isn't listed? Going alphabetically it should be between Risen Kushala and Risen Teostra. Great video though, hope you get the subs and likes you should from such an extensive and well made video!
@backwardslongjump Год назад
1.) thank you & nice pfp 2.) i knew i missed something!!!!!!!!
@magnabueno5360 Год назад
​@@backwardslongjump don't worry, he deserved to be missed. 💀
@shellbear7791 Год назад
This must of taken a while to make, it shows just how many monsters have been added to the series over the years!
@Cadmean_7 Год назад
I was born the very same day the first Monster Hunter game was released and I couldn’t be more proud Happy hunting everyone
@itsbase8611 Год назад
This was very well done! And it's a great video to reference when I'm talking to my friends about monsters. I always get questions about monsters from my friends that started in the 5th gen. Great work on the video, it deserves far more views!
@kyosuke_unbox8909 Год назад
I need to go back to all the monsters in “G” bc I don’t think I saw Gear Rex from the Monster Hunter X Metal Gear collab
@kyosuke_unbox8909 Год назад
Oh wait Gear Rex is in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. And not in a actual MH game. My bad
@gumzillaxtreme5240 Год назад
I love how Kusubami snuck it's way into this video despite being a small monster
@theoneandonlydarto4406 Год назад
Even though I made those gigginox and nakarkos renders almost 2 years ago now, it is still surreal to me seeing them presented so well alongside the other monster's official renders in a project with as much polish as this. Even though I don't post renders publicly anymore, it makes me feel happy seeing people enjoy them so much!
@MacDaddyYuunity Год назад
Crimson Qurupeco was in rise sunbreak? 13:23 idk about that one chief
@nagnacamo25 Месяц назад
Yep, you're correct, he was in Portable 3rd, 3U and Stories
@prehistoricfanboy101 Год назад
Where's Flaming Espinas? I don't see him in the F category...
@GeneralIVAN894 Год назад
I just gotta say amazing work sir, can't wait for the day where 1) the number increases, and 2) you make a remastered cause we had just so many more monster, also if you missed a few monster its aight cause come on... that's just too many monster and we do want more
@cruw_crew2058 4 месяца назад
@abdulmuizz4927 8 месяцев назад
I hope you can create book for this monster. Make 1 book for all monster list😍
@fata6484 Год назад
awesome video mate, this just makes me wanna play frontier even more lol keep up the good work !
@elJugadorPromedio Год назад
my man,how there were so many monsters god
@TibertSeptim Год назад
Hey love the vid, Btw the Shrouded Nerscylla at 54:39 is appearing in MH4U (idk about MH4) and not in MH3 / MH3U
@JohnAnderson-hg3gf Год назад
Just imagine if cap com added all 481 monsters into one game that will never happen but it will be awesome if it did
@abhirajsingh587 5 месяцев назад
And every small monsters also
@Vadim_k.d. Год назад
yo great vid, just wanted to point out that u put Geat Izuchi in World and Iceborne instead of Rise lol
@backwardslongjump Год назад
ahhhhhhhhhh!!! good catch. thank you!
@Aji_The_Hunter Год назад
He didn'n put velocidrome in Mh1, mhf, mhf2, and mhfu too But it's ok. He is a normal human lol
@anonymoususer208 Год назад
My new monster manual
@iggypikminunderly782 Год назад
Finally a worthy successor to the old MH vid of all MH from a to z
@alxis5603 Год назад
Online and Frontier have a bunch of interesting monsters to be introduced in the main games
@toymagmadon07 Год назад
This is like Encylopedia of Monster
@smo6523 5 месяцев назад
this is underrated af for how much work this get
@fgytred8915 Год назад
Thank you, I have been waiting for this video. Someone to make a video with every master ever appear
@kittykittyhunter Год назад
basicly ancient leshen isn't from mhw , but from the witcher 3 😅 CMIIW , great video 👍
@diahgo5226 Год назад
wow this is amazing
@iliasa.5298 Год назад
you must have worked really hard on this. the mh community thanks you .
@JakeHedley-rl9mb Год назад
This is insane I don’t know how this hasn’t blown up way more the amount of work here is incredible sure there is a few mistakes there and then but I wouldn’t be able to do 2 of the monsters on here let alone 481.
@stormerjc9493 Год назад
Personally I would have ordered them by monster type but fantastic job or cataloging littery every monster in the series till end of 5th gen
@TrollfaceDarkBruhLmao 10 месяцев назад
Super many :)))
@horniiboi Год назад
my biggest flex is I can name half of these by memory
@starmilano6147 Год назад
only complaint is theres no stories 2 tab, so anjanath gets put in the stories one despite being only in 2
@atno1878 Год назад
amazing video, thanks for putting all that effort !!
@largescrub1559 Год назад
You marked Great Izuchi as only in world and iceborne, also missing risen shaggy, otherwise fantastic video, ive been looking for a modern list for ages!
@apgdanielricardo8196 4 месяца назад
I hope one day, we get a Monster Hunter with every single monster ever. Or at least with the most dangerous variants for the species that have them.
@retronekonilink Год назад
Amazing job! But, i think i have dont see the primordial malzeno?
@witchocolate9036 3 месяца назад
Thanks for your effort
@fimtendo654 Год назад
Hmmm, i'm missing apex Mizutsune, it should have been between the apex raths and apex Diablos. Also saw that there was a gold Hypnocatrice on the monster list of monster hunter online, also did not see that one. Explosive peak Durambaros still has the title "forbidden venom" from espinas, pretty funny. Laviente is missing, while ironically both of its variations are not. Gurenzeburu is also absent, although he is in the hardcore section of the video, just without a proper card. Wasnt there also a G-rank White Fatalis? Finally, there was also a monster called "gear REX" that was in a crossover with metal gear solid 3, but its non-canonical and was only fought in metal gear solid 3 alongside Rathalos and Tigrex. (this all is of course not mentioning the stuff previous commentors have mentioned.) to be fair, with so many monsters that have detailed ecologies, you are bound to miss a few, so its no biggie. still a great video!
@gothicblack5876 5 месяцев назад
Monster Hunter Wilds Monster 481 More 😃
@jaxsnelling3325 4 месяца назад
Having so MANY monsters, small or large frame very MH game, some with similar characteristics of other monsters, can be VERY stressful to have which ones depending on landscapes and inhabitants. 've added hundreds of MH monsters, including those from Frontier, in Jax Monsters, it's Arc trilogy with two original alphas - Ohrowchee/Orumgetka and Khamorailos.
@backwardslongjump 4 месяца назад
Sounds awesome. Where can I learn more about Jax Monsters?
@jaxsnelling3325 4 месяца назад
​@@backwardslongjump ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-A3dS42td7o8.html The Arc Trilogy *Nasod: ru-vid.com/group/PLjdOMVW-U89bAjbLqSkjTgT8MYPSwiXBx *Makuta: ru-vid.com/group/PLjdOMVW-U89YUOhqVTcvGPEf-QOYRK53U *Ecliptic: ru-vid.com/group/PLjdOMVW-U89bsjya9_gCi9JnKGSkaTsUO ru-vid.com/group/PLjdOMVW-U89blulKWI8PtE2id1iRmLMhM
@jaxsnelling3325 4 месяца назад
I love how you completely organized all MH monsters’ names in alphabetical order; for example, most MH monsters names are easy to say in English, but rest in Frontier are hard to say in Japan.
@oK-lc1op Год назад
the beginning itself made me cry bruh this is beautiful
@talksicfuk5672 6 месяцев назад
Appreciation post bravo 👍 Also critique: add narration and a few more photos of each monster
@dragonslayer3552 Год назад
1:02:30 wtf is that XD I never played stories and that looks so stoopid like a bulldoze uragaan ?
@alphax800 Год назад
@codesymbi 9 месяцев назад
Ngl, i was expecting the introduction cutscene or how they roar when they spot you or when they enrage But this is fine, still a lot of work
@darihunter3308 Год назад
What a journey we've gone trough, right hunters?
@jaggyd2862 Год назад
This legally needs more attention
@SpyGaming2005 10 месяцев назад
The 4 monsters I noticed that were missing was Aurora Somnacanth, Silver Rathalos, Somnacanth, and Violet Mizutsune
@everrunic8375 4 месяца назад
Monster hunter going full monster inc. with that jazz bgm lol
@MrSalazar395 Год назад
I thought the ahtal-ka was an elder dragon class.
@tequilafeline6552 Год назад
i don't remember nerscylla being in MHW:IC
@clentaldrichaglibot8630 Год назад
Better to put them all in one monster hunter title
@juejdjfj 3 месяца назад
i don’t hope capcom will do it sadly, ig it would be in another monster hunter celebration like game, like gen and genu, but there r too many so
@Lepon5 Год назад
This was fantastic!!
@DakotaNellesen Месяц назад
I don't know if I missed them, but I didn't see Somnacanth, Aurora Somnacanth, Magma Almudron, or Violet Mitzutsune make the list!
@masondowd9591 Год назад
On the Leshen’s entry (the normal one) you accidentally placed it as appearing in Stories. Other than a few other mistakes others have already found, an astounding video!
@yo_haan_dayo2783 7 месяцев назад
One day we hope we going to had a massive game in future that included all 481 monster at one game
@ADRIANLOPEZ-oh5gl Год назад
this is awesome! thanks
@SeekNeo 8 месяцев назад
Now imagine a game with all of them
@JustRaux Месяц назад
11:05 Is Bakugo lmao.
@enderdefender7406 Год назад
I want them ALL back. ALL I say!
@codesymbi 9 месяцев назад
The contrast between *_Blue Blood Paralysis Gas Akura Vashimu_* So epic, so badass And then *_Blue Yian Kut-Ku_* 😂
@sargent46us37 Год назад
but you forgot the best boy deadeye yian garuga
@thelogwolves6004 Год назад
Incredible editing
@arturocarrizales753 10 месяцев назад
@Ashi8No8Yubi 9 месяцев назад
Man there are some good frontier and online monsters I want to see come to the main series. There are also what I think might be some Pokemon in those games though..
@UnPokemon Год назад
My man doesn't even have a thousand subs and releases such a massive work. God dayum.
@corruptedmineral 11 месяцев назад
I need this but its a intro for every single one from the first ever boss(?) monster to the lastest release lol
@Diablos835 Год назад
Wow I just have been so blind I didn’t know *great izuchi* was in world lol 27:02
@justsomestrangeguys6250 4 месяца назад
That is work that needs to be noticed
@lightpit5630 8 месяцев назад
I noticed a little mistake with Shrouded Nerscylla, it was listed in 3 and 3U instead of 4U
@luismagamer88 Год назад
@user-fu9qn8dn6z Год назад
It is really wonderful that it is covered by the derivative work as a Japanese, and there are few people who gather here even in Japanese
@magnabueno5360 Год назад
Sweet lord this is huge.
@Magnakilro19 Год назад
Looks like you missed Purple Gypceros! Great vid though!
@backwardslongjump Год назад
second monster i’ve missed! thank you for catching that!! i’ve added purple gypceros to the description box.
@Magnakilro19 Год назад
@@backwardslongjump No problem! To be fair....he IS easy to forget XD
@Magnakilro19 Год назад
@@backwardslongjump Found 2 more forgotten monsters! Laviente (the regular one) Silver Rathalos With so many in the franchise, these sneaky things slip through the cracks XD
@backwardslongjump Год назад
@@Magnakilro19 you are an absolute legend. I’ll add those to the description box.
I never thought I would see the day someone list all the monsters in the entirety of the series! BRUH go sleep or something you have done enough!❤🎉
@codesymbi 9 месяцев назад
Barroth EX is damn Metal Greymon 😂
@IJashatted Год назад
Love it. I pray for the day where we have a huge monster hunter game with all these monsters in!
@myszek2316 3 месяца назад
Great izuchi has the wrong games checked off
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