
Everything Wrong with Dead by Daylight (Why I Quit) 

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@TomFoolery870 5 дней назад
It feels like increasingly with more killers and survivors and perks, there are so many strong builds that spec into different aspects of the game like totem/anti-totem builds, healing/anti-heal builds,and more for slugging, tunneling, and gen progression. These builds have become increasingly stronger with more perk synergies that it feels pretty rng at high mmr wether you get matched with a killer or survivor team, that suffers massively from your build or completely counters it, I’ve had games where I get stomped with a totem build then throw on anti-totem perks because “not letting that happen again” only to then run into an anti-heal build and have no useful perks to work through it, you just can’t counter every strong build at once so it feels random if you win or lose based on your perks being good against your opponent or useless
@TomFoolery870 5 дней назад
And before anyone says anything, I’m not saying you can’t win against strong builds that you don’t directly counter, but it turns what should be a casual experience into a competitive sweat fest to make up for the power imbalance of the match
@cderzy 5 дней назад
really good point and i feel like this somewhat connects to what I was saying about the perk bloat in the game
@capnorange8400 5 дней назад
Honestly listening to the conversation you gave here it just comes down to the player base. Behavior could do better and actually play their game, but it comes down to a toxic player base. People ruin good games.
@cake94309 5 дней назад
That's my issue with dbd. Too many people screaming at bhvr to make changes, some unnecessary, hate for no reason, and just extremely unfun gameplay from other players I'm matched with
@deivisnx 5 дней назад
That goes for any multiplayer game stfu please.
@EmilicoYamigos 5 дней назад
no ranked mode? dude, there is, its what you have been playing all the time, there is NO CASUAL mode on the other hand, where you can play without worrying about MMR, DBD is the only game I know that has no Casual mode, only Ranked mode, and the only game with only Ranked mode that doesnt shows MMR and at the same time isnt built or designed to be Ranked.
@cderzy 5 дней назад
it's so backwards 😂
@TGMS77 5 дней назад
A casual mode isn't mutually exclusive with MMR tracking. In fact, I cannot think of a single game that has casual without it counting towards your MMR. Moreover, DBD's rank system is so bad that I agree with the video creator by not even counting it as ranked. Rank means nothing in DBD. I remember being a Rank 1 killer main for like 5 years and besides people who played with full squads, most survivors fucking sucked SMELLY ass bro. Rank in DBD means nothing, it's not even proper ranking.
@EmilicoYamigos 5 дней назад
@@TGMS77 thing is, it feels like there is a Ranked system with the sole purpose of existing just because, to prevent casual gameplay but at the same time, not being functional as any other Ranked game, it fails to perform in every single aspect, because Ranked doesnt exist to match the same skill of people but at the same time it forces you to play a game that is not casual, underperforming in both. But still, just because the Ranked Mode is bad, doesnt mean we can say there is none of them, to te contrary, we should aknowledge it as it is and demand to propperly function as any Ranked system. We cant pull out the "if its bad ranked system then its not ranked" no, the game itself says it, Ranked.
@TGMS77 5 дней назад
@@EmilicoYamigos yes, but what the game says doesn't mean anything if it doesn't function as such. No one cares about DBD rank, so no one plays the game trying to rank up, because you know that if you're even decently good, you'll reach max rank. A rank system isn't a rank system just because there's ranks in it, I would argue. If the game doesn't give a ranked system's importamce to its ranked system, it doesn't have a ranked system.
@EmilicoYamigos 5 дней назад
@@TGMS77 then they should research and search what "Ranked" means, because they are using it very loosely and just lying to everyone, you cant just trick a community like that, saying that it isnt Ranked feels like we are contributing with BH to not fixing it, and leave it as it is because people say "ranked" its just like some sort of ceremonial title
@spaghettproductions4989 5 дней назад
7:05 to answer your question, Yes. DBDs MMR never resets automatically. You could have max MMR, be an absolute god at the game then quit for years and come back playing like absolute cheeks but the game will still be putting you up against Max players no matter how many games you lose because once you've reached the top band of MMR there's no coming down even if you lost 100 games in a row. The whole system was explained in a vid by Choy, tbh the vid is like a year old so some of the info in it might be a bit outdated but I'd recommend giving it a watch if you're curious about learning how this ass backward system works
@cderzy 5 дней назад
Wow I didn't know that at all, I'll check it out
@KeVRocK668 5 дней назад
My "theory" about MMR... They don't show it to us because it doesn't matter in the way we think it would, it doesn't feel like we're matched with teammates/kilIers/opponents that are "Skill Matched" the MMR feels like they track how good we are and queue us in matches that are predictable to their algorithm, survival/mortality rate has been steady at 40/60 killer sided, and that's what BHVR wants, so they almost at a WWE level predetermine our matches, so rather than balance the gameplay... They balance the matchmaking and when we're due for a win, we get matched with competent teammates and queue up a baby K or a trapper main trying out spirit for the first time...I'd love to play with people on my level, but that's rare,your absolutely right it's either stomp or be stomp...but I think that's the plan
@arthurkirkland1419 5 дней назад
As someone whos played since the game came out i 1,000 percent agree with everything you said. These days killers have like 4 different powers/things you gotta keep track of and its just like why? But i could forgive all that if it wasnt for (as you said) the community being so dang toxic. One of their favorite quotes in my experience has been "well your fun isnt my responsibility." I truly dont see how its fun for them though. Like its fun to afk while 4 people bleed out on the ground? A lot of the community is just toxic to be toxic which is the biggest problem with the game in my opinion. (Dont even get me started on their lack of banning problem people).
@cderzy 5 дней назад
The toxicity might be the biggest problem but I can avoid it most of the time since I mostly play with friends. Solo players gotta have it the worst. Appreciate you watching
@khvoya2584 3 дня назад
Oh wow. The very first thing a survivor main crying about is of course how it's hard to cope with slugging when it's the only strategy left against 4k swf, exactly after those exact survivors baby-cried their eyes out about every power killers had in the game, resulting devs to nerf every gen regression perk and 80% of killers, turning their power into a joke. Never in all these years I saw survivors struggling in a game. Press "w", press "shift", press "rmb", repeat, and yet they cry more and more, becoming more toxic every freaking day, bringing anti-hook, anti-aura, anti-everything in the game and then acting like nothing ever happened and they played it shines and rainbows. I'll consider it my duty to slug every last one of you bozos just to make sure something is left within killer's might. edit: A cherry on top - "Lights out" event popped out just about the right time to show us the true "power" of survivors. When they lost all of their second/third chance perks their "SkilL" (there is no skill btw) actually started to show out. Truly a bruh moment.
@arthurkirkland1419 3 дня назад
@khvoya2584 cool story bro, could've used a dragon.
@khvoya2584 3 дня назад
​@@arthurkirkland1419 Cool story indeed. Y'all immediately start acting sweet and eventually shut up when facts are being shoved to your face. Just as intended.
@arthurkirkland1419 3 дня назад
@@khvoya2584 cool story bro, could've used a dragon.
@SPLATMUSIC- 5 дней назад
I resonate with a lot of points in this! I've played this game for a good bit, hard to pin point when I started, but I have like 4,500 hours. I think a big thing that tainted the game may have been MMR imo. At least with the classic ranking system I could tell where I was skill wise, and see my progression. Now it feels like the cycle is lose 2, win 1 over and over again, with the win being an absolute stomping (survivor side). The point about playing with friends is also something I agree with a lot. Even if I end up losing with friends I still find it fun just because my friends are there. Overall, really good video going over some core problems!
@cderzy 5 дней назад
appreciate you hearing me out ✊
@Joemp3 5 дней назад
I've not played in almost 2 years, I have a similar hour count and I was thinking of coming back but these reasons are pretty valid. For me it comes down to two things. 1. It's kind of stale just doing the same thing over and over and I find myself having to play in slightly unusual ways which is often fun but often unfun too as it usually results in more games being lost due to survivors/killers being on their game. 2. I don't really want to play Survivor unless I have a 4man swf and we do dumb stuff which is only fun for so long. Killer is fine but there are times where I wanted to rip my hair out, it wasn't even anyone's fault it was just a bunch of unfortuntate things; ain't no good putting it down to the survivor's being "cringe" as some people do.
@cderzy 5 дней назад
sounds like we feel pretty similarly
i've played since 2016.. and the game is nothing more than a hollow version of what it once was. The devs keep bringing in these interesting licenses while constantly costing hte core gameplay of what made the game fun. The peak of the game was the introduction of the emblem based matchmaking for me - get gold, silver etc and pip up, the requirements getting higher the higher your rank was. this truly was the peak of fun for me cause i could play my characters in the role they were and still rank up, happy i acomplsihed it. Play Bill as a sacrificial survivor, dedicated to getting his team out..? die and then still pip up? it makes the game more intense, icentivized me to do better. but now i cant. cause that'd count as a "loss" and my MMR would drop cause "hockey." The wave of zoomers coming into the game doesnt help too. not playing the game, memeing around and the ones that do play focused on massive disrespect to the killer for tiktok clout. its embarassing. Gone are the days of people sharing a funny little party game for what it was.. cosplaying as characters they were fans of, doing meme builds... BHVR cant even keep tehir own game together anymore as perks are broken for months on end. at this rate, i'm just playing the game to 100% the archives for competion sake, collect the lore and move on until the next licensed chapter facinates me for a few weeks. It sucks man.
@neurosisatriox1782 5 дней назад
The one thing I have noticed from playing Dead By Daylight for years is the grind got worse. The skill level gets to a point where it isn't fun anymore. Not to mention some of the toxicity in this game is miserable. Also some of the limited time modes are just mods that people made in the past when the game was easy to mod. Some buffs and nerfs in DBD don't make sense or some nerfs done to killers can just ruin the killer completely. I have also noticed that this game gets super boring after playing for awhile. I remember how you only had to prestige your characters 3 times to get them all bloody now you have to prestige a single character 6 times just to get their outfit bloody.
@cderzy 5 дней назад
feel you 100%
@deeds8777 4 дня назад
Vaulting 8feet away from the killer and still get hit is crazy
@maxsiqueira666 5 дней назад
When I stopped playing DBD I had over 3 thousand (started in 2021 stopped 2023). hours and I considered myself an average to bad player (which doesn't mean I didn't have fun, I had fun even though I wasn't an expert). I'm still amazed at how some people play this game for two months and know how to do everything. I stopped playing because I thought the game had become repetitive. They bring so much content every year that for me it ended up becoming boring to keep up with the changes. But I understand that if they don't bring new content (especially licensed content) the game dies because it's repetitive.
@Josh-we9xv 5 дней назад
You literally pointed out everything that I have issues with in dbd. And the reasons I struggle to have any fun.
@cderzy 4 дня назад
glad we're not alone on this
@Adept_Outlaw 5 дней назад
Can completely agree with you on the majority of these takes. I started playing dbd in early 2018 and the game was really fun despite how broken it was back in the day. People back then played for fun most of the time and the community back then was a lot more wholesome then it is nowadays. Dbd nowadays is a complete sweat fest and a literal daycare job. People going for win streaks on killer / escape streaks on survivor running the most broken meta things possible just ruining the casual experience. The community is completely entitled and toxic as hell. The us vs them mentality will forever plauge this game because you are not forced to learn/play both roles on this game, people have 5k+ hrs on this game playing only half the experience. This community is soo petty that they will be completely negative with just the slightest inconvenience. The amount of harassment, ddosing, complaining , and ego checking that I’ve seen on this game is beyond any other game I’ve played. I agree with you that dbd nowadays must be completely hell for new players. Soo many perks and different killers to have to learn, along with not being able to understand how to play against each/ play as different killers that efficiently because there is no in game tutorials for this aside from private match lobbies with bots. Also the fact that the iridescent shard grind still takes forever to grind for original characters and the fact that a great amount of the games content is locked behind a paywall, despite this game not being free. This is only getting worse with the more chapters they add. Also about the mmr system, it definitely feels unnecessary in this game because this game is supposed to be a party game. The 1v4 mode is treated as ranked mode with you either dominating the other role or you getting dominated. The elements of rng on the game can also make this experience feel worse when you can take into consideration that majority of dbd’s maps are horribly designed. The devs have a clear favoritism when it comes to the balance of the game. There are things that have been unchanged in the meta for both roles for a long time that just makes the game soo stale to play when you encounter the same things over and over again on either role. Don’t even get me started on solo q survivor either. The incentive to play just isn’t there anymore aside from playing with friends and seeing the new content drops/ grinding the battle pass rifts. Prestige 100 doesn’t mean anything more and caused toxic playstyles to the point where the devs had to remove prestiges from the pregame lobby for survivor. Getting all the perks is pointless when only 12 from each role are all that you’re ever going to see ever being used. There is no reward for playing the game consistently, no milestones, just nothing. Win or lose, the game feels like shit to play. Words from a 5k hr player
@HiddenConspiracy276 5 дней назад
Honestly,You hit the nail on the head with this
@cderzy 4 дня назад
a lot of good points here - appreciate you watching and brining your perspective!
@NNNateMMMate 4 дня назад
It's so stressful playing killer
@deeds8777 4 дня назад
Every time I vault and get away I get hit 8feet away from the killer it's wild to me vaulting seems useless
@akeelyaqub2538 5 дней назад
I dont find the game fun either, not because of a skill or balancing issue but because I really wanted this game to feel like being in a horror slasher. It's too fortnite-y to deliver on anything scary. The casting of frank stone made me sad because it made the dbd universe feel terrifying which is what dbd itself should do. Friday the 13th ALWAYS feels like being in a horror movie as you play and it has tension throughout the whole match so its not an impossible thing to pull off in an asym game. Hell dbd itself had a scary feel to it just a few years ago. Until they replaced all the creepy aspects with "updated" graphics which just made everything look bland. I only really have fun playing jumpscare myers/ghostface but I want to feel that horror from a survivor perspective but 99.99% of killers never play like that.
@cderzy 5 дней назад
yeah it would be amazing to get back to those vibes
@NNNateMMMate 4 дня назад
As a killer main it’s impossible to jump scare and play character anymore. Gens pop off crazy fast so we have to speed run everything. Making it look like we’re sweating and playing hard but we have to play as fast as possible now and one mistake can cost us the game. Friday the 13th was awesome because it was so chill and there was enough time in the matches for everyone to play the way they want to play.
@akeelyaqub2538 4 дня назад
@@NNNateMMMate yea it does feel like a race against the clock sometimes. When I do jumpscare games though i dont really go for kills so its not that much of a concern and some survivors do take their time when they realise im not trying to kill them.
@TreRiot 5 дней назад
I feel like you took the word out of my mouth as someone who used to love this game and would come back from time to time and get frustrated at the new things all the changes and the new killers and survivor perks just make it terrible to play for me I stopped buying the dlc after wesker came out I had cells so I bought alien and I stopped playing a week after he came out I'm just now getting into the game again and there's this perk that slows me down if I get blinded as killer like wth is that why and as survivor there are perks that read your aura if you're by a chest if you're by a dropped item if you walk and people cry and moan about distortion like yeah I don't want to be seen every second of every game geez.
@MenmaKazama 5 дней назад
ever since they took off 2V8 I immediately unstall
@HamSolo916 5 дней назад
Because the community is trash...the game community use to be so wholesome. Now everyone plays like their sadomasachists...if only these people could be banned. And we all can just have fun like we use to
@gamermonci 5 дней назад
Could be because I’m on console and a survivor main but i honestly don’t think the community is that bad i have never gotten trash talked before the worst that’s happened in 3k hours of me playing is getting accused of being part of a SWF and I’ve had way more wholesome memorable moments with randoms
@cderzy 5 дней назад
deadass people like to ruin other peoples experiences
@Stranzua 5 дней назад
I have about 800 hours strictly solo q and my major problem with this game comes down to 3 things. 1. I honestly feel like the developers have no idea what they are doing. 2. Players ruin the game by killing themselves on hook WAY TOO OFTEN! 3. I agree with everything you say about players deliberately ruining the game for everyone else at the 10:00 minute mark. 1. In my opinion, the developers continue to just ruin their own games mechanics. For example, look at Dracula. If you gain distance on him in any way, he just transforms into the bat/wolf and instantly catches up. Then he instantly transforms and/or instantly attacks while having the ability to counter everything. He's basically Pyramid Head, Wesker, and Chucky in 1 with the ability to teleport. If you go to a pallet, vault, or any obstacle that's not a wall, he can just use Hellfire. If you try to unhook someone, he can just use Hellfire to hit both of you. If you try to loop anything, he can just turn into the wolf and disappear behind obstacles like Chucky. Lately, I've been having a lot of games where there are no chases because killers like Dracula, Blight, Billy, Nurse, Wesker, and Spirit(Etc.) just down everyone instantly. 3. Unfortunately, players are allowed to deliberately ruin the game for everyone because that's how the game is designed. It's designed to reward toxic players. Killer's camping hooks? Bubba camping basement? Killers camping hook/basement with Insidious? Killers being able to body block the basement stairs so you can't even get out? Tunneling? Face-camping? Slugging? You can't tell me that there aren't ways too effectively counter these things because there are. The problem is that the developers haven't addressed these things because this is why this game is still popular. People LOVE BEING TOXIC! Go watch the video 'Winning DBD without hooks' by Atomic Turtle. He is a pure example of the people ruining this game.
@cderzy 4 дня назад
800 hours of solo q i cant even imagine 😭 i like what you said "this is why this game is still popular. People LOVE BEING TOXIC!" so fking true
@Garry_TheExecutioner 4 дня назад
I suggest you play Secret Neighbor, it's kinda like DBD but without grinding (you can grind for skins but that's it) the only problem is that it has a lot of hackers and a lot of bugs. You can defeat hackers sometimes and if you play with your friends you gonna have the best experience.
@raff4874 4 дня назад
I think dbd is in the best state it's ever been with all the modifiers and how chaos shuffle and 2v8 will become rotation modes, many good changes and qol, great licenses, bhvr listens to the community more, sure the gameplay for the default mode is still basically the same it has been slowly changing but you have other things to do now
@Mel-fk8vy 5 дней назад
Once I p100 my second main, I'm taking a break from the game. I have 1000+ hours in the game and for the past month, I play like I only have 2. I suddenly can't loop or run tiles, I play against the same 7 killers and it's getting really boring. I'll either last 6 seconds in chase and get tunneled out or I'll last 6 seconds in chase and spend the rest of the game doing gens and maybe escape and I hate playing like that.
@cderzy 4 дня назад
my games have been the same way
@Stranzua 5 дней назад
Go watch the video 'Winning DBD without hooks' by Atomic Turtle. He's a pure example of the people who are ruining this game.
@Ghostman128x 4 дня назад
Fully agree with everything said
@cderzy 4 дня назад
thank you 🙌
@AJCross-ub1sk 5 дней назад
Tbh I felt similar a couple years ago, but I still love playing DBD it's not for everyone and honestly I only play it because of how much time I've put into it. I only used real money to buy 3 characters (ash, Nicholas, and Chucky) so I'm not motivated by how much I've spent on the game because I got it for free from PlayStation years ago and take breaks all the time. I still watch content creators on my breaks tho because I don't want to be surprised when new perks/killers drop. I understand everything you said and I agree permanent new game modes would help, but also making the game more balanced than either side dominating would be great. I miss when red rank meant you were going against the best players and getting that was never easy, but getting ranked up now just for blood points every month is so dumb.
@AJCross-ub1sk 5 дней назад
I've got about the same amount of hours as you and I get paired with either the most brutal killers or ones that are still learning. Believe me you can tell the difference in a skilled killer or a new one with only 500hrs of play time
@drs4983 5 дней назад
The problem with 2v8 was the massively bloated killer queue times in either mode
@onyx-bu4yx 5 дней назад
You know Dbd going down a bad route when ppl with 1,000 hours are getting burnt out, the game is just too sweaty now, ppl like to say that swf is over powered n what not but it actually isn’t when you’re going up against a good killer that knows what they’re doing, you have to sweat your balls off to get a 4 out against a sweaty killer, having to sweat so hard really made this game boring
@jackwilliam1534 3 дня назад
This isn't exclusive to Dbd, any competitive game is going to have these problems now because people are just so obsessed with winning no matter what, even if it's not fun for them.
@ghost_face-bz7pr 5 дней назад
That's why I picked a killer like trickster I love throwing the knifes 😊
@cderzy 5 дней назад
as long as you having fun that's all that matters 💪
@nibu8743 5 дней назад
Dead by daylight 2 needs to happen to de bloat.
@pabel9863 5 дней назад
I personally hate that devs just dont really care, the mmr is trash, I am playing on high mmr killer (comp team players etc) while my teammates are p100s that just leave when they hear nurse blink, they dont get any punishment, they will be toxic and will destroy the whole game, waitout 1/5minutes and play again, devs should really work on mmr and they should focus on balancing the gameplay itself, if they have added longer penalties for disconnecting mid game, it would surely make the game a bit better
@DHKrieg 5 дней назад
To be fair, the issue with 2v8 is that it wasn't healthy for the game. Killer wait times were around 20-30 minutes, they only had the original killers and it also affected the normal mode's wait times and player pool (aka you'd go against the same few teams over and over) And on survivor, going against Nurses and Huntresses every single match got boring really fast. I enjoyed it for the first half week, got bored of it and I dropped the game until the mode was out.
@cderzy 5 дней назад
yeah making it only original killers was such a bad choice imo
@wolk6129 5 дней назад
as a new player this game feels like LeagueOfLegends there is just too much to learn and the core aspects of the game always promoting a more competitive enviroment leaves little to no room for learning as you play naturally since 90% of games are stomps on either sides PLUS more often than not you're playing agaisn't veterans since the game isn't newbie friendly at all making new players quit really fast its a very miserable experience playing this thing and its not simply a player-base thing either,for example i bought Hunt Showdown recently (along with this game actually) and even tho i suck at FPS games and that thing is fairly hard-core in its gameplay-style the game just keeps me going because of how it is ballanced all throughout and there is enough space between matches to learn the game,there's never a full-blown stomp situation so the window for you to learn the game as you play is plenty,such scenario is completely lacking in DBD and League for example
@cderzy 5 дней назад
I cant even imagine trying to get into dbd as a new player nowadays
@odinulveson9101 3 дня назад
Agree 100% I dont get why theres this stale 1 mode with gens, insanity really. But...WHAT? There was 2 v 8??? When? I though I was one of few who wanted such.. I would gladly jump back in. As long as the devs dont get spinless and ditch it again becsuse some unhinged &€÷×&# send threats or whatnot. And lights out mode? Sounds intriguing, Im sure they could improve it? So close to finally expand DbD potentiale and then crack😂 Heck. 2 vs 8 good start, permanent! Also how about 1 vs 1 killer duels, 6 vs 1 vs 1. Where the killers compete and can kill each other over killing the surviviors. Aaand 4 vs 4 survivors only for some non murderous competition😁 And modes shouldnt replace older ones if a decent chunk of players are at it! Say the standard generators with 4 vs 1 shouldnt be replaced by 2 vs 8, 4 vs 4, 1 vs 1 or 6 vs 1 vs 1. Again the base mode should neither content gate the aforementioned ones. So many years so much potentiale untapped! DONT let it be squandered!
@Chqred 5 дней назад
I play mobile and there's a ranked and unranked mode. There's still people sweating in quick play
@Kevinperes333 5 дней назад
Like yess, inclusive with the "chill mode" they still swfs and tryhard people like that don t gonna change nothing lmfao
@osi3718 5 дней назад
Ah boy oh boy, so i watched this twice and i think its pretty nice, gives you an idea of bow the otherside feels and well veiws from more cadual based players or atleast those who play rarely, tho i did agree and disagree with a few stuff but I'll share my thoughts on em. I still to this day dont see the issue with sweaty people or tryhards especially when it just means they are trying their best to win or are playing the way that is ghe most ideal to them, especially when its probably what they are used to. If im playing vs players who play good and run strong perks then its hard to assume my next game or that the players im gonna go vs are worse and are chill, so you cant really expect people to play worse just cause it suits others. I do agree that its weird that you can have this happen evey single game but thats just sbmm. Concerning them adding perks and killers so often, thats just a product of live service games, only thing they could do is have perk rotations for ranked mode but they would also have to adjust some things as well. Popular Limited modes never stay because they can negatively impact the main game, longer queues mainly. So they swap em in and out, some lt modes will be fun, some boring, its to make sure that their main mode doesnt get hurt. However dbds main issue is really survivor default gen speed and to some extent map design. Killers and perks can be annoying and obnoxious because they are designed to deal with the issue that is present that behavior doesnt wanna fix. Default genspeed is fast that 1 good survivor chase can make 3 gens pop early. So killers are designed to have faster chases or have map pressure, some killers have both, vecna was probably the most blatant showcase of that and now look at dracula. Then we also have gen regressiom perks or get stopping perks like DMS and such. Now killer designs, hate or love them. I love them. They are kinda needed to be complex and so obnoxious because from a killer side it determines to an extent how free you are to run different builds. Even if they have a simple power and it being strong or having a variety and being mediocre or just being weak, it does determines alot. Look at nurse, you can legit run anything on her cause her power is strong, blight and hillbilly too. Then look at trapper, u think u can run trapper with no gen regress perks and expect to win? Yes? No? The answer is both. Why? Cause this is determined on your mmr. U can have the most fun at low mmrs but at high or even mid, that gets thrown out the door half the times. Same thing with survivors, how do they fix the issues survivors face? They give them perks that give second chances, or buffs to their goal, or buffs to movement speed etc. its just a bunch of work arounds. Ao regarldess of it all, i think the main cause of all these issues is just behavior not wanting to target the main issue directly of the game and doing a bunch of workarounds to see how they go. Perks are gonna get more annoying from both sides and killers are gonna come with even nore annoying powers.
@cderzy 4 дня назад
thanks for watching, I appreciate your perspective as well. I don't have a huge issue with people tryharding. It just sucks for me as i seem to be stuck at a highish MMR yet I am a pretty casual player who would love to have some more chill games 😅Never understood that argument with the queues for different modes as i play games with much smaller player bases than DBD that can accommodate different modes without issue. Gen speed has always been the main issue, like I mentioned I made a video back in 2020 talking about that and its still the main issue!
@Ashy_Slashy3 4 дня назад
There ya go. You played too much survivor. Mastering a couple killers is what makes the game super fun
@TotallyBolero 5 дней назад
play texas chainsaw, new gamemode coming soon. and give the game some love and be honest they have better quality in textures and stuff and gameplay variety, its a new refreshing experience i only have 900 or something hours on dbd but and hooked on tcm with 300 so far
@95PercentHelium 5 дней назад
he got that MorePegasus thumbnail 😭
@cderzy 5 дней назад
@juicynoobxd3536 5 дней назад
Come play dbd ladder! Or just start doing 1v1s. It's what got me back in the game!
@leonardofontes7007 5 дней назад
I feel like they turned off mmr
@owencooper6277 5 дней назад
i started playing over a year ago, 2000 hours ;-;
@TheTrial-np9qy 5 дней назад
@Bonghitsandchill 18 часов назад
I agree with a few of your points but disagree with a majority and had me raising an eyebrow, but this is coming from a player with over 2k hours who plays mostly on the killer (85%/15%) so take it as you will. Ranked mode is pretty much the normal mode, let's be honest here- it has an MMR system so it's ranked, a good one? no, it's been trash since they added it in, but they had to make some type of system to keep the veterans and newbies apart but unfortunately with enough hours, everyone ends up in the same pool due to being unable to depip so there really is no divide in the MMR anymore imo. If you remember back in the day rank 1 was kept by winning more than the avg then they changed it so being at rank 1 had no meaning anymore since everyone was able to achieve it if they simply just played more hours. Survivors don't need more objectives to get through- life is hard enough and adding more things to do before you can work on a gen sounds like absolute hell. It's a progression game and ofc new players are gunna have it rough but, they're not forced into buying every character to have fun and majority of characters are earned through progression outside of the licensed characters- which is reasonable considering BHVR are very limited on movement and have to get everything regarding licenses approved first before making changes (example: Freddy: they have to run it up the foodchain and get it approved before they could rework him), and let's not forget to mention that they made progression significantly easier now than ever, now you just have to prestige 3 times to get the characters perks unlocked on all other characters. The community will always be toxic, that's why they made settings in-game to make yourself anonymous, it was way worse back then. I'm not excusing it what-so-ever but that's just sometimes how it is when you play survivor, I try not to get upset if I get tunneled off hook for no reason at the start of the game, some people are just like that and there's no changing it, but you know what you can do? Switch to killer and control the game how you want to play, in my personal opinion- the game is weighed around how good the killer is and what type of player they are, if it's a sweat fest then pay no mind, just a player having a bad day that prob got stomped by those rare 4man legacy teams. When I'm playing survivor and I keep running into these toxic killers, I generally switch to killer and play bc then I know that I at least don't play like them so people might actually enjoy the game playing against someone who isn't dripping sweat to get a 4k, going against these toxic killers game after game can have a really bad mental effect on anyone. As for the number of killers, survivors, and perks... get over it. Okay it took you a few matches to understand how a certain killer plays or how certain combinations of perks work, you don't need a tutorial for that when they have descriptions for everything in the game, that includes killer abilities, perks, items, and addons. Everything you need to know is right in front of you. Highly recommend taking a break during bad patches in the game and checking it out every chapter to see if anything changes that sparks an interest, like those PTB perk changes, I find stuff like that exciting to mess with bc it's new. You're not an OG if you don't see how far this game has come since back in the day and how much they have changed for the better in pretty much every aspect of the game, yes even the MMR with how stupid it is, it still served some type of purpose to keep the balanced of player skill level, they just didn't do it right.
@grennings 5 дней назад
killer is too easy, survivor just keeps getting nerfed into oblivion, killer gets all the buffs and perk bloat is a real issue this game has
@scootboot69420 4 дня назад
are you stupid
@nichnelo519 5 дней назад
Bro dbd made no changes because of your vid in 2020 💀 as well they make updates to the game modes to keep things interesting, yes the lights out sucked before but they release a v2 to make it far more appealing
@cderzy 5 дней назад
Obviously not 😂
@opheila-.2029 5 дней назад
bruh the lights out game mode has sucked for everyone. the old and new version tf.
@arthurkirkland1419 5 дней назад
Ok which devs desk are you being a good boy under?
@godsend-gw5ef 5 дней назад
I understand why you quit but I believe the game needs to be killer sided cause killer is the power role
@godsend-gw5ef 5 дней назад
And when I mean killer said I don't mean completely killer sided but The kill rate should be 60 to 67%
@GimmeBorger 5 дней назад
Uhhh then just don’t play anymore
@cderzy 5 дней назад
that's what I'm doing!
@Nicklas-xg9ex 5 дней назад
why not just join the comp scene, and do some 1v1's? It is so much more fun than casual dbd!
@syn-militia9059 5 дней назад
Oh no... a person with less than 1k subs is quiting a game? Anyway....
@cderzy 5 дней назад
like I said, just was giving my personal opinion and perspective as it might be different from someone who is a full time content creator on this game with thousands of hours. thanks for the comment tho!
@GoldenDeer_ 5 дней назад
Ok bye
@cderzy 5 дней назад
@arthurkirkland1419 5 дней назад
And when the game dies cause yall don't care about people leaving and you wait in lobby for 30 minutes what then?
@JamesBond-vi2eh 5 дней назад
oh okay. See ya. The world won't freeze lol. I'm sure of it.
@cderzy 4 дня назад
lol i know, just wanted to give my perspective, thanks for the comment though!
@Garry_TheExecutioner 4 дня назад
I suggest you play Secret Neighbor, it's kinda like DBD but without grinding (you can grind for skins but that's it) the only problem is that it has a lot of hackers and a lot of bugs. You can defeat hackers sometimes and if you play with your friends you gonna have the best experience.
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