
Ex-Calvinist Destroys Calvinism 

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Peter Amato, a former John MacArthur fan, debunks the most poisonous theology that pollutes our churches today - Calvinism.
Calvinism - The idea that God damns/saves people via mind control based on nothing and there's nothing they can do about it. He could save everyone if He wanted to, but for some reason doesn't.
It's also the idea that God makes you do good works if you're truly saved via 'saving faith', a term found nowhere in the Bible. It's a wonder, then, why God would even bother writing a Bible or why these idiots bother preaching?



23 окт 2020




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@Godprovidesjohn316 2 года назад
Wow! Thank you for this. I have been battling Calvinism and a reformed cult church for 6 years. My husband and two adult children are deep into reformed theology. It has divided my family and destroyed my marriage. I am broken from this horrible theology. Clinging to Jesus to bring my husband out of it and rebuild my marriage. Thank you for speaking out against this destructive ideology.
@TheEngineer19 2 года назад
Oh diane, im very sorry..
@dw6528 2 года назад
Yes this is a sad testimony we hear over and over. The fact that Calvinists feel the need to stoop to dishonest strategies and dishonest word games - serves as a RED-FLAG that something is wrong with it But the Lord will use this for your good! Blessings
@bobwheeler2906 Год назад
@@dw6528 yes the true Gospel divides thankful your children and husband our under soud teaching reformed church is not a cult, Bob Wheeler
@dw6528 Год назад
@@bobwheeler2906 DW: Socialization patterns - not doctrine - are that which determine cult characteristics. The society of Calvinists dramatically differs from mainstream protestant Christianity and Catholicism, in the emphasis it puts on adherence to doctrine. The doctrine becomes a cherished identity marker, and a trophy, which separates the Calvinist from all other Christian groups. The doctrine sets them apart as superior. The doctrine is therefore sacred. The Calvinist authority structure seeks to exert a much higher degree of control over group language. Calvinist language is classified as an INSIDER language. Statements are crafted to be strategically misleading to OUTSIDERS who are not aware that Calvinism has altered definitions for terms which function as INSIDER meanings. This language practice is recognized as commonly found with cults. Thus Calvinism sociologically, has for many years, been a closed system, with its own unique values and its own unique language, applying what social psychologists call, milieu control. The control processes at work within the Calvinist authoritarian social structure, controls feedback from group members and refuses to be modified, which results in a closed system of logic. It is consistently observed that Calvinists manifest a pronounced degree of partisanship-an almost obsessive allegiance to the doctrine and to idolized persons, prompting the concern that the respecting of persons within the system is so pervasive, that it may represent a form of seductive entrenchment to which Christian youth are significantly vulnerable.
@bobwheeler2906 Год назад
@@dw6528 no there are social cults and doctinal cults and reformed churches typically have traditional church services and in most of the reformed churches I've delt with like ours you dont have to be reofmed to be members ,we have what we teach but we are gracious to those who don't necessarily aree wih us and we can still walk in unity in the Spirit can this be said of your churches if not you might be a little cultish ? Love in Christ Bob Wheeler
@janellestoermer5479 Год назад
This is great. As an evangelist from the Los Angeles area, I have crossed swords with John MacArthur's followers quite a bit. I definitely saw that John MacArthur tries to control how his people are allowed to interpret the Bible, or hear from the Holy Spirit. It's like he doesn't trust the Bible, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, in the hands of people. He has to become the mediator. I am so glad people are putting this out there. A lot of people think I'm a heretic to disagree with John MacArthur.
@evelynerazohernandez9354 Год назад
I use to listen to John many years ago then the Holy Spirit woke me up! By studying more what he would say.
@May-zp1mr Год назад
You too?!? I am too, in same area as you, and I didn’t understand why I was looked at as if was looney for referring to the power of the Holy Spirit in my life… now discussing deliverance and praying in tongues and the air changed and didn’t understand why. So here I am trying to understand the discrepancies.
@Landis_Grant Год назад
Members of John MacArthur’s church, ironically called “Grace” Community Church, idolize him and trust in everything he teaches without questioning from the pulpit.
@bstein9500 Год назад
8 months later. Well anyway. I was once approached to become a youth pastor at a small church. The pastor and I went for lunch. I don't believe he was a Calvinist, but I asked him if he believed that once you believed were you saved for all eternity. His reply, which I still can't believe, was yes, but he doesn't teach it because it is a dangerous doctrine. How's that for judging and disregarding the truth of scripture. I will pray that things will or have been resolved in favour of grace in your family.
@bjones5791 11 месяцев назад
😂😂Right!!That’s right here in central Texas!”What?You think your smarter than John Mac?”…amazing.👊…..Brent
@R.L.KRANESCHRADTT 2 года назад
Important sermon to give. Most non-Calvinists who have become Calvinists were 'convinced' Calvinism is true by someone more clever at using their 'proof texts' than the non-Calvinist was at disputing them. Few have ever heard the sermon on "what's wrong with Calvinism" because their preacher didn't know how to explain it, was afraid of touching a 'third rail', or didn't think it was even necessary. (BIG MISTAKE). Consequently, most non-Calvinist Christians are vulnerable and unprepared to articulately provide a defense to the accusation against God that he does NOT love all of his creation and/or that he has "Graciously" made provision for ALL mankind to be reconciled to himself by faith in Christ. Instead, they are easily out-argued by a Calvinist who has already been trained to argue their 'plucked-proof-texts' by having already been convinced by some other Calvinist that God has actually created and condemned the vast majority of mankind, (made in his own image), to burn in Hell for doing precisely what he has decreed they would do while he withholds the ability to do otherwise, for his own glory. Calvinists have been defending the indefensible for hundreds of years. They have it down to a 'cha-cha dance'. It's sort of like a fighter setting up a right hook with a left jab and a head fake. It can go something like this; "You believe God is sovereign, right?"(their definition of sovereignty excluded)... victim; "Right!" "You believe man is totally depraved, right?"(their implication of depravity excluded)...victim; Right! "You know man can't save himself, right?"(begging the question of how salvation occurs i.e. God saves those who believe)... victim; Right! "Why did you get saved and your friend didn't?"... victim; "I believed the Gospel and accepted the gift of salvation, and he didn't." "Oh, so you saved yourself, aren't you special. So, you think you must be better than him. I thought we already covered that".. etc. etc. etc. It goes on ad nauseam. The unsuspecting, unprepared victim really has no chance. And the next thing you know John "Bob" Calvin's your uncle.
@Waystolii 2 года назад
So true! God had already convinced me that Calvinism was untrue through my study of Romans 9. But, Back when I was confronted with it, there were no ex Calvinist testimonies to be found. I ended up, several years later, hearing a preacher named Mike Pearl, who did the best job I ever heard of refuting Calvinism. I would love to hear a back-and-forth between him and John MacArthur or James White.
@TheEngineer19 2 года назад
Its NOT AN ACCUSATION, calvinist DO believe in God that didnt have Grace for all, A Jesus who didn't die for all. A gospel that is not a remedy for all Therefore, they believed in ANOTHER GOD, ANOTHER CHRIST, ANOTHER GOSPEL, calvinist are unsaved.
@joelwoody517 2 года назад
@@TheEngineer19 as usual, a misrepresentation of reformed theology. Christ's sacrifice is sufficient for all, but only applies to those who are saved. If Christ died and went to hell for 3 days for all, then why do the unsaved go to hell? And remember Jesus said few are those who find the narrow way - this indicates that more go to hell than those who don't. Why do the people who go to hell have to pay again when supposedly Jesus already paid for everyone? It follows logically that the atonement applies to those who are saved, but it is sufficient for all.
@TheEngineer19 2 года назад
@@joelwoody517THE BIBLE SAID THEY BELIEVETH NOT IN HIM the bible said that, not some calvinistic philosophical books, or not a person, THE BIBLE SAID THEY BELIEVETH NOT. in calvinism, calvigod make them not to believe.. In calvinism, calvigod decreed them to rape kids as per james white claim, and judge the rapist for the the raping that calvigod decrees them to do.. Totally SATANIC DOCTRINE.. If the bible said He tasted death for all men, THEN HE TASTED DEATH FOR ALL MEN, if the bible said he is propitiation for the whole world, then He is PROPITIATION for the whole world. JUDGEMENT day come, no one will find a tiny fault in Him, no one will question him about being false advertiser. No one will question him why torment them day and night forever and ever in eternal darkness without giving them a chance.. Calvigod character is nowhere associated with Christ, the very image of God, who is MEEK, HUMBLE, LOVING, CARING, LOVING HIS ENEMIES, CRYING OVER ISRAEL FOR UNBELIEF. LONG SUFFERING, ALL LIGHT GOD.. calvigod is more like allah.. Let God be God, stop calvinist assumption that he thinks like man and his blood will be wasted because not all are saved. The bible clearly said that he even died for false teacher though they deny him.. Be decieved a little, spend eternity in hell..
@R.L.KRANESCHRADTT 2 года назад
@@ElenaBaumann Sorry, Calvinism=Gnosticism, with the caveat that 'Perseverance is only given to those elected to salvation from before they were even conceived in their mother's womb which necessitates another invention of John Calvin, i.e., 'Evanescent Grace', the idea that God causes some non-elect to believe and act "as-if" they're saved for a time before pulling the proverbial prayer rug out from under them that their eternal suffering would be even greater...for His Glory. This is employed to explain those who do not seem to persevere. Of course, no Calvinist can say for certain what amount of 'perseverance' is adequate and none can ever know if they will actually persevere, or can they say someone did after their gone. They may have just been experiencing an episode of 'evanescent grace' and God was just messing with them the whole time. (A God who quite literally can not be trusted). (This is the same seed of doubt which Satan planted in the mind of Eve in the garden.) If regeneration precedes faith, as Calvinists contend, then they are saved BEFORE they believe anything. That is diametrically opposed to every single scripture regarding salvation. Their explanation of Total Depravity=Total Inability to respond positively to God ....FROM BIRTH it wholly unsubstantiated in scripture. Not one verse confirms anyone is or ever was born unable to believe or respond positively to God when the opportunity presents itself.... it is Calvinism's "Missing Link" Calvinists are not being misled intentionally they are being led by those who are sincerely misled themselves. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-U2ZCTRCVV60.html this might help a little, he was a 5-pt Calvinist minister for around 30yrs before walking away, instead of accepting the obvious and unavoidable cognitive dissonance of Calvinist "mysteries" any longer.
@annec988 Год назад
Thank you. Calvinism is a mixed up, muddled up contradiction on so many levels. I only heard about calvanism last year and I thank God for that, otherwise I might have fallen into the calvanism grip a long time ago and never really know whether or not I am saved. I was so discouraged when I started listening to some calvin sermons, and I asked God can this possibly be true? It was so disturbing to think that only some have been chosen, predetermined, predestined to go to heaven and that Jesus dying an excruciating death was not enough to save ALL who believe. I can never accept that, never. If what Jesus did was not enough then nothing ever will be. I will never be enough, my works will never be enough, I will never be sinless enough or holy enough but Jesus is. Amen.
@photoniccannon2117 7 месяцев назад
Something always felt a bit wrong to me about Calvanism. I was always sitting there thinking "some really smart theologians came up with this" - but it just never sat right with me. Eventually I looked into what it actually taught and it was immediately very easy to tell that it wasn't biblical.
@photoniccannon2117 7 месяцев назад
​@@vdlresort There are some very renowned calvinists who seem to teach (or at least imply) that you won't really know if you were truly saved until you die having endured to the end. Then they'll say "Oh, but if have TRUE saving faith and just TRULY trust, you can know today" - and yet many, many people who listen to them wonder why so many who are seemingly on fire for God fall away, and it keeps people up at night worrying that they, too, might not have a true saving faith. It's the danger that can creep in if we aren't careful and start defining faith as something that is difficult to attain or explain. If we remember that Jesus said "you must become like a child to enter the kingdom of heaven" - we can largely avoid this pitfall entirely by avoiding complicated definitions of faith that are too difficult to explain (and that leave people wondering why they aren't sure that they are truly saved). I recognize that this isn't something that all calvinists teach (I'd be willing to bet that most don't). It's mostly in hyper calvinist circles that this becomes a problem, but it does have a tendency to keep everyone up at night in these circles.
@Richard_Rz Год назад
In tears, thank you.
@kevinrobb8367 2 года назад
It's sad that near the end of his life R.C Sproul questioned publicly whether he had done enough to be saved.
@faithalone 2 года назад
Agree. The man had no assurance because there is no assurance to be found in Lordship/Calvinism
@TheEngineer19 2 года назад
Poor RC.. Poor poor poor rc.. He believed in another God, he believed in another Jesus,
@KingsCrownofthorns 2 года назад
where did you see that?
@dw6528 2 года назад
The Doctrine specifically stipulates 2 critical things: 1) The Calvinist is granted NO CERTAINTY of election John Calvin -quote We are *NOT* bidden to distinguish between reprobate and elect - that is for god alone, not for us, to do . . .(Institutes IV. 1. 3.) -quote We must thus consider both god’s *SECRET* election and his INNER call. For HE ALONE “knows who are his” (Institutes. IV. 1. 2.) 2) A large percentage of the Calvinist population are specifically divinely deceived - being given a FALSE SENSE of salvation. . John Calvin -quote The Lord....instills into their minds such a *SENSE* of his goodness as can be felt *WITHOUT* the Spirit of adoption. (Institutes 3.2.11) -quote he illumines ONLY FOR A TIME to partake of it; then he...forsakes them....and strikes them with even greater blindness (Institutes 3.24.8)
@dw6528 2 года назад
@@therockstar17 DW: You obviously don't know Calvinism!!!! Look at the sources I provided in the quotes. They are all available online. Google is your friend! It would also be wisdom for you to think before you post.
@John-jh5ks 2 года назад
Excellent explanation. May God continue to Bless you always.
@rolfeliason5950 7 месяцев назад
The thief on the cross had NO works, yet the spark of faith in his request to Jesus "remember me!" resulted in salvation. That is the mustard seed belief referred to in Ephesians 2: 8&9. Titus 3: 5 Not by works of righteousness that we have done, but according to HIS MERCY He saved us.
@JonathanGrandt Год назад
Second time listening. First time taking notes. “Faith is the conviction of the truthfulness of God.” Amen.
@osasosas2982 Год назад
Awesome. This is my 5th or 6th time listening to this. 😅
@osasosas2982 Год назад
Awesome. This is my 5th or 6th time listening to this. 😅
@brotherpaulv 9 месяцев назад
Amen! Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 10:15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! 10:16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report? 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. You should have just enough faith to read the Bible, hopefully a KJV, and then it will prove to you that it's God's truth. But Salvation is merely hearing, believing , and confessing with your mouth from the heart, that Jesus died, was buried, and rose again for an atonement of your sins. Bingo bango bongo, a new baby spirit gets born into God's family. Then you need to grow with the milk, bread, and meat of God's Word. 1 Corinthians 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. 2:13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. You must believe the right Gospel to become indwelled with the Holy Spirit, and many people have been deceived by false prophets making merchandise of them. The Holy Spirit is long suffering and working hard everyday to get the truth out. God Bless All preaching against Calvinism!
@OGSVideos 3 года назад
Snap ! Well said ... God bless
@bernadettec2681 3 года назад
This was a blessing to hear, thank you.
@RNLWW Год назад
Calvinist theology comes from Augustine’s (400 years after Jesus) erroneous idea that the body of Christ is the new or spiritual Israel. The Roman Catholic Church adopted this Replacement Theology, the Prot reformers kept it, and evangelicals have ignorantly embraced it. Jesus was a minister of the CIRCUMCISION (Rom 15:8) sent to Israel only (Matt 10:5-7, 15:24). When He came that time, He was speaking only to the Jews. He spoke again YEARS LATER to Paul, our apostle, about the NEW thing God was doing - Eph 3:1-9; Gal 1:11-12, 16-20, 2:1-2, 7-9; Rom 2:16, 16:25-26; Col 1:25-27; 1 Cor 2:7-8; 1 Tim 1:15-16. From Paul is where we get OUR instructions from Jesus. If only people would see this, it would solve a lot of these wrong issues. Thank you for the teaching.
@user-um5wn8ri7s 21 день назад
Good distinction-As Christians we love everyone-Calvanists included ❤
@thissimplelife653 Год назад
So thankful for videos like this and getting the truth out! I grew up lost until the age of 23 in a Calvinistic church, and then continued to battle what the truth really was for years after that!
@bassfacestudio7975 3 года назад
Amen! Pray for Calvinists! They believe a false gospel, they’ve led MANY MANY souls straight to hell and unfortunately are very deceived
@TheEngineer19 2 года назад
@@juaneatoand the gospel of Christ is offered to ALL. GOD is perfectionist, if He says it's for all who will believed, it is for all who will believed.. If they believed that the gospel is not for all, God won't acknowledge that Gospel is HIS, because no man ever can question God, when Judgement come, that the gospel is offered to him..
@TheEngineer19 2 года назад
@@therockstar17 not a secondary issue...
@TheEngineer19 2 года назад
@@therockstar17 it is when you put your trust in a god that that desire child raping, and manipulately ENSURE to blind people of the truth because he doesn't want them to repent as ti be saved, because that is satan.. Calvigod is satan..
@TheEngineer19 2 года назад
@@therockstar17 if that Gospel is not offered to all i dont think God will acknowledge it to be his..and if you believe in a Jesus that die,burried and ressurected FOR FEW ? That is not Jesus of the bible.. The snake is subtle..
@TheEngineer19 2 года назад
@@therockstar17 they preach another gospel, when they preach they have in their minds " is this peson elected? “ “, IS THIS GOSPEL FOR HIM“ “DID JESUS WANTS HIM SAVED? “ Do you think the power of God is in them when in their mindset they are bringing ANOTHER GOSPEL, a Gospel which is not offered to anyone? It's SATAN perverted gospel. GOD is who He makes mankind know Him the Bible, God who sacrifice himself for the enemies. No matter how much Philosophical argument they've put on the table, NO ONE CAN FOOL GOD. The Bible talks about those words yeah,.. But they hijacked it to fit their doctrine.. Election is not even for salvation, through FAITH IN THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST IS because it is BY GRACE., not election..
@snackpup Год назад
1. calvinists to not believe that Jesus died for the sins of the world. that is a false statement to them. 2. and calvinists do not believe in believing they do not think you have the power to choose to put your faith in something. which means that unless you chose to put your faith in Jesus before you became a calvinist, then you are not saved. calvinism does not have the power to save. there is no saving power in it. only condemnation for rejecting Jesus' sacrifice for the world. calvinists need to be warned strongly
@DBHunter1 18 дней назад
Yeah we do believe Paul when he said the natural man can't understand the things of the Spirit and those in the flesh can't please God. Also, you are causing the bible to contradict by interpreting John 3: 16 as each and every person when Jesus in the same book says I lay down my life for the sheep.
@nickex.3187 2 года назад
So what is James 2 about ? Faith with works ? What does it mean ? Awesome video !
@kevinramsey2636 Год назад
in James 2 men can only see your faith by your works but God can see your heart Romans 4:5
@truthseeker502 11 месяцев назад
Romans 4:2-5 KJV For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God. [3] For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. [4] Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. [5] But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
@scribadibdib Год назад
also can someone explain works? No one ever explains works they just say you either need it or dont. id like to know what people think works are. Is it church attendance? reading the bible? service? missionary work? evangelism etc?
@annec988 Год назад
I only understand it being, and I am no way a Biblical Scholar, that all I need to be saved is to believe that Jesus died for my sins that I may be saved. 'Works' as I understand it is things I try to do to earn God's love, includes all the things that man made religion says I have to do, but it has already been given to me as a gift when Jesus died for me because He loved me so. As Jesus said 'simply believe and receive.' Someone made me chuckle on another comment saying calvanists are 'fruit inspectors' always saying that you have to work for your salvation rather than accepting that Jesus gave his life as a gift to us so that we could be saved, by sacrificing himself to save us. From believing in God you can produce fruits of good works because you want to make the world a better place, but it is not necessary to remain saved. I heard a Biblical scholar, who was a Bibical translater of Greek and Hebrew and professor of theology was asked what had he learned from all his biblical academia and he replied in the words of the hymn 'Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.' Amen.
@waynel389 2 года назад
🎁♥️🎁This is the good news Ephesians 2:8-9
@getrit3007 Месяц назад
We corrupt or forfeit salvation by grace by offering works! Rom 11:6 - Peter Amato, a former John MacArthur fan, debunks the most poisonous theology that pollutes our churches today - Calvinism.
@zzhooky8194 2 года назад
There it is, corrupted Grace by offering works. Amen ❤️
@skippy3136 7 месяцев назад
This is SOOOO good!
@paulwright6947 2 года назад
Calvinism = self-centered, self-righteous narcissism. That's what I came away with after applying 2nd Timothy 2:15 in studying the false gospel of Calvinism.
@innovationhq8230 2 года назад
The doctrines of grace abase man and are not self righteous.
@dw6528 2 года назад
@@innovationhq8230 "Doctrines of Grace" in Calvinism - functions as a lie of omission. A lie of omission occurs when a statement or representatiion misleads by virtue of omitting critical facts - where if those facts were not omitted the statement would not mislead. Calvinism entails DUALISM - in which "Good" and "Evil" are Co-equal, Co-Complimentary, and Co-Necessary" Augustine: -quote Because this orderly arrangement maintains the HARMONY OF THE UNIVERSE by this very contrast, it comes about that EVIL THINGS MUST NEED BE. In this way, the beauty of all things is in a manner configured, as it were, from antitheses, that is, from opposites...”. (ord 1.7.19) Jon Edwards - Evil is a necessary PART of divine glory -quote unless sin......had been decreed...the shining forth of gods glory would be very imperfect, both because those *PARTS* of divine glory would not shine forth as the others do....nay, they could scarcely shine forth at all” (The Works of President Edwards). Calvinism is more precisely a doctrine of "Good-Evil" The Calvinist calls it "Doctrines of Grace" in order to *HIDE* its Evil part.
@dw6528 2 года назад
@@therockstar17 Thero: you’re wrong DW: A claim without evidence is simply an unfounded claim. Show LOGICALLY how I am wrong - otherwise - your position is simply smoke and mirrors. Thero: They don’t preach the doctrines of grace for arrogance DW: The term "Doctrines of Grace" functions as a lie of omission. A lie of omission is a statement that misleads - by the process of omitting critical facts - which if not omitted do not mislead. Lets let John Calvin explain what fact is omitted John Calvin -quote by the eternal good pleasure of god THOUGH THE REASON DOES NOT APPEAR, they are *NOT FOUND* but *MADE* worthy of destruction. - (Concerning the Eternal Predestination of god pg 121) *MAKING* people specifically for eternal torment in a lake of fire - is *NOT* a doctrine of "Grace" John Calvin -quote Not only the destruction of the wicked is foreknown, but that the wicked themselves have been *CREATED* for this very end-that they may perish. (Commentaries Romans 9:18) *CREATING* people for eternal torment is *NOT* a doctrine of "Grace" John Calvin -quote The Lord.... *INSTILLS INTO THEIR MINDS* a sense .....as can be felt *WITHOUT* the Spirit of adoption. (Institutes 3.2.11) John Calvin -quote he also causes those whom he *ILLUMINES ONLY FOR A TIME* to partake of it; then forsakes them....and strikes them with even greater blindness (Institutes 3.24.8) A doctrine of *DIVINE DECEPTION* of the believer is *NOT* a doctrine of grace. There is the evidence you need to recognize my statement is correct.
@dw6528 2 года назад
@@therockstar17 DW: I addressed the fact that you made a claim without evidence - in response to the statement I made with a great deal of evidence. An argument concerning arrogance is a straw-man you created. So no need to address it.
@dw6528 2 года назад
@@therockstar17 DW: And BTW: If your reformed pastors are not teaching the side of Calvinist doctrine that I gave you evidence about - then your reformed pastors are obfuscating HALF of the doctrine. And you would need to ask yourself - why they are not telling you the WHOLE TRUTH.
@sandracoombs2255 Год назад
Wonderful! Just wonderful! 😊🙏 Thank you so much for this uplifting - and true - talk. Blessings to you and to your ministry from Australia 🇦🇺
@garyleemusic 3 года назад
What’s this man’s name? Anyone know?
@osasosas2982 3 года назад
Peter Amato. It was in the desc lol
@garyleemusic 3 года назад
@@osasosas2982 haha! oops!
@melissa-qu9tf 8 месяцев назад
They arent teying to prove it to God. They only try to prove they are the elect to other supoosed elect.
@jobrown8146 Год назад
"why these idiots bother preaching?" (from video description) - I have been thinking the same thing about why do they preach when according to them God has already chosen who is going to be saved. It just doesn't make any sense to me.
@graftme3168 7 месяцев назад
They are narcissists. It's about their ego.
@jobrown8146 7 месяцев назад
@@graftme3168 I think you may be right.
@graftme3168 7 месяцев назад
@@jobrown8146 Pharisees were narcissists. "We are the chosen and everyone else is already damned."
@DBHunter1 18 дней назад
1. Because the scripture says salvation has a chain. Called and justified. God works in the world!
@radianteclipse113 6 месяцев назад
@fourthplateau944 15 дней назад
This was really inconsistent. He said Calvinists believe in works and that its bad. And then he says that believes HAVE TO CHOOSE TO DO THE RIGHT THING. watch closely, he points out examples of faith by how people make decisions in scripture. A calvinist teaches that, yes, works prove faith. But it doesnt teach that the amount of works matters. Its just that a lot of people can claim to believe and never act on the belief. If you told me the water was safe to drink, but never drank from it even when asked to, then did you really ever believe it was safe? Through your work of drinking you have proven your faith. Simple.
@siegfriedbartel7122 6 месяцев назад
We can make two observations from these born of God/born again texts. First, in every instance the verb “born” (gennaô) is in the perfect tense, denoting an action that precedes the human actions of practicing righteousness, avoiding sin, loving, or believing. Second, no child of God, Bible believer, saved person, would say that before we are born again we must practice righteousness, for such a view would teach works-righteousness. Nor would we say that first we avoid sinning, and then are born of God, for such a view would suggest that human works cause us to be born of God. Nor would we say that first we show great love for God, and then he causes us to be born again. No, it is clear that practicing righteousness, avoiding sin, and loving are all the consequences or results of the new birth. But if this is the case, then we must interpret 1 John 5:1 in the same way, for the structure of the verse is the same as we find in the texts about practicing righteousness (1 John 2:29), avoiding sin (1 John 3:9), and loving God (1 John 4:7). It follows, then, that 1 John 5:1 teaches that first God grants us new life and then we believe Jesus is the Christ. We see the same truth in Acts 16:14. First God opens Lydia’s heart and the consequence is that she pays heed to and believes in the message proclaimed by Paul. Similarly, no one can come to Jesus in faith unless God has worked in his heart to draw him to faith in Christ (John 6:44). But all those whom the Father has drawn or given to the Son will most certainly put their faith in Jesus (John 6:37). God regenerates us and then we believe, and hence regeneration precedes our conversion. Therefore, we give all the glory to God for our conversion, for our turning to him is entirely a work of his grace. John 1:13 plus transcript..bless you and thank you... ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Cn302Z0ciGE.htmlsi=cfc2FQiQJYnE3Pd5
@scribadibdib Год назад
As a child and much of my adult life my understanding of God's sovereignty was akin to a King. I can approach the King with requests but the King may accept or deny. The King can offer me reward but I can accept or deny. That does mot change my position as commoner and them King. The king could kill me at any moment if they wished, but because of His great mercy and love He leaves the offer to join His court open up to my to my death. But again, my choice in the matter does not change my status.
@Ronald47798 13 дней назад
Faith without works is DEAD (James 2) The unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9) Paul taught in Ephesians 5 that we should be given to sin, lest we become partakers with sinners of the WRATH of God.
@BicycleForHealth 8 месяцев назад
This is a good sermon. This pastor gets it. He's been down in the sewer of this false doctrine and can speak from experience.
@R.L.KRANESCHRADTT 2 года назад
Excellent ,13:00 "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisee"..... works, the attempt to achieve righteousness by your own efforts. Believing in what Christ did for us "Faith" is not a 'work'. No scripture in proper context establishes any many is unable "from birth" to believe.
@javierseuc7110 2 месяца назад
How about " bearing fruits according to repentance"??.
@lanes8237 Год назад
This was so good. Throughout this you preached the simple message of the Gospel and it brings such joy.
@Saskinny 6 месяцев назад
Every Sunday....I mean EVERY Sunday, my pastor tells the congregation something like, "If you have never repented and turned from your sin and turned to God and placed your faith in Jesus, will you come to Him today?" I always say to my wife, repenting and turning from sin and turning to God are WORKS. Why does he add all that? Why not say, "If you're here today and you have never by faith trusted in what Jesus did for you on the cross, you can do that this morning. Simply say, Jesus, I believe that I am a sinner and cannot do ANYTHING to save myself, but I believe that you died for me and by faith I believe your death paid the penalty of my sin. The Bible says, "He who calls upon the Name of the Lord SHALL be saved."
@christophe_li 3 месяца назад
Amen. How can you keep going to that church if you know the truth? I would have stopped going all together. They’re not believers tbh.
@user-dz8rg3fg5h 2 месяца назад
​@@christophe_lithey also say to believe in Jesus, so they are believers
@christophe_li 2 месяца назад
@@user-dz8rg3fg5h they don’t believe the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus is enough to keep someone saved forever the moment they believe. So no, they’re actually unbelievers.
@user-dz8rg3fg5h 2 месяца назад
@@christophe_li they still believe that Jesus died for their sins.
@christophe_li 2 месяца назад
@@user-dz8rg3fg5h no they don’t. They don’t believe that he died for the sins that cause people to lose salvation otherwise they wouldn’t believe in salvation loss. Therefore, they don’t believe that he truly died for 100% of their sin debt despite them claiming that they do. Think about it.
@d.carpenter7519 Месяц назад
Your first assertion is untrue. I believe that the Holy Spirit changes a person to want to obey God, and abiding in Christ produces fruit, and I am writing two books against Calvinism from two different perspectives. Not all Calvinists believe what you falsely attributed to them, and not all non-Calvinists are opposed to it.
@johnweber4577 Год назад
I'm fairly convinced that if Calvinism had been the original form of the Gospel that had been preached in the immediate aftermath of Jesus' life, death and resurrection that it wouldn't have taken off in the way it did. Frankly, it probably would've been relegated to a more cult-like status in terms of both numbers and influence. Seriously, who would sign-up for a brand new religion being actively persecuted in which there was only a slim chance that you might be in God's favor, a God who seemingly not only permits but utilizes evil acts rather than embodying recognizable love or mercy, but are more than likely made to be cast into eternal torment by no fault of your own regardless of what you do or believe? The good news indeed. Its success feels entirely predicated on the fact it emerged in a world that was already long saturated in Christianity and therefore was then filled with people who were already predisposed to the scriptures being true as a first principle and thus be capable of accepting new variations which claimed there was certain things they needed to do to be more faithful adherents.
@JustinWilson-cc8fc Месяц назад
People think more highly of themselves. They believe they make God an actual Savior by man's will. Hahaha
@andrewtsousis3130 9 месяцев назад
Calvinists don’t preach the Gospel the way they believe it. Their version is “Jesus died for your sin and if He gives you faith and regenerates you, granting you Grace and enabling you to repent, then you must be one of the elect and are saved”. When you confront them with this fact they say “we can’t preach that, that’s not the Gospel”. But that’s exactly what they believe. As we know, it is most certainly not the Gospel, but they still believe it under the banner of Gods Sovereignty. Calvanisim is a masterful deception from the enemy to discredit Gods Sovereignty and twist the very Good News of the Gospel. In the end all that matters is the true Gospel, they won’t admit their version is as I’ve written above, but it is. So I always ask them “why don’t you share what you actually believe, when you’re preaching the gospel?”
@jacktracy8356 4 месяца назад
2 Timothy 1:8 KJV Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our LORD, nor of me His prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of GOD; 9 Who has saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in CHRIST JESUS before the world began, 10 but is now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior JESUS CHRIST, Who has abolished death, and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel:
@JonathanGrandt Год назад
I wonder if Calvinists, when they get to Heaven have to stand at the gates for eternity for all the gatekeeping they’ve done.
@Landis_Grant Год назад
Calvinists in Heaven! LOL!
@WinkenSmile 7 месяцев назад
Its actually the opposite, we believe God produces the fruits/works in our lives. Ephesians 2:10. We know that no flesh will glory before him and we thank him for his grace and mercy. I do wonder if you who believe you chose, will stand before the Lord and say "Aren't you glad I chose you? You couldn't do it without me."
@joenelson5819 2 месяца назад
I am not a Calvinist, but I thought Faith is an action word. 3:03
@Mike-qt7jp 9 месяцев назад
Here is absolute Biblical proof that God does NOT cause or determine everything; In Jeremiah 19:5 God says, “They have built the high places of Baal to burn their children in the fire as offerings to Baal-something I did NOT COMMAND or mention, nor did it enter my mind.” 2nd Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is…not willing that ANY should perish but that ALL should come to repentance.” and yet, it also has Jesus saying, "Broad is the road that leads to destruction (hell) and many are on it, but straight and narrow is the road that leads to life (Heaven) and few ever find it." So, as a Calvinist, do you really believe that God arbitrarily creates some people for one reason; to burn for eternity in hell?
@davidjunior9603 Год назад
My works are nothing
@caughtupone 7 месяцев назад
You quote Matthew 7:21 but leave out the last part of it. "but the one who DOES THE WILL of My Father who is in heaven will enter." What say you?
@MrGudishvili 23 дня назад
John 6:40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
@caughtupone 20 дней назад
@@MrGudishvili Thank you for your reply. Do you have any verse in scripture that speak of faith alone? I am still looking for it.
@franklee7943 11 месяцев назад
8 Calvinistic Beliefs vs.The BIBLE : What's The Difference???... Calvinism : Jesus Died ONLY for the Elect alone. BIBLE : Jesus Died for ALL (2 Corinthians 5:14-15, cf. John 1:29, 6:33, 6:51, Colossians 1:20-23, 1 Timothy 2:6, 4:10, Hebrews 2:9, 1 John 2:2, cf. 5:19), including those who DENY Him (2 Peter 2:1, cf. Luke 22:14-21, Hebrews 10:26-29, Jude 1:4). Calvinism : Jesus is The Propitiation ONLY for the Elect alone. BIBLE : Jesus is The Propitiation NOT ONLY for the Elect alone, BUT ALSO for the WHOLE WORLD (1 John 2:2, cf. John 1:29, 6:33, 6:51), which includes ALL UN-BELIEVERS (1 John 5:19, Revelation 3:10, 12:9, 16:14). Calvinism : God Gives Saving Grace ONLY to the Elect alone. BIBLE : God Gives Saving Grace to ALL (Titus 2:11, cf. Isaiah 45:22, Luke 3:6, 1 Timothy 2:4-6, 4:10), but some Receive It in Vain (2 Corinthians 6:1), and Fall Short of It (Hebrews 12:15), and Pervert It (Jude 1:4-19), and Reject It (Galatians 1:6, Hebrews 10:29). Calvinism : God has Mercy ONLY on the Elect alone. BIBLE : God has Mercy on ALL (Romans 11:32, cf. Psalm 145:8-9). Calvinism : God does NOT Want All to be Saved. BIBLE : God DOES Want ALL to be Saved (1 Timothy 2:4-6, cf. Isaiah 45:22, Ezekiel 18:23, 18:32, 33:11, Matthew 23:37, Acts 17:30-31, Romans 10:21). Calvinism : It is God's PLEASURE to Doom the Wicked to Destruction. BIBLE : God takes NO PLEASURE in the Death of the Wicked (Ezekiel 18:23, 18:32, 33:11, Matthew 23:37, Romans 10:21). Calvinism : God has Decreed ALL Things. BIBLE : God has NOT Decreed All Things (Jeremiah 19:5/ESV, cf. Isaiah 10:1, 30:1, 55:8-9, Hosea 8:4, 1 John 2:16), but He has ALLOWED All of the Nations to Walk in their OWN Ways (Acts 14:16, 17:30). Calvinism : Election is According to a Mysterious Secret Un-Conditional DECREE of God. BIBLE : Election is According to The FOREKNOWLEDGE of God (1 Peter 1:2, cf. Jeremiah 1:5, John 6:64, Acts 2:23, Romans 8:29, 11:2).
@bstein9500 Год назад
I know this is two years after this sermon, but I am terrified for Calvinists. Is this what Christ meant when he said LUK 18:08b Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
@lewisswann1077 7 месяцев назад
I listened to those guys for over 2 years when I got saved and I was so confused! No wonder.
@RNLWW Год назад
They do redefine words and misapply passages to/about Israel to the body of Christ. Let the Bible define and explain itself, and these passages become crystal clear. Israel chosen Isa 44:1, Deut 7:6 (holy ones, “saints,” to be a special people), 14:1-2 (also you are the children of the Lord your God) Elect is Israel Isa 45:4; Ps 135:4; Israel was foreknown Rom 11:1-2, 8:29-30 Pay attention to Paul’s pronouns. He will define them for you. For example, Ephesians 1&2, “ye/you” he defines as Gentiles. The church can’t be both the we and the you if every word is inspired - that’s sloppy exegesis. The we/us refers to Israel as proven throughout. So, one has to study to discern when Paul is talking to his Jewish brethren about the great change that had occurred from law to grace OR talking to the body of Christ. Hint: When he’s talking law, we were never under the law, so look for signs it’s a Jewish congregation. Modern Christianity and churches have fed us a lot of feel-good garbage that just is not biblical. Study to show thyself approved, rightly dividing the word of truth.
@marksorenson5871 24 дня назад
So many straw men and half truths. Man centered salvation. Utter nonsense
@jdude7650 Год назад
This was good but lacking what I believe is the most heretical part of Calvinism which is the impugning of God's nature and character by calvinist belief that God is the author of sin (See eternal predestination of God book by John Calvin 10:11). In addition how can any calvinist claim the good news (gospel) is good when according to them, it's the very worst news in the eternal universe for the trillions and trillions who are decreed to damnation. How can a Calvinist even mouth the words good news without feeling like a hypocrite? The calvinist news is terrible news for most people. Calvinism is mere mortals speaking, not God. That's why it's called Calvinism and not Christianity.
@DBHunter1 18 дней назад
God works all things to the council of His own will. Heb 1*3 all refute your assumption.
@user-um5wn8ri7s 21 день назад
Calvanists impune the character of God. God is so loving, kind, and beautiful-Jesus died for all mankind, he loves everyone and calls all to salvation ONLY IN HIM ❤
@DBHunter1 18 дней назад
Nope we are interpreting the text and making logical inferences from what is stated. If Jesus died for all mankind (your meaning is for each and every person) then why didn't he pray for each and every person?
@user-um5wn8ri7s 18 дней назад
@@DBHunter1 Typical Pharisee, brood of vipers
@user-um5wn8ri7s 18 дней назад
@@DBHunter1 Pharisee-Fit for hell
@DBHunter1 18 дней назад
Sorry, God saves.
@jars7774 7 месяцев назад
I just gave a thumbs up without even listening to it.
@rayhchc6451 11 месяцев назад
29:25 Calvinists are philosophizing their way to hell
@joelwoody517 2 года назад
Gross misrepresentation of Reformed theology
@faithalone 2 года назад
Nope, it's spot on, which is why you didn't articulate what's wrong with the accurate representation given in this video
@dw6528 2 года назад
DW: That is hilarious! But totally predictable!. Any representation of Calvinism that does make Calvinism *APPEAR* to be what the Calvinist wants to make it *APPEAR* to be - is classified as a gross misrepresentation! ;-D
@innovationhq8230 2 года назад
This video does not destroy anything it just spreads easy believism heresy.
@faithalone 2 года назад
Salvation is easy, because it's by faith alone. The fact that you mock the idea that it's easy tells me you are probably trusting in your works to make it to Heaven. Good luck on Judgement Day 👍
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