
Exercise FRAUD? Is Joel Seedman joking? 

Mitchell Hooper
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9 сен 2024




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@mitchellhooperstrongman 28 дней назад
Want a program written by me? Let's make 2024 the year you smash your goals, just click the link below: moosecoaching.com/pages/strongman-programs
@DavidVirtanen 28 дней назад
Let's Gooo Mate 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
@wernerbro3208 24 дня назад
HOOPER: Can you answer this one, or make a video with suggestions to this fantasy event? Would be super fun to see a mix of all the strongest freaks on earth, with different kinds of strength to compete in a hybrid competition like this: Day 1: Fullbody strongman based Deadlift: 320kg(1 point per rep) for reps OR 400kg for reps (5 points per rep) Loglift clean and press: 145kg for reps (1 point per rep) 185kg for reps (5 points per rep) Frontsquat: Increase 25kg per attempt, starting from 200kg until people fall of - last man standing wins. (If its only a few ppl left and the last rep was very very heavy, they can start jumping less kilo if everyone agree, to seperate the last one). Keg over bar for height: Max height (This to include the shot putter and explosive athletes) Day 2: Calisthenics max strength based + Moving events Pull ups for max total weight w/neutral grip (for less shoulder stress): Same style as frontsquat, last man standing. (strict rules like max pull-up competitions) Dips for max total weight: Last man standing (same style) Zercher walk for distance / time: 200-250kg, 30-50 meter. (custom made suited bar and weights for viewer effect) Medley: Anchor drag =} Farmers walk =} Power stairs Competitors suggestions: Joe kovacz Mountain Man Mitchell Hooper Andrey Smaev Larry Wheels Olekssi Novikov Pavlo Kordyaka Ivan macarov
@garethhowley5643 29 дней назад
The worlds strongest man trophy perfectly demonstrating the seadman squat depth
@dankdino2771 28 дней назад
@ghandn 28 дней назад
@mcfarvo 28 дней назад
"Atlas was a practitioner of 45° eccentric-isometrics!" - Man of Seed
@gshaindrich 19 дней назад
the trophy also perfectly represents Hoopers squat depth...
@wompastompa3692 29 дней назад
"I'm not against science, I'm just anti-horseshit." -Stick DelHagen
@Seaweed_Monster 29 дней назад
Thank you for being my friend 🎶🐴🐔
@bruuhhhh 28 дней назад
Holy buckets what a fantastic quote
@slee2695 28 дней назад
"I only did sarms once" - Sticky Ricky little dicky
@hooktraining3966 28 дней назад
he will forever be a pylon of information and inspiration
@JRemy-rs9zk 28 дней назад
Sticky ricky strikes again with another golden tidbit of information
@mitchellhooperstrongman 29 дней назад
Apologies for the audio, my microphone was OOO and will be back in action for all future videos 🫡
@DavidVirtanen 28 дней назад
@KerBearthePooh 28 дней назад
How did you get so big, I wanna get big like you
@PoppyJr11 28 дней назад
@@KerBearthePooheat and train a fuck load and smart then pray you have the genetics to hold that much mass.
@XiaoJiJiBairen 28 дней назад
@@KerBearthePoohspoiler alert unless you’re already a pretty big boy you won’t become huge like him in the strong man giant sense
@TearTheRoof0ff 28 дней назад
Literally unwatchable /s
@xSpecterx99999999 29 дней назад
"this guys is basically a gym fail compilation, who has a PHD" LOL! Hooper is a natural born comedian
@TehRealChruZ 28 дней назад
Best description I've heard of Joel so far lmao
@PaulSmith-fz3qc 22 дня назад
An absolute gem of a comment from Mitchell Hooper.
@JoshuaOdionson 28 дней назад
Dr. Mike Israetel had a pretty entertaining "debate" with Joel Seedman. At one point, Joel specifically said he puts the more weird exercises as thumbbails becsuse itll draw atrention, but he doesnt completely agree on the effectiveness of them. Meaning hes making his athletes do weird shit just because its weird. It was also quite entertaining to watch him fumble around and not be able to put together a coherent answer when Dr. Mike would simply ask "Why?". If the PhD cant answer a few "Why"s about their training philosphy, thats more red flags than an amusement park.
@matthewcincotta62 28 дней назад
This “debate” was funny because if I remember correctly, Seedman was on Mark Bell’s podcast and Mark surprised him by bringing in Israetel to basically ambush him lol. Seedman would never voluntarily debate anyone who actually knows anything.
@phosphate66 28 дней назад
Biomechanics PhD candidate here, Joel Seedman is a complete joke. He has no peer reviewed publications in any respectful journal. He has no profile on google scholar or ResearchGate. The purpose of a PhD is to show that you are able to be an independent scientist and do research. His PhD means nothing, as he does not do or understand research. His website has a list of his "publications" and it's just a bunch of random articles he wrote that got posted on various websites.
@derossinator1510 28 дней назад
So he has a PhD in dahhh
@neuromechanist1227 28 дней назад
Crazy he has no publications considering his Ph.D. was at UGA!
@demoncore5342 28 дней назад
No offence man, not all doctors are clowns. But if your "science" is plain BS, your PhD is nothing but an appeal to authority.
@borg_uk 28 дней назад
Thank you for this! Brilliant!
@michaels.2331 27 дней назад
I agree with everything you said, but will add that another purpose of your PhD is to suffer until you learn how to solve a problem.
@oldgrizz8720 28 дней назад
When my sons were in high school, they had a trainer that believed these things such a quarter squats only and partial benches. I had trained my sons at home doing powerlifting and other styles of lifting. It was interesting that my sons were the strongest athletes in the school. The athletes trained by the trainer were always injured, and grew weaker. and weaker throughout the season. My sons were always getting yelled at for doing full range of motion. And heavier weights. I had to fight many battles with the trainer.
@fritzb.3978 28 дней назад
Thank god you did! Def need parents getting involved not just in helping with math, but it looks like even strength training!!
@oldgrizz8720 28 дней назад
@@fritzb.3978 Lifting with my sons are some of my greatest memories with them.
@ianslater3087 28 дней назад
Good for you man 👍
@Mrdest211 28 дней назад
The funniest thing about Seedman is that he'll argue with every single negative comment on IG, usually with something that amounts to "nuh uh".
@aghoover 28 дней назад
“Read the article” is a common retort of his.
@espenstoro 28 дней назад
Ah, the religious apologist playbook.
@King-O-Hell 28 дней назад
P.H.D. from the University of Bro Science
@jonstewart5386 28 дней назад
Hahaha, I had one of those back and forths with him. The dude won't back down.
@aghoover 28 дней назад
@@jonstewart5386 I’ve tried to be polite with him, as I’d like to think I have something to learn from everyone. But he contradicts himself from time to time. For example, he showed banded Nordic curls. By his 90 principle, athletes should go from stomach on the ground up to perpendicular. But that’s tough. He was promoting “quarter” Nordic curls. As is his style.
@warriorcircle 28 дней назад
Joel Seedless is an Austrailan expressive dance Phd who competed in break dancing at the Paris Olympics.
@spenndoolie 28 дней назад
How dare you compare him to Raygun
@trogdortheburninator8149 27 дней назад
Ha!! So true!!
@magnuslund2545 28 дней назад
I’m still amazed that people work so hard to convince people that new unusual methods work better than decades of proven methods with proven results from the top athletes. You don’t need a gimmick to be a good coach.
@christiansorensen5611 28 дней назад
Hey Mitchell, I love your videos. As a licensed, practicing physical therapist assistant, I want to point out that Joel Seedman uses the terms “active range of motion” (AROM) and “passive range of motion” (PROM) incorrectly. AROM means that the exerciser is moving the joint by himself/herself. PROM means that someone else is moving the joint for the exerciser because he/she is physically unable to move the joint. During a PROM exercise, the exerciser does not actively move the joint, but instead is passive…hence the term passive range of motion. Thus, Seedman saying that “x portion of the squat is the PROM” is straight up wrong. The entire squat is active range of motion. Either Seedman is so stupid, he doesn’t know what AROM and PROM actually means, or he’s purposely lying about the definitions to sell his stuff. Either way, that shows you how not credible Seedman is
@TheLazyLabrador 28 дней назад
First you exposed Eddie’s calorie exaggerations, and now you dismantled this clown’s ideas. I don’t know what to call this series, but it’s my favorite content you produce.
@JimStrader 28 дней назад
My dad always said 'if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.' Seems applicable.
@saure22 27 дней назад
Smart guy and exactly what Joel does.
@guye7426 29 дней назад
does the audio sound of or is it me
@manga4774 29 дней назад
its off
@HadrianCustodes 29 дней назад
I think he might've just been having issues with his mic, that or he had to use a cheaper one.
@Sevi-The-Heavy 29 дней назад
Potato mic
@DylanClaggett 28 дней назад
His voice is echoing and it may be reflecting off the glass in front of him and the mic is sensitive enough to pick it up I bet if he moves the glass his voice would not echo as long/ bad
@DylanClaggett 28 дней назад
The room is making it echo it must be pretty empty
@Pistolita221 28 дней назад
a PERSONAL trainer saying everyoine's body is the same?! lmfao, why do people pay more for personal training, then? To hit on their trainer? lmao. Thanks for explaining this to people, Mitch. This guy's got every red-flag in the book, and you're doing a great job explaining it. LHBK!
@pdb189 29 дней назад
Is it just me, or are the trophies multiplying and will soon force Mitch out of frame entirely?
@gregh4150 28 дней назад
Saying someone shouldn't practice competition depth on squat is like telling an olympic weightlifter to ONLY do snatch grip deadlifts and overhead squat for their snatch progress
@gibbsm 28 дней назад
Do you know what punctuation is?
@3van3rown 28 дней назад
Whenever I hear people say they want to do "stability" exercises, my response is, "So you don't want to effectively train the target muscle? Got it, we'll do something that wastes time then!"
@drip369 29 дней назад
I actually refer to him as a living meme
@Schmuddel 28 дней назад
I'm working on my master's now and I have the same issues with him that you do from an educational standpoint. Those letters, "Dr," gave him a career based on one unremarkable paper that resulted in no further research. He's a textbook example of how the PhD should not be handed out to anyone who invests the time and money in the pursuit of one. The recent breakdancing debacle at the Olympics, where an Australian woman with a PhD on breakdancing culture embarassed herself and her country, is another illustrative example of how doctorates are losing their credibility as signs of authority and expertise. Seedman is particularly bad since he will certainly get people hurt.
@ClayHales 26 дней назад
If I'm not mistaken, he saw one study that said 90 degrees at the knee on the squat had the highest force. He decided that makes anything lower than 90 degrees is bad. Then he extrapolated that to every joint in the body. And then he added a religious element and said that's the way god intended us to operate.
@djf41393 28 дней назад
Is making a Joel Seedman video a right of passage for fitness/strength youtubers now? It feels like a requirement at this point.
@MikeBarbarossa 28 дней назад
Seedman's grift- It's hard to make money teaching basic lifting techniques, which can be learned fairly quickly on your own, so you develop complicated proprietary techniques only you know, push that they are superior, and charge clients to teach them the unique "secrets"
@TearTheRoof0ff 28 дней назад
"90°" seems disingenuous when generally people tend to think of 90° from vertical i.e. what we would call 'parallel' (with the floor), as opposed to the angle made at e.g. the knee, which is obviously extended out over the toes making a quarter squat actually '90°' at the knee.
@vitor301980 27 дней назад
Is Joel Seedman copying something that was popular in the late 90's. I remember in 1997 I was squating down to parallel on my squats. I had one of "strong" guys in the gym come up to me and tell me all I had to so was hit 90 degrees in my joint angles. There were a bunch of people at this gym training like this. Needless to say I ignored them.
@flyingbandannas 29 дней назад
Like your opinions on this, but i would like to note that your audio on this video is not great. Not sure if there was a change in mic or location or both, but sounds like you are talking into a metal can. don't want that to take away from message just some constructive criticism.
@mitchellhooperstrongman 29 дней назад
100% agree. My microphone was OOO, definitely won’t be like this in the future
@buckybryan550 28 дней назад
I think Nick Best would have something to say about deadlift foot placement and form.
@pna213 28 дней назад
I'd turn to Seedman's stuff if I ever needed tips for a circus act, but I'll pass on the fitness advice
@Psycho-Ssnake 20 дней назад
@Valla451 29 дней назад
I cant wait to see the footage of juiced up cells hitting a 6 plate PR
@larrytate1657 28 дней назад
For a half a rep.
@user-rx9pp6wl3t 28 дней назад
I am real glad that your using your platform, achievements, and knowledge to inform people of all the horse$%&# about physical training that's on social media. Not only are you educated in the subject but you also seem to have the intelligence to question the efficacy of the information being taught. (some don't)
@InlineDownhillVancouver 28 дней назад
Thank you for accurately refuting popularized misinformation. Credentials are not peer reviewed data or empirical evidence.
@billkelleher551 28 дней назад
Joel Seedman is the Rachel "Raygun" Gunn of the weightlifting world.
@HanleiHess 29 дней назад
You're onto something good, keep it rolling
@calebgodard4554 28 дней назад
"Gym fail compilation with a PhD" 😂. Great video
@andrewhauge2489 28 дней назад
Great point do not be scared of full range of motion what would be the point of the gym!
@inversionofcontrol163 28 дней назад
btw Martins Licis is the guy who trains slow eccentric on deadlifts
@MichelleScott-um2iz 29 дней назад
Love your style, keep rocking it!
@MrSpwn 28 дней назад
The reason people like Joel Seedman get any kind of following is because they promise a magic solution that is less work than what it really takes to build muscle and get strong...
@Horus-Lupercal 20 дней назад
People who learn to embrace and love the grind, live far better lives.
@seanb342 27 дней назад
note for the editor: it's spelled "gait"
@ginosantiago3061 28 дней назад
His 90 degree squat hurts my eyes and my heart. It not because of the depth. I am not a judgemental person. The way he snap the knees when he come up is really hard for me to look at. When it come to depth, my belief is that as lone as the person know how low they are going, it is good. What is bad is when a person think they going ATG but in reality they are doing a seedman. I would recomend this 90 degree squat to anyone recovery from a coma or to anyone I just dont like.
@gaborianimprovisation7627 26 дней назад
Most people want the secret to gains so they eat this shit up from Joel. Its because most people have 0 intensity and work out for 3 months thinking they should be jacked now. Intensity + consistency + time = gains Basic movements work. It's your motivation and intensity that suck!
@HEAR_Instrumentals 28 дней назад
Joel Seedman is basically Terrence Howard of the fitness industry...
@Vintage_geek 28 дней назад
Arguably worse... Howard being an uneducated outsider makes it easy for even people without deep education in physics and math to call out his BS, while as Hooper very properly pointed out, Seedman hides behind his academic credentials to dismiss valid counterpoints.
@juddworkout5740 21 день назад
PHD - Piled Higher and Deeper. Between this guy and the Aussie breakdancer, really calls in to question the standards.
@Jagknorr 28 дней назад
Woah woah woah woah, youre supposed to lift heavy and be kind - you’re calling this guy straight out and being a big meanie!! ……and im all for it 😂
@Lioish 20 дней назад
Once eastern squat toilets introduced to North America, We can eliminate the squat depth discussion once and for all.
@ragingmoderate6791 28 дней назад
Seed man has never squatted past 45° let alone to 90. The Moose is much nicer than I would ever be. I videod myself doing 325 1RM and then a 225 warmup, and when I saw I wasn't hitting past 90, I found something to touch my butt to so I had a cue to go off of. Dropped the weight to 225 working sets and rebuilt my squat.
@jemclenachan 17 дней назад
Awesome video Mitch. Cheers from Ottawa.
@carlh296 27 дней назад
Some great one liners in there Mitch, keep these videos coming !
@FartyHarley 27 дней назад
Proof that a PhD doesn’t make you an expert: Olympic break dancing and Joel Seedman
@AndrewKuntzman 28 дней назад
Please do a video on the cellerciser trampoline guy. Who has all kinds of claims about “rebounding”
@stevecomereski2217 28 дней назад
Like I've said before, luv you and your content. With your Education and your accomplishments in Strongman, Your advice definately dominates anyone else online. This guy is basically telling everyone stuff that will get them injured !! If they break the precipice of that 90*, they will plummet to the bottom of the lift bcuz they went beyond their strength range !! Keep putting out the CORRECT Advice and inspiational videos.. Your awesome attitude and intent to help people make you One of the Best inspirations in Strongman !!🤜🤛
@toasterpoppin8717 28 дней назад
Almost always correct. PhD is a research doctorate. There are clinical doctorates which are not research based. DNP (doctor of nursing practice), DPT (doctor of physical therapy). In the world of academic knowledge we are information rich but implementation poor. The role of clinical doctorate is is to help bridge the gap and understand and implement the most up to date research in daily practice. Source- I’m a DNP.
@What-he5pr 28 дней назад
Kinesiology PhD is what the video is discussing. Not sure why you felt the need to comment about unrelated topics.
@toasterpoppin8717 28 дней назад
@@What-he5pr I was responding to a comment he made near the beginning of the video numbnuts. How about if you don’t like my comment, just mind your own business?
@Starless85 21 день назад
“Dr.” has essentially become this inbuilt appeal to authority. Any time you see Dr. your first question should be “of what?”.
@LakeManship 27 дней назад
“way more right ways than wrong ways” is a great way to look at it for a beginner. love it.
@jonathanmcgowen3073 28 дней назад
I wouldn't mind a series on the strength-focused influencers since that is your background. My #1 goal is long term strength.
@ratillecebrasquedubitantiu4451 16 дней назад
I thoroughly enjoy the fact i know SIGNIFICANTLY more about body mechanics than someone with a Phd in the subject.
@moopius 28 дней назад
I would love to hear Mitch's perspective of Squat University. I love the channel and have improved my lifting with less pain by following their advice.
@TB-me1gc 28 дней назад
Ruing your gate sounds very very wrong
@Major.Tom.1973 28 дней назад
6:47 are his toes pointing inwards?
@republicjim120 28 дней назад
You know, I believe they are! I had not even noticed. He must be trying to "engage his ankles" by greatly increasing the rotational torque on his knees.
@brendanbannister841 23 дня назад
My ears perked up a little when Injury Risk Factors Associated with Weight Training was mentioned. I'm no academic in the realm of kinesiology, so I could be totally wrong, but wouldn't Movement be a factor in Injury, along with Age, Load and Volume? Someone could be in their physical prime, moving a weight that is within their tolerable range, and a volume that is within safe or acceptable parameters, but if their movement pattern is off, that could risk undue force on bone tissue and damage to soft tissue, right? I'm just imagining someone squatting or deadlifting but then they suddenly pitch forward and turn the squat into a painful looking goodmorning, or their barbell lift off the floor is all in their hyper flexed back.
@Horus-Lupercal 20 дней назад
"Personal Trainers" like this are exactly why I've lost hope on becoming a P.T over the years. Dishonest marketing and connections matter far more than results it seems.
@tynstar6462 25 дней назад
I loved watching you call the guy a complete moron without saying he is a complete moron.
@NickMach007 28 дней назад
Appreciate the thoughtfulness of this critique.
@matthewday7975 22 дня назад
His quarter squats are good for verticle explosiveness. You can go heavier in the range that is used for jumping. But rhey should be used in conjunction with either full or competition squats if you are looking for the verticle wxplosivebess in sports
@Inexpugnable007 28 дней назад
Which the video had some pics that described what you were referring to.
@sampenno4368 27 дней назад
This channel is elite, Mitch you’re great my friend 🎉🎉
@neilkirkley1500 26 дней назад
Heres me trying to improve my Range of Motion, what a fool i am...
@dksongg 26 дней назад
Mitchell I wished what you were saying “He’s only doing this for social media and not at his actual gym” was true. I went to UGA and I’ve worked out at the campus gym and saw him training people the same way he posts videos…. Absolutely wild lol
@hammertimebc1934 22 дня назад
Wsm trophy perfectly demonstrating mitch hooper squat depth at SMOE.
@jeffreyfine558 28 дней назад
Famed trainer of many athletes including various disciplines in the Olympics. Charles Poliquin said half squats half legs. Need we say more.
@JoeMazzolaTheFirstPersonCook 28 дней назад
I wonder how he reacts to people linking the growing body of research on lengthened training. I knew from jump he was a charlatan but the fact that the research is so specifically opposite to his methods is just funny
@joekekker1581 19 дней назад
The dumbest part of the 90⁰ protocol is that he changes up whether it's the top half or the bottom half depending on the movement. Bench press? Peak flexion BAD. Pull up? Peak contraction BAD.
@philforde5871 28 дней назад
Internet charlatans are all too common. Mitches advice in contrast, is very grounded and supported. I follow his recommendations.
@noosphericaltarzan 28 дней назад
I think sports-oriented lifters need to divorce from aesthetic-oriented trainers because we use similar language but with completely different contexts, and in some cases different meanings. Weightlifter, Strongmen, powerlifters, track and field athletes, etc. all have objective performance metrics to achieve. So questions about squat depth depend on what phase of training they are in and what exactly they are training for. Sprinters may want squat deep off season but do quarter or half reps during their season. An aesthetic lifter's metric is just "do I look bigger". Maybe you don't need full ROM for that. I don't really know. But if I didn't squat to full depth, I wouldn't be able to full snatch and squat clean, and if I can't do those things, then I can't run as fast as possible.
@anthonycaruso5527 22 дня назад
He had videos of training Chris Carson and Will Fuller a few seasons ago....didnt hear a peep from them ever since
@ebutuoyYT 28 дней назад
An expert is somebody that hopefully knows a lot, about a little.
@nullispointer 27 дней назад
Based on his squats 6:52 I'm thinking maybe he means his knee joint is forming a 90 degree angle? Rather than what I think most people would mean, which is that your femurs are parallel to the ground (90 degrees from vertical)
@bigbruhboo 28 дней назад
i have been loving these videos, you gave me a correction in the comments on a previous one and these have just given me more and more to research; keep it up! on the equipment theres also a danger to dropping fast in especially single ply of blowing out your suit or shirt and if your raw max is 365 but your single ply bench is 500 you are screwed if the shirt blows theres reason we come down slow also tight gear just makes it hard to touch in general i would love to see joel try to survive an equip session
@Voidrunner01 29 дней назад
I see someone taking down Seedman, I click like. I'm a simple man.
@cyberneticstrongman7095 28 дней назад
Thank you so much for the valuable content!
@sammathews2460 28 дней назад
Thanks for dispelling the Joel Seedman myths.I'd say you and Dr Mike Iratael are great for learning about your individual disciplines. Also Athlean X is great for injury avoidance/rehab, but I know your an authority as well so would be good to hear more of your knowledge on this subject as well. I.e what accessory work do you do alongside your strongman training, if any?
@Wartakles 28 дней назад
AthleanX promotes pointless exercises. Of course you won't get injured in this obscure bs regiment.
@randallgd 28 дней назад
Mitch I get this guy is a clown, my question is why are you even covering him? I would guess most of your subscribers would rather hear about your training. Your the star here man :)
@canalefit4819 28 дней назад
As a PhD holder, Seedman makes me feel dirty
@samk2407 28 дней назад
I think there is something to the idea that squatting completely ass to grass is not as beneficial for hypertrophy as simply going below parallel. To be clear tho what seedman is recommending is insane, and bro science and real science alike tell you its BS and won't work. I do think tho that not "bottoming out" your range of motion to the point where your hitting the end of your joints has benefits. Personally I find that the very bottom of the squat is: A) the most limited by ankle mobility which I personally struggle with, and B) begins to allow you to rest somewhat on your structure, bones tendons etc. in ways that don't happen in the first 80% of the squat and C) you can use more load and balance it more comfortably if you go most of the way down but not till youre truly locked out at the bottom. D) when I squat allllll the way down with weight it almost becomes more of a core bracing movement than a leg movement which requires a lot of internal pressure and neural drive going to things that are not the main movers of the weight. (Not bad if you want a strong core, but also taking away from potential leg gains) Id personally say if you can go full atg comfortably that's great and if you have that as a goal for other reasons thats also great but just for strength training is not really necessary and might actually kinda hurt you gains wise.
@JesseEllsworth 27 дней назад
I couldn't focus, Mitch, that trophy stand is screaming to be dusted.
@elwynsmith5092 28 дней назад
Thanks good info !
@kxs7267 28 дней назад
Now I absolutely have to hunt up the Telander/Seedman training swap - sounds highly illuminating. (And entertaining!) Having watched some of Ben Patrick's (Knees over Toes guy's) stuff recently, it strikes me that he and Seedman are about as opposite in concepts as it's possible to be... Patrick does have his hobby horse, but to my inexpert eye it seems like a rather more sensible one than Seedman's. By the way, thanks for a nice clear explanation of principles and the supporting research.
@DavidVirtanen 28 дней назад
Mitchell Your Office Looks Awesome 🔥🔥🔥🔥💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
@andrewfriedrichs9340 28 дней назад
RIP to one of the better channels on RU-vid. It was a good rub, but it's been eaten by the algorithm. If you ever return we will be here to welcome you back.
@Leman.Russ.6thLegion 15 дней назад
I'm pretty sure all babies, and anyone who slav squats have been a universal norm.
@DavidVirtanen 28 дней назад
Can you do a video about could Greg Kovacs Won The World's Strongest Man?
@mikebitting8616 27 дней назад
Mr. Hooper, please talk about people who are doing things right.
@steverapos3904 22 дня назад
Probably helps avoid injury at the cost of everything else
@mattwells5022 29 дней назад
Jason Gallant is an interesting dude I used to watch his videos hes big into partial reps.
@user-je2fz5mc7w 23 дня назад
I liked that you pulled out the research for your argument! Proper.
@voorindeklas 28 дней назад
You were kind to Dr Seedman with the videos you show of the man. There are some real "gems", bamboo-squatbar full of bands with kettlebells swinging to name one. Want to see a less kind video watch the one Dr Mike did on Seedman.
@justinthomas5080 28 дней назад
Enjoy the video, sir people don’t understand practical real world versus clinical research
@RedHeadSH0T 21 день назад
Mitch where's the mic? :/
@birdman4birdlegs 26 дней назад
Me: Hey Joel why do you think you're training is superior ? Joel: It insists upon itself.
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