
EXPOSED! Rebbe Letter Reveals Why Candace Owen’s Hates Jews 

Aryeh Weinstein
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15 сен 2024




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@BrotherMikeBCSF 22 дня назад
@Awtsmoos 10 дней назад
This video aged very well lol
@RabbiTuviaBolton 24 дня назад
In Nazi Germany among the first to embrace Nazism and to justify it scientifically were the professors.
@LazarChill8514-zf5qw 24 дня назад
And in amerika and the world the professors embrace communism and jew hatred.
@justinludeman8424 24 дня назад
@unisophia 24 дня назад
same as with Communism
@israelizzyyarrashamiaak766 23 дня назад
Don’t forget - the diocese …. They seem to continually get a pass on things because it’s “the church” well it’s a church with an outrageous bloody past and she swapped over then went nuts so the 2 events are connected. One simply doesn’t join a church then lose their mind because they found God, idk what she found but she didn’t find God.
@anubisofearth4018 21 день назад
Cool story, but the ones who DID IT were ziontologists. Have fun trying to prove me wrong, lol.
@user-Jenn82 21 день назад
I love the Jewish people! I’m a Christian and the true Christian’s know the Bible teaches us that we are to Bless the Jews and Israel. True Christian’s also know God has an everlasting covenant with Israel and the descendants of Jacob (the Jews). Much love to you all 🙏🇮🇱❤️✡️
@whatgives1482 21 день назад
You need to reread it apparently. God was speaking to Abraham.
@user-Jenn82 21 день назад
@@whatgives1482 the promises was given to Abraham in regards to the Promised Son Issac. God was speaking about Abraham’s descendants inheriting the land of Israel. God promised Abraham and Sara a son (Issac). Through the seed of Issac would come the great nations. Abraham was impatient with the promise and had Ismael with Hagar. Ishmael is not the promised son. He was never the promised son.
@alexcorleone3926 10 дней назад
@@user-Jenn82This is what god said about Abrahams first son Ishmael. Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation.
@user-Jenn82 9 дней назад
@@alexcorleone3926 yes that is true but because Issac is the Promised Son, the descendants of Ishmael sometimes dislike the promised Seed. That’s why the Bible says this: "The angel of the LORD also said to her: "You are now pregnant and you will give birth to a son. You shall name him Ishmael, for the LORD has heard of your misery. 12 He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers ."(Genesis 16:11-12)
@christinechongwo3795 24 дня назад
I am a Kenyan Christian, and I LOVE the Jews. Used to listen to Candace, but after October 7, I can't stand her
@breakingbadenterprise328 24 дня назад
Jews sold Blacks as slaves.
@janmckay6591 24 дня назад
Amen! 🇳🇿❤️🇮🇱
@tippytalk 24 дня назад
I feel exactly the same way . I keep wondering what it was that I missed those years that I listened to her
@mikeboyo1406 24 дня назад
Haha from you are lucky the Zionist didn't put the country of Israel finally in Uganda. Africans open your eyes
@user-zo4mk9iv8c 24 дня назад
I have NO idea who this Candace is. I am into spirituality not celebrity worship. These unkown famous with oversized egos are not part of my world. As an intellectual i make up my own mind after studying a topic. Also i search for truth. What kind of Catholic ? Traditionalist right right wing extrem idiots? Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi who preached love, compassion, and hence the Jewish Faith. But he also was probably descendant of King David and crowds followed him to listen to him. Romans murdered him as he posed a threat to their colonising, and to the Sanhedrin who were trying to juggle with roman occupation as well as to keep the Temple going they had to compromise. It is impossible to kill God. In the Old Testament it written : "God is not a man that He should....". Check it up..
@SixOneNiner23 24 дня назад
It’s absolutely horrible what Candace is doing, because of people like her I was a right wing troll in 2016, I never hated anyone but I made horrible and some antisemitic jokes. I turned my life around but that’s when more problems started, anyway I visited a Temple for the first time yesterday and was beyond impressed and saddened by what Jews are going through with this BS right now. People need a way back home:
@amethyst4990 24 дня назад
Hey I appreciate you changing your thinking to not being antisemetic sending hugs 🫂
@khava007 24 дня назад
they need ...Jesus....PERIOD
@khava007 24 дня назад
overused word...ANTISEMITIC..
@SixOneNiner23 24 дня назад
@@khava007 Jews have the right to a secure homeland and a right not to live in fear in the US. Why be divisive when the world needs unity?
@khava007 24 дня назад
@@SixOneNiner23 i agree..totally
@elizabethcoutts5203 23 дня назад
As a Christian I find Candace’s recent attacks on my Jewish brethren to be hateful and abhorrent. 😔
@will4us 23 дня назад
She doesn't hate Jews. She disagrees strongly with Israel/Palestine history especially how Israel come to be and historical twist of the events that led up to the conflicts we have had since. I don't think she is antisemetic or anti-Jewish but probably anti-zionist.
@Lana-hb6xf 23 дня назад
My opinion is that she is an opportunist, she has made 360. She was BLM, remember? she was antifa...then she did 180 and became a conservative ( and thanks to Jews got big Prager University and Ben Shapiro and as usual as in the civil rights movement they always do she turned on those whom she owed!!!!!! BTW....and now she will be on ABC instead of the View! ...boom another 180 and she is back to her true self because it's Arabs they will always support ... because the word for a black man in Arabic means slave 😢, she is an opportunist
@Lana-hb6xf 23 дня назад
@will4us 23 дня назад
@@Lana-hb6xf I said that because from research Anti-semitic = hostile or prejudice or racist towards Jews which I don’t she is being. Anti-Zionist = disagreeing or oppose to the formation of Israel as a state which I think she is being by disagreeing with the way or how Israel come to be with the USA, Europe and UK being complicit in that which has led us to be here with Israel/Palestine conflict.
@accesstotheredcarpet 23 дня назад
@@will4usYou’re all over the comments Will or you using a fake account to harass people and harassing Christians and Jews who stand with Israel. I’ve personally seen what Candace Owens attacks against Israel and the Jews. She even made libelous statements against a Jewish family. She believes Stalin is Jewish which is false. Stalin horrendously persecuted the Jews! Educate yourself. So stop bothering people!
@JMBBrasil 21 день назад
Im Christian and I support Israel!
@destinybaron5115 21 день назад
@annesilverman469 17 дней назад
Israel is home to a few religions❤
@deborahrosen165 24 дня назад
I am a Roman Catholic yet I support both the Jews and Israel 🇮🇱! ❤
@user-up5rt8dc1y 24 дня назад
You are not right in your mind then. Israel is destroying the jews and a great many jews and rabi's oppose Israel because they see the truth. Supporting zionist Israel is anti semetic.
@DW-gf7nd 24 дня назад
You need to support God and life. Remember the Creed " I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life. " As a practicing Catholic you cannot be a Zionist.
@lesamourai777 24 дня назад
What would Jesus say about the relentless bombing and killing of Gazans, almost half of which are children?
@Lestibournes 24 дня назад
​​@@lesamourai777What would he say about supporting the destruction of his own country and people and placing his birthplace under foreign occupation?
@Lestibournes 24 дня назад
I heard (please confirm this independently) that she and her husband belong to an offshoot branch of Catholicism that claims that all popes after WW2 are imposters and denies the validity of the changes in doctrine they made concerning Jews and Israel.
@katielee4892 24 дня назад
CHRISTians are supposed to be like their Master and above all seek PEACE.
@zenodotusofathens2122 23 дня назад
Im a Jew and i also revere the Rebbe. I agree with most of what you are saying. But you failed to distinguish the specific subgroup of Roman Catholicism that her her husband believes in. Thereby you left the impression the problem is Roman Catholicism in general. By so doing you committed the same fallacy that you condemn. Roman Catholicism is not anti-Semitic. Jews have many supporters among Roman Catholics.
@mauricecohen3830 23 дня назад
The Roman Catholic church was openly antisemitc until Vatican 2 (1965). There are many who still have not gotten the message. The current pope is useless.
@tippytalk 21 день назад
People don't realize how important it is to be careful on how they say things. I totally agree with you. Most Roman Catholics today are NOT of the same believes that Candace has adopted. I thank God for that.
@ras-chd 21 день назад
I think that the problem with Roman Catholicism is the statutes proflic in the place of worship
@Warriorking.1963 21 день назад
A genuine question, is her husband also antisemitic? I know her father-in-law's steaming mad about what she's doing, publically distancing himself from the hate she's spewing towards the Jews.
@ML-mu6vr 20 дней назад
Roman Catholicism is antisemitic as an ideology. That doesn't mean that all Roman catholics are.
@YtUser-c1c 24 дня назад
I am a Christian and I really hate replacement theology. My personal journey has led me to believe that over time, Christians have lost the plot, we are supposed to become more Jewish (i.e. keeping Torah, because there was complete lawlessness in the world by then). Even Yeshua said that not an iota or tittle of the (Torah) law would be changed or removed. When you read the New Testament from a Jewish perspective, and start reading the Old Testament with an open mind, it unfolds with so much richness. I think our faiths could be so much closer, both Jews and Christians should have more open minded conversations about this. Shabbat Shalom to all my Jewish brothers and sisters from the Netherlands 🇳🇱❤️🇮🇱
@tippytalk 24 дня назад
You are amazing
@mahalallel2012 24 дня назад
Unfortunately, they (majority of Jewish people) fundamentally do not believe in Jesus, where as Christians are open to adhering to the Torah.
@lisafalk-bourjeili1357 24 дня назад
​@mahalallel2012 can you blame them? Jesus was an amazing rabbi but did not fulfill all the prophecies. There is no peace and violence against the Jews has only worsened since the time of Jesus, with horrible atrocities and attempted actual attempts at genocide through a millenia. Would you trust an ideology that attempted to elimate your family from the face of the earth. It wasn't too long ago that the church was inciting violence against Jews regularly. Those teachings still exist, which are evidenced through the words Owen's is spouting and many more like her.
@mattikarosenthal3298 23 дня назад
@@mahalallel2012 of course because our Jewish Scriptures have a beginning and an end. Christians seem to think that the New Testament is a continuation of the Jewish Scriptures. It is not, but it cannot stand on its own.
@karlcrouch2641 23 дня назад
“Christians are to become more Jewish???” I think that was settled in Acts 15. Don’t over correct what you see as one error by leaning into another.
@eagle12687 24 дня назад
I am a born again Christian, and I love the Jewish people. People can criticize Jews all they want, but the simple truth is that according to Joshua 1 the land of Israel belongs to the Jews, and according to Genesis 12 God will bless those that bless Abraham and curse those that curse him. Jesus is Jewish. How could I worship a Jew and be antisemitic? May God bless Abraham and his people Israel. Psalms 22:16 “For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.” (KJV) Zechariah 13:6 “And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.” (KJV) Isaiah 53:10 “Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.” (KJV)
@user-xc6wd3hb4s 22 дня назад
Do you love the Arab people, or do you consider them "two legged animals"? Do you love a state founded on the rejection and hatred of Jesus Christ?
@joseyndaba5076 22 дня назад
I am also a Born Again Christian and in (Mat)‬ ‭5‬:‭22‬ our Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua Hamashiach) said “not to stand up against someone who does you wrong. On the contrary, if someone hits you on the right cheek, let him hit you on the left cheek too”. Romans‬ ‭12‬:‭21‬ says that we should NOT be overcome and conquered by evil, but overcome evil with good. The Bible says in Havakuk 2:12 “Woe to him who builds a city with blood and founds a town on injustice, so that people toil for what will be burned up, and nations exhaust themselves to no purpose. And about those who support this INJUSTICE Proverbs 24‬:‭24‬-‭25 says “He who tells the guilty, “You are innocent,” will be cursed by peoples, reviled by nations. In (Jhn)‬ ‭8‬:‭44‬ Christ told the Jews who wanted to crucify Him for telling them the TRUTH that they were NOT the Children Avraham (Real Jews) He said: “You belong to your father, Satan, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. From the start he was a murderer, and he has never stood by the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he is speaking in character; because he is a liar - indeed, the inventor of the lie!”
@tippytalk 21 день назад
The fact that so may Christians do not hate Jews, is a pure miracle that I am so grateful for. God bless you and all who believe in good and kind life.
@whatgives1482 21 день назад
Maybe read the New Testament once in a while. Jews need Jesus just like everyone else.
@shivadasa 21 день назад
Many Jews think Jesus was a false prophet.
@kimmielyons7046 22 дня назад
This Christian loves and prays for our brothers/ sisters in Israel 🇮🇱 ALL GLORY TO JESUS CHRIST YESHUA 🇺🇸✝️🕊✡️
@susanolson3611 8 дней назад
@wellingtonsh1 22 дня назад
I don't care about theological justifications. I fully support the State of Israel because the Jews are right. Unfortunately Israel is the only land where they can be sure they will remain safe. Even in America there are people calling for an end to them in Universities. Jews have a right to be safe, they have a right to their land.
@bradleybunk6463 21 день назад
They are safe when in the Lord. No worldly government can keep them safe without the Rock of faith.
@dawnemile7499 24 дня назад
Never mind Canadace Owens. Replacement theology is very arrogant.
@lisafalk-bourjeili1357 24 дня назад
And it was named a heresy by the church fathers over a thousand years ago... and yet it is still taught. 😢
@israelizzyyarrashamiaak766 23 дня назад
@@lisafalk-bourjeili1357church fathers in ww2 coordinated with the Nazis. Churches don’t get a pass just because they are a church. A bad church is as bad as anything secular. The church Candace joined has a very long history going back to the crusades and coming forward. Who is coordinating take overs of the west ? Church NGOs. Stop defending “the church” not all churches are of God or even know who God is. Some are building centered on worshipping some robes wearing deviant up front
@michekids 23 дня назад
And ignorant
@Angel-vb5ot 23 дня назад
It also denies God's faithfulness to His own promises.
@user-cw4lc8ye9y 21 день назад
I do not follow any religion which to me it's political... If God has chosen the jews to be his people! What about all the other peoples! It can not be my god cause of his discrimination towards the rest of us... When the Ottaman empire invade the Iberia peninsula, the jews went along and both committed atrocities towards the existing peoples of Iberia like: cutting they heads if they did not converted to Islam. Yes the jews went along with that.
@jms1595 21 день назад
I'm a former evangelical Protestant who converted to the Catholic faith 26 years ago, and there is nothing anti-semitic in Catholic teaching. Although I have come across a few anti-semitic Catholics here and there, that's not because of what the Church teaches but what they get from other sources that promote that sort of garbage.
@maximr6576 21 день назад
@@jms1595 it is so by definition. Real Catholics can't be antisemitic. Fake ones can.
@elkegoldberg3876 24 дня назад
Sorry, Candace has shown serious lack of intelligence and depth on many issues: her simplistic attitude toward science, her superficial understanding of politics, her stupidity in analysis of history, I could go on… the fact that she doesn’t know the date of the Russian revolution shows that she is willing to talk about things that she knows nothing about. And don’t get me started on her taking on Jordan Peterson! You give her way too much credit.
@sylvesterjonas9141 24 дня назад
I used to confuse her abilities to articulate as her profundity in reasoning but I came to realize that is not the case at all.
@mugenzimikizi5595 24 дня назад
​@@sylvesterjonas9141 Wow you just described my reasoning about the way I think she is. Can you please allow me to use this comment of yours elsewhere?😂
@muvaqjira 24 дня назад
and her NAACP lawsuit that she won against her high school.
@sylvesterjonas9141 24 дня назад
@@mugenzimikizi5595 Haha feel free
@KabulMM 24 дня назад
​@@mugenzimikizi5595find your own words
@sandym4839 23 дня назад
It was through learning about Islam that I finally understood what Iran and their cronies were doing to Israel and the rest of the world. Before that…the Islamists really had me fooled!
@Dr.Pepper001 23 дня назад
It's no wonder why Ben Shapiro fired Candace.
@RemoTschopp 20 дней назад
Dr. Dumb
@janmckay6591 24 дня назад
You can't be a born again Christian and not love what God loves. He loves the Jews and they are his chosen people albeit sinners too. The Gentiles were grafted into salvation. Salvation comes through the Jews. God sorts tge Jewish people. He waits for them to call, blessed is he, who comes in the name of the Lord. God bless Israel.🇳🇿❤️🇮🇱🙏
@jennypalmer331 24 дня назад
I used to follow Candance but dont any more, But have followed TBN for a no of years to know what is going on. I always want truth. Thank you
@maximr6576 21 день назад
@@jennypalmer331 same. She changed
@deliasaquin8114 24 дня назад
I love Israel❤, stand for Israel.
@jdard5308 23 дня назад
As she rose to heights and found wealth and notoriety all of this can change in a moment.
@molinaafo 23 дня назад
Christianity is not antisemitic. Little do you know. The New Testament is a Jewish book written 100% by Jews in the land of Israel. It is about Jesus the Jewish messiah. If you read, this become VERY apparent that it is the fulfillment of Judaism. Us gentile Christian’s understand this. Edit: Christ is not His last name. It is the Greek translation for Messiah. Jesus the Jewish Messiah. As Judaism is still seeking the messiah. We have him. His teachings are in line with Torah.
@destinybaron5115 21 день назад
The kindest supporters of Israel today are indeed Christians . Thank you ! The problems is with people like Candace who seems to use her Christianity to hate on Jews
@maximr6576 21 день назад
@abupinhus 18 дней назад
Great example of arrogance!
@molinaafo 18 дней назад
@@abupinhus Nope. Our Jewish friends have this misconception based on historical actions of political leaders, what their rabbis teach them, and having never actually read the New Testament…go figure. You can tell from the ignorant way they speak of Christianity. Mind you, as Islam wants to destroy them, we the real Christian’s have their back. Arrogance…no. Correction…yes.
@SimpleSavings690 16 дней назад
Jesus is all over the Old Testament. @eagle12687 comment contains a lot of Scripture about Jesus. The Jewish people knew that the Messiah would come, but they thought that when He came He would just assume the throne of His father David. They miss all the Scripture that said He would first be killed. Like the ones mentioned by @eagle12687 . Really amazing comment. It's VERY obvious that Satan tried to kill the Baby Jesus, the obvious Messiah (REVELATION 12). MATTHEW 2 tells of the exact way the Dragon (Satan) tried to kill Jesus. Now what was so special about a little boy, that a king would kill all newborns of the land just to get to that ONE Boy? Hmmm 🤔! We see that "HEROD-TYPE" behavior throughout History to the present day (October 7). Throughout History, we see the Jewish people being hunted down and killed. Why? What does Satan know, why he wants the Jewish people eliminated? Is Satan privy to some information?He gave visions to men that started a One BILLION member religion. This religion ( not everyone) is pursuing the Jewish people to kill them, and eliminate them from their country. Why is it so important to this religion that ISRAEL ceases to exist? What did Satan know that he caused one man to kill 6 million Jews? ANSWER: If the Jews are dead, then Jesus cannot come back and reign as King. If Israel ceases to exist, then the third temple won't be built, and Jesus won't return and reign as King of the Jews. Make no mistake! Satan is all behind this. He's being that hatred that MOST Catholics have for the Jewish people. He's behind the hatred Martin Luther had for the Jewish people. And he's behind H*mas and H*zbolah and I*ran etc. Make no mistake, he's behind Candace who has a very large audience. I have never met a born again Christian who hated the Jewish people and Israel. The reason is not just because we are told in the Word to love Israel and the Jewish people, the reason is because the Holy Spirit resides in us. And Satan doesn't have dominion over us, The Jewish Messiah does. THE JEWS ARE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, and the Salvation we Gentiles have is from the Jews. ISAIAH 11:10~ In Him shall the Gentiles trust. Israel will NOT cease to exist. GENESIS 13:15 DEUTERONOMY 1:8
@mosestyson6868 18 дней назад
I am Mauritanian from West Africa, and I'm with Israel and Jewish nation 💯 %
@brianbeag 24 дня назад
I am a lapsed Catholic which is not to say I don’t believe in the existence of Jesus, just I don’t accept the Catholic Church. As a Catholic I don’t recall ever being taught antisemitism although I have heard some Catholics mistakenly blaming Jews for the crucifixion of Jesus. I certainly learned that Judaism didn’t accept Jesus as the Messiah and consequently the New Testament, notwithstanding Messianic Judaism, a sect established in the mid 20th century. Whilst I was taught that Catholicism was the true Church, at the same time this did not mean non Catholics could not achieve salvation, merely the righteous path was via Catholicism - something I was never able to reconcile. But equally I am aware of the controversy surrounding Pope Pius XII, his signing of the Reichskonkordat with Hitler in 1933 and his inaction regarding the persecution of Jews during WW2. This led to many Jews being anti Catholic. So, there is undoubtedly an underlying issue amongst some Catholics and some Jews of each other. Regarding Candace Owen’s anti Jewish position this does seem to have occurred around the time of her conversion to Catholicism and although she has made provocative comments in exchanges with prominent Jews, for example ‘Christ is King’ I think her position is more based on personal life/work experiences which have very much played into some of the typical antisemitic tropes.
@mollyfriedman2013 24 дня назад
Her Jew hatred may have started from personal experiences, but has jumped to crazy new levels in which she is seeking out and then sharing extreme conspiracy theories highly demonizing Jews that have 0 factual basis.
@xispaster 24 дня назад
‘Christ is King Viva Cristo Rey !!!
@bomtombadil2639 24 дня назад
It's not incorrect to say it was jews who killed Jesus, they literally had him killed.
@sugerhitman1295 24 дня назад
Owens' taunt that Christ is King (He is), is literally used by her as a stab at Jews....She's arrogant, racist and a pseudo Christian.
@Mk-xw1yj 24 дня назад
Whatever she said, how can you suggest that a (true) Cristian can be antisemitic, whatever your definition? Jesus said "love your enemies" and never harmed anyone.
@mrharpable 24 дня назад
Who are the ‘enemies’?
@Mk-xw1yj 23 дня назад
@@mrharpable People who don't like us. They are not OUR enemies. We don't have any enemies. We love everybody, just as God loves everybody. Even very bad people can change 🙂 Thanks for the question
@beccalovescrafts 21 день назад
The Bible says there are many false Christians who will present themselves in sheep’s clothing.
@maximr6576 21 день назад
@@Mk-xw1yj that means she is not a true Christian
@김태희-x8q 23 дня назад
the Holy Spirit cries out, (Psalm 119:165) 'Great peace have they who love Your law.'"
@dawnemile7499 24 дня назад
The world is in a time of judgement at this very moment. Anguish of nations not knowing the way out is a tribulation.
@SG-zv2uc 24 дня назад
Interesting take. I guess that makes people who practice objectivism the cream of the crop. You give Candice too much credit though. She is street (or shall I say internet) smart but not science smart and she is obviously not well educated or at least not well rounded.
@EternallyHopeless 20 дней назад
I dont understand hatred towards any group. I love the Jewish people. When I was going to college, I lived in a Jewuish Community. Alot were elderly, and Ide go help them clean their homes, laundry and cooking. In exchange, they helped me with my different subjects, especially In Old Testament studies. They were so great. Most were orthodox but 1/3 was messianic, buy everyone got along great. They were a blessing to Me and I wish I would have had endless hours to just listen to all their knowledge, stories, etc. ❤❤❤❤❤ wonderful people, they were wonderful to me.❤❤❤❤❤
@jonwright4418 24 дня назад
Candice must remember people who live in glass houses don't throw stones. Smart folk act on this.
@thomasreaves588 23 дня назад
The glass house of Israel is throwing lots of stones.
@Danger-six. 22 дня назад
Literally israel lives in a glass house and is throwing stones in the form of war crimes
@maximr6576 21 день назад
​@@thomasreaves588who doesn't?
@hawaiinrainbow 23 дня назад
If only people would pick up a Bible and read where God keeps His covenants and promises. Also, everything is unfolding today the way God said it would. If a person doesn't try to listen to God's truth, then they start becoming one of the many who are fulfilling end times prophecy.
@gilbertocamacho6769 23 дня назад
I don't think Candance hates jews. She is just sharing what she believes to be true. So refute her talking points not her person.
@gedlauitstar2182 23 дня назад
She hates Jews. Her reaction after october 7 showed her true colors.
@ShmirchikArt 23 дня назад
Many people have refuted her bogus accusations, she's resurrecting the dead false accusations , she is very dangerous
@Techie281 23 дня назад
I respectfully disagree. Candace is smart enough to know that she is spreading hate against a people. How would she like it if the same level of hate was directed at her people, Black Americans?
@mauricecohen3830 23 дня назад
That's funny. Many Nazi criminals used a similar excuse. Adolph Eichmann claimed during his trial that he was not antisemitic.
@gilbertocamacho6769 23 дня назад
@@mauricecohen3830 He probably was telling the truth given his history as the ambassador to the nascent state of Israel and was on good terms with the Zionist founding fathers. He spoke fluent Hebrew and represented a government that was responsible for sixty percent of all its infrastructure investments. He was even given awards by Zionist.
@alg11297 22 дня назад
The story that the "Rebbe" attended prestigious universities in Europe and supposedly met very intelligent Nobel prize winners is about as bogus as everything else that's grown up about him. There are no records of his even attending the University of Berlin or the Sorbonne in Paris, and is it highly doubtful that either institution would allow him to attend. This would also assume that he could speak German and French very fluently and there is no video or record of his speaking anything other than Yiddish (and very broken English). I really wish these silly stories would end and this adulation of this man isn't really doing anyone any good.
@Shevock 24 дня назад
Thank you for your wisdom. As a lifelong Catholic I certainly have a bias for Catholics. And yet I am skeptical of converts who put themselves in the front of the tradition and guide it towards antisemitism. I'm no expert, but as a lifelong Catholic I was told the Jewish covenant/familial relationship was still active. And frankly I've learned more about God from Jewish scholars on RU-vid than I have many of the Catholics on RU-vid, who seem so ... unique and clicky, and now apparently antisemitic.
@keksi6844 24 дня назад
If you want to learn about God,learn from True Muslim not some Israeli Terrorist.
@GODOURSALVATION. 24 дня назад
Why Catholicism is wrong, is that it doesn't follow the word of God, it's man made. You need to obey God's teaching, not those of men, no matter how traditional.
@sugerhitman1295 24 дня назад
Are you Roman Catholic?
@C.E.Thomas1952 24 дня назад
Thank you for writing that. It is a good reminder to keep using our brainpower, to think, analyse, reflect and stay open even to ideas or whatever we don't agree with. Thank you again.
@unisophia 24 дня назад
I’m Jewish agnostic, or as I like to put it, non-militant atheist who is interested in Judaism as tradition and culture of my people, not as much as full blown religion… and I think that the Church did a great disservice to Christians by smearing Judaism and thus, preventing Christians from communicating with the source of their faith and tradition. it’s like cutting a branch off the tree and trying to grow a separate tree out of it… to some extent, they succeeded, but if they didn’t cut it, it could be so much better both for the branch and for the old tree…
@0restslepokura276 22 дня назад
Yet Elie Wiesel wrote: "Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone of hate - healthy, virile hate - for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German. To do otherwise would be a betrayal of the dead" (see Legends of Our Time). So it's OK to hate?
@bradleybunk6463 21 день назад
Yes, there is a righteous indignation and justifiable separation when applicable. It is not the same as hate according to ungodliness.
@skuelmo 6 дней назад
His opinion after surviving the holocaust. He was not a religious leader and nobody takes his opinion as a command. Do you love the 9/11 terrorists?!
@bruceallen6377 22 дня назад
I see it all the time, I have friends and family members that are engineers teachers financial advisors even professors that struggle socially and with common sense. It always seems like a problem with the heart, a lack of humility selflessness forgiveness giving and respect! Thanks for your channel!
@will4us 23 дня назад
She doesn't hate Jews. She disagrees strongly with Israel/Palestine history especially how Israel come to be and historical twist of the events that led up to the conflicts we have had since. I don't think she is antisemetic or anti-Jewish but probably anti-zionist.
@destinybaron5115 21 день назад
Anti zionsism in most cases is from antisemitism . "I want America destroyed but I have nothing against Americans " lol ! that's your logic
@esausjudeannephew6317 23 дня назад
This is why people find us annoying........ I want to see something about Candace Owens.... And he's schleping thru the whole thing.... taking forever to make the smallest point.
@Mara-sim 24 дня назад
Thank you for this posting. You have given me a lot to think about and to strive toward. Thank you and many blessings.
@bozenab1218 24 дня назад
Candace Owen dislikes of Jews, wasn't Catholicism, but Ben Shapiro.
@CYMRUKID69 23 дня назад
He rightly fired her.
@christinepaige2575 22 дня назад
@bozenab1218 I totally agree that firing Owens was the right thing to do. Just a small correction though, I believe the Daily Wire’s Jeremy Boering, who is a Christian, fired her.
@destinybaron5115 21 день назад
Like when she said jews are drunk on drinking christian blood ? umm okay
@CSUnger 24 дня назад
Many believers, both Jewish and Gentile, become “cognitive” believers only and never attain the point of becoming “functional” believers. In other words, it’s just an intellectual position and not one of the heart, transforming and shaping the individual. They retain their own personal biases and prejudices and cannot see past them nor see how they are being informed and influenced by them. That was what Christ was addressing when He made that enigmatic statement in John 12 concerning the “grain of wheat falling into the earth and dying” and why He counseled His followers to first “take the log out of” our own eyes before we attempted to correct others.
@miffy2760 24 дня назад
She’s “just asking questions” 😊
@sfb1219 24 дня назад
Agree ... and benjamin calling Palestinians amalek it's right there ... why do jews hate Armenian Christians????? Is it a holy war?
@ronaldshiffman9171 23 дня назад
Aryeh Weinstein, I wish you would halt, or at least slow down very much on your podcasts about Candace Owens. Jewish pod casters and some others are giving her way too much publicity which she hasn't earned. She is not well informed generally, on any subject. She says provocative things to entice listeners, but virtually nothing she says is worth hearing. Why make her into a celebrity?
@sukuntee 22 дня назад
I think Tate might be blackmailing Candace to be a pon to support n promote him while he’s under fire. Hes also muslim n against jews.
@amjz77 24 дня назад
Thank you for sharing clear and concise reasoning. Don’t pay attention those who can’t grasp what you are articulating so very well.
@bekytwining2522 18 дней назад
I used to like her but the hatred she is spreading is dreadful, even her Bristish father in law is disgusted! What hapens to her?!
@BA-mv8pp 24 дня назад
She followed facts where they lead. Simple.
@elainetrewartha3923 24 дня назад
She ignored many more facts than she followed. Not so simple.
@accesstotheredcarpet 23 дня назад
She lied about Stalin being Jewish to which he is not. Those are false. You lied too. You’re the same as her.
@aliyasystemritayossi524 24 дня назад
I hope her visa to Australia is rejected. She needs to be shamed. She had a fatuation of rubbishing Megan Markle but that wore off
@johnbear6145 24 дня назад
I can't join any cult thinking..I stay with keeping my faith in GOD ...I reject all attempts by man to think in any particular way... I keep my mind, faith and heart set on the GOD Almighty and HIS COVENANT WORD.."God is not a man that He should lie nor the son of man that He should repent, has He not said it and shall He not do it or has He not spoken it and shall He not make it good".....GODS WORD KEEPS US subjective...we should hear everyone's ideas...group think gets us nowhere..why are you trying to turn people against Candace Owen's....Does everyone get everything 100% right?...group think is dangerous think..remember the Nazis?
@kristine8338 24 дня назад
Stick to the letter of the Rebbe. Thank you for sharing this content on YT.
@janegranger6821 24 дня назад
Thank you. Very enlightening.
@digitzto 22 дня назад
Zioni$t$ are not the cream of the crop!
@rightousliving 23 дня назад
Candace is not antisemitic but shows concern that unfair favouritism is given to Israel for political interests of an elite. I don’t agree with her assessment and believe she is wrong about the Palestinian conflict and having converted to Catholicism has blindsided her unfortunately.
@GT-mc9eg 23 дня назад
She's a Hamas supporter. And a not a real Conservative who thinks Andrew Tate, is a good guy.
@MikkiWillis 23 дня назад
Yet no one will directly challenge her claims. Just smears. Call for a debate.
@destinybaron5115 21 день назад
Watch Brown respond to her stupid claims . Its laughable and sad
@ismey7548 22 дня назад
Candace is the GOAT 😊
@tridsonline 23 дня назад
👍 I admire your tolerance for someone who can't consider that she might be wrong. Perhaps the first sign of her flakiness was her affectation of dropping "T"s when she speaks. All just shows how wrong i was in my initial assessment of her, when i took her for a clear-thinking common-sense and articulate intellectual 😂
@Bigdave203 23 дня назад
I find Candace Owens disturbing as well, and certainly, her views have become antisemitic. That being said a disagreement with Israelis actions does not constitute hate of the Jews. Personally i have great sympathy and support Israel. Israel has a right to defend herself. I also dont support sending aid to foreign countries and believe at least officially we should keep diplomatic neutrality. I dont wanna argue about political positions but we need to be careful to not use antisemitism too broadly because much like racism it xan quickly lose its meaning. One can love jews yet still criticize Israel or not what American money sent especially in light of our national debt. My great grandfather survived one of the concentration camps so technically i may be counted a jew although im not religiously or culturally.
@johnhenryruminski8662 24 дня назад
@JosephDiveley 24 дня назад
It's one of the most evil statements in the world. "If you can't say something nice then say nothing at all." When you see evil then you should REBUKE it. Not tolerate it like a coward afraid of confrontation. When good people do nothing evil will reign.
@JosephDiveley 24 дня назад
As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear. 1 Timothy 5:20
@susanolson3611 8 дней назад
The bible is very clear about how much God loves the Jews. I have never understood the Catholic's hostility to them. Almost every Christian I know thinks of Jews as brothers and Catholicism as a cult.
@CeterisParibus-te5wv 23 дня назад
Btw, not a fan of Candice at all. I agree with most of the comments on her approach and insulting simplicity and pretending to understand complex matters just by reading a short text. This one she got!
@judah2427 23 дня назад
Revelation 2:9 [9]I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
@marciem2498 24 дня назад
The expression is "Separate the wheat from the chaff". The best of the best is the "cream of the crop". 😉
@spencermorris5873 23 дня назад
It’s very simple. Candace has a remarkably delicate ego and she’s extremely emotionally immature
@KONSENTIDABTA 18 дней назад
She doesn’t hate jews, she makes questions about how power has been used and manipulated by people claiming to be jews, that do not represent the dear and beloved people of Israel, as the bible says not all those that call me lord are real, what she claims is that nobody talks or defends the Christians that in the past and now are being killed in different countries because of their faith, thats not antisemitism at all
@urban_godsatl4571 24 дня назад
Ban AIPAC asap
@arthurjacksonjr6432 19 дней назад
Candace had not said a negative thing about Jews. There are more important things going on this country.
@GradSoli7 19 дней назад
They’re after her because she isn’t pro Zionist. They need all media no matter how big or small to be pro Israel and pro Zionist, otherwise they fall.
@istenenergia8373 24 дня назад
I think youdaism is not objective about itself and provides gaslighting and avoids every kind of self-reflection when addressing hate.
@micksimeon708 23 дня назад
What's not to hate about Jews who are not for Jesus.
@JCB171 21 день назад
I use to have a great amount of respect for Candace Owens but at this point, I can't think of a man, or a Woman I could respect any less. Somewhere this woman has become radicalized.
@greensage395 23 дня назад
We are told of that "Strong's" Delusion given unto them, those who believed not the Truth, yet, took pleasure in the Lie. It is of no pleasure to explain to the world that changing Yiddish into Hebrew did not bring forth Judah, that it only perpetuated the Beast of Revelation. Truly! Magog is the mother of that "Sin of Gog", that of Satan's Seat...and we know that Temple of Pergamon sits in Berlin!
@ivinolove3960 23 дня назад
And not a word about the innocent children of Palestine?😢
@chalmapatterson544 22 дня назад
You may want to take that up with Hamas since they love using innocent children and civilians as human shields.
@destinybaron5115 21 день назад
You mean like how their parents murdered jewish babies or gave cover to those who do and now they are sacrificing their own children to the pagan islamic Jihad ?
@cocokai9661 21 день назад
Their daddies raped women, children and men. Their daddies put babies into ovens and cooked them alive. Their daddies murdered children, deliberately, in front of their parents. Their daddies dragged innocent ISRAELI children back to serve as human shields and pawns in their evil war. Their daddies (and mothers) have rejected every offer of peace offered to them. Their daddies and mothers have rejected a two state solution. Their daddies and mothers have said, repeatedly, that they want to kill every Jew and only then will there be peace. In WW2 many innocent German children lost their lives. Far more innocent German children were killed in those few years than all the Palestinian children killed in the last 70 years of this war. This is what happens when evil rises and wars break out. So maybe it's time for those Palestinian Daddies and mommies to show they give a damn about their children and stop this hateful war they started. Even the NAZIs cared enough about their children to surrender. But the truth is, the Palestinians don't care enough about their children to do the right thing.
@ivinolove3960 19 дней назад
@chalmapatterson544 there is no bigger satanic evil than israel in this world:( May God forgive you.. You overshadow hamas, isis even the US army
@fetarebel18 23 дня назад
So what’s the problem if you hate religion ??!! What’s the difference between hate Islam . Judaism Christianity
@Danger-six. 22 дня назад
Honestly criticism of Israel's clear crimes is not anti Semitism nor is that phrase taken as seriously as it was due it's flippant Misuse
@gooiehoop20 24 дня назад
Thank you for this interesting video. About Christianity. I am a late convert to Christianity, and think in a logical, rational manner, while being aware of my ignorance in most things (as we all are) so when I started studying the Bible, I had a problem finding the best source to understand various books in the Bible. Paul's Letter to the Romans is a deep theological letter. I had difficulty seeing Paul's presupposition assumptions when I read , e.g. Calvinist commentaries. But the breakthrough came after studying Chabad Chasidic philosophy, and then reading Romans through that lens. After all a basic Christian truth is, as Jesus stated, "Salvation is of the Jews."
@bradleybunk6463 21 день назад
Interesting comment.
@shafiemoosa4659 18 дней назад
Are you hater for speaking the truth? Are you a hater for calling for the genocide to end? Candace you the voice for the voiceless and a true humanitarian.
@dailychassidus 23 дня назад
where's the link to the Rebbe letter you quote? with thanks.
@robertoa.m.3984 24 дня назад
I feel sorry for Candace. She was a great and enlightened person, who has now strayed to a very biased and dangerous path.
@thetoknboxshow 23 дня назад
Well, if you voted for the Republican Party. This is what you vote(d) for. 🤷
@uriel7203 23 дня назад
I would like yo make monor correction, which actually makes the whole difference. There are many Catholics who support Jews and Israel. But what makes her different is that she joined a type of Catholicism that rejects the "second Vatican council," which rejected a lot of the antisemitic rhetoric. And it really is that which makes all the difference. She was, at one point, very fond of Jews. But she went off the deep end because she just indulges in conspiracy theories, and Hashem knows how many conspiracy theories there are about the Jews. It's simply a gold mine where she thrives in. In a kind of sick way, you got to be happy for her. She found something that speaks to her conspiratorial mindset. She found her sick version of peace.
@jerryladd6582 23 дня назад
Amen, yes sir. God bless Israel and the Jewish people.
@HowlingWo1f 24 дня назад
I’m glad you spoke to this issue and the way you dealt with it,, it’s a frightening time to be a Jew, but I definitely don’t think us going out screaming AntiSemitism is the right thing, They know what they're doing, It’s like a narcissist gaslighting us for a reaction. In this case there’s no use to debate and best to ignore it. Thanks Rebbi.
@FloridaIndependent 24 дня назад
Ignore? Just like in World War 2?????????!!!!!
@SeventyFour-e9i 24 дня назад
You people are paranoid. You control most levers of power, media, have AIpAC people assigned to USA politicians, receive billions to bomb refugee camps, own most c o r n o g r a p h y studios and have a history of trying to destroy your host countries. You are the sinagogue of s a t a n.
@dianehghzn7670 24 дня назад
@@FloridaIndependentget over it is what is meant here ( nobody should ignore it only shows our ignorance unfortunately love all respect all ( listen to me I cant stand Muslims and their ignorant politics ) you see ?????? We all have our little pet hates Amen 💟☮️☸️✝️🛐🕉️🌹🌈🌈🌈🙏🙏🙏🍀🍀💐🦘🦘🇦🇺🇦🇺🌺🌷😂😂😂😂😍🥰its a difficult one isnt IT nevermind well get there eventually God Willng !!!!
@DavidG-qw4cy 24 дня назад
Don’t vote Democrat! If Jews don’t get leave now they will never wake up , the political left is anti Semitic
@JasonTate-n6g 22 дня назад
I think he should worry about Palestinians, not Roman Catholic. ,
@j01237 20 дней назад
She is a masculine wanna be gang boss 😂
@rueldemesa2707 17 дней назад
I guess she still doesn't understand the meaning of being a catholic. He teaches us to love our enemies. I'll continue praying for Candace, so she will have a clear understanding on how to be a real Catholic. I hope she considers reading Matthew 5:43-44 and Matthew 5:1-12
@mubashirmohamood9372 24 дня назад
Point that finger back at yourself. Sound like to talking about yourself.
@DPM917 20 дней назад
I disagree with one of the statements made in this video: I do not think Candace Owens is particularly intelligent. She speaks quickly and offers opinions with an air of authority on topics of which she is clearly completely ignorant.
@jamesstangler4067 22 дня назад
I’m hoping that Candace gets some good Catholic direction. I’m at odds with her behavior especially since she’s recently come out publicly as Catholic.
@Bis7195 23 дня назад
The rebbe never called people antisemitic, or engaged in their arguments.
@firstghost3038 23 дня назад
I don't think most people know anything about Jews. However, it would be foolish to make any group that has a hand in determining the outcome of any group outside of their own, lives beyond reproach.
@greensage395 23 дня назад
Public Law 115-102 reveals who Judah really is, as 400-year's of captivity is now complete, and Judah has yet to be Delivered unto the Land's of their fathers! Judah is here in Jer-USA-lem, Judah is Black!
@CD-lw6fl 2 дня назад
You guys are Soooooo desperate to silence her. Guess what? THE TRUTH CAN’T BE SILENCED.
@joanmaxine1 18 дней назад
The difference between intellect and emotion.
@sandrakafri4777 7 дней назад
Ca. Owen is far gone.
@budo972 20 дней назад
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
@demonking86420 10 дней назад
Fake Country
@theverylovelychannel4498 24 дня назад
Could someone post a link of the letter please?
@garryrichardson4572 23 дня назад
I have my bias when people call the Roman Catholic Church Christian. As someone who has grown up in a church that evolved / devolved from the ministry of the Wesley brothers , when I was 16 I wasn’t made to go to church anymore. At 18 I was introduced to Pentecostal thinking which opened my eyes a bit , then at 21 ( by chance😂) I run into some people that were very heavy into evangelism ,they had books on church history so it sent me down a rabbit hole. So back to the Roman thing , there is no way modern Christianity can endorse the atrocities of Constantine or the crusades, it just doesn’t line up with the word Jesus left us or the preceding Old Testament.
@fadya3901 23 дня назад
Objectivity is what she displays. She brings up things that need be discussed that what you should do. I have not seen or heard anything anti Semitic from her. Maybe criticism of parts of Judaism well not so much Judaism but frankism and Zionism. And I agree that Israel should not have been created. It has been over 70 years of problems. Understandable because most are not Semitic who created the state of Israel. Real Jews are fine but the extremists not so.
@josephgee143 24 дня назад
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