
Exposing Black Lives Matter | Ami on the Loose 

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Was Black Lives Matter founded on a lie? What are the values of BLM's leadership?
Ami Horowitz spoke with BLM leaders and hundreds of supporters across the nation to get their real thoughts on police and criminal justice reform, capitalism, and "systemic and institutional racism" in America. You don't want to miss this.



7 сен 2024




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@mggeers 3 года назад
90 million dollars raised, 0% of which is actually going into black communities.
@coledean4598 3 года назад
Didn’t the cofounder or somebody high up in BLM steal some of that money?
@xaerofour1137 3 года назад
@@coledean4598 Bought multiple homes worth up to several million dollars actually. She has since resigned after the accusations of fraud.
@BigTeaMoney 3 года назад
@@sheepdog916 now hold on, I do think that people like Mr Corey Booker are trying to help people in his community that might have been tricked into BLM. People have been brainwashed by poor leadership and need to get their facts straight. If their are people in these communities that are trying to do good, they should be getting the attention instead of BLM.
@DanKoning777 3 года назад
*BLM FACTS* and their opening statement says: *“We want power.”* Their own document and *guiding principles* states: [ *these are just a few* ] 1] Black Lives Matter is *transgender-affirming.* We make space for *transgender siblings* 2] We *do the work required to dismantle* cisgender [i.e. biological sex] and uplift transgender Black folk, especially transgender Black women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans antagonistic violence. 3] We are womanists rather than feminists. We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments where men are centered 4] We are *queer-affirming.* We gather to free ourselves from the tight grip *of the belief that all are heterosexual* 5] We are *intentionally amplifying that the particular experience of violence* that Black queer transgender, gender nonconforming women and intersex people face, there can be no liberation for the Black people *if we do not fight* for these people. *All of this behavior is an abomination to God* [Deut 22 v5; Lev 18 v22; Romans 1]. This is an organization designed by Satan to destroy *morality, conscience, the family, the church, and the Gospel, and to replace it with immoral behavior.* *Bottom line:* this organization is *the enemy of God* e.g. the documents above are *anti-God, anti-Scripture, and anti-Christ.* If you believe BLM's goals will lift up a society *get ready* b/c when you *remove the law of God* in ppls hearts, and replace *His standards* with *"approved immorality"* then you'll see unrestrained chaos like we're seeing now. Remember, the only help/restraint left today is the very restraint that is being dismantled; the *police and the church.* *Why is this happening to America:* www.gty.org/library/sermons-library/80-112 *U.S. Corruption and the Effect on the World:* www.gty.org/library/sermons-library/81-93 *The Gospel:* www.gty.org/library/sermons-library/81-96 *Truth is a stubborn thing*
@EnnuiPilgrim 3 года назад
The money never lies.
@janaypegues8139 3 года назад
"...Dismantle the system of public safety". Wow, what an evil individual!
@RedWaveGraphics 3 года назад
They want "community policing", also known as "lynch mobs".
@fubokuen 3 года назад
They marched through residential areas in Portland, OR chanting "Safe streets is White Supremacy!"... plus ''F*ck your Jesus". The little dears...
@xaerofour1137 3 года назад
@@RedWaveGraphics Then the feds can swoop in and instate their own centralized police force. Create a problem then fix it. All part of the plan.
@superwilcox9026 3 года назад
She outright represents the devil
@dano8736 3 года назад
@franrushie1383 3 года назад
Abdula had a smile when she said she can’t talk about the police getting killed...this lady PURE EVIL 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼
@BlackJacx1 3 года назад
9:25 When she looks up and left to think of an answer, she's actually trying to creatively obfuscate her answer... when we try to remember something we tend to look right; it correlates with the hemisphere of the brain you're using. She's a liar for sure, and she knows she is, but thinks she's so clever.
@kwilliamson1096 3 года назад
@@BlackJacx1 She knows she's a liar but it has command of so many useful idiots.
@ezradaiquiri11311 3 года назад
Yup, exactly
@minatojohnson1763 3 года назад
GOD will deal with Abdula
@DanKoning777 3 года назад
*BLM FACTS* and their opening statement says: *“We want power.”* Their own document and *guiding principles* states: [ *these are just a few* ] 1] Black Lives Matter is *transgender-affirming.* We make space for *transgender siblings* 2] We *do the work required to dismantle* cisgender [i.e. biological sex] and uplift transgender Black folk, especially transgender Black women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans antagonistic violence. 3] We are womanists rather than feminists. We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments where men are centered 4] We are *queer-affirming.* We gather to free ourselves from the tight grip *of the belief that all are heterosexual* 5] We are *intentionally amplifying that the particular experience of violence* that Black queer transgender, gender nonconforming women and intersex people face, there can be no liberation for the Black people *if we do not fight* for these people. *All of this behavior is an abomination to God* [Deut 22 v5; Lev 18 v22; Romans 1]. This is an organization designed by Satan to destroy *morality, conscience, the family, the church, and the Gospel, and to replace it with immoral behavior.* *Bottom line:* this organization is *the enemy of God* e.g. the documents above are *anti-God, anti-Scripture, and anti-Christ.* If you believe BLM's goals will lift up a society *get ready* b/c when you *remove the law of God* in ppls hearts, and replace *His standards* with *"approved immorality"* then you'll see unrestrained chaos like we're seeing now. Remember, the only help/restraint left today is the very restraint that is being dismantled; the *police and the church.* *Why is this happening to America:* www.gty.org/library/sermons-library/80-112 *U.S. Corruption and the Effect on the World:* www.gty.org/library/sermons-library/81-93 *The Gospel:* www.gty.org/library/sermons-library/81-96 *Truth is a stubborn thing*
@mspoints4fre123 3 года назад
Head of BLM LA: "It's literally everybody's fault except the person committing the crime." Okay.
@L0VEisAmixtape 3 года назад
God. A whole movement started to stand up for someone who assaulted a store clerk and stole a cigar. A violent thief. And it became about race???
@gruberjens4354 3 года назад
Doctor Martin Luther King had a dream. This is his nightmare he always wanted to be avoided.
@willdeans8128 3 года назад
@Eion Gaming They are judging by race, instead of actions and character, the latter of which is what MLK preached.
@mr.s9783 3 года назад
He warned against black supremacy while denouncing white supremacy.
@gunsrfun378 3 года назад
@Eion Gaming don't talk out of your ass then, doesn't matter when you said it, Welcome to life where you are responsible for your actions. Grow TF Up
@gunsrfun378 3 года назад
@Eion Gaming You say go learn history while straight up denying it. Your not the brightest bulb on the tree huh.
@gunsrfun378 3 года назад
Funny asf You dont have the littlest clue of what is coming out of ur ass
@abrahamsher 3 года назад
This is saddening, the pastor is trying his best to promote true change while others burn everything and replace it with something worse, I feel for him, he has my respect and love on trying his best to help the youths.
@KingdomOfHeavenPictures 3 года назад
Whether you personally acknowledge or not, THIS pastor knows that the Revelations is coming. All of this, is the beginning, known by any pastor, that will bring the end of this age. In Revelations, there is NO version of United States to stop the end times. It becomes part of the world nation. This can ONLY be explained, by the nation being controlled by those that will willing GIVE the United States to a foreign power.
@ojc1787 3 года назад
Has prager u ever actually interviewed with no cuts a black lives matter protestor. You blame an entire movement on one pastor. You seem to get all your information about BLM from a biased news source or media source you say lefties get all their information from CNN and other news channels when you guys do the exact same thing.
@norsethehorse8179 3 года назад
I don’t get what this people thinks going to come from this? Crashing are economy and destroying are justice system isn’t going to make anyone’s life easier, it’s just going to make everything harder.
@crunchybeans1511 3 года назад
@Owen no they are not blaming the movement on one pastor, pick up context clues
@tikitavi7120 3 года назад
He is a good man.
@yasmincastl 3 года назад
Martin Luther king would be so disappointed in these “activists” 🥴
@HappyRoach1 3 года назад
Yea its no longer real activism, but race hustling business. Preying on the minds of naive people and getting them to fund your cause and encouraging them to break the law which ruin their lives and other peoples' lives. Meanwhile these activists walk away to their condos or mansions or vacation in some exclusive hotel, SAFELY.
@ezradaiquiri11311 3 года назад
That's putting it lightly
@TalentedTenth 3 года назад
really? how much of his work have you read? how many speeches have you looked into or heard? I highly recommend that all white people who keep repeating parts of his "I have a dream" speech actually read what he said. He was a complex man who might have disagreed with BLM on some things and agreed on others. Life is grey....never black or white.
@Wolf_3125 3 года назад
Activism is communism
@thomaswellnitz9601 3 года назад
MLK was a puppet used to convince people to support civil rights for people which only enslaved everyone into accepting corporate rights granted to corporations which stripped everyone of their natural rights that were granted by God at birth . If you say you have civil rights then you are saying you are a corporation .
@bradrichards8122 3 года назад
When I was younger I would hear in church that the devil roams the earth seeking to steal, kill and destroy. Evil isn't a big ugly movie demon. Evil acts through people. When a person or organization loots, kills, and burns it is manifesting evil.
@matthewrudolph3514 3 года назад
I can almost guarantee that the people burning and looting aren’t married, and don’t own property, or a business
@karollogan8876 3 года назад
And most likely don’t have children that they feel the need to protect. These individuals would make terrible role models for children. Since they hate the “system” are they jobless too? Are they homeless? Do they also want to destroy the sources of whatever income they have? Where do they live? Why don’t they go there and do what they do?!
@duanedougherty3197 3 года назад
When Melina Abdulla speaks, the devil grins. But that grin fades when Cory Brooks preaches the love of God to the young men in his community.
@Aviva121 3 года назад
What a profound truth. May the Cory Brooks message of love and truth reign.
@DownTheRabbit-Hole 3 года назад
Romans 1:18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness NIV There is no fixing this mess short of reaching them with the Gospel. I read the ending of the book. We win! Thanks Pastor Cory.
@-ColorMehJewish- 3 года назад
9:35 -- She actually smiles after being asked about the murder of officers. These people are sick (the leadership, who preys on the rest)
@binayprakashbarla1788 3 года назад
Did you notice her name
@-ColorMehJewish- 3 года назад
@@binayprakashbarla1788 - Melina Abdullah?
@binayprakashbarla1788 3 года назад
@@-ColorMehJewish- I was just observing an interesting trend among the left. Mostly they are people like these.
@-ColorMehJewish- 3 года назад
@@binayprakashbarla1788 - Oh def you'll see it all the time. Mostly at press conferences. But they often smile when they know they're bs'ing their audience on something big. AOC does it constantly. B/c they take joy in deceiving their audience (and usually preying on the emotions of well-intentioned but gullible people).
@dboygamer8184 3 года назад
@UC8JY3085-EBd1-uvfXNm7kg dont start generalizing that all people with Arab names are terrorists.
@tinderbox218 3 года назад
Another race-based extortion racket, just like Jesse Jackson's old Rainbow/Push Coalition x100
@greenacres4518 3 года назад
The Rainbow Coalition and A.N.S.W.E.R. both share the address and phone number of the Worker's World Party (a Maoist Communist organization) in NYC.
@Pippie5555 3 года назад
@@greenacres4518 So probably sponsored by China! Wow I wish to be a fly on the wall there...
@ofiasdfnosdf 3 года назад
I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt when it came to the motive, but sorry -- this is just pure evil. What I see is that they DON'T CARE what the ACTUAL outcome is of what they're pushing. They are driven by hatred and resentment and are blind to their own malevolence.
@kennykinnee6688 3 года назад
Ain't seen any freedumb rides in Chicago
@Saltyahole 3 года назад
They want to destroy the country. They are terrorists and need to be put down.
@addiemaysonet1 3 года назад
Driven by money! Those activist/speakers of blm are paid inciters. They don't have a care in the world for their own communities. Only greenbacks.
@dances_with_incels 3 года назад
can you really take a person seriously when they say freedom riots?
@juanvaldez5422 3 года назад
@@Saltyahole damn straight
@ceasey0 3 года назад
Melina Abdullah responding, "Can't talk about that" when asked about her views on BLM members targeting and killing police officers speaks VOLUMES
@toshitanaka1550 3 года назад
Kinda like what the CCP is doing to counter terrorism.
@jbulletc 3 года назад
One of my favorite things to do is to ask a BLM supporter if they can name just one positive thing that BLM has done for black people. Just one. And then I just stare at their blank faces.
@cidlunius1076 3 года назад
If you're a rioter and you end up receiving the grief of the people you've harmed. *You deserve it.*
@bludeuce3855 3 года назад
and if they destroy a innocent persons business or home then the only thing they deserve is a bullet in there skull
@georgecarter838 3 года назад
@@bludeuce3855 What they really need is for people who have had their businesses and homes burned and looted, is to follow them back to their homes and do the same thing to them, only make it far worse on them.
@Centrifugal- 3 года назад
@@bludeuce3855 totally agree from Australia. 🇦🇺🇺🇸🇦🇺🇺🇸🇦🇺🇺🇸🇦🇺🇺🇸
@Centrifugal- 3 года назад
@Eion Gaming how would you like it if these idiots came and looted your livelyhood.???
@johnhoffman2878 3 года назад
I agree with Blu if you cause suffering to someone and destroy there business your bound to make enemies who will no doubt want you dead and won’t hesitate to kill you
@selador11 3 года назад
"Policing comes from chattel slavery".... What in the world is between that lady's ears? Policing comes from people committing crime, and the local governments needing to do something about it, to keep law abiding citizens safe. Does she just pull her statements out of what she sits on?
@TheBlackThorneKnight 3 года назад
She thinks like that because she's a hardcore racist. And when someone is like that they see racism in everything.
@ezradaiquiri11311 3 года назад
A lot of policing needs to change because laws need to change, like the war on drugs to start, and the way they set up quotas that police have to make. But policing is highly needed in a world with such low vibrational human beings. In fact most people aren't human beings, they are just human reactions. But I most certainly agree with you sir.
@motor2of7 3 года назад
@@ezradaiquiri11311 police don’t have quotas for anything, it’s illegal. Stop believing the lies and educate yourself.
@ezradaiquiri11311 3 года назад
@j I never said anything of a sort. Perhaps you should listen to Larry Elder on the matter of the drug war. If you think you can tell people what they can and cannot put in their bodies, then I suggest you find a nice communist country to live in. End the drug war and you end the black market and all the crime that goes with it. I'm not saying we should sanction the sale of meth and cocaine in stores (although coca cola used to sell cocaine without any repercussion) but when you decriminalize the drug, you largely end the crime and destruction that surrounds it. Case 'n' point, the prohibition....duh 🤦‍♂️
@OverlyCriticalAnime 3 года назад
It's from the south where they had people patrolling to capture slaves but they leave that part out.
@Aegius 3 года назад
Policing did NOT come from chattel slavery. The first police force was set up in 1843 in New York City, 16 years AFTER NY state abolished slavery.
@billhollis1888 3 года назад
Since when do they care about actual facts of history? They only care about what fits their agenda.
@Sabotage_Labs 3 года назад
In America. But the concept of organized policing came form the UK and had zero to due with slavery. The word "cop" comes from Constable on a Patrol. They also has Sheriff's long before that, that enforce the kings law. The BLM leaders all got a terrible university education. Doubt they are using the donations to pay off their student loans either. That will end up being on the tax payers dime! If you check wikipedia, you'll see law enforcement began centuries ago in china, Egypt, Greece to the Mayans in the Americas.
@todds.6028 3 года назад
When you strip it all down, who's ultimately to blame? The media.
@rabiesbiter5681 3 года назад
All together now: "Pants up! Don't loot! Pants up! Don't loot! PANTS UP! DON'T LOOT!"
@aurora_occidentalis2248 3 года назад
Law enforcement saves lives - every single day
@johnm3946 3 года назад
You said it 📢
@1suq 3 года назад
They also take lives with no reproductions other than some paperwork
@John-li1df 3 года назад
They takes life to those that don't comply..
@dadofducks 3 года назад
@@1suq Well we know you support BLM. Why don’t you apply for a police department and show them how it should be done. Grabbing some popcorn.
@JT-un7dc 3 года назад
They also, ruin lies every single day. There is a huge dichotomy.
@emilytatseos4641 3 года назад
This is so scary, and just sad...
@G-MONEY1996 3 года назад
And unacceptable. Makes me wanna carry a gun all the time
@blahdedah1334 3 года назад
The only reason a person would ever want to "dismantle the system of public safety", is if they are planning on victimizing innocent people. Evil does that. Only evil. We are morally obligated to NEVER find common ground with evil. Our ONLY obligation is to protect our children from it... at ALL cost. That is where we stand and there will be NO compromise.
@johnhoffman2878 3 года назад
Until vigilantes take over to protect civilians and kill criminals and members of antifa and blm on sight like they do in Portland
@brianh.000 3 года назад
"Do you think it's time to end the American experiment?" "Yes" "So what are you still doing here? Get out!" "I can't afford to buy an airline ticket to Venezuela yet cuz my part-time job doesn't pay that well." "Why are you only working part time?" "Well, I'm pretty busy with my social justice and protest efforts. But Target's hours are pretty flexible, so that's cool."
@rowanblithe71 3 года назад
I have yet to see ONE of those "activist leaders" go "HEY! I got a new house for ALL OF US!!" OR "here are 100 cars, we'll share them"... they will share their wealth "later", when the system is finally destroyed and re-organized 😒😉 also, all those guys saying they don't believe in property and the system, and whatever... someone should go to THEIR block and take everything from them
@englishciderlover7347 3 года назад
Starting with the blocks where the BLM leaders live.
@opinionated2902 3 года назад
You cannot fight darkness with more darkness. You must fight with light. Be a light. Love your neighbor, no matter their skin color or political beliefs.
@jasonhutchins9239 3 года назад
Like star wars haha
@joannabanana2435 3 года назад
And like the Bible
@Wolf_3125 3 года назад
What about when these communists attack your home? This is why the 2nd amendment exists.
@georgecarter838 3 года назад
Those beliefs won't work in this day and age. I will leave you with this thought what a World War II veteran once told me about dealing with your enemies: "Never have compassion for your enemies, because your enemies has no compassion for you. If you do, you just surrendered yourself and your freedom and in return you will receive suffering and ultimately death."
@GeneralAlex4 3 года назад
Some times you have to fight back.
@maryyoungblood8550 3 года назад
Sad when we have a whole generation who believes this nonsense.
@NoPlainJane-o3c 3 года назад
I’m considered to be black and I don’t believe in it.
@mrswjr4061 3 года назад
It is not the whole generation, it just feels like it is because the trouble makers are always the loudest and get all the attention.
@EnnuiPilgrim 3 года назад
We haven't had to really fight for our freedom in a long time. We are at an unprecedented place in history, where there is relative peace throughout the world, epsecially in the West. When you are being shot at by a 20mm cannon and you're in the fox hole with another man, race and all that bs just goes right out the window. It's you and the man next to you, and you have his back and he has your back. That's all there is to it.
@Ziggy_Moonglow 3 года назад
Poster generation for late term abortion
@clarencesmith9580 3 года назад
Isn't it odd that she the founding member of BLM - LA said it started with the Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri but according to Wikipedia BLM was started in Florida after/when Zimmerman won his acquittal in the shooting death of his attacker? This is a copy/paste from Wikipedia under Black Lives Matter, (In July 2013, the movement began with the use of the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of African-American teen Trayvon Martin 17 months earlier in February 2012. The movement became nationally recognized for street demonstrations following the 2014 deaths of two African Americans, that of Michael Brown-resulting in protests and unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, a city near St. Louis-and Eric Garner in New York City.[8][9])
@JohnSmith-ch9sm 3 года назад
The unfortunate thing is that this will only be heard by those people who already understand.
@frauleinhohenzollern 2 года назад
And we're a dying breed.
@JohnSmith-ch9sm 2 года назад
@@frauleinhohenzollern Yes. Every day I interact with people I realize this more and more.
@reifk8807 3 года назад
"policing evolved from slavery" lol like there's no policing in any other countries
@michaelbomholt7579 3 года назад
@Eion Gaming no it did'nt, policing started in the early 1600's, called nightwatchmen, slave catchers started in 1704, had no policing authority other than catching slaves, the modern police force started in the 1850's. After the democrats lost the civil war they started to merge the slave catchers into the police to uphold the democrats favorite hobby, keeping people oppressed, you even see it today, most, if not all large democratic cities has massive problems with minority schools, poverty among minority groups and rampant crime, and the democrats blame the republicans, the party that has not had power in those cities for close to 60 years, and the minority believes them somehow, I wonder if it has something to do with the failing school system... ? One thing that is certain, an uneducated populace is easier to deceive than an educated one, and no, a college degree does not mean your educated
@michaelbomholt7579 3 года назад
@Eion Gaming You mean the dixiecrats ? who faded away into allmost nothing today yet many of them still voted democrat untill the "republican revolution" in 1994. You mean the Bill of rights ? a bill that won 144 to 44 in the house, no democrat voted for it in 1870. You mean the Civil Rights Act of 1964 where 91 democrats voted against it while only 35 republicans voted no. Is it the Voting Rights Act of 1965 you mean where 1/4th of the democrats voted against (61) while only 24 republicans voted no ? What about the Social Security Act (Great Society bill?) of 1967, a bill that effectively destroyed black families in poor areas by making it more profitable to be a single mom ? well that was the democrats aswell, and study after study have shown that kids growing up in single parent homes are more likely to become criminals, especially boys without fathers. You see a pattern there ? I do, I see a pattern of a democratic party thats having alot of members thats against individual freedom, though declining over the years but lately they seem to have come back in force, like the 2020 election where a Cali. democrats wanted to remove the Bill of rights from the Cali. constitution. Likely to push for Affarmative Action, a program that is inherently racist as it discriminate based on race, mostly asians. I see racist democrats that called a bill to enable people to choose what school they wanted to attend for racist, yet the people that suffer most under the current rules is minorities as they are forced to go to underfunded schools in their local area, areas plagued by crime, a party that has held power in cities where the quality of life for minorities, largely blacks, has only gone down in the last 60 years. Or should we take Joe Bidens 1994 Crimebill ? Well that bill has put a shitload of people, mainly minorities in prison for small offenses due to the 3 strike system, but I guess it makes sense since he didn't want his children to grow up in a racial jungle, but atleast he got to meet the "clean and articulate" Barrack Obama. Your turn.
@michaelbomholt7579 3 года назад
@Eion Gaming that's a degree, that does not make you educated, an educated person knows history, an educated person will research the facts on his/her opinions, not just listen to whatever a politician or news anchor tells them. An educated person will research causes he/she chooses to support, an educated person would know that the BLM movement don't give a shit about black people, only about their ideology, an educated person would know that the BLM are self-described "trained Marxists", an educated person would know that BLM praised Fidel Castro in 2016 and supported the commies in Cuba during the recent uprisings. A educated person is much more than just a degree in whatever field he/she chooses to enter I dont know what boxes you can check but 1 thing is for sure, a degree does not equal being educated
@michaelbomholt7579 3 года назад
@Eion Gaming Dont like Ben, I think he's arrogant and it annoys me to listen to him, but apart from the religious stuff I agree with him on alot of issues, somewhat on the healthcare stuff, but I absolutely hate the current American system. Public Healthcare is fine, everyone should be able to get the healthcare they need whitout having to sell their kids and right arm, but social healthcare is years behind the american system when it comes to treatments, especially cancer treatment, so a mix of the 2 systems would be good.
@toshitanaka1550 3 года назад
@Eion Gaming put your words in your mouth. If America is the blame of history than who colonized America since clearly America had no claimed language. Oh yeah go attack the Brits then if you guys are so puffed up about it. Since clearly they tried to take your freedoms away and also got slavery to be a very big thing for the U.S. another China puppet. Since you don’t want freedom go and live in China and complain all you want only this time you’ll get censored. Oh did I mention organ harvesting?!
@san-dee2981 3 года назад
So when she finds herself in a dire situation, I hope she know not to call the chaddle police...maybe the social worker can talk the perpetrator into not robbing, raping or killing her or her loved one. And I hope she knows it would be racist of her to want to prosecute.
@thomasdemaio53 3 года назад
9:53 "the criminal system of injustice" she says. That's blatant misinformation. It's the "criminal justice system", where justice is served. Don't blame other people for whatever you did to cause it.
@RevJay_Rides 3 года назад
It sounds like this woman doesn’t like any law. I’d like to ask her what a “good law” might be. As for me and my house, we will always believe it is wrong to steal, kill, lie, destroy life and/or property.
@ThisNameIsBanned 3 года назад
They are totally cool with laws for "reparation" taxes, so non-black pay more and they want by law a quota to have black people in CEO positions and in government / as judges and so on. All they like is incredible racist to empower black specifically, and they dont care if its racist, they justify their insanity, which is even worse, as thats exactly what former "supremacy" ideologies did and they just want to repeat the same mistakes ... Its crazy.
@Stevarooni 3 года назад
"Thou Shalt have no God before BLM."
@Wolf_3125 3 года назад
A good law would be to bring back McCarthyism
@omanhaddadtbh 3 года назад
Effectively any law that absolves her of liability, conviction or punishment yet allows her free reign, entitlement and state-backed coercion would be the ONLY type of law she’d support.
@Creon1000 3 года назад
How can someone so clearly unintelligent, hold SO much influence?
@jennyk9748 3 года назад
I never hear them back up their ideology with facts. They have talking points, crafted in intelligent sounding terminology and that's it. I was red pilled by this simple thing- when you dig a little deeper, none of it makes sense.
@toshitanaka1550 3 года назад
How they loath Fascism yet at 15:00 they throw them out of their businesses. Something tells me they forget a man who they hate is a white supremacist.
@simonclare100 3 года назад
The corporations should be putting money into poor communities not BLM where it disappears
@elizabethparedes6634 3 года назад
So sad, these people are so brainwashed.
@jaycvu 3 года назад
No, they are actually quite smart, it's all about $$$, it's a great business not a civil rights organization...
@radiofreealbemuth 3 года назад
Media keeps gaslighting people to think they're oppressed, when the only systemic racism is affirmative action
@Bezmenov93 3 года назад
@@jaycvu She's probably talking about the useful idiots, mainly.
@arty7122 3 года назад
"Looting and rioting is sending a message" Indeed it is, indeed it is....
@keithy5932 3 года назад
I mean we all know what the solution is. This is what happens when you ignore black voices for so long. BLM only just started making the people of America to listen to the plight of black people.
@harukasatou1359 3 года назад
@@keithy5932 The only Plight you could be talking about is the state dependency, fostered by greedy, evil, power-hungry democrats. These riots are only happening in democrat run cities, because Republican run states don't just hand out free stuff. Prosperity is attained through hard work, perseverance, effort and time. Not handouts and pandering to the lowest common denominator. That's why Democratic strongholds are burning and civil unrest is rife and plentiful. Don't blame us right wingers. The only ones ignoring the needs of African Americans, are the Democratic politicians running the cities burning, blissfully and richly unaware of the struggles of their charges. It's sad really.
@keithy5932 3 года назад
@@harukasatou1359 You’re absolutely correct about politicians being mostly comprised of greedy and evil pieces of human garbage. I’m totally with you there. It’s just, well, America has 17 million vacant homes according to the U.S. Census in 2018. Yet, there are still hundreds of thousands of homeless in America. Then there’s the pandemic. Millions of people are left destitute or struggling with joblessness because of the pandemic while people like Jeff Bezos get to break records every year with the billions of dollars he accrues while not being able to pay a dime to the government. I don’t think it’s the evil democrats that are the sole perpetrators of such a system. It’s just easier to make people fight amongst themselves with petty issues instead of letting them actually make a difference and unite to fight for a common cause.
@galagomezfield1627 3 года назад
@@keithy5932 Yes! Of course looting is unjustifiable. The ones who do it should face charges. However, BLM started in 2013. Black people have been protesting about the injustice since the civil rights movement - please, correct me if I’m wrong. I can think of the Panthers following that pathway and being target of FBI propaganda at the time. Even though they helped feed over 1,000 kids through 1969-1970, when I first recalled the name Black Panthers, I thought violence. Does this reaction remind you of another black movement? Even MLK was victim of that propaganda. He was the most hated man in the 1960s. I recall a political cartoon accusing his peaceful protests of being violent and destructive. Although, to be fair, they were. They were violent and lethal to the protesters. I still remember pictures of Black protesters being beaten by the police and bitten by their dogs. My history teacher showed them to the class. Wherever you go, black is associated with violence. We need to change that. If we don’t have a race issue, how come my mom - who opposes the BLM - tells me to beware of Blacks and Muslims because they are all dangerous? But nowadays people can know what’s going on. There are multiple videos of police brutality, not only against Black people, but everyone. A couple of months ago I saw one involving a 13-year-old kid. He was not Black, and yes, he acted wrong and should have had held accountable. But accountability is through justice, not death. He obeyed the police, he lowered his gun, he got shot and was murdered. Dear lord, he was a child! Why doesn’t PragerU talk about these types of incidents? I mean, fine, they don’t believe that Black people are disproportionately targeted more by the police (and deathly shot), but just the mere acknowledgement that police brutality is an issue seems irrational to them. Police brutality is an issue everywhere. I can think of Colombia as another country dealing with this. They have a very corrupt police - way more than the American to be honest. This does not mean that we should defund them, but there must be stricter regulations on the fatal use of weapons from part of the police. More knowledge and wisdom; less excuses. Many people agree with this statement, but of course, they only show the ones that preach that we should defund the police entirely. We should not be scared of the police, they are there to save us. And yes, not all the cops are like this, there are many who are noble, but some people (mainly Black people) cannot afford the luxury to believe some of them will not shoot them even if they comply. Even if people obey, they get shot. Also, according to TIME, 93% of protests were peaceful. But of course, peaceful protests are not worthy of media coverage. If the media reported on facts, public opinion would sway: violence is attention, attention is clicks and money, if all you see is violence because it’s profitable, it’s no surprise that people are scared. Long time ago I read a quote that said something like “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes” - think it was Mark Twain who said it. I wish it wasn’t true.
@MrIdasam 3 года назад
At what point is these professional victims going to take responsibility for their lives and their actions? It seems like they just want to be able to do whatever they want with no consequences or accountability. To hell with everyone but them. If they were responsible, productive members of society, then they wouldn't have to worry about the so-called "Criminal system of injustice."
@ManuelHernandez-xt8pr 3 года назад
They are simply puppets, weak minds being pushed to do the dirty work for people more racists than even them
@HappyRoach1 3 года назад
@@ManuelHernandez-xt8pr , I'm not even sure the puppet masters are even really all that racist. Ever seen Inglorious Bastards? Hans Landa was a Nazi soldier but didn't really believe in the Nazi ideology. Landa went where ever his bread was buttered. That's what I think of some of these "activists." Some of them just playing a role and profiting off of it.
@brianknapp6215 3 года назад
@@HappyRoach1 They're not "activists"- they're _GRIFTERS-_ pure and simple!
@realBoeJiden 3 года назад
“The unpaid labor of the worker” - not sure she understands how capitalism works.
@Ghost-pb5vl 3 года назад
The silver lining is that their support has never been lower and the more they do the lower it'll go.
@cmm07r 3 года назад
I mean, we have whole chapters in history books or people doing this and wars breaking out to stop it. Unfortunately, those screaming "Black Lives Matter" the loudest, are the same ones that would always say there was no point in learning about history because it was in the past.
@chrisdavis9928 3 года назад
BLM is an ideological cult and the drones on the bottom are useful idiots. The lucky drones will some how get deprogramed with help from wealthy families government help or a man of God giving them true liberty that sets the captives free.
@keithy5932 3 года назад
So now you want us to learn history? I thought you guys didn’t want us learning that systemic racism exists with CRT.
@bluejway 3 года назад
Nobody says we shouldn't learn about history
@chrisdavis9928 3 года назад
@@bluejway I agree we should point taken
@mjoyal1993 3 года назад
So very true. Thank you for saying this.
@osu4mul8r 3 года назад
Ironically… MLK Jr is spinning in his grave like a lathe
@Cooter4 3 года назад
Why? Is it because he was a socialist and he was spinning in jubilation for it?
@Superduper666 3 года назад
@@Cooter4 I think you know what they meant. Only a racist pretends they don’t.
@keithy5932 3 года назад
MLK Jr. personally believed that riots were counter-productive. He didn’t support them, but he didn’t condemn them entirely. He expressed empathy towards rioters in his speech “The Other America” where he says: “. . . a riot is the language of the unheard.” Think about that for a minute. MLK Jr. knew exactly why people rioted. Because the people in power didn’t care enough to listen to what they’re saying. The people in power aren’t interested in fixing the racist systems put in place. MLK Jr. would be spinning in his grave not because BLM goes against what he stood for, but because we’re just repeating history. He would think that we would’ve been past rioting in order to have civil discussion. Yet, the only response towards black people facing systemic discrimination is silence. So saying that MLK Jr. would be disappointed at BLM is not true. He would be disappointed in America for not trying to fix their broken system. If that happened then I’m 100% sure that people wouldn’t feel so compelled to violence.
@keithy5932 3 года назад
@DisabledGamer CRT has been in the curriculum since the 90s. You would think that this white guilt would be a much bigger thing, right? If white kids really did hate themselves we would've seen a large spike in suicides in white youth, right? You really have no idea what you're talking about if you think that MLK Jr. brainwashed anyone. You think that things were perfect before the Civil Rights movement? You think that having segregated bathrooms and water fountains was okay? You think that interracial couples being barred from marriage was okay? Dude look, marxism is literally anything the Republicans don't like. It's the same thing with how you think that CRT teaches kids to think that everything is racist, except CRT is correct. During MLK Jr's time, interracial marriage was also seen as marxism. Integration of black kids into schools was also seen as marxism. You thinking that anti-racism is hate is laughable. You really think that people *want* to riot? They have literally no other choice because the police won't stop killing them.
@keithy5932 3 года назад
@DisabledGamer You do realize the platform switch happened? I know the democrats were the ones that wanted slavery, but that’s hardly a good argument to use now since the platform switch. I love how you think you’re not as “brainwashed” when literally every other word coming from your mouth is Marxism Marxism Marxism. You can’t even define what Marxism if you tried. If it’s as bad as you say it was, surely white kids would be killing themselves in droves. But they’re not. Because CRT doesn’t teach white kids to hate themselves. What you’re saying is so unbelievable that I can’t event try to convince you otherwise because you’re so far into the deep end. Not even the republicans liken MLK Jr. to Hitler. Think about that for a minute. Literally no sane person thinks MLK Jr. is like Hitler. I know a bad faith argument when I see one, and you’re just a racist who went from mask off to armband on.
@jorgeasaldivar 3 года назад
As someone whose family came from a Marxist country, all Americans should unite to reject that ideology. Reject tyranny. Embrace dangerous liberty, and love her for all eternity, as she's the gift that God has given us!
@akmil807 3 года назад
Marxist country? There has never been a marxist country. Do you mean socialist country? Which country are you talking about?
@akmil807 3 года назад
@Thoalis No, Im just done with people wrongly using the words socialism, communism and marxism. If you dont know what they mean, dont use them
@jorgeasaldivar 3 года назад
@@akmil807 I use Marxism (a political philosophy created by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles) as a blanket term for communism (state owned means of production) and socialism (state controlled means of production). Socialism is simply the foot in the door for communism. So, yes, there are many examples of Marxist countries. None of which have successful economies for the people and by the people.
@akmil807 3 года назад
@@jorgeasaldivar Both Marxism and communism as a whole are by definition stateless
@jorgeasaldivar 3 года назад
@@akmil807 a state is defined as "a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government" and/or "the civil government of a country." Which, once again, underscore the basic lack of understanding in the defense of Marxism. It's beyond me how any group of people would want to give up their liberty so an even smaller group of people, who don't suffer the same consequences for their policy and decision making, can rule their lives from hundreds of miles away, just so they can blame someone else for the lack of personal freedom and liberty when they were the ones that initially ceded their autonomy, freedom and liberty.
@matthewlachance3362 3 года назад
It baffles me that something created for such a noble reason could be so evil
@zakkwylde4201 3 года назад
So glad to see Ami still doing what he does best cause I haven't seen a report from him in awhile and he's one of the best. Straight to the point this dude is
@Curious_er 3 года назад
“…completely dismantle the system of public safety…” Save yourself America. Please save yourself!
@mattiejitsu 3 года назад
zero self responsibility...it's the system and everyone else's fault
@chas1878 3 года назад
Including me and you, i agree. We're doing nothing to stop them. If the outcome for us and our children is negative its our fault. We're looking at the enemy marching to war yet don't even try to stop them
@stevensbox9625 3 года назад
Ami, you have to leave us with some hope man. America is beautiful. How do we save it? Keep doing what you do brother. God's speed.
@daskalman 3 года назад
You save it by cutting the leftist cancer out... But don't hold your breathe...
@nonservitium 3 года назад
I'm glad that they feel so comfortable with putting themselves out there and on record. Now we know who is to blame.
@fatboyrowing 3 года назад
I’m going to send a check to Corey Brooks at the New Beginnings Church. He is worthy of our support.
@zanleekain117 3 года назад
English is not my first language, but "freedom riots" seems like an oxymoron to me.
@Dirtbag-Hyena 3 года назад
Because there's no such thing. Just selfish greed and a hollow soul.
@JK-zw5eu 3 года назад
She said quote "freedom rides". Rides as in riding into town . Turn your sub titles on and don't listen to propaganda without context.
@TrackSol 3 года назад
@@JK-zw5eu To be fair, youtube subtitles aren’t pre written like a movie but rather auto-generated in real time thus mistakes are common.
@AspiringSpaceWizard 3 года назад
@@JK-zw5eu whats propaganda ? He is letting these people speak for themselves and showing footage of the riots and listing the cost of damages and those affected? Do you dispute what they are saying ?not much taken out of context if any at all. These people speak and admit this misguided shit for themselves.
@JK-zw5eu 3 года назад
@@TrackSol you can look up what fredom rides where and you can decide what she was saying for yourself. You'll hear what you want to hear but that doesn't change what she was actually talking about.
@gcraay.6050 3 года назад
Wow, that woman is evil.
@binayprakashbarla1788 3 года назад
Well don't know but I have noticed a strange thing with these riots and it's supporters.
@Pippie5555 3 года назад
Just like her evil predecessor Patrisse, I am sure she will also get $ 5 million to buy 3 houses and then retire. In a white neighborhood....
@ladym7852 3 года назад
It's crazy that now Patricia got her money and houses, she don't care about blk lives no more because she left the movement. 😑
@Dirtbag-Hyena 3 года назад
They never cared. What, exactly, have they done for blacks?? NOTHING. All they've done is create hatred among blacks/whites as well as segregation. They preach Marxism. They've done nothing for America or Americans but bring both down.
@justineld4905 3 года назад
@Eion Gaming I think it's fair to say that there's a big difference between pushing division and calling out evil for what it is. I believe the poster you're referring to was doing the latter and I agree with that person.
@Mindovermatter0001 3 года назад
That movement was causing so much harm last year. The blm movement is too divisive. Glad I never supported it ✌
@savvy1856 3 года назад
I wish BLM was actually HELPING black people in this country instead of exploiting them!
@MrXtraconservative 3 года назад
At 4:50 and in a perfect world, Ami would have snatched that $900 iPhone from her hand, smashed it on the ground, then asked her if he was protesting correctly.
@Stevarooni 3 года назад
No, see, that only applies to _BLM_ messages.
@1Man_man 3 года назад
Then instantly get assaulted by hundreds of Minority’s over a racially charged point to prove😃 perfect world 🌎 👍🏾
@warpedone3711 3 года назад
no cuz he didn't burn no s*** down
@mystere___ 3 года назад
Second civil war is taking place in the United States. The more time you take to react the more you'll suffer
@michellehammock3023 3 года назад
It's not, but the our next revolutionary war is coming on the horizon, God bless.
@1suq 3 года назад
Average prageru watcher
@ViolentHabits 3 года назад
@@michellehammock3023 it's well beyond time. Our founding fathers went to war for far less
@michellehammock3023 3 года назад
@@ViolentHabits True, it's the comforts we have today that we don't want interrupted and I'm not talking about internet 🤣more of the important things like trash pick up, but it will be over within 4-6 months either way it goes.
@Saltyahole 3 года назад
@@1suq so you’d dispute the video then?
@mark7994 3 года назад
We need to take are kids back from the education system. It's so disturbing that so many are fooled into this illogical way of thinking through the propagada.
@rossrobertson674 3 года назад
Our kids
@jethroteece4750 3 года назад
@S3Mi87 3 года назад
No, you need to take the education system back. Otherwise they will come for your kids to your house.
@tjslam26 3 года назад
You never appreciate what you have until it's gone.
@karenbendorf1512 3 года назад
Shocking in so many ways! Disturbing on every level!
@MrATPCO 3 года назад
Thin needs to be broadcasted through the whole country, to be the ultimate eye-opener.
@KT72273 3 года назад
Fat chance! If even half the people who like this video tried to share it on Facebook, Adolf Zuckerberg would probably soil his diapers! Those people would get hit with violating Community standards warnings!
@Allentox 3 года назад
Wouldn't help. Can't argue with the uneducated who have been manipulated by propaganda. Can't be done, they don't have the ability to understand.
@paulrybarczyk5013 3 года назад
I suspect the USA's (mostly white) media oligarchs won't permit this message to spread.
@johnhoffman2878 3 года назад
It is most of the us population is white and they could easily defeat blm and put a end to there tyranny
@TheBlackThorneKnight 3 года назад
@Ruby Williams I mean, why support the movement actively trying to make your neighborhoods less safe. Those BLM guys are straight up monsters.
@tsykez2939 3 года назад
It's amazing how so many are ignorant about how great this country is for minorities like myself.
@michaelc.3812 3 года назад
About as frightening an episode ever, and beyond what my nightmares might contemplate….
@guy-tn2ud 3 года назад
That pastor is a nice guy, with great ideas.
@nifemif2685 3 года назад
I think more outings like this should be done regularly. Interacting with people on issues can really help them "think again" about their stance.
@gcraay.6050 3 года назад
The nation wasn’t in upheaval it was an opportunistic time to get free stuff. And the dregs of humanity took advantage of it.
@jpm5772 3 года назад
I dont care who you are, what side your on, when you go out and riot and break things my tolerance for you as a human being drops to about zero
@keithy5932 3 года назад
@Night Watch Are you seriously justifying the January 6th insurrection?
@ravecaster 3 года назад
@@keithy5932 there was no insurrection.
@keithy5932 3 года назад
@@ravecaster How would you describe what happened on Jan 6th then? A simple protest?
@NPC-9361 3 года назад
@@keithy5932 a real insurrection would have guns and a lot more violence. What happened on jan 6 was a riot. Stop buying into the MSM narrative, it makes you a sheep🐑
@keithy5932 2 года назад
@Illunworth Where? People say that Jan 6th Insurrection wasn't an Insurrection but also Antifa infiltrated the protest to make it look bad but also it was a riot that Trump supporters gathered to protest a bad election but also Antifa and BLM made it look bad. Make it make sense.
@stacybrittain9448 3 года назад
Wow. Thank you Ami. The levels of hate and twisted thinking in this is staggering.
@juliesteimle3867 3 года назад
The lyrics of the Legend of Billy Jack, "One Tin Soldier" goes through my head whenever I hear these folk. "Go ahead and hate your neighbor. Go ahead and cheat a friend. Do it in the name of heaven. You can justify it in the end. You won't hear any trumpets blowing come the judgment day. On the bloody morning after, one tin soldier rides away..." They are so absorbed in hate, they are destroying the treasure of peace.
@RethinkSociety2012 3 года назад
This is hands down the VERY BEST work that Ami has done in recent times. Good job! I'm forwarding this video to lots of people. This is a concise, factual, and informative video. Props to the team who took the time to put this together.
@jrmasa3677 3 года назад
It's usually people with nothing to their name that wants to burn everything down 😂
@Nanerbeet 3 года назад
Reminds me of that saying: "When people have nothing left to lose, they lose it."
@Crazy-77 3 года назад
I know, like how’s destroying black businesses and looting helping black lives? Their logic is like 2+2=22
@keithy5932 3 года назад
@@Nanerbeet What do you think the solution is then? Maybe it’s trying to fix the broken system to let these people who have nothing left to lose a chance at living a normal life. These people lose it because they’re sick and tired of those in power not giving a crap about them.
@Nanerbeet 3 года назад
@@keithy5932 The main thing I've learned about life is that nobody gives a crap about you anyway. There are a tiny handful of people on this planet who love you-- treasure that. To the rest of the world, you're just another tick.
@keithy5932 3 года назад
@@Nanerbeet Don’t you want to change that though? Why are you so content with people being oppressed by a broken system? Black people on average get harsher consequences in the justice system compared to white people. That’s inherently wrong. We should all be striving towards making conditions for everyone better.
@soulfireonfire6423 3 года назад
How come she left out the political/government as not being a problem.
@Saltyahole 3 года назад
Because they’re supported by them.
@cat-bg3rv 3 года назад
makes you wonder 😔
@ShadyAcacia 3 года назад
16:43 look in the eyes of these kids, they have no idea what they’re really doing. Their feelings are being used
@MadSocial 3 года назад
I was thinking the same thing. Just brainwashed. Poor kids.
@RedWaveGraphics 3 года назад
They are being programmed to destroy us from within. Meanwhile China just announced plans to clamp down on western influence and implement a new nationwide indoctrination campaign right out of Mao's playbook.
@grooveman222 3 года назад
@@RedWaveGraphics - This feels a lot like the cultural revolution in China.
@RedWaveGraphics 3 года назад
@@grooveman222 Eerily similar as far as I can tell and there are a few who experienced it raising the alarm.
@bsaforlife 3 года назад
@@grooveman222 holy shit you’re right this shit is insane
@r3dr4t37 3 года назад
They only tell you what’s wrong. They never ever tell you HOW to fix it.
@jacobvalintine7296 3 года назад
It's time to end Freedom and Justice for ALL. Smart people there.
@cameronboden 3 года назад
“We believe it to be our sacred duty.” Right. Like a religion.
@andreasm5770 3 года назад
@ThFoil 3 года назад
@@andreasm5770 - You're both right.
@ojc1787 3 года назад
Lol trump supporters do the exact same thing they are in a cult which worships trump as something of savior and they also worship the founders ders as some kind of demigods. Acknowledge your own movements problems before you start blaming it on some other movement.
@tchristian04 3 года назад
Why does it matter whether it's a religion or not? Bad ideas are bad ideas regardless of how you categorize them.
@ThFoil 3 года назад
@@ojc1787 - Nice whataboutism. Trump supporters aren't going around in large groups burning down communities and beating random people up that don't jive with their ideologies.
@3870TheDad 3 года назад
My response to the replies to the question "Is it time to end the American Experiment? There are soo many more of us that want the 'experiment' to continue and thrive. Therefore, why don't you go find yourself another country that meets your goals and dreams, and move there?
@LStiglet 3 года назад
No such country exists.
@richardgaynor6113 3 года назад
Really? How many? History shows you are dupes of Marxists. Look at 1917 Russia, Look at every country that became communist. Have any ever approached the social and free market success of America? Wise up. Read history.
@ThFoil 3 года назад
Precisely. Plenty of great and thriving(lol) communist countries they could choose from.
@LStiglet 3 года назад
@@richardgaynor6113 when I say no such country exists, I mean no such country exists to fit the exact narrative of BLM and/or Antifa, since they are basically one in the same. I'm not saying communist countries don't exist. I mean no country exists that is a non- policed state or a state with absolutely no laws. What they want is a state of lawlessness, anarchy and utter constant chaos. No such country exists.
@cdubya166 3 года назад
They don't want to build for themselves, they want to take what has already been built. They'll make any excuse or perpetuate any lie, to those ends.
@tbforlife45 3 года назад
they are such a fraud - people will start to understand one day and they will be done
@AliceinJapanaland 3 года назад
Amazing interview - Ami Horowitz excels at what he does. He's like the intelligent and decent version of Sasha Baren Cohen or something to get these people to talk to him.
@lydiakaul4703 3 года назад
Men such as himself are the real life blood of the community and are the foundation of the heart of there communities.
@Cabiotube 3 года назад
"Criminal system of injustice"? I love when a person will not look at their own culture to see if there could be a problem there.
@rbx211 3 года назад
Boom! 👍
@agnes7404 3 года назад
"Looting and rioting is part of protesting!" No its not???????? You're just selfish and self-absorbed
@ericretz5037 3 года назад
America wouldn’t exist without rioting.
@agnes7404 3 года назад
@@ericretz5037 ah yes, because physically destroying businesses will always be what makes our country great
@TheBlackThorneKnight 3 года назад
@@agnes7404 Also, that was against a foreign empire. Not against the very minorities they claimed to protect.
@travistarp7466 3 года назад
@@ericretz5037 rioting against the government, not some random mom and pop shop.
@SuperLumianaire 3 года назад
@@travistarp7466 come now, little Eric doesn't have the mental capacity to make simple deductions such as that. He's a far leftist and can't think five seconds ahead let alone think logically.
@martymcfly1833 3 года назад
I wouldn’t have the patience to stand and talk to these people. I would be angry all the time.
@Tom-it9nu 3 года назад
When the kid said breaking people business are justice I really wanted to break all of his bones
@justineld4905 3 года назад
Ami does an incredible job controlling his emotions. But it's essential to be impartial otherwise these interviews wouldn't exist.
@andrewmckeown6786 3 года назад
Thumbs up Pastor. Love from Canada❤God Bless
@Chaos8282 3 года назад
Since I love that my daughter loves the TMNT I let her watch them on TV. Despite the fact that they force BLM propaganda down her throat. It gave me the excuse to show her exactly what they do and stand for. Now she knows it's evil.
@bradrichards8122 3 года назад
Look at her run when the truth comes out.
@realnathanaelgreene 3 года назад
"Capitalism is destroying our country." Oh, lady.
@auntbarbara5696 3 года назад
I honestly can't believe she said that with a straight face!
@keithy5932 3 года назад
Ah yes. Capitalism is doing our country a service by having 17 million vacant homes sitting there and then letting the homeless remain homeless. Capitalism is great when so many people are suffering from joblessness during the pandemic while Jeff Bezos celebrates record breaking gains time and time again. Capitalism is so great.
@realnathanaelgreene 3 года назад
@@keithy5932 The reason their are so many unfilled positions is because the Biden Administration is literally paying people to stay home. Why go out and get a job when you can make more of unemployment stimulus checks just sitting on your couch? Secondly, Jeff Bezos is rich because he worked his butt off his entire life creating Amazon. He deserves what he earns. While we are all gifted with equal opportunity (i.e. our work ethic and personal drive) we are not all given equal outcome. That exists in only two places: heaven and hell, and we ain't livin' in neither.
@keithy5932 3 года назад
@@realnathanaelgreene We’re not gifted equal opportunities when black people can receive less job employment opportunities because their name is too ethnic sounding. Minorities who “whiten” their resumes tend to be likelier of receiving callbacks. We’re not gifted equal opportunity when so many black people are systemically oppressed to be permanent residents in our prison system. I don’t see why you’re defending Jeff Bezos when he pays for less taxes than you or I ever will in our lifetime while he makes billions of dollars in his castle. www-2.rotman.utoronto.ca/facbios/file/Whitening%20MS%20R2%20Accepted.pdf
@realnathanaelgreene 3 года назад
@@keithy5932 As to your last point, the top 1% pay 40% of all taxes. That's a cold hard statistic. In regards to everything else, I'm afraid I have to say a flat-out no. Give me the evidence for your claims and I'll believe them.
@miamiexplorer6451 3 года назад
Ami is an American hero. Thank you Ami!
@cem5470 3 года назад
Man, this is scary, and the fact that people are so oblivious to the fact that this is just a blanket over destroying the country makes it even eerier.
@xoof89 3 года назад
She can't even come up with a darn answer for any of the questions. Pathetic. The priest did a much better job.
@DavidDuncanscalemodels 3 года назад
Forgive them, Father. For they know not what they do.
@eDiesel18 3 года назад
They know exactly what they are doing and are proud of it.
@raffaelefilosofi3630 3 года назад
One after another all the masks will fall on the ground. Good job Ami
@priscillamarie5992 3 года назад
They need a one way ticket out of America. I will contribute to that.
@Neg-Ros 3 года назад
Would you take me in instead...
@melaniebiberger2191 3 года назад
One way ticket to Mars pls. I don't think any country wants them
@priscillamarie5992 3 года назад
@@Neg-Ros with a name like that, you seem pretty cool so why not lol!
@priscillamarie5992 3 года назад
@@melaniebiberger2191 even better!
@anthonycurtis2774 3 года назад
Just watched you on SkyNews Australia with Rita Panahi. Am sharing the "Biden" out of this excellent documentary! You are brilliant!
@lingoistj1956 3 года назад
When they say the institution of the police came from slavery, I want them to point me to one sedimentary society in human history that did NOT have a form of policing system.
@debblouin 3 года назад
What it means to be an owner. Have the idea, take the risk, gather the resources, manage the productivity, efficiency, and placement in the market. Being a worker involves very little risk or cost. The only risk or cost to the worker is the opportunity cost of taking one job over another, and that is a free choice for the worker.
@chrisallison9151 3 года назад
If this pandemic has taught us anything it's that the worker is clearly taking a risk that the boss isn't taking. Many healthcare workers have died risking their lives for their lives with no increase in pay. For someone who owns the hospital, they don't have to take that risk nor are they
@A.D.540 3 года назад
@@chrisallison9151 but those who risk their live would have not if wasnt for the owner and more sick people would die. What the point of bring nurse and doctor if the resources you need isnt their. The resources the workers use doesnt come free.
@chrisallison9151 3 года назад
@@A.D.540 Exactly! So if it wasn't for the healthcare workers risking their lives then there would be no services to provide. The owner doesn't have resources in the way that you're saying. The resources that the hospital workers use are made by other workers. Think about it. Do you really think any one person has the time to create the funds to create a hospital that provides healthcare to a regional area? No. So if they don't create the products and doesn't make all that money, then what risk are they taking that the worker isn't? By the way healthcare workers have degrees and training and like you said they don't to have a job. That's a risk too
@canespugnaces2126 3 года назад
@@chrisallison9151 Isn't it inherently "risking their lives" by being a nurse or doctor anyway? Anyone can come in with a deadly virus, pathogen, or anything else at anytime and you won't know what they have until they are diagnosed. Looking at it that way wouldn't their wage reflect that possibility from the start and so therefore whether if there is an outbreak it should have no impact on what they are getting paid. I get what you mean with a head of a hospital vs the people working there, it is also the individual's choice to work in that field and have to take the pros with the cons. If a person feels like that field is their calling or purpose then the money side shouldn't matter.
@urstrulypalmer83 3 года назад
@@chrisallison9151 ummm.. 😂🤣😂🤣.. those people had the choice.. comment pointless
@Randal-su1bi 3 года назад
@2:34 Freudian Slip: said paid then corrected with played. The truth leaks out in drops.
@rayfran06 3 года назад
I caught that too when she started talking!
@lywaa2300 3 года назад
This is absolutely insane. Thank you for exposing this madness.
@pg618 3 года назад
God-bless and protect Corey Brooks a dignified black man Trying to bring light into darkness, Hope into despair and peace into madness.
@LuperSame 3 года назад
"can't talk about that" meaning she agrees with it and likes it, wants it to happen. look how she smiles when she says that.
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