
Farewell to little Teensy 🤍 

Monkeys Inc.
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Little Teensy's legacy - a life that touched many



29 сен 2024




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@ndpendentlady 8 месяцев назад
I am sorry that you had to watch her last breath and that you feel like you didn’t do enough. But rest assured we do not feel that way. We know you got food into her when AM couldn’t. You both did all you could for her. Maybe her short life was meant to show those who thought Tina was a bad mother, that in actuality she is a good and loving mother. Thank you for everything you did for teensy. ❤
@PamPreston78 8 месяцев назад
Very well said.
@lourdeshernandez3710 8 месяцев назад
Yes, it is. That's the best way to explain our feelings
@PamPreston78 8 месяцев назад
Poor Tina has no clue why some of her babies don’t survive. She only knows that for a while she has a nice suckling baby and then she doesn’t. I hope and pray that Teensy is her final infant.
@АннаМ-б4и 8 месяцев назад
She will give birth every year. 10 or more future babies
@BuckeyeNan 8 месяцев назад
​@@АннаМ-б4и Wow, 10 or more babies? That means going through the pain of weaning 10 times if they all are to survive. I think if I was a her, I would prefer to hang myself, or jump off a tall cliff than to go through that misery of weaning 10 potential babies, not to mention going through child birth 10 more time. God bless momma as she mourns her babies.😢😢 😢😢😢❤
@debvit2353 8 месяцев назад
Oh MC, my heart breaks for you having to witness that. You tried so hard to get nourishment into our little girl but there was nothing more you could do. Hugs my dear.
@amylynbarrows6800 4 месяца назад
@hollisblinn7910 8 месяцев назад
It was nature, not nurture, that failed Teensy. Tina proved herself to be a loving and caring mum who truly tried her best to keep her baby girl alive. I think we all mourn the loss of Teensy...I'm only sorry that you had to bear witness to her actual death. That had to be incredibly difficult for you. 💔
@cellardoor7108 Месяц назад
Nature doesn’t fail. It’s called natural selection and it’s necessary. Feeding these monkeys is the absolute worse thing for them. It destroys their natural way of life and changes their behavior. This is why it is illegal in Australia to feed the wildlife and if your caught feeding them you are fined and jailed.
@Galatian1 3 дня назад
Well said
@PamPreston78 8 месяцев назад
At least we all how hard Tina tried and what a good mom she was to that little girl.
@jackiesrockincooke1413 8 месяцев назад
M.C I like a lot of people know how hard you and A.M ALWAYS help our furry families. Not for one moment do we think you both didn't do enough. You are both human beings with very busy lives and you still take time to prepare the blended mushy goodies for Tinas babies. We all are very humbled by both of your actions. We love you ❤❤❤
@scottreich1207 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for doing everything you did for Teensy. You didn't fail her. Mother nature decided that it wasn't to be. It is the way of the world. Some won't make it no matter how hard we try. You've had to watch a lot of suffering, in babies that you were emotionally attached to. Please don't stop trying to help the little ones that need it. Know that we are crying with you every time you lose one, and we are here to support you just as much as you support our little baby monkeys. Thank you for doing what you do MC. We love you❤
@kendee_ 8 месяцев назад
I want to applaud MC for her efforts in keeping Teensy alive as well as give her my condolences for Teensy's loss, she's closer to these animals than any of us so it's impossible not to get attached in that way. Having said that, I think many people are wrongfully putting the blame on Teeny (and Tina) for her sister's death and not understanding how these animals behave and why. It's not Tina's fault and it's not Teeny's. It's the fault of Tina's supply, nothing else. Nothing short of a miracle would've saved Teensy. Hell, a miracle is what saved both Tiny and Teeny in their infancy. ​​​Teeny shouldn't be vilified for doing something that other girls her age get to do earlier than she does without issue. Teensy was the only baby she babysat and within those parameters she was a great sister that knew to keep her out of danger. She never had Teensy long enough for it to make a huge difference, at most an hour or two at a time. On average it was more likely around 10-20 minutes. She has no way of understanding her sister wasn't okay. Something else to remember too is that Tina was nursing 24/7 for Teensy's entire life and was visibly worn out, I think the breaks she got from Teeny's babysitting were a necessity for her to keep going. The fact is, all girls her age have a natural insatiable need to satisfy their maternal instincts. They love babies and want their own. All the other girls are lucky to practice with multiple siblings. Teeny didn't get that luxury. We saw years of that bottled up need come to the forefront and her mom knew it and knew she needed practice. Her mom can overpower her easily, so if she never wanted Teeny to babysit at all, she would've made it known. It's incorrect to blame her for doing what all monkeys her age do. I'm absolutely amazed by AM, MC, and the other feeders for their efforts. That was hard work, and it was very admirable. But unfortunately I have doubts it would've been enough to save her. She was roughly 3-4 months old at the time of her death, still nursing 24/7, and still the size of a newborn. Not even Tiny and Teeny were that malnourished. They had enough milk to be able to make it to the foraging stage of infancy without the same issues. Nature is beautiful and cruel but often leaves an easy trail for us to realize why things happen. Tina is old, she doesn't make enough milk, and is lucky to even have seen Trina, Tiny, and Teeny make it this far. She has likely had several other nameless children who have died because of these very issues, and it only gets worse with age. Teeny is not the root cause of Teensy's death, Tina's supply is. It's not Tina's fault either, it is just nature. I just wanted to put all that out there because a lot of people are calling for both Tina and Teeny to be sterilized and that's just unethical. All that said, I hope for the best for Tina's family. Teeny will likely have her own little baby this year and I think she has the potential to pick up on the best of her mother's behaviors and be an amazing mom (though probably still a pouch stealer but oh well, it's a learned behavior and it's not malicious). As for Tina, I hope she is able to go through the grieving and acceptance process as she unfortunately has had to before, and hopefully she'll be luckier this upcoming year if she can still conceive. Rest in peace little Teensy, you have Tibbin and Tiy with you always.
@SlowWalkingMohairSam 8 месяцев назад
You and AM did whatever was in your power to help Teensy. Her death was not caused by the lack of nutrition, care and love that both of you gave Teensy in her time of need. Other factors contributed to her death. For the brief time that we had her, we loved her and enjoyed her presence, living her life in her special world of love wrapped in the warmth of her mother's arms. My consolation is, she took her last breath in those loving arms... not in her sister's.
@johnmarsh6865 8 месяцев назад
You & the others didn't fail Teensy. You all tried to help Tina & Teensy, but Tina couldn't help the fact that her milk wasn't good enough quality to provide Teensy with the nutrients necessary for her to survive & flourish. Situations didn't always work out for Teensy to be able to get to eat a lot of the purees that you all provided for her. My heart goes out to you MC, for witness Teensy's passing. Never a situation that is easy to witness.
@GoFoSho 8 месяцев назад
It’s amazing that Teensy hung in there for this long since she seemed to have shrunk since her birth. It’s sad but it’s truly remarkable just how much hardship these amazing creatures can endure and overcome. Teeny’s story of survival is a testament of that. She endured the food taxes and was determined to scavenge every single crumb until she made it out of the woods.
@anjybaltimore4500 8 месяцев назад
Please don't feel like you didn't do enough. When I just saw her size when she was born, she never got much bigger. You did everything you could. All of Tina's children that survived had to fight to stay alive. We appreciate everything you did. Poor little Teensy was doomed from the time she was born. Thank you for all you do for all of these beautiful creatures ❤
@rustyanneyakel 8 месяцев назад
Oh hunny , no! You didn't fail that baby... Being only observers and chroniclers . We can only watch ... and , perhaps , comfort one another There was nothing you could do. Love hurts..even for our fur friends
@daisylucy2 8 месяцев назад
What happened to her? RIP baby girl.
@tw6534 8 месяцев назад
Failure to thrive.
@Danceswithfishes 8 месяцев назад
Tina's milk is poor quality. The babies that survive are the ones that manage to live until they can wander off a bit and can start foraging.
@daisylucy2 8 месяцев назад
@tw6534 oh no!! I hate that! Thank you!
@pc3235 8 месяцев назад
and you have medical testing and proof of this? how is this theory thrown out there so easy when neither exists? @@Danceswithfishes
@hagbagslayer5799 8 месяцев назад
She starved to death, slowly and painfully. Tina would get something to eat and stuff her face, then run off with Teensie never giving Teensie a chance to pick up a crumb.
@spankieschmidt3834 8 месяцев назад
Very sorry for the pain and loss you're suffering at this time and thank you for sharing this video, allowing those of us who watched along to have a little closure. While completely understandable, you or A.M. have no reason to feel any guilt or sense of failure for what happened. Realistically Teensy had next to zero chance once Teeny started acting out her baby obsession on her little sister, disconnecting Teensy for extended periods of time from the minimal nutrition barely sustaining her. This is an example of a micro situation that works out macro trends within the environment. Te overall health of the troop is better without the inferior genes demonstrated in Tina's poor quality milk and without interference, the population of the troop is more balanced by what occurred, allowing for better distribution of resources to healthier bloodlines/gene pools within the troop. Unfortunately, this means nothing when we develop personal attachments and view them within an individual and unique context. Watching this video I"m struck by how emaciated she was by the end, being significantly thinner and more frail appearing that even at birth. I can't help but think she was suffering greatly by the end and finally has some relief. Hopefully you take comfort in knowing in here last moments she was in your company and held safely in her mother's arms.
@tysoncutler3630 8 месяцев назад
Poor thing probably had Teeny hanging on to her too long too often after her apparent improvement.
@geminichalimar 8 месяцев назад
This is tragic. As much as we hate it, Mother Nature can be cruel. IMHO, though, what is truly cruel and hateful are those humans calling for Tina to be fixed, or worse, put down. Who are we to judge what to her is natural. If these monkeys were not recorded, we would have no idea of what is happening. It is possible for Tina to successfully raise babies. Tiny and Teeny are proof. We do not know the full extent of Teensy's health. Was she born with a congenital issue that predisposed her to be so weak? After all, both her siblings were able to forage and survive. Why not Teensy? We are fortunate to be able to glimpse their world through the wonderful efforts of MI and AM, but we are only observers. While most of what we see is cute, adorable, and fun, some can be heartbreaking and dark; and all truly remarkable. To call for harm, and yes, fixing them is harmful, is the utmost in human hubris. We are not the arbiters of right or wrong, good or evil when it comes to the natural world. We have witnessed what human interference has done to some of these monkeys. Bo, Dy, and Dorothy are prime examples. Tina, Teeny, and Gypsy are all doing what they were born to do. Be monkeys. The only thing they know and what their instincts tell them to do. You can hate that this happens, but do not call for these monkeys to be harmed as you are doing. By doing so, you are no better than the monkey haters who ask the cruel pet owners to hurt their monkeys. Assisting with feeding is as far as we should go. The feeders, AM and MI all did this. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough. Be thankful you get to see their world in all it's beauty and ugliness.
@debvit2353 8 месяцев назад
Who is MI please?
@geminichalimar 8 месяцев назад
@@debvit2353 Monkeys Inc
@carolinemole4667 8 месяцев назад
My condolences MC. As sad as we are, you and arroz tried so hard to help her. You gave it your all, and all of us know it.❤❤❤❤😂😂
@j.s.walker3656 8 месяцев назад
You did the best you could MC, some things are out of our control. But what you did was kind and wonderful and on some level I believe Tina and Teensy knew that
@Luv2make2 8 месяцев назад
At 0:45 I gasped! You didn’t fail Teensy. Thank you for all the footage of this precious baby.
@GoFoSho 8 месяцев назад
It’s hard to watch but at least Teensy had Tina and Teeny for love, protection and reassurance. Unlike Cambodia’s monkey pet and fake rescue channels where the infant macaques are ripped away from their mothers and forced to stare sadly at a camera
@terryfowler6090 8 месяцев назад
Sometime Mother Nature says " Not this time ".😢
@susannahcarosi6773 8 месяцев назад
It’s heart breaking. But I think Teeny played a very big part in her demise. She kept taking her at every moment when she would try to eat and nurse what very little she was getting already. Thank you for this beautiful video. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know how much you wanted to help her❤
@kendee_ 8 месяцев назад
We have to remember we only get a glimpse of their lives from edited videos. Teeny had her no more than any other sister would usually have their sister, which is on average 10-20 minutes and never longer than an hour or two according to several rhesus macaque studies. She can't be held responsible for her sister's death as the only thing that really played a role was Tina's supply and her age. There's a reason that Tina is so old but she only has three living children.
@EmmaDee 8 месяцев назад
@@kendee_with all do respect please accept that others clearly have an opinion too based on their years of watching troops, knowledge, and evidence seen in these videos of a baby that is clearly STARVING. While we may only see a 15 minute snippet, including Teensy at 6:45 trying to take food out of her mouth while dying and begging to be returned to Tina, it leads some of us to believe these 15 minutes turned into hours each day Teensy was not being fed. All I’m saying is as much as we respect your comment, please respect ours too.
@kendee_ 8 месяцев назад
@@EmmaDee I never said I didn't or that people can't have their own opinions, but people should understand that these are wild animals and that it might be best not to put personal feelings behind their actions and behaviors. It can lead to a lot of extreme commentary like calling for Teeny and Tina to be sterilized, vilified, or put down. As can already be seen across the Monkey Hill channels.
@Virgovixen10 8 месяцев назад
How old do u think Tina may be? She looks exhausted and worn out. Poor dear. I’m am only a watcher for about 18 months. But it does look like this poor mom, is not herself, in the best of health. I hope Tina can regain her health and get strong for her other daughter. Tina and Teeny were lucky to enjoy her for the brief time they did have her. How does the park determine who they chose to sterilize? And, do they ever neuter the males as well?
@kendee_ 8 месяцев назад
@@Virgovixen10 We don't have an exact age unfortunately, but we can make estimations based on her face, hair, and other feautures. She has a lot of white hair and it's more sparse than the younger monkeys. Her adult daughter Trina also has some strands of white coming in, so she is at lesst old enough to have a daughter that has already been in her adulthood since at the very least 6 years ago when Tiny was born. As for the sterilization plan, it's completely random. It's based only on who gets caught in the feeding cages when the vets show up. Males can be sterilized as well but it doesn't always work, every so often a sterilized male will still sire an offspring.
@raaaaaaarr 8 месяцев назад
As I said to arroz, she passed in her mother's warmth with a pacificier and love unlike many. For that i am happy
@lilgrlQ1 8 месяцев назад
OMG, how horrible! My heart goes out to you - I know I would've been a Mess! God Bless..❤
@LewHassell-Philosopher 8 месяцев назад
Isn't Tina an argument for targeted neutering? Tina has a sister (Trina) and a daughter (Teeny), so she wouldn't "die alone". Yes, I am a hard-hearted SOB, but watching multiple babies starve to death is a bit more than even I can stand.
@pitbull1026 8 месяцев назад
Tina stuffing her mouth while holding her starving baby that is actively dying from starvation. Nope not at all a hard-hearted SOB. Just common sense.
@ShaShaLuva414 8 месяцев назад
I Agree, have her neuter I think that will be better for Tina. To continue to have babies that has to suffer due to starvation is not good.
@kendee_ 8 месяцев назад
@@pitbull1026 Tina eats so much because she needs to produce more milk. It's not malicious, she's doing the only thing she understands how to in order for her baby to survive. It's unfortunate that she doesn't produce enough but it's nature and we should never intervene just because people get attached.
@PamPreston78 8 месяцев назад
Oh no, MC this is going to be so difficult for you. 🤗
@daisylucy2 8 месяцев назад
Thank you MC for trying! Tina needs to be fixed so she can't have anymore babies. If you and AM hadn't help feed her others, they may not have made it.
@michaelhearn3052 8 месяцев назад
It is a sad loss MC, but both you and AM should not blame yourselves as you did what was possible, under the difficult circumstances, for Teensy. I know AM and JW have had concerns that they did not do enough, with some of the babies they videoed in the past particularly, Stormy for JW. But you have been in similar situations before with Skulhead and his demise, not forgetting Charlotte, who you fostered some years ago now, and tried to return her back to her troop. These babies are very lovable, cute little monkeys and we always risk becoming too attached to them. You all do us viewers a great service between the four of you who record these macaques weekly lives on Monkey Hill. But it is all part of as AM would put it the circle of Life. In an AM investigatory video he made some years ago now, he produced stats that 20% of babies die in the first 6 months from accidents, malnutrition and infections. Not forgetting road kill and fatal falls are high on the list.
@pamelamurack5639 8 месяцев назад
So sorry MC you feel it’s your fault but I blame Teeny who really was the trouble here. You tried so hard along with AM to get food to her. This will be Tina’s legacy. She’s just not good at producing milk
@uhaneokalanijames8029 8 месяцев назад
sorry to say it but it was due to her sister kidnapping her. she didn't allow teensy to forage, and anything she did happen to forage while with tina, teeny raided from her pouches. i believe it was the reason she would kidnap her during that time, besides it being easy snack, it was also a time to play mother. yes she learned this behavior, just like tina and trina did to her as a baby, except trina didn't keep teeny or tiny for long, just enough time to steal their food. the difference with the raiding of pouches with tina, is tina stopped forcing pouch raidings once treats became more abundant on monkey hill, even when she tried she gave up quickly because she had enough, as did trina. with teeny doing it, it doesn't make as much sense to me, because teeny gets more treats than the average one on monkey hill, she had no need to steal her sisters. so i guess we can expect it with her own. now with the feeding cut backs tina will resume pouch stealing in the future from her babies, because she assumes they are getting adequate milk supply. and in all reality, it is actually more common than we think for mothers to raid their babies pouches especially with low borns, because the babies still rely on milk as their food source, foraging food is just training sessions for when they are weened. but not tinas kids, its life or death for them. how sad, but its nature. can we really be mad at teeny? i wish she wouldn't have pouch raided. thats what bothers me the most....RIP teensy
@kendee_ 8 месяцев назад
Teeny wasn't at fault and neither was Tina. Tina was feeding Teensy 24/7 for her entire life and only got breaks when Teeny would take her. On average, Teeny could've only had her for about 10-20 minutes per session. Tina knew how to get Teensy back if she really needed to, it's easy for her to intimidate her own daughter. Teeny raids her pouch because that's what her mom did to her and she's trying to learn how to be a mother, it's a learned behavior that didn't traumatize her so she just does it because she thinks it's the right thing to do. Ultimately it isn't malicious because more food for the mom means more milk for the baby, they get more nutrients out of milk than foraging. The only reason Teensy didn't make it is because Tina simply can't supply enough milk, especially as she advances in age. It's why she's so old and yet only has three living children.
@dawnmagee3354 8 месяцев назад
@cassandraalls5633 8 месяцев назад
At least Tina had two small but strong willed babies in Tiny and Teeny. So lovely to see Teeny grooming mom. And she is being such a good big sister 😊
@venetabritt2771 8 месяцев назад
MC you did the very best anyone could have done more. Short of taking Teensy home and that would have been wrong. Teensy just wasn't strong enough to survive until the natural food was ready for her. MC you were so good to her. I am sorry you were there to witness the last of her life. You and AM tried all that you could to get her extra nutrients. She wasn't meant to be here any longer.😢
@jbielinski12 3 месяца назад
It seemed to me that Tina had better luck with the babies she birthed when they were smaller. Smaller, I think, due to the fact that Tina was having a harder time getting enough nourishment for herself. She started to get a better amount of food with the onset of Covid. More people came to the hill to occupy themselves and feed the monkeys. Pre-Covid Tina would timidly hide in the trees and only come out when the bulk of her troop had gorged themselves and left. And she had the pick of that scrawny scraps available and even then if a tourist or other monkey came anywhere into proximity to Tina she would disappear. This resulted in her babies being born smaller than a normal baby weight for an average mom with average nourishment. Not a preemie in that they were 'not fully cooked' but just the smaller size. A smaller baby will need less nourishment or in a newborn's need of less milk. Then Tina's meager supply of milk would be able to support that small baby. The whole process was iffy but had more of a chance for the baby to start to achieve a size to start moving about on it's own to find some small specks of food. With a Tina that had a suitable amount of food she would be more likely to birth a normal size baby which had a normal size appetite. A appetite requirement that Tina's milk supply couldn't begin to produce.
@solbri2758 8 месяцев назад
It's sad, but her daugther is the one who, in a way, killed her own little sister. Tina should of been more carefull not to leave Teensy out of her sight knowing that Teeny is just desperate. I hope that for the next baby she may have, she won't give any chance to Teeny to grab the baby.
@shannonspage9360 4 месяца назад
That wasn't ever going to end well, Tina may have reached her limit for viable offspring. Being low on rank she has likely had more offspring then she would have even been able to have without human food suppliments
@Spirit-8 8 месяцев назад
As sad as losing teeny was ,and having to witness that, it's nature's way, she did seem a little better but her progress was getting slower, and slower, and having a big sister who loved to cuddle her didn't help, she's a peace now, climbing the giant golden tree in the forest, that only those who have past can see , never hungry , running free, playing with friend and siblings all who went before her, and when the times right, she may want to come back to us .but in the mean time, let her enjoy her freedom , high up in the tree of life she goes, the more she climbs the more fun , food, love, and freedom she will have , we won't forget , we can't forget , unto we meet again little teensy , run like the wind when you play .and watch over your mom, with all your other siblings climbing the big golden forest tree of life...and death. You have been loved by many you don't know , that will be a comfort to you .
@Tracey-eg8fl 8 месяцев назад
So sad Tina is such a good mom and I was praying Teensy would make it. I’m heart broken.
@gsmith6026 8 месяцев назад
I wonder if Teeny had left her alone, if she could have survived? Tina seemed to let her nurse as much as she wanted but when Teeny would kidnap her, that took her away from what little nutrition she was getting.
@kendee_ 8 месяцев назад
Unlikely, and some people are putting way too much blame on her. She never had her sister for longer than most girls do, which is roughly 10-20 minutes at a time. Tina was worn out and she needed the breaks that Teeny provided so that she could produce more milk. The root cause is her supply and her age and nothing else.
@annet1784 8 месяцев назад
@@kendee_you don’t know that for sure.
@kendee_ 8 месяцев назад
@@annet1784 Of course I don't. None of us do. But we can make educated inferrences based on what we see and correlate it with data we know about this species and their behaviors. Unless there's a neurological disorder in play, on average juvenile females will babysit/kidnap their siblings for that amount of time. Teeny has never shown any signs of that sort of disorder or extended trauma, so there's no evidence to suggest otherwise. We do know from every sighting of Teensy, she was always on Tina's breast and never away from it for longer than a few minutes when Tina had her. For a 3-4 month old, that's not normal. It was very likely damaging to Tina's teets for having Teensy on there that long and consistently. She would've needed breaks to replenish, and considering she never once was shown forcing Teensy off the milk, Teeny's babysitting is most likely the only breaks she had. Sadly, Teensy's chances were low with or without her sister simply due to Tina's breastmilk issues that she can't control, that is the sole factor in her death and nothing else. There's a reason Tina's so old and yet only has three living children.
@pitbull1026 8 месяцев назад
Watching Teeny checking her sisters mouth for food just proved she will continue the pouch raiding trait. Brace yourself for next year's loss. Tina will have another baby that will probably meet the same fate and Teeny will have her own. Even if Teeny's milk is fine her baby will have to struggle with all three raiding its pouches. What a horrible family to be born in.
@BeTheDragon141 8 месяцев назад
My thoughts exactly. Watching her check her sister’s pouches for food is so disheartening that she will carry on the trait that she learned from her mother and older sister.
@kendee_ 8 месяцев назад
The pouch raiding isn't malicious. Tina does it because more food for her means more food for the baby as they typically get much more nutrients out of their breast milk than by foraging. She doesn't understand that she has issues with her supply. Teeny's baby will have better chances since she isn't old like her mom and has a higher likelihood of not having supply issues.
@pitbull1026 8 месяцев назад
@@kendee_And what's the excuse when Teeny wasn't breast feeding and the pouch raiding continued.. Trina doesn't breast feed any baby. Tiny well the obvious. Such a nasty trait to pass down. Twenty years from now, imagine how many mothers will be doing it that are decendants of Tina. Tina and her family are not the only macaque's that do it. But she is the only one I've seen that is constant and vicious. When Tina and Trina are pouch raiding its a brutal scene. Tina has done it when both of her pouches are full and she has had plenty of food. AM isn't there every day and doesn't like to video them often when the feeders are there because of the chaos and violence. Gypsy is at the very bottom and has never taken food from her children. Also, Gyspy is my favorite.
@kendee_ 8 месяцев назад
@@pitbull1026 The "excuse" is that Teeny learned it from her mom, is trying to learn how to be a mom, so she does it. It didn't traumatize her, so she chooses to still do it. As I said, more food for mom means more milk for baby. You are putting human thought and emotion behind animals that do not think like us. It's normal to them and if there's an issue that they have the capacity to recognize they will change it. Example being Kneely's parenting style compared to her mom. There's nothing wrong with Tina's pouch-stealing. She doesn't make enough milk, she eats more to make more so her babies have better chances of survival. Simple as that. Monkeys like her have been doing it for centuries and will continue to do so.
@georgianasalter 6 месяцев назад
😂The obgyn there.
@whaleoilbeefhooked907 8 месяцев назад
It is sad. Tina has such healthy babies when they are born.
@jimmysexton4201 4 месяца назад
The actions you were able to take were a betterment to her little life! As a fan I'm greatful to you for what you were able to provide! Without your actions there would have been no help! Everything matters, Arroz!!! God bless!!
@mona8986 8 месяцев назад
Oh MC you didn't fail TEENSY. You along with AM & the feeders did your best to give her the nutrients she so desperately need, but alas it wasn't meant to be. Now she's no longer suffering and can now play with the little monkey angels in Monkey Hill Heaven. But my heart goes out to you for having to witness TEENSY take her last breath, at least she was in her mother's arms. Please take some time for yourself to process your feelings. WE all love and care for you as well as our furry cousins 💖💖
@ComDocH 8 месяцев назад
You did all you could! Sadly, nature does what it needs to do. While it terrible that we’ve lost Teensy and Tibbin, we can take some consolation in Tina’s two miracle babies: Tiny and Teeny! Teeny who by next year will likely be a Mom herself. Tiny who will likely be a full-fledged member of Lowina’s troop.
@portialuv3558 8 месяцев назад
Oh my goodness 😢 Teensy 🤍 this is heart breaking I love monkey hill so much. Oh Tina😪 so sorry MC it a sad moment for u as well. 😢
@marciaanderson9938 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for these incredible final moments with Tina, Teeny, and Teensy. One cannot watch your footage without feeling all the pangs of grief moving through our hearts. You bring so much honor, dignity and compassion to this particular moment. I know this sad time will haunt you and all of us who came to love her this year for some time. It was about winning “the good fight” and we all were rooting for Teensy’s survival until her last breath. Bless you and AM for all your life sustaining attempts to save this tiny baby. I feel like my broader view of Tina and Teeny shifted inside me so much watching Tina’s evolution to being a super mother for Teensy this time. And maybe the next blessing this year will be Teeny and her first infant next year. That would mend a lot of broken hearts. To watch nature be kinder to Tina’s brood next year. Thank you for sharing this with us. Very moving.
@debvit2353 8 месяцев назад
MC, I knew I had to watch this video over again. Although it was heartbreaking for you, I am grateful you were there to chronicle her last breath and share it with us. My concern now is for you. You did not fail her. You did everything in your power to help her to survive. Circumstances beyond your control caused her passing. It’s obvious you have a special relationship with these monkeys. Having to witness the awful demise of Teensy after the heart wrenching death of Skullhead, Charlotte and others has to weigh heavily on you. Please take comfort in the knowledge that we care for you and what you must be going through. We are just viewers of Monkey Hill, you are living it. Love and prayers are being sent your way. ❤️🐒❤️
@tngrandma242 8 месяцев назад
MC, my heart hurts for you. Everyone who watches these videos know that you and your family and AM did everything possible for Teensy. I do not blame Teeny or Tina, life can be cruel to animals and humans, but we go on and do the best we can.
@sallysorrentino4013 8 месяцев назад
Oh no Can I handle this tribute? I still haven't recovered from Stormys 😢😢😢
@Thedirtydubber 8 месяцев назад
I really did want to see teensy make it. That is life though. We have no control over others. Teensy was not to grow old. That was not her fate. Hopefully Tina takes next year off. Maybe by then teeny will have a baby of her own.
@jenniferkelley3777 8 месяцев назад
Oh I'm so sorry. You tried so hard. And sadly it just wasn't meant to be. Saddens me greatly. 😢i hope for peace in your heart.
@lindatate7053 8 месяцев назад
Oh my heart broke about teensy passing but I know you and arroz did as much as you could possibly do. It just wasn't meant to be as sad as it is. I prayed so hard for her for months and thought she would make it for awhile but then she was getting weaker. Teeny and tiny wre real fighters but teensy just couldn't seem to find energy to leave mom to fight to find food. Both you and arroz have done so much over the years to look out for these precious furry creatures that we have all come to love. Put off watching this because was already sad after watching arroz video about her. As hard as it is we have to go on and just continue to help all we can in the future.. you are special mc and they all love you. I can see how they interact with you. They feel your love so never doubt that you failed because you didn't. Your love for them showed in every video you make. Thank you for all you do for them.
@susieq3235 8 месяцев назад
💜💜💜💜 Nature failed her not you. Maybe she waited to say goodbye. They steal our hearts and sometimes break them. Lots of hugs.
@carriehunt9741 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for all you tried to do for Teensy. Circumstances were just not in your favor. Goodbye Teensy. ❤
@BeTheDragon141 8 месяцев назад
Watching Teeny check her sisters mouth for food does not bode well for her children.
@mommieminnesota3108 8 месяцев назад
I really do believe that had teeny not takin teensy from tina those times she would have survived.poor baby it just breaks my heart listening to her little cries😢😢
@jcgraham8808 8 месяцев назад
Thank you MC. The last moments of her little life were hard to watch, but make it easier to see she had no fight left. That little monkey has taken a piece of my heart with her.
@sallysorrentino4013 8 месяцев назад
Oh MC witnessed it that day bless your beautiful heart thank you for sharing ur moments with us
@mariamartinezmartinez3283 8 месяцев назад
Nacional geografic ,espero que pongáis este documental en grupo Disney, porfavor, Sería muy feliz de poder verlo y oírlo en español.gracias .
@mariamartinezmartinez3283 8 месяцев назад
Por favor natural geografíc ,estrenerlo en español en el grupo disney ,es felicidad para muchos y muchas ❤
@juliagreenwell7343 8 месяцев назад
You did your best😢
@lemonandcornthebirdie 8 месяцев назад
@terryjohnson3814 8 месяцев назад
@bornintheusa7381 8 месяцев назад
Has anyone tried to give Tina prenatal victims when she gets pregnant 😢
@UnchosenRatomaniaTheS8 5 месяцев назад
@АннаМ-б4и 8 месяцев назад
Тинси сдохла? От голода?
@billenglish6983 4 месяца назад
Made sure to show her authority, over this ungrateful delinquent. Made sure, it would Not forget this fact, very soon.😮😮❤😂😅
@MrTigurius 8 месяцев назад
Doesn’t stop mom from eating.
@runedharma22 8 месяцев назад
Teeny killed her by her baysitting.
@runedharma22 8 месяцев назад
Teeny the new Bo.
@АннаМ-б4и 8 месяцев назад
Почему мать позволяла бейбиситинг и не забирала тинси
@paulforder591 8 месяцев назад
MC, you did all you could for Teensy's nourishment, but nothing worked. It's heartbreaking for us to watch Teensy taking her last breath. Poor Tina has yet to accept her loss. The only culprit is Teeny, who often took Teensy away from Tina, held her, but wouldn't let her walk around and forage. RIP Teensy: you're now among the monkey angels. 🙊🙈🙊😢
@seniorgirl67 8 месяцев назад
MC there is so much fake news we have to decifer but we do not have to contend with that when we watch MR.A videos and yours ,you bring compassion, love ❤️ and heartfelt sincerity in your videos, you and Mr A saw a need and did your absolute best, please don't feel bad and punish yourself you both did what was HUMANLY possible with the exception of becoming monkeys yourselves and breastfeeding Teensy and that was not an option, we your loyal followers appreciate you and Mr.A for all that you do.❤
@greyfoxyo 8 месяцев назад
How horrible to see come out all plump and healthy to just see it get skinny and skinnier every time you find them until she became beef jerky
@nicholasjackson3854 5 месяцев назад
I could have swore I saw her mom pulling food out of her mouth. Maybe I'm wrong and it was a different monkey. But I'm fairly sure it was that one and if so. That little thing never had a chance
@Pinkpanter.plastering 8 месяцев назад
I’m so upset with news about adorable Teensy i so wanted her to make it but mama Tina didn’t help her taking her food out of her little mouth she was such a fighter and got that far so devastating to hear that she’s passed away I wish she could have been taken away and cared for proper put mama thought she was right and did love her but was her worse problem with out meaning to be I become so attached just watching AM’s excellent videos I wish I was there and think I would have tried to catch her and look after her till she was strong enough to be ok 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
@geminichalimar 8 месяцев назад
Tina didn't raid her pouches, Teeny would try
@tngrandma242 8 месяцев назад
Have you seen the videos of little Charlotte? If not, watch them, they are on AM's channel. You can just search baby monkey Charlotte. You will see there is no option for taking a baby away and caring for it.
@kimsmith3415 8 месяцев назад
It really made me angry c n Teeny holding Teensy because 4 1 thing she was intirely way 2 rough with her & if she was practicing 4 when she becomes a mom then that's the more reason that it wasn't a game it's a fragile life n her hands & she just didn't seem 2 b serious n what she was rltry nb2 learn 4 herself & that b n said this is 1 of the reasons i think is why Teensy started go n down hill she couldn't get milk & the other was when Teensy had her she wouldn't let her down 2 forage 4 anything nor would she even share anything that she did have & i c long tail macaques siblings when they steal there bro./sis. They most always share there food with them so why couldn't Teeny plus monkeys r not dumb & Teeny had 2 know something wasn't rt with her sister so she should of left her with mom 4 better care plus Teeny went through it not long ago & they do keep memories that's how they learn from there mothers & so on well i can go on & on Teensy should've been taken or taken w/mom 4 less stress on Teensy so she could've got the proper care then returned bk n 2 the wild i c it hapoen all the x over there. There r some kind of government rescue but I'm not aware n thoughs countries what the names r but anywys i love u Teensy & u will b missed & tears will falk 4 u on weeks end like it has 4 me still upset over her lil fragile cute self r.i.p . Kimtigger143!!!❤😢❤😢 P.s. ty 4 that video but i wish i could of rem. teensy the way she was the last x i seen her but now i have that horrible image of her taking her last suffering breath of pain & suffering it's a horrible wy 2 die starve 2 death 😢😢😢
@EmmaDee 8 месяцев назад
Why was this OLD video shown from when Teensy was born with the umbilical cord still attached? See we can’t even get a fair assessment of the entire situation.
@1n1people 8 месяцев назад
😢😢😢😢😢😢good little Teensy she was crying for food i hate sterilization but Tina is a one that needs it
@virginiadavis1076 8 месяцев назад
Blessings for keeping us informed and very sorry that you had to witness Teensy's passing. Thank you and Mr. AM, and the feeders for all you did to help under the circumstances. I wonder if Tina's poor quality of milk could be because she was so starved before the pandemic and the extra food? I remember seeing her take the food from Tiny and Teeny's pouches because she was so hungry and thought, at the time, that she was a terrible mother, but have changed my mind after seeing how she tried with all the previous babies after Teeny, especially Teensy. At the same time, wouldn't it be a blessing for Tina to have surgery so she doesn't have to keep going through the heartbreak of losing her babies? It's also hard on you, Mr. AM, and us viewers to watch something happening that we have not control over. The other option you and Mr. AM have is that if you see or find another situation with Tina or another monkey, i.e. Nora or Bo... please edit it out. I know I'm going to get all kinds of flack over this, but that's OK. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
@poppitoe1563 8 месяцев назад
And noone helped just took video of her dying wow
@kevintroy4329 8 месяцев назад
She never had a chance with her mother stealing her food out of ber pouches, and having rotten milk, not putting her down long enough to forage, and a sister who had baby fever!!!😡😠🤬
@BlyndaBerry 8 месяцев назад
I already put do not notify me on my phone now am telling you do not notify me with any more of you'll videos period
@toddbowers5673 8 месяцев назад
It’s natural and it’s nature…it’s probably why she lasted as long as she did. Was everyone’s help. I hope mom doesn’t have any more that have to fight for life and against a sister who helped kill babies. It’s not you.
@pitbull1026 8 месяцев назад
Well brace yourself. Teeny was checking her mouth for food so next year when Teeny has her own baby and Tina has another they both will struggle to survive. Tina's milk being the way it is this will be another repeat and Teeny's baby will have it's pouches raided by all three. What a horrible family to be born in.
@kendee_ 8 месяцев назад
It's not her sister's fault that she's gone. Tina is old and already plagued with breastfeeding issues. She was feeding Teensy 24/7 for her entire life and only got breaks to refill her supply when Teeny would take her.
@윤혜경-u5c Месяц назад
@deltarain913 8 месяцев назад
Beautiful I can tell your Truly HeartBroken. I hurts Deeply I pray you will strive to continue on with less painful😢 days are blessed with 😇Joyful ones instead sincerely,!🦋!v.cote×/'-
@nicholasjackson3854 6 месяцев назад
I knew it. She had some kind of disease like hepatitis or something because no matter what that thing could not gain any weight
@strictly2leftfeet 8 месяцев назад
I am a bit mystified by Teensy’s demise. Although she was still undernourished, she had made it through the first weeks when Tina’s inferior milk was all she had. I thought she was starting to get stronger once she could eat solids, particularly with the extra attention MC, AM and the regular feeders gave. To loose her now seems such a sad blow. The worry now is that this scenario will repeat itself next year when Tina gives birth again. There is also the added fear that Teeny also will give birth for the first time and inherit the inability to provide nourishing milk. Let’s hope that isn’t the case.
@kendee_ 8 месяцев назад
We'll have to wait and see, but there's a chance that her baby might be healthier since she will most likely be having a baby with William, and his genes are a complete mystery. He's also much younger than Ethan, who is the father of Tiny, Teeny, and most likely Teensy.
@hagbagslayer5799 8 месяцев назад
It was not your fault. It’s Tina‘s fault. She didn’t give Teensie a chance to get down and eat food Tina would stuff her face grab Teensie and run off. We were all rooting for her. I had a feeling a while back that she wouldn’t make it. She was so skinny and so frail. Her bones were literally sticking out through her skin. Thank you for trying to help her. Maybe you and Arroz can see about having her spayed. That would prevent any more babies from starving after being born to Tina God bless have a happy new year 🎉Starving to death is a terrible way to die. IMO Tina looks very old, too old and skinny to have a healthy baby any more. I think she would be easy to net take her to get fixed and put her back. She will never know what happened. Surprised she doesn’t eat her dead offspring
@hagbagslayer5799 6 месяцев назад
No baby stands a chance with Tina as its mother. Tina is not a good mther
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