
Fe vs Fi MBTI Cognitive Functions - MBTI Explained - Introverted Feeling & Extraverted Feeling 

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@simonbendixborregaard6376 9 лет назад
I'm INFP and holy shit! Best fucking deduction I've ever watched! You have succesfully presented to me the logic that I need to express my value system. It makes a lot of sense in terms of explaining the bottleneck that I usually have concerning expressing what goes on in my head.. I just watched NF Dr. Mike's explanation of how he sees the extroverted functions as ways of expressing things and the introverted functions as ways of perceiving things and it makes a lot of sense in line with your video. So as an Ne and Te user I will for example speak logically(Te) and intuitively(Ne) about my inner values(Fi) and feelings(Si) to make sure that I know that I am not being misunderstood - A nice example of that is this very youtube comment, I wish to explain the logical grounds of a world in which my values and feelings can best be understood. Thanks a bunch for this video, I think it was very very well done!
@FirsToStrike 8 лет назад
Thanks for the video Chad, i enjoyed this. As an INFP, I think the description of Fi isn't completely spot on, At least not in the way it's present in me, but it seems to be biased by your own way of viewing Fi, one- that with you being an ENTJ- is based on a lot of Te, a need to control the environment. While you definitely try to be concise, to the point, and objective, maybe I'm the biased one because I just don't see things entirely the way you described them. My Fi is a lot more easy going than what you described. While it seeks to assert itself on it's environment, and definitely seeks to see it's environment stable and consistent, I'm also very very much aware of how other's Fi seeks to do the same, and let them, as I know that if I give into my own wishes of my Fi, i have a great chance of compromising the Fi of others. In that regard it is very forgiving and has a great capacity to accept others the way they really are.
@Mysdefy 3 года назад
Yes :')
@EnidFPatternson 8 лет назад
That correlative analysis of motive and T/F axes was just brilliant. Thank you for yet another very interesting and enlightening video.
@TrueGenerations 8 лет назад
Your welcome!
@thelandisgreen7499 8 лет назад
I try to avoid talking about emotions with fi dominant/secondary users sometimes. I feel like they might invalidate my experiences if they haven't gone through it or just be terrible at relating. It's a real dilemma, especially if you're fond of them but can't trust them with your feelings.
@ellipses1212 5 лет назад
TheLandIsGreen a person doesn’t have to go through the same exact experience you have in order to relate...they just have to have felt the emotion before. We are all human and have felt all the same emotions, regardless of the circumstances. I don’t think it’s Fi, but perhaps an emotionally underdeveloped person that you are dealing with. I know this comment is from years ago...just wanted to add my thoughts anyway.
@DrKojiin 8 лет назад
Bro, you are amazing. I'm an INTP. I watched all your function videos. Your explanations are so clear. This one really made connected Thinking with feeling. I can wait to think about this in depth while working out.
@idealseeker6323 8 лет назад
You are absolutely right As an INFJ, I developed my depth when I started to use my introverted thinking (Ti) more often since I was 20
@rolom3 5 лет назад
Hello fellow INFJ :)
@soulspark3970 7 лет назад
So weird... I feel like both Fe and Fi are super important functions I use quite a bit. I suppose it makes sense as in the end we all use all functions right ?
@alexfjallstrom6485 6 лет назад
My team has Ti fuel and Fe support. Your team has Fi fuel and Te support. My team's goal is exploration of truth. Your team's goal is freedom to be individuals. Fe seeks a grand universal harmony so that our energy can be spent on Ti individual truth. Te seeks a functioning environment so that your energy can be spent on Fi exploring your individual values. That's what I got out of this. It doesn't really make full sense to me as an intp (I need to process it), but I'm happy you gave me a theory to process. Thanks for this video! Was this your original idea?
@ladynottingham89 8 лет назад
I identify with Fe as picking up the emotional atmosphere instantly and knowing what a person's feeling in the moment, although not necessarily the why. However, every time I hear someone refer to Fe as "people pleasing" or "going with what the majority feels is right" I get a little sick to my stomach. I am far from being a conformist, and don't identify with that part of it as an INFJ. I think this stereotype may stem from the behaviors of the Si users. My mother is an ESFJ and she does use her Fe to uphold tradition and keep the status quo. The only time where I uphold the status quo and what the majority feels is when it comes to dealing with manners and common courtesy. Other than that I am not one to follow the crowd. I will only defend a widely accepted ideology if it benefits humanity as a whole, if not, I disregard it completely. If anything, I feel that I could be a catalyst for change and enlightenment by shining the light into some societal issues that are a big problem right now such as intolerance, racism, and out of control consumerism. I don't know if that makes me an INFP, or what the heck, but it rubs me the wrong way to hear Fe being referred to as "superficial". Also, EVERYONE wears masks socially, what we project to others are the parts of ourselves we want them to see. When people stay in our lives for long enough, then they get to see the cracks, the parts of ourselves that are not so nice. We all put our best face forward and downplay our flaws socially. Anyone that says otherwise is in denial, or a liar.
@emmamw8651 7 лет назад
ladynottingham89 I've never seen a comment I related to more than this. I also believe I'm an INFJ, but have considered the possibility of being an INFP. And I agree completely...I don't think Fe necessarily involves actually having the same values as others at all; I think it means being polite and also enjoying helping people in the moment, when you are right there with them. But I'm pretty sure it doesn't mean one automatically values the same things as the rest of society.
@genesisp3884 7 лет назад
I am an INFJ also and I completely agree with what you have said. Like stated in the video, we seek to get along with everyone so that they can understand the deep truths that we have come across, and usually these truths are how to change society as a whole for better harmony and understanding.
@kaylinnb 7 лет назад
I am INFJ as well, and also very much relate to what you said. I think of the whole harmony thing like a set of scales. When things are off balance, I want to balance it, and when possible I will approach whatever the situation is in a way that will create that balance, or harmony. Even rock the boat or step on emotional toes, if necessary. I don't typically conform, at least definitely not in way of my principles. I use my functions and empathy to understand a problem but I don't side with the majority for harmony, but rather with whatever is right and true, or in accordance with integrity. I hate manipulation and if I sense it, it will be an immediate red flag, and I also won't consciously ever use it on anyone else. Emotional manipulation tactics only tick me off, they don't sway me.
@idar3703 7 лет назад
Interesting ... This makes me wonder if I may be an Fe type myself. I've always rejected it because it is as you said regarded as "people-pleasing" which I feel does not describe me at all.
4 года назад
as INFJ I never follow the crowd, we are individualists. ;) but I can feel emotions of people even I do not see them. they can stand behind my back.
@idealseeker6323 8 лет назад
I really enjoyed your way of analyzing things properly. It is really amazing watching how the extraverted thinking is working Greetings from an INFJ psychiatrist
@tinyyellowtree4076 9 лет назад
Just thought I'd mention that one of the reasons Fe harmonizes is that it is painful not to. We don't just know how you feel, we feel it. It passes into us. Not to make an effort to harmonize is essentially to burn along with the one in pain. And to see someone else cause pain, intentionally or not, we will make an effort to soften the blow. Please see this as my frustration, but my experience with SOME Fi users is that they live in glass houses and throw stones. That is to say, they have no problem expressing their 'truth' through their open door (see: big mouth), but will get bent as hell when a rock comes back at them, shattering their little world. And this Fe knows this, how freaking fragile they are, and is (curiously and ridiculously) tender with them, even as I attempt to dodge more stones and catch those meant for others. Honestly the contortions are exhausting. And I recognize that I have been a fool. I would not trade being gentle. I would love to offer for a day, though, what it feels like to 'feel' the world.
@teacupnoir 7 лет назад
preach it! I'm an enfj so I getchya
@lawrenceoconnor8182 6 лет назад
I definitely understand. I can understand where he comes from, though, about us seeming insensitive. It's kind of ironic because I will want someone to "calm down" because I'm being sensitive to their emotion/emotions they're expressing. As an Fe user, I never mean to "invalidate" someone because I have an issue with them expressing their emotions, it's just that I literally can't handle so much emotion being thrown out around. I usually can get to the "details" and understand where someone is coming from pretty easily, and understand what "really happened" in a conflict, but some people with Fi who are a little immature or underdeveloped as a person drive me nuts because it literally overwhelms me, i just can't handle it.
@milabellaful 5 лет назад
1000% yes! We value HARMONY! Harmony is a value. Just because we look for common ground in a group doesn't mean we don't have a sense of self, preferences, or, know what we want. ESFJ
@milabellaful 5 лет назад
@Likhitha M And if you ask an Fi user for help or a favor, or even verbally express how you feel, if they don't believe you should feel that way or need anything or can't see it for themselves, it's as if you never said anything, AT ALL.
@dianana7371 3 года назад
The thing is, fi and ti users don't mind disharmony. You can grow through it. The fe's users' harmony often feels forced and a way to surpress and avoid difficulties. But it's only through addressing problems in a healthy way that one can grow. That means speaking your truth, listening to other people's truth instead of avoiding it for the sake of harmony.
@KendrixTermina 8 лет назад
I would say that at it's core Fe is more about having a kneejerk automatic reaction (in varying levels of sophistication) in response to seeing what might be others emoting, or just, the general atmosphere in the room... that doesn't even mean we'll conclude it correctly, we might well misjudge the other person, or what to do about it. - being more likely to accept group values (because of the group's reinforcing reactions) is more of a secondary consequence.. - You could just as likely have a Fe user go * against * the established status quo where everyone would be raised to, and therefore hold the internal conviction that some atrocity is right simply because of that elemental empathy with the ones being wronged. You would need to add Ti, or maybe even Ne, to make this abstraction to a "greater good" point, or even this "democratic" view (that some do * not * have.) It makes sense to look at the STPs for comparision. They're not always that terribly concerned with the system as a larger thing but are gonna react to stimuli as they encounter them. ("Oh. They like me! That is great!", "You upset my friend, so you're on the enemy list now" etc. ) What you did get right it's that it's more of a "situation-based" thing, tendentially. The person might aim for some consistency that isn't naturally there and be the type to not insist on the rules where they seem capricious and unapplicable, but, in a less ideal case, you might get the big hypocrite who shows mercy to people within their line of sight but doesn't give a crap about the poor/ applies vastly different standards. It is easy to see how Fi and Te go well together, because, if you're going to make fast, almost automatic decisions, it helps to have a fast internal reference frame. I'm not sure that I can get behind your explanation of the axis - But I'm slightly amazed that you can make us sound as scary as we sometimes make you guys sound XD With the higher Fe users you then often get this compulsion to really care for others (maybe because an unhappy person equals constantly ringing alarm bells), with the lower ones like myself it manifests more as looking for a generalized greater good & can combine with Ne to imagine different perspectives in a way that also features in empathy aspects, or just for humor. It's probably again different with them sensors (ISTPs can be surprisingly accomodating, ESTPs frequently care about popularity/ it would combine with the Se to perceive/care about status. etc.), I've had some ISFJ write that they could tell the emotional states & motivations of ppl who were having a conversation in the next room just from the sounds of their steps and what they could hear of their voices (I can recognize some of my first-degree relatives by the sound of their steps and tell if they're angry, but that's it. ) One thing is can also give you is a general desire to be accepted. Of course there's the layer of personal attitudes - you'll sometimes find Fe users - even high level ones! - who believe that a person shouldn't be swayed too much by others and try to live by that, but it's hard as they'll be very aware that there's this person that hates them, it's harder to, shrug off things even if you rationally know that you're perfectly justified in that. The Fi people, on the other hand, seem (to me, from my perspective, speaking of the ones I've met ) more 1 on 1 focussed, good listeners (in my experience this is even true of INTJs sometimes, though obviously they wouldn't appreciate being bombarded.) There's also definitely this "armor piercing question" /faster insight. Where an ESFJ might accuse you of being selfish, an INFP is going to make some disarming statement that just immediately ends the argument. My brother is very, very impressive at this. - though I think in part is it because Fe wouldn't continue to expand on/ ponder the details but spring into action as so as it's identified the (comfort the person, or react with indignation at the nerve of them etc.) - I guess here you could draw another parallel to the T functions. Te: "I know A usually leads to B. B leads to C, whereas C leads to D. Now I know how to cause or prevent D."" Ti: "A seems to lead to B. But does A always lead to B? How does A lead to B? Can I build an internal model of how exactly A causes B?" In some ways both things have different aims that they're respectively genuine to - you're surely right about the Fi people being more like, "well, " many explanations made them look sorta self-focussed (They can't relate to something because * they * haven experience it), when, it's actually a whole different quality when you have this scepticism/ ethical analysis factor in there, "Is this a legitimate reaction, and how did they arrive at it." Like I had this conversation with an INFP recently, about the topic of not being sure about wether I deserved credit for something, and feeling bad about potentially being praised undeservedly. - She could relate to the worry about the thing itself, but not this shame reaction - and she said that if she didn't agree with the praise, she wouldn't feel any validation from it, so there would be nothing to feel guilty about. This really made me think about, where that comes from, because I had completely abstracted that into a principle about honesty & integrity, but, what it was abstracted from - without me realizing - was this silly little "They could be dissapointed" sort of feeling - but this was not something I could indentiy. I am familiar with "different kinds of sadness", but, in a more intellectual way, I sort of have to reconstruct "by foot" where it comes from rather than really having - well, what you just described very eloquently with a way more "organic" connection to the actual feelings themselves as they're happening. I guess this would add to your theory of "how to dupe/manipulate an Fe person" because then someone can come along and say, "Here's my explanation for your state and actions, now let me tell you what the truth about you is.", and it would be harder to distinguish what is just silly fear of change, and what is really "the voice of your heart" (pardon the unscientific metaphor) telling you that something's seriously inconsistent. Congrats BTW you were the first person who really explained to me in detail how you get from the internal awareness to the relating. Thanks for enlightening me. 24:01 That second part on the axises was - I'm not sure if that's the same thing you were saying earlier and I just didn't get it, but you, Sir, get points for eloquence as far as I'm concerned. - Your metaphors were great though they took me a lil work to decipher, that with the water was a real good description. So you're saying that in an environment that is homogenous after having been structured/ ordered by the same rules, you can safely make your internal judgement by fixed principles without fear of being incorrect. Reminds me of this story I read where there was this ISFP painter (opposite "spots" of Te vs Fi) and her reasons for painting were described as remaking a bit of the world in her own image, and it's kind of an upside-down version of what you do - She'd slap a whole lot of her onto a small bit of the world, whereas you, who works with all those huge systems and people, would take a lil bit of you onto large parts of the world. And then I immediately see where the contrast between the axes is: If Fi/Te is about remaking a bit of the world in your image, Fe and Ti are both about remaking yourself into an image of the world. I think even when I make art, it's my internal picture of the world that I want to bring out. I don't know if that's good or bad, I sure don't like limitations... I mean, I'm part of the picture, as far as I'm part of the world, for me part of growing up was realizing that I'm still the canvas and that may influence the end product (just as you had to learn that your outer canvas isn't necessarily (like) you - If I understand you correctly) For one think I'm not sure if I'm extrapolating too much here and connecting unconnected things, but I can't make myself write in the first person, it will make me feel trapped whereas someone else might find featuring in the outer stuff ruins their immersion, and their conversion of that piece of paper. I'm not sure if I completely agree with your thoughts of political implications, but I do think I see where you went intuition wise, sort of the question of "where do we apply the fairness" - The ideas of "justice is everyone has enough" vs. "justice is everyone receives according to what they do" and at this point it's - Both extremes have been tried and neither worked, communism 'sploded because someone had still to do the distributing which gave them too much power also the whle thing was too static & couldn't regulate itself whereas uncontrolled capitalism created exploitations and stock market crashes affecting unrelated innocent people because it was too chaotic & couldn't be regulated at all. I don't want to veer too much into the woo-woo and say "balance of light & darkness" (In Europe agood middle ground more or less worked, for real, for years, though there's still flaws to iron out; Humans probably need both safety & incentives for productivity), but you might be touching upon some fairly universal human stuff there.. Thank you for this video, I'm really glad I saw it. You're a friggin philosopher, man (sometimes, the best ones are the ones that don't necessarily try to be) Also (random observation I know) I just really, really like your dignified finger snapping.
@LarfleezeOrangestein 8 лет назад
I have been researching myers briggs,(mostly the cognitive functions), for a long time, and I still have a very hard time knowing what I actually do. I have an Idea of what I probably am, but I need to be completely sure. It is driving me insane.
@oded23ify 8 лет назад
Enfp here. Brilliant explanation! It helped me to finally understand how the FE Fi functions work
@Rafasasaki19 7 лет назад
Wow great video man, I really like the way you´re able to explain the functions, this Fe-Ti and Fi-Te axis really blew me away.
@heartpoint5289 2 года назад
I see this video is older, but it’s one of the best I have seen on the subject of the judging axis. I love that you went into the topic of the ignorance of these function axis, their role in society, and how this plays out in politics. That’s all I see anymore if I look at social media/current events. I see axis confusion.
@mattline5789 7 лет назад
So you're an ENTJ? You seem nicer than most of that type.
@wanderingspirit7278 4 года назад
Well considering Hitler and Jesus had both the same type of personality (INFJ), I guess being nice or not doesn't depend on the type of personality 👌
@raihankameel320 4 года назад
I doubt most of you truly met ENTJs. If this guy doesn't introduce himself as ENTJ you would type him as some other type. People just type based on stereotypes.
@raihankameel320 4 года назад
@Cody the problem is when people type based on non type related behaviors like yelling and being angry to certain types, especially ENTJ & ESTJ. Most yelling people I know are feelers.
4 года назад
as INFJ I have ENTJ guy and I must say, that to live with him is very challenging. but he has very good heart.
@TheQutapi 4 года назад
My husband is ENTJ. He’s very sweet... unless you mess with him getting things done 😂
@jennmari7425 5 лет назад
INFP here...I had a thought/feeling while watching this.. I really believe that ENTJs and INFPs connect on so many levels. They both seem to value authenticity, they also seem to see through a persons BS...I am always attracted to ENTJs, even when they are acting like total dicks..I know that what they say and do is real in every way and I respect that soooooo much... They don't try to be like anyone else and they generally don't care if you like them or not.. I can relate to that as an INFP. When I have a conversation with an ENTJ, I get this feeling almost immediately, like they respect me , even if I am different then the majority.. Like Idc about Fe stuff, so fitting in is last on my do to list and ENTJs aren't phased by that..Also, I have no problem listening to their opinions and vise versa... It just goes without saying that "all is good". We be cool type vibes flow.. I consider the few I know to be actual friends and I don't have a shit load friends so they stick out and are significant in my life... I am grateful for them.. Excellent vid.. I enjoyed it immensely. You clearly are in touch with your Fi..Now if I could just get in touch with my damn Te and Fe..lol..
@user-rf7ml5kj2j 4 года назад
Thank you so much!!! I’ve been trying to figure out my functions for years, find out who I truly am. This is the most clear video of what Fi and Fe is
@ryushinu84 8 лет назад
Chad - another amazing video, thank you! Love your balance and true objectivity. As an Ni-dom, I actually wished for a longer video ^^;. Do you think you may ever do one where you examine the interaction between the perceiving functions and judging functions? There is a huge difference between Si-Fe/Ni-Fe, or Se-Fi/Ni-Fi, for instance. There aren't really any other videos on that, and you'd definitely do a great job, as always.
@aliceedmunds4377 6 лет назад
As Fe (Ni dominant) - its taken a LOoonnng time to stop people pleasing. Funny how most videos addressing this, try to sugarcoat so as not to offend us poor souls. But please remember, we can also be fierce when it comes to whom we love - brave regardless of whose toes we step on. But seriously, no sugarcoasting necessary. My son is Fi. He understands his feelings better than I do mine. My mental process is, don't step on my values and dignity. But on the otherhand, we do understand a lot of the time why some people have emotional reactions. The biggest thing an INFJ has to learn is BOUNDARIES. Our feelings count. Its people pleasing yes - but if there is peace - its win-win - UNLESS one crosses boundaries.
@aliceedmunds4377 6 лет назад
I hate shouting and arguments. If we can know how to by-pass it without compromising our values, then the world is still a better place
@yohananrhinehart6846 5 лет назад
I appreciate your videos. I appreciate how clearly you express yourself. In my case, I'm an Ni-Ti--user. I have strong Fe, I agree that I seek harmony, but I won't harmonize with something that goes against my values. I do have a "line drawn in the sand". However, if I can honorably harmonize without offending my principles, then I am all for it. Here is an example: You mentioned Socialism. Well, I am not socialist. That said, Socialism is against my principles. However, if a people all put their goods and other resources into a common pool, and if they did this willingly, then I would support that. But I cannot support forcing or compelling people to do what they should do. Free-will is absolute as long as no one harms another. Socialism is forced through coercion. This is my feeling on the subject. I'm thankful for the good work you do! :-)
@jhantecollins6324 8 лет назад
Hi, I'm an ESFP and I just wanted to say that I definitely think that your explanation of Fi was right on. Moreover, its not only hard for less developed Fi users to explain this function but most users. This is especially true for the ISFP who has a dominant Fi, but has been left to expressing those feeling through some type of outlet such as art or music or the equivalent. And they do a great job of that, but even then, many are not best at articulating the unlying feeling or value. Great video. Thanks for the insight.
@1mag1nat1vename 8 лет назад
The first thing that I wanted to mention is that Fe orients itself to external standards. These are often the popular opinion, but that is not a requirement. Remember that Fe has to be fed by the other functions. The perceiving functions provide observations about reality and Ti provides logic. My experience has been one of watching how things work with and without my personal input and orienting myself to what I see as a more scientific position. The second thing that I wanted to address is this notion that Fe doesn't use past information. Fe gives primacy to the current state of things, but it makes use of feedback from the environment to adjust one's expectations. The last thing I wanted to touch on is that people with Fi can be sympathetic. Fi may orient one's values/conclusions based on subjective matters, but people with it tend to be really good listeners and can sympathize with other people on an individual level.
@HyugHinata7 7 лет назад
Haha Fi and Te partners in crime what was the best wording i ever heard in mbti. makes a lot of sense :)
@HitomiAyumu 9 лет назад
Hmm, I would distinguish between empathy and compassion. Empathy implies understanding while compassion implies action. I can usually understand an individuals situation -- empathize with their troubles. But I very rarely act on it, or try to make things "better". This has largly to do with the fact that I am an INFJ(introvert); compassion is physically and emotionally draining. Otherwise, good video!
@Nanobot888 2 года назад
Thank you, you are a fucking GENIUS & immensely made my life 1000x better just now. INFJ squad is with you
@freyjaalmighty6764 3 года назад
I'm INFJ and I have Fe and Ti but I don't actually understand how I use them even after watching this, my Fe can be 50% of the time completely an act and 50% genuine depending on what vibe I'm getting from someone/a group/a situation. If someone annoys me I will nod and agree to everything they say just to finish the conversation and get the fck out and I rely on my introverted intuition for picking up vibes. I don't hide from myself that I can be fake but I'm only fake with people who don't deserve to see and hear the real me and since I value Truth, being insincere is the biggest fuck you from my perspective and if they believe what they see I just laugh internally how pathetic they are, and when I know someone had done something bad I don't show any respect at all and I can 'door slam' a person I've known for years if they suddenly do something wrong to someone and be fine not speaking to them ever again. A healthy dose of fatalism is what you need sometimes. My mom is an INTP and I always see her being reactive with people who rub her the wrong way and spending energy trying to prove a point and I can't believe she feeds assholes so much energy I'm like "you could've act like you didn't hear that stupid opinion and go on doing something more valuable".
@ScorchArtist 8 лет назад
but why is the biggest question. Why do Te users have the desire to express their deepest values? Why do Fe users seek truth? why, why, why?
@genesisp3884 7 лет назад
I think it's because Te users want to find the value to their truth, or logic, to show others it's importance; while Fe users want to find the truth, or logic to their values so that people can understand the importance of their values.
@TrueGenerations 7 лет назад
Both do and want both of those, for there own reasons. both kinds of types seek out truth and to also express there values.-Daniel
@AndresLara-hy3ip 7 лет назад
I bet you are an INTP
@ScorchArtist 7 лет назад
It's individuation. Carl Jung talks about how we seek to be whole beings and this naturally leads us to develop the areas we have weaknesses in.
@kimtopology4257 8 месяцев назад
Fi is individualistic with their feelings Fe is all about harmony with what the general consensus in the group.
@andronas8244 8 лет назад
I really appreciate the time that you took to create this video about the differences between introverted and extroverted feeling. This is probably the most in-depth and overall accurate videos I have found on the subject of MBTI on RU-vid. I did find a topic in your video, however, on which I disagree with your conclusion. You mentioned capitalism vs. socialism, and said that socialism was a more Fe-oriented political philosophy. I don't believe that any political philosophy has any intrinsic bias toward being held by a certain personality type, or that a philosophy is oriented toward any axis. To me it seems that a person's political philosophy relates more to the experiences that person gathers over a lifetime, and what political climate that person grows up in. So, it's possible to have a socialistic philosophy based on Te/Fi values as well as one that is based on Ti/Fe values. They will probably be somewhat different in execution, and will exist for different reasons, but that doesn't mean that a Te/Fi user can't be socialistic. It also doesn't mean that a Ti/Fe user can't be capitalistic. While an Fe user might care more about socialism for the cause of uplifting a society, an Fi user might be socialistic because they understand -- and sympathize with -- the needs of the individual and try to provide for them.
@dougg1976 5 лет назад
I can relate to FI/TE , I jump to conclusion fast but takes me ages to figuring out what I'm feeling exactly , I usually ruminate , I get things wrong for sure because of the shear amount of nuances , I guess I tend to use my head to get to my feelings .
@purplemushishi2129 5 лет назад
You have the best explanation ever for cognitive functions. I spend months understanding these cognitive functions and finally understand it thanks to you!
@sistermaria7799 8 лет назад
intj here. really appreciated your depth of analysis and willingness to examine the practical implications of each axis as a whole. i've seen some articles that attempt to discuss the judging axes but only really describe the differences between the functions involved in each (or they just fail to create any kind of genuine/consistent dichotomy that goes deeper than stereotypical behaviors). i've been working towards a similar understanding of how they work, but your analysis and metaphorical explanations really helped to expand and solidify my sense of what is happening with these types. for years i thought i was an entp, because i related to the common traits of dominant intuitives and tended to procrastinate and fail to implement my ideas, but i recently realized that i identified much more with ni than ne. feeling has been one of the more difficult functions for me to pin down though, because i've always been relatively sensitive and empathetic, contrary to intj stereotypes. recognizing how the judging functions work together towards a common objective, as well as the mechanisms through which each feeling function produces an empathetic response, has made me more certain that the processes i've observed in myself are more consistent with the intj functional profile. your description of the depth of the Ji functions as opposed to the Je functions was especially helpful, particularly how introverted feeling is intricately aware of the nuances of individual emotional states and their precursors and products, while extraverted feeling is more focused on identifying an emotional state categorically and integrating it into its objective decision-making process. also, your metaphor about observing a picture or sound through water gave me one of those ni flash insights about what each of these axes is seeking to accomplish, and how that relates to my expression of my will. your videos have been some of the most consistently helpful and insightful that i've found on the functions and mbti types. thank you for your time and your willingness to share your thoughts.
@user-bl1ng5uq3d 6 лет назад
Thanks for this! I really appreciated how you talked about the Feeling aspects in conjunction with their Thinking counterparts, that really helped me understand the dynamic on a deeper level. I'm an INFJ (ie Fe secondary) and, true to form, it's really hard for me to understand my own inner workings without some logical breakdown. I'll be sure to check out some more of your videos after this.
@tulip5210 6 лет назад
I think that fe users are just sensitive to others emotions, so they are more likely to comprimise, but its what they personally choose to do with that sensitivity. I don't think that necessarily means if one is a fe user they will with no doubt conform to the majority, while many probably do thats not necessarily what will happen with everyone.
@marcvesper 8 лет назад
The description of the interplay between Fe and Ti might explain why so many TP types are libertarian - they presume a harmonious culture will be the external rule that prevents everyone from disrespecting everyone else's right to independent rational self-interest. (INFP)
@teacupnoir 7 лет назад
"fe users will support what seems to be for the greater good" I totally understand this harmonizing element that you hit home on. I'm not sure if you are explaining this from a conceptual position or if you are explaining it from a position of understanding it in vivo, in front of you. I interact with a majority of Fi users for my job, and they tend to idealize my agenda or completely hate on it. I give them process time and see how things go.
@Sean2046 9 лет назад
Great video. This is one of the only MBTI vids I've seen that has pointed out how Fi/Te users often gravitate towards capitalism and Fe/Ti users to socialism. I've noticed this pattern for some time now. The way philosophies that endorse capitalism largely revolve around a more individualist perspective, and view individuals seeking their own self-interest as ultimately beneficial for everyone (think Ayn Rand, INTJ), that is very Fi. It's also more focused on results in the external world (Te), though it may appear "cold", it is ultimately effective as we see it. Fe users tend to gravitate towards socialism which is very much focused on social justice and treating everyone as if they are of equal value. The laws of supply and demand are largely ignored, and intentions seem to matter more than whether policies actually work. Think Sam Harris (INFJ) who wrote "The Moral Landscape" and Noam Chomsky (INFJ), a self-identified libertarian socialist.
@Adonnus100 8 лет назад
+Sean2046 Um, I will have to disagree with you (and I suppose the OP) there. A lot of leading socialists in world history have been Fi users (Marx and Lenin both INTJ, Che and Fidel both ENFP, today Bernie Sanders in USA and Jeremy Corbyn in UK are ENFP and INFP). I would say the ST types probably gravitate more towards capitalism. The thing is Fi is usually concerned very much with what is "fair" or "just" as well. And if it judges a system which promotes income inequality as unfair, it will seek ways or agree with views to implement that internal value (Te). So yeah, I would say you are sort of doing a type of confirmation bias here.
@Sean2046 8 лет назад
+Adonnus100 I agree, there is some confirmation bias at play. Could be getting carried away with my Ni theories xP I've known of many counter examples. Would still bet capitalism sympathizers are pre-dominantly Fi-users and socialism sympathizers, Fe-users. Fe-users will have a harder time accepting ethical axioms of more capitalistic philosophies and vice versa.
@Adonnus100 8 лет назад
***** I just don't think it can be generalised like that. Like I said before, whatever principles Fe *might* theoretically have about caring for the group the thing is Fi is equally capable of caring about what it finds fair and unfair. They're just the same. Of course the ethical axiom of a capitalistic philosophy will be easier to accept from a Ti-Fe user's POV than from Fe-Ti.
@Iam-od2nc 7 лет назад
Yeah. Treating everyone as if they are of equal value is quite important to me as an Fi dominant... I don't see that as an Fe-leaning moral. Feeling values are feeling values, after all.
@Sean2046 7 лет назад
I misspoke. Socialism has more of a focus on the collective over the individual and capitalism vice versa. Socialism seems more ethical on the surface because of the focus on forcing equality, which is not the same as equity.
@elianaweiss930 8 лет назад
thank you!!! really great solid explanations. as an INFJ I am fascinated by Myers Briggs and your explanations make concepts which can be difficult to grasp quite substantial and reachable!!!!!!
@timefortee 3 года назад
You look and sound like an ENTP (even remind me a bit of the CS Joseph guy). Thanks for the quality content!
@marcvesper 7 лет назад
(INFP) Yes, you get it. Essentially, Ti dislikes Te for the exact same reason that Fi dislikes Fe, and that is how your opposing axes are best understood.
@marcvesper 7 лет назад
Coroboration: xx FPs are frequently pretty down with quite authoritarian communism for Fi-Te reasons, needing a well-structured external, material world to really seek life without other mitigating concerns, to practically-harmonise our prioritisations (Te) of what is most intensely important (Fi).
@brucebruno842 4 года назад
Fe-aux. and Ti-tertiary: What is best for the most is the definition of most beneficial. We Fe-aux and Ti-tertiary can be unaware of or lacking in our feelings most of the time, but if we consult with our Ti what our feelings are we can. Our Fe can have a history base combined with Ni. Like a built-up database of past feelings of others to compare to and/or pull from. Our Fe isn't superficial. Actually, it is quite the opposite. Think of an old radio with a dial and the line that moves across the station numbers. We tune into a person's station or overall mindset/train of thought. Think of 15 stations on the radio and as an INFJ my station is switching stations. Dialing into that person and their cognitive function set, feelings, train of thought, etc... to make a connection and see deeper into the other person. In doing so we usually open up way to quick ourselves. We don't stop, think, and decided to do this with our Fe and Ti. At least not 95% of the time. It's just happens as it is our nature to do so. I personally notice most of it as clear as day in hindsight but at the time it mostly just happens. You are right when you say our Fe is dependent on our Ti a lot of the time. For me, it is my Ni that my Fe pulls from. That carefully filtered Ni pool of knowledge. I use my Ti to objectively make decisions about others' feelings and store them in my Ni pool. My Fe and Ti work together to pair body language, facial micro-expressions, tones of words, and words themselves with ann overall feeling or nuanced feelings. I have noticed that for every word or logical thought there is a nuanced feeling paired to it like a note in a song and combined they make a song or an overall feeling. Like happy, there are many versions of happy; exe, Joy, Elation, Giddy, etc... There are different levels of happy and its versions, and there are more feelings and nuanced feelings than we have named or labeled. Sometimes because of the pairing of words and feelings, I can tell what someone is going to say a decent amount of time before they do, and this is for the fact that I can know what someone is going to feel before they feel it in real-time. This is when the Ni pool of stored knowledge comes into play with the Fe-Ti mix. Great video!
@d0esitfloat 6 лет назад
great video, watched the whole way, and I didn't find it boring at all. very interesting. I liked how you explained the motives, that made a whole lot of sense. thank you for uploading :)
@peterdentice5725 5 лет назад
Any informative cognitive function video with a level of Breadth that this video offered, for me, almost couldn't be long enough. Everything for me was quite succinct in this video. 👍👌
@2003norm 2 года назад
Thanks a lot! I'm glad to stumble upon ur video. Been searching for this kinda explaination especially coming fm ENTJ, the opposite of my type ISFP. 🤗
@fencergirl20 8 лет назад
I've been studying up on the cognitive functions for some time now and more so how they interact together. I hadn't given much thought to how the thinking and feeling function influence each other. I found your explanation of how these functions work together to be quite helpful. Thanks!
@victoriaxox9673 6 лет назад
I want to apologize because I have left some rude comments on your videos. Thinking you were bashing enfps, I want to let you know that I take back whatever I said before. You seem very intelligent and I respect the knowledge you're feeding the world. You explain things perfectly💖
@thememoryguardians 9 лет назад
Very interesting stuff. How do you suggest people develop their less dominant judging function? I'm INFP and feel scared of Te at times (my mum is an ESTJ which doesn't help). My default is definitely to use my top 3 functions (mostly Ne and Si at the moment) and the only place I can use Te is at work. I just cannot apply it in my daily life, even though I can see that it's holding me back.
@TrueGenerations 7 лет назад
Thanks for enjoying this video on Fe and Fi! Check out our MBTI Cognitive Series! We have come a long way to helping not only the RU-vid community, but to be a growing educational hub, as well as a business centered in not only MBTI, but in other psychological areas, to further guide and support others in coaching. For more information about coaching and MBTV, check it our here, bit.ly/mbtvcoach, also, if you are confused on you MBTI preference, you can reach out to Damon, our master practitioner in helping others discover their unique type, facets and preferences here, for personal and businesses! www.myersbricks.com/coaching-services/
@TheCathanne101 4 года назад
True Generations: Im almost positive that I am a dominant Fe user, well it’s in my top 2 functions, along with Ni, the order of the 2 is something I’m not quite sure of yet. Anyway, I’m not sure if what I’m about to say will make any sense but I have had a strange insight into Fe recently. I have been pondering the “why” of Fe, subjectively. Why does it drive me like it does, why am I, so effortlessly, this conduit of insight and understanding to those around me, why do I feel such a strong urge to make sure there is harmony within and around the people that matter to me? It is because it is the only way I can have harmony within myself. It’s the only way I can relax and sleep at night. At the core of it, I’m doing it for me......... I can’t help but see that it is actually, quite a selfish function 🤔.
@sunset.orange 3 года назад
This was super helpful. Explains why me (INFP) and my ENFJ friend were always at odds. Her Ti wanted me to conform to one universal truth and my Fi didn’t like it. Meanwhile my Te disrespected her inability to get shit done (even worse than me which is saying something). But when we both left our philosophical system at the same time, her Ti was utterly broken while my Te just dusted itself off and moved on to the next thing. I tend to favor capitalism with a strong safety net or UBI undergirding it. I am also currently writing a story to see if having a safe, accepting environment for self expression can pull a fictional ENTJ back from the brink of becoming an evil dictator.
@murrmightfish9288 4 года назад
Great vid, definitely a half-hour well spent. You've explained the Fi-Te and Ti-Fe axes very well.
@genesisp3884 7 лет назад
Awesome video! This is the best explanation I have found, so far, for the functions.
@production7540 6 лет назад
I think socialism and capitalism explanation really interesting. I have also tried to see people’s political position based on fe and fi people. I am intj and i see a lot of intj scholars are staying on left including Marx, Keynes etc. I would say Fe people make the capitalist society keep existing but fi people are truely confident enough to change their own surroundings. I think it’s hard to say fi capitalist and fe socialist. But Fe people tend to just stick to harmonise their surroundings and fi people would be brave enough physically challenge their socio-economic system.
@LilxPie 9 лет назад
I feel like i'm pretty sure I use mostly Fi (INFP) but because I have grown up with a Fe dom mother (got her to take a test and she got ENFJ) I think some of my ways of thinking are kind of Fe like such as wanting harmony. I relate to so many Fi things that you have pointed out here.
@lawrenceoconnor8182 6 лет назад
The odd thing is that types with Fe and and types with Fi (For example INFJ and INFP) often both pick up emotions (in different ways obviously, but they both do it) and seem to want to help the other person. If you're INFP you probably want to help the other person through a connection and deep knowledge/ understanding of what they're experiencing and wanting to help that persons current situation, whereas the INFJ wants to help the person because first, it likely fits into their framework of how they understand the world and they expect that of themselves, but also from a place of trying to create harmony so things go back to normal (in all honesty, it's really more of a selfish thing). I'm probably explaining this poorly, but both can crave "harmony" but just from different places of filling a different need in a way.
@squali1930 7 лет назад
The Fi Te axis makes sense to me in a way now. It makes sense with my career choice ever since I was a child. I wanted to create video games, and as a child my reason was because I wanted to bring my imaginary worlds to life and invite people to interact with them. Fi seeks the self expressing, Te seeks to control the environment to make sure the self expression is expressed properly and purely. This may be why I am so particular with my ideas and how they should be done, hence why I wanted to be the one CREATING the idea and was never ok with working on someone else's idea, or someone creating my idea. As an INFP it seems like my inferior Te constantly seeks for opportunities for that self expression.
@RachelL421 4 года назад
The best explanation I’ve heard yet. Thank you, very clear and helps me understand myself and others.
@thorhammer3993 5 лет назад
FE TI is basically wanting harmony between people because it makes it easier to analyze feelings and emotions in a controlled/harmonized environment. When things are stable, FE TI can easily establish what reactions would people do when those persons encounter a specific phenomena, establish what kind of interactions appear between different personalities etc. FI TE desires to establish a strong value about everything so that FI TE can establish a working mechanism. What FI does is mark everything with its logic individually like blocks. Then TE comes in to build up a specific build up to make specific arrangements of logic in different scenarios
@njules6428 5 лет назад
I really appreciate your explanations of the functions...so clear and simple. It's helping me understand the differences. Good job!
@vovaparkourukraine1 8 лет назад
Wow awesome video my friend, and respect for the extent to which you've developed yourself. My immediate first impression was actually Ti/Fe (INFJ), this was the first video of yours I've ever seen.
@ferrariunicorn 2 года назад
😆 I am an FI, my son is an FE & he most definitely delve into early on, & introduced me to the fundamentals of the different type of government isms; how they are intended to work vs when corruption utilizes them - I’m so appreciative to have this knowledge & for so many reasons.. so blessed to have a son who’s an ENFJ!! BUT my son would NEVER support a whole collective of it isn’t positive & beneficial for the whole aka “support Capitalism“ 💯
@CrimsonHazmat 8 лет назад
So yeah, it's not so much that we "want" to harmonize with others it's that we 'need' to harmonize with others to maintain a healthy mental space. Just like in your Ti/Te video, talking about how Ti users will organize their internal environment of logical consistencies in order to allow for more comfort in their external world - It works both ways. I have Fe as a creative function, so for me it's something I can choose to carefully manipulate more than desiring to specifically harmonize.
@ViperousYoda 9 лет назад
Wow.. I have watched so many videos, and read so many blogs and posts, and none of them have explained so clearly the difference between these two functions. I am a INFP and even though the MBTI test typed me as such i still wasn't sure if i was INFP or INFJ because i was so horrifically focused on the letters themselves. Now i know without a doubt that i am INFP because of this video. Besides the letters themselves though, i do exhibit a lot of traits that are found in Fe users, such as picking up on when someone is when a emotional state instantly, or telling white lies to keep everyone in a good mood. I am seeing now though that that is my current disposition because of tragic recent circumstances. Fi is without a doubt my dominant function, and now learning the connection between Te and Fi things are starting to make so much more since. Now I'm going to watch your video on NE vs NI so i can start learning how to develop my Ne so im not always stuck in this absent minded Fi, Te, hell loop xD.
@keaparkyn9314 5 лет назад
Hello Chad! I thought this video was fascinating especially your analysis of the relationship between fe-ti and te-fi. I’ve never heard of such an explanation, but most of it made some really good sense to me! All I wanted to say though for the purposes of further understanding Fe is that I’m starting to think from everything I’ve read that Fe is not necessarily about social conformity in the sense of relinquishing your morals or values for the group. I theoretically have a strong development of extraverted feeling (auxiliary function) yet the idea of abandoning my own beliefs for the sake of fitting in is repugnant to me and I have a hard time thinking that other Fe users value this in themselves as well. I think instead Fe is more like you are more distressed than Fi users if not everyone’s ethics and principles are in alignment within the group and you seek to harmonize everyone’s core principles, perhaps through speech or writing. Once everyone is morally on the same page and it is agreed what is most important, then Ti comes in to determine what is the best rational approach for obtaining the greatest good based on those shared beliefs. With all ethics similar, we can find the best logical approach to the issue at hand.
@classiccarsclassicrock9433 5 лет назад
Such a good understanding of this. I will have to watch it over a few times.
@tier786 5 лет назад
I looooooooove your videos! So clear and well said and i love ur examples of explaining things. Youve helped me understand matters of mbti in a deeper way than before. thank you! :)
@Dani-jo9yr 5 лет назад
Not bad🧐💐-ENFJ😁
@CE-do2vm 4 года назад
Awesome video!! You explained this so well!
@squali1930 7 лет назад
HA! Makes sense now, my friend who is an ENFJ, sometimes gets on my LAST NERVE, he'll work so hard to prove a point, then once you agree with that point and start to feel down about it, he'll start to support the side he previously was so strongly against. It makes me go, WHAT?! YOU JUST SPENT AN HOUR TELLING ME THAT'S WRONG! NOW YOUR SAYING IT'S RIGHT?!
@gigglesmcdounut723 2 года назад
Lol that's cute that you think we wouldn't want to watch the video if it was an hour long. Thank you for explaining this because I never understood why people couldn't just stop making bad decisions. My sister is an ENFJ so have Fe dom. I'm an ENTJ and Te dom. We can relate some ways, but she has had bad experiences with dating. I would meet them and not like the guys because they were manipulative and I told her so. I'd explain it and she just wouldn't seem to get it. Then she would cry to me about the terrible things the guys said and what not. I'm not saying I was any better at dating at first, but I was at least somewhat aware of people trying to manipulate my emotions. I see her life going down hill, but idk how to talk to her to help her change her life. Especially with relationships. I've worked hard to be able to have healthy relationships and work on my Fi. Now I have a great bf who loves me and is an INFJ. I know he's an Fe user, but his Ti isn't to far behind to be able to communicate with each other and understand each other.
@junior10199 7 лет назад
Who are you and how do you learn this stuff? Is Myers Briggs a hobby or can understanding/using it be made into a career? I'm an INTP struggling with how to accomplish my goals. After listening to your Ti/Te vlog I told my mom, an ISTJ, that one of the differences between us is that she "thinks and does" while I just "think and think." I've been trying to become an RN as a means to become an psychiatric NP. Nursing culture, however, seems to go against every bone in my INTP body. I won't go into detail, but I keep thinking that I'm just hitting my head against a wall and that I should find another career of interest (psychologist?)... I'm rambling, I know. So back to the original question, who are you and how did you learn this stuff...?
@gitanjalinandan 6 лет назад
Hey, that was quite impressive - good job!
@AnjaKnockKnock 8 лет назад
Very, very nice. Thanks immensly for creating this. I mean - Fi and Fe has been such a provocative topic. Usually going versus each other for silly reasons. I don't know Fe personally, but as an INFP I know Fi damn well and your explanation of it has been really good. Fi seeks to understand why Fe seeks to influence/implement. Just like Ti and Te. The information aspects both are attuned to are different though. Emotional analytics - I like this. The counselling too - we can be very off with our conclusions because of the indirect relation to the environment's emotional ambience, but what helps with Ne in the stack, at least, is being able to imagine whole new situations, really invest yourself in them and this way broaden your rationale system of emotion. Have you heard of the phenomena ''Empathize with inanimate objects'' that many ixfp's relate to? I wrote a little post on why and how I think that happens, at least from an INFP's perspective. If you read this, Chad, and are interested - let me know, I can link to it.
@AnjaKnockKnock 8 лет назад
+Chad Crandall whiteblueberries.tumblr.com/post/133558507359/why-do-we-feel-with-inanimate-objects Curious of how an ENTJ would relate to it ^_^
@AnjaKnockKnock 8 лет назад
+Chad Crandall Thank you. Yeah, watching the video reminded me on that idea. Subjective perspective tends to be downgraded when it can be a great starting point for further discoveries as well as - simply relatable to others. Some week ago I came to a tiny ''epiphany'' about Fi: it's independent feeling because for a judgment to seem valid it needs to see the detailed background rationale to it. Fe judgments often can't provide detailed enough for the Fi user to trust it. So the ''rebellious'' nature comes in.
@jakefriedman2382 9 лет назад
I always thought I was Fi, largely because Si speaks volumes on what I 'prefer' in certain circumstances. I suppose I have been mistaking the two as similar. Seeing this helps make Fi feel alien enough to me (ha!) that I feel more comfortable saying I am an Fe user. I saw someone explain the Fi-Fe difference providing a reaction to a painting as indicative of either. The Fe user would be likely to enjoy the painting if others did, "People like this painting, so I will display it in my home" versus the Fi user's "I like this painting" (or not). I felt that was a bit too shallow to truly answer the question of differences, but seeing this video makes it much more clear. I'll second Sean saying your comparison/analog to Capitalism and Socialism is apt. In a recent conundrum with friends I had trouble deciding how to feel. Many, the majority, wanted to do X but I preferred Y. The group didn't want to do Y and I didn't want to do X but I budged, as I did not want to be the rock obstructing the flow of the river. I imagine Fe is largely identifiable as the motivating force of my eventual (and perhaps inevitable!) decision to go with everyone else and do my best to suck up my disagreement.
@jakefriedman2382 9 лет назад
I'm leaning toward ISFJ. Personal and environmental (social, that is) biases against the S and SJ types have kept me away from "truth" but I am learning to feel more comfortable accepting the positives of the ISFJ, as no type should be (in a vacuum at least) better or greater than any other. An important point though, I think Si users may have difficulty swallowing their comfort/pride in order to create the sense of harmony...perhaps for ISTJs even more so than ISFJ (given the double attack of Si-Fi). Si to me has its own set of preferences, and I think it can be pretty stubborn in the face of dissent...sometimes definitions blur and it's hard for me to identify what is the result of Si as opposed to (and not) Fi. You say Fi sounds selfish, but for me, if I am correct about being ISFJ, my Si puts me at great risk of being selfish and unsympathetic to others wants/needs. Of course, this is likely the part of immaturity and a sheer lack of experience (I am 22), but I find even older SJs can be very 'selfish' so long as they are fulfilling the requests/demands of their internal models.
@jakefriedman2382 9 лет назад
I'm not so fond of tests. At this point I know what I'm answering and how to manipulate for results. My best bet is to keep watching informative videos like this and build on my foundation. :)
@jakefriedman2382 9 лет назад
Would you be open or have time to see about your own typing for me? I'm interested in what you think. Understandable if you have too much other stuff to do.
@moduusoperandi5326 4 года назад
Great analysis and well presented. Subbed.
@theprimalfuckhead526 7 лет назад
It seems like there has ought to be a certain number (which changes over time) like say 8 times which determines how many of the poorest worker's wages a CEO can have in his own wage. Just for utilitarian means (woo I went there commie prole INTP) at a certain number you just have to say "do you really need the wage of 74 people" (74 is my go to number for thought experiments which I do nearly every hour because my Ti won't shut the fuck up). I was wondering how your argument would work because mine works on a Ti metric of balance. Thanks comrade
@TrueGenerations 7 лет назад
Thanks for this interesting perspective. Window in the INTP mind! Come share in our mbti chatrooms! mbtv-chat.signup.team/
@synergyzer07 3 года назад
Man, I did like your video, I just got surprised when you said that socialism is for the greater good and capitalism for the few. Socialism is a dictatorship that crushes opponents and promotes misery, look at Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea. Capitalism improves economic conditions for everybody, even though it doesn’t promote equality. Look at the difference between the two Koreas... In regards to the preference for capitalism or socialism according to personality, I firmly believe that - with important exceptions - it has more to do with temperament than to individual functions. Idealists tend to be on the left and Guardians tend to be on the political right. Among Rationals and Artisans I don’t see a clear tendency. xxTJs tend to be for capitalism
@TrueGenerations 3 года назад
@christinmontz1918 6 лет назад
You're amazing . . Thanks so much! -An INFP
@Tvp247 8 лет назад
Mind.Blown. :) Amazing stuff!!!
@betheprotag 6 лет назад
Fi as a tertiary function is a difficult beast to control, sometimes.
@TrueGenerations 6 лет назад
How so?
@betheprotag 6 лет назад
Damon Grey - MBTV That’s a bit harder to answer without a paragraph, but I relate it to the caged beast because you want to meet its demands while trying to maintain this logical demeanor externally. You can feel quite delusional at times making decisions all off of the assumption that your feelings are clear to others, and then remembering how isolated your emotions are from others, that they cannot simply read your mind. I think it’s the illusion of reflection in others. I can read others and empathize with them easily in most scenarios, because they express their emotions externally and clearly, even when it’s unintended, so I assume it goes both ways. Little do I know, we’re not the same, I’m not nearly as externally expressive, and now I feel like a total idiot.
@gabrielgonzalez3327 7 лет назад
thanks man!!! your video is super helpful
@SeaMonstersAreCool 9 лет назад
Another commenter pointed it out (about themselves) but I think you missed something major, possibly because you have not observed enough people with high Fe. Fe has a strong pedagogic quality and its users are not necessarily followers. I am an INFJ and I regularly find myself in situations where I grasp that I am the only one sharing my ideals (which, of course, I believe are the path to collective happiness and betterment). This certainly does not mean I surrender them, but rather that I will, gently then forcefully, interpellate other people's beliefs to get them to question them (and possibly convert them to mine). This is a major oversight on your part, at least when Fe interacts with Ni - INFJs (and in my experience, ENFJs) are extremely difficult to shake ethically or scientifically, their positions and theories generally only change through their private use of Ni. Because my ideals are always formed with the interests of collective others in mind, it would be a direct crime against all of these people and animals to compromise on them in the slightest, and I almost never do. This is a key part of Fe you missed. (I have additional insights and comments if you're interested.)
@SeaMonstersAreCool 9 лет назад
+SeaMonstersAreCool One thing I wanted to add, for INFJs especially, is the 'martyr' bent: they are often the exhausted prophets of fringe idealistic worldviews - others' disapproval only encourages them to continue in an effort to educate and change the world at any personal cost. Fe has far less of a sense of self-preservation than Fi, and when finally cornered, either rages (think Jesus in the temple) or has visions of showing a good example through public sacrifice. I have sometimes found myself frustrated with Fi users because they struck me as selfish for not sharing my idealistic visions (say, a future in which half of my hypothetical salary is given away to good causes).
@Eclectifying 7 лет назад
I have Fe as my auxiliary function (INFJ) but I absolutely do not jump on bandwagons. I'm more likely to go against the flow. I'm capable of going with the flow, and I used to do that all the time when I was younger, but as I've gotten older, I've become far more independent about where I stand, sacrificing social harmony for the sake of my convictions (which I believe is for the greater good). Would this be simply because Fe is not my primary function (my primary function is Ni)?
@clementineviolets71 6 лет назад
Eclectifying No Fe doms aren't push overs in the face of their convictions especially when ti has strengthened which happens around mid 30's.
@jessicapurple3737 4 года назад
This is a great explanation!
@lawrenceoconnor8182 6 лет назад
I'm a little confused because I use Fe and everything said really resonated with me, except I see myself as very individualistic... I definitely experience everyone else's emotions strongly, or they have a massive effect on me more than my own emotions typically do, but and I don't take on the "majorities mentality" or give in or compromise my beliefs in anyway.. I do believe myself to be INFJ (I'm very hesitant to say that because most people seem to try to use that label and it almost seems to be cliche among the MBTI community, even though I genuinely believe most INFJ's in "public" or on RU-vid aren't INFJ at all) and that might be because of my Ni and Ti, but I definitely do think I put my "Inner world", or really my "inner understanding of how the world works" over an individual, which might also be why I have very little patience for most people, since most people don't spend time trying to understand the world and seem to walk around life not caring either. Really I just don't trust their judgment and logic over my own since I know everything I take into consideration... (I sound so arrogant here, I respect everyone and would help anyone, but unfortunately it's the truth). I think I answered the question I was originally going to ask here in the process of writing it out and explaining it. I think I'm just going to leave this to let people see how my mind works and please help me figure out if I'm INFJ or some other type (and why). Just for context, I was originally going ask for more information on why Fe would put the group over the individual and "conform" in a way, but I answered my question, and now I'm trying to see if leaving this thought process can help me figure out my type. Please if you read this, and you understand MBTI and especially the Cognitive functions, let me know what you think (besides the fact that I'm crazy)
@socratesandstorybooks1109 5 лет назад
I would say that with the ENFJ and INFJs I know they are not conformists even if fe is their dominant or auxiliary function so I would say that their might be a difference between the NFS and the SPs or SJs with FE
@Terry_Irvin 9 лет назад
Another insightful video. ENTJ confirmed.
@Terry_Irvin 9 лет назад
Yep! I've been into mbti for a year so I knew of all of the functions, but not necessarily how they worked together.
@MrPausenbrot 7 лет назад
This was so helpful. Thank you. !
@SeaMonstersAreCool 9 лет назад
Sorry for the extra comment! I just had a clarification of my insight. In the video, you say that in a highly pro-capitalist environment, a Fe user would adopt these ideals too. Certainly some would, but I think you are misinterpreting a characteristic of Fe: indeed, the centerpiece of its decision-making is the feeling of others over one's own, but these 'others' do not need to be the people immediately at hand. For example, as a child and tween I lived partially with my abusive grandmother who was also a raving racist (a charming person). Even though this was heavily in my disinterest and even though she was surrounded with family members who either heartily agreed or silently consented to her views, I got into regular shouting matches with her. I could not understand why adults, attempting to look out for me, would tell me to let her rave and hold on quietly to my convictions: in my mind the consequences for myself were insignificant compared to what I identified as the sullying of people's humanity. I truly was attempting to harmonize (I was too young to understand that no challenge would not change her views), but I was unwilling to compromise.
@SeaMonstersAreCool 9 лет назад
+SeaMonstersAreCool Basically I was trying to get her to harmonize with me *and* the people she was insulting. Harmony between she and I alone, on her terms, would have been harmful (dysharmonious) towards the world.
@toniidowu6301 5 лет назад
This was really good💓
@MrSunni2 9 лет назад
Fantastic explanation. I've never thought of the relationship between your thinking and feeling function like that before, but it cerntainly makes sense. I was just wondering if the Te-doms, especially the ESTJs, have an idea in their head that there is only one correct way of doing something, and most, if not all other ways are stupid and will not work? My headmaster is an ESTJ and she held a speech about how consistent hard work will give results, referring to my grades (all As). She seemed so surprised when she learned that her illusion of my work habits weren't infact how she had imagined, me being an INTP (you seem smart enough for me not to have to explain how INTPs work...).
@MrSunni2 9 лет назад
***** I should probably have specified that I didn't mean every Te-dom. It just seems to be a tendency in quite a few ESTJs I've met. Your explanation makes a lot of sense though. I actually also have an ENTJ teacher, and she has definitely developed her Fi, but you can totally tell that she has to consciously utilise it. Our class is full of perceivers, and a weirdly large amount of ESFPs, so she's had quite a challenging year you can imagine. As an INTP I enjoy ENTJs in educational situations because you tend to explain things very logically and structured. Your Ne vs. Ni video actually made me understand Ni (I think...). Anyway, keep making videos. I enjoy watching them, plus they boost my INTP ego considering it's not every day an ENTJ says nice things about their complete opposite functions.
@marksmith4696 9 лет назад
Elegant observations, I also noticed Ti overtones though it's clear you are a Te user. I can tell you are really internalizing the framework of MBTI with relation to your experiences. I'm an INTP and generally it is agreed that my type is not in tune with the emotional environment and I would agree. However, once in a blue moon I will become hyper aware of people's emotions. Sometimes to an extent where it is though I become aware of very very deep things that I doubt others are consciously aware of, and things that feeling dominant types don't even pick up on. In general this has saved me as I tend to be naive about people's intentions. Do any other INTPs have experience with this? Is this a repressed Fe thing or a Ne-Fe loop thing?
@ToucanTorte 9 лет назад
Mark Smith Mark Smith The dominant/inferior polarity is the most "extreme", that is, the two functions in these positions express most conspicuously because they undergo the most tension. The majority of the time, the dominant function prevents the inferior function from surfacing (they are like two sides of the same coin, you can only "see" one side at a time), but one member of the functional pair cannot be sustained indefinitely--an overemphasis on one extreme causes the coin to flip (so to speak) in an endless cycle (see Jung's concept of enantiodromia: jungiancenter.org/essay/jung-enantiodromia-part-1-definitions-and-examples). The inferior function undergoes the greatest extremes--we are either entirely numbed to/relatively unconscious of it, or on occasion, acutely sensitive to/hyperaware of it. I experience this with my inferior Se. Most of the time I am blissfully unaware of my surroundings (i.e. bruising myself on desk corners), but other times I'm taking in a level of detail that is nearly oppressive. This is what I imagine is happening with your inferior Fe, and I don't doubt that in your blue moon moments you are picking up on things that even feeling types can't.
@marksmith4696 9 лет назад
***** Thanks for your response, very informative. You mentioned your inferior function is Se. What type are you? INTJ?
@ToucanTorte 9 лет назад
Mark Smith INFJ :)
@xezene1 9 лет назад
INFP here. Great video.
@swarupaleela 4 года назад
i am new to MBTI. can i say that Fe makes one feel empty, unhappy inside even that person appreciates people and things outside ?
@Mysdefy 3 года назад
Fi 14:15
@amoreholliday 6 лет назад
As an Fe user, its my last function. ISTPI think it's safe to eliminate the idea that Fe brings society together. When I feel emotions I relate it as sympathy, but I lack empathy. I think that might be the difference 🤔 sympathy vs empathy. Another way I feel emotions when I heard a nice song lyric today, for example Bruno mars ~ "It's going to take a whole lot of medication to realize what we used to have we don't have it anymore." An Fi user I think would rather think about how they felt when they where with that person maybe? Understanding and taking in that someone is being nice and making them in turn feel good about themself. If someone is rude to Fi , the Fi user will say I don't want to be around you , you make me feel bad I'll talk to you when you calm down. The Fe user will say "You're having a bad day, I'll talk to you when you feel better. "
@amoreholliday 6 лет назад
I'll note I feel the most sympathy when someone has physical pain I could only imagine out being me. I feel bad when people lose their loved ones, & could only imagine how I would react, but I don't get a desire to comfort them .
@JaneDoe-lm3nz 7 лет назад
Brilliant video. But there's one distinction I'd like to make for Fe users where Fe is not a dominant or secondary function. With INTPs and ENTPs, its less that they see harmony as a necessary value to have logical consistency, and more that Fe behavior is pragmatically useful in getting through social situations they see as irrelevant to their primary objective of intellectual exploration. Not that they don't genuinely sense others emotions and desire peace, but they often minimize those experiences in much the same way they minimize their personal emotions in service of the Ti. If Fe is ineffective or they are perturbed by something, it shuts down. They can become aloof and blunt, regardless of what effect that has on the emotions of others around them. Fe is not apart of how they primarily see and process the world. In the moment, they may allow their behavior to conform to the values of others in service of Fe, but their internal value system is constructed almost entirely through Ti.
@TrueGenerations 7 лет назад
We appreciate the insightful feedback. Anything you may want us to cover in our content, or, anything that can help us grow our channel is always appreciated. We want you to be more involved with our mission and our community! Like our content, and into MBTI? Join our MBTI chatrooms! bit.ly/mbtvslackchat -Daniel
@ramifakhry4049 9 лет назад
I am an INTP and used to hate Te dominant people, but your video has created in me some understanding of them, and thus some sympathy, because now I see where they are coming from. But that still doesn't mean that I have to excuse them. I won't. Now I will adopt an attitude of "I know how you feel, but that doesn't matter to me", or if they annoy me I will hurt their Fi on purpose. Anyway, not a very terrible job. Keep up the good work.
@potterheadluna3465 8 лет назад
Woah! I'm an INFP, and yes what u said I already knew and understood, but that had required a lot of research and reading all the blogs and posts and forums and what not. What I mean is, there is not a single something I can pinpoint that help me understood.....but yours is capable (and effective) in that all alone! Honestly, soooooo well put, especially the water one for Fi and inferior Te, u might give an INFP a run for their money with that psychological metaphor! But I wanted to ask something, do ENTJs prefer direct communication laid out easy (Te?) or the opposite (Intuition?).......and I like an ENTJ friend at coaching, romantically......I really want to know what chance I've got since he's so fun loving and stuff....and a bad Se user.....he sort of does and says and maybe thinks things with his Se I might not agree with....he seems to be too much about looks, and he is very secretive though some foolish people at first glance might consider his a carefree(in shallower senses) funlover.....but he is much deeper than that.....and I don't exactly fall on the very good looking spectrum...I mean, he's got 14 girlfriends! And he cares about none! He likes none of them! Though he did like a girl but something done by her suddenly reduced her in his eyes, but I can sense that now he consciously, unconsciusly or subsconciously still compares everyone to her and probably still harbor feelings for her........and by the way he considers me to be a nerd, I'm the topper, he ranks second...I always hate the very probable theory, that he shares his secrets with me and is close to me just on the academic basis and less on the friend basis....we are teens, if that helps.
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