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What I Hate Most About Typology
7 лет назад
@OhDee2022 5 дней назад
What is a woman? 😂😂
@oliviathatcher1459 18 дней назад
Wow! So clear and useful. The best description on the internet I’ve found. Thank you.
@tarang2458 Месяц назад
Did I mention you guys are missed
@dawgcatcha1907 Месяц назад
Im infp married to entj and this “hidden” soft spot is not hidden from us at all. If the connection happens in such a way, the entj is often quick to involuntarily reveal this to infp. I felt the emotional side of my husband straight away bc i think infp presence just brings it out of them. We easily connect over values and ideals and easily butt heads over misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Entjs would do well to not only accept but embrace the infps complex emotions. We are instantly soothed by someone validating our feelings. On the flip, we shut down and question relationships with people who don’t understand us or dismiss the feelings as unimportant. To add, infps would do well not to run with every emotion and take the leadership of entj. We make eCh other stronger
@yzf1496 Месяц назад
Cs joseph said infp
@Vollbio3 2 месяца назад
I'm an INTJ male and I had a disgusting breakup with an ENTJ female.
@CarlBennington 2 месяца назад
You’re wrong Fi is about how you feel about things (selfishness) Fe is more about how others feel like empathy.
@TrueGenerations Месяц назад
lol, no
@CarlBennington Месяц назад
@@TrueGenerations Fi (introverted feeling)
@CarlBennington Месяц назад
@@TrueGenerations d Feeling (Fi) is a cognitive function that helps people think and make decisions based on their feelings, values, and beliefs. This type of thinking is focused on the individual and how they feel inside, rather than being influenced by others.
@Petite_Expat 2 месяца назад
I loved my ENTJ mother. She had a problem with control but she changed that later when she saw that it did not work for home. ENTJ are great, honest people if you don't disappoint them. They just can't stand stupidity.
@fantasyforever7704 3 месяца назад
I am enfj, in my friend group I have entj and infp. Entj is dating istp or intp for over 10 years,but with him she didn't even advance in relationship. If anything he is right down emotionally abusive using her past to manipulate her like a doll. He literally keeps her immature. Guy needs her supply because no one mature would put up with him. Cue in infp and my entj friend has blossomed. As have I. Our lives has gotten better since we met her. She helped me when it was really bad. Entj ended up having a career. Money to put food on the table and she is so loving and protective of infp she was willing to pull strings to make sure she is safe while her intp/istp bf was willing to allow infp to burn. I wish somehow they would end up together because it makes my enfj heart all mushy to see them so affectionate when one is looking. It's adorable. Everything you said about infp and entj dynamic is true. I would also say their communication is very open.
@tarang2458 3 месяца назад
Hey there! Been a long time. Are you making any new side content?
@calmingbabysleep1256 3 месяца назад
To the enfj that said infp physically assulted her: why not mention what you did wrong to get her to that point? Of course its not jusified but why make yourself a victim and skip over your part in it. Ive noticed this with an enfj before. Is this their pattern of blaming ither without any accountability?
@charitydigioia4429 3 месяца назад
there is no my truth or your truth. there is just the truth.
@shelleymead5063 4 месяца назад
Infp here. Trying to know why my entj son doesnt want me to stay with him any more after 1 year living together. Finaly got him to say that its not normal for a 60 yo mom to live with a 33 yo single dad. I disagree. But i left. I guess it doesnt matter why he wants me to move. Except that i was so happy and oblivious to any problem. Im sensing that someone was in his ear. New girlfriend maybe. I sure do miss my grand kids.
@kimtopology4257 4 месяца назад
Keirsey has it right for what types are compatible eg, ISFJ would go good with either ESTP or ENTP'S in Socionics ENTP'S and ISFJ'S are in the same Quadra's they are duals .
@elvanmelikesutlu6110 4 месяца назад
Have you not heard of the concept „opposites attract“?
@kimtopology4257 4 месяца назад
As an Fi user I think ENTJ's don't divulge personal things from their Fi is that ENTJ'S don't want to be vulnerable so they are closed off it would take a patient person and trustworthy for an ENTJ to open up with personal Fi feelings .
@kimtopology4257 4 месяца назад
I think chivalry is dead so yeah class has gone down the tubes in the times we live in .
@abdulrahmanrashad7225 4 месяца назад
Entjs can give a person freedom and wont pay as much attention to you until it has to do with something they consider important ,until then you will be living hell because they wont leave you alone ,so they can get what they want or find something else that can help them with their vision and that is often in the expense of others well being . But healthy entjs will recognise that their vision isnt always true and their emotions can infact intervene with their thoughts i have seen many healthy entjs that are cable of helping others without wanting something in return.(but it requires a lot of time of soul searching for them to figure that out)
@djebarazidan103 5 месяцев назад
thanks man
@Alazsel 5 месяцев назад
4 yrs late, it's really great to see you reflect on this journey. I love you for the content you made for us these years, but I don't want to hold you back from the better life you should seek and look out for
@nitakh77 5 месяцев назад
Will you do a video about ENTJ/INFJ in a relationship?
@djebarazidan103 5 месяцев назад
@kimtopology4257 5 месяцев назад
He is talking about how the villages on the map are the quadrans I think that is what Daniel is talking about .
@kimtopology4257 5 месяцев назад
There is so many forms of intuition their is getting an impression from an object in the external environment and how it relates to the impression intuition can be about simulating your whole life as you see it in the future and see it unfolding .Their is also your gut feeling which warns you that this person or situation might not be good for you in the long run . Intuition is like a campus but your relying on impressions since data alone can't provide you with a clear answer.
@raem7287 5 месяцев назад
My grandpa on my mom's side is an ENTJ. From the way she described him, he was stern but never controlling or abusive in any way. I have one close ENTJ friend who doesn't have kids yet but i can't picture him being a strict or abusive father either. One of my INFJ close friends has an ENTJ dad. He wouldn't call him abusive either but they don’t see eye-to-eye most of the time so they argue a lot as adults now but i think that stems from both scoring high on J and their contrast of high percentage of F vs T.
@reviewsgoodnbad7695 6 месяцев назад
It’s even harder to be an ENTJ when you’re a woman in corporate America.
@bethanysingsmrs849 6 месяцев назад
I can't tell anymore. I zone out 24/7 I am always out of the loop with trends, I don't even know any celebrities. I always dissociate so I'm never in the present and I'm bad at all sports. I don't think I can have se. But I also have aphantasia, I have a lack of an imagination, I can't read as in i struggle reading and comprehending ideas and such, I prefer movies to stories, I dont like multiple ideas but i also dont like having one idea only as well so I dont seem to have a good ni or ne yet I keep getting good ne results online. I also can't comprehend metaphors unlike most Infps that can. I have a shit memory but I might have some si in my stack since I often rewatch shows i've already seen millions of times and get lost in that nostalgia and I learn things based on what I've done before but I also am a kinesthenetic learner so I learn by doing. I'm erally confused rn because I cant be Isfp since I hvave little to no se apart from being good at observing details sometimes, but I also cant be infp cuz I have a bad ne like i cant visualize stuff. I am not grounded and realistic but Im not up in the clouds. I am always pretending im a fictional character and never me but im not using my imagination. I cant see details when I draw but I dont draw from imagination, I draw like a muscle memory stim type of thing that would seem more like se I guess. I dont go with the flow, I dwell on my problems but I also hate talking about the past so I dont know if I have si or not. I don't talk about the future because its stressful, i dont talk about the past or present eihter because its stressful. I do impulsive things out of nowhere but Idk if thats se or just me being mentally ill. I am into perfectionism in a lazy way for instance, I try so hard at a project but then cuz I tried too hard I give up and then It becomes a mess. I can't handle when things are neat ever. I'm not abstract, I think my ideas are bad, but im not present in reality at all. Cant be isfj because I doubt I have fe but maybe and that si is way too high. Can't be enfp because I'm shy as hell and my ne is bad. Maybe im just too messed up to figure out I have no dea anymore.
@ana-maria6443 6 месяцев назад
Do you plan on going back to mbti or doing something similar?
@Tvp247 6 месяцев назад
He's back!
@jacksavere6988 6 месяцев назад
Welcome back 😜
@NB-qy7ku 6 месяцев назад
Pretty cool
@NamiBurger 7 месяцев назад
I had a convo with an ISTJ coworker (i think, might be ESTJ i cant tell if they have inferior Fi or Ne honestly) about rearranging some furniture in a place i worked. Kinda funny and interesting. Heres how it went: ENTJ (myself): hey im thinking about moving these tables around as there's a few major issues bothering everyone.. Is it alright if i try that. I/ESTJ: uhhh sure a little might be okay but we dont want to confuse or inconvenience anyone by making big changes though. ENTJ: oh okay.. but i really think this will be a fresh take on a space everyone's already pretty familiar with. I think itll surprise everyone and at the cost of forgoing what we are used to at least we are creating more intention in how we move about and work. Im trying to make it so we bump into each other less, can easily access such and such etc.. I/ESTJ: I suppose. You can try and let's see. ENTJ: //does it, feels satisfied, gets positive feedback from other staff //literally the next day I/ESTJ: //moves everything back without a word 😂
@kimtopology4257 8 месяцев назад
INTP'S logic is not subjective truth they use inductive and deductive logic it''s not subjective but objective and yes they are truth seekers the absolution of truth a person needs to be objective to seek truth . If a person is subjective they won't be objective enough to solve the problem of what is the" universal truth ". INTP'S don't say this is my personal truth they look at what is objective they use deductive and inductive logic to problem solve they wouldn't be in the category of Rationales if they were not objective and logical .
@kimtopology4257 8 месяцев назад
How do you type Ambiverts and how do you come to a conclusion about this type ?
@kimtopology4257 8 месяцев назад
INFP'S are cool or aloof on the outside but inside they are warm and empathetic when they get to know you and trust you. Still waters run deep this best describes INFP'S. INFJ'S are warm on the outside but detached on the inside this is another comparison for both types .
@kimtopology4257 8 месяцев назад
You both connect on Fi and Te level so yeah they are ideal partners for ENTJ'S. According to Keirsey also ISFP's would be a good match with ENTJ'S too .
@SS-bu8ez 4 месяца назад
ISFP is a good match for ESTJs, not ENTJ.
@kimtopology4257 8 месяцев назад
In Dr. Dario Nardi's book Decode your Personality Go beyond Myers -Briggs with 64 brain based subtypes it mentions that Dr. Gulenko has described Subtypes that come with Brain imaging data so basically he supports the concept of subtypes through brain imaging in Socionics with his model . I have the book I highly recommend you read it for yourself Subtypes are in Socionics .
@kimtopology4257 8 месяцев назад
Love the teleportation hat example lol! but so true .
@kimtopology4257 8 месяцев назад
You are who you hang out with simple as that .
@kimtopology4257 8 месяцев назад
I see strong Fi in you it's great and I fully agree with your perspective society has gone down the tubes but their is a small minority that want to change the world and bring back morality and class .
@Korany 8 месяцев назад
This is very informative. Why did you stop making videos???? 😢
@fanshaw 8 месяцев назад
INTP's do what is interesting to them and discard everything else, they procrastinate and they want to deep dive into their chosen interest. That is not what school is set up for. That may not matter. Schools can be used to find your interest, regardless of the grades you get. Universities used to be more INTP-friendly than school, but INTPs and wokeness don't mix.
@kimtopology4257 8 месяцев назад
I think it could work if both are mature and healthy they can actually bring out each others strengths and help each other work on their weak points as an INTP I think opposite types can learn allot from each other and I would think it's a big part of being growth minded .
@sarahmcdonald9624 8 месяцев назад
Got my daughter’s dad to take the MBTI test and he’s an ENTJ (I’m INFP). It allllll makes sense now😂
@kimtopology4257 8 месяцев назад
Se doms have nerves of steel in emergencies they are calm in those situations .
@kimtopology4257 8 месяцев назад
Can a type eg. INTP'S be in a relationship with their shadow functions focus which for INTP'S is an ENTJ is their shadow functions ?
@kimtopology4257 8 месяцев назад
I agree with Daniel subtypes give us a multidimensional flavor to each type Jung talks about not to be one sided . I firmly believe in the concept of subtypes in quadrats 4 subtypes of each types . Frank James talks about 4 subtypes of INFJ'S he talks about the really introverted INFJ'S which us Ni Fe , Then their is the ambiverts which is introverted and extroverted they use their Ni Fe Ti and then there is the extroverted these INFJ'S use Se their Fe is strong but their Ni and Ti are weak .
@jennyphan1723 8 месяцев назад
I can definitely see the clash...
@kimtopology4257 8 месяцев назад
C.S Joseph has taken from Beebe model , Linda Barrens , Keirsey ect and has mish mashed it to come up with this system . He has not come up with any of his own system but his mentors came up with the ideas he is not an ENTP since he can't come up with his own ideas I believe he is an ESTJ a unhealthy one .
@kimtopology4257 8 месяцев назад
You are defiantly an ENTJ not ESTP your articulation is top notch an ESTP they struggle a little bit with articulating their thoughts that's the difference between these types Good advice .
@TrueGenerations 8 месяцев назад
Never thought I was ESTP
@kimtopology4257 8 месяцев назад
There was a video I think it was on Socionics they mentioned you were an ESTP I don't know what ESTP'S would be in that system but you were typed ESTP in Myers Briggs system but never thought you were that type but ENTJ @@TrueGenerations
@TrueGenerations 8 месяцев назад
That’s right, in MBTI I’m not an ESTP. ;)