
Feeling the Heat: The Biology of Ocean Warming 

University of California Television (UCTV)
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15 окт 2024




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@siamak55 2 года назад
Awesome! I will keep this short and sweet. I want to piggy back your presentation and bring up the topic of global oxygen depletion as it relates to ocean warming. It's easy to forget that when we create carbon dioxide (C02) by burning fossil fuels, we are also losing breathable oxygen (O2). When we burn fossil fuels we are tapping into an oxygen reserve that required some 2.6 billion years to create. We are doing so at an unprecedented rate. One might ask, if global oxygen depletion is a threat why haven't our scientists noticed it? Here's where ocean warming comes in. When you warm water on the stove it releases oxygen. The oceans do the same thing when they warm, and this increased release of oxygen from the oceans helps to compensate for the loss of atmospheric oxygen due to fossil fuel use. Therefore, atmospheric oxygen readings do not show the dramatic decrease that is actually taking place. Is the Earth producing enough oxygen for future generations? Please be curious about oxygen. Thank you.
@anonviewerciv 5 лет назад
I can kind of understand why Stanford just straight-up disallows comments. 7:00 Ecosystem field studies. 42:00 Genetic studies. 50:15 Not in desertified areas...
@Baddaby 3 года назад
What are you talking about? Honest question
@radman1136 3 года назад
Disallowing comments is the kind of "I know better than you" pompous conceit that winds up justifying the suppression of freedom, killing democracies, and often a lot of people as well. I won't bother listening to a presentation on the internet that is too cowardly to entertain disagreement with it's views. And just for the record, in my humble opinion, your comment is idiotic.
@realeyesrealizereallies6828 5 лет назад
Variation for adaptation is an important factor. Unfortunately, the rate of change, supersedes variation. A slowly changing environment, is survivable for most species. An environment changing 1,000 to 100,000 times faster than past mass extinctions, is an open and shut case. Species can relocate northward, but will run out of real estate, prey species,etc., quickly. It's much more than heat, it's acidification, pollution, poison, and lack of prey species etc., etc., etc..It's really a "perfect storm", the base of the terrestrial food chain (insects) are disappearing, the base of the marine food chain (phytoplankton) are being decimated. The food chain morphing into the extinction chain???? The speed of the heating is rising exponentially, because of feedbacks. I suspect, ofcourse, we will see species adapting temporarily, just like on land, but it is temporary...to think we can dig up all these resources, turn them into pollution, destroy most every environment, and life will survive, adapt, is ridiculous, typical human hubris..Let's try and change the species dna to adapt instead of changing our behavior...People must realize this climate chaos is just getting started, it's about to spiral out of control. Any species we save is just a temporary hollow victory...It's 50\50 whether humans will survive. Mass Population--Mass Production--Mass Consumption-Mass Destruction--Mass Corruption--Mass Extinction...Ice mass--Land Mass--Air Mass--Bio Mass--Atomic Mass-Critical Mass--Black Mass.....
@mikeharrington5593 5 лет назад
A good thread.
@mikeladnun4647 5 лет назад
Jesus dude, there a lot of brain washing that has to be undone, it's probably to late for you!
@realeyesrealizereallies6828 5 лет назад
@@mikeladnun4647 Just remember my name when the world closes in around you, and you realize your time is up........I freely admit, maybe I'm wrong, anything is possible, but time will tell, won't it....... I suspect, it won't take much in the way of time though...We stand perched, on the brink of annihilation. I completely recognize, people are awash of illusion, delusion, and propagandized stupid...Most have not the skills to separate reality from fantasy...It's by design, but has plagued humanity, from the time of socrates, at least.....Tick-Tock....
@petero9189 5 лет назад
Not true. Species only survive if they can cope with abrupt change. Think about it......being prey to a predator makes one need to cope with abrupt threats to one's life........deal with it very quickly or die and become food for a predator. You are so fixated on this apocalyptic view of absolutely tiny changes in the "climate" you look for the worst possible scenario all the time.......what a way to live!!! Try having a balanced view......look for "pro", "con" and "interesting" in every scenario and get over this doomsday outlook on life. I have lived through continuous doomsday predictions starting from WW2 and nuclear bombs and global cooling in the 1970's and ozone hole and earth's resources running out by yr 2000 and Al Gore's predictions of arctic ice all melting and sea level rise flooding NY and equivalent other cities etc etc.......basic truth is ALL predictions have been WRONG,
@realeyesrealizereallies6828 5 лет назад
@@petero9189 O.K. let me run through your comment and shine some light on what we are discussing here....Evolution is a slow process, it takes vast amounts of time....Humans have not evolved one iota, in the last ten thousand years, since the dawn of civilization. We are exactly the same creatures we were then. Exactly...What has changed for us is our culture, our knowledge, and technology....The scientific method, mainly....The same holds true, for everything else out there, minus what we view through a microscope....That is why the coral reefs are dying, instead of adapting to the MINOR changes in temps and ocean acidification.....When a predator species from one part of the world is introduced to another part of the world, it throughs that new environment into chaos, with extinctions, and cascading consequences, because things don't evolve in human timescales.....I am not fixated on apocalyptic anything, I'm an optimist to my core. I am however fixated on reality....These things you mentioned, like peak oil, aren't wrong, maybe the timescale is wrong because of fracking, tar sands, and new discoveries(oil deposits), but that day is coming. Just obvious reality, resources are not infinite....Most of the cold war stuff was propaganda, to justify our stealing resources, from third world nations...That comes straight from the horse's mouth, U.S.government planning documents. New York city will be flooded, the arctic sea ice will be completely gone. Those things are obvious reality. You can watch the ice disappearing in real time on your computer, through satellites....I would also say, nuclear armageddon is a mathematical certainty, if you knew the real record of close calls, and how many times, one person has disobeyed orders and saved the world, you would have a different perspective....We are living in the sixth mass extinction, in four billion years, you should let that factual statement sink in.....I don't worry about anything, because it doesn't help....I mourn for the creatures of the planet, and for children, because I don't hide from reality.....The scientific method is the best way humans have developed to understand the world...Every single modern convenience, has it's roots in science...Scientific predictions, or modelling is notoriously, conservative...There exists and attitude or movement to only focus on positive things...That is a cowardly way to be a citizen of the world....We will end up where we are heading, especially if people keep their heads in the sand, and don't embrace radical change.....
@rapauli 5 лет назад
Superb and important lecture. thank you so much. Great to have this posted and available.
@rakooi Год назад
IF ONLY THE OLD & OUT OF DATE SPEAKER was telling the truth. He has been recorded/filmed offering to write any research needed by the Oil Industry needed.
@laomark9583 5 лет назад
Excellent, professor, very important subjects issue w/c are rarely spoken of
@veritasetaequitas4310 5 лет назад
@Robert Bonneau Have you ever seen the movie Idiocracy?
@GoogsMindbent 5 лет назад
@tonkatoytruck 5 лет назад
How is the Pacific doing acclimating to Fukushima radiation? Or is all this work, all for not?
@davidjohnzenocollins 5 лет назад
naught...all for naught
@arp76 5 лет назад
tonkatoytruck is this a moo point?
@a.randomjack6661 5 лет назад
Maybe you should look at how radiations affects life videos, it is a completely different sector of research of which this specialist is not his specialty.
@mikeladnun4647 5 лет назад
There's more pollution and we did some major damage there, that still won't be a driving factor in temperature.
@rafko250 5 лет назад
Panicking about fukoshima radiation in the oceans is silly, compared to the tones of nuclear waste that was dumped in to the oceans as a "safe" and cheap disposal method. I would be more worried about all that micro plastic that is found in today's fish.
@ravenken 5 лет назад
I loved the talk and some wonderful information but the one thing it seemed to gloss over is the point/fact that these organisms live in an ecological web and not in an isolated lab that controls for all other factors (incl food). Kind of short changes the takeaway message of 'life adapts" :-/
@peetena1481 4 года назад
Among other glaring omissions. Truth (and science as a result) has been murdered by Corporate and Government agendas. Species blink in and blink out of existence at a constant rate of change (adapt or die) over millions of years, this will not change anytime soon. That is the natural order of things and what used to be taught.....today it seems we have become arrogant enough to think that we can control the climate, the ecosystems etc etc....what hubris and folly.
@fernandocortes1187 Год назад
2:15 Como el calentamiento global ha afectado los mares y su biología. 4:50 6:38
@DD_11111 5 лет назад
its cooling actually
@veritasetaequitas4310 5 лет назад
Large amount of excess heat energy has been found in subsurface waters, specifically near the bottom. Cooler, nutrient-rich water is no longer being trapped below. This is hurting the growth of copepods and other benthic crustaceans. That is why 70+ grey whales have washed up on shores from Alaska to California this year, emaciated. That is why we're seeing the declining population of the Right whale, too.
@John-gq7vt 5 лет назад
Publish your work in determining it's cooling in a peer reviewed paper - that is the ONLY valid rebuttal. I'm very sure the fossil fuel industry would pay you millions for proving they are not the cause of the warming climate. They are facing an avalanche of lawsuits over their alleged negligence in destroying various resources. All you need to do is put forth your theory in peer reviewed journal that explains all the ways the planet is changing better than the way current theory explains things. It's cooling - you just saved the planet and we are all indebted to you, thank you so much! You don't get valid science information from any claims that haven't gone through peer review, and no deniers have. You have mountains of evidence vs. clowns that just make up dumb claims that people like you choose to believe. Brilliant...
@donfox1036 5 лет назад
I find the word abalone confusing. When someone says it to me I wonder if my veracity is bring questioned.
@playriki4d46 4 года назад
@playriki4d46 4 года назад
Y no lo viste completo
@jasonfirewalker3595 3 года назад
Humanity is speeding twords a cliff. Why are we letting 70 year olds drive?
@brpawankumariyengar4227 4 года назад
I am not at all satisfied with ocean warming ..... we need at least something like 4 - 5 degrees very very fast to see any observable change ..... please let me know how that can be achieved
@skiidzman 5 лет назад
As a scientist I'm pretty sick of all the "global warming, ocean warming, its warming" idiocy. I encourage any of you to go back and look at statistical data of extinction events, CO2 levels, water levels, and in these events change is markedly visible AND usually correlated to larger events. i.e., what happens when mass volcanism occurs? Could it be that mass amounts of CO2 is released? What happens when water becomes anoxic? Or better yet, ask yourself what causes water to become anoxic and for life to die in these areas? Could it be that bacteria are consuming all the oxygen? It's all correlated. We aren't releasing anything surprising CO2 wise into the atmosphere, we are barely denting the surface of a ~0.5% margin of change. Whereas during extinction events CO2 levels in the past were 40-60% what they are today. But yes, the world is ending. Let's all hug one another and pay higher taxes because California says that's a solution... You want to convince people to start paying more mind to the environment, to conserve water, etc? Start offering incentives. Offer families 2% off their property taxes for installing a water monitor. Offer businesses and agriculture incentives to cap emissions and add their own conservation programs that are inspected.
@aleksandersuur9475 5 лет назад
I'm not going to prefix my comment by calling myself a scientist, not only would it be a lie, it would also be irrelevant attempt at arguing from authority. But would you like to explain how the amount of CO2 we have released to atmosphere is a mere ~0.5% margin of change, when before industrial revolution CO2 concentration was at 280-285ppmv and today it's ~410ppmv increasing at a clip of ~2-3ppmv per year? And all of that is sufficiently accounted for by the records of fossil fuels we have burned. That sounds to me more like a ~40% increase rather than a ~0.5% increase
@terencefield3204 5 лет назад
Today Michigan State University has modelled the PETM and solved the conundrum of how it happened. All that it needed was 1000 ppm carbon. It did NOT need any adjuvant - no methane, no mega-coal-seam burning, nothing. SO Plus 14 C 25 F is the anticipated end state at present trajectories and we are acting in 100th of the time the 10,000 PETM Hot Earth State took. We are heating at .2 per 4.5 years now. Twenty years ago it was .2 degrees C every 20 years. We are in second order acceleration and geometric acceleration suggests in thirty years we arrive at between 3.5 and 4 degrees C where human civilisation and life in general collapses. We are experiencing the effect of CO2 emitted fifty years ago, not ten years ago as the IPCC silly models - now completely out of date and clearly wrong from obserations and measurement suggests. All current relevant data suggests that we are at or past the point where the composite of CO2 release from ALL sources - not now just human action - cannot be slowed or affected by ANY human action, and the end stage will be uncontrollable acceleration to a new PETM condition. Human life will cease at plus 4 to 5 degrees C. The PETM per Michigan State suggests 14 degrees C. God help us all now. I have heard NO reputable Scientist argue that the PETM model suggests we are other than at or past the 'point of no return'.
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