
Felton Parish Council meeting 6 November 2023 

Felton Telly
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1. Apologies for absence
To approve any apologies for absence
2. Disclosure of Interests
To disclose any interests in items on the Agenda and the granting of any dispensations
3. Public Questions
Members of the public may ask questions and make representations. Public questions are limited to ten minutes in total and it may be necessary to limit the time allotted to each person in accordance with Standing Orders 4(d-j). Please note that the Parish Council may only take a decision where the item raised is listed elsewhere on the agenda.
4. Minutes of previous meetings
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meetings of the Council held on:
a. 11 September 2023 (Pages 3-7)
b. 28 September 2023 (Page 7)
c. 2 October 2023 (Pages 7-10)
5. Finance
a. To receive financial summary and budget monitoring to 31 October 2023 (Pages 11-14)
b. To agree what financial and budget monitoring information the Parish Council wishes to have presented and how frequently, the Financial Regulations to be amended accordingly
c. To authorise payments, including:
6. Budget for the Year Ending 31 March 2025
a. To agree the Budget for the Year Ending 31 March 2025 (circulated as separate document)
Payments made since the last Meeting for approval
b. To note and agree the recommendation of the Finance Committee (see Finance Committee Meeting Minutes, Pages 15-16) to bring PAYE submission back in house, subject to this being checked in conjunction with the quarterly bank reconciliation
c. To note and agree the recommendation of the Finance Committee (see Finance Committee Meeting Minutes, Pages 15-16) to consolidate categories of expenditure
d. To set the Precept for the Year 2024-25
7. Defibrillator Installation Grant
To note the availability of grant funding for installation of new defibrillators from Department of Health and Social Care and to agree to submit an application on a 50% contribution basis, i.e., a cost to the Parish Council of £750 plus installation costs.
The fund will provide grants for the purchase of a new defibrillator in appropriate areas and is on a first come first served basis. Applicants only seeking 50% contribution can proceed to have their application considered immediately. The Parish Council would also need to pay installation costs.
8. Policy
a. To approve Code of Conduct, amended to move Paragraph 15 Interests into a new Appendix C (copy circulated as separate document)
b. To review Parish Council arrangements for filming meetings and to agree whether to continue to film meetings
9. Standing Item - Report from County Councillor
To receive a report from County Councillor Thorne
10.Standing Item - Update from Northumbria Police
To receive a report from Northumbria Police
11.Standing Item - Parish Representation at Meetings
To receive reports from councillors on any meetings attended since the date of the last Parish Council meeting
12.Committees and Working Groups
To receive Minutes and reports from Committee Meetings and Working Groups
13.MUGA Resurfacing
To agree the recommendation of the Recreation Field Committee to appoint Renocourt to clean, stabilize and paint tarmacadam MUGA surface at a cost of £3,370 (plus VAT) and for the Contracts Working Group to prepare a suitable document recording the agreed works between the Parish Council and Renocourt
14.Play Area Refurbishment
a. To consider the quote provided by Kompan for the installation of a new tower play unit and a replacement junior swing set for the play area (circulated as separate document), to agree the purchase of these (or equivalent units) in principle subject to funding being successfully obtained
b. To agree to proceed to seek grant funding on the basis of this quote, authorising the Clerk and/or Recreation Field Committee to submit grant applications and to produce a financial plan as to how the purchase of the units can be funded
15.Tree Works
To consider recommended tree works and quotes and to agree any actions, including submission of planning permission application should this be required
16.Employment Contracts
To approve employment contracts (circulated as separate documents)
17.Village Handyman
To consider the introduction of a Village Handyman position and to agree any actions
18.Correspondence Received
To receive list of correspondence received (Page 16)
To receive list of ongoing planning matters (Page 17)
20.Items for the next Agenda
Items received later than 24 November will be included if possible but may be deferred to the following meeting
21.Date of Next Ordinary Meeting: 4 December 2023 at 7:15pm in Felton Village Hall



25 окт 2024




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