
FGO's 9th Anniversary just got a lot less bad 

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Still sucks for completionists, but a hell of a lot better for normal people and dolphins.
The fix is TBA as far as date goes, and they said that it could be up to a couple months. Either way, a dub is a dub.
I am the fastest man alive



11 сен 2024




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@klausarmanius2639 Месяц назад
If only they'd let us grail past 100 without costing coins.
@MaMuangMin Месяц назад
Yeah i also think that what they should do
@amai2307 Месяц назад
I would be ok, with just removing bond limit and reducing append cost to 100 or 90.
@dylanhelvetios2300 Месяц назад
Like its just so stupid since we already spend a lot of exp QP and freakin grails!
@igorpedreira2529 Месяц назад
I think 80 would be enough. Would only cut 200, leaving the total amount to 700. Still, not doable for np6 SSR, and hard for lower rarities, but better for all players.
@MaMuangMin Месяц назад
@@igorpedreira2529 700 is doable with np6 ssr but you need bond 14 which is still a lot but like you said way better than np8 bond 15
@tipoima Месяц назад
>Still can't max welfares >Still fucked if you used coins for grailing when appends sucked >Still expensive as hell to get coins >Massive apologems right after Anniversary with unusually low SQ reward This doesn't actually solve the issue, does it.
@entropy404 Месяц назад
I assume they will address the welfares situation, doesn't really make sense to not be able to max them. Everything else is to be expected/normal. I mean coins still suck as a system but now they suck just as much as they did before instead of sucking more. The most important thing is that I hope they learned from this shit going forward.
@tipoima Месяц назад
@@entropy404 They didn't even fix Mash coins in all this time.
@justanothershrimp1908 Месяц назад
@@tipoimaThe Mash coins are connected to story, unlike the welfares and I think they’ll do something about it by the end of part 2.
@tipoima Месяц назад
@@justanothershrimp1908 Appends don't really have the story-relevant feel, IMO. More like they just didn't think about it.
@shin-iti Месяц назад
Wellfres are fine, they will just make more events and if the servant is related in some way to that event, they will sell coins on the shop for it. They done it, and there are a few wellfare servant that can be already maxed if you been playing the events properly. I maxed already davinci ruler, setanta, Grey for example and the mecha elis can be done too.
@Dragonlord91 Месяц назад
This is like putting a band-aid in a bullet wound. The issue still remains of the large amount of coins people need to "complete" the servants. Before the new appends, for SSRs np6 while still awful it was still one more copy and not that difficult for people to hunt down the line. But now they are asking people to go back and summon 2 more copies like it's nothing(not to mention the lower rarities and how absurd the demand is there) don't get me wrong having the option to go back and level a different append is nice but it doesn't solve the main issue of coin shortage for units going forward or even for new players who have one favorite unit they wish to max out. Unless they cut the amount of coins needed to complete a servant or more options for people to get their coins nothing has been resolved. And again I'm not talking about whales who max out everything I'm talking about people who wish to have the perfect version of their favorite character meaning all appends and 120. It's still an awful system and all they do now is damage control the situation.
@ryanwest6035 Месяц назад
No shit it's a band-aid? What the fuck did you expect them to do in less than 24 hours? They literally said "There will be new features to target this issue eventually, but it will take months as they are also concurrently working on new events."
@Dragonlord91 Месяц назад
I would expect them to not do half done jobs and actually make a functional system that works without the need of people complaining but I'm sorry it's not like they are a multimillionaire company.
@orga7777 Месяц назад
@@Dragonlord91 While true, changing something this fast after blow back is a good thing. Most companies don't even care to do that anymore. I call this a decent start at addressing the problems people have. Let's see what happens by New Years. I think that is a good litmus test. If they don't fix it by the New Years event, I have no problem being mad at them still.
@ryanwest6035 Месяц назад
@@Dragonlord91 oh cute you must be new to the video game and gatcha space. companies fuck up all the time b. if you think this is a lasengle only think you're either naive or delusional.
@glyphin343 Месяц назад
Ok I'm not taking their side on this, because I agree that the coins system sucks, but I don't see this new append change as a big deal. All this does is raise the ceiling for a servants theoretical power but so many people are acting like they achieved this by lowering the power of our current servants. It's like a gym putting out a new heavier weight that you can add to your workout. They aren't requiring you to use it or even asking you to push yourself to that new limit, they are just giving the option of it to those who are interested. A maxed servant shouldn't be the expectation or or how we as a community feel is the one way to express if we like a servant. It's a toxic mindset to have if you feel like how much you like a character is directly proportional to how much (in healthy cases, disposable) income you have.
@koyoyoyo1170 Месяц назад
The good thing from this update is 120 sq. This didnt really fix anything, you still need np8 to max a servant. And to me personally, i still cant unlock Arc's append 5 since I used the coins on lv120, not a different append.
@KiddDaPhoenix Месяц назад
But NP8 is still a requirement to max out a servant. You still can't get append 2 and 5 from an NP1 5* and I don't know if I can trust Lasengle to not make append 5 a new baseline when designing servants tbh. Welfares are still screwed over completely. This isn't a fix, it's a band-aid to help assuage the feelings of people who got append 1 and 3 on servants and those who burnt coins on grail casting which they now realise they need. The base issue remains the same.
@orga7777 Месяц назад
I think you can max 2 Appends on an NP1 if you max bond. Can't go past Level 100, though.
@Dorminaru. Месяц назад
It's barely a "fix". It's slightly less greedy
@finisherm0ve Месяц назад
True,if they're actually willing to fix it,they can just lower the servant coin requirement,but then again that's too generous for them. At least it's really good for F2Ps like myself or low spenders
@ryanwest6035 Месяц назад
How? They're going to work on a solution and for 99% of the fanbase they never touched np6 in the last 3 years so lets not act like they would've gone np8. For a bandaid within 24 hours fix it's fine, people expecting them to have them fixed for good in game right now are just delusional.
@Dorminaru. Месяц назад
@@ryanwest6035 The coin system was problematic since its launch over 3 years ago. For the record, back when they introduced it into the game, they said that coins will be available in events to buy etc, and 3 year later, nothing happened
@finisherm0ve Месяц назад
@@ryanwest6035 true,I definitely underestimate how fast their response was in 24 hours,I really hope they can fulfill their promise of fixing the servant coin system
@Pomho1812 Месяц назад
While it is nice, it still doesn't change the fact that the main issue is how coins works. You still need to roll 8 copies of an SSR if it's your favourite servant, they need to change coins system as soon as they can, we've been crying about that system ever since it released
@amai2307 Месяц назад
Situation went from dog shit to human shit. Otto - wow, thats wonderful!
@constantdemonics Месяц назад
I personally think this is leading up to an increase in max bond level. Like an additional 10 levels so you can get both appends with NP 6
@ryanwest6035 Месяц назад
They literally said they're working on coin solutions that will be implemented in a few months, I don't know why you're expecting this to be fixed when this situation was like 24 hours old... it's a bandaid fix to stop any bleeding but they still need to rehabilitate the injury. It was the mega whales who made this happen so you're not really using your head if you think 120sq is going to "bribe" megawhales, they will be watching and waiting.
@orga7777 Месяц назад
Easy fix. Don't max out the characters. This reverts back to the Status Quo, which is better than the dire announcement they had. Also, that is a lot of free grails people will be getting back. I think it is a VERY good compromise.
@constantdemonics Месяц назад
@@orga7777 the issue is that the new appends will be factored into future farming/ CQ nodes.
@luis99tv Месяц назад
It's simple to solve this issue: A update where we can get coins for daily missions. We already get 30 mana Prism for missions. They could give us 30 coins for daily missions. 10 bronze coins for 1 and 2 stars; 10 silver coins for 3 stars; 10 gold coins for 4 and 5 stars. They could just have done this together with new appends. But they waited the outrage to take some action. I read a comment on twitter saying lasengle is appealing for the whale players in order to milk as much money as possible before a possible end of service after the end of Lostbelt Arc. I know it sound like doom posting, but there'a a possibility.
@TheAuthorStudios Месяц назад
altenrativelly just make coins buyable with mana prisms Seriously i've been sitting on 1000+ mana prisms for god konws how long even tho i buy all tickets and fous whenever the month changes.
@shaderider468 Месяц назад
It happened prolly cuz of the JP fans outrage lol
@arkanavii Месяц назад
i see it still as the worst anniversary because, although they are trying to fix things after the backlash, it does not solve the issue of NP8 bond 15 to full max a servant (and let's not talk about 4* or 3* or less) and not only for completionist but also for people who went all out as F2p for their favorite servants. it is still a greedy change, and little to no QoL as a 9th anniversary. the best part of the anniversary is golden carp...
@ryanwest6035 Месяц назад
They literally buffed every perm 1-3 star servant this anniversary with 30% crit damage and cooldown reduction... or do you think Lancer Cu with 30% crit and shorter cooldowns isn't a good buff? Do you think Xu Fu and Hans with shorter cooldowns isn't better? You do know they have given out rankups in the last year where the main part of the buff is reducing cooldown by 1.... They added a heap of quality of life, improved pity (still bad but better), command seals full heal so can use them for ordeal call free quests daily now (can let saber class score np2 siegfried outdamage an np5 siggy on the 90** node, black grail godjuna looping etc), jump to node when clicking on a material (you mean I don't have to look at a fucking wiki?), increased parties from 10 to 15, streamlined buying gssr and destiny so people who buy them don't waste any money (of course they are doing this so people go oh i don't have to buy 76 sq pack, i'll get a gssr for the first time etc), a lot of shit to do with friend supports etc. Coins aren't fixed right now but they will have a solution in the coming months so their massive fuck up is a benefit in the end because we would've been stuck in the "get np6 to max everything lol" hole we have been for the last 3 years.
@arkanavii Месяц назад
@@ryanwest6035 yeah, the two appends are really nice and strong, that’s why it’s bad that it’s locked behind a paywall (since there is also the mana loading append). Regarding the QoL, they are subpar at best, pity system is still a joke, command seals are w/e (but guess it’s nice for min turns or such), jump to node may be a useful upgrade but still, is this a great upgrade for a 9th year? Or should it be the bare minimum at this point in time? Increased parties are w/e, gssr buying thing is nothing to write home about, and friend support upgrade is just stupid at best. The last point is just you HOPING they will fix the coin system (they are saying they will fix it since 3 years). Again, what they did cannot be defined as a “good 9th year anniversary”
@Jamessavoy Месяц назад
@@arkanavii Still better than 8th. That was an anniversary that literally did nothing.
@arkanavii Месяц назад
@@Jamessavoy we do agree on this, but not good enough nonetheless, from my point of view
@ryanwest6035 Месяц назад
@@arkanavii you either have a whale account with all np5s, someone who can't think for themselves when it comes to strats or an NA only player if you think the command seal upgrade is meh. When you only have np1 ssrs and np2 srs the command seal update is massive for farming ordeal call 90++, 90* and 90** free quests. A berserker class core np1 godjuna using black grail 3 times a day (which matches ordeal call limit) thanks to command seals does twice the amount of damage as a normal np1 cranking godjuna.
@DragonFalconFGO Месяц назад
This being a band aid solution aside, let's not forget we barely got QoLs again this year, unless we count the "pity" update as a QoL. So yeah I still think 9th anni is still really bad.
@phoenix7240 Месяц назад
Most of what we got was QOL… what definition are you using?
@ryanwest6035 Месяц назад
Oh yes my parties going from 10-15, being able to jump to any node that has a material by clicking on it, command seals fully healing, the new friend support stuff clearly didn't happen and was just a dream I had.
@DragonFalconFGO Месяц назад
@@phoenix7240 "Meaningful" Qol, what we had were mostly pointless. The "recommended" Friend support update barely does shit since you won't be able to tell what stage your friend is going to be fighting on, we don't need that much party loadouts to begin with, the command seal refreshing daily is nice for some players but I don't get much use out of them due to my playstyle. I was hoping for stuff like you know... making rolling on the FP gacha a lot less insufferable as well as the UI for enhancing CEs, or being able to bookmark certain friends so they will always remain at the top of the friend list, those few examples come to my head.
@ryanwest6035 Месяц назад
@@DragonFalconFGO meaningful? You mean like making someones np2 siegfried outdamage my np5 on the latest ordeal call 90** node? You mean like letting me black grail loop with godjuna for my daily 3 ordeal call runs? 99.9% of people are undervaluing the command seal full heal, its literally tailor made to handle ordeal call 90++ and up which caps at 3 daily.
@hmmmmname Месяц назад
While this is great for F2P to I guess Dolphin level players (or a GSSR only like myself), it doesn't address the core complaint and the core issue. There's still only 2 methods of getting coins in the first place, they need to fix THAT, or else every new feature added down the line (that requires coins) is going to add another NP level (more like 2) to what's required.
@TheStuffEnjoyer Месяц назад
120 SQ still won't give you Welfare coins bruh 💀 They need to fix this coin issue instead of these meaningless band aids.
@Lwnorrie Месяц назад
fastest news video in the west 🧑‍🌾
@nachosxgame Месяц назад
I wonder how they'll implement this in na. They will probably not repeat the same mistake but the goodies that come with their rectification, including the sq would be nice to have
@mndy129 Месяц назад
If they don't bring this ahead of time, they'll have 2 years to give it to us with all the fixes, which is how they usually have done updates like this before, EN started with a lot of the changes JP did during the first year
@Tatian4191 Месяц назад
People were proper pissed. They bungled the anni so hard, the time when the most eyes were on the game. That said, any abuse directed at the staff is unacceptable, obviously. Be mad and sane.
@Zeon081 Месяц назад
they still need to fix coins further. maybe completely remove coin requirement for grailing past 100.
@johnwalker5620 Месяц назад
If you don’t get the usually trash 3rd append skill you STILL need NP 7 and Bond 14 if you want the 4 other skills…
@vlionheart Месяц назад
Important info, they answered super fast because the grail casting actively incentivizes you to use those "useless coins". They knew this system was coming, so this could be seen as basically scamming the players: "Oh, you don't have enough coins because you spent them? Too bad, guess you have to roll the gacha" This is a VERY VERY BIG NO NO in japanese gacha law. Big as in if the government steps in lasagna will tell mister stark that they don't feel so good level bad. tldr lasagna had to rush because big daddy japan penal code wasn't planning on using any lube.
@SuperSarutobisensei Месяц назад
Here I am with my servant at lv102 and now I have to choose between continuing grailing them or unlocking real appends
@Taylorperchasemccarthy Месяц назад
I know this is a hot take but I genuinely really like that it offers a new layer of gameplay It sucks that maxing servants is still ridiculously expensive, but for the average player this is huge, appends are more like equipment now, and when do you really need more than two appends at a time? You WANT all 5, obviously, but I feel you can make do with some combo of mana loading/skill charge/crit up/anti class 99 times out of 100 It doesn’t solve the root of the issue but it’s a solid change imo
@Lafter-san Месяц назад
Otto, thanks for making a fast video about this!
@nurventilatoren Месяц назад
2 % less bad. I'm still peeved they didn't lower Pity. No, just to taunt us, they gave us a tiny pity counter and made it repeatable.... yaaaaaay
@amai2307 Месяц назад
I am ok with pity amount and tiny counter, but why the f pity is reset on each pull. Other games do not have this shit. And it would even be more profitable for them if pity didnt reset. Like you go till 750 and finally get a featured servant, after update your choice is to stop or go till 1650, where pity was reset to. And if pity wasnt reset you would be tempted to just add 150 sq on top to get a second copy.
@ryanwest6035 Месяц назад
@@amai2307 uh genshin, star rail, epic seven all reset their pity counters....
@Grey0King Месяц назад
@@amai2307 Every single gacha that doesn't rely on the spark system, resets their pity. Bruh
@xLuis89x Месяц назад
​​@@ryanwest6035E7 only resets the counter on non ML banners, and getting summoning currency for said non ml banners there is way easier than in FGO, so you can actually get most new characters there, genshin pity only resets on the weapon banner, the character banner keeps track of your summons so if you did 90 pulls and lost the 50/50 , the next limited banner you summon on will have the rate up 100% guaranteed , in fgo if you don't hit the complete pity, say sayonara to the pulls you did once the banner ends. It's really not comparable at all to FGO, except for HSR and that game also uses almost the same summoning model as genshin (Btw if you lose the weapon banner specific pity by the change of banner, you still hold your regular summoning counts, so if you had used 70 pulls, in the next weapon banner you would only have to do 20 pulls to get a 5* weapon that may or may not be the featured one, it's just that the absolute hard pity is not carried over, but even that system is better than FGOs ...)
@amai2307 Месяц назад
@@Grey0King sorry, but I dont see a difference. FGO essentually has a spark system, because it is 100% guaranteed featured servant.
@Vithor.G16 Месяц назад
I still think this could be done better, bc it still doesn't change the amount of coins you'll need to complete a servant's kit. So you will still need NP 8 for an SSR. And even if you like an welfare servant, you will not be able to complete all the investment on them in any way (for now) :/ But at least it's a very good start!
@orga7777 Месяц назад
Wow! They actually did something good for once! Ryou and Plushie will be happy.
@mysticpumpkin8520 Месяц назад
Tbh the only thing I find horrendeous now is the death threats. We are not the pokemon-palworld fanboys. We can do better than that That aside, I am glad about this. I guess I get to have my CD append with Achilles❤
@unknownOO8 Месяц назад
feels weird reading that comment from a user with a Pumpkaboo pfp xD that said, a community isn't necessarily bad because of a few loudmouths. Those people would probably say the same thing regardless of the community they are in.
@LightshaverConstellation Месяц назад
Yes. I learned being a part of many communities like pokemon, yugioh, fgo, league etc is that a lot of the awful stuff is a loud or large minority and that often time most of the community is cool people or at least people one would like aren't too hard to find.
@asup89 Месяц назад
I'm happy with this but I still think we need a way to get more coins
@TheStuffEnjoyer Месяц назад
They still HAVEN'T fixed the coin system. You STILL have to summon 8+ copies of a Servant for the coins. Waiting and hoping in COPIUM.
@runelsie7454 Месяц назад
Otto you are so fast it is insane holy crap
@entropy404 Месяц назад
I think this is actually a pretty great win if they learned from this situation going forward. The first time they added coins it was kinda retro active so it wasn't as big a deal, but they cannot add shit like this anymore.
@Vierdro Месяц назад
This is actually kinda nice. Wish it would do something involving coins used for grailing though. I wonder if this will apply to na eventually since fair is fair. Although id like to assume its no where near as bad on na compared to jp.
@117haloall Месяц назад
Here is a list of the buster servants affect by append 5 Servants that can buster loop with append 2 & and or append 5 in a double koyan comp plus Oberon. AOE Columbus,Halloween Liz, Spartacus. ST Abigail, Ptolemaios. Servants that can deal more damage with append 5 in double koyan comp plus any servant that can give 50% or more charge, plus Arc, Circe, who don’t need a third support to loop 3 waves. AOE Drake, Nero caster, BB summer, Aese, Arc, Kuku, Abigail summer, ST Circe, Servants that need append 2&5 to to do more damage in double koyan comp with Oberon, and Artoria that can now loop with any 50% charger in stead of double koyan. AOE Berserker Raikou, Okita alter, Avenger Nobu, Artoria ruler, Dobrynya,Koyan dark and light, Tiamat, Europa, Summer fairy Tristan, 5 star saber Artoria. ST Sanzang, Roland, Iori, Bhima, Quetzalcóatl, Fist Hassan, super Bunyan, Lancer Tamamo. Servants that can caster there one turn buff or debuff on wave 2&3 AOE Mordred,Altera,Karna, Semiramis, 5 star Artoria lancer, Gray.
@somerinsimp4327 Месяц назад
I'm happy to see the fgo community finally call this company out
@You-seem-sus. Месяц назад
I must say, hats off to them. I thought I was doomed with arcueid extra attack append. This change preserved a lot of my enjoyment.
@user-er9xv2qh6k Месяц назад
If this switching between appends one time only - it's garbage. But if you can switching between them as many times as you want - it's good change. Also, they didn't address welfares in coins situation. You can't p2w them, they AT LEAST need to add more coins in welfare shop
@sohantula2154 Месяц назад
So will the NA people also get 120 sq?🌚
@Ottobean Месяц назад
@ryanwest6035 Месяц назад
@@Ottobean really doubt that, it doesn't affect us and we'll probably have the proper coin fix introduced at the same time as appends 4 and 5 if they actually implement them in the next couple months as mentioned.
@Sasorislovery Месяц назад
@@ryanwest6035idk how it doesn’t affect us. We’re gonna be up the same shit creek without a paddle in 2 years and we were just as in the dark as JP was when it came to using coins.
@d4clovetrain900 Месяц назад
i still despise them for blueballing me with seiba S1 upgrade
@ryanwest6035 Месяц назад
She's kinda stupid with append 5 right now, she didn't need a buff. Like a 2 wave node if you can Habetrot/Arash/Sonog the first wave she's can black grail and double cast all her skills with append 5. Dude posted a clip doing 15m damage. That being said she might get a buff when FSN remaster comes out in a few days
@cutepapaya4224 Месяц назад
Also why didn't we get that one ram god as a 3 star
@MultiBatikan Месяц назад
Nature is healing and plushie can hopefully be happy again
@vollied4865 Месяц назад
Im gonna guess everyone in the comments never played a game by Hoyoverse, you dont NEED appends you dont NEED np levels In a hoyoverse game there are characters literally worthless without having multiple copies (genshin: hu tao, childe, star rail: acheron, ruan mei. These are light examples there worse examples much worse examples) This is a good step in the right direction its not like they havent been improving the game every single year since 3rd anni onwards chill tf out
@nguyenphu-o5d Месяц назад
the fastest turtle :)
@Sasorislovery Месяц назад
I still think this anni was pretty bad. There’s no way they didn’t know people would be upset about this.
@IdkWhatShouldYouCallMeAs Месяц назад
I started fgo last year around arcade collab I got Tiamat but i didn’t know what append should I open so I opened the third I can finally redo it
@bvc5320 Месяц назад
For the average player this is purely positive. More Append options, your old coins weren't wasted, potential coin refund for Grail Forging, all good. The issue comes down to Heavy spenders, and the general lack of understanding at how badly these additions would be taken by the community as a whole. The biggest issue is the coin system itself, and adjustments need to be made. I would be happy if they reworked the append system where instead of 5 skills, you had 5 slots, and you leveled the slots, then put whatever append into whatever slot you wanted. That opens up for new appends in the future while capping the number of coins we need. They could even experiment with crazy appends for specific servants like +10-30% crit chance versus dragons when equiped to Dragon Slayers, stuff like that. 2nd Drop the coin requirements on slots compared to skills. I could understand if you needed 7 copies of an SSR at bond 10 to Max a character's slots, or 5 copies at bond 15. Those would be reasonable to a degree. Thst lets them up the required number of copies, while offering an alternative way to max a chacter out. Any coins after that should be used for crafting materials, not just grails, also get rid of the coin cost for over lv 100. Instead link leveling bast 100 as should require Bond levels past 10. Bond 11 should unlock Grailing to level 110, and so on.
@alexstar9871 Месяц назад
Otto be like: I am speed
@D1ttu Месяц назад
Otto is the best FGOtuber
@user-ww1gk5ku1w Месяц назад
Do we know when they’re gonna add these features?
@Parasiticism Месяц назад
This proves that backlash works. While it addresses the way they released it though, the coin system itself is still dogshit.
@Alphagammabeta Месяц назад
hell yeah, don't need to spam fp summon :'v
@Ottobean Месяц назад
that's what I spent a lot of time doing on sunday 💀
@Alphagammabeta Месяц назад
@@Ottobean F
@fernandov.3302 Месяц назад
I expected a response because of the hate but didn't expect it this fast.
@altheapolyam Месяц назад
Are we really celebrating that they did a cheap patch that doesn't really solve anything? Is 120sq really enough to make us gulp this pill they giving us? Bah
@justanothershrimp1908 Месяц назад
I was saying that I wanted DW back when I saw the new appends, but lasagne made a good thing, but they still made the new appends so it’s more or less yeah they may have done this right that doesn’t correct the previous mistake tho.
@ryanwest6035 Месяц назад
You're blaming the wrong people, that would've been an Aniplex and/or Typemoon call.
@justanothershrimp1908 Месяц назад
@@ryanwest6035 They hold the IP not the design, so it’s complicated.
@Mt.Berry-o7 Месяц назад
Ok, I think you're being exaggerating the positive here. The coin system is still awful and trying to max out your favourite is still completely unreasonable and made worse by this anni (specially for 4 stars like in my case). To steal plushies comment on the matter: Overall, if this is a hot fix and servant coin improvements are still to come, I am happy ; if this is their actual "fix", its is not even close to being good enough. What they addressed : 1. Problem of "hindsight", basically you can fix the mistake of unlocking shitty appends like append 3 over actual good ones like append 5 due to your ability to switch 2. The "baiting you into burning excess coins for grails" part, and you get some more coins for future grail casting as a small bonus What they DID NOT FIX 1. For completionists, this is basically no change, you still need absurd amounts of coins to max out a servant completely 2. You still can't max out welfares ! 3. This change is not rolled out immediately and god knows how long their dev time is on this.
@xolotltolox7626 Месяц назад
Will you upload the vod of the anniversary reaction to youtube?
@Ottobean Месяц назад
I plan on doing that later today. I've just been pretty busy with the update and catching up on sleep. Sorry for the wait.
@dylanhelvetios2300 Месяц назад
If the game was better before the anniversary then it's a really bad anniversary.
@Ottobean Месяц назад
I kinda just hate comments like this. It's one things to criticize how they didn't improve much, but to say the game is worse now is kinda just dumb. You'll be able to switch from a dogshit third append to the fifth one once this change hits. It's only bad if you are obsessed with hyper-optimizing things that rarely matter. It sucks that it's unreasonably expensive to do that, but two of the three previously exclusive appends are useless most of the time for most characters and all of the time for others. In my eyes, the problem was less the new appends, and more the old ones.
@cardswarzreov2115 Месяц назад
If JP are compensated, will NA be also compensated in the future as well? I really don't know
@MakiseKurisu13 Месяц назад
@ICQ_99 Месяц назад
complaining about abuse works, who would have guess?
@yellowdeceiver4818 Месяц назад
ok im alot less mad
@mrharvy100 Месяц назад
At this point only completionists (aka the 1% of playerbase that are a mix of high end whales, streamers, and social media flexers) would be the only ones that realistically still would have issues because they still need to do NP8 + bond 15 to “complete” their character. For everyone else (the 99%) their issues has largely been addressed from this aka “I used my coins on these older appends and I don’t have coins for that skill cooldown reduction on X servant!” by letting you swap between appends to same unlocked level. This largely addresses the problem to get your servant “best appends for them” unless you spent all your coins on 120 (which you don’t get refunded for although I can see why they didn’t refund on the 120 users since gaining levels and getting appends are two different intentions despite both using coins.)
@justalex4214 Месяц назад
This is good news cos it shows that they're actually listening to their playerbase, the backlash simply has to be big enough
@amai2307 Месяц назад
This is bad news, coz it shows that they are adamant on not fixing the coin problem.
@mr.soystein7849 Месяц назад
​@@amai2307it's worse since they probably anticipated this backlash, so the "fix" is preplanned way before.
@Ottobean Месяц назад
@@amai2307 it's likely that they may have had some sort of plans to do something about coins in the 30m campaign, but overestimated the community's patience (understandable because we don't know what they are planning for 30m lol)
@ryanwest6035 Месяц назад
@@amai2307 why are you ignoring the part of their press release where they said they're working on solutions to roll out in the coming months?
@amai2307 Месяц назад
@@ryanwest6035 solution to roll out is that burned coin refund, isnt it so? At least thats how I got it, would be nice if you are right.
@Infinity07_ Месяц назад
turtle > sonic
@entropy404 Месяц назад
Ok, this may be kino
@pulsal1138 Месяц назад
Nice L take
@LeykRoss Месяц назад
Classic non-fix change that doesn't help anyone. Whales and completionists still need fuckin NP8/9. And F2P/Cheap expenders can now prioritize which append to choose, yes, but they are still constrained by how rare the currency is. And God forbid you didn't use the coins on appends but on 120. Even in a normal case, if your favorite wants both the charge and the CD reduction you still screwed over. And all the free grails mean nothing when you cant 120 without coins.
@thornszk Месяц назад
That's sad. Now I have nothing to complain :(
@amai2307 Месяц назад
1) Horrible pity update, which changed effectively nothing. 2) np8 and 15 bond for a complete character. You are welcome.
@Shokamoka Месяц назад
Nah. Still the worst anniversary to date. FGO peaked at 7th anniversary and it’s only going downhill from there as Lasagna races Activision to become the world’s greediest game company.
@MuZe_ikari Месяц назад
Hehe first
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