
Fictional Scuffle: Adam VS Neo 

Grimm Hunter Saiyan
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Hello everyone! This episode of Fictional Scuffle will be going over two characters from the show RWBY, those two being Adam and Neo and seeing who would win in a fight.
I will be proving who is more likely to win their fight, so I hope you all enjoy the video.
You are allowed to disagree and have differing opinions in the comments, all I ask is that you are civil and don’t attack anyone. Attack the argument, not the person.



7 сен 2024




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@milessaxton Год назад
Neo takes this no contest
@GrimmHunterSaiyan Год назад
Glad you have a different opinion from me!
@miln25 Год назад
I think Adam wins. While Neo is increidbly strong. Maria has been the only one to land a hit on her. To me that just shows a gap in experience. Neo has only fought members of team RWBY. Who arent very experienced in terms of fighting actual opponents. While Adam is an experienced fighter, terrorists, and leader and im sure he's had many encoutners with fights of Neo's style. Plus Neo ran away from Raven and the two share a simlair fighting style so I think he'll win.
@k.h7180 Год назад
I kind of disagree. volume 6 versions of the characters could be considered since they were both present in those volumes even though Adam died. even with volume 3 Neo could likely take on Adam, since more of her abilities have been actually seen by that point - fighting style and all. The same can’t be said for Adam beyond the Black trailer, but I digress. nice video though
@GrimmHunterSaiyan Год назад
Thanks for the comment! Well yes Adam and Neo are both present in Volume 6, Neo basically does nothing involving combat, so I figured it would just be more simple to keep to Volume 3. And I never said Neo couldn’t win, I just think Adam has a higher chance of winning. You can disagree with me on that if you wish.
@k.h7180 Год назад
@@GrimmHunterSaiyan of course! it was a great discussion video. I brought up Neo and Adam during their volume 6 era because both have at least fought other characters during the volume; even though it was Neo vs Cinder and Adam vs Blake & Yang. Neo had the upper hand on Cinder before she resorted to her Maiden abilities then conceded. I mentioned that piece because Neo pushed Cinder to use her maiden powers meaning she was winning on a base level. With Adam, he was managing well 1v1 but was eventually overwhelmed by Blake and Yang as a duo. Either way, I would say Neo has a higher chance of winning because of her victory count compared to Adam throughout the show - including volume 3 where she fought more than Adam ever did during the first 3 volumes. I respect your stance on thé matter as well!
@VAPExodus Год назад
Neo is my favorite character so I'm trying not to be biased. I'm gonna keep this short and sweet. Neo has never been directly hit from season 2-9. Adam has absolutely zero hand to hand ability; shown in his final fight with Yang and Blake. Neo also was able to avoid Yang's semblance because she had a very low damage output. Adam's semblance is almost a carbon copy, so moonslice is out of the question. Adam is also slower than Neo both in reaction time and movement speed. Adam wasnt safe from taking hits when fighting multiple opponents. So he's forced to make the split decisions when fighting her clones. Neo is also an amazing judge of her opponents skill. Even if we're limiting this to volumes 2 and 3, Adam fought a 1v1 against Blake who wasn't trying to fight. Then one shot Yang who blindly charged in a fit of rage. Conclusion, Adam has too many shortcomings and isn't as versatile as Neo which severely limits him in a fight. Adam's Trump card is his semblance and when that option is taken away, like in volume 6, he immediately crumbles.
@GrimmHunterSaiyan Год назад
@VAPExodus Год назад
@grimmhuntersaiyan9365 Really sorry this was so long
@GrimmHunterSaiyan Год назад
@@VAPExodus nah you good. I like hearing other peoples opinions on which fictional character could beat another fictional character.
@dimensionvisitor7689 Месяц назад
neo should stomp Adam harder than she stomps current RWBY and JNPR, V6 Blake and V6 Yang are pretty competitive with Adam even in 1v1 until their trauma kicks in. And a lot of people fail to realize is that, early V7 is basically a months~1 year long training arc time skip (they are also training with the elites among the elites of Atlas, the nation with the highest military prowess), so each member of team RWBY and JNPR (beside Jaune and Oscar) should easily destroy Adam as he is only relative to Blake and Yang before V7 training (as a reminder, with a similar time skip, V3~V6 is also months~1 year, Blake and Yang went from getting blitz and one shot by Adam to giving him a run for his money, if we want to say growths are linear, current Blake and Yang might just beat Adam as if he's just a random white fang soldier), and we all know what happened in V7 and V8, neo bullied JNPR+Oscar in a 1v4 both mentally and physically, accidentally one shot yang (who can now tank multiple of adam's charged slash btw and just outright grab adam's strongest attack in her "ssj" state), beat Ruby like a sandbag as if she never gotten any stronger since V3, and act like Blake doesn't even exist when she joined the fight.
@MrLeeFTW Год назад
The problem with this conclusion is that it completely overlooks both combatants abilities in relation to one another. Adam relies on quick strikes, but Neo is all about parrying. Even when things get dicey, Neo's semblance always her to regain her footing. Adam on the other hand stores power in his sword as a result of his semblance. Unfortunately, Neo primarily uses kicks for combat, which isn't the type of attack Moonslice is capable of absorbing. Adam is shown absorbing strikes from Ember Celica, but not once in the entire show does he absorb a blow from a kick. Neo's ability to parry, dodge and counter leaves little opportunity for Adam to store power, let alone unleash it. Both Blake and Yang can disarm Adam as well. Neo would have no problem in that regard either.
@GrimmHunterSaiyan Год назад
Several things. One, Moonsice can’t absorb kicks… That is a silly assumption to make. Adam can absorb energy from attacks and kicks are attacks. What makes Neo’s kicks fundamentally different to any other strike that Adam has shown to absorb? Adam can most definitely absorb kicks too. Two, while it is true Neo can use her semblance to regain her footing, Adam could just break any illusion and be fast enough to react to what Neo is trying to do. And three, Blake and Yang can disarm Adam… Did you really watch the video? I said specifically that Adam and Neo are the ones from Volume 3, so any feats from anyone in Volume 4 and onward would be considered irrelevant. Because in Volume 3, Blake and Yang couldn’t get a single scratch on Adam. So their fight in Volume 6 doesn’t apply to this match up.
@MrLeeFTW Год назад
@@GrimmHunterSaiyan I'm not saying Adam CAN'T, I'm saying who kicks a fucking sword's blade in a fight? 😂 If Neo isn't making contact with the sword (and why would she?) then Adam is taking blows and absorbing nothing. 🤷🏻 Adam can definitely break Neo's illusions, but he's overcome on several occasions by Blake's shadow, let alone a more complex illusion from Overactive Imagination that has been shown letting Neo reposition herself anywhere on the battlefield and escape when need be. You're glossing over the fact that by Volume 3, Neo had fought both Yang and Ruby, toying with both and not being struck once. Adam spent his time storing up energy to one shot Yang. Adam waits to pick off Blake and Yang in Volume 3 one by one. Neo challenges Weiss, Blake and Yang in Volume 2, confident of her ability to take them all on and win. And yes, I did watch the video. There's no difference in power with Neo or Adam when they return in Volume 6 though. Neither are shown to have particularly improved their abilities, but you have one who's fearful of Cinder and submits to her and the other who hunts her down and smacks her in the face with a parasol. 😂 Yang and Blake improve enough to take down Adam by that point, but they're outclassed by Neo who summarily takes down pretty much everyone before her semblance levels up. 😂 There is absolutely no chance in hell of Adam coming out on top. He relies on overwhelming his opponent with force. He's mindless and reckless. Neo is cunning, crafty and doesn't use attacks that aid Adam's semblance. There's no contest. So as I said, it grossly overlooks the abilities of the two combatants. You don't kick sword blades, you can't absorb parries and Adam gets fooled by illusions, even in Volume 3. 🤷🏻 It's food for thought. People can disagree with opinions after all, but if you put an opinion out there, you should be ready for it to be critiqued. 🤷🏻
@GrimmHunterSaiyan Год назад
@@MrLeeFTW Bro you literally said kicks aren’t a type of attack Moonslice is capable of storing. So you did say it in your first comment. Sure Neo wouldn’t kick the sword, but she would hit it if Adam used it to block. Adam is showing always using his sword to block attacks from people, so with my scaling that Adam should be able to react to Neo, he should be able to block her attacks. The only time we see Blake use her semblance, he watches her run away, implying that he could have stopped her but didn’t. For Cinder, Adam was aware about her maiden powers, but Neo wasn’t. So to say that one was scared of Cinder and the other was trying to kill her is not a good comparison in my opinion. Neo was caught off guard by Ruby, even with Roman helping Neo in that fight and Ruby wasn’t even using Petal Burst. One thing I should’ve added in the video that Mercury was able to react to Petal Burst Ruby and Yang did beat him in a fight. So characters like Mercury and Yang should be able to catch Neo off guard too and Adam is above Yang. And when Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald tried to get Adam on their side the first time, Adam was ready to kill all three of them, so Adam is definitely above Mercury. I did point out Neo was confident that she could take out Yang, Blake, and Weiss, in the end we never get to see how that fight would’ve played out, so we can’t use it as evidence for anything meaningful. You are correct to say that Yang and Blake improved enough to beat Adam, but Neo never fights anyone from Team RWBY in Volume 6, so it would be headcannon to assume she is still above everyone at that point with zero evidence. And bro it’s fine to have an opinion. You can have yours and I can have mine. I wouldn’t be responding to your comment if I wasn’t ready to be criticized.
@MrLeeFTW Год назад
@@GrimmHunterSaiyan Sorry. I didn't think I'd need to clarify that people don't kick fucking blades. I thought that was a given. Okay, I'll rephrase... If Neo was stupid enough to ever kick the sword, then yeah, sure... Go team Adam, but naturally it's going to strike an illusion, not a thigh. 😂 If Yang were able to catch Neo off guard, she wouldn't have met the ceiling of a train with her face. Yang doesn't begin using her head probably until Volume 4, which is ironic. Is this the part where I ask if you watched the video? 😂 True, we don't see it, but we do eventually see Neo take everyone else on and then some using nothing but her original abilities without any fuss and that's long after everyone has had a chance to catch up, including Blake and Yang who fucking killed Adam. 😂 True, Neo doesn't face any protagonists in Volume 6, but apart from disguising a whole ship, we see no change in combat ability until Volume 9, at which point, she took down Oscar, Jaune, Nora and Ren without breaking a sweat, being dealt a single punch, she's got the jump on Yang and one shot her, she takes on Ruby, Blake and Weiss without any issue and she does it all by being smart, until Ruby manages to outsmart her at the very last moment. Honestly, the moment Ruby has no practical way to remove Neo from a fight, she gets fucking owned, which is beside the point. Kinda makes me appreciate why Neo would want her to fall down a hole to finish her now as well. Poetic justice! 😂 I digress, Neo is still primed to outsmart and outmaneuver Adam. Kicks won't make contact with his sword because even if he could, her illusions would just shatter and she'd reposition, plus if Adam were to unleash Moonslice, the same problem occurs; Overactive Imagination. All that energy wasted and for what? 🤷🏻 Parry, kick, illusion, kick, parry, parry, dead.
@GrimmHunterSaiyan Год назад
@@MrLeeFTW Dude, stop bringing up stuff from later Volumes. Anything past Volume 3 doesn’t matter. I even said myself that if we used later versions of the characters, then Neo would win. What Neo does in Volume 8 and 9 doesn’t apply to Volume 3 Neo. I shouldn’t need to say that, but I have to. When Neo fought Yang, that was Volume 2. Team RWBY most definitely got stronger from Volume 2 to 3, since the game Grimm Eclipse, which is considered canon, shows them getting stronger. So the Volume 2 fight of Neo Vs Yang wouldn’t automatically apply to Volume 3 Yang. Since Yang scales above Ruby, seeing that Yang was chosen to go to the finals of the tournament, and Ruby was still holding her own against Neo and did catch her off guard. And for the whole sword kicking thing, just stop with “WhO wOuLd KiCk A sWoRd?!?!?” Adam can react to Neo, he will block her attacks with his sword, wether Neo wants that or not. Plus Neo doesn’t even know what Adam’s semblance is, so she wouldn’t even know not to hit the sword. And parries use force and energy, so Moonslice could most likely absorb them too. Neo’s semblance is a great semblance, but it’s not an instant win card. When Adam breaks an illusion, Neo is kinda screwed, since he’s faster than her and Neo wouldn’t be able to react and couldn’t be able to reposition herself. Plus Moonslice is also shown hitting an area around Adam, so Neo is still going to get hit, even if she dodges the main slash. Also you didn’t even mention Adam being able to kill base Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald. He was going to kill them and the group backed off. If you want to argue Neo could take on base Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald on in a fight, go ahead. But I believe I showed enough evidence to proof that Adam wins more times than Neo. Maybe I should’ve put more research into the fight, you’re right to make that conclusion. But either way, unless you think Neo could beat Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald in a fight when Adam was confident he could kill them, then Neo does stand a good chance against Adam if you use that logic.
@NextGenNitro Год назад
New series let's goo
@nikeiyomiuri2728 Год назад
Now I'm kinda curious on seeing more match ups like this Like what would your take be on a rematch between Mercury and Yang with their newer feats in mind
@krisdrem7546 Год назад
Now this, this is epic
@knighttom5320 Год назад
Now Adam vs jet stream sam
@EosGnua Год назад
This might be my bias talking but I think Neo has this. The fighting style Neo has would be a great counter to adam. All the dodging, disarming, and dispersing of attacks. The thing about adam reacting to yang was that since yang was angry, she was just a simple forward attack. Tai brought that up, it being more of a temper tantrum and she needs to use her head. I doubt he can outspeed ruby, just like mercury, its not that he was faster, its that he knew where she was going. Ruby really learned about her semblance in the atlas arc so her usage was a little simple before that. Neo getting caught off guard, I would say because she was more focused on enjoying the little fight because she was that confidence with roman there. If its a 1v1 and vs adam, I doubt she'd show the same mindset. I can see adam as a strong contender, but I just see Neo disarming adam and without his sword, he becomes alarming less of a threat.
@vazak11 Год назад
Yang had no good options, Tai's advice was shit and his teaching was terrible. Yang did everything she could with the information she had available at the time.
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