
Figuring Out Reality After Jehovah's Witnesses | The Struggle Is Real 

The Blue Envelope
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Spending time in a high-control group can make it hard later on to figure out what WE believe. How do we determine the true nature of reality? Join me on this microns-deep dive into the philosophical implications of leaving a group like Jehovah's Witnesses.



16 янв 2023




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@MoureeneTaylor Год назад
Another good video. And, so true. Because of cognitive dissonance, we don't allow ourselves to see the flaws in the org and instead believe that even though the org is making us sick (emotionally), the fault must be our own.
@jasonuren3479 Год назад
Referencing Hitchhikers Guide _and_ Hotel California before halfway through the video, and then Minority Report, _and_ StarWars, and linking it all with the borg, gets my thumbs up in itself, not to mention the main content of the video. Great work 👏
@theblueenvelope Год назад
Haha thanks
@mattmurdock2868 Год назад
Glad you got out of the cult of Watchtower.
@alecfowler157 Год назад
Brilliant Analysis!! .near the end you say....' LISTENING to that VOICE inside can LITERALLY SAVE ONES LIFE' !! ABSOLUTELY but some don't & they DO LOSE their Lives!! ..4 of my JW Friends committed SUICIDE over last 20 years ..2 were Elders and Pioneers ..they were on a treadmill they couldn't get off.. all burnt out Emotionally & all bought up in the TRUTH??? ..one was my best friend..he HANGED himself in his parents bedroom¡! ..I wasn't bought up in the organisation but understood the workings of mind control..I wrote essays on 1984 & Animal Farm by George Orwell when studying A Level English Literature.... Animal Farm mirrors Governing Body...ALL ANIMALS are EQUAL but some ANIMALS are MORE EQUAL than OTHERS 😃😃.. I'm now working on the inside trying to free others of this EVIL organisation.. Phil you are doing an excellent job at exposing the hideous tactics of the GB..as are EX Critical Thinker; JW Researcher Rose; Self Aware NPC; EXJW Diaries; JW Thought etc
@larrytruelove8659 Год назад
“Always question the religion you were born in, except ours.” Watchtower Society
@matts6607 Год назад
since leaving the bOrg, I have never felt freer in my life. over 15 years sober from religion. i'll never go back to it. there is so much about this planet that we don't even know. being a JW they think they have all the answers. they keep waiting for some god to fix their imperfections. waiting on a new system that will never happen. a paradise earth that is nothing but a myth. i am pretty glad to be done with that religion.
@itsmekimmielc Год назад
Born -in now awake. I was in for 45 years, reg pio. my entire extended fam is in save 1. There is a deep disconnect with one's feelings while active in org. You said you felt broken. When in I would never have described myself that way. But the minute I mentally left ( was already physically out) I felt an enormous amount of broken ness. I was an emotional wreck for at least two years. I think all the emotions i had repressed my entire life came to the surface. And of course, I have no personality of my own, I put that down with the 'New Personality' for years as well. But I have rallied!
@samtheman9307 Год назад
Phil I love your videos, they are always well prepared and have many details that prove your points, well done and keep up the good work!
@user-hb9zx9kg5g 5 месяцев назад
We put so much faith into the org we can't afford to doubt it! In leaving the org I got closer to Jah and Christ.
@danielduran201 Год назад
1st time follower here. Good helpful content for those who are struggling to move on with life after WT or who can see the exit but have no exit strategy in place. In particular I like the wisdom of leaving at the time that's right for YOU. I left just before the great "apostasy" freak out started. Inadvertently it served as sort of a diversion for my exit. What's that old saying, they had "bigger fish to fry." I had already made up my mind to leave but hadn't decided when. I remember being at a meeting and deciding that it was going to be the final one. Right after the "brother" said amen at the close of the final prayer, I was gone. I never looked back. As I reached my car I felt free, unencumbered. Remarkable feeling! They sent out a search party several years later. Evidently the WT began a new program to locate "lost sheep". I remember being polite appreciative but in control of the narrative. At the end of our brief discussion I reached out my hand as a good will gesture and the first "brother" shook my hand but the second notably kept his hand by his side as he took a half step back from me. Evidently he didn't get the memo. Thank you for your valuable content. I will stay tuned.
@scoremat Год назад
Well... hello, Phil! Love ya, buddy Keep spreading the truth
@LilithTheAquarian369 Год назад
This is the FIRST channel I’ve seen that actually asks those deep questions! After leaving. New Subscriber👽 Im so happy I left the KINGDUMB HALL! I was born into this nonsense! I left 7 years ago, and I now study the occult heavy. After a lot of research♒️🤓 I was able to decode a lot the teachings. So they are basically talking about this Earth 🌍 changing its “Frequency” as above so below (New heaven/NewEarth) “Armageddon” is just the end of age of Pisces, and that we are now going into the Age of Aquarius! 😒 The dominant society won’t be ruling anymore. It will go back into the hands of the people that are connected to the cosmos! ( everyone isn’t) I know that my thoughts CREATE my REALITY! Your imagination is what makes a God. Good thing I have an open mind and didn’t stay stuck and angry at those Archons aka the Governing NO-bodies! A lot of former JW’s don’t do more research and just stop. Which is crazy to me. No “Keep Looking” as Sadè would say. 👁️ I MOVED ON to find the “Truth about the truth!” The things I now know will make me very wealthy in my future, which is not bleak anymore!👽🩸
@Dani.al2020 9 месяцев назад
The earth is not a spinning ball
@LilithTheAquarian369 9 месяцев назад
@@Dani.al2020 Send me a link💀
@rockpadstudios Год назад
In my congregation they didn't care for me at all. Being educated you are soft shunned. I gave my first public talk and when I was done they didn't clap. I was so devastated I spent the rest of the meeting on the back of my pickup truck. I remember looking into those dim hillbilly eyes and right then and there I was done. I was POMI for years until I saw G Jackson's ARC testimony. Just like a lot of people I was puzzled why I wasn't happy as a JW. I couldn't wait for Monday so I could go to work and leave service behind, I hated service. Bothering people just trying to enjoy their weekends was awful. Many have said even as pioneers they never brought anyone into the truth. Elder migraine came over once and I never heard from any of them ever again - that's what JW's really are - just as nasty (or worse) as any other religion / group. I'm glad I didn't have to work as a carpet cleaner / window washer my entire career. Not that it's a bad job it's just not something I never wanted to do. I never understood why they didn't stress STEM. I used to think we need engineering in the new system why be ignorant of how electricity is produced. The flock will be as educated as those at the top and we get people like lying Loesh and "the earth is 6 thousands years old" Lett. Stephen "lamb chops" Lett is a joke.
@Truthseeker-og6fk Год назад
Absolutely excellent video
@jrojala Год назад
CPTSD from my experiences as a 4th generation JW with an abusive and violent family is something I have only recently identified and begun to heal. It’s been so eye opening to see how the organization contributed to my traumatic and unsafe childhood. I think it’s unlikely anyone who grew up in and around the JWs got away without having some trauma. Even something as simple as having adults expect the children to regulate their emotions and behavior just like adults.
@mintygreen40 Год назад
Great video, thank you, so true, I can relate to so much of what you say. And yes the last two or few words in your video say it all.... "presious life".
@dionne4927 10 месяцев назад
Thank you. I really needed to hear this message right now.
@jeffbrown423 Год назад
I was bored as a kid, made me a little asshole . Upon realizing this I raised my boys busy and engaged in all sorts of things, and they are truely good hearted people
@elainafaust3717 Год назад
Amazingly insightful video. Truly moving. Never been a witness or member of any formal cult, but learning to listen to my intuition has been a struggle for me, too. Thank you
@katew.9402 Год назад
Great video, thanks!
@nicnactrestrail2010 Год назад
Thank you, you answered questions and made things so understanding. With the constant fight of the personality change indoctrination. Coming from the jws and then having such a bad experience in the normal world....we find it hard on not knowing how to be, as our personalities are made frozen. As for intuition thats our gift, to know when something is wrong and its a gift to follow. My step dad would tell me that it is demonic
@1956canito Год назад
May the lord bless you
@alicedowntherabbithole6456 Год назад
Loved the references. Especially Bender! Bang on, I stayed in when I didn’t really believe for 15 years, mainly for my ex who despite his second d’fing still believes. I reached the point of ‘it’s time’ early last year. I just thought I can’t do this any more, now I’m at this stage of ‘what do I actually believe and what do I want?’ This was good thanks.
@stefandavenport1588 Год назад
Min 6:00 to 7:56 This is exactly how Islamism, Christianism, Mormonism, 7th Day Adventism and many more religions evolved ( Mohammed, Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Eddy, Jesus, etc. ) •• just as human economic systems, political systems, and morality evolved, religion evolved as well. There lack of any " original " belief of the early believers so soon after Jesus's passing, was reason why the Apostle Paul was forced to write at 1 Corinthians 14:33 " God is not the author of confusion " Anyone can type in: " How many versions of Christianity are there..." •• it's even more than Hinduism.
@TechyBen Год назад
Thanks for the video. I didn't come under the "it's a conspiracy" but it's taken me a while to figure out where exactly JWs fall on the religion spectrum. I guess they are just plain a religion, with a cult status between Scientology and Mormonism. However, personally it hit me hard. As "accurate statements" and "our real history" was to me a JW, as to Jews not eating pork. If you'd found out that all the Jews secretly ate pork all along and it was just you stupid enough to fall for it... well, you'd feel like I did when I found out I was the only one not lying about our past in the congregation! Turns out WT fakes their history. I knew they had said stupid things, but didn't realise how much they now claim "we never said that", yet in black and white, hard copies, they did!
@glorialeach7301 Год назад
Oh!! Wow!!! You are spot on!!!! When I finally realized that I am truly okay and it has been ' the religion'. It was a bit shocking but such a free feeling. 😁👍👌
@melicahdavid 11 месяцев назад
I love this video, I always re-watch it.
@miriamdelaneyheard2234 Год назад
Thanks! This describes my faith deconstruction as an exJW. Hope your message helps other PIMQ
@theblueenvelope Год назад
Thank you!
@toddhayes3506 Год назад
Great Job Phil
@Healitall Год назад
this video was wonderfully made. Very elegant presentation. Thanks for sharing.
@reluctantheist5224 Год назад
In a fear inspiring way?
@Healitall Год назад
@@reluctantheist5224 for people who think the truth can be hidden yes 😉 Also I need a T-shirt: I was promised fire and brimstone but all I got was this T-shirt.
@janepolcyn5395 6 месяцев назад
Thank you
@dragon1011dk Год назад
Good one
@sequoias Год назад
thank u. i left at 22 and i am 57. chloe
@Digidab Год назад
Thanks Interesting Stuff !
@aileenpeak9108 Год назад
Love the blue envelope videos
@darinblomquist422 Год назад
Nice and thanks
@reluctantheist5224 Год назад
Boris was the former PM of the United Kingdom ( really ) bit like Obama being the former President of Texas.
@thumbstruck Год назад
Ronald Stark made an interesting observation about Christianity in the time of Constantine - when Christianity was legalized, it became more about position and property and less about people.
@madamecurious Год назад
3:56 - funny 😁 and true!
@compositioncompilation Год назад
Prophecy foretold in rev 11 regarding true worship in the last days..does not change from the TWO WITNESSES !! INTERESTINGLY TITLED..Aren't they !?
@mo1912 23 дня назад
What about the illuminati symbolism in the Danish HQ of JWs ?
@theblueenvelope 22 дня назад
I talk about that in my video "The shocking truth about JWs," around 4:20
@madamecurious Год назад
I have a question -(came up when you mentioned Masonic rings): are the Freemasons a cult? … just wondering …
@larrytruelove8659 Год назад
Sort of but I don’t think they run your life.
@Joeandfran Год назад
It’s really very simple: Governments lies, Religion lies, Science lies. Or do you think I’m the one who lies an oppresses you?
@robinkish-miller2990 Год назад
I wasnt happy either.
@Dani.al2020 9 месяцев назад
How many of you believe that the name of the Creator's only Son is "Jesus"? the name of the Son is not "Jesus" since it does not express any meaning. In Hebrew it is different, it has a specific meaning: the Son of YAHUAH (יהוה) bears the name of his Father. His name is YAHUSHA (יהושע), which means "YAHUAH is salvation". "YAHU" is an abbreviation of YAHUAH and "sha" (שע) is "salvation" in Hebrew. We do not use the name that the Romans or the Greeks chose but the one that the Father chose for him.
Elaine | Founder of JW Escape
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