
FIREFLY: Teamwork and Found Family 

Cinema Therapy
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@TsukiKatana Год назад
"If you're showing up time and time again and they're taking you for granted, and they're not showing up for you and you communicate that and they don't change, it doesn't mean you're doing it wrong, it means this isn't your team." I needed to hear this today. Thank you.
@ohkaygoplay Год назад
Same. I moved 16 miles away from my friend group, and none of them contacted me. I've reached out to them a number of times through the pain of wanting to hide due to the forced move, but they never reached back. Only one of them did. I lost all of my friends when I moved 16 miles away.
@zaschmay458 Год назад
I also needed to hear this.
@cakedUraniumMuffin Год назад
I sometimes feel this way about my divorce. He wasn’t a bad person, but our marriage had run its course and he deserves a hell of a lot better than me.
@Vesperitis Год назад
A lesson I learned the hard way over many years, with friends, lovers, family, and colleagues is this: If they show up during the bad times, then they're good people. If they only show up during the good times, then they're a piece of sh!t. For the first group, hold on to them, tell them, or better yet, show them you appreciate them as often as you can, especially by being there for them during _their_ bad times. For the second, stay away from them as often as you can, purposefully ignore or cut off from them if necessary. They may call you 'overreactive' or 'arrogant' or 'crazy', but you aren't overreacting. You may have put up with their BS for years, while they only just recently felt the discomfort of being ignored.
@lukas8670 Год назад
@@cakedUraniumMuffin No! You do not say "he deserves better than me" because he doesn't. You both need something different than what you are able to provide each other, and that is fine. Sometimes when we grow as people, we grow in different directions and old relationships don't fit anymore. That doesn't mean he deserves better than you, it only means he needs someone different. And so do you. You are great.
@RadagastIRL Год назад
1. Serve without judgement - 02:53 2. See the good in those you disagree with - 07:22 3. Look after who you're with - 10:58 4. Make a home of wherever you are - 13:28 5. Create loyalty by showing loyalty - 18:40 6. Find the group that will reciprocate love - 20:32 7. Trust is a choice - 24:03 8. Grieve with and comfort each other - 28:00
@sharonoddlyenough Год назад
Thank you! 🎉
@Skuthulu-archives Год назад
Wrote them all down on a sticky note for when I need inspiration when I write characters!
@StEpHeNno22 Год назад
Thank you!
@irishpieceoftrash Год назад
Honestly, these are just great mantras to live by in life.
@JosephDawson1986 Год назад
As far as #4 the reason he chose the Firefly is nostalgia from the war. Firefly class transports were frequently used as dropships, medevac/casevac ships during the war. Its like how some modern day veterans buy hummers or jeeps.
@dawnvickerstaff2429 Год назад
I'd seen Firefly, loved it, cried over it, couldn't get enough. Then I moved to Britain and met the man who was going to be my last forever husband. He'd never seen it. So, we both ended up getting flu early in our relationship and I was stuck at his flat. We took care of each other, hot tea with lemon and lots of tissues and we watched the whole of FireFly together. That was it. We bonded tighter than tight over Firefly and we've never looked back in anger. We adore each other and we still adore Firefly.
@trinaq Год назад
Aww, that's so sweet, nothing can create a tight knit bond quite like a beloved TV show, book or movie!
@heartdragon2386 Год назад
Similar story with my husband. He wasn't much for science fiction (so he said), but he bought me the series for a gift. He watched it with me and got all mad, like we all did, that it was canceled.
@katherineavery4611 Год назад
it's my go-to show when I'm home sick too
@muffinn1337 Год назад
@@heartdragon2386 To be fair, it's not exactly hard sci-fi, like Dr. Who is for example.
@heartdragon2386 Год назад
@@muffinn1337 true. Though he hasn't really counted a lot of things he likes under sci fi where they fit. He doth protest too much if you ask me 😏
@PhoutianPhill Год назад
Each character now deserves their own episode.
@datheamore6395 Год назад
Yes they do!
@__Mist__ Год назад
Yes.yes yes yes. My favorite is Kaylee I think
@darkecofreak23 Год назад
“Now I did a job. I got nothing but trouble since I did it, not to mention more than a few unkind words as regards to my character, so let me make this abundantly clear: I do the job, and then I get paid.” Mal has a very clear set of principles, and he doesn’t break them for near anything, and that’s what I love about him.
@diamondmx3076 Год назад
Actually I often got confused about his principals. Especially about killing defenseless people. In one episode he claims (to Simon)he'd never shoot someone unless they were awake, facing him and armed. In another, the bounty hunter says he's unarmed, and Mal says "good" and shoots him in the chest. Mal also stabs the swordsman by surprise after pretending to be beaten. It seems his principals at least in this regard might be more flexible than he claims. (To be fair I don't think he's wrong in any of the cases, but it's not who he says he is, just one more of Mal's self contradictions)
@darkecofreak23 Год назад
@@diamondmx3076 A: principles, not principals. One is a set of values to which you ascribe, the other is a group of school administrators. Sorry, but I have to correct an error when I see it, despite understanding your point otherwise. B: Like I said, Mal doesn’t break his principles for near anything. And like Alan said, Mal would much rather take the easy path but for that honest streak of his. That doesn’t mean he’s Lawful Stupid, just Neutral Good, possibly Chaotic Good depending on the circumstances.
@Sidecutter Год назад
@@diamondmx3076 I would argue that with the bounty hunter, Mal has every reason not to trust him about being unarmed, and even more reason to know that the only way he's going to stop him is if he kills the hunter before the hunter kills Mal. He's not a person who is unarmed and currently retreating or unaware of an approaching attack, which I think is what Mal was saying. The same goes for the swordsman. They were already in combat. There was only one way it could end if Mal didn't win, and that way would hurt people. The opponent was aware, able/armed, and an active threat. Mal is basically saying he wouldn't kill someone who retreated or surrendered in good faith, and that he would just walk up behind someone in a bar and shoot them out of the blue.
@willjerden7024 Год назад
@@Sidecutter @Diamond MX Of note, in the movie he doesn't kill the Operative. When he has every reason to. The Operative has chased him across the 'Verse, threatened and terrified his family, and killed Book, Mr. Universe, and is responsible for Wash dying. In the end Mal doesn't know if his entire team is dead, but after defeating the Operative and challenging his entire world view, he leaves him to find his way.
@robinlinkowski988 Год назад
Go run your little world.
@sleepythemis Год назад
The witch-burning scene and the payoff for it is the epitome of "you don't have to understand or relate to someone in order to give them the acceptance and dignity they deserve" and it's a lesson I think so many people today could still stand to learn. Even by the end of the series they don't completely 'get' River, but she's part of the crew, and they won't let anyone question it.
@BallisticMelissa Год назад
Firefly is what cemented Nathan Fillion as my celebrity crush. He is FANTASTIC in the series, and in my humble opinion, the best character. Malcom is just really good at bringing out the worst in people, but still holding them together by simultaneously bringing out their best. Its something I always really appreciated about the show.
@hasteurcat Год назад
Then you see him in Dr. Horrible and a whole other level of hell yes happens(he is funny and can sing too)
@ukestudio3002 Год назад
He’s in "Waitress" .
@tbella5186 6 месяцев назад
​@@hasteurcatCaptain Hammer, giant tool!!!! Love love love that show too!
@michellek6581 Год назад
Nathan Fillion was THE perfect actor for that character. They serendipitously had the most perfect cast and the most funniest writing for a sci-fi flick.
@jennibinks5363 Год назад
This group dynamic is a lot like my research group. We had vastly different individuals, almost every continent represented, sorry Antarctica. Our desire to be together was often remarked on by other groups. Any two together would eventually become all of us. We loved our differences and would spend hours together discussing our views. I’m so thankful for the time I had with them, it was formative and has provided amazing memories and friends.
@Xeridanus Год назад
Go send them a message. :)
@madnessintomagic Год назад
Oh, that’s really cool! You’re fortunate to have experienced that. Sounds amazing.
@laurasosnow383 8 месяцев назад
My softball team was like this - none of us knew each other previously and wouldn't be a combo you'd think of initially based on who we are on paper, but we clicked, such that almost every other team in the league (12 other teams) remarked on our chemistry. To this day, I'm close with 3 of them and the rest of us all send each other holiday messages. Not bad for what is essentially a beer league that changes teams up every summer. I'm so glad you got to have that experience - there's really nothing like it.
@rowangirdler7428 Год назад
This show is so unbelievably good. The writing and the characters were highlighted a lot in this video, but also a shout-out to the music and prop people. The sets look like real, lived-in places while also embodying everything that makes this universe unique, and the music invites you to settle and contemplate. It's such a tragedy that it was cancelled, but honestly, it says so much in the one season it got that I feel there wasn't too much left out. The one thing I would have liked to see is Mal completing his arc. For all the time we get with him, he's either a callow inexperienced young man who wears his heart on his sleeve and is intensely optimistic about the universe (opening flashback) or he's a bitter, cynical veteran hollowed out by the loss of everything that used to define him. All the people around him, simply by being themselves, act as constant beacons calling him to step back into life, but he can't yet. I'd have loved to see him come full circle, to learn to open himself up again and realise his full potential whilst holding onto the valuable lessons hardship has taught him. Writing this comment has helped me to realise that Serenity (the film) didn't do much thematically to move Mal along his arc, which is part of why I find it less satisfying even though on a plot level it very much wraps up the core narrative from the show.
@WBento75 Год назад
THIS! I had never had a way to verbalize what for me was the biggest loss of this show being canceled…and you said it all. While I feel that some of the other characters felt still incomplete by the end the show/movie (Wash and Book being big examples of this due their untimely and unceremonious deaths) I could at least find comfort in the fact that there was resolution if not completion to their character arcs….but not with Mal, who logistically is the core and main character of this show…he brings everyone together and they remain in his orbit because of the safe haven he provides, connection and family…but his own needs and center of being are never really fully addressed, confronted, or realized…thank you for giving clarity of thought to a missing puzzle piece I had thought forever lost to me
@rowangirdler7428 Год назад
@@WBento75 glad I could help. Stay shiny :)
@michaellane5381 10 месяцев назад
Serenity kind of does, but that it fails is itself part of the narrative... You can't "fix" broken people, but you can treat them like people with compassion... The latter half kind of lacked time to breath in movie format.
@veebeelights Год назад
If you want to watch a show with a similar concept of found family (albeit a different genre) I highly highly recommend The Good Place. It's one of my favorite shows of all time, because it covers different philosophy about human nature, the impact we have on the world, and comes to the conclusion that our connection with others makes us better people. It's a show filled with hope, and I think it's something we need more of today. I'd love to hear your take on it!
@RochelleHasTooManyHobbies Год назад
Definitely a fantastic show!!
@Amitabha108 Год назад
Almost posted a spoiler. 😅 I love that show! Yes, The Good Place is wonderful, but our intrepid hosts don't (as a rule) do t.v. shows. This one was an exception- due to both its direct influence on their lives and its unfortunately short run.
@annelyle5474 Год назад
I love Firefly, especially "Out of Gas" - great use of cinematography to distinguish two levels of flashbacks so that the viewer is never lost, as well as glimpses of our favourite characters' backstories.
@celticfox6712 Год назад
My favorite episode too. Excellent writing and editing.
@visualartsbyjr2464 Год назад
Messenger was the episode where they knew the show was cancelled. The funeral scene at the end of the episode has a double meaning… the composer did a brilliant job to go along with the visuals. I adore that your two have this as a catalyst to your relationship. My best friend and I basically have the same with another work of fiction (Lord of the Rings and Warhammer 40k). We basically became brothers to the extent his mom unofficially adopted me after my mom died.
@rowangirdler7428 Год назад
Brotherhoods forged through LotR and 40k never die. My gaming and nerd debate buddy did die, and far too young, but the spirit of that friendship is as immortal as the Valar and unending as the Imperium's wars.
@tatianaferreira5998 Год назад
Alan is like me when I want to force my friends to do something with me. "I'll pay" 🤣 Works every time.
@fac3th3wolf Год назад
"That thought...wearies me" That is an awesome line that I have used in life. I love it.
@dndsl3436 Год назад
This has got to be one of my favorite shows. There is so much to look at in this show, I wouldn't be surprised if someone has written a thesis about it. I love how characters work through their relationships, especially Mal & Inara and Kaylee & Simon (particularly their conversation at the end of Jaynetown). As a language teacher, I also love how they used Chinese in Firefly. While the actors may've struggled with pronunciation, it was incorporated in a way that 1) show's characters' fluency and 2) never impedes the audience's understanding of what is happening. There are many examples of language in context. When everyone is arguing and Mal yells "都闭嘴!" Since everyone immediately stops talking, you don't need to have studied Chinese to infer that Mal had said something along the lines of "Shut up!" Most of the time they use Chinese in Firefly (this is less true in Serenity), you may not be able infer the exact words, but you can infer whether it's an exclamation, an insult or giving permission to come in.
@seikiadoren Год назад
My teacher back in grade 9 introduced me to Firefly and when I found out that the show was cancelled, I was absolutely shattered. I was so hooked and just wanted more of it. It’s upsetting that it wasnt continued but I’m glad that we even got a movie. There will never be something like Firefly and that makes me truly sad.
@Wouldyoukindly4545 Год назад
"Mal has a heart of gold and is pissed about it" ...that. That is how you sum up my favorite characters right there.
@Traye76 Год назад
You hear these guys talk about knowing one another for years, but it doesn't sink in until you see the old photo. Its like, oh, you guys go WAY BACK!
@Patches0693 Год назад
I always forget how much I love Firefly until I catch a clip of it again. A friend introduced me to it in college and it's been one of my favorites since. Thank you for doing a video on it!
@lyricangell Год назад
I love love LOVE when y'all do a Firefly episode! I am literally at work, but I'm taking a break to watch this immediately! After sharing with my brother, who also loves this show! To summarize: YAY! BEST DAY EVER!
@williamjoachim1897 Год назад
This is one of the best episodes you've ever made. That might be because I'm a Brown Coat myself but Shiny.
@krisstina7695 9 месяцев назад
I have loved this show in so many ways...thank you for talking about it, and thank you RU-vid algorithm for suggesting your channel to me randomly today. I guess it's a sign that I should re- watch Firefly in the new year. Things are looking good!
@gemapix Год назад
This has been on the fringes of my Nerd Radar for years, you guys are the reason I am now going to go watch it. Thank you in advance. Streaming services are going to wander why there’s been a huge spike in viewership for this show. WOOHOO! DISNEY+? OVERHERE!
@salyx Год назад
@Jim-Stick Год назад
7 years ago, I got included in a group of special people. We work in customer service for a very small ISP. The history we all came from created a lot of conflict. We disagreed and bickered. One of them has thrusted into leadership and reined us. Now, all of us are in leadership in our own areas. Our company has exploded and is much better. All of us are friends we all love.
@jdonvance Год назад
This has got to be the best rundown of why I love Firefly I've ever seen. I've been trying to get my Mom to sit still long enough to watch more than half an episode for a while now, but the journey is all about nuance and I think this video makes the case better than I ever could.
@jdonvance Год назад
To be fair, I haven't been trying too hard. I know what my mom likes, and she would like Firefly if she gave it a chance, but somehow, despite my near-perfect track record of recommendations, she tends to balk. Furthermore, she says she "saw it", but I think she's either thinking of another show or didn't see all of it, because she never recognizes any characters or events when someone references the show.
@katiemayo1518 Год назад
This makes me so happy. I watched this show back when it originally aired and just fell in love. I don't think I've ever watched a show since that makes me feel the way this one does. I would really enjoy seeing more from you guys about these characters.
@annietan Год назад
I finished just the first two minutes of this video and could rewatch that over and over again, what a beautiful lifelong friendship brewed over Firefly!!! 🥺😍
@gregdensham8623 Год назад
I've always said about Firefly after I decided to give it a go, it's not the stories I like, it's not the setting, to me those are dull.... its the characters, the relationships. This episode basically explains everything about why I do like Firefly. As a filmmaker, Firefly has helped me realise what it is that really counts in storytelling, not just deep lore and great world building, but the meaningful character connections that drive your story forward. thats what matters, after that the story can be anything, just so long as your characters matter.
@CorwinFound Год назад
My understanding from interviews and such is that a lot of the chemistry was due to Nathan Fillion. Taking the part he saw he needed to be a leader. Not technically, there were producers and directors, but for the spirit of the show. First day on set two of the main cast are chatting with crew. Nathan comes rushing in and demands everyone's names. He repeats them back, shouts, " I've got 27! I'm in the lead!" And races out. He turned learning everyone's names on the very first day into a game and bonding exercise. Apparently that spirit carried through the show and movie.
@ChrisWilliams-pf8ym Год назад
one of my favorite channels talking about my absolute favorite show, what a great way to end the night!
@HermicraftAddict Год назад
Firefly and Serenity got me through many dark times. I don't have a religion or want one. Still many things taught in this show have integrated in my life. I developed a chronic illness a few years ago. I found saying, "we've done the impossible, that makes us mighty" at the end of a bad day helps validate and soothe. RIP Rob Glass.
@SerenasMom3 Год назад
That’s my most favorite line in the series: “Also, I can kill you with my brain.” 😂 FYI, there are audiobooks on the Firefly series that delve more on each crew’s backstory. Shepherd Bok’s story is especially intriguing. 💗
@OmnivorousReader 6 месяцев назад
Just watched this again and still love it...
@TalesZuliani Год назад
Probably one of the greatest most underrated series ever
@dawnchesbro4189 Год назад
Omg yes I love the silly inclusion of Duke Weaselton, er, Weselton. Both voiced by Alan Tudyk! I ❤️ his acting so much.
@TribuTelly Год назад
Thank you! So great to see a breakdown of some of the reasons I absolutely loved this series and why it changed my life
@ShellStein93 Год назад
I was JUST thinking about Firefly and how I wanted to watch that series again and then your video popped up and I got so excited!!! 😃
@Lozzo1390 Год назад
It was such an amazing series, love Firefly. Firefly did so many things right.
@Vinemaple Год назад
Oh, it's absolutely adorable and awesome, at the same time, that Alan and Jono--and the channel!--are all Browncoats! Also, I have never felt so affirmed as I have by Alan wearing the exact same Fruity Oaty Bar T-shirt I have! Thank you so much for showcasing what may be the best aspect of the show: the relationships between the characters.
@tiewa613 Год назад
How you guys feel about the connectiveness among this motley crue is how I feel about Rogue One ❤️ One of the many reasons why I love that movie so much is how different each team member is, but in the end they were able to work together and make huge things happen. And then when I started learning more about the making of Rogue One, I realized how this was true in real life among the actors in the movie as well! The actors from the movie not only came from very different places from all around the world, but also from very different languages and cultures. And yet, the actors were able to pull together and make such an epic movie!! (Which was also very different and at such a bigger scale then many of them had ever been a part of)... and of course, Alan Tudyk was in Rogue One too(: #leafinthewind
@sophiayl.181 Год назад
Thank you! Even tho I never watched the show I knew I’d learn because you two delivered it.
@ETibbs11 Год назад
Guys, I was introduced to Firefly by my uncle and cousins on a lake boat trip. My mom and aunt were so pissed that we'd rather watch that show than spend time swimming, paddle boarding, or doing literally anything else. We did get to those things, I swear. 😅🤣 But Firefly is absolutely incredible and possibly a perfect show. I love it with all my heart to this day.
@poppyshock Год назад
I can never watch clips of this show without weeping. I think it was just about perfect.
@andidreyes5323 Год назад
I love this show. You have so many amazing people here. There are so many flavors going on in this world.
@DoloresJNurss Год назад
Watching this, I kept thinking about how all of these values surfaced in my marriage, which everybody thought was doomed from the start, because he's Wiccan and I'm Christian. We got married in 1985 and we still remain wildly in love with each other to this day. Differences spark synergy, if there's also respect.
@snoopygonewilder Год назад
Oh man, this is one of my favorite shows of all time. I always found it interesting that the beginning of the movie--when Simon gets river out--takes place before the events of the show, and the rest of the movie takes place after the show. Not sure I realized this before now, but in the scene where Mal is going to throw Jayne out the airlock for selling Simon and River out, it's pretty obvious he doesn't because Jayne showed shame in his actions. Jayne isn't the kind of person who cares what people think of him, probably wouldn't care what they think of him after death, but he cared what the crew thought of him. I think if he hadn't Mal would have totally thrown him out into space.
@kiadauwofem5737 Год назад
Most Excellent! This is not only our favorite, it is actually our Thanksgiving series and movie, every year. Thank you for bringing this to us here.
@teelehansen4995 Год назад
Firefly got me back into sci-fi after DS9 ended. This series is so good and covers so many themes. Thank you for geeking on this!
@Duke_Blitzein 10 месяцев назад
Great video. Thankyou for saving the advertisements until the end.
@Stupendousotter Год назад
Ahhh so excited you guys are talking about firefly!! It’s seriously so underrated! Already liking the video before it even starts. 😂 Can we please get the kickstarter back 😭😂
@bridgetteo3984 Год назад
I was eight when this series came out but I only watched it when I was in my mid twenties. I immediately fell in love with the show in general but especially the characters. To this day it still saddens and fustrates me that it was cancelled. Serenity is great but it's a condensed version of a story that was meant to unfold over several seasons. The movie just doesn't hit the same way as the series, especially because its so action packed that there's little room for character development.
@katieedwards5926 Год назад
Firefly just keeps being amazing. And is Alan wearing an Oaty Bar shirt? Perfection. ♥️ I’m glad they mentioned how convincing that death scene was. I never noticed it til this watch through but then they voiced exactly what I thought.
@KingWoolzisDaddy Год назад
Wolf children is such a good, emotional heart, wrenching film. It would be a great episode!😭
@galli0 Год назад
I'm so happy, I'm rewatching this with my roommate atm and I even have the first verse of the intro song tattooed on my bicep 🥰 love this show with all my heart and can't wait to see what you say about it 🥰
@ohkaygoplay Год назад
Oh, man, I saw this movie in the theater, and cried so hard. IT'S SO GOOD! I could only wish in my wildest dreams to write like that. Firefly. It will always be too soon. More reviews on Firefly? "I could stand to hear a little more."
@j.s.c.4355 Год назад
The line from this show that I quote most often, is “ why are we still talking about this?”
@andonova6541 Год назад
Guys, I love your work and this channel is one of my favorites to destress and chill. But this episode.....i already watched it 3 times. It is the most perfect episode I ever seen :D Tottaly love it
@CinemaTherapyShow Год назад
Glad you enjoyed it!
@heidifarr8017 Год назад
I LOVE THAT YOU FINALLY COVERED THIS!!!! Firefly is so amazing and was never given its time in the sun. Also Nathan Fillion is beautiful. I met him at a comic con one year and he smelled amazing.
@kadenstewart7761 Год назад
I remember I met my best friend (before we became roommates) because he was dressed in a bow tie and I was like “I’m digging the Doctor Who look” and he was like “I made a working TARDIS in Minecraft, wanna see it?” And a month later I was going through a break up and I texted him and asked if he could talk. Atley you are a hell of a person.
@necieau2700 Год назад
This is the pinnacle of found family, and the perfect topic for cinema therapy
@Noah2472-j1n Год назад
My mom loved Firefly, and I watched the first few episodes and loved it. However, when my mom told me the show was canceled prematurely, I couldn't continue because I couldn't watch a show that I knew I was gonna love while knowing that I couldn't find out what would happen in the end.
@JonathanDecker Год назад
The movie, Serenity, gives you an ending 😁
@Noah2472-j1n Год назад
@@JonathanDecker I didn't know about Serenity. I'll check out then.
@traceywelsh9696 Год назад
This is a love letter to an amazing show
@blahblah6725 Год назад
Yes amazing show. I have not seen all the episodes, only a few. But what I did see was fantastic. I would like to see the actors in other movies. I like what the therapist said, "Trust is a choice". I am struggling with that and this cinema therapy helped.
@aghoulinthewhould Год назад
Because they all bring their own way of helping, together they have a bigger chance for success. Petition for this show to be a requirement in school, I vote yes!😄
@samfisher6606 Год назад
The dynamics really remind me of the Straw Hat Pirates from _One Piece._ Especially the earlier episodes where we got downtime moments between the crew. And Alan's notes on cast really remind me of the casts of two of my favorite shows: _Psych_ and _Leverage._
@surferdog666 Год назад
This is one of the best episodes you've done. I took notes. Seriously. So good.
@CinemaTherapyShow Год назад
Wow, thanks!
@rfmee Год назад
My favorite interaction with Jayne... "You want to walk out of this room?" "You're damn right I do."
@MrKraeg Год назад
Best show ever. I actually got to meet Summer in LAX
@elizabethjane5492 Год назад
What is fun about this series for me is the western part. All of the episodes plot and points can be compared to an older western. My dad is really into old western. He watched this show and enjoyed it. He then started taking episodes apart and comparing them to westerns.
@Valorian6167 Год назад
Question for Alan: After a tough death scene, what do you do? Like do you just send everyone home afterwards, or have a group bonding session, or just rent a bouncyhouse to lift everyone's spirits?
@heatheravello4053 Год назад
I don't know about Alan's response to this but in my opinion, sending someone home after seems like it would need to be preceded by hiding all of the sharp objects! Surely there's at least a trip to the local pub for a pint to detox from that borrowed trauma, right??
@trillium.3.24 8 месяцев назад
I like the bouncy house idea!! 😂🎉
@lathspell87 Год назад
I didn't watch this show until years after seeing the movie, after graduating college in 2011. I remember halfway through the first episode already confirming I was going to be pissed off when I finished the season, because they cancelled this show. It's sad how much better this show is than just about anything on TV, but was horribly managed and came out at a time where you were either on network television or not on at all. Today, it would be at least a streaming series and we could all enjoy watching Firefly for many seasons.
@rtyler1869 Год назад
This is as a well written show as it gets. Up there the best. The new incarnation of BSG is also close talking about the creation of man coming back to fight them.
@melissaeen7016 Год назад
I'M SO EXCITED YOU GUYS DID FIREFLY!!! I went to the Fanex earlier this year and when Jonathan was on the browncoats panel I almost died of sheer nerd joy. Also as a side note, his Nathan Filian impression was literally so spot on. I'm making my roommate watch this show and she loves it too, so here's to hoping Firefly can sponser another multi-decade friendship. :)
@Sweetroll_Wolfie Год назад
10:20 "And he's constantly, like 'Damn it! I'm going to do the right thing!--Again!'" 'Definitely my favorite part of the video! x3 Also, this is my favorite Cinema Therapy episode, so far, which is sayin' a lot because there are so many great episodes to choose from. Much love, fellas! As always, God bless y'all! ^_^
@jumarob Год назад
I love this show so much
@claudinelamond8866 Год назад
such a good show to comment on!!! thank you!
@RhapsosProductions Год назад
Watching this is reminding me how much I miss Ron Glass, especially as Shepherd Book. His vocal tone, the way he carried himself, and the well-written, non-judgmental approach all made for a great character. I love the others, too, of course, but Book's calm understanding has been a pretty good guide to follow, even without religion
@sajanifernando848 9 месяцев назад
I know you guys don't do TV shows that much but please do therapy on the Six of Crows in Shadow and Bone. They are a found family as well and I have a feeling you would love it! It would be amazing to see your insight!😊😊
@janimaterful Год назад
1 little like button is not enough to express how much I love this :) Your experience circa 2005 was me and my friends circa 2008 😄
@melissaolson6108 Год назад
Very well done, guys, and I agree that this is a fantastic show. Now please please please please please do The English.
@muchanadziko6378 Год назад
You two are the definition of "Safe Space"
@dorothykrammer5207 Год назад
Thank you, probably my favorite episode from you guys. Teared up a couple times.
@AmericanMeiling 12 дней назад
I named my daughter Serenity 💖 " Love. You can learn all the math in the 'Verse, but you take a boat in the air that you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turning of the worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens. Makes her a home." 🥰
@kizwil98 Год назад
"When you can't run you crawl, and when you can't crawl, you find someone to carry you" never fails to make me cry
@Vivalarosa45 Год назад
Yeah, one of the best episodes.
@kizwil98 Год назад
@@Vivalarosa45 oh absolutely!!
@Jackie4nier Год назад
@kulmschneider1 Год назад
This was the episode they were filming when they got the word the show was canceled.
@mauriciovillegas7285 Год назад
Love this phrase!
@NightingaleSpica Год назад
My favorite thing ever was the line, "well, she is our witch! So cut her down." It wasn't just about loyalty it was a wonderful statement on how to deal with a crowd. He didn't bother with need to argue against the crowd about witches but the fact the person is part of his crew and it doesn't matter what you call them.
@NormanTheDormantDoormat Год назад
Bonus points for "cut her the hell down" in the face of "religious" zealots and their "holy cleansing". It adds contrast and at the same time mocks their fake religiousness.
@Overseer2579 Год назад
The “You’re on my crew” scene is still my favorite moment from the show ❤
@AuntLoopy123 Год назад
I also love, "What does that make us?" "Big Damn Heroes." In our family, we call each other Big Damn Heroes, just for doing the dishes, because when you're in a household full of disabled/elderly people, it is a PAIN. Like, literal PAIN to wash the dishes (especially since we have no dishwasher). So, we APPRECIATE the physical sacrifice of sucking up the PAIN to ensure that everyone has clean dishes. Take out a heavy load of garbage, because we had melon, and the rinds are heavy? "Big Damn Hero!" Drive someone to a doctor's appointment, when you just came off dialysis? "BIG Damn Hero." Just those three words express SO MUCH, and it's all from watching this show.
@KS-xk2so Год назад
@@AuntLoopy123 AIN'T WE JUST!
@wolfwoodphreak 25 дней назад
​@Overseer2579 as someone who said similar to me when I couldn't figure why they took me into their circle, its extremely inspiring to witness
@sofiehornqvist889 Год назад
OMG PLEASE spend several episodes on this group of people. They are so well written, so different in everything. PLEASE. PLEASE! We NEED IT!
@ApequH Год назад
YESSS Please!
@heathersstories6765 Год назад
@kairi99roxas Год назад
They've done two already (not saying they can't do more)
@heathersstories6765 Год назад
@@kairi99roxas Thank you for the reminder. I'm going to rewatch those.
@jacieeverdell7239 Год назад
Pretty, pretty please, with a YoSaffBridge on top.
@ezridx11 Год назад
I love that Jonathan and Alan found family in each other through a show about found family. ❤️
@chriskelly3481 Год назад
@Overseer2579 Год назад
Serendipitous, much? 😂❤
@g.d.graham2446 Год назад
@michaellane5381 10 месяцев назад
And it wasn't even a Vin Diesel movie about cars...
@mathnerd3364 Год назад
Best series ever. Just saying. I'm not sure if I'm gutted that there's only one season, or relieved that I didn't have to see it drag on until the message and magic of the show got lost. Either way, it's the Princess Bride of TV series. Fun, somehow moving, endlessly quotable, and not nearly long enough.
@uprisingsun9105 Год назад
That's exactly how I feel about it being cancelled. It's a blessing and a curse
@GiovanniV69 Год назад
So grateful that the movie, Serenity, was made to finish the story. Also amazing that the movie was made because the fans of the show made it happen.
@WBento75 Год назад
“The Princess Bride of Tv series” is legit the best way to describe this show completely…I’m stealing it, thanks for delivering a line that saves me the heavy lifting 😁
@SirMethos Год назад
When Jayne says "Make something up, don't tell 'em what i did.", that is the point, where Jayne realized that he actually cares about the rest of the crew, and their opinions of him. Mal realizes that as well, that's why he pushed the button, because Jayne was no longer someone that needed to be 'let go'.
@Amitabha108 Год назад
Yes, contrition is what saved Jayne's bacon.
@wightwitch Год назад
Talking about Jayne's progression, I also think another important moment is whem theyre watching yhe hologram. Everyone else is watching is shock and Jane is the one who telld them to turn it off. The violence isnt a deal to him, he's seen it all before, but he is seeing the others and it's his only way of helping.
@Overseer2579 Год назад
@@wightwitchthat’s a good moment. I think the biggest sign of his change, also in Serenity, is when he is actively going into open fire to save the other members of the crew, or rushing to River’s side when she has a psychotic episode
@Jellybob69 5 месяцев назад
It’s such great writing
@danl9999 2 месяца назад
@@wightwitch or when he takes a drink and then slides the bottle over to Simon. Major shift.
@HexIsme Год назад
The medics separation between duty and personal feelings are how you know he's a damn good medic.
@jakepullman4914 Год назад
I think he slipped in the "but I easily COULD kill you" to dissuade Jane from testing him.
@sophiescott143 Год назад
And honestly, that scene is one I find chilling, for reasons I can't explain. "If you're on my table, you're safe." That's frightening in a way I cannot articulate.
@svaujin Год назад
There's Duty and Honor. Prior service, Navy. You never leave a man in the water. Nasty Pacific storm, flight ops canceled, man overboard, you go. No matter how dangerous, how treacherous the conditions, you go.
@chriskelly3481 Год назад
@@sophiescott143 It's the Marathon man "Is it safe?" implication.
@thomasfplm Год назад
@@sophiescott143, I think it is because it implies that outside of the table, he would not be safe, so in other situations he would maybe kill him if there was another betrayal.
@trinaq Год назад
This show was cancelled way before its time, though at least they managed to get a film three years later. The characters are immensely memorable, and so diverse, and their connections with each other really draw you in. The actors' performances also work wonders.
@tyrant-den884 Год назад
Knowing what a creep Whedon was makes it easier.
@AstraeaAntiope Год назад
@@tyrant-den884 I never liked any of Whedon's series before Firefly, and skipped it when it originally aired. I have wondered if it was having Tim Minear running the show, and Jane Espenson as a strong voice in the writer's room, that made it what it was.
@tyrant-den884 Год назад
@@AstraeaAntiope of course it was.
@isapheonix Год назад
​@@AstraeaAntiopeyou didn't like buffy?
@AstraeaAntiope Год назад
@@isapheonix Nope. Watched it when it premiered because I enjoyed the movie (which was largely taken out of Whedon's hands) and couldn't get into it. A super-fan friend convinced me to try the first two seasons again about a decade later and I found it actually unwatchable at that point (as did my husband.) I grew up watching Terminator and the Alien franchise, so the idea that a woman could be a strong, capable, action star did not seem groundbreaking to me. I took a look at the Wikipedia for Firefly and I noticed that my favorite episodes were the ones not written by Whedon (Shindig, Ariel, Out of Gas.)
@Emil_96 Год назад
Guys I think I said this before, but your subtitles are just next level, even changing position to not obstruct anything Huge thanks to Anna Preis
@asvpreis Год назад
You are most welcome!
I never use subtitles for the show, but this sounds like a great job and the one I would love to see! High praise to the person who did it ❤
@NicholasSouris Год назад
The writing is so concise. The fewest words to say so much. Never treating the audience like children. We don't feel led through the story, but experiencing it.
@MasterCrumble Год назад
And the same with the firefly show! Heheh I did a quip.
@ianashmore9910 Год назад
That's Joss Whedon for you.
@growtocycle6992 Год назад
Unlike their review of spirited away...
@ariaflame-au Год назад
Shame he turned out to be an asshole
@Char10tti3 Год назад
I only watched the Star Wars Original Trilogy and first prequel last year and honestly didn't think too much of them, especially with the decades of hype and fandom around them. Seeing that dialogue and then just the Firefly pilot (also called Serenity) made me realise that Firefly is what I had invisioned Star Wars to be like before I had seen it.
@trinaq Год назад
I really love stories about found family, and how you don't have to be biologically related to someone to consider them kin. It reminds me of that Buffy episode where the Scooby Gang firmly lets Tara's abusive parents know that THEY'RE her real family.
@Ditto.007 Год назад
I hope this doesn't make me sound snobby but I'm so grateful i have loving parents, I've come to realise this isn't something we all have and I should cherish every moment of it.
@Talon1124 Год назад
The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. Bonds forged through both hardship and good times are stronger thsn those forged by who you were born to. This isn't saying that your biological family isn't important, but cases like Firefly, Buffy and others where a group forms this found family dynamic are often more stable because ofnhow they were formed.
@FlyingWolve Год назад
Ow I never heard about that one, do u know the episode
@saraa.4295 Год назад
I know Joss whedon is a problematic person, but the way he tackled the issue of chouce in all his shows is beautiful. Choose your path, choose your side, choose your family and forge the meaning for your life by those choices.
@mainie_videoediting Год назад
except Spike, he doesn't care
@CookiehsAndDreams Год назад
I took a fantasy literature class in sophomore year and our teacher had a thing he called "Firefly Fridays" where the class would watch an episode each Friday. Needless to say, the writing in this show was so good that our class totally bonded with the characters, felt their pains, and truly cared for them.
@mia-saraking5479 Год назад
that sounds freaking brilliant! oh i would love to watch firefly with a whole class and then spend time discussing characters and plot and everything
@CookiehsAndDreams Год назад
@@mia-saraking5479 It totally was! It was so fun to have the whole class to relate too, and especially when we saw the grand finale and everything.
@Overseer2579 Год назад
Just finished the show. I couldn’t agree more ❤
@lucassturgill6193 Год назад
Wait, what high-school did you go to?
@amaraw9893 Год назад
​@@CookiehsAndDreamsI want that class😔
@bilbobaggins5322 Год назад
Firefly was really ahead of it’s time. It would have cleaned up in the streaming era. Powerhouse cast, compelling story. Doesn’t get much better than that.
@Overseer2579 Год назад
Yeah… too bad Fox was an idiot and both canceled the show prematurely, AND aired the episodes out of order, smfh
@g.d.graham2446 Год назад
@michaellane5381 10 месяцев назад
​@@Overseer2579they also advertised it with a mystery box for the Pilot they aired LAST... Who's that girl in the box? You won't know the question but you'll know the answer if you watch ANY episode.
@michaellane5381 10 месяцев назад
Funnily enough I think a lot of streaming shows that are good never would have made it to this era without this series... Especially Sci-Fi, a bunch of modern stuff barely made it through S1 and likely never would have been Green lit without the example, and then there are the ones inspired by it... Heck even Halo was likely buoyed by them using the ODST gear in Serenity... Better use there than Paramount got in Halo.😂
@blackc1479 9 месяцев назад
I think it could have done well on broadcast if anyone at the studio had given it a chance. It was like they didn't know how to pigeonhole it, and passive aggressive sabotaged it.
@robert_bbiii Год назад
I always liked the idea that Mal surrounded himself with people who had parts of him he felt he lost. Mal is also a good manager as he treats each person in a way to get the best of them. What works for Wash wouldn't work for Jayne.
@jakepullman4914 Год назад
Truth. There's an episode where they come across a ship sending out a distress signal. Mal tells some of the crew they're there to help, others he says they'll be rewarded handsomely. When he finds out the ship is full of nothing but dead bodies and traps, he avoids a panic by limiting who knows what, having some of the crew retrieve the bodies for proper burial while having the hardened ones work on deactivating the booby traps. He knows just what to say to each person to get the job done.
@lovenightfall Год назад
Except for Inara, but apart from her yes.
@jeffreymoynagh5439 Год назад
I agree on both parts but on the second, as a manager myself, I have a saying on my board, Leaders listen and treat everybody different" Meaning you need to listen to and know your people so you can treat each of them in the way which can bring out the best in them. Not lie or manipulate. Just how it works best for them. I wish I could do as good of a job as Mal does, but I am still trying.
@laurasosnow383 8 месяцев назад
@@jeffreymoynagh5439 as someone who is frequently spoken down to and dismissed because of assumptions made by leaders, I appreciate the "listening" part. If a manager has ever really listened to me on a longterm basis, I haven't been aware of it.
@DoubleL11862 Год назад
The family unit really works because of Mal. Each member of the crew was meant to represent something that Mal had or wants to have. Zoe is his tie back to the war and the comradery of service. Book is his tie to his faith that died the day the war ended. Wash is that lighthearted spirit that runs deep within him. Jayne is the rough gun-slinging persona he shows the outside world. Kaylee is the conduit of love for Serenity, the means that lets him escape into his own world. Inara is a look into a life with love. An escape from a life of just getting by. I don't think it was a coincidence that her room was a repurposed escape shuttle. Simon is a reflection of what Mal would do for his family, his crew. River is a reminder of what the Alliance is capable of and why Mal cannot trust them, even in times of peace.
@LY43537 Год назад
This. Right here. For many of us who started as Wash and Kaylee and became Mal and spent some time as Jayne because of what happened to us (as River), we can never be Kaylee again but we can surround ourselves with dreams like Inara and hope one day we regain out faith (Book), by serving like Simon and protecting like Zoe.
@adedow1333 Год назад
This is a beautiful analysis. It's a gorgeous show. And I love it.
@TheVioletMaze Год назад
This is how Hamlet is laid out. All of Hamlet's friends are different aspects of his personality.
@ohkaygoplay Год назад
This is precisely correct.
@aghoulinthewhould Год назад
Dude, I love this interpretation. Anything consisting of camaraderie, faith, spirit, strength, options, love, loyalty, opportunity and what branches off of those, will really work... especially when they're all brought together. 💕
@stitchesandstaples Год назад
In serenity I always lose it when during the final firefight she is comforting Simon saying how he always looked after her and she goes “my turn” and runs into the melee. It’s such a huge moment for her and the movie.
@Overseer2579 Год назад
Oh yeah. Plus it’s a kickass action sequence ❤
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