
Flow Gently, Sweet Afton (1837) - Jonathan Spilman 

The King's Counterpoint
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Jonathan Edwards Spilman was a Kentucky lawyer, minister, and composer, and graduated from Illinois College in 1835. While at Transylvania Law School, 1837, he wrote the music for Robert Burns' "Flow gently, sweet Afton," the best-remembered of his seven melodies. An adaptation of this music was used in one of the tunes to "Away in a Manger." He was married to Mary V.J. Menefee, who died in 1843. Two years later, on 10 April 1845, he married Eliza Sarah Taylor (1822-1866), a niece of U.S. President Zachary Taylor. They had ten children, of whom six survived: Charles, Louise, William, Byrd, Clara, and Lewis. His wife Eliza died on 10 August 1866, as the result of a fire aboard the steamboat Bostona No. 3 in Maysville, Kentucky. Working as a lawyer for 18 years, he became Presbyterian minister at the age of 46. A Historical Marker was erected in the city of Greenville in his memory.



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@brucekarp6771 Год назад
My mother used to sing this song to me when she put to sleep at age 3.
@davepolo1079 3 месяца назад
Watching the movie "The White Cliffs of Dover" brought me here tonight! Greetings from New Jersey U.S.A.
@HMGarth 3 года назад
Probably the loveliest performance of this charming piece I've ever heard! Thank you so much for a sublimely beautiful 3:50 minutes😊🙏 👋 from Australia 🇦🇺
@rogerfownes6738 3 года назад
I just discovered this beautiful song by watching Pursuit to Algiers 1943 One of many Sherlock Holmes films Made with Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce, who also sings Lock Lomond. Also very nice
@johnj.2486 2 года назад
Coincidence, exact for me also. I decided to find this song during the lady at the piano sequence .with Dr Watson listening on.
@dannyc.jewell8788 10 месяцев назад
Me To
@davepolo1079 3 месяца назад
Would like to also recommend watching the 1944 movie "The White Cliffs of Dover" where the song is featured in a scene being played and sung at the piano. It was after watching the movie on TCM that brought me here.
@ubergeekian 5 лет назад
Lovely performance, and what a contrast to all the breathy, self-indulgent solo performances on RU-vid.
@margaret539 6 лет назад
I learned this song when I lived in Aberdeen as a teenager. We never sang it this beautifully, but it brings back very sweet memories. Thank you so much for making it possible to hear this lovely melody again.
@charliechats9910 3 года назад
Beautiful Tune to "Afton Water" which I discovered first about 10-12 years ago. Many thanks. Charlie, Aberdeen, Scotland
@bluehairandaxes8489 4 года назад
My mama sang this to my two sisters and I when we were small. What a beautiful performance! Thank you so much for sharing this!
@davidacres4981 4 года назад
Many thanks Katherine. We love singing this beautiful melody.
@toddjohnson8821 Год назад
Learned it as a piano piece when I was10, 70 years ago, mother said it was her grandmother's favorite, it is beautifully sung here.🎉
@boundless-vintage-music Год назад
My elementary school had this song in music class ( lyrics is translated to chinese , I am from HK). The songbook we used in the school days opens the door to world music.
@johnkwan5372 Год назад
I am also from Hong Kong and I remember singing this song in grade school. Of course the word were translated into Chinese. I was amazed that how close the translation is to the original.
@susanq6398 5 лет назад
@miyaoberman3755 4 года назад
Thanks so much! Hello from Yerevan!
@susanq6398 5 лет назад
A poem by Robert Burns set to music.
@LucasSiquelli 4 года назад
The Beautiful!!! =D
@ginnyweasly8464 7 лет назад
Wow! That's really beautiful❤
@robertbarnett3245 4 года назад
This is the BEST version of the song. Jo Stafford gets the words wrong! I wonder why a church quire is singing the song Burns composed in tribute to one of his illegitimate lovers?
@davidacres4981 4 года назад
Hi Robert - many thanks for your comments. The King’s Counterpoint is not a church choir; this recording was taken from a concert the ensemble gave in a church in Charleston, SC a few years ago, entitled America’s Music - 1640-1899 ‘Choral Music that Shaped a Country.’
@kjohnlu 2 месяца назад
輕輕地流淌,親愛的阿夫頓,在你綠色的胸罩中 Flow gently, sweet Afton, among thy green braes 輕輕地流淌,我會為你唱首歌讚美你 Flow gently, I'll sing thee a song in thy praise 我的瑪莉在你潺潺的溪流旁睡著了 My Mary's asleep by thy murmurin' stream 溫柔地流淌,甜美的雅富頓,不要打擾她的夢 Flow gently, sweet Afton, disturb not her dream 你這家鴿子,你的迴音響徹峽谷 Thou stock-dove whose echo resounds through the glen 哦,你們這些在荊棘巢穴裡狂野呼嘯的黑鳥 Oh, ye wild whistling blackbirds in yon thorny den 你這綠冠田鳧,你尖叫的祖先 Thou green-crested lapwing, thy screaming forebear 哦,我責怪你不要打擾我沉睡的集市 Oh, I charge you disturb not my slumbering fair 哦,多麼高聳、可愛的阿夫頓,你鄰近的山丘 Oh, how lofty, sweet Afton, thy neighboring hills 遠處清晰可見蜿蜒的小溪 Far mark'd with the courses of clear winding rills 每天當正午升起時我在那裡徘徊,哦,呃 There daily I wander as noon rises high, oh-uh 我眼中的羊群與瑪莉的甜蜜小床 My flocks and my Mary's sweet cot in my eye 你的河岸和下面綠色的山谷是多麼宜人 How pleasant thy banks and green valleys below 林地裡報春花盛開的地方 Where wild in the woodlands the primroses blow 溫和的夜晚常常掠過大片土地 There oft as mild ev'ning sweeps over the lea 香樺樹蔭蔽了我和瑪麗 The sweet-scented birch shades my Mary and me 哦,你的水晶溪流,雅富頓,它流淌得多麼可愛 Oh, thy crystal stream, Afton, how lovely it glides 風吹過我瑪麗住的她的小床 And winds by her cot where my Mary resides 你的水多麼肆意地澆灌著她雪白的腳 How wanton thy waters her snowy feet lave 當收集甜美的花朵時,她阻止了你清澈的波浪 As gathering sweet flow'rets she stems thy clear wave 輕輕地流淌,親愛的阿夫頓,在你綠色的胸罩中 Flow gently, sweet Afton, among thy green braes 溫柔地流淌,甜蜜的河流,我的歌的主題 Flow gently, sweet river, the theme of my lays 我的瑪莉在你潺潺的溪流旁睡著了 My Mary's asleep by thy murmurin' stream 如此溫柔地流淌,甜美的雅富頓,不要打擾她的夢想 So flow gently, sweet Afton, disturb not her dream
@FnafAddict69 Год назад
*50 years later* WAS THAT THE BITE OF 87?
@MrSidTaylor 6 лет назад
Beautiful but my favourite version is by Jo Stafford.
@debbiekerr3989 4 года назад
That's my favorite performance as well. Nobody sings this quite like her?
@joelanderos23 3 года назад
had to look this song up after i heard it being ''tried'' to be sung by the mayor's daughter on the andy griffith show. lol
@PeterAlmenar 2 года назад
Same here! Ha ha!
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