
Football/NFL vs. Soccer 

Jed Brookes-Lewis
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A comparison of tackles from football and soccer




10 авг 2008




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@Soulflytribe04 10 лет назад
Did you guys see Muller bleeding profusely in the head today during Germany vs Ghana at the World Cup? They should wear helmets like in the NFL, as they say at NFL: SAFETY FIRST!
@raidersnationforlife1513 8 месяцев назад
@vanisso 10 лет назад
handegg = no skill "sport"
@GiffordFromTheBurg 12 лет назад
I had a good laugh at 2:44. Thank you for making this XD
@shabakoo6 14 лет назад
One of the main contributions it has made was the field goal kick. In the old days field goal attempts were simple drop kicks (like punts) trying to get it between the goal lines. Attempts back then were very risky and had a very low chance of success. They did it this way until the 1960's when the Buffalo Bills thought of the idea to kick the ball "soccer" style with a place man to catch the ball in snap and position the ball for the kicker. This increased the attempts dramatically like 30%-80%
@popwwrestling3940 10 лет назад
Real men wear shoulder pads? lol It takes balls to head a ball full speed and force with no protection when your opponent has the same intentions. As a goalie many times you have to slide for a ball knowing you might get kicked on the head or run into the cleats of an attacker. Soccer players die because soccer requires playing in altitude worse than Denver which is a joke compared to La Paz Bolivia, Mexico City Mexico, Puno Peru, etc. Soccer players don't rest from offense to defense. Diving is a part of soccer to manipulate the ref just like in football you have holding, false start, interference so if diving in soccer drives your opinion you are an idiot.
@InvolvedGaming 10 лет назад
You sir are a fucking idiot, can you please explain to me how getting hit with a little soccer ball is worse then getting crushed by a 6 foot 5 300 pound man and WTF do you mean "Soccer players die because soccer requires playing in altitude worse than Denver which is a joke compared to La Paz Bolivia, Mexico City Mexico, Puno Peru, etc."HOW DO THEY DIE LOLOL
@popwwrestling3940 10 лет назад
Moron. It's not only the ball but the head of your opponent.
@popwwrestling3940 10 лет назад
Just the fact you are asking how you die from running 90 minutes in altitude proves you have never even seen it less tried it, or have no brain. LOL
@christianhernandez1034 8 лет назад
Yet you don't realize those headers never occur regularly. Big hits always do in Football.
@popwwrestling3940 8 лет назад
Headers don't occur regularly? Really.? LOL. For sure you don't watch soccer. In football you stop the game in every call, in every challenge, every two minute warning, after every play. As a player you really only play four downs if you don't get a first down and then it's more rest. American Football is boring to watch. Whenever a team wants to protect a lead they let the clock run down and then they make the play. If football fans complain about dives in soccer i friggin complain about american football being stopped every chance they get which is a lot. I bet you if football was a continuous game like soccer those football players would die. Soccer has it all. Football has nothing in comparison.
@NoOne3234 14 лет назад
This reflects the repeat head injuries and large numbers of impacts over the years.
@yrulaughing 12 лет назад
The variety of different plays make it a very strategic game. As with soccer where all plays involve kicking the ball from one person to another. You can run the ball, pass the ball, preform a sneak, punt it, fake punt it, counter, hook & ladder and many more. To me all soccer "plays" look the same because they never show you WHEN they're starting or finishing a "play." It's just kinda one long series of people kicking the ball that just looks like random action.
@shabakoo6 14 лет назад
Its cool man. I have alot of friends that play your football and I do have respect for the sport. I probably wouldn't be good at it. It all depends on what you have been brought up on. It never will be as widespread as your football, but I do hope that our sport does get to be an international sport one day. Peace :-)
@hydrolito 11 лет назад
Jim Thorpe regarded by many as the greatest athlete of all time played American football, baseball and basketball. He also won both the Decathelon and Penthalon at the same Olympics.
@spirrisilver21 11 лет назад
American football is only "barbaric" because the game is so complex that it can take years to truly understand the beauty and complexity of the game. Just like soccer, or international football, both sports look easy on the surface but if you really committed yourself to the game you would see just how difficult it really is. Trust me, American football takes more skill than a lot of people unfamiliar with the sport think it does. It's really fun to watch once you fully understand the game.
@Hollenthon2468 11 лет назад
I agree with pretty much what you're saying. However, even though it's usually the quarterbacks and receiver types that handle the ball the most, linemen can possess the ball especially when fumbles occur. They usually don't get thrown the ball much because they must protect the quarterback and since they are right at line of scrimmage they aren't in good position for yard gain even if they were thrown the ball.
@YamiBarai21 16 лет назад
How come you never see people in gridiron with the kind of injuries you see in football: broken legs, fractured skulls, cheekbones, seizures, 10 days in comma, deaths, faces soaked red in blood, etc, that contradicts the apology to the pads The point is that football is so great that we don't need to say it's "tough" to make it appealing, hundreds of injuries per season but nobody cares about how tough it is because everyone is more concerned in THE GAME...the same cannot be said about gridiron
@blaketf1533 11 лет назад
yes, imagine a full grown man running straight toward you at full speed, you knowing the whole time your about to get destroyed, and being able to catch the ball and hold on to it, but this is just my opinion
@91gt306 12 лет назад
Lol those headbutts were hilarious. Barely touch then fall on the floor as if you just got hit by a bat lol.
@EugegeSledgehammer 12 лет назад
The funny thing is that many "football" players wouldn't last a full 90 in full effort... fact: Most of those impacts from the tackles are absorbed by the protective gear
@Hollenthon2468 11 лет назад
I don't know much about how players get into professional Soccer, but in American Football it isn't a piece of cake either. First, they have to go to a college, play collegiate AF at a high level while maintaining acceptable academic grades. Then they need to get accepted into a draft. Then they have to be drafted by a team. Even then, they are scrutinized severely until they are full time with that team when season starts.
@kakapopopipi1 14 лет назад
6) Table tennis: Around 900 million fans (Asia, Europe, Africa, Americas) 7) Baseball: Around 500 million fans (US, Japan, Cuba, Dominican Republic) 8) Golf: Around 400 million fans (US, Canada, Europe) 9) Gridiron (American football): 390-410 million fans (US mainly) 10) Basketball: Not more than 400 million fans (US, Canada mainly)
@Hollenthon2468 11 лет назад
True that Soccer players are skilled when they only use their feet to progress the ball. But in AF, throwing the ball in heavy traffic to a receiver hoping it doesn't touch the ground, go out of bounds or get intercepted is not easy either. Add to that the fact they have 4 tries to get 10 yards or more by doing it his way. It brings a different dimension of skill to traditional ball sports.
@yrulaughing 12 лет назад
You'll notice that a good portion of the hits in Rugby are not delivered head-on. (I realize there is the occasional exception.) But in Rugby you will never see two people running full speed at eachother and colliding without either party slowing down. That's stupid with how little protection they're given, but at the same time it takes away from the fun of it. (continued in next post)
@olwerXL 11 лет назад
I can agree with you to some extent. It's just that I personally have a hard time with sports that do not use any sort of disadvantage. I mean, in American football, you use your legs to run and your arms to throw (setting aside the rules and all sorts of technical stuff), for me, that concept is just not enough of a challenge. But in football, you can use anything EXCEPT your hands to control the ball, which is sort of a handicap. I think that's what appeals to me in sport similar to football.
@olwerXL 11 лет назад
Taken from the description, "A comparison of tackles from football and soccer". That statement in itself just shows how immature of a sport American football is, it's basically 30 seconds of buff dudes mauling each other and then a beer commercial. While football is a delicate game where you actually have to have other attributes than raw strength.
@Halbgottt 15 лет назад
Stubs96 definetly makes a great point. People bash American Football without knowing anything about it, the same goes for bashing Soccer and Rugby. People need to quit compairing sports. Soccer, American Football and Rugby are all different.
@TheRoCk8217 12 лет назад
Learning difficulties? Real football players memorize hundreds of plays. Soccer players don't. Soccer is the simplest game in the world.
@yrulaughing 12 лет назад
A lot of the hits in rugby are using a player's momentum against them or blindsiding them. While these are done in football on occasion, the good hits consist of two people running straight at eachother with one person trampling over the other. This is a true test of who's stronger and a better hitter. I'd rather watching hitting than people running up and down a field for four hours.
@bebomac5 12 лет назад
"Midfield stalemate"? Well.. I guess you could say that about most Ravens / Steelers games, but thats part of the beauty of the sport. The tone and flow of the games depends on the styles and strategies of the teams involved, which are often wildly different. Games can end 9-6 or 62-56 or 37-0 or 21-20, you never know. And games frequently come down to the very last second.
@FunkyFrank10 14 лет назад
Sadly, the vast majority of Americans are not even aware of the American soccer team. Even if the American team won the World Cup I'm not sure their own country would even care.
@RolloTheApollo 13 лет назад
Dude I lol'd hard at this.
@joekickassz3360 11 лет назад
It makes me laugh when I read all these people saying that American football requires no skill. This videos only shows collisions but must hits in the NFL are actually tackles. It takes skill and technique to learn how to tackle properly. Its sort of like wrestling where you need to know the proper technique to take someone down.
@RATPT0I 13 лет назад
@PatrickM7X Arguing over which sport is better is a sport in itself. It's fun watching someone write a whole paragraph( top comments) about their favorite sport being better. It's like watching a sports broadcast.
@ammohazemike 12 лет назад
imagine Americans going to 70's 80's matches they'd think their in a fucking war.
@kelb53 13 лет назад
For all of you who think soccer is a contact sport, please, dancing is a contact sport. Football is a collision sport!
@Hollenthon2468 11 лет назад
You implied American Football is about physical violence with this quote "It is a far more highly skilled sport that is not about physical violence. " There's a lot of skill in AF, it's just distributed differently than in Soccer. Each player has to master their position and each position is different. Each player has to be able to improvise when a gameplay isn't going as planned. Offense can turn defensive and vise versa.
@alecrobertson4214 10 лет назад
I'm a football fan and this video shows it all!
@alecrobertson4214 9 лет назад
@daijme 13 лет назад
The funny thing is that England came up with the name Soccer, but the rest of the world cant pronounce ''Soccer''
@kakapopopipi1 14 лет назад
1) Football: 3.3-3.5 billion fans (Europe, Africa, Asia, Americas, etc.) 2) Cricket: 2-3 billion fans (India, UK, Pakistan, Asia, Australia, etc.) 3) Field hockey: 2-2.2 billion fans (Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia) 4) Tennis: Around 1 billion fans (Europe, Americas, Asia) 5) Volleyball: Around 900 million fans (Asia, Europe, Americas, Australia
@pzetta8484 11 лет назад
Football = PASSION NFL = Pop Corn and TV-SHOW
@Hollenthon2468 11 лет назад
Wow, the concept of American Football flies over your head. American Football isn't about physical violence. Sure, there's physicality in it, but it's mainly about strategic gameplay and teamwork. QB's have to be precise thinkers and throwers. Receivers and running backs have to be very fast and elusive. Linemen have to be strong and protective. And the same with all the defensive positions.
@Hollenthon2468 11 лет назад
Yeah, that's pretty much what I found out about the origins of Rugby Football. Also, the game was created in a town in England called Rugby, hence the name Rugby Football. Similar to why we call our sport American Football, it's a football sport that was created in America. Most of these football sports are named after a town, country or a culture. Anyways, I just thought you should know that.
@TheRoCk8217 12 лет назад
American football is much more difficult than soccer. I've been playing both sports for years, and have a lot of respect for both sports. Football requires more all-around body strength and accuracy. I actually play soccer in the summer just to stay in shape for football.
@shabakoo6 14 лет назад
They make more money off of these mammoth stadiums than just football. They even make money off these stadiums both during the season or offseason from events like concerts, car shows, other sporting events etc. Basically anything you can do with real estate. And the league gives each team over $200 million to help build these. Not to mention the concession stands etc. All this in addition to the brand and the rest of what you mentioned earlier. Also,
@sAcRoSaNct17 12 лет назад
Soccer is played world wide. Football's just an American thing. The world wold agree that soccer's the more dominant sport. And it also requires more skill.
@oJKBo 11 лет назад
We won gold in soccer. The reason our women are the best in the world is that we keep our men to play men's sports
@eriko111987 14 лет назад
LMAO. Well done. I LOVE soccer, I don't watch NFL, but thanks for the video. Diving and faking injuries gives the sport a bad name. Numerous camera angles capture what refs do not. Embarrassing. You didn't throw in C Ronaldo crying though. That's a good one. Still love soccer.
@Hollenthon2468 11 лет назад
Both sports have their own difficulty settings on ball handling. Soccer, use feet instead of hands, that automatically makes it difficult. American Football, use sleek precise ball with hands, but has several completion rule hurdles to overcome.
@eamosdabest 14 лет назад
this isnt fair, he did the strongest ever american football tackles, and the biggest ever dives in football
@TheRoCk8217 13 лет назад
Wow, how can they fake injuries like that and still call themselves men? American football FTW
@NoOne3234 14 лет назад
I thought pads were just to give players a feeling of invincibility so they would hit harder.
@24JeffGordenFan24 11 лет назад
Soccer= kicking a ball around for hours with little to no scoring at all. football= Constant action and scoring.
@Hollenthon2468 11 лет назад
Soccer players change routes all the time too, to get open for the ballcarrier. The only additional improvisation I see, maybe, is that most Soccer players can kick to other players. But, rarely do you see it, just about any AF player can toss to other players. If it's behind scrimmage line, forward pass is allowed. If beyond, then side by side or behind (Rugby Style). They don't do it much, probably because of the completed catch rule. The ball can't touch the ground, or it will be incomplete.
@shabakoo6 14 лет назад
These 2 conferences are both divided into 4 divisions apiece each (North, South, East, and West). Each team plays all their division rivals twice (1home and 1away) each season so that is 6 games right there. Although the teams with the "best" winning records is a factor to making the playoffs the main key to getting their is for a team to win their particular division. Thats how the Cardnials made it to the SB last year with only 9 - 7 record ( Wins-Losses). They won their division.
@Hollenthon2468 11 лет назад
You're right, I shouldn't have made that bold statement about any WR can outrun any Soccer players. But, we can speculate by the types of sports they are: aerobic vs anaerobic. High endurance vs high speed/power. Anyways, Soccer is a great sport and don't think I'm anti-Soccer or something. I prefer American sports like American Football and Baseball, but I like other sports too.
@Hammerhook12 13 лет назад
@simoneventuri In that "sports science" tv show you have an American football player hitting a dummy, and a L.A club rugby player tackling a person... I don't think that episode can be accounted as reliable. They could at least have used a Kiwi or an Aussie rugby player.
@shabakoo6 14 лет назад
I understand your arguments. I don't really care who wins the SB since my team (Pittsburgh Steelers) aren't in it. I'm just watching to see a good game. However, I would mine seeing the Saints win. New Orleans has been through hell with hurricane katrina and they have never won a title as a franchise. I actually have alot of respet for soccer as a sport. It has made alot of contributions to the game of football, which alot of people don't know about. :-)
@AspergerTalentAgency 12 лет назад
Soccer fans i can sense the rage. It feeds me.
@alchalmyst 13 лет назад
Every year, there are friendly games between some of the best European teams and the best of MLS. Most of the time, the European teams use their bench-warmers, who still manage to give a rout to the MLS teams. That's how different the level is between what you have as "Soccer" in the U.S. and real football as it is practiced in Europe. For Americans, "Soccer" is just another sport. In Europe, Africa and South America (I don't know so much abt Asia), it is an Art. That's why they excel
@Hollenthon2468 11 лет назад
Rugby Football is called Football because it emerged from Association Football. The majority of gameplay in Rugby is with hands. Occasionally they kick the ball forward, but it's mainly tossing it side by side or behind. Also, it's silly to call a sport Football only because kicking CAN occur as an option. But that's not why they are called Football, it's because all those sports evolved from eachother and Association Football is the original one they came from.
@NoOne3234 14 лет назад
I was being sarcastic... sort of. While pads were initially meant to prevent injuries, they aren't perfect. For example, they won't stop your neck from breaking if you land on your head. This video has plenty of examples. The helmet isn't even a 100% guarantee that a player won't get a concussion. Football protection also results in harder hits, somewhat negating their protective value. You would never hear a tackle from 100 yards away in rugby.
@Hollenthon2468 13 лет назад
@maticb That "weird" ball is ideal for throwing though, shapely for bullet fast delivery. It is also ideal for the punts and field goals. So maybe it isn't such a "weird" ball after all.
@Hollenthon2468 11 лет назад
Usually it's the QB that throws the ball, but the QB can hand off to one of his running backs as a diversion and they can throw to a receiver. AF has a lot of deceptive plays since it's strategy driven. You're correct in saying that Soccer players are more free when scoring such as using different body parts to bounce the ball in the net. AF players have to possess the ball within the endzone or when the ball is kicked in the uprights to score. AF does have about 5 ways to score though.
@nameuser39 11 лет назад
Exception proves the role!
@UAShortround 14 лет назад
@CharlieDK It's an offshoot of rugby football, we just took the word rugby out of it when we came up with the rules. More of a nod to where American Football came from than the actual kicking of the ball.
@manutdabc123 14 лет назад
WOW you actually made a comparison of tackles WOW you really are american WOW im lost for words you actually made a comparison of tackles
@Hammerhook12 11 лет назад
Apparently you do NOT understand. It's not some farm system, the divisions are all connected with the relegation and promotion of teams. This means that a small team with a small fanbase can end up playing in playing in the PL, conversely it also means that a big team with a big fanbase can end up playing in the 1 division. NFL teams are placed in cities/areas where they can generate as much revenue as possible.If it doesn't work, the team moves to another place.
@The50YardLine 12 лет назад
I couldn't have put it any better. Give u a thumbs up 4 that.
@Hammerhook12 11 лет назад
NFL teams are franchises, just like your local McDonald's..European football teams are rooted in a local club. That's the main difference.
@letsgocaps8 12 лет назад
I think football is the better sport. The sport with 11 people on the field at once. The sport where each team is trying to get a ball to the objective at the other side of the field while the other team tries to stop them. You all know which sport I am talking about right?
@FurlogTheGiant 14 лет назад
BTW, number of fans has nothing to do with how good a sport is since only in America can a person choose their sport, everywhere else in the world the sport is chosen for you.
@MORDEKAIZ 14 лет назад
soccer is not a sport IS PASSION.
@polystrate1 12 лет назад
Football may stop ever 10 seconds but in soccer it changes possession every 10 seconds. I find the latter more irritating. Its actually harder to condition ones' body for short intense bursts vs sustained lower activity. Its has to do with the energy systems used in each sport.
@bigkiwi1320 11 лет назад
William Webb Ellis Who with a fine disregard for the rules of football as played in his time first took the ball in his arms and ran with it in A.D 1823
@NoOne3234 14 лет назад
In short, your statement about soccer, a restricted contact sport, being more dangerous than football, a collision sport, is insane.
@shabakoo6 14 лет назад
To answer your question as to where is my source. That is Forbes magazine. And I was quoting the article from memory (I admit), so I may have been a bit shabby with the net value of manchester or dallas cowboys, but I thought manchester soccer team has the highest net value in the world. And you are right about most of the NFL worth is from advertisement. But one thing you dont think about or even know that the majority of that wealth comes from licensing rights major broadcasting networks.
@iPodGuyDK 15 лет назад
You know why? Because they can score goal from freekick in that way = in an important match, they can earn MILLIONs from that! No wonder they do it ;)
@razorfett147 13 лет назад
I won't bash on soccer/futbol, as I recognize it as the world's favorite sport. But if you think it takes NO skill to take the ball in American football, and run past the 11 other guys on the other side of the field to score a goal.......you're tossin' down some mighty good liquor. Both sports require players to be damn fine athletes, disbelieve that all you want.
@yrulaughing 12 лет назад
Efficient? Perhaps... As efficient as a football tackle done right? No... Rugby tackles give up too many yards after contact in order to make them effective in football. They are also not nearly as exciting to watch. The more force the better! If you don't think there's any timing or momentum in football tackling, then again, you're mistaken. You may THINK it looks easy because the professionals make it seem natural, but tackling right is one of the hardest aspects of football to master.
@bebomac5 12 лет назад
(continue) Hits themselves are learned technique, are varied in there execution practiced as intensely as anything. Every AF position has a unique and expansive set of techniques for every conceivable situation on the field. Btw, AF's Rules are Beautiful, they absolutely force 1000's of constantly evolving, intricate strategies and tactics. It's quite literally a fast, violent, Chess match. Fyi, just as many decisions are made on the fly, as are made on the sideline.
@tombomb4592 11 лет назад
I hate when people call the nfl fatball. for every fast soccer player their is an even faster football player. and i know its hard to comprehend, but thats not fat its pure muscle
@shabakoo6 14 лет назад
You are right about the SB though. Most of that money does come from ads. The Event only generated around 39Million on ticket sales. And they made over $370million in commercial ads. Althought that is mainly do to tthe fact that most of the tickets are given to the media. Tickets are also given to the players to give to their families as so forth. But the fact that they can even do that is testiment to the astronomical demand to see the game :-). again PM me to discuss further.
@Taidgh17 13 лет назад
@dtbigbear1 well in soccer there are plenty of broken legs, ankles, shattered knees etc... in the nfl there are broken bones occasionally and quite often concussions
@brysonwilliams70 13 лет назад
soccer requires skill; football requires skill, courage, and strategy. American football > European football. who cares which ones more popular in the world; most of the world is poor so soccer becomes more desireable as you only need a ball. Whereas american football requires ball, pads, helmet, solid fieldgoal, yard markers, 22+ players, hot cheerleaders (opposed to hairy men with foreign accents), and most of all, strategy. The only stupid part about american fooball is its corrupt referee
@markomilanovic885 8 лет назад
NFL is not a game, its a fight !
@Cyberman86 14 лет назад
Soccer is bigger than baseball, football and basketball combined. Its a Fact.
@melovetorun 14 лет назад
Fifa Football is more popular in the States more than ever! The US team is kicking some ass and in the same time converting alot fans to this beautiful sport.
@kingsanjayagaming2207 10 лет назад
You all must know that a player with diving habit is hated too in soccer world
@bebomac5 12 лет назад
Couldn't agree with you more about the massively more powerful hits in AF, which can often reach forces of 150-200 g's, while the biggest Rugby hits will top out at 60-80 g's. Just as an Fyi, injury rates in AF, per player, per game, are as high or higher than Rugby, with the likelihood of catastrophic injury and death being 3 times higher. In addition, there are more hits in AF, roughly 1000-1200 per NFL game. That dwarfs Rugby, because blocks don't exist in Rugby. @supahdupahguy is delusional.
@TheRoCk8217 13 лет назад
@BrandonFCB I play rugby, and American football. American football is tougher because people hit harder. The pads don't help that much, they just help keep you from getting a concussion, or breaking something. They dont stop pain.
@d00d1pwn 14 лет назад
Soccers been around for longer AND it's THE sport pretty well worldwide because it's fun and easy to pick up.American football never get's a chance, people look, say "Soccer" is the real football, American sports suck!".I love watching games filled with amazing catches, runs, tackles, kicks, interceptions, strips, etc.45-38 scores beat 0-0 or 1-0 after 90 minutes.Soccer may be extremely popular worldwide, but to me football first, Euro football second.That doesn't make me retarted or fat btw.
@Hollenthon2468 11 лет назад
You can call AF as Gridiron, that's actually a pretty accurate term since the field is called a gridiron. But when people say handegg it's obviously an attempt at insult. Other than the shape of the ball being oval, it looks nothing like an egg. A Rugby football looks more like an egg since it's oval and white. Perhaps our sport should be called either Gridiron Football or American Rules Football.
@shabakoo6 14 лет назад
Well, football is a very physically demanding sport. A season is 17 weeks and each team plays 16 times each week with (8 home and 8 away and one bye week ). It would be unfair to decide a champion off of record alone, because every team does not play each other in a single season. However, a winning record helps you to make the playoffs. The league consists of 2 conferences the Nationa Fooball Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC)
@shabakoo6 14 лет назад
Considering all these facts. The fact that soccer is a world sport, only hurts your argument that it is bigger when you look at the financial numbers. And get this, American Football is still growing in other parts of the world. You guys in Europe need to look at that as an OPPURTUNITY instead of arguing which is better.
@sethparry7422 11 лет назад
Saying NFL players are faster than Theo Walcott, Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, is completely stupid
@flint364 11 лет назад
did someone learn some naughty words today?
@TheRoCk8217 12 лет назад
My parents got me into playing soccer when I was 4. You know why parents start their kids off playing soccer? Because it's one of the easiest sports in the world! All you need to play is a ball and a goal. That's why so many people in the world play it; because it's simple. My parents got me into playing soccer to prepare me for tougher sports like football and hockey. CONTACT sports. And soccer is not a contact sport.
@yrulaughing 12 лет назад
@emlb95 14 лет назад
Im Irish so I dont follow either sport but I can honestly say we Irish have the one true FOOTBALL, our national sport. It is Association Football (soccer) and American Football.
@tombomb4592 11 лет назад
Soccer players jog, Football players sprint
@shabakoo6 14 лет назад
@donliam88 Yeah, thats the main issue with why it hasn't caught on. Its a bit of a learning curve. Like beer its an acquired taste. You would probably have to watch at least one season to catch on to it. Once you do know what is going on I believe you would enjoy it alot. PM me anytime if you like and I will be more than happy to explain anything you don't understand.
@goliathreno 13 лет назад
It is true, by far the most popular children's sport is soccer (One of many forms of football, Soccer is short for Association Football, ie game played ON FOOT). The problem is, Soccer just doesn't catch on at older ages. For whatever reason. It is true, we just prefer other sports to soccer. Also, the majority of soccer is spent either in a very light jog or walking. You see very little sprinting in soccer, so both sports have pros and cons, it IS human beings playing both sports.
@Hollenthon2468 11 лет назад
As I said though, every player (not just QB) has to improvise when a play isn't going as planned. Similar to how Soccer players improvise for the ballcarrier to pass them the ball, AF players will do the same for the QB if the initial play route isn't working. Free kicks to a wide open net are not the same as throwing a ball to a receiver being covered without it touching the ground or practically anything else. Hell, Soccer free kicks aren't much harder than Basketball free throws.
@castlezfinest1 14 лет назад
football is a bunch of power rangers hitting each other and stooping for like 3 hours and playing for 2 seconds
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