Trump's done like a baby he just like a sissy he cannot get his way he starts crying he's so scared of he might lose again are Trump wants to do is take away from people he wants to be Adolf Hitler he don't care
He's part of the problem. For the last 4 years we've struggled to pay for gas, heating oil, food and the necessities of life. We cannot continue this direction. BILLIONS given to illegal immigrants while the average American suffers. Enough!
I love how he says they helped bring the price of healthcare down, literally the day after I got a notice that mine is going up 5.9% and a necessary prescription my wife has to take is no longer covered. Gotta love it!
Yea Obama care ruined a lot of people that were actually trying but helped out everyone who was on government assistance who were refusing to get Jobs.
@@nothingnew4351 Man, you really are a Democrat. Their message right now is you've got it good - pay no attention to the price of everything going up, millions of illegals piling into the country, and wars breaking out everywhere. Trust what we say, not your eyes and life experiences. Wait, are you Don Lemon?
@Patriot1502 Instead of a salary he bilked we the people by charging outlandish fees for his secret service detail to stay at his resorts. President Obama made a big pile of money as a speaker and author... something famous and uplifting people can do when they are literate; which is probably why Trump is still begging for money to cover his legal fees.
**“Barack Obama is a man who has been a master of rhetoric, and when you’re a master of rhetoric, you don’t necessarily have to be a master of reality.”**
Yeah then immediately immediately for fucks sake start spouting the racist bullshit that they're famous for.ALL WHILE living in one of their multi-million dollar palatial mansions on all white Martha's vineyard who by the way didn't take in any illegal aliens within 24 hours they called the national guard to get them out of Martha's vineyard then talking s*** about white people and these imbeciles eat it up like candy😂😂.
Fax brother, god bless guns god and Donald trump!🎉🎉 the big don is the only one who will protect us from deep state commies and socialist transgenders.
Orange man keep telling you it’s a failed government over and over again till you believe the lies he is saying and vote for him.I was out of job for a year plus in 2020 cos orange perp couldn’t manage the Covid crisis and he is now lecturing people about failed government.
Fun fact..... Obama is the only president to stay in DC after leaving office. He said they stayed because Sasha had to finish school. She not only finished HS, but is not done with college (USC). He's still there. He also once said, "I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or front man or front woman, and they had an earpiece in, and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, and I could sort of deliver the lines while someone was doing all the talking and ceremony." Joe had cognitive issues when he was elected. He's gotten worse over the years. So who's actually been running things..... gee..... do we really have to ask. Treason. There's a reason the dems were not able to close GITMO. In fact it's been expanded over the last few years.
@@supremevato5297 It's delusional to take Barack Obama at his word? It's delusional to point out the OBVIOUS mental decline in Joe Biden? Buddy, at this point, delusion is denying whats so plain to see!
Afterall they keep calling Trump a dictator. And we all know they project everything they say about their opponents. So therefore maybe it is true that Obama has been overstaying his term limits
we are living in a Joe Biden / Ms Kamala Harris. Look at the country can’t afford crap yet we are supposed to believe it will get better because Obama said so ? 😂
Donald Trump talks like an idiot he don't care about you he cares about being a billionaire tax cuts for the billionaires people that follow him or must be idiots cuz they don't really see it
So you care about kids killing in other countries now? 🤔 so that means you are also against the genocided Israel is doing right now in Gaza, where thousands of kids are killed every ?
@@whermanntx How the fuck does Uvalde prove that? We as conservatives collectively lost our shit with rage at the Uvalde police for weeks afterwards. And what are you talking about siding with Russia? Are you making that assumption because Biden is funding a war with them and we don't like that?
@@whermanntx Republicans never sided with Russia lmao we just think we shouldn't be funding thier war and there's no reason to. We have homeless people here that really need help
Shamala harris. I love Obama saying everyone deserves a fair shot. Like the one his party gave RFK and any other candidate to run for the party. Thanks guys, democracy at its finest.