
Former presidents, excluding Trump, tout vaccines in new ads 

The Hill
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All of the nation's former living presidents are appearing in new ads this week encouraging Americans to get their COVID-19 vaccines - except for former President Trump.
In a one-minute spot released by the Ad Council on Wednesday, former Presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama called on U.S. residents to get inoculations when they can in an effort to end the coronavirus pandemic.



18 сен 2024




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@sniper1pk 3 года назад
sooo. ...they were all part of the cabal after all
@burningphoenix6679 3 года назад
@joejoemorechrist6886 3 года назад
Yes Jesus is our only hope be ready for the Rapture all the prophecies in Revelation are being fulfilled
@toddfluhr4655 3 года назад
The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies. Georgetown University Professor Carroll Quigley, "Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time", 1966
@GloriousYeshuaAlMightyHolyGod 2 года назад
Yes they are..
@iyoutubeperson4336 3 года назад
Yes, because people definately trust bush and clinton
@yesyup5726 3 года назад
I will say Obama was not a good president he was meh
@iyoutubeperson4336 3 года назад
@@yesyup5726 unfortunately, a lot of people still trust him
@ritemolawbks8012 3 года назад
@@iyoutubeperson4336 All of them got 2 terms, so they had plenty of support.
@boggsmalinao 3 года назад
of course plenty of support now?
@iyoutubeperson4336 3 года назад
@@ritemolawbks8012 clinton never got 50 percent of the vote, meanwhile bush got lower votes than gore and won reelection because of the war on terror. Either way, they are viewed differently after their presidencies.
@greatesttoysevermade3693 3 года назад
Bill Clinton and Barack Obama? Now there are two guys you definitely can trust.😂
@hummingbird275 3 года назад
Greatest Toys 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I wouldn’t trust either of them with a “bent pin”📍
@semosurvivalist 3 года назад
@Jo Michael Yes Bish took us to war on lies. Thousands of Americans and Iraqis died. Yet I should trust him more than Trump even after Bush admitted and laughed about "weapons of mass destruction" on live tv? You make zero sense.
@semosurvivalist 3 года назад
@No No He told you to look at the research in the beginning. It's not his fault people are stupid. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. His was it wasn't that bad. I guess you believe the flu is down 98 percent like they say to? People believe what they want. I don't trust the government but I do believe Trump was a little more open and honest than the others.
@semosurvivalist 3 года назад
@No No what's funny is is everything that President Trump said needed to happen now the Democrats are doing. They're reopening schools the reopening States and what's your now president doing calling people stupid. He really doesn't matter it is what it is. It was never a pandemic it's always going to stick around and most of the people that died probably I'd say half died from other things than covid-19. And that's based on flu research all those that had heart attacks that they've already proven they lied about the numbers on it's just another virus.
@jenntip 3 года назад
Well... pretty obvious some people don’t comprehend how a virus works.
@rjames8elliott 3 года назад
You can keep these presidents most Americans don’t care about them most Americans care about one president and as president Donald J Trump
@janieburkhart5 3 года назад
Bake and shake, take your own advice and GTFOH yourself...nobody ask for your opinion
@swagmather 3 года назад
Very patriotic and American of you saying basically screw the other presidents except for this one I like and want but didn't win
@TheHeroRobertELee 2 года назад
Aside from Biden, Obama was the worst president we've had in my entire lifetime as a 32 year old man. The guy murdered American civilians, soldiers, and drone striked children and weddings, single handedly created ISIS and flew AL Qaeda pallets of money and armed them, he jailed more journalists and whistle blowers than any president in history combined, he single handedly created racial division and animosity when there was none before, he single handedly created the surveillance state as the standard and spread the influence of the NSA, he's spied on thousands of Americans using the patriots act and read their emails, texts, etc without warrants, he weaponized the IRS against his political opponents with unconstitutional audits, and also he pushed our country on a fast track towards Socialism and communism. While Bush and Clinton were terrible presidents and Clinton is definitely a worse PERSON, Obama is by far the worst president we've ever had in a generation. Obama belongs in a prison next to Bush, Clinton, and Biden.
@arobotarmy9878 3 года назад
War criminals.
@sierrapepin 3 года назад
Obama be real, you aren’t hugging any women.
@soulfireonfire6423 3 года назад
I am LMAO!!! I did not expect that and after I read it I did the motion to keep scrolling and then it hit me. I have laughing tears!!!!
@sierrapepin 3 года назад
@@soulfireonfire6423 I would have bought it had he said, ‘Michael’s father’.
@augustineabram1545 3 года назад
@Sierra Pepin I have found that every word you utter is a reflection of the person speaking.
@sierrapepin 3 года назад
@@augustineabram1545 technically, it was typed. But you don’t think I hug any women? Ok.
@duketogo25 3 года назад
Heh 😄
@universalearthling3227 3 года назад
So many war criminals in one video
@CoercedJab 3 года назад
Funny to see Bush sitting around again 🪑 at least this time the country isn’t under attack while he had a ton of war games coincidentally simulating a war catalyzing act of terror.
@Anonymous-js5zn 3 года назад
It was necessary to use force in Bosnia
@SuperherShowcase 3 года назад
So is Trump moron,he ordered assassination of solemani and air strikes in Syria
@Anonymous-js5zn 3 года назад
@@SuperherShowcase I want the US to just kill Assad, but I don't know how well that'll go over as Russia has ties to Assad and each side still has nuclear weapons. I don't know what to do with Iran. For Bosnia, the Serbs were committing genocide and the international community was okay with NATO using airstrikes. Also, I hate Trump for a lot of things. I can blame Trump for the pandemic because of this: we had a pandemic response team set up by Bush and expanded under Obama. Trump axed it before covid hit and he constantly tried to downplay it.
@Joel57able 3 года назад
@@SuperherShowcase Get your facts straight. That was a strategic takedown because of the attack on the US embassy in Iran. If it was not a strategic neutralization, why didn't we see a war? Military intelligence involves taking down of pivotal hostile targets to prevent potentially bigger violence.
@LDuke-pc7kq 3 года назад
Funny..... and Trump is the Reason they have it now.
@snapgrouch702 3 года назад
It was made by the drug companies.
@johnwallace1729 3 года назад
@@snapgrouch702 He fast-tracked it . Operation Warp Speed ?
@brianenos8956 3 года назад
@Vulvasaurus Lix actually he did more than say words, he had a whole manufactureing facility built, what ever equipment was needed he had the military find it and bring it in. then he handed the keys to the place over to the pharma guys free of charge. that is way it was called warp speed. if it wasnt for that you would not see a vaccine for at least 5 years
@brianenos8956 3 года назад
@Vulvasaurus Lix who said shit about the europeans or any other country, trump wasnt worried about them he was concentrating on getting the vaccine for the american people, while the other countries russia europe, india they were all working on their own vaccine. all countries were racing to make a vaccine, for health reasons and profit reasons....
@whylogicalthinking 3 года назад
This is just gross
@gloriahallelujah1118 3 года назад
🤮 barf
@zerocool5395 3 года назад
@credman 3 года назад
Trump bombed Syria, almost started a war with Iran twice (false flag attack on Japanese oil tankers, assassinated Iran's top general), tried to start a war with Venezuela, and escalated our involvement in the Saudi Arabian war with Yemen.
@fisterbottoms9139 3 года назад
@@credman So what you're saying is he didn't start any wars...
@Wayzor_ 3 года назад
Frump lost, and there is STILL nothing you hicks can do about it.
@jimlong487 3 года назад
@@fisterbottoms9139 yheap he did not start any wars.
@jimlong487 3 года назад
@@Wayzor_ i hope u get everything u want.
@hailmaryrecordings8255 3 года назад
Proven liars ... except for Carter.
@KingLoop13 3 года назад
Ain’t that the truth! Don’t understand how people hate him. He is an angel on Earth and was one of our most honest presidents ever. If only that honesty was coupled with capability.
@johnbemery7922 3 года назад
@@KingLoop13 the only actual Christian President that tried to do the right thing. The media and the politicians hated him.
@johnbemery7922 3 года назад
@@KingLoop13 the only actual Christian President that tried to do the right thing. The media and the politicians hated him.
@johnwallace1729 3 года назад
Carter yaa ohh the sweet days of 16% plus home loads , he was an idiot .
@nicholasblackwell9117 3 года назад
and yet I guess Trump was not included because he was too much of a liar then them all combined several times over...
@moonraccoon1388 3 года назад
nice propaganda piece.
@CapedCrusader77 3 года назад
Right? Lawd.
@johntruxal432 3 года назад
Every one of those war criminals should be in jail...
@burningphoenix6679 3 года назад
Trump is a war criminal.
@the-letter_s 3 года назад
@@burningphoenix6679 SO ARE THEY! ALL OF THEM ARE!
@anarojas844 3 года назад
I don't blame them for not mentionig Trump , if trump had exposed my lies and show the Americans how corrupt and incompetent I am. I would nt either
@NighthawkScope 3 года назад
“...Excluding trump...” His administration did provide the funding to produce the vaccine in record time. That says enough without an ad.
@Thor.Jorgensen 3 года назад
"In record time" Uhhh, no? The German Pfizer-BioNTech came first, finishing Phase III trials on 18 November 2020 and has been put on a continuous Phase III trial. The Moderna vaccine trials finished 30 December 2020, 43 days after the Pfizer vaccine had been finished... In Record time. Furthermore, Trump shifted the funding from public health programs, which is what funded the provision of ventilators and protective gear for medical workers... Which America had a lot of problems with if you recall. In total, he shifted 10 billion dollars from public health programs to the development of the vaccine, but only as late as August 2020. And he also lied about providing 18 billion dollars. No, it was only 10 billion, and that money was taken from public-health programs, which is probably why the USA has been the most infected country in the entire world.
@sadekgheidan 3 года назад
Only Hitler and Stalin are missing from this list ;)
@FirstNameLastName-gm3lu 3 года назад
Don't forget Mao, the devil, Santa, and dr. Seuss
@johnwallace1729 3 года назад
And Pol Pot
@iamcedricpowell8051 3 года назад
Did anyone mention Trump got us those Vaccines so fast?
@sinistereleven9145 3 года назад
@ahrensavickas570 3 года назад
You mean did Trump authorize the US Government to spend billions through the Treasury to purchase contracts as advised by all government agencies? Kinda like how he hid the fact he received the vaccine but didn’t tell anyone?
@diddykong7354 3 года назад
@@ahrensavickas570 better than starting so much terror
@swagmather 3 года назад
He didn't get us anything Pfizer scientists did with no help from the government.
@isabellaisa6750 3 года назад
Trump wanted to help all of us to get rid of this covid, and he genuinely tried talking with the vaccine co., but hey, why not, They probably told him one thing and did something else, who knows? You can't trust the politicians this days, especially Demons..., look what they've been doing to him since his first day in the office 2016...,
@jeaniegagnon6591 3 года назад
Shame on all of you. Trump busted his ass to help expedite the vaccine process and deserves respect and appreciation for his work on getting this done so quickly. Thank you President Trump.
@LaurenceQuint 3 года назад
No, he doesn't.
@girlonfire00net 3 года назад
Warmonger Presidents you mean.
@ethanblouch4590 3 года назад
Carter’s actually not a warmonger. The others though...
@MrRyanqualle 3 года назад
Imagine trusting these people....
@GODSGRACE0505 3 года назад
Tell me about it.
@MsDancingrannie 3 года назад
They can all take mine
@gregoriomartinez4280 3 года назад
I'm sure someone out there is thanking you for your generosity 👍
@christiangomez9576 3 года назад
Not all heroes wear a cape.
@johnbemery7922 3 года назад
Hey, how is that tracking down Epstein's customers thing coming along?
@Thor.Jorgensen 3 года назад
Why don't you ask Trump's administration? Trump was the one in charge when he died. Surely, as the president of the United States of America he should have had got things under control, shouldn't he?
@johnbemery7922 3 года назад
@@Thor.Jorgensen I have been posting this question for about 10 years, all administrations and media are ominously indifferent.
@riheg 3 года назад
Even AOC skipped the line and flaunted it online. Sick. These people embarrassed the US internationally. I wonder why so few seem to notice or care about that. I’m danish and a mayor and some others who did that over here ended their image and chance of re election.
@mmatthewdavey5704 3 года назад
The issue is that here in America the politicization of this pandemic has been very effective in dividing us. The disinformation campaigns have been extremely successful in sowing and fostering a distrust of the science. There are a history of unethical practices that have made it difficult for some minority groups to also/further distrust medical experts. Far too many people do not trust the vaccine, and to mitigate some of that we have what you see here. There is also an initiative to have black medical professionals being open and visible with vaccinations to increase trust in the black population, as another example.
@toddfluhr4655 3 года назад
This message brought to you by the Council on Foreign Relations
@vade137 3 года назад
Do the opposite of anything these three tell you to do.
@luispiros 3 года назад
let’s all listen to this guy he rules apparently so.
@Jaldonado1994 3 года назад
@@luispiros this guy isn’t alone in his opinion
@bewareofgoose4509 3 года назад
You know what and all honestly Trump's no worse than those guys or better
@DrBeauHightower 3 года назад
Vaccines save lives!
@farmingganja5277 3 года назад
ME: Do you trust the government? NORM: No. ME: Do you trust the media? NORM: Of course not. ME: Do You trust big pharma? NORM: Hell no, but the vaccine is the only way for life to return to normal. 😂🤣🤡😂🤣🤡😂🤣🤡
@joejoemorechrist6886 3 года назад
Jesus is coming Rapture iminent Repent of your sins pray to JESUS for forgiveness all the prophecies in Revelation are being fulfilled the world's about to end... get right with Jesus and don't take the mark of the beast or you won't make it to heaven but anyone who takes the mark of the beast will be cast into the lake of fire prepared for Satan and his demons... don't take the vaxxine it has miniature RFID nanobots don't take r -fid chip or anything else that corrupts your DNA it's the mark of the beast PS don't let them stick anything up your nose or test you because that's how they infect you also to destroy your DNA ...trust in JESUS JESUS is coming.... repent to Jesus pray to Jesus ask him to forgive you for your sins and come into your heart and to fill you with his Holy Spirit and to make you ready for the rapture to prepare you to meet JESUS ask Jesus to make you a born again Christian Jesus died on the cross and rose again on the third day to pay for our sins so that if we believe in Jesus and follow Jesus and become born again Christian we can go to heaven with Jesus and escape from going to hell thank you Jesus amen 🙏 share Jesus saves from going to Hell and that Jesus is the only way to Heaven with all .....
@adaskinir2029 3 года назад
Bill Clinton makes me feel old af... I remember he was the “young” guy in ‘92
@DeadBunny69 3 года назад
Everyone but the guy who got it done. Sounds right.
@markjones2361 3 года назад
It's because people don't trust Trump
@frackit284 3 года назад
Got what done?? A game of golf, he spent more time downgrading everything and even lied about having a back stock of vaccine..which makes sense because he called 500,000 dead Americans a Hoax
@ahrensavickas570 3 года назад
Thats right. 1st place in deaths world wide, not 1st place in vaccine distribution, not 1st place in testing, not 1st place in genealogy testing, not 1st place in research...1st place in money spent on vaccine contracts, 1st place in herd immunity from massive viral outbreaks. Sounds right
@swagmather 3 года назад
Pfizer refused government money because of donald
@user-sb7iy5nw9b 3 года назад
Trump had more Americans killed than the former presidents.
@theingridaria 3 года назад
Ask Clinton about Epstein, not covid.
@beezy364 3 года назад
The 3 murdering musketeers
@nicholasblackwell9117 3 года назад
Trump increased drone strikes 6 fold and revoked rule that made drone strike accountability transparent in order to reduce his bloated number.
@robert7879 3 года назад
@@nicholasblackwell9117 he was killing isis
@nicholasblackwell9117 3 года назад
@@robert7879 Via drone strikes which have the highest civilian collateral rate in our arsenal?
@GreyLazy-ny2xg 3 года назад
Russia take from bottom of sea krose Nord Stream 2 military poison GAS from World WAR 2🙊🙉🙈 Stop Russia world terror- blow up ✈plains✈, poisoning humans, give money to terrorist grup and Dictators and WARs Venisuela, Syria, Libia, Gergia, Ukraie... Why GOP so love Russia agent Trump? Putin mafia give Trump 400 000 000$ in Deutshe Bank...
@beezy364 3 года назад
@@nicholasblackwell9117 trump's not in the video
@SoCoolScience 2 года назад
I prefer to die from the virus then die in chains held by the hands of tyrants.
@ivanhenderson31 3 года назад
I love hypocr...uhhh.. democracy!
@iamcedricpowell8051 3 года назад
@swagmather 3 года назад
This video literally had nothing to do with democracy it was just to get a vaccine
@ShamrockNRoller 3 года назад
An adulterer, a warmonger, and a race hustler walk into a room...
@ShamrockNRoller 3 года назад
@Mia Cero It wasn't pithy to list the thousands of bad attributes all of them possess.
@lisasnyder8485 3 года назад
They did ask Trump to be in video, HE SAID NO THANKS.....lol
@benbascom8048 3 года назад
@Vulvasaurus Lix by saying no and walking away??? you people seem to have lost your mind
@ahrensavickas570 3 года назад
he didn’t say anything, his super PAC Florida advisors said not too because it would strip support away from his CPAC event, and expose heavily the irony of getting a vaccine before another maskless event
@benbascom8048 3 года назад
@Vulvasaurus Lix they reached out to him for him to come voice an opinion he doesnt agree with, says no thank you, and hes still the crybaby, i think your the real crybaby here...
@AntiTako 3 года назад
@@ahrensavickas570 you mean all those mask that say on the side that they do nothing against covid-19? Which only the surgical mask that only doctors have could protect against it, but no one said anything about even though they knew from the start?
@ubself 3 года назад
@Vulvasaurus Lix wasn’t even asked lol
@benjamm1nn 3 года назад
Say what you want, but at least none of these guys ever incited a terrorist attack on their own government
@user-sb7iy5nw9b 3 года назад
@reginawhite978 3 года назад
No JAB 4 me!!!!!
@martinnavetta6208 3 года назад
I’d rather hang out with Trump than these chumps.
@gregoriomartinez4280 3 года назад
If you're not one of his Maralago country club friends he probably doesn't want to hang out with you...
@vishalnagaraj5343 3 года назад
Trump wouldn't associate with people who've slandered him.
@ariarostami5549 3 года назад
This is the funniest shit I’ve ever seen 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@salex9482 3 года назад
When they go low, Trump go high. Michelle Obama.
@edwardbuckner5031 3 года назад
Do you mean he snorts a bunch of adderall
@jamesblack8909 3 года назад
I had someone say it's so wrong for trump not to be included and my thinking is how can you include someone who took the vaccine in secrecy and never said anything to his supporters , to hell with him as far as am concerned
@fearan9406 3 года назад
Why does it need to be advertised?
@nasirjones-bey5852 3 года назад
Because it's poison
@CapedCrusader77 3 года назад
Bc its propaganda. Obama repealed the law that made it illegal to use propaganda on Americans. 😉
@CapedCrusader77 3 года назад
@@nasirjones-bey5852 in the USA this poison and all vaccines enjoy complete liability protection and have since the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed to shield the poor pharma companies from being sued for faulty products that the Supreme Court called "unavoidably unsafe". 👍
@zerocool5395 3 года назад
Because us "Hispanics" and blacks don't know how to use the internet.
@nasirjones-bey5852 3 года назад
@@zerocool5395 we need to turn the record player on at night for our children
@americanpaisareturns9051 3 года назад
Thanks Trump. You made it all possible. The Democrats and many others said it couldn’t be done and you proved them all wrong.
@tylerwood7634 3 года назад
Trumps going to jail Neanderthal
@probablyabouttoargue3264 3 года назад
Everytime.... RU-vid keeps showing me your comments, Hoping I can put some sense into you, I really don’t think it’s even achievable...
@RobertEskuri 3 года назад
He gets more irrelevant each day. ( Don’t tell his cult, it’s all he has left )
@mr.awesome6011 3 года назад
It's all you have left despite getting whag you want.
@stevem9628 3 года назад
and here you are trying to keep him relevant.
@Rem_NL 3 года назад
Every single vid with Biden in the title gets more dislikes than likes (even though RU-vid removes massive amounts of dislikes) and yet you still believe he is the most popular president in US history.. Sorry to say dude but you are the brainwashed fool here.
@blackmoom 3 года назад
Totally. These Trump people need to be de-programmed, although it's probably hopeless.
@Brother_Piner 3 года назад
@@blackmoom How about we wait until 2024, and this time, we won’t let Democrat state executive branches illegally change the laws without consent of the legislature. Let’s have a fair election next time. We don’t need any of your fascist “reprogramming”, we’d like to see our rights not trampled on us, and not have the vote of nearly half of America disregarded by Mr. “Unity” who called everyone in Texas “Neanderthals”.
@delldunigan5021 3 года назад
What jealous, hateful souls these “men” have. Now we see them for what they truly are
@2riskis2live 3 года назад
This comment makes no sense.
@delldunigan5021 3 года назад
@@2riskis2live did they give the President who got the vaccine made in record time one bit of credit. As a vaccine RN, I know that it normally take 7-9 years to make a vaccine and get it appeoved
@gregorysmith6459 3 года назад
@@2riskis2live no, you just choose not to see the validity of the statement.
@invisiblerevolution 3 года назад
@@gregorysmith6459 He's a SHEEP... any narrative not givin by *CNN or MSNBC* he just won't understand.
@2riskis2live 3 года назад
Gregory Smith explain what you’re seeing so others with open minds have the opportunity to understand. You’re just trying to dunk on people. That just makes you a bad human being.
@LibertyDoctrine 3 года назад
Fascist propaganda
@Kevin-dg6lh 3 года назад
Without Donald Trump in warp speed we would have no vaccine right now thank Donald Trump
@chrisleaver929 3 года назад
If it weren't for Donald's ineptitude and lies downplaying the virus, maybe some of the half a million people that died from it would still be around to get the vaccine.
@lucho4347 3 года назад
Obama 👎👎👎👎
@joejoemorechrist6886 3 года назад
Jesus is coming Rapture iminent Repent of your sins pray to JESUS for forgiveness all the prophecies in Revelation are being fulfilled the world's about to end... get right with Jesus and don't take the mark of the beast or you won't make it to heaven but anyone who takes the mark of the beast will be cast into the lake of fire prepared for Satan and his demons... don't take the vaxxine it has miniature RFID nanobots don't take r -fid chip or anything else that corrupts your DNA it's the mark of the beast PS don't let them stick anything up your nose or test you because that's how they infect you also to destroy your DNA ...trust in JESUS JESUS is coming.... repent to Jesus pray to Jesus ask him to forgive you for your sins and come into your heart and to fill you with his Holy Spirit and to make you ready for the rapture to prepare you to meet JESUS ask Jesus to make you a born again Christian Jesus died on the cross and rose again on the third day to pay for our sins so that if we believe in Jesus and follow Jesus and become born again Christian we can go to heaven with Jesus and escape from going to hell thank you Jesus amen 🙏 share Jesus saves from going to Hell and that Jesus is the only way to Heaven with all .....
@mnstr2173 3 года назад
JoeJoe MoreChrist but the infection is not the Mark of the beast right?
@AlexMathiesen 3 года назад
Trump didn't want to be a part of this, because then he would have to acknowledge that he's a former president.
@robert7879 3 года назад
People still don't know that he's actually still the President
@Ferdinand_FE 3 года назад
W looks fit
@cagedtigersteve 3 года назад
I know. It looks like he's been taking care of himself.
@nankerphelge3880 3 года назад
You can't fix stupid.
@thunderpuppy6719 3 года назад
In Trump's defense, it's hard to take part in an ad when you weren't asked to be in it.
@danielpadilla1733 3 года назад
That's kinda the point lol
@joemama38 3 года назад
Wonder why. He definitely wouldn’t have a part in the video saying something like “i did a great job keeping this china virus under control, probably the best. it’s disappearing just like i said it would. see? i was right. get your vaccine, oh yeah and we won the election BIGLY.”
@MsZeus49 3 года назад
@@joemama38 He supposedly had the virus... so why did he get vaccinated? Has he tested for antibodies?I do not believe a single word he utters! Lie after lie! Has he ever told the truth?
@imthebest4957 3 года назад
@@joemama38 I do see! So do you
@stupidparanoidflake7631 3 года назад
Trump being in the ad: I did the most! I did the greatest job getting vaccines out!
@marlesimms 3 года назад
Cool. Three people who - for anyone paying attention - have zero credibility at all and will say anything for money.
@angelslovodan647 3 года назад
and one person who has no credibility and will say anything for money who is not in the video.
@becauseofreasonslol9476 3 года назад
Trump has 30k lies. Obama 2k. Umm.... There is a database on the internet you can look it up. Oh wait that includes too much fact I hope you don't get an allergic reaction.
@brianenos8956 3 года назад
@@angelslovodan647 who your mama?
@brianenos8956 3 года назад
@@becauseofreasonslol9476 ok for four years they attacked trump on a daily basis, started impeaching him the day after he was sworn in.....so if he said the grass was green they would say he was lying,, so you can keep your database
@becauseofreasonslol9476 3 года назад
@@brianenos8956 again, no. They impeached him three years in, Biden is also getting attacked by fox News on a daily basis for literally nothing while trump was. So yes trump Lied a lot. But again, facts make some people have an allergic reaction so I hope that don't happen.
@joesimpleton4564 3 года назад
No way, there’re excluding Trump again.
@LavosGaming 3 года назад
Likely because he didn't want to support this, because he still thinks it's a hoax, still calls it the "China Virus" when we have variants from other parts of the world. The idiot thought you could inject bleach to clean the body or whatever the hell his stupid statement was. Kinda wish he had tested that theory on himself.
@brianenos8956 3 года назад
@@LavosGaming the variants are from the original CHINA VIRUS, so tech. its the china virus
@LavosGaming 3 года назад
@@brianenos8956 Any excuse, yeah?
@jmor-_-.656 3 года назад
Funny they excluded Trump. He started project warp speed and everyone said a vaccine could never be accomplished in that time frame. Well well well, we have 3 now. Love him or hate him, Trump should receive some acknowledgement in regards to the fastest vaccine development we've ever seen.
@ojerdonek 3 года назад
Bunch of clowns
@JuanRodriguez-qo2xx 3 года назад
Birds of the same flock Lied together! I m thankful My President Donald J Trump is apart from these pushy pushy puppets.
@Koolasicewater 3 года назад
Trump got it done, record time. Who cares what these people say blahh blahh
@latrelleodom9484 3 года назад
So wrong!!!
@sandraplazola 3 года назад
It’s funny that they blame the unvaccinated for delta variant cases and link them to being conservatives yet they exclude Trump who would have a lot of influence to get his people vaccinated….who ever thought of excluding Trump needs to be fired.
@guyverxx 3 года назад
Awww isn't that precious, nice ratio. Also y'all forgot to that the man who was still your president and you will forever be salty and its beautiful
@Bigmommafluffy 3 года назад
Uhm... What?
@TheHeroRobertELee 2 года назад
I want to agree with you or disagree with you but i don't understand your English
@chrisleaver929 3 года назад
Donald did actually accomplish something amazing by making former presidents seem legitimate in comparison.
@dirgesinthedark5637 3 года назад
They look like the walking dead
@lisawarzun7040 3 года назад
I didn’t trust these guys when they were running the nation and I definitely don’t trust them now.
@christianbrother4724 3 года назад
We would not have these vaccines now if the Trump team did not work day and night to deliver.
@vincentanoe 3 года назад
I have never seen so many people that many respect, tout a shot. Why would that be? It is very easy to figure out if you aren't a sheeple.
@hughjarrse 3 года назад
Of course Trump wasn't involved .. it was two termers only 😁
@gonzoyork1908 3 года назад
70 million would not find that amusing.
@hughjarrse 3 года назад
@@gonzoyork1908 78,000,000 probably would 😁
@janelogan4242 3 года назад
This is pathetic. I"m laughing my face off.
@glumGlumm 3 года назад
I be laughing my as off if Trump was there. He be saying “Chayyna virus is fake!”
@hughj9385 3 года назад
@@glumGlumm remember who pushed the vaccine through and promised it would be here by the end of the year when you get it :)
@glumGlumm 3 года назад
@@hughj9385 The only thing that stuck in my mind is that too many Americans died more than half a million and people still dying today. Thats is something to remember. What else? “Chayyna virus” “It will disappear when the weather warm up!”
@hughj9385 3 года назад
@@glumGlumm Yep, he suggested a travel ban for China and Biden called him racist. Said the virus originated in China and was hidden and Biden said he was a conspiracy theorist. Then said the vaccine would be here by the end of 2020 and Biden called him crazy. But if you didn't keep up I guess you would just remember "Chayyna".
@glumGlumm 3 года назад
@@hughj9385 Trump is gone dude.
@cindybenitez5858 2 года назад
Well if those trustworthy politicians give us medical advice, we should take it! 😂🤣😂🤣😂
@ReactionShot 3 года назад
Here's how Moderna explains mRNA in their SEC filing: (hint, they don't call it a vaccine) “Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA… We are creating a new category of transformative medicines based on messenger RNA, or mRNA, to improve the lives of patients. From the beginning, we designed our strategy and operations to realize the full potential value and impact of mRNA over a long time horizon across a broad array of human diseases.” -Moderna SEC Filing
@Jones-ke6bt 3 года назад
K. You forgot to have a point.
@yrsoclvr2 3 года назад
URL for Moderna’s SEC filling please. Did a Google search and came out empty handed.
@Jones-ke6bt 3 года назад
@@yrsoclvr2 k.
@EchadLevShtim 3 года назад
It's Haiti Relief
@fellopiantube7607 3 года назад
that's moore like an anti vaccine ad
@felixfernandez1271 3 года назад
Wait, an ad? A Public Service Announcement? Of proven liars as spokesmen? 1 I didn't have sex with that woman 2 Weapons of mass destruction. 3 I didn't know till I read it in the 📰. I'll stick with the illness....
@dariosanchez1491 3 года назад
See everybody’s excited to get vaccinated as fast as they can thank you Donald Trump thank you
@MichaelTarrenScott 3 года назад
This country is in trouble and this video is proof of that!
@jaxturner7288 3 года назад
Of coarse, that’s all part of the deal, after you are president your are required to continue influencing and deceiving the public according to the agenda. Till RIP.
@jamesc7894 3 года назад
Hell, Trump started before he left office.
@ahrensavickas570 3 года назад
which president? the one not in this clip? 😂
@CoercedJab 3 года назад
@@ahrensavickas570 educate yourself. Unless you think corrupt sleaze bag presidents started with tromp lol
@jaxturner7288 3 года назад
@@jamesc7894 don’t they all?
@margotina100 3 года назад
He doesn't need to tout the vaccines delivered by his Operation Warp Speed. If you want it - go get it
@Cameron-zv6mg 3 года назад
trump missed the tweet for the film date.
@soulfireonfire6423 3 года назад
On purpose
@Thor.Jorgensen 3 года назад
@@soulfireonfire6423 No sense of humor.
@joejoemorechrist6886 3 года назад
Jesus is coming Rapture iminent Repent of your sins pray to JESUS for forgiveness all the prophecies in Revelation are being fulfilled the world's about to end... get right with Jesus and don't take the mark of the beast or you won't make it to heaven but anyone who takes the mark of the beast will be cast into the lake of fire prepared for Satan and his demons... don't take the vaxxine it has miniature RFID nanobots don't take r -fid chip or anything else that corrupts your DNA it's the mark of the beast PS don't let them stick anything up your nose or test you because that's how they infect you also to destroy your DNA ...trust in JESUS JESUS is coming.... repent to Jesus pray to Jesus ask him to forgive you for your sins and come into your heart and to fill you with his Holy Spirit and to make you ready for the rapture to prepare you to meet JESUS ask Jesus to make you a born again Christian Jesus died on the cross and rose again on the third day to pay for our sins so that if we believe in Jesus and follow Jesus and become born again Christian we can go to heaven with Jesus and escape from going to hell thank you Jesus amen 🙏 share Jesus saves from going to Hell and that Jesus is the only way to Heaven with all .....
@joejoemorechrist6886 3 года назад
no Trump is part of them it's all a game it's all actors playing their part to bring in their satanic New world order they all are on the same team working for Satan their God is Satan my God is Jesus Christ the King of Kings amen
@Thor.Jorgensen 3 года назад
​@@joejoemorechrist6886 First time someone claimed that rapture was imminent was.. Let me check... Oh, right... here we have it. Rapture will come within the lifetime of the New Testament authors: 1 Corinthians 1:7-8 1 Corinthians 7:29 Philippians 1:10 1 Thessalonians 4:17 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Hebrews 1:2 Hebrews 9:26 1 Peter 1:20 1 Peter 4:7 1 John 2:18 Hey, guess what. All the New Testament authors are long dead, for about 1900 years. Rapture hasn't been here yet. Has it all been a fluke? Was Paul, Peter, and John all just of shit?
@belindathrasher111 3 года назад
The devils are liars. Live for Jesus he is your protection. Christ is life period
@joejoemorechrist6886 3 года назад
Amen Jesus is coming all the prophecies are being fulfilled from Revelation in the Holy Bible the Rapture is imminent get right with Jesus everyone and say no to the mark of the beast
@joejoemorechrist6886 3 года назад
Jesus is coming Rapture iminent Repent of your sins pray to JESUS for forgiveness all the prophecies in Revelation are being fulfilled the world's about to end... get right with Jesus and don't take the mark of the beast or you won't make it to heaven but anyone who takes the mark of the beast will be cast into the lake of fire prepared for Satan and his demons... don't take the vaxxine it has miniature RFID nanobots don't take r -fid chip or anything else that corrupts your DNA it's the mark of the beast PS don't let them stick anything up your nose or test you because that's how they infect you also to destroy your DNA ...trust in JESUS JESUS is coming.... repent to Jesus pray to Jesus ask him to forgive you for your sins and come into your heart and to fill you with his Holy Spirit and to make you ready for the rapture to prepare you to meet JESUS ask Jesus to make you a born again Christian Jesus died on the cross and rose again on the third day to pay for our sins so that if we believe in Jesus and follow Jesus and become born again Christian we can go to heaven with Jesus and escape from going to hell thank you Jesus amen 🙏 share Jesus saves from going to Hell and that Jesus is the only way to Heaven with all .....
@Mr1stcat 3 года назад
Yay ❤ war criminals
@carlomerli685 3 года назад
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through...all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero
@skoomalegend1 3 года назад
Bill still playing with cigars?
@tearl5676 3 года назад
Probably what he meant by "...move around.."
@mattfoley6082 3 года назад
Trump would've made it about himself.
@doctordewbie7681 3 года назад
You mean everyone including you make everything about Trump?
@efrainrosso6557 3 года назад
@@doctordewbie7681 exactly, 😂 lol.
@efrainrosso6557 3 года назад
Obama is wayyyyyyy more narcissistic than Trump or anyone on this planet.
@learnlearn7627 3 года назад
Thank you President Trump for the vaccine!
@Assistint 3 года назад
Trumps also the only living president that didn't win 2 terms
@ReziInstinct 3 года назад
Jimmy Carter also did not win two terms 👍🏻
@ReziInstinct 3 года назад
@@Assistint haha nope
@Assistint 3 года назад
@@ReziInstinct lol you right , he's 94, so soon. But thanks for the correction.
@brianenos8956 3 года назад
you ment to say the only living president to have his second term stolen,.... Well you didnt mean to say that.....i did
@Assistint 3 года назад
@@brianenos8956 lol ikr. He got his sht taken like a lil btch. And didn’t do anything about it. Just like his supporters a bunch a btches lol
@nnn43 3 года назад
Nothing better than seeing the nations biggest criminals parade in front of the TV screen. But it is nice to see Jimmy Carter still fighting the good fight! One of the most underrated presidents of all time.
@thunderpuppy6719 3 года назад
Jimmy is a nice guy. He's the only Democrat I've ever voted for. But to be perfectly honest, he was a lousy President.
@richardmann3396 3 года назад
Trump isn't a former president. Trump is an ex-president, he was fired remember.
@robertpolityka8464 3 года назад
Carter would fit the same description. He was fired as well..
@sethbishop3306 3 года назад
All globalist.
@faisaloishik84 3 года назад
I'll trust President Carter
@Allen-eq5uf 3 года назад
He’s the only one with any integrity in this video.
@joejoemorechrist6886 3 года назад
Jesus is coming Rapture iminent Repent of your sins pray to JESUS for forgiveness all the prophecies in Revelation are being fulfilled the world's about to end... get right with Jesus and don't take the mark of the beast or you won't make it to heaven but anyone who takes the mark of the beast will be cast into the lake of fire prepared for Satan and his demons... don't take the vaxxine it has miniature RFID nanobots don't take r -fid chip or anything else that corrupts your DNA it's the mark of the beast PS don't let them stick anything up your nose or test you because that's how they infect you also to destroy your DNA ...trust in JESUS JESUS is coming.... repent to Jesus pray to Jesus ask him to forgive you for your sins and come into your heart and to fill you with his Holy Spirit and to make you ready for the rapture to prepare you to meet JESUS ask Jesus to make you a born again Christian Jesus died on the cross and rose again on the third day to pay for our sins so that if we believe in Jesus and follow Jesus and become born again Christian we can go to heaven with Jesus and escape from going to hell thank you Jesus amen 🙏 share Jesus saves from going to Hell and that Jesus is the only way to Heaven with all .....
@tbear4557 3 года назад
Never ever.
@manuelborchardt1573 3 года назад
Love you guys and Thank You! ❤️
@churchplantingcatalyst6438 3 года назад
Thank you Trump for Warp Speed
@ipenguin3918 3 года назад
Let's see when the side effects kick in on a massive scale.
@swagmather 3 года назад
Holy shit people this stupid will bring this country down
@isaacnewton6304 3 года назад
They already have kicked in, just not being reported. Vaccine deaths are starting to exceed the actual number of people who died FROM and not WITH. This is fact, thousands have died, thousands severely injured.
@swagmather 3 года назад
@@isaacnewton6304 "They kicked in, just not being reported" then how do you know you'd think with donald gone that be a great thing for ratings for any network. Jesus that is the stupidest thing Ive read They kicked in, just not being reported" we got a real Einstein over here. Please get educated and stop believing what your friends share on Facebook
@Orangejr36 3 года назад
There's a two week window for side effects. There's not any, go find a new conspiracy to huff paint over
@isabellaisa6750 3 года назад
@@swagmather this is not about just friends talking in FB, do your own research not only here in our country but around the world too. Just recently Italy, Denmark, and Norway, has stopped their vaccines after been reported so many deaths, it's facts. Also in Australia was reported some deaths too. Actually they've been so many reports through the internet, that's because the media, don't want people to know about it...? And you'll see in a few months and years to come, we'll loose many people, Bill gates dream will come true soon, like he said he wanted to depopulate the world...? And how is he going to do that? Any clue...? I guess he thinks that, the world belongs to him?
@fawnnelson3369 3 года назад
This is an amazing video. Thank you to all of the past President's (prior to 2017) who really do CARE about this country. May God Bless you all!
@tonebalone9203 3 года назад
Yah im sure God excludes some children, ur what's wrong with today's Christians weirdo
@ottobong 3 года назад
@fawnnelson3369 3 года назад
@@tonebalone9203 Does the truth hurt? Learn to write.
@jbautista9962 3 года назад
Very nice to see these honorable ex-presidents!
@beansmcdonough1782 3 года назад
All except the obama clown
@niceguy0080 3 года назад
Lol who knew the day would come when I trust George dub-ya over Clinton😂
@tearl5676 3 года назад
You ever trusted Slick? LOL
@TheHeroRobertELee 2 года назад
All 3 of them including Installed Like a Toilet Joe Biden belong in a federal prison.
@freaksofnaturebegone9937 3 года назад
Creeps, Our President Donald Trump did all the work!!!
@TA-pp9jk 3 года назад
Give me a break....
@paulshall8172 3 года назад
The only advice I take is from Trump,these other imposter are a joke!!!
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