
Found Out I'm Not My Father's Biological Son After I Caught My Mom Kissing Another Man My So-Call... 

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@Twist-The-Friendly-Hunter 9 часов назад
OP in story 1 may not have been his fathers Bio kid but he certainly is his kid by heart because JESUS he became a newspaper... Folded easily and has 0 spine. His mom assaulted his aunt, threatened to beat him and dragged him away? He's 19, and he didnt even react and just allowed it being taken home and then sobbing to his mom who is now emotionally abusing him. Yep. Like father like son.
@HauntedGalMars 7 часов назад
THIS... I mean... I don't understand all cultures... but in most cultures, 18 is an adult
@Buldogg345 9 часов назад
Story 1: OP lost his spine so fast that I honestly felt blindsided. I'm so disappointed in him...
@MrToubrouk 6 часов назад
Trauma makes you do weird things.
@KingDeadMan 9 часов назад
Story 1: One of the most abusive relationship stories I've heard, so far (I've heard MANY abusive relationship stories, and if you know all the different ways abuse can occur, then this is definitely topping the list of abuse).
@JayElJay 8 часов назад
I wonder... what sort of bundle does the abusive relationship stork bring to your doorstep
@apeihron622 9 часов назад
>19 years >let him be dragged into a sh*tty home And he dares to call that doormat a "weak man"? Lmao
@JayElJay 8 часов назад
Why exactly is the father a doormat?
@scpfoundation8376 8 часов назад
@@JayElJay Because “open marriage” despite both of them consenting to it and being together for at least 19 years.
@jestersreign7530 8 часов назад
I looked at the original host of the first one most of the comments were bashing him because as they put it it's none of his business what they do. And to get over himself. Just saying kind of hard to have a spine when the place you went to for advice was completely and totally bashing you
@JValor 8 часов назад
The same reason you are ​@@JayElJay
@Shadowy_2 8 часов назад
​@jestersreign7530 That's fairly normal for Reddit, though I got bashed a lot whenever I asked for advice on anything. I genuinely believe at this point. If you're dude, avoid Reddit, at least be advice category of Reddit. I was called many horrible things off Reddit. Even the r word. Because I. Kept having medical problems and struggling to keep a job. So they said I always retarded And an incompetent failure of a husband.
@scpfoundation8376 9 часов назад
So I went to check out the story myself. Everyone is actually bashing on OP for essentially throwing a hissy fit because his parents have an open marriage and as he’s 19, all fully grown adult who can make his own decisions, is crying because he just doesn’t like open relationships even though their sex life has nothing to do with him. They’re also calling him out for being a hypocrite cause he’s acting like his aunt didn’t also lie to him about it.
@JayElJay 9 часов назад
Yeah. Open marriages are absolutely fine if both partners ate down to clown around. OP is a judgemental baby and so are the people in this comment section.
@scpfoundation8376 8 часов назад
@@JayElJayagreed. It’s just the stigma of open relationships plus the never ending supply of actual shxtty Open marriage stories.
@diffsnicker 8 часов назад
​@@JayElJayyeah nevermind what potentially lifelong affects that will have on their child it's all about what the flesh desires right?
@jestersreign7530 8 часов назад
​@@JayElJayyou would be right except for most open relationships that are down to clown as you put it. The kids at least know who their actual biological parents are. For them to not find out until after catching their mother with another man is not something that people can easily just brush pass without being emotional . It wasn't just finding out but how he found out
@scpfoundation8376 8 часов назад
@@diffsnicker Well, he was fine for 19 years with no problems right? I for one would never participate in any sort of open marriage but what people do in the bedroom is their business. Also I just read his little update, notice how mommy, the one he CAUGHT kissing another man gets the baby tears, hugs, kisses and is forgiven but dad, from what we are told by OP himself simply “allowed” it is still getting shxt on? His mom almost CERTAINLY knows who her kids dad is, yet she’s forgiven and “dad” isn’t? Think that shows you what kind of person OP is. Just a judgmental dxckhead who will always run back to mommy when he doesn’t get things his way because like she can clearly do, she manipulates him.
@QrincessQri 2 часа назад
This seems to be an unpopular opinion but the parents in S1 should’ve sat OP down upon him turning 18. They should’ve calmly explained how their marriage/relationship is setup to him and that they don’t know who his biological father is but by all means the man who has loved and raised him for 18+ years is his father. Instead they left OP to believe in the illusion that his family was just your typical run of the mill family when it’s much more complex and anything BUT normal. Instead he was made to catch his mom kissing a man that most definitely wasn’t his dad, finding out his dad was chill with it all, and learning a good chunk of his life was a lie/illusion. He has EVERY right to be angry and hurt.
@amyyakumb 7 часов назад
S1: What selfish and toxic parents. Imagine your parents fooling around with other people to the point that you're not even biologically your father's, they knew this, and kept it from you for years. I'd feel betrayed and angry. Also, yo shouldn't be having an open marriage with kids if you're not going to: make out with your non-married partner at a hotel, or just, you know, telling your kids the truth from the start, especially when you know your kid doesn't have biological ties with their father. Sadly the mom is too manipulative and guilt tripped OP at the end. Hopefully OP realizes this soon.
@Polemistis0416 6 часов назад
OP isn't much better, either. He comes of as a judgmental brat because he doesn't like his parent's private lifestyle. He's right to be mad for not being told the truth of his birth, but he's NOT justified in dehumanizing his parent's private life.
@ShadowyKatz 5 часов назад
Story 1: OP sucks. He had no idea for 19 years that his parents had an open relationship, so it wasn't affecting him. No one knew, except the people close to them, so it really shouldn't matter to him, culture or no. He was being cruel to them. His parents suck too though. They should've figured out how to tell him about his father years ago and the fact that they have no idea who his bio father is and have made no apparent effort to find out is irresponsible at the very least. And his mother's behavior is terrible. Threatening to beat him and literally dragging him away back to a place he feels unsafe. His aunt isn't great either. To me, it felt like she was preying on him when he was emotionally vulnerable. It's good that she was supportive but she should have reigned him in when he asked her to be his mom. Everyone sucks here.
@thalamicantonio6783 Час назад
culture has a fairly massive impact, imagine (before it was made illegal) that your parents used to raise, butcher, and eat dogs. they didn't feed you dog, you had no idea, it didn't affect you, yet you would likely never see them the same again.
@tabicat.puccino7425 5 часов назад
op1) no spine, and the family are toic, they would abuse you please leave her 2) im glad you went NC and go ghost the toxic people, and you need to tell your parents about your sister's habits, it will be so much better, also when someone give you money in anykind, it always comes with strings attached, do whatever you must, 3)
@jaycehoward2771 2 часа назад
The amount of people defending his parents are as disgusting as the parents. Who cares for the life time of trauma we cause as long as we get laid. Just disgusting.
@maxblanco1658 5 часов назад
The fact that y'all are shit-talking OP 1 is actually so f**king disgusting.
@cameron765 9 часов назад
Story 1: i would lose all respect for my parents if they did that type of degenerate behavior
@JayElJay 9 часов назад
Anything that isn't monogamy is degeneracy now? You people need psychological help. There are plenty of different types of relationships that are valid and open relationships are valid.
@VioletLolitaPop27 8 часов назад
damn, get well soon
@Gayonetta5000 8 часов назад
Explain exactly what is degenerate about consenting adults deciding how they want their own relationship to go???? Just because it’s not what YOU would do doesn’t make you any better than them. Ironically your judgy attitude makes you degenerate
@cameron765 8 часов назад
​@@VioletLolitaPop27 What?
@Shadowy_2 8 часов назад
Me too. Never and I mean never would. I respect anybody that has an open relationship with children. Dumbest s*** on the f****** planet.
@laxmadur4611 4 часа назад
Op1// i hope you are ok. His parents aren’t fit for the role and anyone who thinks op is ah for his reaction are also unfit for parenthood. Its not that they are in a open-relationship its the fact that they lied, physically abused him and dont care about him. His reaction is bad but forgivable because his whole world just shatterd(as in are they lying about something else).
@thestalker67 7 часов назад
A lot of cheaters and cake eatears over here
@faizansyed9111 3 часа назад
Story 1: what the fuck is this story?
@JayElJay 8 часов назад
Try not to be unhinged in the secret voices comment section challenge level: impossible
@sheepphees3350 8 часов назад
I wanna know ur opinion abou this story. OP is immature for crying but he is not an AH for not wanting to associate with people that life a lifestyle he doesn't agree with.
@JayElJay 8 часов назад
@@sheepphees3350 op is an ah for shaming his dad for having an unconventional relationship, while excusing his mother's LITERAL ABUSE towards him. Their relationship is fine, and he should be ashamed for treating his father like that over something that isn't his business. His mother should be ashamed for "beating" her son when he was young and trying to drag her 19 year old adult son home.
@sheepphees3350 7 часов назад
​@@JayElJayagree with u
@maxherrera5344 7 часов назад
@@JayElJayhe should’ve gone NC on parents like few aita post of son or daughter went NC on their parents.
@MrToubrouk 6 часов назад
​@@JayElJayThere's no dad in the story. Just a step dad who lied about it to OOP for 19 years.
@grahn3878 2 часа назад
Story 1 mom is creepy
Story 2: It’s super easy to just not have premarital sox and not be a degen.
@RobCorneliusnohr 3 часа назад
I thought the new generation was less judgemental. OP in the first story sucks big time
@HeliosX28 3 часа назад
So what about the so called mother literally kidnapping, threatening, assaulting OP... You just going to conveniently ignore that huh...
@scpfoundation8376 3 часа назад
@@HeliosX28you also going to conveniently forget how OP attempted to disown his parents and called his adoptive father a weak man because of their personal relationship choices?
@HeliosX28 3 часа назад
@@scpfoundation8376 He is weak lol he stood around and let his egg donor abuse OP... Yeah, he's pathetic same with the partner. Also, no one owed a relationship if he wants to disown them for their choices he can
@hennigadient4265 6 часов назад
story 1: Op is a huge bby and crossing lines! yes his parents are a holes for not telling him, his dad isnt his bio one. BUT the howl rest?! wtf it is none of his business how his parents manage their relationship just bc he is so closed minded! im ashamed he is 19 and acting like 12 💀
@DeliciousBoi 3 часа назад
How would you respond if you walked in and abruptly found out your mom was an unashamed 304 and your "dad" was a legit cuckold??? If you had any self worth, you'd do worse than he did.
@Jonah_Hall 8 часов назад
Story 1: OP is a whiny child. 'Oh my parents are happy in a non-conventual relationship' booohooooo! Like bro let people be happy. He had 2 parents who loved him and didn't abuse him and he's throwing it away for something that doesn't involve him
@lewomo1756 8 часов назад
The mother was abusive. She used violence as a threat to get him home; "would beat me like she used to when i was a child". You cant live a life of degeneracy and just expect that everyone in your life is just OK with it. Especially now when OP starts figuring out that every random dude coming to his house did so because his mother was an easy lay.
@cameron765 8 часов назад
1. The fact the mom is overly obsessed with her son in physically dragging him back at 19 because he doesn't like their type of lifestyle screams mental abuse 2. I hate this concept of just because there're two consenting adults and not harming on one therefore you can't judge their lifestyle and dislike it because by your own logic you shouldn't judge an adult who likes scat or which of the people harm themselves as long as they not harming other people But I'm pretty sure you against that
@JayElJay 8 часов назад
​@@lewomo1756you're right, the mom was abusive. Yet it's the DAD who was getting insulted and shamed by his son because of his CONSENTUAL open relationship. You can call it degeneracy all you want. Doesn't make it true in the slightest.
@inacook2285 7 часов назад
As a first reaction? Really?
@Jonah_Hall 7 часов назад
@cameron765 Anyone who's upset about people in open relationships is too invested in what other's do in their private time. No, i don't judge those kinks because they don't affect me. You act as if other participation in those things means you have too be as well. That's not true. Never said you couldn't judge people. i said he's a whiny child for throwing away a relationship.
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