
Francis Collins answers listener questions on evolution & God 

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3 окт 2024




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@josha3891 4 года назад
I find it refreshing that he doesn't hide away, behind his job, and instead is available to discuss this.
@rubiks6 3 года назад
Dr. Francis Collins values the honor of men but not the honor of God. Why would he hide away? He's quite happy to discuss his heresy with any who would listen and give him praise.
@T2Master01 2 года назад
I believe he is partially gagged on the topics of covid19.
@gavinhurlimann2910 2 года назад
@@rubiks6 And there it is. The obligatory argument from ignorance from the clueless atheist. Thanks for not letting the side down :)
@rubiks6 2 года назад
@@gavinhurlimann2910 - To whom are you referring? Me or Francis Collins? It is ambiguous to whom your statement refers.
@gavinhurlimann2910 2 года назад
@@rubiks6 You.
@lynkahaar9549 2 года назад
I've only just discovered Francis and what a privilege it is to listen to such a knowledgeable man, and a man of faith. Wow!!! Thank you Justin and Francis for this amazing conversation.
@MajeureX 4 года назад
Thank you Justin for having Francis Collins on the show! It was a great discussion. It's clear to see that Francis has a deep and genuine personal faith in Christ, which is wonderful in itself, but is also a great reassurance, given his prominent position in researching the Covid-19 pandemic. I pray that his work will be of great benefit to America and the world, all for the glory of God!
@leegleissner9771 4 года назад
Yes Dan. Love to hear Francis Collins. A man who doesn't deny science. I'm still skeptical on God but not a complete atheist. I'm perplexed. Did Jesus die for the sins of the cro-magnons 100 thousand years ago or not because they were only 99% human. They were probable smart enough for simple speech word of mouth remembered by the tribe. Not quite as smart as us. Not quite yet sinners? Are they left out? Francis doesn't deny these findings. Are dolphins and whales with the intelligence of a 2 year saved or not because they were born the wrong species? Outsiders say these things can't be reconciled. I don't think it can. I disagree with the theist and also atheists. Maybe I'm an oddball? Agnostic I would say. People talk of God to worship in truth and spirit. Sounds good. However I have a very hard time worshipping something you can't see. Never really made sense. You are told you will see and know when you die and get judged by God. Why not now while you are alive? Strange to me. I disagree with the extremist on both sides...atheists and theists. Theists with a turn or burn philosophy is very bad. Faith out of fear and denying science and modern findings. The you have some militant atheists who appear as bullies. 0% free will. All an illusion. We do at least have some under complex decisions. Criminals could have a picnic with 0% free will. This degrades life. I have no problems with kind and compassionate atheist or theist. Ones who are willing to talk and get along. Francis is certainly one of them and a good man. Some scientists think Jesus may of resurrected,claiming the Turin shroud is real. Some claim the managed to extract DNA from it with a double Y chromosome instead of the usual X and Y. Not sure if it is true. Also 2 methods proven that it has been misdated. The human body should not produce a hologram nor a painting. Also people back then believed the end and his return would certainly be in their lifetime or at least their generation. Its been 2000 years. Just don't know. I would still like direct evidence of God. People die and no help ever comes unless it is from a person that can and cares. Love and take care you all from agnostic Lee. Keep up the good talk.
@joshuaWEC 4 года назад
@@leegleissner9771 HI Lee, these are very interesting questions you bring up. I won't attempt to answer all of them. There are a couple things I want to comment on though. To your question about dolphins, according to the Bible only humans are created in God's image. People alone sin when we break God's law only given to humans. However all creation was corrupted in "the fall" and is longing to be set free from death and decay. Please read Romans 8:19-25. All creation seems to be effected by what Jesus did on the cross and what He is doing in human beings. I don't claim to understand it, but I find it extremely interesting. About worship. I get what you mean. I have wrestled a lot with worshipping especially when I first became a Christian. I would direct you to Romans 12:1 which talks about the truest forum of worship being how we use our bodies. Obviously we can use our bodies in many ways, ways that help people or harm them, serve people or take from them, respect people or disrespect them. This scripture seems to say that the best way to worship God is to use our bodies in a way that is loving and kind to people. I think this goes along with worshipping in "spirit and truth". Using our bodies in a way that is truthful and sincere. Hope you find something helpful here
@AtamMardes 4 года назад
It’s unlikely that an intelligent efficient kind loving moral creator, with the intentions of creating life, would create 100s of trillions of uninhabitable planets so that a planet earth can have life evolve on it by animals needing to kill each other for meat. Neither abiogenesis nor evolution needs God. The evil COVID19, influenza, malaria, etc., are DNA/RNA based. They can't be God's creation or naturally modified versions of it due to imperfections because by definition God is good and perfect. Since nature by itself has created the RNA/DNA of those viruses, then nature by itself is capable of creating life from non-life.
@chrisfojtik7391 2 года назад
For the glory of Lucifer....that's their god.
@miltonwetherbee5489 2 года назад
@@leegleissner9771 assuming you see this, you may want to check out William Lang Craig's newest book, "In Quest of the Historical Adam."
@donalddodson7365 4 года назад
Always food for thought, and basis for quality dialogue and discussion. Thank you both.
@fernandocoto 4 года назад
👍🏻 Thank you Justin for such an amazing program. What a humble scientist that really reflects the light of Jesus
@kevinrtres 4 года назад
How humble can one be if one elevates oneself above the word of God? Genesis 1, Exodus 20:8-11 and Exodus 31:17 clearly state that everything was created in 6 human understandable days. Then, along comes Collin Francis and Biologos and categorically state that the bible has got it wrong and it is an "evolutionary" process that took billions of years. He then goes ahead and twists the crystal clear words in the text to suit his understanding and goes ahead and *_teaches_* others to do the same. So just who is the humble scientist here? The one that submits fully to God's statements or the one that says to others - "Did God really say 6 days....?".
@flapjackpanda 3 года назад
@@kevinrtres Francis doesn't say the bible was wrong, quite the opposite. he has a specific view of the days of creation, and the original hebrew word for day has multiple meanings, its open for interpretation, one of the meanings is that the day isnt a literal 24 hour day but a long period of time. there are more views if you wanna look at those, you can stick to being a young earth creationist if you want.
@musicmayer2043 3 года назад
@@flapjackpanda Really? Pay closer attention... Francis Collins ssay... "I do not accept the idea....that human kind came de novo, as a supernatural act of god all mighty".... in other words, he does not accept Scripture. What more need be said about this man's beliefs?
@musicmayer2043 3 года назад
@@flapjackpanda Really? Scriptures tell us that death entered the world by the sin one man affecting all things. Christ affirms that. In other words that Genesis is historical narrative. If death did not enter by one man's sin or existed prior to Adam's sin (which would need to exist as per evolution) then what does that say of Christ? Be wise about Bio Logos...
@flapjackpanda 3 года назад
@@musicmayer2043 could you put a time stamp of when he said that, im having trouble finding that.
@Spope8581 4 года назад
Thanks Justin for another great conversation. I am an ID enthusiast but really appreciated a chance to hear Dr. Collins' discuss his views, his beliefs, his heart for others, and his answers to those great questions. We need to keep him and his work in the NIH in our prayers.
@domr8796 4 года назад
Justin is simply the best interviewer I think I’ve ever listened to
@isaacmathews4693 4 года назад
@johnwhayne6311 4 года назад
For me ,Patrick-Bet-David is best interviewer. Watch his interview with Jordan Peterson
@Matthew24.4 3 года назад
@@johnwhayne6311 - Patrick is not too bright. He had a fantastic guest “Dr Tom Cowan” and Patrick couldn’t digest the content and it wasn’t difficult. Dr Tom Cowan was still great and the interview is one that everyone should see.
@jamescooke5063 2 года назад
I think he does very well too. He seems to be able to stay out of it and let them talk but when necessary he is also able to summarise where the discussion has brought them and what it might mean so as to ask follow up questions.
@kerrybracken5026 4 года назад
Love these podcasts.. Thank you for producing them..Thank you to your amazing guests..🙏❤
@eyosiasy 3 года назад
At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because ***YOU*** HAVE HIDDEN these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.” How far America is now from “in God we Trust.” May God have mercy.
@HornSpiel 4 года назад
I’ve been an evangelical Christian for over 40 years. And I’ve been very disappointed that the trajectory of the movement especially in the past 20. But Francis Collins really is a hero to me. Thank you Francis for providing us with a model of what it means to be a gracious Intellectual evangelical.
@rodfriesen4370 4 года назад
Almost 50 years for me. Evangelical Mennonite. Collins is a hero to me. It was hard walking away from a literalist view of the first few chapters of Genesis. He's helped me view God and science both with a sense of wonder.
@ruedigersens9888 4 года назад
I'm relieved to hear that. I'm a reborn Christian, 66 years old, and besides that, a physical and theoretical chemist also familiar with particle physics, cosmology, and relativity. My experience: Representatives of the Evangelical movement hardly take part in modern life "out there". This applies to developments in the fields: evolutionary biology, medicine, neuroscience, natural science, history, paleontology.....social science....etc. This is all the more astonishing and regrettable as it applies especially to young people! How do they want to lead modern, open-minded contemporaries to Jesus? Just last Sunday I heard a sermon from a very enthusiastic younger evangelist from YWAM, who somehow let it be understood that he is going on vacation and doesn't care much about Corona. After his daughter got sick, he didn't think about pathogens or viruses that could be the problem, no, demons and the devil made his daughter sick! On the other hand, I also realized such a sincere honest will to follow Jesus that I can take a leaf out of their book! May the Lord always be with them. In my opinion, Francis does not stress clearly enough the role of the Holy Ghost that plays a decisive role when it comes to a personal conviction of the existence of God, etc. PS: For me, it's so much fun to follow representatives of the ID movement and Biologos crossing the fine theological blade. I believe it pleases the Lord to see that we also try to take a clear position in the Book of Creation. Sometimes they don't realize how close they are argumentatively...hi...
@ruedigersens9888 4 года назад
@@rodfriesen4370I know how difficult it is to give preference to an allegorical interpretation over a literal one. But always be on your guard! Check everything out before following world-celebrated heroes. An example: If you look forward in time and you think in terms of cosmic time, grossly accounting for and averaging over relativistic effects, you would only need 6 ordinary days 24 hours each for creation. We on earth in our frame of reference looking back in time we would "see" the 14 billion years since the Big Bang. Gerald Schroeder a theoretical Physicist and Biologist came up with that. And the two views are both correct. No magic spell or compromise. One of the best scientists once said a sentence I can only recite from memory. I wish I knew who said it. When I do computations as I currently do with parts of the DNA, this statement pops up in my mind, reminding me of the frontiers of human intellectual efforts: " Here is this theory, maybe the most beautiful and powerful mankind has ever developed (Quantum field theory )… but internally the theory is whispering: don't take me too seriously or absolutely, since I have a relationship to a world that you don't know when you're talking about me...!
@martinploughboy988 4 года назад
I've been a Christian for over 50 years and I have found that people like Collins lead young people astray. Without Genesis 1-3 there is no gospel. The man is evil.
@rodfriesen4370 4 года назад
@@martinploughboy988 no. More damage has done by Ken Hamm by far... but i respectful disagree with you. I spent many years and much energy fighting for a young earth creation. That dogma and certainty was comforting knowing I was RIGHT. I'm ashamed of my arrogance now.... but God's a God of Grace. And God knows, I need it
@Carol-Vaiphei 4 года назад
Actually as a Christian even I struggled with Genesis 1-11 and Evolution during my college days especially. Unfortunately that time I didn't have anyone to discuss or talked to. 4-5years went by, I got hold of a book by John Walton and it was such a savior. No one ever in Church also talked about how the book of Genesis is not a science book and we should not compare with between the two and without giving much explanation our elders would just dismissed Evolution.
@ENFPerspectives 3 года назад
Humans share genetics with all other living things because we and it were all created from the dust of the earth, which came from the water. It is clear as mud (pun intended). Genesis 1:2 KJV And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Genesis 2:7 KJV And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; Genesis 1:2 KJV And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Science steals credit for what God's Word plainly teaches.
@musicmayer2043 3 года назад
Scriptures tell us that death entered the world by the sin one man affecting all things. Christ affirms that. If death did not enter by one man's sin or existed prior to Adam's sin (which would need to exist as per evolution) then what does that say of Christ? Be wise about Bio Logos...
@perryplays8577 3 года назад
@@ENFPerspectives I completely agree. We share genetic information because we were created my one God, who used the same system(biology) to create all living things. Genetic similarity doesn’t point directly towards a common ancestor. It points toward genetic similarity. It’s not complicated😂
@malikwrighttBmoreAtl 3 года назад
@@ENFPerspectives your on point
@malikwrighttBmoreAtl 3 года назад
I always wondered if scientist know about the Illuminati and how their objective is to deceive the whole world from believing in God .. I like this man but you have to take the Bible as facts in and out because there was a lot of things that didn’t make it into the Bible… animals and humans are alike but God said that we have SOULS which makes us different from animals we PASS ON but they stay in the dirty dirt … genesis is Real… he made animals the same day he made Adam he gave Adam light from inside but not the animals… so dna is no biggie if it’s alike … we have a CONSCIOUS which clearly separates us .. God Bless the earth
@kunalramjunum1207 3 года назад
I am very happy to see many scientists defending their faith in Jesus Christ. Glory to God.
@jennifer97363 3 года назад
Astounding that a scientist such as Collins would discard their normal insistence on having solid, falsifiable evidence before belief. He’s obviously made an exception such that he can believe in the supernatural. Wonder if he believes in aliens and ufos too...somehow I doubt it.
@kunalramjunum1207 3 года назад
@@jennifer97363 The whole creation gives testimony of the existence of God. But unfortunately, not many people believe in God. Jesus Christ is God. The God I serve is three in one. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The message of the cross is folly to the world but to believers it is the power of God.
@jennifer97363 3 года назад
@@kunalramjunum1207 Your mind is projecting meaning onto reality. There is no evidence, thus far, for the supernatural. Personal anecdote and yearnings for this to be true are not evidence. You can believe it to be true, but there’s no way to prove this isn’t merely from the imagination of a pattern-seeking and storytelling species. Two very big problems, amongst many others: Jesus never spoke of heaven/ hell. The first three gospels didn’t mention heaven/ hell. The OT didn’t mention heaven and hell. A very important concept but not spoken about?! Jesus told the disciples God would arrive on earth imminently - even before some of them died. Still waiting... How could *he*, a divine spirit, God himself,have gotten *that* wrong!?
@kunalramjunum1207 3 года назад
@@jennifer97363 many are called but few are saved. Try to find out the origin of life and then you tell me. Can life come out from nothing? Who created the heavens and the earth, the trees, the fish, the animals etc. How did man came into being??
@jennifer97363 3 года назад
@@kunalramjunum1207 Where did this all come from? The simple answer...’we don’t know’. We,relatively primitive human beings, do not know- not atheists, not Christians. The former is humble in saying ‘ we don’t know, isn’t it a wonderful mystery?” While Christians arrogantly declare they know for certain the cause is a loving creator, interested in having a relationship with its creation. No evidence for that. No scientist says ‘ something comes from nothing’. That’s oft heard from Christians and is dishonest. Perhaps, to be fair, do more research. I expect the cause of ‘This, all there is’ is much more magnificent than the god of the bible. Homo sapiens left Eastern Africa 70,000 years ago-- strange that God allowed his creation to suffer for 68,000 years without knowing it would be made right in ‘ heaven’. Never mind creating so many wonderful creatures over millions of years - animals, plants, insects only to watch the large majority go extinct. Oh my goodness this is such a tall tale. Astounding that people rationalize belief in it.
@celj92 4 года назад
It means a lot that having that responsibility with covid 19 he makes space in his schedule to have this conversation. It tells how much he sincerely cares for thoughtful dialogue on Gods topics. Although i do not agree in some points, he mentioned something important: "when do you learn the most? When someone challenges your views" We shouldn't be afraid of Truth. Great channel Justin!!!
@etc6615 3 года назад
Thanks so much for such important conversations that we can listen to at our own time! Very thought provoking indeed! Bravo! Greetings from the Philippines 🇵🇭❤️🙏🙏🙏
@janwaska521 4 года назад
Justin, Thanks for inviting such a renowned scientist to your program. Regarding the question of death after Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s rule, they did not die physically right after eating the forbidden fruit. Did God mean spiritual death? If that’s the case, then one could argue that they died spiritually right at the moment they did things their own way instead of God’s, but still lived physically many years after being kicked out of Eden. Animals could have died before that event. They didn’t have spiritual lives anyway. When we’re in Christ we get eternal life but not in this temporary biological vessel. The eternal spiritual life is said to be in a new body that can get through walls and closed doors, like in quantum tunneling, as the resurrected Jesus did when He visited his scared disciples as described in Acts.
@kevinrtres 4 года назад
I see the Complete Jewish bible translates that text as "dying, you will die".
@videolifeca 3 года назад
ya.. sure.. lol
@guest4888 3 года назад
What a humble man - to question his worldview based on a question by a woman on her deathbed. Humbling how God used that lady’s suffering to bring this smart doctor to him!
@grahamburkum7811 2 года назад
How are we supposed to consume anything Dr. Francis Collins says after learning about him? Is Justin going to address the mistake they made by advocating for this guy? This troubles my soul. We need honesty and truth.. Truth is everything. I think an acknowledgment and apology would go a long way.
@mistery5488 2 года назад
What mistake?
@victoriaaltun7425 3 года назад
Came from the channel Catholic Truth. Exciting to hear about him
@chucks7328 3 года назад
What do you think about this. Just a few minutes ago, Francis discounted the ID argument of irreducible complexity. Fine. Perhaps science has demonstrated how necessary relational complexities evolve over time. But, at the 51:00ff moments Francis appeals to the beauty and the complexity of the mathematical constants and laws as arguments for a creator/mind. I am not trying to be argumentative, but just wondering is Francis has just demonstrated that all believers somewhere look at favored complexities and find them arguments for God. BTW. I am a believer. So, this is not a question regarding the reality of God, but a question about the nature of questions that we necessarily have to ask which perhaps also obeys certain "laws" of inquiry about our existence which our brains are keyed to ask.
@markrutledge5855 2 года назад
Great comment. I find Collins' method confusing as you note above. His mashing up of science and faith doesn't work for me because it has several profound contradictions within it that can't be easily reconciled. It seems to me he wants to have his cake and eat it.
@WheelsofSteal 3 года назад
Thank you for this conversation. Francis really is a special person. Thank you for everything you do for humanity! Great questions too! Use to be a believer. I'm not smart enough to be a Christian. Seems complicated. Thanks again for all your hard work!! It's more sad if people are dying and there's no after life. Believers have a chance of seeing God,family, heaven. Not as bad. Alot to chew on. Take care ye all!
@davidt0504 2 года назад
Nothing about Christianity requires you to be a brilliant person. There is a lot of intellectual depths to Christian theology but the most important truth are easily accessible. 1. Is there a God? 2. Was there a man named Jesus of Nazareth who claimed to be divine? 3. Did he rise from the dead? If you answer yes to all 3, then that's enough to compell you to follow the teachings of Jesus. If you answer no to any of the 3 questions then I suggest that you need to have very did reasons why you think that. Because there are a lot of good reasons to think that the answers are yes and if the answers are yes, then that's the most important truth in the world.
@bryanoldenburg9870 2 года назад
I listened to Beethoven's "Eroica" simultaneously with this interview-- a sublime piece of music, which would not have arrived on Planet Earth without Ludwig's belief in an all-mighty God. Science cannot explain everything, including other transcendent art, sheer romance, unbelievable "coincidences," etc. Much of the sublime we encounter every day, would not exist if there was not a God (or Christ) who inspired these things. I believe (like Francis) that science can be used as a tool to a certain extent, but is never a be-all and end-all. This was a fantastic interview. Thanks!
@glenturrell4485 3 года назад
9 months late but thank you both for this excellent clip. I agree utterly regarding music. If you haven't heard "Hymn of the Cherubim" by Tchaikovsky you might be transported by this amazing piece. A RU-vid clip is easily found for this but listen on good 'phones.
@yashathebelgianmalinois348 2 года назад
As someone who was raised by atheists, Intelligent Design is the only argument that made sense to me and inspired me to learn more about the possibility of God being real. I don’t really see a difference between Collin’s views and Dawkin’s views other than origin. I don’t see him being Christian as much as a very average person who creates their own justification of life, which involves supernatural phenomena.
@darkomarkovic9323 2 года назад
But he is Christain though, being Christian simply means accepting Jesus as savior and his resurrection, both of which Dr Collins does, you can be a Christain and believe in evolution, but difference between Collins and Dawkins in seen in how they approach it . Collins realizes that Big Bang strongly points to supernatural, eternal cause, unmoved mover as Aristotele put it, he realizes that for life to start, from non living substances, which in itself contradicts laws of physics, same thing is needed. And he realizes intention and plan in mind when it was started which was needed, even if he does not think there were constant supernatural interventions once it was started with desired course in effect. In fact, interesting thing is that even anti Christian philosopher Voltaire saw those things, he accepted many of Thomas Aquinas’s arguments for God, and perhaps interestingly in relation to intelligence design, sided with William Paley’s teleological design argument, saying, “This of itself appears to me the most convincing demonstration of the existence of a God, and I cannot conceive in what way it can be answered.” Doctor Collins is also not an average person to be fair, he is much smarter than Dawkins too, being in charge of biggest multinational biology project in human history, The Human Genome project - quite possibly the single most important scientific research project of the modern age.
@lbircher1 3 года назад
Dr. Collins bless your heart!! This is a excellent video. I've followed you for many years. Keep up the good work.
@justinaacuriouswanderer1496 2 года назад
Being greeted by Scientist Francis's countenance and perspective, I feel like I was hauled into a time-machine and met Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, Louis Pasteur, schrodinger, Leibniz, Max Planck, Galelio, or Isaac Newton! (given that "Francis Collins" with listed among those very same top 25 scientists who believed in God, that is--in a conscious and intelligent Mind behind which is the matrix of all matter.)
@MarkHunterSolo 4 года назад
This subject is the most important challenge facing the church today, since Christ said “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32), so if we deny any fundamental aspects of reality we cannot be completely free. Furthermore if we claim to preach the truth and we evidently believe something which is demonstrably false then it seriously undermines the credibility of the message we are preaching. Each national & international church leadership needs to state clearly what their denomination believes on this issue, otherwise they are not fit to be leading their churches.
@Matt-yu7qd 3 года назад
Thinking of music therapy, it was used even back with David and King Saul!
@blah54321blah 2 года назад
I would love e to hear what Dr. Collins thinks about the combinatorial explosion issue with evolution at the molecular level. If a living cell has every protoen it needs to build a nanoscale machinery and that one protein makes up a randomization space of 20^150, then it would almost seem impossible for a random search to find the one protein to complete the machine in my example. 20 comes from 20 amino acid types and 150 is the number of chained amino acids. This number of combinations is order of magnitudes larger than the estimated number of atoms in the Milky Way galaxy.
@willd6215 4 года назад
Would be nice to get some time stamps in description
@robertlaabs5066 9 месяцев назад
Thank You!
@philknox1879 3 года назад
I never hear a discussion on what God actually involves. Does the concept of God escape these scientist. God, suggests limitless, infinite, eternally powerful and capable of doing all things. Nothing is impossible for the ultimate supreme being. No limits on God. Man on the otherhand is completely finite and limited. Some really smart people are not very smart at all. Jesus controlled the laws of science.
@leep444 3 года назад
Thanks for reminding us of what the term CREATOR means. We, humans, are Creatures, meaning we came into being at some time and place. We have NO IDEA what it is like to exist on a level or dimension that we have not experienced.
@davidkang3705 3 года назад
Er have you thought that maybe he is aware but is approaching for the benefit of a skeptic….if you show up in a foreign country and act like you are in Texas you can’t be surprised if people look at you funny. It’s not just about chest thumping truth you have to bring people along…
@tonymaurice4157 3 года назад
Abiogenesis is a failure
@isaacmathews4693 4 года назад
Best part starting at 21:38 - How does Francis Collins reconcile science and faith in the biblical account of creation, Adam and Eve, and God's plan. Great interview, Justin. *Two thumbs up*!
@bluegtturbo 4 года назад
I'm afraid this old well-worn Christian response 'Don't take Genesis literally' doesn't cut it at all. Once we go down that road of everything being up to interpretation then the whole thing falls apart. There aren't many subtleties when a story is about talking snakes, forbidden apples etc . If God was trying to relay a message to us, then why not just come right out with it in plain and simple terms in a big sign in the sky? Then I'd be more than happy to say 'You're the boss, hoss' even if he told me to kill my first born son.
@isaacmathews4693 4 года назад
@@bluegtturbo Hmmmm, really? You don't enjoy good poetry and songs? Don't you think God enjoys good art? C'mon. Do you literally believe that Jesus was a door? He was obviously using metaphor (John 10:9). And Isaiah and John's book of Revelation is loaded with ancient Hebrew and even mystical poetry forms, etc. etc. Seriously?
@musicmayer2043 3 года назад
@@bluegtturbo Even Jesus was asked by the disciples why he does not speak plainly, to which he replied in Mark 4:10-12... As soon as Jesus was alone with the Twelve and those around Him, they asked Him about the parable. He replied, “The mystery of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to those on the outside everything is expressed in parables, so that, ‘they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven.’” Matthew 7: 7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."
@minetime6881 3 года назад
He should go on Joe Rogan’s podcast
@minetime6881 3 года назад
Francis Collins should go on Joe Rogan’s podcast
@judithcressey1682 9 месяцев назад
Yes, perhaps Joe Rogan can elicit from him an explanation for his damaging the reputations and the systematic denigration of the eminent scientists of The Great Barrington Declaration ; Professor Jay Chattabaraya, Stanford, Professor Sunetra Gupta, Oxford and Professor Martin Kulldorf, Harvard, who have been proved right in their approach to Covid.
@zach2980 4 года назад
Have this fella on again with Tim Keller and get them to discuss what they think Jesus believed regarding evolution. I suspect Tim might have some objections to evolution comporting with the bible.
@kevinrtres 4 года назад
As far as I know, Tim Keller fully embraces the evolutionary worldview as judged by his contributions on biologos.
@lebronbrady6638 3 года назад
@@kevinrtres In fact Tim Keller is apart of Biologos I’m pretty sure and is close friends with Collins
@musicmayer2043 3 года назад
Scriptures tell us that death entered the world by the sin one man affecting all things. Christ affirms that. If death did not enter by one man's sin or existed prior to Adam's sin (which would need to exist as per evolution) then what does that say of Christ? Be wise about Bio Logos...
@zach2980 3 года назад
@@musicmayer2043 so clearly the Bible is wrong or Yahweh is putting fossils in the ground in a particular layered order to deceive. Some 99% of all species that have existed/evolved prior to our current species existence are now extinct. There have also been 5 mass extinction events and the mythical Noachian flood wasn’t one of them. Maybe I’m not addressing your comment correctly?
@musicmayer2043 3 года назад
@@zach2980 If I understand your comments correctly, you believe the bible is wrong. I so, why are you here then? And if you believe that "...fossils in the ground in a particular layered order to deceive. " you have a lot to learn about fossils, how they are formed, how long they take to form, why they appear where they are, why they do not appear where they are not, why they appear where they should not, and so much more.
@lifestylehomestead 9 месяцев назад
Dr. Collins, how to you justify the use of dead babies in the production of medical interventions like vaccines? Thank you.
@BibleResearchTools 3 года назад
Modern genetic research has determined the similarity of the human-chimpanzee genome is about 85%, not 99% as was previously determined. Dan
@L.Ron_Dow 3 года назад
The exact figure depends upon what you are comparing: the complete genome (where there are whole stretches in each that do not match - for example, chimpanzees do not have the human brain development genes SRGAP2c and ARHGAP11b - so how do you compare them?) OR only the parts of it that *can* be compared - so for example - just the complement of genes that code for proteins OR you can look for the differences between *shared* genes - such as SRGAP2a or FOXP2. Each will give you a different figure - it's up to you to know which one is being referred-to. Other Genetic Research has revealed that there are 355 genes Universally found through all of the thousands of lifeforms (including human beings) whose genomes have been sequenced thus far. These genes deal primarily with a proton gradient (hydrogen) metabolism occurring in a high temperature, oxygen depleted environment in the presence of catalytic metals like iron, nickel and molybdenum; much as is found around undersea volcanic thermal vents (google: 'The Lost City'.) As these genes are unnecessary and unused by the vast majority of modern organisms, the best explanation for their presence is that all modern organisms have evolved from a Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA) which was a thermophile living in and around undersea volcanic vents.
@bop-ya-good 2 года назад
This guy Is destroying original sin.....the gospel.....the credibility of the bible. Interesting...
@worldpeacepatriot9448 2 года назад
Has francis ever had serious discussions with sceptics , atheists and free thinkers like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris , Matt dillahunty and others who may challenge his God beliefs and worldview that includes a theistic or deistic origin explaining the cause and existance of the cosmos , earth , life , meaning and purpose , etc ; for it all ?
@darkomarkovic9323 2 года назад
Those are anything but "free thinkers" lmo, new atheists were and are short minded, pseudo intellectual zealots, just like extreme religious fanatics, they simply play for a different team. Free thinker from non theistic camp, would be someone like Roger Penrose for example, or even Chomsky.
@CMVMic 4 года назад
Circular Causality within the universe is probable and therefore, the question why there is something rather than nothing is irrelevant because existence is fundamental and the question why presupposes a being to give reason to existence itself. To assume natural laws are prescriptive and that there is an intelligence behind everything is dubious.
@bigfan1041 4 года назад
Thats not how causality works
@CMVMic 4 года назад
@@bigfan1041 explain
@ckuk1066 2 года назад
Check out Dr James Tour the scientists are nowhere near knowing how to make even the simplest of cells in a fully equipped Lab, let alone explaining how such a cell would be produced on an early Earth.
@rl7012 Год назад
100%. True. He opened up my eyes to the scientific bs out there.
@Alfabet718 3 года назад
How can Dr. Francis Collins think we come from a common ancestor? We are related to everything else, in the sense that we were created by the same creator. That explains commonalities in DNA. The same way an author has a writing style you can identify it or the way a music producer makes music, you can hear their signature in it. Wow…the Adam and Eve perspective from Dr. Francis Collins surprised me.
@L.Ron_Dow 3 года назад
It's not the commonalities that are indicative of Evolution so much as the *Differences.* I agree, a creator with little imagination might stick to the same 'theme' throughout his works - but that becomes self-derivative. But what we see in reality, is that the DNA of even the closest related individuals (let alone species) are constantly changing from generation to generation. You have between 80 and 120 genetic differences all of your and and unique to you - they are not inherited from your parents. Some would say that is because man is 'fallen' (however it also applies to every known organism on the planet) - but that doesn't explain why some of those differences are actually beneficial. Take for example the one in *Giovanni Pomarelli's* _ApoA-1_ gene, about 250 years ago in Limone, Italy (it gave him and his descendants a super cholesterol-handling variant, you can look it up, it's called _'ApoA-1 Milano')_ and allows companies like 23andMe to track & trace our ancestors. It is the shared *changes* in DNA that give us a clue as to what is going on. Now if you value anything said by *William Lane Craig* - he of the Kalaam Cosmological Argument fame - then search for the YT video *"What We Missed in Genesis | Remnant Radio Interview"* from 27 May 2020 - this is what he has to say on the matter at about 50 miniutes in: _"I think that it's perfectly possible scientifically that Adam and Eve were denovo creations out of inanimate materials rather than out of pre-existing hominins. But, given that we're dealing here with a mytho-history I'm not at all confident that that's true. In fact quite the opposite I think that the creation of Eve out of Adam's rib is almost undeniably _*_figurative language_*_ rather than describing an actual surgery that took place with this rib floating in the air and then being formed into a woman and even G0Ds creating Adam out of dirt and then blowing into his nose again _*_seems to be very very anthropomorphic and figurative."_* _"So, I think that the narratives of Genesis 1, given their genre, leave it open as to how G0D created Adam and Eve and that makes it a _*_scientific question._*_ And when I look at the question scientifically I think that the similarities that human beings exhibit _*_genetically_*_ to chimpanzees _*_particularly broken genes_*_ that we and chimpanzees both seem to have inherited from our last _*_common ancestors_*_ that that has no function anymore, suggests that they _*_do_*_ share an evolutionary origin with human beings, that G0D used a _*_pre-existing hominin who was non-human_*_ and merely animal, not in the image of G0D, as the stuff, as it were, out of which then he created the first human beings. And this probably involved some sort of regulatory _*_genetic mutation induced by G0D_*_ in these hominids and the creation and infusion of a rational soul into them to make them truly human. So, there would be both biological and spiritual renovations required in order to have a genuine human being."_
@Alfabet718 3 года назад
@@L.Ron_Dow interesting. I have never heard this perspective before. I will dig further. Thank you sir!!
@L.Ron_Dow 3 года назад
@@Alfabet718 You're welcome.
@bitofwizdomb7266 10 месяцев назад
How about consider then Christianity’s story is mostly fiction 🤷🏼‍♂️. Separate man made gods like yaweh from the “concept of god”
@janwaska521 4 года назад
The human free will is not absolutely sovereign. It’s God’s creation. We can’t create AI robots that possess free will. There are things we can’t decide. For example, we didn’t decide where we were born. Or things that happen around us. But we can decide how we react in different situations. Everybody is God’s creature, but God’s people are only those who freely and genuinely repented of their own old ways of doing things and gladly accepted God’s gracious offer to eternal reconciliation with Him. There are many people who decide to do things their own ways. Their worship hymn is Paul Anka’s famous song “my way”. To them God says “thy will be done”. There are people who freely decide to tell “Thy Will be done” to their Creator. They freely submit their will to God’s will. God can control natural events without directly affecting our free will though indirectly conditioning it. Can anybody comprehensively and coherently explain how to make a biological cell from scratch? Nobody can. However, we know that gazillion biological cells exist. Not being able to explain something doesn’t necessarily affect its existence.
@williamslover5864 4 года назад
I’m just curious, I’m not all the way through the vid so he might answer this, but what will the New Earth be like after Revelation? There will be a literal new earth God clearly says so. There will be no evil (moral or natural) so if it was Gods good design to create a universe bounce by natural law which can bring about natural evil why does revelation contradict this notion. Perhaps I’ve missed something?
@foodforthought8308 4 года назад
That's a good question. I don't know but I can speculate. Just thinking it through, God created a world with the potential for both human and physical evil. Perhaps the physical evil entered after ths "spiritual fall" which preceded the human fall. Or perhaps it was God's plan to allow nature to run its course over time to serve as a reminder of our need to depend on Him. Regardless, restoration of all things through Christ will lead to an existence where our free will is intact yet no potential for human or physical evil will exist due to the restoration of creation. I can't completely wrap my head around it, but that's how I piece it together. It will be more than just a return to how things were in Eden pre fall. It seems to be a profound reordering of all existence built around redemption from evil
@janwaska521 4 года назад
The human free will is not absolutely sovereign. It’s God’s creation. We can’t create AI robots that possess free will. There are things we can’t decide. For example, we didn’t decide where we were born. Or things that happen around us. But we can decide how we react in different situations. Everybody is God’s creature, but God’s people are only those who freely and genuinely repented of their own old ways of doing things and gladly accepted God’s gracious offer to eternal reconciliation with Him. There are many people who decide to do things their own ways. Their worship hymn is Paul Anka’s famous song “my way”. To them God says “thy will be done”. There are people who freely decide to tell “Thy Will be done” to their Creator. They freely submit their will to God’s will. God can control natural events without directly affecting our free will though indirectly conditioning it. Can anybody comprehensively and coherently explain how to make a biological cell from scratch? Nobody can. However, we know that gazillion biological cells exist. Not being able to explain something doesn’t necessarily affect its existence.
@williamslover5864 4 года назад
@@foodforthought8308 Well said, I appreciate your thorough, thoughtful, and comprehensive response :)
@Trivium1989 4 года назад
Check out “Heaven and Earth” at the Bible Project, a non-profit organisation that makes videos exploring myriad themes throughout the Tanakh and NT. in short, though, the Apostle John seems to suggest that the New Jerusalem, the city of God, will have the glory of the nations. Yahweh will restore His world back to its original intent. The Father and Son, along with the heavenly host and redeemed image-bearers will take the new heaven and earth into unchartered territory. Now, my view is that the glory of the nations is their distinct culture, architecture, art, music, literature, etc., redeemed.
@kevinrtres 4 года назад
@Sticky Steve In a similar vein YOU sir/ms/it, do not have even one shred of OBSERVABLE evidence of the following: 1. All things can come from nothing - the ultimate conclusion of the big bang red-shift extrapolation exercise - everything arose from a singularity. No one times Nothing equals Everything. 2. Space can accelerate during the inflationary period, all by itself, to super-luminal speed and then suddenly stop and decelerate back to sub-luminal speeds, all without ANY known physical cause whatsoever. In essence, it's SUPERNATURAL! 3. Most of the created anti-matter can disappear, leaving only baryonic matter dominant during the big bang energy transformation into matter - the big bang baryonic problem. Today it's getting worse for scientists to "prove" this because the latest measurements simply makes it quite impossible. 4. The first stars formed all by themselves out of clouds of gas whilst totally contradicting the Jeans Mass Limit. So, the high priests resorted to using dark matter to overcome the problem(s). But dark matter to date has not been quantified and its properties are totally unknown, yet the wizards see fit to attribute the right kind of properties to it to make star formation work. Does that sound like the emperor’s clothes to you? Invoking an unexplained, unseen and yet all powerful force that magically exudes just the right actions to bring stars and galaxies into existence. Who is believing in supernatural things? 5. Planets can form from clouds of dust all by themselves in the vacuum of space. All the while every planet in the solar system has very prominent characteristics that FALSIFY that nebular hypothesis of planet formation. To name just TWO of them - Venus is spinning the "wrong" way and the rings of Saturn supposedly formed all by themselves BILLIONS of years after the planet formed itself. Do the priests cast it out? No, instead they simply propose further rescue scenarios which would need lots of time (decades or millennia) to investigate. 6. Life can arise from non-living material all by itself via random chemical and physical processes with no outside intelligence or power whatsoever. And just to emphasize the absurdity of this idea: We know when someone/something dies it does not come back to life again all by itself. Never been observed. Plus that just-died someone/thing already has all the biological ingredients lined up in the right order yet it cannot kick-start itself into life. So how much more of an uphill for the random, non-living material to first organize itself into the biological order BEFORE it can do the impossible act of kick-starting itself into life? So far, the evidence for this most important of all issue is, well, .... just hot gas...! 7. Darwinian evolution - no evidence whatsoever. All kinds reproduce themselves with tiny and limited variation. That is all we observe. Fossils are just dead stuff in the ground that show absolutely no continual incremental changes that leads from one kind to other kinds. - speciation excluded. The verdict: No observable evidence, no way to repeat the experiment, no way to verify it and no way to FALSIFY it because rescue upon rescue upon rescue scenario is hypothesized with no end in sight. Does that sound like SCIENCE to you? To me it comes across as a lot of NON-SCIENCE!
@LintonCaldecott 4 года назад
@60:00 I find to be a troubling statement in light of Romans 1. Where Paul asserts that God's existence is abundantly clear, because God has made it clear to every single human being. The denial of that Paul describes as the willing suppression due to unrighteousness.
@ruedigersens9888 4 года назад
You're absolutely right! I'm a reborn Christian and physical and theoretical chemist also familiar with particle physics, cosmology, and psychoanalysis. The last discipline has taught me a lesson about the mendacity and inventiveness to play down the guilt that we're all entangled with. how much more serious our guilt weighs before God, who simply applies divine standards of guilt and forgiveness! In Jesus Christ (Holy Ghost) we are able to live up to that awful godly level...you know what I mean. But the real power of conviction in these divine insights never comes from purely intellectual considerations of fallen humanity. For those GOD is intentionally hidden...! Therefore one can neither prove nor disprove God's existence from these worldly considerations. I think that's what Francis meant. Nevertheless, there are some things I disagree with him. The greatest danger for me is the annoyance that is caused to humble believers who let themselves be unsettled in their faith by world-famous personalities.
@lebronbrady6638 3 года назад
@@ruedigersens9888 What do you disagree with Collins on?
@ruedigersens9888 3 года назад
@@lebronbrady6638 The greatest danger for me is the annoyance that is caused to humble believers who let themselves be unsettled in their faith by world-famous personalities. God created the cosmos by speaking it into existence out of nothing. Collins believes that scientists have been able to figure out how the cosmos came into being by an evolutionary process. Collins puts his faith in the interpretations of today's scientists being able to explain the cosmos. therefore he concludes that the book of Genesis is exclusively an allegory. I would submit that maybe scientists have not been able to adequately explain how God spoke all things into existence. Genesis explains who we are and how we got here and why we are in the terrible predicament we are in where pain and suffering and death reign. I guess if what you put your faith in changes as time goes by you must change your beliefs as time goes by. I think that it is more reasonable to put your faith in God's word. Trying to cozy up to what evolutionary scientists come up with from year to year is not going to gain you acceptance by them if you believe that Jesus is the son of God who drank the cup of God's wrath against sin. Collins does not seem to be aware of how serious the sin problem is with God. Last but not least, Collins still clings to the misconception of an artifact hypothesis that Stephen Maier and Günther Bechly have long disproved. According to this, the so-called Cambrian Explosion should indeed be interpreted as an abrupt intervention of God: Interventio divina facit saltus! Just search for Bechly and Meyer on RU-vid. What I do appreciate about Collins is his great sincereness in his fight for the truth. I also accept his experiments on fetal tissue. This is not everyone's cup of tea. Look it up.
@lebronbrady6638 3 года назад
@@ruedigersens9888 He is a sincere man of god Hitchens once said he was one of the most devout believers he has ever met in his life and yea his experiments on fetal tissue was controversial but he said it was for a ethical cause as it could help save countless lives I mean it’s better than throwing it away and he did say he understands the ethical worries about it but I don’t agree with you on everything but I agree generally
@lebronbrady6638 3 года назад
@@ruedigersens9888 Which Math is heavily dominated in Theoretical Chemistry I’m trying to go into Theoretical physics and Ik it’s hardcore Algebra and Geometry and Calculus especially Linear algebra and algebraic Geometry
@glennchasen3003 2 года назад
Francis Collins seemed to imply that he would be open to debate Stephen Meyer or someone else from the ID camp. But it has been well over a year now, and still no debate... so which side is dodging here? I find it hard to believe it is the ID side, since they regularly debate those who disagree with them.
@hansweichselbaum2534 3 года назад
I had the privilege of listening to Francis Collins live at an ASA conference in Boston some years back. He explains it so well. Must be difficult to deny his knowlege of evolutionary science, but hard-core creationists still have a go.
@juliocastelo9704 4 года назад
Love it 👌🏻
@VACatholic 4 года назад
This man should be ashamed of the fraud he's perpetuating. The fact that he refuses to speak up, when things like SARS killed far more, is despicable.
@TheDanEdwards 4 года назад
" ... when things like SARS killed far more..." - oh, really? And from where are you getting your data? And why is the virus that causes Covid-19 called "SARS-Cov-2"?
@VACatholic 4 года назад
@@TheDanEdwards well, from reporting at the time. It's quite obvious to anyone paying attention that Sars killed more. Look up how many children died from Sars, and then realize almost no children have died from this one. Then look up the fraud perpetuated by doctors calling cause of death COVID when it's obviously not the cause of death (e.g. when the person gets into a car accident). Then look up the fact that 5 governors in the US who pushed sick people into nursing homes caused 40% of the nursing home deaths. Or the fact that Tanzanias president tested fruits and animals with the tests he was given, and the results came back positive. Or the fact that somehow this disease is going to magically take until the election to clear up, which is quite convenient for the party that is hemorrhaging voters. Anyone who buys the corporate media narrative of this uncritically is a dupe.
@VACatholic 3 года назад
@Mr. Davenport Why? Because COVID turned out to have a 99.9% survival rate? Because the media is finally turning on Cuomo for all the elderly he killed? I was completely vindicated.
@VACatholic 3 года назад
@Mr. Davenport You watch far too much propaganda. Care more about the people who were killed by bad policy than lecturing me about things you don't understand. Thank you.
@VACatholic 3 года назад
@Mr. Davenport You just said that you didn't know what the effects were. You've not answered the charge of actually looking into the governors who killed people, or it's 99.9% survival rate. You can keep trying to claim I'm the one in the wrong, but you just look silly. Good luck in life.
@minetime6881 3 года назад
51:40 not to mention how Boltzmann brain’s would be more likely then an entirely fine tuned universe
@MrWholphin 4 года назад
If you teach people that they are descended from animals they start acting like animals, and you get the hell on Earth that we’ve had in recent days. Here is a prime ‘evangelical’ promoter of the ‘ape men’ myth to further undermine the naked, blind and wretched state of the Church. And cheerful JB is as always happy to dialogue
@davidparry5310 4 года назад
'If you teach people that they are descended from animals they start acting like animals, and you get the hell on Earth that we’ve had in recent days.' So we should pretend that we're not animals?
@MrWholphin 4 года назад
David Parry the way pose the question indicates you’re intent on pretending to be an animal. Like Nebuchadnezzar you have the mind of a beast
@realLsf Год назад
If you’re an adherent to “intelligent design” how do you account for COVID-19?
@jennifer97363 3 года назад
His comment on Chesterton’s (utterly inflammatory and false) statement that atheists make the assertion of ‘universal negative’ is surprisingly lowbrow of the good doctor. A punch below the belt... No atheist worth their salt would declare “ I know for a fact that gods do not exist” NO one can know the ultimate truth in either direction. The common atheist perspective includes “ I don’t know,p the answer, show me good evidence and I’ll look at it.” Collins is another puzzling example of an intelligent person turning off their normally rigorous insistence on good evidence before going on to believing in the supernatural. I’m quite certain he doesn’t believe the huge number of modern day alien abduction stories...
@koikamang 4 года назад
I was hoping this guy had something more to offer other than his wishy washy maybe so maybe not could have been might have been, science has it in the bag, the science is settled...everybody go home mindset. seriously?.. what a waste of an hour.
@lbircher1 3 года назад
Unbelievable THANK YOU!!!
@user-yp7vf5lo8h Год назад
I used to look for evidence of God to help me believe. But after lots of frantic research and subsequent understanding of accounts of 'personal experience' with God throughout history, I have come to the conclusion that it's God's intention not to give us an indisputable physical evidence of his existence, at least not in our present time, but he leaves just enough traces of him everywhere to keep the faithfuls going. If God's existence is as clear as that of the Sun, then we would lose all free will in an instance and behave perfectly well, not because we want to but because we have to because we all know that we're being watched! Then this world would literally be a prison in an authoritarian country. This cannot be God's intention for us. That's why he leaves the ability to choose between bad and good, and gives us plenty of clues to choose him. But because these are only clues not solid evidences, they're open to scepticism and attack. This is where faith is needed. Faith is believing without seeing. This is where Dawkins stumbles over. Ever since I realised this, believing became truly my own decision, what my heart yearns for, instead of the result of any outside influence. It's very freeing. Thank you Justin and Dr. Collins for the many enlightening conversations! You have helped me hugely along the way to become a believer.
@keepingup2952 Месяц назад
Starts at 21:50 and it's at 23:10 where Francis is completely wrong about common ancestry.
@spiritussanctusdei7802 4 года назад
@loveandfaithfulness4479 4 года назад
Ecclesiastes 1:4 "One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever." Solomon is dramatically describing life here on earth, and the folly of that existence when God is left out. No matter how exciting life may seem to be “under the sun,” ultimately, it has no value without God. we exist for a very short period of time but the earth remains forever in contrast to our short life spans. Nothing ever changes. So, any search for real meaning and lasting profit cannot come from under the sun. We will die and eventually stand before God and be judged. Those who have trusted Jesus Christ to forgive their sins and have given Him their lives will spend eternity with God. Those who have not done so will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire. Let us place our faith in God alone so that we would be strong in the Lord and ready to battle against the doubts planted by the enemy. Lord, increase our Faith! John 10:10 I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
@theapexfighter8741 3 года назад
Good people that don’t believe in God go to heaven. Change my mind.
@stargazer3364 2 года назад
They will be destroyed in the lake of fire, they will be as though they never were. I am not convinced that there is "eternal hell". Eternal is forever and evil can not exist forever. Satan, evil & hell have beginnings and therefore must have an end.
@damienroberts934 2 года назад
I still have no idea how he marries evolution and theism.
@ramaraksha01 2 года назад
Please Note: God is with the Living and not with the Dead
@realLsf Год назад
52:59 “There’s something called right & wrong.” Working out which one is which can be problematic. Given that it’s that criteria & our repentance of it, alongside what we believe (if we’re convinced) could leave us in a state of eternal suffering if we get wrong. Are you sure that God is an omnibenevolent being? If we are to suffer for eternity at the behest of this being, it would seem to me that God is a malevolent being & we only have God’s word to assert otherwise
@michawill6599 4 года назад
How did you get away with saying the virus name? Thought YT was blocking that!
@thephilosophicalagnostic2177 2 года назад
I'm an agnostic, because I take human limits seriously.
@musicmayer2043 3 года назад
Scriptures tell us that death entered the world by the sin one man affecting all things. Christ affirms that. If death did not enter by one man's sin or existed prior to Adam's sin (which would need to exist as per evolution) then what does that say of Christ? Be wise about Bio Logos...
@L.Ron_Dow 3 года назад
Christ was wrong. The scriptures tell us that Death pre-existed Adam's sin.
@musicmayer2043 3 года назад
@@L.Ron_Dow Where do you see the scriptures saying that death pre-existed Adam's sin? If Christ is wrong then there is no point discussing Francis Collins's interview because then his faith and every Christian's faith is in vain.
@L.Ron_Dow 3 года назад
@@musicmayer2043 _"Where do you see the scriptures saying that death pre-existed Adam's sin?"_ Genesis 3.22 _"Then the LORD God said, 'Look, the human beings have become like us, knowing both good and evil. _*_What if they reach out, take fruit from the tree of life, and eat it? Then they will live forever!'"_* Adam & Eve were NOT *created* immortal - 'Death' was an intrinsic attribute of mankind and they were destined to die unless they ate from the Tree of Life (which they were not obliged to do.) The gods (plural, since they were the 'borrowed' from the Canaanite pantheon at this point in Hebraic theology) were scared that, as Adam & Eve had already become 'like them' having eaten of the 'other ' Tree, they would become their equals and presumably a threat (a theme repeated in the Tower of Babel event) and made it so that A&E *couldn't become* immortal. I will cede that, in the story, no human had actually died before Adam disobeyed god - but death was there, waiting there with his scythe.
@musicmayer2043 3 года назад
@@L.Ron_Dow How then do you reconcile that with Rom 5:12-21 which starts with: 12Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned- 13To be sure, sin was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not charged against anyone’s account where there is no law. 14Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come. 15But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many! 16Nor can the gift of God be compared with the result of one man’s sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification. 17For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ! 18Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people. 19For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous. 20The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more, 21so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." And also Gen 2:16-17 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” NO.... scripture is clear... death entered via sin, the sin of Adam. And life came through one man, Jesus. So if you reject the truth of Jesus being right (by being the one that brings life) then you preach a different Jesus.... Gal 1:8 "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse!"
@L.Ron_Dow 3 года назад
@@musicmayer2043 _"How then do you reconcile that with Rom 5.12-21"_ Simple - Paul is a Snake-Oil Salesman _par excellence_ - he was trying to make his audience a bunch of penitant, guilt-ridded, debt-laden, ingrates if they didn't accept Jesus into their lives. Created Sick and Commanded to be Well. Not even Moses claimed his god would punish *every* generation of man: He would only be _"visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation"_ Deuteronomy 5.9 (and elsewhere.) Just look at verse 20: _"The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase."_ He tells you that his god is deliberately trying to make you fail - and then you should be even more groveling and grateful for the carrot that you are told you are going to receive. In the real world, this is a well-known scam (the Giveaway Scam) - where you pay a little up front to get a bit reward in return (which never arrives of course) - it is completely irresistable to the greedy who want more lives than the one they've got. The original scriptures/theology did not promise a life here-after in paradise, that you had to pay for by submission to a Messiah who gave 'his life' (lol) for your sake. Paul was making sure you 'owed' Jesus by extending the guilt to *all* mankind. The scriptures are parable - written by men to further *their* agenda. Anything goes.
@orange42 4 года назад
Will watch this. But I have not been particularly impressed with the biologos material as it seems to suffer from both the confusion between natural and supernatural events and inability to identify and follow process, but just focusing on forms. Always interesting though.
@PeacefulscienceOrg 4 года назад
It is possible that Peaceful Science might make better sense of this.
@musicmayer2043 3 года назад
Scriptures tell us that death entered the world by the sin one man affecting all things. Christ affirms that. If death did not enter by one man's sin or existed prior to Adam's sin (which would need to exist as per evolution) then what does that say of Christ?
@acousticmotorbike2118 2 года назад
Shill to the system.
@benediktk.8228 2 года назад
Agnosticism and atheism/theism aren't mutually exclusive positions. You can be an agnostic atheist or agnostic theist.
@zach2980 4 года назад
He seems maybe willfully ignorant of what most atheists claim to know. Simply lacking a belief in a god doesn't mean we know everything, ridiculous.
@consideringchristianity5028 4 года назад
I'm pretty sure he's referring to the new atheist crowd who assert that all people who have faith in God are delusional and there is no reason to believe in God whatsoever.
@zach2980 4 года назад
@@consideringchristianity5028 what's the difference between a new atheist and an old one? I've never meet someone that calls them self a new atheist. I've meet no contemporary atheists that claim to know everything, that's my point. Theism or atheism is simply the belief or lack there of in a god.
@consideringchristianity5028 4 года назад
@@zach2980 I'm sorry, it's a term assigned to the likes of Dawkins and Hitchens. Maybe a better term is anti-theist. But yeah. That might be what he's referring to.
@zach2980 4 года назад
George Botha yeah fine. But even as an anti theist, I know of none claiming all knowledge. Guess I would have to give this another listen to get the actual quote I initially responded to. But I doubt I will.
@consideringchristianity5028 4 года назад
@@zach2980 Yeah no me neither. But I agree with you, atheists don't claim all knowledge, and its foolish to assume they do.
@soulosxpiotov7280 3 года назад
What did he believe in, what was the substrate of his faith, when he "became a Christian"? Did he believe that he's a sinner who needed a Savior? Can he explain how we are BORN sinners?
@williamvallespir5509 3 года назад
He sounds so genuine almost innocent. However, I am a believer in the intelligent design movement.
@samlee3039 3 года назад
Why? Evolution is a scientific fact.
@williamvallespir5509 3 года назад
@@samlee3039 depends how u define it
@leep444 3 года назад
@@samlee3039 Then why not call Evolution a LAW instead of what they admit it is - A THEORY?
@degaussingatmosphericcharg575 2 года назад
@@leep444 Look up the scientific definition of theory; it differs from everyday usage.
@thysvanzyl2782 3 года назад
The prophet Ezekiel obviously did not think that Genesis must be understood literally in every way: he described Egypt as 'the most biggest and most beautiful tree in God's Garden, in Eden' (Africa if you will ! 😀)
@dynamic9016 3 года назад
Interesting video.
@videolifeca 3 года назад
Many do not believe in evolution because original sin depends on an Adam and Eve. Original sin is the cornerstone of Christ's mission. Therefore no Adam and Eve.. no original sin and then what was Christ saving us from?
@videolifeca 3 года назад
Thank you for your answer. I respectfully disagree with you. But I can tell you are a person seeking truth no matter what it may be.
@videolifeca 3 года назад
@Nicole There are many things that we can believe that are 100% true based on a large amount of indisputable facts to come to that belief. Evolution fits in this category and is why it is called a theory ( scientific def. ) and the earth going around the sun etc. Then there are many more things that are extemely probable, or very probable because of the amount and quality of evidence that supports it. Caesar crossing the Rubicon, or mass extinction of dinosaurs. But that with new information could alter the conclusion. The more complex or added requirements the lower the probability. Eg. The probability that you have a fridge is very high, but you might live in the jungle with no electricity, so it's not 100%. Let's say 95%. What is the probability that you have mustard and then celery and also corned beef? Now the probability gets less and less. So it is with God and Christ. Say something has a 75% probability of occuring it is known and proven, then to believe it 100% one would need 25% faith. But that leaves you 25% open to having your belief fail. I give the existence of a physical Adam and Eve (though I'm sure that's not their names') less than 0.5%. So it would take 99.95% faith to believe they existed. The probability of God existing, for me, less than 5%. Believing the actual Jesus of Nazareth (just the man) existed. 10%.. That he was the son of God and did all the miracles means less than my belief in God. So less than 5%. Because like the fridge, you need a God before a Christ, then add that he can walk on water, raise the dead, etc.. That makes the probability very small.
@videolifeca 3 года назад
@Nicole I don't think you will know anything after you die, especially the truth. Afterlife is the big carrot religion holds out to get you to follow.
@videolifeca 3 года назад
@Nicole Science never will? Here are some questions that will lead you I hope to the right answer. BTW.. even if there is life after death it still doesn't prove there is a God. Right? Can you prove that there is only one God..? Why not a committee, one for creation, one for destruction and another for recycling etc. Anyway..Here are the questions? By definition something that is living.. requires certain functions to happen otherwise it is not 'alive'. You can look them up, but they include consumption and excretion of waste material. Would you explain how that is going to work once you are dead? Even energy gets used up.. but energy is not alive. Would you have shape? Would you have the ability to think or perceive or feel? Perhaps you could explain how that would work? Where is the dividing line between living creatures that have an afterlife and those which don't? Do dolphin? Raccoons? Mice? Fish? insects? Just humans... some humans, only humans that were born and believe in your Christ? You see where your argument for afterlife breaks down. Or could it be that our believing brains that seek patterns and are not comfortable not knowing things make things up and put them in old books?
@videolifeca 3 года назад
@Nicole I do have proof.. that prayer does not work to heal. So therefore it probably doesn't work at all.. If Christ told you to pray.. he was telling you something that doesn't work. He would have done better telling the world about germ theory..
@bop-ya-good 2 года назад
So where is the empirical science that evolution from one species to another?
@ashwayn 2 года назад
Hold on god is not a name come on name this insane god you see the word god has no capital letter god was never a name Odin Pan Yahweh Jehovah Rama are names god is not
@jesusforall5450 2 года назад
Justin, you should invite Esther Dhanraj an ‘Ex Christian’ now speaking against the Bible. Thanks
@praxitelispraxitelous7061 Год назад
I’ve never seen Collins debating any of the big names of ID like Behe or Meyer.
@ozowen 6 месяцев назад
They are not big names except in ID circles, and ID is not important in any way in science.
@antonHUGO 2 года назад
Matt 24:4 (KJV) And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. Gen 1:5 (KJV) And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. Beware of people saying science has the evidence. That is just their opinion. Science cannot prove miracles. As soon as they start telling you science proves your Bible wrong, red flags should go up. These scientists are misleading you.
@worldpeacepatriot9448 2 года назад
Having a belief or faith that there is ( or may be ) a higher first cause BIG BANG force , mind or being that kick started the universe some 13.7 billion years ago is one proposition ! However , the YAVIC god described the the O. T. and N.T. bibles is TOO SMALL and PETTY as such a creator to be taken seriously ! With all the confusion and ambiguity contained in these books this so called God is definitely the AUTHOR OF CONFUSION and we need to GET REAL concerning this SIMPLE FACT !
@wend-michelle6999 3 года назад
So Francis Collins is calling God's Word a lie?!
@L.Ron_Dow 3 года назад
No, what he's saying is that what you are calling _'God's Word'_ is in fact _'Man's Word'_ claiming to be Inspired by 'God's Truth' and written in a way that they could teach it to goat-herders. The Hebrews taught by Parable - that's what much of the scriptures are - the rest is beautiful poetry, human wisdom, dodgy history and ghost-stories - and you shouldn't rely on the science-naive authors to give you a scientifically accurate picture of reality.
@miketisdale7341 Год назад
@@L.Ron_Dow if most scientists who accept evolution also reject God, I think I will stick with the orthodox and historical (and evidenced) Christian belief. Also, I seem to know of a fairly recent movement in Christianity that is also predicated on “that’s actually not what the Bible really says” and proceeds to twist all that is clearly stated on the topic. Not sure if you also follow this movement, which is contradictory to Scripture, but nonetheless they follow the same formula as here.
@L.Ron_Dow Год назад
@@miketisdale7341 Accepting Evolution is the same as accepting that heavier-than-air airplanes can really fly. It's a proven fact that has nothing to do with G0D-belief. About your faith, remember that in Matthew 5 or 6 it says *'Keep it secret, Keep it safe'* - clearly it was copied from another book. Also remember that it says hurting people - is bad (unless G0D says it's ok.) I loved your joke about 'Evidence.'
@miketisdale7341 Год назад
@@L.Ron_Dow 😄 I do not expect most atheists to cite Scripture correctly or in context (always a given), so no surprise there. With the obvious out of the way, I assume you have not honestly invested the time to accurately understand and represent competing ideas like ID, and therefore will simply commend you on your great faith that all the complexity in and around you came from nothing. Not empty space, which is something, but nothing. That is truly a great faith!
@L.Ron_Dow Год назад
@@miketisdale7341 Ok, _"But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."_ Matthew 6.6. Only theists claim *'Creatio ex Nihilo'* - it's part of the doctrine. Name one thing that Discovery Institute has discovered - it's just a dishonest & cynical ploy to extract cash from the guIIibIe. ID was laughed out of court by a Chris t ian judge for a reason. Now, where's that evidence you think you have - let's discuss the fact that there is only evidence of belief, none for what the belief claims.
@Ryahan 2 года назад
Humble yourself and ASK God to reveal Himself. IF GOD IS REAL - AND PERSONAL - you can expect an answer.
@realLsf Год назад
Mental gymnastics in action. There is a God but it’s not the one described in the bible
@SuperRiccetto 2 года назад
Dr. Collins reminds about an uncle who tells beautiful fairy tales. It is a real pity why did Justin not corner him more about the fall? If you doubt about Genesis how can you believe anything of the Bible? The Bible is the basic knowledge of Jesus Christ and the standard for Christens that take the Word serious, unless you are a Catholic then by their own authority they are able to make up what ever they want. Is it not Daniel 7:25 that the antichrist will attempt to change times and laws? In Genesis first and second chapter, the Creator referred to His creation as good and this 7-times. And only after the fall in the third chapter death was introduced. How can this be reconciled with the Darwinistic evolutionary model? The second chapter of Genesis explains how the Creator made man and women after all He had made. There is no way to reconcile millions of years of death before human creation with the Biblical account.
@spiritussanctusdei7802 4 года назад
@adriennedunne1748 9 месяцев назад
Desmond Tutu denied the Resurrection. A poor choice for your admiration although i like this scientist
@timpatterson5905 2 года назад
I guess I'm outdated because I believe the Holy Bible to be true. Some words may not be inline with the original meaning translation of language is hard. But I do know if you seek the Lord in the word of God you will find him if you study the word of God you to will find what you want to find. It just depends on what your looking for. May God bless all those that seek him with all their heart soul and mind. Using only your mind I'm sorry his thoughts are so far beyond you that I don't think it's possible to have a relationship with him mind to mind. We don't have relationship's mind to mind. And you will never understand the love of God with science trust me you can't measure it.
@malikwrighttBmoreAtl 3 года назад
Before everything there was Father (god) son(Jesus) and the Holy Spirit (ghost) which is all one person… before universe and heavens he was in his thoughts prognosticating the future … so if you wanna know why their is life , it’s basically Gods Dream! Amen 🙏🏾 your welcome 😉 the Holy Spirit speaks through me and can do the same for you you just have to follow Jesus don’t break his commandments
@XericSol Год назад
I was hoping that Francis would not fall back on the "looks like us" kind of argument for estimating how long Homo Sapiens have been on Earth, new information such as human fossils bent rock strata and all kinds of other evidences point that life has likely not been on this planet that long at all, not even close. I was hoping that he would say that the DNA would indicate the age of life on Earth instead of relying on estimates based on multiple assumptions.
@ozowen 6 месяцев назад
estimates based on multiple lines of reasoning is better than one line only. There is no evidence indicating life has only been here for a short time, rather the opposite. Evidence has pushed the emergence of first life on Earth to within the first billion years of the planet's existence.
@XericSol 6 месяцев назад
@@ozowen Evidence like soft tissue in fossils where there can be none? Like dating systems that often times give wildly inaccurate results when used on things of a known age that were not carefully created and kept in a sterile laboratory environment? Like the idea that the first form of life emerged from primordial soup, no, I mean on the backs of crystals, no, I mean in thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean, no, I mean seeded here by aliens...ummm, does that count as Intelligent Design if aliens did it?
@bluegtturbo 4 года назад
I'm afraid Collins' friend Christopher Hitchens wasn't quite so complimentary about Mother Teresa.....
@bluebird635 4 года назад
@bettyboop7616 2 года назад
Talking about belief, I just can't imagine / believe how anyone can so quickly give up logic and reasoning so quickly as this guy. The old lady in hospital, in fact everyone that suffers in one way or another has many questions to ask themselves. Is there a god......yes of course....is god all powerful.....yes of course......why is there suffering in the world.......does god allow suffering.....if so why? If god has a reason for suffering then why do we have doctors, nurses, hospitals who try to prevent suffering.
@Joshcaldwell24 2 года назад
Is this a serious question you are asking?
@shelleythomas1046 Год назад
The Bible says man was created in the image of God , so are you saying God was once a monkey? The Bible talks about a 6 day creation. Are you really a Christian Mr. Collins? I hear you are now working for the Vatican Pontifical Academy of Science though not sure of that info. Well maybe there may be a new bible soon called the Francis and Francis Translation.
@shelleythomas1046 Год назад
Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God...is what the Bible says. But we have to believe what the Bible says ,we can not rewrite the Bible to make it say what an unbelieving science teacher wants to make it say.
@ozowen 6 месяцев назад
@@shelleythomas1046 The problem with how you frame this is that you must therefore apply that same reasoning to the entire Bible, not just your favourite Genesis bits. You must now think bats are birds. You must assume rabbits chew their cud. You must assume the entire world can be seen from a mountain top. You must assume that snow is kept in store rooms. You need to assume that the Moon is only out at night time and that it is a source of light. You must assume that stars fall to the Earth. If you make any allowance for knowledge at the time of writing, then realise you must also do the same for evolution and the divergence of life on Earth.
@kingclerocheel8443 5 месяцев назад
Hello brother/sister. First of all the genesis talk about a 6 days during which God spoke to existence some element of the creation and reorganized some element like the waters from above and bellow for example. Genesis Also points to the Spirit of God moving upon the waters. So everything was no created in six days but some element already existed and just called by God to a différent and more meanfull form during this 6 days process. And an interresting point to look at is the fact that we establish day by the rotation of the earth around the sun. But there was light called by God in the beginning but the sun was created not even on the first quoted day. We therefore have to take a different perspective than the litteral human one when it's about the time of the so called creation. Don't miss heaven because of these dumb questions and read carrefully.
@hannahkassa6319 4 года назад
Wow, "Evolutionary Creationist!" How I find that that interesting that some find a way to stretch the meaning of the beginning of human life according to the Book of Genesis in order to reconcile the discomfort of their belief in evolutionary science and the Creation theory. Not only that but go as far as saying Paul was mistaken about his teaching of how all started with "the first man, Adam." I find this very disturbing in so many levels...
@ruedigersens9888 4 года назад
Dear Hannah Kassa, don't be afraid of what you hear and see here about " evolutionary creationism " as you said. I'm also a "hardcore" scientist, 66 years old. But as a reborn Christian, I know by personal experience that it's only the HOLY SPIRIT who gives us crystal clear evidence of God's existence and above all, of his LOVE for us. Because of my personal few but personal miraculous experiences wit Just keep on believing the word of God the way you do. Since I have
@ruedigersens9888 4 года назад
Sorry for the mistake: Because of my personal few but miraculous experiences with the HOLY SPIRIT I find Francis' confirmations of the evidence of God say a bit underwhelming. I appreciate Francis very much and I have carefully studied his book. But you: just keep on believing the word of God the way you do and everything is fine for you.
@hannahkassa6319 4 года назад
@@ruedigersens9888 Thank so much for your kind response. I have some science background and I've always been amazed by the intricacy of life and everything I've learned thus far about the human body that leaves me in great awe of how awesome is the Creator of everything that is seen and unseen, known and unknown... I am very open to learn on what science has to offer, but when it attempts to add something that is not in scripture, I have a problem with that. As far as we may get in our scientific knowledge, we can NEVER explain away what we think is missing from the Bible. But as you said and as the Apostle Paul put it very well, I will do my best to live up to what I've attained. Thank you again, blessings.
@hannahkassa6319 4 года назад
@Daniel Storm Thanks for your comment. True to your assumption, I am definitely someone who live in the information age and apply "the practical application of scientific" research results. In my line of work, we would call it 'evidence based practice." See, in science, you accept not what is in "theory," but what has been proven. If you can't prove it, then you can't call it science. Unlike science, faith or believing in the inerrancy of the Word of God, the Bible, does not need any proof. If you need proof, then it won't be called faith to begin with. And yes, ANYTHING that is contrary to what the Bible says, I reject without a second thought. People are the ones who make mistakes or errors, not God, the Creator of heaven and earth and everything in it. The moment I start doubting that God could make error, then I would be equating him with you and me, the created beings... So, yes, I use and continue to use any product of scientific knowledge as long as it is not contrary to what the Bible says.
@hannahkassa6319 4 года назад
@Daniel Storm Oh my brother, I am not offended at all. I am sorry you felt that way. I sure am waiting for the "NEW HEAVEN and EARTH," that the Apostle John talked about in Rev 21. If you ask me, I am tired of all that is going on in this evil world and I don't think for a second that things will get any better as so many false prophets all around the world claim, saying better days are coming. If anything, we are going the opposite direction despite all the strides that have been made in science and technology. Though our lives seem to have improved in so many ways, the evil of our hearts have gotten worse and worse. So, to answer your question, no I am not trying to save anything at all. I want for JESUS to come and make this nightmare over, I say it again Maranatha Jesus, amen!!!
@martinploughboy988 4 года назад
Anyone who wins the Templeton prize cannot be a Christian.
@martinploughboy988 4 года назад
@argus duckwell Then demonstrate me to be wrong. The Bible tells us to distinguish between those are of God and those who are against Him. As for Francis Collins, in saying that human & chimp DNA is 98% the same, he is either ignorant of how this 'similarity' is measured, or a liar. In either case he does not accept what God has said in His word. He answered, Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate. (Matthew 19:4-6 [ESV2011])
@L.Ron_Dow 4 года назад
@@martinploughboy988 _"he is either ignorant of how this 'similarity' is measured"_ or he could be talking about just the DNA that *can* be compared (shared protein-coding genes) and assumed that the audience would be familiar with that method - he didn't have time to go into the technicalities here. Considering his position as Director of the Human Genome Project, I can't think of many people more qualified to assess such a comparison. How does your god suggest Human/Chimp DNA similarity should be calculated? You are obviously the one to ask - as you're the world's only True Christian (do you take pride in that or would it be too sinful?) Book, Chapter & Verse won't be enough - those are written by science-naive men only *claiming* that their writings are the 'Word of their god' - and they knew something you don't: that they were writing Parables - it's a _'Book of Signs'_ not a _'Book of Science'._ That's how the Hebrews taught - but you have to understand their reference-points - and you don't - so you really don't belong in that club. Just to give you an example, what is the significance of the day on which Jesus is said to have performed his first 'sign'. Who created the people who do not fit (genetically) into your (His) false dichotomy?
@martinploughboy988 4 года назад
@@L.Ron_Dow Since human/chimp have similar body plans would we not expect the DNA to be similar? The only real way to compare DNA is to lay the whole sequence side by side and see what the similarity is. That would result in a figure of 60-70%, easily explained by body plan and not a demonstration of Evolution. Those who speak of 90%, if they know how it is done, are simply being dishonest. How can one take pride in being a Christian when becoming a Christian is not something you do? No one becomes a Christian through their own will, it is something that God does to you. The authors of the Bible did not write of their own knowledge, but God caused them to write as they did, they wrote what God breathed out. They had no need of science, because they had access to the great designer. The Bible is a book of His story, of God's dealings with men, authored by the one who is there. In any case, Evolution isn't science, it's a belief, unobserved. "Who created the people who do not fit (genetically) into your (His) false dichotomy?" I have no idea what you mean by this.
@theapexfighter8741 3 года назад
@@martinploughboy988 this is simply ridiculous. Becoming a Christian is a fucking choice! If it is not, then Fuck free will and accountability.
@martinploughboy988 3 года назад
@@theapexfighter8741 We have all chosen to rebel against God, given our 'free' will to our sin. Since that is so, none of us can choose to become Christians, even if that were possible. Kindly moderate your language in future.
@frankwhelan1715 4 года назад
Never could understand how just having the knowledge of a god make us 'robots' that would sort of mean the only reason we're not robots now is not by virtue, or something we have, but through lack of knowledge kept from us by 'God' which doesn't seem a very good reason, also the question of the bible claims of people back then having proof of god, did they become automatons ,if not why would it be different for us, christians never answer that.
@Jamie-Russell-CME 4 года назад
are you watching Soteriology 101 or something? Did someone just explain Calvinism to you? Haha
@gretareinarsson7461 4 года назад
As in Luke 11:9 😊 A scientist who is christian is just as much a scientist as someone who is not. As long as both follow the scientific methods and criteria of their given field of science there can be now difference. To think its otherwise is, I’m sorry to say, simple stupid.
@boleslawzajac4729 3 года назад
Wise remark !!!
@martarico186 3 года назад
@sillykittygirl 3 года назад
Seems to be blinded by his science, he has no real answers. Jesus believed in Adam and Eve and also all the NT writers.
@Autobotmatt428 4 года назад
Nice buzz cut
@alemartinezrojas5285 3 года назад
Irreducible complexity and a purposeful arrangement of parts, explain quite well almost every biological system. Every biological system is a composition of parts, purposedly arranged to a specific end. If you disarm them, the system loses its final function. Besides, every system requires to be in its current form in order for them to function properly to its proper end.
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