
French Special Forces in Afghanistan 

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It could be a parody but it is a real report,from the TV channel France24, first broadcasted in december 2006. The French version has been deleted from the archives.




23 янв 2007




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@laurent17 17 лет назад
hey mezie just to let you know, the spanish are fighting as well (their special forces) but their objectives and task are top secret. The regular army is stationed north but the special ops like the BOEL are in the south engaging the taliban and chasing them. Not even the prime minister has revealed anything about the type of operations they are performing but they have engaged the taliban.
@peaceman859 15 лет назад
Pour faire taire toutes les niaiseries à propos du pare-éclats: - La chasuble souple est classée NIJ 3A, le niveau maxi pour une veste souple - Les deux grosse plaques rectangulaires sont classées NIJ 3 ou 4, ce qui arête une AK-47 pour niveau 3 et du calibre .30 M2 Armor Percing pour le niveau 4.
@Konform2zoidberg 14 лет назад
What I found really fascinating is that there is a sizable dutch force in Afghanistan. And they've actually been kicking ass it seems.
@Verradonairun 13 лет назад
These French guys seem sooooo cool....they're actually the first French people I have ever seen, besides Charles De Gaulle in history lessons. ^_^
@martin1226 14 лет назад
Much respect to our brave French allies!--From the US
@eefred59 14 лет назад
@Stanchoux Salut Stanchoux COS:1er RPIMA, 13ème RDP,1er RHFS ainsi que les groupes co :Trepel, Jaubert, de Penfentenyo, Hubert, Montfort et le dernier né Kieffer, pour l'air c'est le CPA10 et le DAOS ce qui regroupe les 3 armes : Terre, Mer et Air. Ce sont les commandos marine qui ont été fait sur le modèle SAS c'est pour cela que lors de la remise du beret vert la cornemuse se fait entendre à Lorient Cordialement
@rtfm767 15 лет назад
My favorite division of the French Army are my boys The Foreign Legion they are the most hardcore out of French Army...
@clio2rsminicup 16 лет назад
Peace to their heart of these brave the French Nation must be plain in these moments as it always knew to make it in these difficult moments and everyone must share the sorrow of the families like if was their family Paix à leur âme La Nation Française doit être unie dans ces moments là comme elle a toujours su le faire dans ses moments difficiles et tout le monde doit partager la peine des familles comme si c'était la leur
@WakeboardStud28 14 лет назад
I can honestly say that i have much admiration for the french armed forces in Afghanistan
@RafaLisbon1986 16 лет назад
people subtimate french army but this guys have one of the best army in whole world! Seriously!
@ManOWar2Red 14 лет назад
@naxa321 In Boston there is a statue to commemorate the french help during american revolution. 10 000 french soldiers landed in boston to help fight UK and theirs navy blockaded england in europe, sucessfully. And in France there is many statue to commemorate the creation of USA and it's help during ww1 and ww2. Both countries stand for the same values and have similar culture and thinking. Both in France and USA, there is ignorant people thought...who will hate with no reason.
@qwerty2409 16 лет назад
lol le french accent pour la translation , j'aurais put fair mieux moi meme . mais sinon cool vid
@Gargantua606 14 лет назад
@naxa321 How did that 4th of July celebration went by the way? Good? You're welcome.
@lolatthissignup 14 лет назад
Because of their history with other countries and the general attitude of their citizens.
@OstripesO 16 лет назад
Famas! So cool rifle. And the french camo is one of the coolest of all.
@jeffkodiac 14 лет назад
@aladarbaljihad What is an Afghan between two bins ? A family photo .
@zepedrofd 15 лет назад
I don't see why this would look like a parody or would be deleted! It just shows part of what they do! Also shows the contact they have with population: not isolated contacts from soldiers to civilians but direct contact even by officers. That is why french (and english troops) get better support from civilians...
@Melky_Z_dek 13 лет назад
@bkkfrenchie You're totally right, BROW!
@Nettempereur 13 лет назад
@Spankydaham924 Well, are you talking of the French Division Charlemagne? There were at their peak around 7,000 troops. On the other side, 100,000 Résistants before the 1944 landings. I don't know if 7,000 is clearly a mass. That's sure this campaign was a disaster. But everything was not completely ashaming. Search the Battle of Stonne, the village changed hands 17 times in three days. There were many other little fightings which were tough too. But the overall battle was a disaster, true.
@Frenchy627 16 лет назад
the poles did a great job there ut you don't seem to understand the french involvment there. They did not attack directly at the monastery. They were ordered to take the hights areound the monastery and they did succeed. They later pearced through the german lines having as effect the order to abbandon the monastery.
@borncoza 17 лет назад
...Many french were still in combat after General Petain surrenders to the germans. Some units never handed down weapons. And General de Gaulle fled to UK, yes, but to prepare and unite the Free French.
@Mofolamarmotte 15 лет назад
They DONT need scopes, woodland camo isnt necessery....
@Nettempereur 13 лет назад
@Spankydaham924 Well as the Belgians dropped out the agreement, I really don't know which strategy could have been good. The front was too large. Yes we had bad leaders but even worse we had little to repell the German Panzerdivisions. Rather than training our troops, creating Tank divisions like the Germans or preparing ourselves, we made an unfinished wall to avoid the war. In 1939, we were not ready for it. Even if we had Patton as Commander in Chief, I don't know if it could have succeeded.
@Ninjatriks 16 лет назад
When Hitlers war machine came to narvik, he wasn't stopped by the allies, but rather norwegian movement. But among the people helping to fight them off was the french foreign legion, kudos to the french there!
@Nettempereur 15 лет назад
Hello! Well FAMAS G2 is used by the French Navy, French Airforce let the Famas and is buying HK-416. About French Army, they still have FAMAS G1 but it will be upgraded with the FAMAS FELIN (the new System for Infantry) and then replaced with the PAPOP. Concerning France, we have always been part of NATO since its birth, we only withdraw from the Military Command in 1966 and we totally come back now (except we don't join the Nuclear Planning Group to keep our Force de Frappe in our own hands).
@titiboo90 16 лет назад
dans une embuscade mème les plus aguerris périssent. certains avaient plusieurs conflits a leur actif.
@Nettempereur 13 лет назад
@Spankydaham924 Don't be silly. The French had planned to end up the wall. It was to cross through Belgium, we even made the agreement with the Belgians. But they dropped the agreement out in 1935 to stay neutral in case of conflict. The French were fucked up. We had to complete the wall along the French-Belgian border now, but we were too short on time. Do you think we were so stupid?
@Nettempereur 15 лет назад
First, there are some Famas with scopes, you have just to put on the weapon. French soldier are wearing woodland camo because French are fighting in the East (with many "green areas"). French Special Forces in South Astan and British in South and Iraq wear desert camo. Anyway, French wore desert camo during the Gulf War. So your argue isn't valuable. And everyone thinks his country has the best army ^^.
@hedus42 14 лет назад
@Linkvine didnt the french help you against the british in your independence war????? or didnt they hold the germans during ww1 untill USA got an army modern enough to fight on a battlefield?????? just tell me if im wrong
@Drsouthcobra 15 лет назад
Dude it's not the accesories on the weapon that make it a good weapon, it's the shooter :P
@gmyers2112 17 лет назад
so far all I have seen is french troops training. Do they fight? They seem to be trained and equiped, but they do not appear to fight. I'm sure that they must at some point.
@nitreteur 15 лет назад
this video title (The Battle of Alasay Valley March 14-2009 (8,5/9)
@eefred59 14 лет назад
@Qu3ntinAvAMusicMan oui et souvent les materiels sont d'abord tester par ces unitées avant de les déployées dans l'armée et j'ai cru comprendre que le FAMAS aurait subit une attrition avancée notament en Afghanistan sans parler des problèmes de munitions 5.56 que la FRANCE fabriquait par le passé
@FrancoisLabelle-yf8tj 12 лет назад
@gopconservative78 Could not help reading some of your disparaging and insulting comments about the French army, do you know anyhting about their history? Why are you saying this? What nationality are you? just curious!
@BFOP15 15 лет назад
C'est pas des gilets pareballes mais de simple gilets pare éclats destinés à arrêter la "ferraille du champs de bataille", en fait tout ce qui est plus gros qu'un petit éclat d'obus passe à travers. Une balle dans ce machin là fait plus de dégat à son porteur que s'il n'avait rien. La balle est déformée mais pénètre dans le corps causant plus de dégâts (genre effet dum dum) et amène avec elle des fragments du gilet qui aggravent la blessure et les risques d'infection.
@piaf444 14 лет назад
Sans haine et sans reproche ... Système D Français (la routine) Que la chance soit avec vous citoyens !
@8610sarge 14 лет назад
the threat looked sky high in the mountains!!!, no helmet on, no weapon in the shoulder, in fact no weapon in the frigging hands, just thrown over the shoulder, it looked more like a group of hill walkers enjoying the views then a military foot patrol, must be great not to worry too much about being ambushed, they should do a tour in Helmand every now and again to keep their skills up to date,
@frontenac1960 13 лет назад
@naxa321 that words can not say anything! But I give you one thing right ... The country in which to live, yes you are right, stay at home! I go there regularly and I am delighted to have but Americans who come to see me in France:)
@eefred59 14 лет назад
Force special sous entends petite unitée spécialisée dans divers domaine, équipés de matériel de dernière génération et employées pour des actions ponctuel, rapide et discréte donc généralement pas filmés en opérations et encore moins à visage découvert
@dirtyvadah 15 лет назад
They're not even issued desert camo
@FrancoisLabelle-yf8tj 12 лет назад
@12qwas456 What so funny about French Special forces? Just curious!
@Vamavid 14 лет назад
I get the sense that the French have a better attitude towards the Afghans than the Americans.
@Nettempereur 16 лет назад
It's his private life. Why would we care? If he manage to make the economic reforms, we will consider him as a good president. He can have the private life he wants until he fulfills his goal. But we are waiting for the results now.
@jkpoore 16 лет назад
They're not that much different than we Americans, I don't know why you are all criticizing them. At least they came to help us, and they didn't have to do that.
@mouthmouse 14 лет назад
c'est pas Proterre par hasard?
@Nettempereur 16 лет назад
J'en suis conscient. Si nous manquions de sens moral, nous serions allé en Irak pour quelques millions de barils de pétroles. Mais attention seul Suez et l'Algérie ont été des echecs politiques. Toutes les autres missions ont été des réussites.
@ManOWar2Red 14 лет назад
@naxa321 as a french-canadien of origin, who also know lot of french from France, I can tlel you that this popular idea among the anglo-saxon world that french people do not like USA is false France is the closest ally to USA and UK and still true today. We share a langage that share 40% of the same vocabulary and our history are linked like no others countries are in europe, in war as in peace.
@jeffkodiac 14 лет назад
@naxa321 The greatest merit for the WW1 back to the French army . You forget also one thing is that France was the first and oldest allies of the USA . Besides Thomas Jefferson say one day after Yorktown " Every man has two countries : his own and France " .
@Frenchy627 17 лет назад
sorry but my argument was just a reply to the previous ones in which ou weren't involved. these historical facts depend fom which sources you look at and how you interpret them. Now everyone has a wayof interpreting history according to their interest. I am actually not french by blood but i hate this anglosaxon trend of just picking on th french for anything. I am not trying to launch another argument i am just trying t explain my reaction in the previous one.
@Inpartibusinfideli 12 лет назад
@gopconservative78 . Q: What do you call 100,000 Frenchmen with their hands up? . . A: The French Army. .
@Nettempereur 16 лет назад
Do you speak about the Crime of "Not Help to endangered people" (Crime de Non-Assistance à personne en danger)? Yes it's in the law but every country might have this kind of rules, don't they?
@philkodai 14 лет назад
all look a bit bizarre when the French troop sophisticated face the local with a pitiful state of a house. well it says it all.
@eefred59 14 лет назад
@Qu3ntinAvAMusicMan ça sera surement le cas dans l'avenir car certaines unitées(commandos marines) utilise le HK 416 et 417 et le GIGN utilise des G36 cependant l'armée de terre à commander environ 15000 system FELIN
@mr41980 17 лет назад
completement d accord avec goldorakrlor :)
@titiboo90 14 лет назад
They are not special forces it is a light infantry unit. And their equipment is the former equipment, then it's an old video.
@Heraldblog 16 лет назад
Pour la France. En avant! I apologize for the ignorance of some of my fellow Americans. They only know what Rush Limbaugh says.
@AssociationduYoutubeSolidaire 12 лет назад
@kevinDMC12 Bien dit, les petits geek américain haineux oseraient meme pas s'approcher d'un gars des force spécial ou meme d'un gars de la légion étrangere. Ils sont vraiment comique :)
@Waldganger64 15 лет назад
What's hard for me, is to see how efficient the Cheney/Wolfowitz/Rumsfeld propaganda was on some american citizens. Hopefuly, ours soldiers on the ground know how to cooperate and fight together no matter politicians and youtubers say.
@Eschaia 14 лет назад
2:06 Bruce Willis!!
@Inpartibusinfideli 12 лет назад
@gopconservative78 LOL That was great and just the truth...
@Spankydaham924 13 лет назад
Watch your flanks Frenchy. Historically everyone just walks around your wall.
@Frenchy627 17 лет назад
Guillaume le conquérant duke of normandy invaded Brittain and defeated the brits at hastings this is the reason why English kings didn't speak a word of english fr a very long time.
@Frenchy627 17 лет назад
Actually my father had to take some medias around kaboul and this is what he told me: they only want to show terrorist attacks and such things, the rest is not interesting and doesn't bring enough money. I ca tell you the life of the locals in kaboul is getting better although the medias don't talk about it.
@borncoza 17 лет назад
Loko01563 I won't read all the small minded comments here, but you might check your knowledge on what the french throwned to the germans in 1940. Before the government and commanders surrendered, very few units of french army actually surrendered effectively. Ask the afghan people if they had surrendered to the russians while invaded and occupied.
@94rainbowx33 15 лет назад
Good bless friendlies !!!
@ReconRaptor 13 лет назад
Que Dieu bénisse les soldats français
@Gfive78 16 лет назад
It's not french special forces, it s a regular infantry regiment
@Nettempereur 16 лет назад
Lol because we aren't canadian I think. Canada was nearly to surrender to the talibans in the South !
@iceman0044fr 14 лет назад
Nice video mate however these guys are not special forces they are just normal soldiers
@jeffkodiac 14 лет назад
@naxa321 For your information France is member of NATO only since 2009 . I asked you a question but you do not answer me .
@Pechanga100 14 лет назад
@gameplaya117 The U.S. and the Russians made the germans fight two fronts which made it impossible to win....so if one or the other werent there, it could of been a different outcome.
@borncoza 17 лет назад
Ok GlennQuagmire247, I'm sorry you're a Brit, I am half-brit, half-french. Does it means I'm an half-courageous guy, half-coward? You don't give a good image of UK with such comments.
@eefred59 14 лет назад
@keepingcommandment si tu veut savoir pourquoi il n'y a pas de troupes Française en Irak, la CIA a la réponse mais cette réponse risque de perturber les US
@clio2rsminicup 16 лет назад
Restons maitre de nos esprits et ne succombons pas à la bêtise et à la haine aveugle... car ce serait devenir comme ces fanatiques que nous combattons tous peuples libres et démocraties du monde... on les battra en restant unis et en ayant au contraire l'esprit clair et fixé sur l'objectif final qui est de gagner, pas de se venger au hasard à chaque fois que tombe un de nos braves...
@geordies4990 13 лет назад
@Pechanga100 no one made germany fight a two front war that was hitler's enormous ego thinking that his reich was unstoppable the US also entered the war late after great britain and the the other allies had been engaged with the german army for years although the US did help out a lot the russians really did win the war in europe
@clio2rsminicup 16 лет назад
There is this it's necessary in France like elits special forces if we wanted to be avenged callam2007, not need to utilize your SAS... On a ce qu'il faut en France comme forces spéciales d'élites aussi si on voulait se venger callam2007, pas besoin de faire intervenir vos SAS...
@Nettempereur 15 лет назад
LoL France is stronger than England, we are not dependant to the US. Anyway France and the UK are allies and friends now and you can nothing against the united Europe.
@sekndi 14 лет назад
correct ce sont des membres d'un escadron d'éclairage et d'investigation. c'est une unité de renseignement qui n'a rien avoir avec les FS
@earthwormjah 15 лет назад
They are kids, they are in Afghanistan and they are out fighting the Taliban and risking their lives so that we can be free, so show a bit of respect.
@Heraldblog 16 лет назад
As a lifelong student of European history and frequent visitor to France, I can safely say you have no idea what you are talking about.
@PARTYINGHARDsince91 15 лет назад
lol.but look at them they dont even understand how to pay attention when on battle stations (30:00)even thou its an exercise but still.also i would like to point out lol at 18:00
@OzDCreatte0 12 лет назад
@ellebal1111 You come from Canada. Canada is ranked high in SAT scores. That right there shows how unreliable they are lmao.
@Gfive78 15 лет назад
These soldiers are not special forces, they are from regular french regiments
@titiboo90 14 лет назад
They are not special forces it is a light infantry unit.
@E180TEKNO 13 лет назад
beaucoup sou-estime notre armée mais on na et sans aucun doute l'un des meilleur service de renseignement au monde et oui !!! et c'est prouvé
@blablagal94 14 лет назад
nope... it's soap, from MW2 lol
@Frenchy627 17 лет назад
i did a writting error by typing too fast (got a life) i hped you'd notice i meant WW2
@skittlesareyum48 13 лет назад
This is before they surrendered.
@TheShart1234 14 лет назад
man i regret not learining french in canada. i could join the forgin legion
@ManOWar2Red 14 лет назад
@jeffkodiac ouais mais c'était quand mëme un pays membres, sans Ëtre intégré au commandement par contre.
@Ninjatriks 16 лет назад
Well, it seems that it is you who need to learn your history! About your theory of collaboration, well, all you need to do is read your history books, if you have time between your wine drinking and cheese eating that is. And for your information, the word Eskimo means only meat eater, I think you are referring to the Inuit people of Greenland.
@jeffkodiac 14 лет назад
@naxa321 I know that Russians and Chinese have sold nuclear equipment to Iran . Tell me did when France sold nuclear equipment to Iran ? Remember that at Americans selling weapons to dangerous countries have not always had clean hands .
@PoopDynamyx 13 лет назад
Very Special forces...............
@vistighe 16 лет назад
and in 1944 at Monte Cassino victory with the French Army.
@Nettempereur 16 лет назад
Mr pisadinho, I don't allow you to insult me because you're unknowledged. We lost the Campaign of France (1940) but we won the War with the Allies fighting in North Africa, Italy, Southern France, Normandy, Paris, Strasbourg, and Western Germany. I'm not nationalist, I just tell History to unknowledged guys like you. Don't insult people when you're wrong. See you.
@titi55100 16 лет назад
French uses FAMAS (as gun), or rafale plane or chart leclerc. And our flag is blue white and red. If u have other questions i'll be happt to teach you... Vive la France .
@simonking195 17 лет назад
it wasnt french. was british in TORA BORA
@94rainbowx33 15 лет назад
Is not the special forces but sample solidiers French Rules !
@Kalashinator 15 лет назад
Haven't the French fully upgraded to the G2 version of the FAMAS yet? Or do they still insist on using the G1 that can't take STANAG magazines, just to show how much they don't wanna be a part of NATO? lol
@sass225 12 лет назад
@torpado974 the french did verry well in chad in the 80s also france has often sent the legion in to escort nationals out of difernt african countries during civil unrest. french is a language thats 2000 years old 1066 william conquered england so many in the uk are decended from french warriors
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