
From Ambiguity to Clarity, Finding Your Favorite Spot EP74 booktender Ping Lu 

Drinking Library
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The Peace Road chat has always had the same sense of wonderment as reading her novels.
Part of the story is about her past experiences in studying and changing careers.
Partly because she has studied Zi Wei Dou Shu.
I can't tell you why I was so surprised by this part.
I think maybe it's a stereotype I have of new age women.
The other part was the mystery of her life.
Listening to it was like reading a novel.
It's like reading a novel, and it's just like a scene from a novel that's playing in my head.
And then another part is her point of view.
Her perspective on the world is one that we've never been to before.
Is she someone who came from Mercury to play on Earth?
This sense of wonder continued long after I finished editing the movie.
It still lingers on until the editing of the movie is completed.
One of the more interesting things is that she is H's mother's best friend.
We're supposed to call her "Auntie".
But for some reason we didn't call her that.
At one time I called her Teacher/Teacher Hiraji, at another time I called her Hiraji.
I called her Teacher/Hiraki Teacher at one time and Hiraki at another time, and asked H what he called her:
H: I didn't even call her that.
T: Huh? Why?
H: Because I didn't know what to call her.
Peaceful road together is so marvelous.
Her eyes are sharp, but her hands and feet are elegant and gentle.
She has a sense of mystery, she doesn't say much, and she speaks slowly but very precisely.
She is sometimes warm, sometimes serious, sometimes emotional, sometimes calm and rational.
She seems to be conservative and traditional, but in fact she is bold and avant-garde.
There's an enigmatic sense of distance that makes her seem far away and yet close.
I don't know how to get close to her, but it makes people want to get closer.
She is a charming woman in any era.
She is a woman with whom you want to drink Tequila shots all the time when you talk to her.
Her novels are as wonderful as her life and her person.
Ping Lu "Land of Dreams and Souls" iorange.biz/38Lx2
Ping Lu's Taiwan Trilogy - East of the Orient, Island of the Shore, Land of Dreams ibanana.biz/38Lx4
In this episode, author Ping Lu shares her life story with twists and turns. Since she was a child, her parents deliberately hid the truth about her birth, and it was not until she was in her 50s that she accidentally learned the truth about her birth mother. In the process of searching for her birth, Pinglu has traveled many wrong paths, and as a result, she has accumulated a wealth of life experience, laying the foundation for her future creative career.
She admits that she does not believe in the sanctity of love, but rather that "the hope of being loved is the last illusion, let go of him and you will be free". She believes that the difficulty in life is how to face one's destiny, and that the most meaningful thing is to find the part of it that one can control.
In addition, Pinglu also puts forward the concept of "warm and fuzzy" to describe Taiwan's unique sense of humanity and tolerance. In her eyes, Taiwan's lack of clear boundaries and its ability to quickly build deep relationships with anyone is one of its most attractive features. The ambiguity is what the creator enjoys and draws inspiration from.
00:04:05 The connection between writing and life experience.
00:23:10 Family stories and themes.
00:38:41 The path from psychology to mathematics
00:46:04 Emotional experiences and breaking the frame
00:53:10 Tracing the mystery of my birth mother's life
01:05:16 Writing requires a rich life experience
01:09:24 Criticism of human nature as good or evil
01:12:32 The ambiguous relationship between work and life
01:20:57 Human life and self-selection
01:29:03 A second-generation family story from the provinces
01:38:24 The search for self-identity
01:43:57 Ambiguous and warm Taiwanese qualities
01:52:55 Creator enjoys ambiguity
01:59:31 Letting go of the illusion of being loved and being free
This is a library where you can only drink, a place where you can rent out your prejudices and explore the unknown. Doubt is the essence of life, walking with the unknown to explore the world, everyone is the book of this Council walk.
Only Drinking Library is a Taiwan cultural media Podcast program starting in 2020, hosted by Otherwise Library's Hank & Ting, updated weekly, talking about love, hate, anger and madness in life while drinking, searching for the marks and anxieties of the times, focusing on life's confusion and doubt, the lack of one's own, and about those interesting souls, the climax of life, and watching the show. The climax of life, and watch life's unique philosophy and emotional learning, personal values. If you like our program, welcome to subscribe! Feel free to leave a comment to cheer us up!
Meet Interesting Souls Otherwise Library walkingbook.tw/
Collaboration Invitation walkingbook.tw@gmail.com



6 мар 2024




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@jamesfbi007 3 месяца назад
1:16:06 我個人對於平路老師的那段「放下」,是這樣解讀的: 因為想要被愛,我們會做很多事情來證明「愛的存在」,也容易質疑「這樣愛不愛、算不算愛」。 這種時候,別人就算很愛很愛你,你依然會懷疑、會感受不到。 當我們放下「想要被愛」這件事,理解了所有的感覺,都是「幻覺」、「濾鏡」,也就是「我們自己的解讀」,這時候我們才有機會靠近「現實的本質」。 現實,本來就是不好、不壞的。 所以放下這個最後的幻覺,就可以好好地、「不帶批判地」感受世界的樣貌,這時候我們才會是真正自由的。
@yung-chitsai5075 4 месяца назад
@durian527 4 месяца назад
聽podcast 還以為是醉後😂
@katekoh1373 3 месяца назад
@eirene9430 3 месяца назад
這和「情緒不是事實」有點類似 無論活在哪種渴望或情緒裏 現實外境始終如一,山還是山 只有人的內在始終不斷在變化 由內而外看出去,才如夢似幻。
@ann_26 3 месяца назад
聽到「希望被愛是最後的幻覺,放下它,你就自由了。」 很棒的一句話, 能解答很多人際關係。
@user-hi1fe7gk9n 4 месяца назад
@user-dm5pv5fk2p 3 месяца назад
老師的口吻好溫柔舒服❤ 聽完這集最後的金句,加上最近看完《被討厭的勇氣》這本書,頓時好像明白了老師說的!! 太希望被愛,而忘了成為自己最原始的樣子,因此被束縛、被人際關係給困擾,所以不自由。懂愛自己接納自我,就不渴求被愛,更不怕被討厭,這樣才是自由的個體,更有機會與他人碰撞出正與善的循環。
@tzuwei7629 4 месяца назад
好喜歡平路老師也好愛只能喝酒的圖書館🥺❤我是忠實粉絲,這集過程峰迴路轉到最後腦洞大開的結論,讓人大腦高潮,後勁十足。我是一個在香港工作的台灣人,離開台灣的機會讓我更能好奇的、重新的、抽離的回頭看待台灣、看待身為台灣人這件事。其中老師講到的一些自卑心理也好、提供我們韌性(任性😹)的養分也好,內心很有共鳴,回放聽了好幾次,頓時發現自己真的是個實實在在的台灣人,我困惑自己的身世,尋找根的同時,也努力開拓視野,向外尋找答案,鍛鍊自己的可能性和欣賞世界的包容力,恰恰都符合歷史造就的台灣人的性格。 也許是平路老師走過自身的經歷,才能給予我們這樣溫暖的啟發和希望。小時候看事情總是非黑即白,長大了才慢慢認知到人事物都是立體的。 也許人生就是一個過程,我從我是台灣人出發,展開尋找身世之謎的旅程,最終我又回到了我是台灣人,像旋轉樓梯一樣又回到了原點,但此時的高度和視野廣度已截然不同。 謝謝平路老師還有Ting和Hank,陪我們走一段精神世界的奇幻之旅,給我們心靈得到解脫和自由的機會。
@tzuwei7629 4 месяца назад
btw Hank說再幫我講一次那邊笑死😂 這集真的每段都可以聽好幾次
@supaula4277 2 месяца назад
平路的狀態 完全就是我想成為的狀態呀⋯⋯完全曖昧且溫暖哈哈哈哈 她真的太懂了 她把這個世界理解得太通透了 也很重要的是你們太懂得問重點了 之後不知道還有沒有機會看到她的訪問 關於愛 我覺得她的理解還很很多很多很值得被挖掘出來的!她的價值觀很理性、很清晰、很值得我學習🫶🏻
@davis3296 3 месяца назад
@alicewang15 3 месяца назад
「愛跟自由,彼此有一種拉扯 ⋯我想⋯那個「自由」⋯是最好的狀態」 這集收穫很多,希望有機會平路老師可以再來,再給我們更多精神糧食。
@s87378 3 месяца назад
@frexonkk 4 месяца назад
@a0910055810 4 месяца назад
天啊 超有智慧與高度的來賓
@user-no7tt2bi4z 4 месяца назад
最後直接落淚拿筆寫日記本 太⋯厲害了😢❤!這集給了我好多好多 回顧人生答案的靈感🤌🏻🌹謝謝~~~ 新視界 老師真的好會哦哦哦哦哦哦
@reginchang6925 4 месяца назад
@etlim8119 3 месяца назад
好期待有个合集是关于来宾们对“爱是什么”的解答 😊
@TeaTheTime 3 месяца назад
@laumaggie7351 2 месяца назад
@cynthiahsu5341 3 месяца назад
@pettrust80 2 месяца назад
@ChiaChunTsai 4 месяца назад
@oz1883 4 месяца назад
@LobbyChen 3 месяца назад
@user-ex3jp9qy4o 4 месяца назад
@xreys2002 4 месяца назад
@howardsun4846 2 месяца назад
@Sophia56split 3 месяца назад
太棒 太棒了! 好喜欢这个老师!❤
@dajavu4754 3 месяца назад
最後那段太妙了! 瞬間如雷貫頂 悟了悟了!😂
@burke8575 3 месяца назад
@user-up1hl1tc7w 3 месяца назад
@YourdonChou 3 месяца назад
@tkgood263 3 месяца назад
@MIAOSON-MINOS 3 месяца назад
@pct927 3 месяца назад
曖昧且溫暖 原生家庭的議題 我們總覺得自己很小 但我們實際很無限~ 這集是好多不自覺的微笑😊 太特別的形容了
@pct927 3 месяца назад
我們不一定愛人,我們都好希望被愛 希望被愛是最後的幻覺,放下它你就自由了_ 作家的每一句都小說般的深刻
@162835show 3 месяца назад
🎉超特別,曖昧且溫暖😂 58:20
@tonygoh1413 3 месяца назад
@light-uj8qb 3 месяца назад
婷婷 Hank很會問問題,謎題和人性這兩題問得很好
@janicechen9028 3 месяца назад
ㄧ直想到李宗盛寫的《鏗鏘玫瑰》!「所以溫暖卻曖昧,所以似是而非,讓那直覺自己發揮」 ❤ ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-_aC-5cMtKSo.htmlsi=4spzHMDEK8Da5O4U
@user-sh2gw8by7q 4 месяца назад
人生如戲。 🍷
@ahaya2022 3 месяца назад
@user-ks5ef3pv8y 3 месяца назад
還有其它聽眾這麼想過嗎? 若認親過程和弟弟DNA99.9%,其實連爸爸應該也是相同的爸爸啊?
@ychun 4 месяца назад
@ai33ai33tw 3 месяца назад
@larryluo248 4 месяца назад
@user-lg1rr1no5v 3 месяца назад
@larryluo248 3 месяца назад
@hd0917ace 3 месяца назад
@graceangle 3 месяца назад
@heyhiyishe04 3 месяца назад
還是不太懂🤔不太清楚 希望有人可以解讀😂
@cindychow3137 3 месяца назад
就是不要去定義任何的關係 塞進去無謂的框架裡 讓心自由遊走 所以才說希望被愛是幻覺 因為愛是會流動的
@ratcat3745 3 месяца назад
平路的母親不容意啊… 那個時代的悲哀 但平路本人更不容易啊QQ
@cph303 4 месяца назад
要訪問這樣的來賓主持人還需加油。 被愛的期望是人最後的幻覺…….這句話需要重複這麼多次仍未聽懂,我想Lana Turner 的歌詞 love is second hand emotion 的真義也應該沒有明白吧? 平路能給出的東西很多,要懂得發球更需要接得住球。
@user-me9zo8nl7k 3 месяца назад
@lilshemadeit 3 месяца назад
@DrinkingLibrary 3 месяца назад
D3 Ваз 2107 Не умри от зависти!
D3 Ваз 2107 Не умри от зависти!